18 Desember 2022

PAF Commanding General Tried Out the Saab JAS-39 Gripen D

18 Desember 2022

PAF Commanding General tried out the Saab JAS-39 Gripen D in Sweden (photos : Connor A. Canlas)

Philippine Air Force Commanding General Lt. Gen. Connor Anthony Canlas confirmed during a PAF event that he led a group to Sweden to try out the Saab JAS-39 Gripen D just a few days ago.

He also confirmed that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was able to talk to Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson at the sidelines of the EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit in Belgium, which may include discussions about the offer of Gripen to the Philippines.

It would be remembered that reports from Sweden came out regarding the approval to export the Gripen to the Philippines due to improving Human Rights after former President Rodrigo Duterte's term ended.

34 komentar:

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/international.sindonews.com/newsread/971545/41/dihujani-60-rudal-rusia-listrik-seluruh-ukraina-padam-1671214346

    1. Unknown18 Desember 2022 pukul 19.49

      Bagus lah gelap2 tidur lebih nyenyak. Soal dingin yah salah sendiri nopo mau susah sendiri.

  2. Klo saya yakin pinoy bakal pilih Gripen

    1. Kamingsun18 Desember 2022 pukul 19.50
      Klo saya yakin pinoy bakal pilih Gripen

      Pilihan ok nih. Ngak perlu heboh2 pesawatnya asal awet dan gampang di modifikasi untuk jangka panjang. Tuh Brasil akhirnya Nego mau buat di dalem negeri sendiri sisa Gripen yg belom dapet. Udah waktunya Pinoy maju dibagain teknologi. Sama2 mau replace F-5 juga.

  3. Klo saya yakin Malon bakal iri dengki plus ketar-ketir

    1. Bandar PORKAS - PS Pensiun18 Desember 2022 pukul 20.34
      Klo saya yakin Malon bakal iri dengki plus ketar-ketir

      Manusia mah pasti ada iri hati Liat aja Indo keras pala mau F-35 gara2 Australia dan Singapore dapet. Kalo bukan iri dengki juga apa dunk? Tetapi tau diri dunk mampu nga? ato mau nurutin uncle Sam jadi babunya untuk lawan Cina. Liat oz dan Sg sekali jadi tempat rest stop buat tentara Amrik. Sama kaya Korea Dan Jepun Mereka semua dapet tuh F-35 Karena jilat kaki dan belakangnya Amrik. Hayu gimana tuh?

    2. Kadang gw baca komen lu seenak nya saja kasih penilaian...
      Sekutu itu bukan BABU..! Politik non blok itu adalah politik ABU ABU, dan lu harus tau resiko nya ...
      Masa itu aja lu ga tau...ck..

    3. Kih..kih..kih..

      Itu negeri-negeri arab kurang apa mereka pakai produk US..
      Tapi karena non ally, meski ngesot-ngesot ya ga dikasih F-35..

      Sudah konsekuensi..

    4. Kadang gw baca komen lu seenak nya saja kasih penilaian...
      Sekutu itu bukan BABU..! Politik non blok itu adalah politik ABU ABU, dan lu harus tau resiko nya ...
      Masa itu aja lu ga tau...ck

      Abu2 tapi disodorin ama duit baeah meja ato mainan baru langsung rubah sisi hahahah sorry yah loe kira kita semua baru lahir kemaren? Masa gitu aja loe ngak tau..seberapa jeleknya manusia.

    5. Bandar PORKAS - PS Pensiun19 Desember 2022 pukul 05.24

      Itu negeri-negeri arab kurang apa mereka pakai produk US..
      Tapi karena non ally, meski ngesot-ngesot ya ga dikasih F-35..

      Sudah konsekuensi..

      Lupa ada satu negara yg disayangin ama Amrik yah??? Coba pikir Kalo masih bisa mikir negara mana yg dapet F-35 dan bukan Islam??? Lobbynya kuat banget padahal penduduknya ngak banyak.

  4. 2 Sabrah light tank just arrived in the Philippines...

  5. Sebelah Commanding General Tried Out the Tejas HAL

  6. GEMPURWIRA 23 Desember 2021 12.33
    Nampaknya MALAYSIA sudah berhubung dengan pihak kuwait.. Semoga BERJAYA...

    Setahun yg lalu sdh terhubung Kuwait konon
    Berjaya BUALNYA
    Tetap LAWAK


  7. pemburu18 Desember 2022 pukul 19.18

    Udah Jangan ngejek org lain. Indo juga bakalan campur aduk Russia, Korea,Perancis dan Amrik. Sekarang belom dihina gara2 Amrik mau jual lebih banyak pesawat ke Indo. Inget selalu ngaca dulu sebelom jelekin org lain.

  8. pemburu18 Desember 2022 pukul 19.20
    GEMPURWIRA 9 November 2022 14.16
    Kesian buatan Turki
    GEMPURWIRA 23 Desember 2021 12.33
    Nampaknya MALAYSIA sudah berhubung dengan pihak kuwait.. Semoga BERJAYA...

    Okay so what??? Keep repeating same old news radio aja ngak seboring post ini

  9. Joyride and then long silence as usual

    1. Lets see by next year. Budget already approved since last 2020 new offer jas-39C- 12 single seat, Jas-39D- 2 twin seat and 1 - AEWACS

    2. Unfortunately for you, I have been watching you guys struggle to procure Multiroles since 2011. Been seeing the usual exaggerated ups and downs since then.

      Also regarding your budget/procurement, you know as well as I how things work at the administration level.

      I think Philippines MUST weed out its maintenance problems first (even with simple Light fighters/trainers!) even before talking abt proper multirole aircraft.

    3. Lets see next yr., mistake can be happen the important is you learned from your past mistake. Like the Frigate acquisition project there a lots of problem occured but they have learned and the new Corvette and OPV project is going smoothly. There is no permanent in this world but to Change..

    4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    5. Most people will wait until the platform is commissioned and operationalized before saying lessons are learnt.

      I have no intention of bursting your bubble of hopeful positivity but it will take more than that to achieve a operationally-ready force. (Not even talking about evolving threats that require constant updating of CONOPS, equipment etc)

      You should note that the technological disparity and overmatch the philippines is facing regionally (let alone facing the chinese) is reaching epic proportions, even if your H3 etc is fully realised.

      I'd like to see the philippines attain a minimum force structure, and you say change is constant, but is there *enough* change to really make a difference?

      PS: It seems your defence budget for 2023 has yet another shortfall of Php12.5 billion. You know what that means regarding your MRF...

  10. Manakala si miskin....

    Wang muka bayar 6 rafale pun NGUTANG... WKWKKWKWKWKW

    Apa punya MISKIN la.... Wkwkkwkwkwkw

  11. Lepas tu MEMBUAL konon G20... eh NGUTANG terus... Wkwkkwkwkwkw

  12. KF-21 saja NUNGGAK BAYARAN BERTAHUN TAHUN hingga di KICK sama korea... Wkwkkwkwkwkw

  13. Malon..

    MISKIN ..... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    yang laen shooping malon nonton doang 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. Malon ga cuma nunggak utang, buat kapal aja nunggak puluhan tahun 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. apa kabar opv tun fatimah...?
    kok sepi 2 aja

  16. Wkwkwkwkwkwk... Ada yang ketar ketir sama PINOY...

    Maklum heli buat militer saja SEWA.. lepas tu membual kaya.... wkwkwkwkwk

    IRONI.. wkwkwkwkwkwkw

  17. Manakala Malon yang sangat miskin tak mampu beli pesawat pejuang , rawat pesawat oejuangpun pun takde Wang, kerajaan gagal wkwkwkwkwkwk

  18. Indonesia beli Rafale & F15
    Filipina beli Gripen & T50
    Singapore beli F15 & F35
    Thailand beli F35
    Malaysial beli drone DJI + petasan jangwe sebagai rudal ny


  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. jgn kasi kendor ke warganyet om pemburu lanjuttt terussszz haha!👍👍👍
