Uji munisi R-Han 122B (all photos : Korps Marinir) Batalyon Roket 2 Marinir Dukung Uji Munisi Kemhan R-HAN 122B Dispen Kormar (Lumajang). Batalyon Roket 2 Marinir mendukung kegiatan penembakan uji dinamik 45 Roket R-han 122-B yang berlangsung di Rowo Pandan Lumajang, Jawa Timur pada tanggal 25 hingga 29 Maret 2019. Kegiatan yang dipimpin oleh Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan dan dihadiri oleh pejabat diantaranya Irada Itjen Kemhan, Kadislitbangal, Kadislaikmatal dan Danyonroket-2 Letnan Kolonel Marinir Anthonius Temmy Irawan. Setelah lulus Uji fungsi terbang yang dilakukan pada April 2018 lalu dan berjalan sukses. Roket R-Han 122B kembali diuji yang dilakukan pada tanggal 25-29 Maret 2019 bertempat di Pantai Rowo pandan Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Uji dinamis yang dilakukan kali ini untuk menguji kemampuan daya muat dengan berbagai jenis muatan yang dibawa roket, serta uji konsistensi performa roket dengan beban.
Dalam pengujian kali ini juga dilakukan pencatatan jarak capai dan kehandalan spesifikasi desain. Dengan menggunakan Multi Launcher Rocket System (MLRS) VAMPIRE Marinir, 45 unit R-Han 122B berhasil diluncurkan dan membelah langit pesisir pantai Lumajang. Dari hasil pengujian, area jatuhan roket berhasil dipantau oleh pengamat berada pada : -kisaran jarak 12-13 km untuk sudut elevasi 12,7º, -kisaran jarak 25-26 km untuk sudut elevasi 45º, -kisaran jarak 26-27 km untuk sudut elevasi 50º, dan -kisaran jarak 27-28 km untuk sudut elevasi 55º Hasil ini dinilai memuaskan dan salah satu hal yang harus dilakukan adalah konsistensi dalam menjaga proses dan kualitas agar menghasilkan satu desain yang sesuai pengguna. Ketua Dewan Riset Nasional, Bambang Setiadi menilai Konsorsium Roket Nasional yang bekerja sama selama 12 tahun merupakan prestasi tersendiri.
“Roket bukan sesuatu yang mudah dibuat dan tentunya memerlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar. Saya akan memohonkan kepada Menristek dan Dikti untuk menjadikan konsorsium ini sebagai icon perkembangan ristek di bidang pertahanan, bahwa Bapak dan Ibu sudah melakukan yang terbaik bagi bangsa ini selama 12 tahun bekerja. Buatlah konsorsium ini menjadi semakin kuat,” ujar Bambang Setiadi memberikan suntikan semangat kepada seluruh tim konsorsium yang hadir. Lenbih lanjut dikatakan bahwa Roket R-Han 122B diharapkan bisa menghentikan ketergantungan terhadap produk asing dengan menjadikanya sebagai alutsista yang digunakan prajurit TNI menggantikan persenjataan yang selama ini harus impor. Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Dewan Konsorsium Roket Nasional yang terdiri dari LAPAN, PT Pindad (Persero), PT Dahana (Persero), PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), dan perwakilan dari Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM). (Marinir)
Tank medium Harimau buatan Pindad-FNSS, dalam pembicaraan intensif dengan Banglades dan Filipina (photo : jkgr) TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Perusahaan pelat merah PT Pindad (Persero) menargetkan bakal membangun pabrik di luar negari sebagai bagian dari ekspansi perusahaan. Direktur Bisnis Produk Pertahanan dan Keamanan Pindad Widjajanto mengatakan saat ini Pindad tengah menunggu hasil lelang untuk pembangunan pabrik tersebut. "Kami ada rencana bangun pabrik di Asia Selatan lah, belum bisa menyebutkan nama negara. Doakan saja menang, pokoknya sudah masuk di Asia Selatan ini sudah masuk 3 besar," kata Widjajanto usai mengikuti Gowes Brompton Antihoax di Gedung Tempo, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu 30 Maret 2019. Widjajanto mengatakan jika lelang berhasil dimenangkan, Pindad bakal memiliki pabrik perakitan senjata di negara tersebut. Selain itu, perusahaan pelat merah ini tengah membidik total penjualan sebesar Rp 5,2 triliun tahun ini. Angka ini meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya yang hanya mencapai Rp 3,1 trilun. "Tahun 2019, target kami 5,2 triliun untuk pendapatanya, untuk labanya tunggulah ini masih Maret, kami konsolidasikan dulu dengan tim di kantor," kata Widjajanto. Adapun sepanjang 2018 kemarin, kata Widjajanto, Pindad mampu mencatatkan total penjualan sebesar Rp 3,1 triliun. Sedangkan total keuntungan yang diraup mencapai lebih dari Rp 100 miliar. Jumlah tersebut meningkat jika dibandingkan pada 2017 yang mencatatkan laba bersih sebesar Rp 92 miliar. Sebelumnya diberitakan PT Pindad menargetkan laba bersih perusahaan 2019 mencapai RP 145 miliar. Perinciannya target kontrak sebesar Rp 7 triliun dan penjualan sebesar Rp 5,7 triliun. Sementara itu, Direktur Utama Pindad Abraham Mose sebelumnya mengatakan amunisi dan senapan penembak jitu atau sniper buatan Pindad banyak diminati negara-negara luar. "Saat ini produk pertahanan yang mulai populer adalah senapan sniper, karena permintaan akan senapan ini banyak sekali," kata Abraham, seperti dikutip Antara. Abraham menambahkan bahwa produk senapan sniper Pindad diminati dan dilirik oleh negara-negara ASEAN karena sudah diuji coba, dipakai, serta kecepatannya yang presisi. "Paling tidak ekspor kita naik terus dibandingkan dari tahun sebelumnya untuk amunisi, pistol, senjata dan kendaraan tempur. Kurang lebih 30 persen," katanya. (Tempo)
RMAF Hawk aircraft (photo : RMAF) LANGKAWI: The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) requires between RM6 billion and RM7 billion of funding from the government to acquire 36 light combat aircraft (LCA). RMAF chief General Datuk Seri Affendi Buang said the new requirement for the LCA would enable the air force to keep up with advanced technology and capability. “Our BAE Hawks are now already passing 25 years in service. “We have to do forward planning due to the aging factor as the maintenance for the fighter jet is getting costly and its capabilities are not up to date,” he told the New Straits Times at the RMAF office at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (Lima) 2019. The fighter jets are currently being used to monitor the airspace at the South China Sea and the eastern part of Sabah. Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had said Malaysia would remain interested in acquiring new fighter aircraft, but was not in a hurry as the ones the air force operated now were still performing well. Expressing his concern, Affendi said RMAF’s new requirement for the LCA would be dependent on the government’s ability to afford procurements, as well as its priorities. “Therefore, we have set up our Capability 55 (CAP55) blueprint for realistic planning accordingly, based on what the government can afford. “Our priority is tailored to the government budget limitations. “We will try to get our LCA first before the multirole combat aircraft (MRCA) requirements,” he said, adding that RMAF was likely to wait about 10 years to realise the MRCA programme. RMAF’s blueprint will further describe future requirements to enhance its assets and force capabilities for long-term development until 2055. Under CAP55, it is understood the air force was also seeking maritime patrol aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based missiles and radar, among others, by 2055. Affendi said RMAF was currently still sourcing out suitable platforms for its new LCA requirements and could not identify the exact model of the fighter jet. “We can only determine the aircraft model once we do proper evaluations. We issued request-for-information to all contenders (manufacturers) in the LCA category earlier this year.” It is understood that the LCA contenders included the Korea-made T-50 Golden Eagle, Russia’s YAK-130, Leonardo M-346FA, BAE Systems Hawk, India’s Tejas and the JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan.
Mig-29N and F/A-18D MRCA of the RMAF (photo : Bersama Lima) Affendi said there was no specific time frame for RMAF to acquire the new LCA, as everything depended on the government’s budget allocation. “Once the government allocates the budget, probably the LCA delivery will start two to three years after a decision is made,” he said, adding that the delivery would then continue in phases for the next five to 10 years. Affendi said RMAF had received offers of “private financing” for the LCA programme, but the air force was not seriously considering this. “It’s not that we refuse it, but we are unsure how this private funding will cost us in terms of ‘dollars and cents’. “We have not seriously considered whether it would be viable or practical to accept any private funding to acquire both the MRCA and LCA requirements for RMAF.” Affendi said RMAF would consider any proposal to enhance its existing LCA system capabilities, adding that any upgrade programme would be dependent on the type of enhancements needed. “Some are major and some just to address the obsolescence issues. “There was a proposal, but we have yet to determine it.” Meanwhile, Affendi said RMAF’s current fleet of MRCA, comprising the Russian-made Sukhoi SU-30MKM Flankers and American-made Boeing F/A-18D Hornet, were still relevant. Affendi said the Flankers could be used for the next 10 to 15 years if they were maintained properly and upgraded accordingly. The Sukhois have been in service for about 10 years. Meanwhile, although the Hornets have been in service for 20 years, RMAF had upgraded these jets in accordance with current capabilities. “It is still good as the spares and maintenance are being carried out promptly, and this is sufficient for them to do the things they have been assigned for.” For several years, RMAF had intended to conduct an MRCA replacement programme. This came about when it became clear that a fleet of Russian-made MiG-29N Fulcrum aircraft were becoming too costly to maintain. The Fulcrums have since been retired, but the replacement programme has since been placed on the backburner. Aircraft said to have been contenders for the programme were believed to have been narrowed down to just two: France’s Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon, an aircraft made by a consortium of European companies, including BAE Systems. Asked about future requirements for the MRCA programme, Affendi said RMAF had yet to undertake in-depth evaluations, particularly on the technical and operational capabilities. “It will also include an indirect offset programme, such as technology transfer, and the maintenance, repair and overhaul facility, giving spillover effects to the country’s economy.” Industry experts believed that the government’s spending on security and defence would create spillover benefits to Malaysia’s economy, backed by industrial offset programmes by aircraft manufacturers. “The government can get this type of huge capital investment in return. The country has a few industrial offset programmes to generate income for the economy,” said an industry source who declined to be identified.
KRI Teluk Lada LST-521 (infographic : Akurat) KRI Teluk Lada-521 Produksi Anak Bangsa Pertama Masuk KOARMADA III Panglima Komando Armada (Pangkoarmada) III Laksamana Muda TNI I N.G., Ariawan, S.E., M.M., mengatakan bahwa hari ini (Jumat, 29 Maret 2019) merupakan moment yang sangat berharga bagi kita, terutama para pengawak KRI Teluk Lada-521, baik Perwira, Bintara dan Tamtama sekalian. Tinta emas sejarah telah mencatat bahwa KRI Teluk Lada-521 merupakan Kapal Perang RI terbaru produksi anak bangsa yang pertama kali masuk di jajaran Satuan Kapal Amfibi Koarmada III. “Sebuah kehormatan dan kebanggaan bagi kita semua sekaligus tantangan dalam menghadapi dinamika penugasan kedepan yang semakin kompleks,” kata Panglima Koarmada III dalam arahannya kepada Anak Buah Kapal KRI Teluk Lada-521 di galangan kapal PT Daya Radar Utama (DRU), Panjang, Bandar Lampung. Pengarahan Pangkoarmada III kepada seluruh ABK KRI Teluk Lada-521 tersebut dalam rangka melaksanakan uji fungsi dari Lampung menuju Surabaya pekan ini. Pangkoarmada III juga menegaskan kepada ABK KRI Teluk Lada-521 agar benar-benar memahami fungsi azasi kapal ini. Dalam konteks operasi, kapal jenis Landing Ship Tank ini secara teknis memiliki fungsi sebagai kapal angkut personel dan material. Untuk itu kuasai dengan benar prosedur operasional secara taktis maupun teknis embarkasi dan debarkasi melalui bowdoor rampha, pendaratan heli, beaching dan retrack, sehingga sesulit apapun tugas yang diemban akan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. KRI Teluk Lada-521 merupakan alutsista modern berteknologi canggih buatan galangan kapal PT Daya Radar Utama (DRU), Panjang, Bandar Lampung dirancang untuk mampu mengangkut puluhan tank berbagai jenis serta sejumlah unit helikopter. KRI Teluk Lada-521 memiliki panjang 117 meter, lebar 16,4 meter dan tinggi 7,8 meter, kecepatan maksimum 16 knot dan kemampuan jelajah hingga 6.240 mil laut. (TNI AL)
STE TRC 5200 tactical radio (photo : Shephard) Dr M launches 2nd gen VHF radios LANGKAWI: Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has launched the second generation of military VHF radio. Fully designed and developed in Malaysia, the TRC 5200 is a product of Sapura Thales Electronics (STE), a joint venture between Sapura Group and Thales. Thales country director in Malaysia Thomas Pistre said this was in line with Malaysia's views on the importance of a strong local workforce in supporting the country's economic growth. The first-generation of handheld radios was a huge commercial success with over 5,000 units sold worldwide to countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America. This new generation radio, the TRC 5200 VHF 5 watt handheld radio will be available in the market worldwide by the third quarter of 2019. Field trials have been performed in several countries worldwide, including Malaysia, and STE expects to sell more than 10,000 units of these new generation radios within the next five years, as the first-generation radios have a proven track record across markets. “Thales is excited to launch the new generation ‘Made in Malaysia’ radios with STE. It is a clear demonstration not only of our commitment to Malaysia’s human capital development but also how our expertise and solutions are aligned with the country’s ambitions. "We have been working closely with our key industry partners and customers to help deepen the skills and knowledge of the local workforce and we look forward to even greater collaborations in the future, as we fulfil our offset obligations in the country,” said Pistre. Thales has been working with key industry partners in Malaysia for over 40 years. Since its establishment in 1996, STE has been designing, developing, producing and exporting handheld radios and tactical communication systems together with a range of accessories that are being used in several armed forces around the world. (NST)
KAL Sadarin II-3-02 (photo : TNI AL) Jakarta,- Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan TNI AL (Dislitbangal) bekerjasama dengan PT. Sigma Utama, Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Bahan Maju Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (PSTBM BATAN), dan Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (PPET LIPI), berhasil melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan pembuatan Cat Anti Radar melalui Program Insentif Inovasi Industri Kemenristekdikti TA 2018. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui keberhasilan Cat Anti Radar tersebut, kemudian diadakan uji coba dinamis kepada KAL Sadarin II-3-02 di Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta, Jumat (29/3). Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut antara lain Asisten Perencanaan dan Anggaran (Asrena) Kasal Laksamana Muda TNI Arusukmono, I.S., S.E., M.M., Kadislitbangal Laksma TNI Kasih Prihantoro, S.E., M.M., M.Tr (Han), Kadismatal Laksma TNI Budi Sulistyo, Danlantamal III Laksma TNI Denih Hendrata, Dirjen Penguatan Inovasi Kemenristek Dikti Jumain Appe serta Kepala BATAN. Pengujian secara dinamis dilaksanakan setelah KAL Sadarin II-3-02 dicat dengan menggunakan cat anti radar, kemudian dilaksanakan pengukuran secara statis dengan radar dan ternyata hasilnya tidak terdeteksi oleh radar. Pengujian dilaksanakan dengan jarak 20-25 meter di laut dengan obyek bergerak sejauh 1-2 mil. Sementara itu, Kadislitbangal Laksma TNI Kasih Prihantoro, S.E., M.M., M.Tr (Han), dalam kesempatan tersebut mengatakan bahwa keberhasilan dari penelitian cat anti radar terhadap obyek KAL Sadarin II-3-02 tersebut, di masa mendatang dapat digunakan sebagai strategi TNI (alutsista TNI) untuk mengelabuhi musuh. Sedangkan menurut Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Inovasi Kemenristekdikti Jumain Appe, salah satu wujud peningkatan kemampuan alutsista TNI adalah pengembangan teknologi siluman atau anti radar. Teknologi ini merupakan teknologi milenial yang mampu menyerap gelombang radar pada frekuensi tertentu. Hingga saat ini teknologi tersebut hanya dimiliki oleh negara-negara maju dan tidak bersifat komersial karena merupakan bahan yang sangat strategis untuk pertahanan nasional suatu negara. (TNI AL)
H225M of the RMAF (photo : Mark Rourke) LANGKAWI: Airbus Helicopters is expanding its maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility in Subang, Selangor, with the addition of a completion and delivery centre for the Southeast Asian region. Airbus Helicopters head of sales Southeast Asia and Pacific Fabrice Rochereau said the company’s expansion would also include an additional simulator, paint and interior installation facility for Airbus helicopters in the region. “With a total of more than 100 local staff, we are committed to developing our helicopter MRO facility, backed by the company’s continued investment to support local expertise and capabilities,” he said at a media briefing during the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition 2019 (Lima 2019). Rochereau said work on the expansion started in the second half of last year and was expected to be completed by the middle of the year. “The expansion will enable Airbus Helicopters to increase jobs for locals, while expanding our MRO services for our customers in the region and Malaysia,” he added. Rochereau said the facility would be capable of servicing up to a dozen helicopters at any one time, depending on the sizes and complexity of the MRO jobs. With more than 15 years presence in Malaysia, Airbus Helicopters currently commands about 48 per cent of the civil and parapublic helicopter market in Malaysia.
AS355 Fennec of TLDM (photo : Mark Rourke) “Malaysia is also a regional training hub for the H225 and AS365 Dauphin helicopters. To date, about 1,200 pilots have gone through training at the H225 simulator,” he said. Meanwhile, Airbus Defence and Space Southeast Asia head Johan Pelissier said the company would continue supporting Malaysia with land and coastal solutions for defence, security and maritime surveillance to safeguard the country’s security. Leveraging on its strategic ties with Malaysia, he said, Airbus would ensure the company’s holistic related services in aeronautics and aerospace were well integrated into the country’s defence and security capability. “We believe the integration of all these building blocks all together provide added value to key stakeholders in terms of defence, security and maritime requirements,” he said. Pelissier said Malaysia was a long-term sustainable partner for Airbus with highly skilled labour and aviation-minded people. “Malaysia has good engineers suitable for our technology ecosystem. “We share technology with Malaysian small and medium enterprises. “We are really making Malaysia our technology hub in the region,” he added. Pelissier said Airbus had built a long-standing partnership with Malaysia in various building blocks in its portfolio. “For Lima 2019, we are the major international exhibitor. We engage with customers to ensure that these building blocks can be well integrated.
AS 365N3 Dauphin of MMEA (photo : M. Radzi Desa) “We are already present in aerospace for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (helicopters and aircraft), the Royal Malaysian Navy and Eastern Sabah Security Command (coastal surveillance system services), communications and space imagery services,” he said. To date, Airbus has been providing services such as a telecommunication satellite for MEASAT-3B and delivered more than 100 helicopters such as the AS355, H225M, H120, H130, AS350 and Dauphin for the police, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) and private operators. On the military side, Malaysia operates four A400M Atlas airlifter and 12 H225M; five AS355 Fennec; and, three Dauphin helicopters. Meanwhile, Pelissier said Airbus had received a request from the government in January for information on the C295 maritime patrol aircraft. He said senior officials indicated that maritime patrol aircraft had become a priority due to Malaysia’s strategic environment as a maritime nation, requiring the country to beef up its surveillance and security capability. “The C295 offers the lowest risks, given that it is not a concept aircraft that is unproven in service. It also has the best acquisition and six times more fuel efficiency than jet aircraft,” he said. For broader coastal surveillance requirements, he said Airbus could also tailor a comprehensive solution that combined products and services across the company’s portfolio. “Such a comprehensive solution would meet the needs of multiple national agencies, including manned and unmanned aircraft, helicopters, satellite imagery, intelligence systems and data analytics,” he said. (NST)
Pengujian dinamik IV R-Han 122B (all photos : Kemhan) Program Roket R-Han 122B merupakan salah satu dari 7 (tujuh) program prioritas Nasional yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung kemandirian dalam perancangan dan pembuatan peralatan utama sistem persenjataan dalam negeri, kegiatan ini merupakan program lanjutan dari pengembangan roket yang sudah pernah dilakukan oleh industri pertahanan dalam negeri. Pelaksanaan uji Dinamik IV Roket R-Han 122B merupakan rangkaian tahapan kelanjutan uji sebelumnya yaitu : Hydrostatic test, Static test, Drop test, Igniter Random Rantest dan Dynamic test 1 -3, pada pelaksanaan uji saat ini difokuskan untuk konsistensi terbang, memastikan titik jatuhan roket dengan melakukan pengamatan trayektory secara visual pada saat roket diluncurkan dengan beberapa sudut elevasi dan melakukan pemantauan dititik jatuhan untuk pembuatan tabel tembak dan sertifikasi. Pelaksanaan uji Dinamik IV Roket R-Han 122B dilaksanakan selama 4 hari dimulai dari Hari Senin s.d Kamis yaitu pada tanggal 25 s.d 28 Maret 2019 bertempat di Kab. Lumajang Prov. Jawa Timur dengan posisi kedudukan Launcher berada di Pantai Rowo Pandan Kec. Tempur Sari dan sasaran di daerah latihan lapangan tembak AWR milik TNI AU Pandanwangi.
Rangkaian Kegiatan dimulai dengan sambutan Dari Dirjen Pothan Kemhan yang dibacakan oleh Laksma TNI Edy Sulistyadi, S.T Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan yang menyampaikan bahwa program ini sebagai salah satu program prioritas nasional dan sebagai forum pembelajaran dalam mengejar teknologi peroketan nasional serta tersusunnya tabel tembak yang tersertifikasi sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Tri Matra TNI, kemudian dilanjutkan penyampaian dari Dirtekbang PT. Pindad yaitu Bapak Dr, Ade Bagdja mewakili Tim Konsorsium Roket R-Han 122B yang menyampaikan bahwa Program ini terlaksana atas kerja sama Tim Konsorsium Roket R-Han 122B dan dukungan dari pihak-pihak terkait, selanjutnya dilakukan tahapan pelaksanaan uji Dinamik IV Roket R-Han 122B yang telah direncanakan. Adapun undangan yang hadir dalam uji Dinamik IV adalah : Sesbalitbang Kemhan, Kapus Litbang Balitbang Kemhan, Kapus Roket Lapan, Kadislitbangal TNI AL, Perwakilan Itjen Kemhan, Perwakilan Puslaik Baranahan Kemhan, Dirbindik Pussenart TNI AD, Perwakilan Dislitbangad TNI AD, Tim Konsorsiun Roket R-Han 122B, Tim Ahli, Tim Waspro dan Tim PPHP. Pelaksanaan kegiatan uji Dinamik IV Roket R-Han 122B didukung personel dan perlengkapan dari Korps Marinir TNI AL yaitu satuan Batalyon Roket-2 dari jajaran Resimen Armed-2 Pasmar-2 Korps Marinir dengan menggunakan Launcher MLRS “VAMPIRE” GRAD. (Kemhan)
Vietnam has emerged as a potential operator of Boeing’s Insitu ScanEagle UAV (photo : Insitu) Boeing is close to securing a sale of its Insitu ScanEagle long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to Vietnam, a company official has confirmed to Jane’s . The sale, if it proceeds, could be one of Vietnam’s most notable US military acquisitions since Washington lifted military sanctions on the Southeast Asian country in 2016. Speaking at the 2019 LIMA exhibition in Langkawi on 27 March, Yeong Tae Pak, Boeing’s marketing director for defence sales in Southeast Asia, said the ScanEagle sale is supported through US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and that the recipient will be the Vietnamese Coast Guard. “For the first time, since the lifting of sanctions, Vietnam’s coast guard is going to [acquire] the ScanEagle,” said Pak. “The sale is in progress.” Pak referenced the ScanEagle sale as an indicator of Boeing’s defence sales strategy in newer regional markets such as Vietnam, where opportunities to grow its defence presence is being pursued, initially at least, through “lower-tier” platforms. The effort is also supported by Boeing’s already-strong regional profile in the commercial aerospace domain. In addition to Vietnam, Boeing has had success with its ScanEagle in several regional countries. Jane’s reported in 2018 that Indonesia is negotiating the sale of four ScanEagles for its navy through US funding. The Philippines emerged as a ScanEagle operator in 2017, although the number of systems it operates is unconfirmed, while Malaysia ordered an unknown number of ScanEagle systems in 2012. “Maritime security is a focus for many countries in Southeast Asia, so we have started with ScanEagle in several countries. [This is] a lower-tier product but a very effective product to enhance situational awareness and to gather and share information.” (Jane's)
Alugoro, seen here on an intermediary barge while on its way to an alternative launch site (photos : PAL, IMF) Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL has successfully transferred its third Nagapasa (Type 209/1400)-class diesel-electric submarine (SSK) to an alternative launch site, after heavy silting was discovered at the original location where it was supposed to enter the water.
The vessel was transferred to its launch site at PT PAL's dock at Semarang via a 300-foot intermediate barge, and is now slated for launch on 12 April if all precedents for the ceremony are assessed to be in order, an industry source confirmed with Jane's on 28 March. Alugoro was originally slated for launch at PT PAL's dock adjacent to Jalan Letnan Supriadi as early as October 2018. However, PT PAL engineers later discovered that the location has become too shallow owing to sedimentary deposits. The situation was aggravated in recent years by construction work at the nearby Terminal Teluk Lamong, said an industry source who first informed Jane's of the situation.
The submarine will now be launched at the same site where larger ships, such as the Philippine Navy's strategic sealift vessels (SSVs), first took to the water. Alugoro is Indonesia's third-in-series overall for the Nagapasa class. But the boat is the first-ever submarine to be assembled locally at PT PAL's facilities in Surabaya. The SSK's assembly was done in collaboration with engineers from South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) as part of a technology transfer programme. (Jane's)
RMAF CN235 M44-05 (photo : Teerawut) CN235-220M aircraft has been in operation since 1999 and such programs have never been implemented. The rewiring requirements are based on defect recorded caused by aging factors on wiring after the aircraft reaches 20 years in service. Hence, the RMAF finds that this program must be implemented to ensure that the aircraft's electrical system is always reliable and indirectly can reduce the rectification downtime. This rewiring program is implemented on seven (7) aircraft by phases. It is will covers on engine, fuel, electrical and avionic aircraft systems. The First Phase was implemented for the M44-05 aircraft which began on 22nd Oct 18 and was fully completed on 24th March 19. The rewiring programme costing is RM2.2 Million/ea aircraft. The first phase was conducted by PTDI team and On Job Training (OJT) by technicians from No 1 Squadron. Meanwhile, the Second Phase rewiring program will be implemented on M44-03. The rewiring process will be performed by technicians of the No 1 Squadron and monitored by PTDI team expertise. While, the Third Phase rewiring program is fully implemented by technicians of the No 1 Squadron for the remainder of the five (5) aircraft. In addition, the implement of rewiring by phases can minimize the cost of administrative and labor. It is because in the Third Phase only involves costs of material and will be fully implemented by RMAF. This method approach is intended to enable transfer of knowledge to RMAF technicians and ultimately the skills can be enhanced by raise train and sustain. RMAF has always looked positively on this effort as it adds value such as raising the skill level of RMAF technicians and eventually benefit the RMAF in particular. (RMAF)
Type 039A submarine of China (photo : Navy Recognition) Myanmar will own submarines soon, said Commodore Moe Aung, Chief of Staff (Navy) on March 18 while answering to the media after the Combined Fleet Exercise-Sea Shield 2019. “The Senior General already explained about the possession of submarines. They can be seen at Myanmar navy soon. Submarine arm is an armed forces and its operation area is under water. There are natural disasters as well as dangers from the enemies which can attack anytime. If there will be a problem, it is difficult to save them. So we are considering about long term plan. Another thing is to train submariners. It is required to train the submariners. A skillful submariner needs at least four years training to handle the submarine and to operate it. So our marines are having trainings for a long time,” said the Commodore. Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services said during September 2015 that the Tatmadaw is planning to possess submarines within over four or five-year time. “If we buy the submarines, we can own them now. We are thinking about many ways. We bought the navy vessels before and now we are building them. If we can build them, we can build them what we like. We can build the navy vessels based on the budget. If we cannot build them, we have to think of buying them from other countries,” he said. In the submarines, attack submarines or hunter-killer submarines are called SSK which used diesel engines and SSN Nuclear which used nuclear power. Moreover there are ballistic missile submarines, cruise submarines and nuclear submarines. Analysts said Myanmar should possess diesel powered submarines. On the Combined Fleet Exercise-Sea Shield 2019, the navy performed exercises to prevent danger of enemy in the territory. While the fleet was heading with Formation-5, the information about an enemy submarine is reported. Two anti-submarine war vessels conducted an exercise in which the vessels attacked and destroyed the enemy submarine using torpedo, RDC rockets and LDC submersible bombs. (Eleven Myanmar)
KD Jebat FFG-29 (photo : Matt Monty) LANGKAWI: T7 Global Bhd subsidiary TCM Innovations Sdn Bhd has become the first Malaysian company to supply a combat management system (CMS) to the Royal Malaysian Navy. The CMS naval technology was co-developed by Marine Crest Technology (MCT) and T7 Global together with C2C-DB Systems Pvt Ltd. T7 Global chairman Datuk Seri Dr Nik Norzrul Thani Nik Hassan Thani said CMS was capable of integrating all weapons and sensors on board a warship. “We are currently installing the system on board the RMN frigate KD Jebat to replace the 25-year-old legacy system. “We expect to completely install the whole system by this year, including all the necessary trials and testing, which will be conducted by the RMN,” he told reporters during the company’s signing ceremony with partners at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition (Lima) 2019. Nik Norzrul Thani said the CMS enabled RMN to reduce operating costs, while optimising local resources. Last year, MCT won an international tender from Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd to supply and install the CMS for RMN’s requirements for its fleet of warships. Meanwhile, T7 Global’s T7 Aero Sdn Bhd also entered into a collaboration agreement with Beijing Aerospace Yilian Science & Technology Development Co Ltd. The partnership helps in various activities pertaining to security products, security systems and security integration projects, making T7 Aero the exclusive provider of these products in Malaysia.
KD Jebat FFG-29 (photo : Wiki)
“This partnership is also an important step for T7 Aero to increase our portfolio, equipping the group with capabilities to provide customers with end-to-end security integration service,” he added. Beijing Aerospace is a high-tech enterprise integrating product development, production, system integration, sales, engineering implementation and service consulting. Nik Norzrul Thani said modern security threats required Malaysia and other countries to continue upgrading and modernising strategic assets. “We plan to make Malaysia a leading aerospace nation in Southeast Asia and an integral part of the global market. “Our initiatives amplify the Malaysian’s government call for local companies to focus on highly-skilled knowledge base manufacturing,” he said. There to witness the signing of the agreements was Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu. Also present were T7 Global executive director Tan Kay Vin, Beijing Aerospace representative Li Gang, MCT chief executive officer Captain (Rtd) Sivalingam Muniandy and C2C-DBS president L.S.S. Narendra. (NST)
HMAS Brisbane’s main gun is fired during her Seaworthy Assurance Trials (photos : RAN) HMAS Brisbane completes Seaworthy Assurance Trials t’s been a busy start to the year for HMAS Brisbane, having not only conducted her first Mariner Skills Evaluation, but also her first ammunitioning, structural firings and recently her Seaworthy Assurance Trials (SWATs). Over the course of three weeks, the ship’s company was put through its paces, practicing an array of different warfare exercises involving the ships state-of-the-art Aegis Weapons Combat System. Once in open waters and with staff from Raytheon Missile Systems USA on board, the ships Close-In Weapons System (CIWS), Bushmaster 25mm Typhoon and main Five-inch gun were all fired to verify their integrity, functionality and accuracy. As expected, Brisbane was successful in the conduct of all firings and it provided a fantastic opportunity for the ship’s company to practice all evolutions from loading and unloading weapons to firing them. For Able Seaman Electronics Technician Jeremy Tadros, the ship’s Gun Weapons Systems Supervisor, months of hard work finally paid off when he was able to fire the ship’s main five-inch gun for the first time. “Sitting in the chair in the operations room, closed up for the first time, was pretty intimidating,” Able Seaman Tadros said. “But, the training we’d conducted beforehand prepared me well and I felt great after hearing that first round fire,” he said. The successful completion of the trials ensured Brisbane can now provide positive assurance to the Chief of Navy that she is capable of operating in a range of different scenarios.
HMAS Brisbane DDG-42 (photo : Brett Shillabeer) The Aegis Weapons Systems were tested in several areas, and functions of the ship were assessed, from the propulsion and organic services to the combat and weapons systems. The assessments saw Brisbane embark people from a number of different organisations including the Fleet In Service Trials (FIST) team, the Royal Australian Navy Test and Evaluation Authority (RANTEA), Thales, Raytheon and Navy Engineering. The success of these firings could not have been achieved without the strong relationship between the ship’s company, Navy and its industry partners. Weapons Electrical Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Commander Greg Simon said the men and women of Brisbane have established a reputation of being a professional and approachable group of people. “DDG Enterprise members such as Raytheon, as well as our sister ships Hobart and Sydney, have always gone above and beyond to support us in the achievement of our goals,” he said. These milestones mark another step forward in preparing Brisbane for her upcoming Deployment Readiness Evaluation, which is a chance for her to “flex her muscles” and demonstrate her lethality in a more warfare centric environment. Commanding Officer, Commander Josh Wilson said that he was extremely happy with the progress the ship’s company had made since commissioning late last year. “The successful completion of the SWATs was an essential milestone in the building of ship knowledge of the Aegis Weapons Combat System and its awesome capability,” he said. Brisbane’s ship’s company will continue onto its Deployment Readiness Evaluation in preparation for deployment to the United States later in the year. As well as allowing the ship an opportunity to cooperatively engage with the United States Navy, the US deployment will see Brisbane conduct live fire engagements of a number of airborne threats using the on board Vertical Launch Missile System. (RAN)
Pilatus PC-7 Mk II trainer aircraft of the RMAF (photo : RMAF) Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), a United Technologies company, and Malaysian aerospace firm Airod signed an agreement on 27 March to support the P&WC PT6A-25C engines that power the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s (RMAF’s) fleet of Pilatus PC-7 Mk II trainer aircraft. Under the memorandum of understanding (MOU), which was signed at the 2019 LIMA exhibition in Langkawi, the two companies will collaborate on providing “performance-based support and maintenance” for the engine. Officials confirmed to Jane’s that while Airod has previously offered maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) support for the engines, the new agreement covers additional engines and includes options for ‘pay per hour’ for MRO and logistics support. (Jane's)
A fleet of Triton surveillance drones will be based at the Edinburgh base in northern Adelaide (photo : ABC) Australia commits to next Triton remotely piloted aircraft The Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, and the Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, today announced that the Government will purchase the next MQ-4C Triton Remotely Piloted Aircraft. This aircraft is the second of a planned fleet of at least six Triton aircraft that Australia is acquiring through a cooperative program with the United States Navy. Minister Pyne said the Triton acquisition was an important part of strengthening the security of Australia’s maritime boarders. “The Triton – which will complement our manned P-8A Poseidon aircraft – will significantly enhance our anti-submarine warfare and maritime strike capability as well as our ability to monitor and secure Australia’s maritime approaches,” Minister Pyne said. “These capabilities help us protect our maritime area from threats such as people smuggling, and the exploitation of our natural resources from activities like illegal fishing.” “The Tritons will also be able to undertake enhanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance tasks to support whole-of-government operations.” Minister Reynolds said that the Triton provides significant opportunities for Australian defence industry. “The project is expected to create about 70 jobs in South Australia and the Northern Territory,” Minister Reynolds said. “In the sustainment phase in particular there will be significant opportunity for Australian industry to share in billions of dollars of system maintenance and network management functions.” “Just last month Northrop Grumman – the manufacturer of the Triton – signed an Australian Industry Capability Deed with Defence, which will result in even more investment and enhanced opportunities for Australian companies.” The approval of the second aircraft means that the project is on track to see the first Triton aircraft introduced into service in mid-2023 with all six planned to be delivered by late 2025, based at RAAF Base Edinburgh in South Australia. (Aus DoD)