11 Oktober 2018

Australian Navy Tests Explosive Detector Prototype

11 Oktober 2018

Australian Navy tests explosive detector prototype at Coonawarra base (photo : EPE)

EPE demonstrate technology developed with the Defence Innovation Hub

World leading innovative technology that will help keep the Royal Australian Navy safe was displayed in Darwin today.

The Royal Australian Navy and EPE conducted a test at HMAS Coonawarra to showcase the performance and functionality of a Maritime Portable Raman Improvised Explosive Detector (PRIED) prototype.

The technology was developed through a partnership between Queensland-based EPE and the Defence Innovation Hub.

Innovation is vital to the future of Australia’s defence industry. Today’s demonstration is a display of collaboration at its best with Australian innovators and Australian Defence Force personnel working together in an effort to deliver the best innovation in defence capability.

Investing in good ideas and turning those into defence capability is at the heart of the Defence Innovation Hub’s aim – and doing this in partnership with Australian industry is helping to enhance the Australian industrial base.

EPE signed a $1 million contract with the Defence Innovation Hub in February 2018 to further develop the baseline PRIED system to enable its deployment in the maritime environment.

The Maritime PRIED prototype’s objective is to provide increased awareness and protection through a ‘stand-off’ detection capability. This detection is for explosives, chemical warfare agents, narcotics and gases.

The Defence Innovation Hub partners with innovators to provide opportunities for funding to further develop and prove technology to support Defence capability needs.

The Coalition Government is delivering the largest modernisation of the Australian Defence Force since the Second World War. We are investing $200 billion in our capabilities to not only keep Australia safe but to continue to grow our industry and economy.

(Aus DoD)

15 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. out topik:
    menuju ideal esential force (IEF) tahun 2024-2039 indonesia membutuhkan 348 unit berbagai jenis pesawat,,kuncinya stabilitas ekonomi harus terjaga' semua target rencana bisa tercapai.

    1. ".. ideal esential force (IEF).."

      Omaegot!! Omaegot!! 😱😱
      Akhirnya kepake juga singkatan ini..😂😁😂

    2. haha.. catet.!!! akan ada 4 skuadron buru sergap milik kohanudnas. Skuadron mini pun tak ape.. gripen mana gripeenn..???? 😃😃😃😃

    3. Bukan membutuhkan lho, tapi perlu menambah 348 unit selama 2024 - 2039 sehingga total jadi 608 unit.

      348 unit itu di antaranya :
      130 pespur
      80 pesawat latih
      72 pesawat angkut
      18 helikopter
      4 tanker
      4 amfibi
      4 aew&c

      (130+80)+(72+18)+(4+4+4) =
      210+90+12 = 312

      Lho katanya 348 tapi kok dihitung hanya 312 ya ?

      348 - 312 = 36

      Sisa yang 36 unit lagi pesawat apa ya ? Ada yang mau kasitau ?


      Itu yang berimajinasi marsekal lho ?

      Lha kalo marsekal aja boleh berkhayal dan menuangkan khayalannya secara tertulis, kok tukang ngitung kalo menulis hasil khayalannya kok diprotes ya ?

      Apa yg ngeprotes itu iri hati ya karena otaknya nggak sampai ke situ ?

    4. Di dua artikel itu disebut pesawat tempur generasi 5.

      Artinya F35 bakal dibeli juga sesudah 2024.

    5. Hwihihi..ane ga ikut memprotes lho mas..😁

      Walaupun Pak Marsekal ngayalnya di materi Promosi Doktoralnya..😊

  3. Balasan
    1. Halo bro..apakabar?
      Masih sama kah..?😁

    2. Kok tahu,kl malon cuma perlukan pesawat tempur lapok wkwkwk

    3. Malon butuh pesawat 1 milyar mainan buat najib. Kaya Nuri prit prit

  4. scantut beruk malon nongol,,,,kwkwkwkwkkk
