27 April 2024

Lockheed Martin Australia Signs Contract for AIR 6500 Phase 1

27 April 2024

AIR 6500 project (images: Lockheed Martin Australia)

Lockheed Martin Australia And The Department Of Defence Sign Strategic Partnership Head Contract To Advance Australia’s Integrated Air And Missile Defence Capability

WILLIAMTOWN, Australia – Lockheed Martin Australia signed a landmark AUD$500 million contract with the Department of Defence to build Australia’s future Joint Air Battle Management System under project - AIR6500 Phase 1 (AIR6500-1). This system will provide Defence with an advanced integrated air and missile defence capability, using next-gen technologies, to combat high-speed threats. 

Stewarded by Defence and Lockheed Martin Australia, AIR6500-1 will be built in Australia by Australians. A significant majority of the AIR6500-1 program workshare will be allocated across Australian industry to develop and deliver this strategic, national endeavour. 

Under AIR6500-1, an eight-year strategic partnership will generate important economic benefits, including over 230 new jobs across Adelaide, Williamtown and Canberra. Career opportunities include high value STEM roles such as engineering, software development, cyber, and project management.  

A further 300 in-direct jobs will be created in Australia’s air and missile defence supply chain and provide opportunities for Australian industry to benefit from a global $83B export market. Lockheed Martin Australia is also investing in the establishment of a National Integrated Air and Missile Defence Ecosystem to support Defence.

“We are honoured to be the Australian Defence Force’s strategic partner and lead the delivery of AIR6500-1. At the core of this 21st Century Security, joint all-domain system is Australian industry,” said Erika Marshall, vice president, C4ISR, Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems. 

“Together with the Department of Defence, we are harnessing the ingenuity found in Australian small-to-medium enterprises, industry primes and academia to build a transformational capability that will establish Australia’s Defence Force as one of the most highly advanced in the world.” 

Ahead of the AIR6500-1 contract signing, Lockheed Martin Australia developed an Operator Evaluation System for the Joint Air Battle Management System. This was delivered ahead of schedule and on budget. Using this system, Defence’s air battle managers can access a secure test environment to provide feedback on AIR6500-1’s design and functionality. This feedback will inform future development activities. 

Lockheed Martin Australia and New Zealand’s Chief Executive, Warren McDonald commended Defence and Lockheed Martin Australia’s AIR6500 Team on achieving this historic strategic partnership. 

“AIR6500-1 will give Australia and our allies a greater level of connectivity and interoperability to counter current and future air and missile threats.” He added, “In a contested and fast-moving environment, AIR6500-1 will give decision makers more time to consider and respond to a situation – time in these circumstances is a precious commodity.” 

Dankormar Cek Peralatan dan Senjata Baru Yang Akan Digunakan Prajuritnya

27 April 2024

Rudal pertahanan udara Thales Startreak dalam konfigurasi LML (Lightweight Multiple Launcher) dan Rapid Ranger Launcher yang siap digunakan Korps Marinir (photos: Korps Marinir)

Dispen Kormar TNI Angkatan Laut (Jakarta) -- Komandan Korps Marinir (Dankormar) Mayor Jenderal TNI (Mar) Endi Supardi, S.E., M.M., M.Tr.Opsla., CHRMP., CRMP. didampingi Wakil Komandan Korps Marinir (Wadan Kormar) Brigjen TNI (Mar) Suherlan dan Inspektur Korps Marinir (Irkormar) Kolonel Marinir Tri Subandiyana, S.H. beserta Pejabat Utama Korps Marinir, melaksanakan kunjungan fasilitas workshop PT. Cipta Teknik Berjaya di Kompleks Pergudangan Taman Tekno Blok Serpong Kota Tangerang. Selasa (23/04/2024).

Kunjungan kerja kali ini Komandan Korps Marinir beserta rombongan meninjau peralatan dan persenjataan pertahanan yang diproduksi PT. Cipta Teknik Berjaya yang akan digunakan Prajurit Petarung Korps Marinir. 

Sebelumnya orang nomor satu di jajaran Korps Marinir tersebut menerima paparan tentang karakteristik senjata dilanjutkan Tour fasility untuk melihat dari dekat produk-produk yang telah dipaparkan.

Disela-sela kunjungannya Dankormar mengatakan bahwa kegiatan kunjungan kerja ini untuk mengenal dan melihat secara langsung apakah peralatan kesenjataan yang ditawarkan kepada Korps Marinir benar-benar nantinya dapat memberikan efek daya guna dan hasil guna dalam melengkapi sistem persenjataan Korps Marinir.

Turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Danmenart 1 Marinir Kolonel Marinir Sunarto, S.E., M.M., CRMP. Danmenbanpur 1 Marinir Kolonel Marinir Yuyun Susanto, S.E., M.Tr.Hanla., M.M. Danyon Arhanud 1 Marinir dan Danyon Komlek 1 Marinir.

26 April 2024

Austal Australia Completes Sea Trials Royal Australian Navys Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial

26 April 2024

Austal Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial (PBAT) (photos: Austal)

In a noteworthy development within the Australian maritime sector, the collaborative Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial (PBAT) project has successfully completed Sea Acceptance Trials (including Endurance Trials) of the remote and autonomously operated vessel, Sentinel.

The trials, conducted by Austal Australia, consisted of a series of remote and autonomous navigation events conducted off the Western Australian coastline during March and April 2024; utilising Greenroom Robotics’ Advanced Maritime Autonomy (GAMA) Software to reliably navigate the de-commissioned Armidale-class Patrol Boat. Throughout the trials, a limited number of project team members, observers and a crew from International Maritime Services (IMS) were on board, ensuring a swift response in case of any unforeseen deviations or necessary manual interventions.

Funded by the Commonwealth of Australia, PBAT is a collaboration between Austal Australia, Greenroom Robotics, Trusted Autonomous Systems and the Royal Australian Navy Warfare Innovation Navy (WIN) Branch to establish robotic, automated and autonomous elements on a former Navy patrol boat to provide a proof-of-concept demonstrator, for optionally crewed or autonomous operations. The trial has also explored the legal, regulatory pathways and requirements of operating an autonomous vessel.

In 2022, Austal Australia took possession of the decommissioned HMAS Maitland from the Commonwealth of Australia, renamed the vessel ‘Sentinel’ and commenced planning, modification, testing and evaluation of autonomous and remotely operated systems for the Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial (PBAT). At 57 metres LOA, Sentinel is (by a significant extent) the largest vessel operated in Australia to be operated remotely and autonomously. 

Sentinel was extensively modified to enable remote and autonomous operations, including modifications to navigation, communications, bilges, CCTV, and electrical systems. Sensors and computer units were also added by Greenroom Robotics to inform and host the Autonomous Control System, GAMA.

Austal Limited Chief Executive Officer Paddy Gregg said the completion of the sea trials marks a significant milestone in the Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial, successfully demonstrating the capability of the locally developed autonomous systems and their integration within a full-size, Australian made naval vessel.

The PBAT team comprising Austal, Greenroom Robotics, TAS and Navy WIN Branch have worked exceptionally hard and achieved the objectives of the trial – to demonstrate the autonomous technology successfully within a complex regulatory and operating environment.

“Looking ahead, we are excited about the potential opportunities to work with Navy to further advance the autonomous technology demonstrated during the trial; on projects such as the Large Optionally Crewed Surface Vessels (LOSV), recently announced by the Australian Government as part of the Surface Combatant Fleet Review,” Mr Gregg said.

Greenroom Robotics Chief Technology Officer Harry Hubbert said “PBAT has been a very successful collaborative project between Austal, Greenroom, TASDCRC and the RAN, the insights from all parties has been instrumental in steering us toward success. Together, we've harnessed collective expertise to deliver this groundbreaking project, setting the stage for a future brimming with maritime capability. This collaborative effort not only has the potential to enhance current operations and platforms but also paves the way for unprecedented advancements on the horizon.”

TAS Chief Executive Officer Glen Schafer said “Trusted Autonomous Systems are extremely impressed and proud of the achievements of the PBAT project. Autonomous and automated features on a vessel of this size in addition to the regulatory considerations are complex. It is a clear demonstration of the significant innovation possible through investment in sovereign industry”.

Commodore Michael Turner, Navy’s Director General Warfare Innovation Navy said “PBAT stands out not only for its demonstration of autonomous technology and its practical application to operational vessels, but also for the spirit of collaboration that underpinned its success.”


Askomlek Kasal Kunjungi KRI YOS-353 Cek Kesiapan Sistem Penembakan Rudal C802

26 April 2024

Kunjungan Askomlek Kasal ke fregat KRI Yos Sudarso 353 (photos: Koarmada 2)

TNI AL. Koarmada II -- Komandan KRI YOS-353 sambut kedatangan Askomlek Kasal Laksda TNI Tri Harsono, S.T., CHRMP., CIQnR., CIQaR., di KRI YOS-353 dalam rangka melaksanakan kunjungan kerja serta peninjauan, bertempat di Hangar heli KRI YOS-353. Kamis (25/4).

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Askomlek Kasal berkesempatan untuk meninjau langsung Simulasi Monitoring dan mengecek kesiapan Sistem Penembakan Rudal C802 dari PIT (Pusat Informasi Tempur).

Stok rudal C802 TNI AL ketika mengikuti defile (photo: Kaskus Militer)

Askomlek Kasal melalui sambutannya berpesan kepada seluruh prajurit agar selalu solid dan semangat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab serta mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kemampuan yang dimiliki sebagai seorang prajurit.

Puspenerbal Adakan PMR Untuk Upgrade 2 Tipe Pesawat MPA TNI AL

25 April 2024

PMR pembaruan dan peningkatan beberapa fitur MPA pada pesawat King AIr dan CN-235 TNI AL (photo: Puspenerbal)

Komandan Wing Udara 2 Juanda Ikuti Program Management Review Pesud MPA

TNI AL, Dispen Puspenerbal -- Komandan Wing Udara 2 Puspenerbal, Kolonel Laut (P) Adam Firmansyah mengikuti kegiatan Program Management Review (PMR) untuk pesawat udara Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) yang akan diberikan pembaruan dan peningkatan pada beberapa fitur MPA-nya pada Senin (22/4/2024).

PMR untuk pesawat udara MPA ini dibuka oleh Direktur Rencana dan Pengembangan (Dirrenbang) Puspenerbal, Kolonel Laut (P) Heru Prasetyo mewakili Komandan Puspenerbal Laksda TNl Sisyani Jaffar di gedung Naval Aviation Combat Simulator (NACS) Wing Udara 2 Puspenerbal, Juanda.

Hadiri dalam kesempatan tersebut Komandan Wing Udara 2, Pasops Wing Udara 2, perwira dari Mabesal (Letkol Laut (P) Febri, Letkol Laut (P) Ikhlas, Letkol Laut (P) Tatang Yanuar, Letkol Laut (P) Sensa).

Kemudian Danron 800 Wing Udara 2, Perwira Staf Skuadron 800 dan 600, Major Frank Anderson (Tim ODC), Ati Kushariani (Tim ODC), Mrs. Corinna marie kinmen (Tim ODC), Mr. Eric David Crawford, Mrs. Carson Renee Minuccl (CM), Dewi Nandini Rudini (Tim ODC), Syahrizal Zakaria (MSS) dan Mr. Blaise Dagilaitis.

Beechcraft King Air MPA TNI AL (photo: Fauzan Rasyadi)

Menurut Dirrenbang Puspenerbal, untuk mewujudkan TNI Angkatan Laut khususnya jajaran Penerbangan TNl AL yang profesional dalam menjaga wilayah Republik Indonesia, Peningkatan Kemampuan Alutsista tentu menjadi bagian dari program yang vital dan penting bagi jajaran Penerbangan TNl AL secara umum.

Tentunya lanjut Direnbang, dengan adanya pembaruan dan peningkatan kemampuan Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi titik awal pengembangan Puspenerbal ke arah yang semakin modern mengikuti perkembangan jaman.

CN-235 MPA TNI AL (photo: etlspotter)

PMR untuk pesawat udara MPA yang akan berlangsung mulai 22-25 April 2024 ini, akan diisi dengan berbagai materi. pada hari pertama ini usai pembukaan dilanjutkan dengan paparan spesifikasi Pesud CN 235 & King Air, penjelasan mission equipment, penjelasan fungsi teledyne flir, penjelasan spesifikasi radio komunikasi CN 235, simulasi pemasangan radar terbaru untuk CN 235 & King Air ditutup dengan diskusi & tanya jawab.

Sementara itu untuk Hari ke-2 diantaranya pelaksanaan review of previous day dan contract review. Pada Hari ke-3 akan melaksankan System Engineering and Technical Review, logistic dan survey of simulator room dan pada Hari ke-4 melaksanakan financial review (USG & TNI AL), discussion dan review PMR minutes & sign final copy.


25 April 2024

TNI AU dan RSAF Gelar Latihan Bersama AMX BFI 12/24 di Pekanbaru

25 April 2024

Air Maneuver Exercise Bilateral Fighter Interaction (AMX BFI) 2024 (all photos: TNI AU, RSAF)

TNI AU dan Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) menggelar latihan bersama Air Maneuver Exercise Bilateral Fighter Interaction (AMX BFI) ke-12 tahun 2024 (AMX BFI 12/24), mulai dari tanggal 17 hingga 23 April 2024, di Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru.

Sebagai pelaku AMX BFI 12/24 adalah penerbang Skadron Udara 3, Skadron Udara 14 Wing Udara 3 Lanud Iswajudi dan penerbang Skadron Udara 16 Wing Udara 6 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin. Komandan Wing Udara 6 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Kolonel Pnb Adhi Safarul Akbar yang ditunjuk sebagai Direktur Latihan dalam latihan ini.

Dalam AMX BFI 12/24 dilaksanakan beberapa program latihan diantaranya latihan Air to Air Refuelling dimana pesawat F -16 TNI AU akan melaksanakan pengisian bahan bakar di udara dengan pesawat A-330 Multi Role Tangker Transport RSAF, kemudian latihan Mission Tactical Intercept dan Basic Fighter Maneuver.

Kerjasama yang kuat dan keberhasilan AMX BFI 12/24 menegaskan komitmen TNI AU dan RSAF dalam memperkuat hubungan bilateral mereka di bidang pertahanan udara. 

Latihan ini bukan hanya sekadar meningkatkan keterampilan militer, tetapi juga membangun fondasi yang kokoh untuk kolaborasi masa depan demi keamanan dan stabilitas regional.

LEN Teken MoU Kembangkan Data Taktis Nasional Bersama Thales SIX GTS

25 April 2024

Penanda-tanganan MoU PT Len Industri dan Thales Six GTS (photos: LEN)

PT Len Industri (Persero) selaku induk holding BUMN industri pertahanan DEFEND ID diwakili Direktur Utama PT Len Industri (Persero) Bobby Rasyidin bersama Direktur Utama Thales Six GTS France SAS Christophe Salomon melakukan penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) di kantor Pusat Thales SIX GTS France SAS, pada Selasa (16/4).

Pada proses penandatanganan Direktur Utama PT Len Industri (Persero) Bobby Rasyidin didampingi secara langsung oleh Wakil Menteri BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Mayor Arh Nugroho Budi Prasetyo selaku Asathan RI KBRI Paris, Sekertaris Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Perancis Dimas Mohammad Halif, dan Pascale Sourisse selaku President dan CEO Thales Internasional.

MoU ini menitikberatkan pada kerja sama dalam proyek dan bisnis pengembangan produk pertahanan khususnya bidang data taktis Nasional dan Aero Connectivity dengan end customer yakni TNI AU.


Vietnam Berniat untuk Membeli Howitzer Korea K9

25 April 2024

Pada bulan April 2023 delegasi Vietnam telah mengunjungi Hanoi untuk melihat langsung howitzer K9, dimana dikabarkan bahwa Vietnam membutuhkan howitzer 155mm sebanyak 108 unit (photo : KDB)

Kementerian Pertahanan Vietnam (MoD) telah mengindikasikan bahwa mereka berencana untuk membeli self-propelled howitzer (SPH) K9 – yang dikembangkan dan diproduksi oleh Hanwha Aerospace Korea Selatan – untuk Tentara Rakyat Vietnam.

Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Nasional Vietnam Hoang Xuan Chien menyatakan niatnya untuk membeli K9 pada 'Dialog Strategi Pertahanan Korea-Vietnam ke-11' yang diadakan di Hanoi pada tanggal 23 April, menurut siaran pers yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan Nasional Korea Selatan (MND) satu hari kemudian.

“Chien mengevaluasi sistem persenjataan Korea dan menyatakan niatnya untuk memperluas kerja sama industri pertahanan, termasuk pengenalan sistem senjata Korea seperti K9 SPH [ke dalam Tentara Rakyat Vietnam] dan meminta kerja sama dari pemerintah Korea untuk tujuan ini,” kata MND.

Selain itu, kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk memperkuat kerja sama di berbagai bidang seperti keamanan maritim, keamanan siber, dan logistik, tambah MND.

Untuk memperluas kerja sama pertahanan dan industri pertahanan, kedua negara sepakat bahwa bidang kerja sama yang baru dibahas akan ditambahkan ke perjanjian kerja sama pertahanan bilateral yang ditandatangani pada tahun 2010, menurut MND.

Pada bulan April 2023 juru bicara Hanwha Aerospace mengonfirmasi kepada Janes bahwa pejabat Vietnam mengunjungi fasilitas Hanwha untuk meninjau K9 SPH.

Vietnam membutuhkan artileri baru untuk menggantikan persenjataannya yang sudah berumur puluhan tahun, termasuk howitzer M114 155 mm dan howitzer M101 105 mm. Kabarnya, Tentara Rakyat Vietnam berupaya mendapatkan 108 unit howitzer 155 mm.

24 April 2024

Australia Plan to Power Up the Air Domain

24 April 2024

Air Force's F-35A Lightning II jets will receive lethality and survivability enhancements under the Government's funding plan (photo: US Air Force)

Air Force will have enhanced strike and air-mobility options across the north-east Indian Ocean through to the Pacific, thanks to large funding commitments in the 2024 Integrated Investment Program. 

About $28 billion to $33 billion is earmarked to bolster RAAF capabilities to support Defence’s new strategy of deterring potential adversaries from moving against Australia, as well as providing aerial surveillance of maritime approaches. 

More than $10 billion will go to air mobility, with a focus on acquiring 20 C-130J Hercules aircraft to replace the current fleet of 12 older-model Hercules aircraft.

Australia acquired 20 C-130J Super Hercules to replace 12 older model (photo: Aus DoD) 

An estimated $10 billion to $12 billion will continue combat aircraft upgrades to mitigate threats and maintain interoperability with partners and allies. 

This includes lethality and survivability enhancements for the F-35A Lightning II, F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growlers. 

About $5 billion to $7 billion will go to air-launched strike weapons, including the development of hypersonic missiles.

MQ-28A Ghost Bat loyal wingman (photo: Boeing Defense)

An investment of more than $4 billion will help develop and acquire uncrewed air systems, including the MQ-28A Ghost Bat.

The next stage of development of the MQ-28A Ghost Bat is already approved, which will progress the MQ-28A’s integration with crewed aircraft, and the MQ-28A’s mission payloads, integrated combat system and autonomous systems.

Air intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance will receive nearly $4 billion for P-8A Poseidon sustainment and upgrades, acquisition of a fourth MQ-4C Triton remotely piloted aircraft and delivery of an MC-55A Peregrine fleet.

MC-55A Peregrine during test (photo: Centennial Plane Spotter)

Much of the more than $14 billion in missile defence will go towards the joint air battle management system, airborne early warning and control systems and the Jindalee Operational Radar Network.

Northern air base infrastructure will benefit from about $6 billion, and about $4 billion will go towards bolstering resilience of fuel supplies. 

The National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program are available on the National Defence Strategy website

PH Navy: Use of Retired China-made Tanker in Balikatan Coincidental

24 April 2024

Ex BRP Lake Caliraya (photo: u2274943)

MANILA – The selection of the decommissioned oil tanker BRP Lake Caliraya for a sinking exercise as part of this year's Balikatan exercises between Filipino and American soldiers is coincidental, a ranking official of the Philippine Navy (PN) said Tuesday.

PN spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad made the remark after China called the act provocative.

In an April 20 editorial, China's state-run English newspaper Global Times claimed that the BRP Lake Caliraya was built in a Chinese shipyard for the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC), which it called "a witness to previous cooperation between China and the Philippines."

The PNOC donated the BRP Lake Caliraya, formerly known as M/T Lapulapu, to the Navy in 2014.

Meanwhile, PN flag-officer-in-command Vice Adm. Toribio Adaci Jr. said he does not see anything wrong with the move.

"There’s no issue with that. The vessel has been used in the Philippines (for a) long long time so any attachment to China—if ever there’s any—it doesn’t matter at all,” Adaci said in a press briefing at the Navy headquarters in Manila.

Ex BRP Lake Caliraya (photo: SCMP)

He also added that it is customary to use decommissioned Navy ships in "any ship sinking activity conducted" in any part of the world.

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) reported that 124 assorted Chinese ships were monitored in seven features of the West Philippine Sea (WPS) from April 16 to 22.

These include 110 so-called "Chinese Maritime Militia Vessels" (CMMVs), 11 China Coast Guard Vessels (CCGVs) and three ships from the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

Out of this number, seven CCGVs and 31 CMMVs were off Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal); three CCGVs and 28 CMMVs detected off Ayungin Shoal; one PLAN vessel, one CCGV, and 44 CCMVs off Pagasa Island; three CMMVs off Parola Island; one PLAN vessel off Lawak Island; four CMMVs off Panata Island and one PLAN in Patag Island.

In the same briefing, Trinidad said the upsurge in the numbers of the CMMVs coincided with Monday's opening of the annual "Balikatan" exercise between the AFP and US military forces.

In the previous weeks, he said there were only around 50 to 110 Chinese vessels sighted in the WPS.

"So there is a surge in the presence of maritime militia specifically in Bajo de Masinloc and Pagasa,” he added. 


KSAU Sebut TNI AU Segera Miliki Pesawat Nirawak Baru

24 April 2024

Anka UCAV (photo: Daily Sabah)

Yogyakarta (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Mohammad Tonny Harjono menyebutkan TNI AU segera memiliki pesawat nirawak baru yang akan melengkapi alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) nasional.

Tonny Harjono usai acara HUT ke-78 TNI AU di Lapangan Dirgantara AAU, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Senin, menjelaskan pesawat terbang tanpa awak  itu berteknologi satelit sehingga mampu mendukung pertempuran "beyond visual range" (BVR) atau pertempuran udara jarak jauh.

"Kita bisa menerbangkan dari luar area yang ingin kita pantau misalnya di Papua atau di daerah mana, kita bisa menerbangkan dari luar Papua," kata dia.

Tonny menyebutkan sejumlah pesawat nirawak yang tengah didatangkan tersebut antara lain drone CH-4, Anka, serta Bayraktar dengan jenis "Medium Altitude Long Endurance" (MALE).

"Mohon doa restunya angkatan udara menjadi angkatan udara yang adaptif mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan perkembangan situasi nasional, regional, maupun global," kata Tonny Harjono.

Bayraktar TB2 UCAV (photo: Forbes)

Menurut dia, drone atau pesawat tanpa awak modern tersebut merupakan bagian dari pesawat alutsista baru yang sedang didatangkan untuk memperkuat TNI AU.

Pada 2026, kata dia, pemerintah RI juga akan kedatangan 42 unit pesawat tempur Rafale secara bertahap sekaligus merencanakan modernisasi radar.

Selain itu, ujar Tonny, TNI AU juga bakal kedatangan pesawat angkut Airbus A400M, pesawat sistem kendali dan peringatan udara (Airborne Warning and Control System/AWACS), serta pesawat pengisian bahan bakar (tanker) atau Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT).

Menurut dia, sejumlah pesawat itu bakal memperkuat alutsista nasional yang sudah ada sebelumnya mulai dari pesawat angkut sipil dari CASA, helikopter, hingga pesawat angkut militer VIP jenis Falcon.

Dia menyadari bahwa berbagai kegiatan TNI AU, termasuk dalam pengadaan alutsista amat dipengaruhi kebijakan pemerintah dalam memberikan dukungan anggaran.

"Kami juga berterima kasih kepada bapak Menhan (Prabowo Subiyanto) yang sudah melengkapi angkatan udara dengan berbagai alutsista," ujar Tonny.

23 April 2024

Australia Invests for Australian Army Capabilities

23 April 2024

Army Aviation will operate 40 UH-60M Black Hawks, 29 AH-64E Apache and an expanded fleet of 14 CH-47F Chinooks (photo: Northrop Grumman)

Preparing Army to deny adversaries

Littoral manoeuvre, land-based strike and battlefield aviation are among the Australian Army capabilities to receive large investment commitments under the newly released Integrated Investment Program. 

The spending will enable Army to deny a potential adversary’s freedom of action, as outlined by the National Defence Strategy, released on April 17. 

Direct investments in the amphibious-capable combined-arms land system total about $36 billion to $44 billion. 

18 medium and eight heavy landing craft to be based in Queensland (photo: Aus DoD)

Additional investments include about $3.9 billion to $4.9 billion for land-based strike, about $5.2 billion to $7.2 billion for land command systems and more than $9 billion for Army’s estate and infrastructure.

The funding will help optimise Army for littoral manoeuvre in Australia’s northern approaches and includes the development of long-range land and maritime strike systems.

About $7 billion to $10 billion will be set aside for 18 medium and eight heavy landing craft to be based in south-east Queensland, north Queensland and Darwin, and $5 billion to $7 billion for supporting infrastructure. The landing craft will be built in Australia and delivered between 2026 and 2037.

42 HIMARS will equip Army (photo: Aus DoD)

Land-based strike funding includes the accelerated acquisition of 42 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems with precision strike and guided multiple launch munitions. After the first long-range fires regiment is established, missile stockpiles will progressively increase.

Investment also includes new land-based radar networks to improve Defence’s ability to detect and track approaching threats. 

In battlefield aviation, $9 billion to $10 billion will fund 40 UH-60M Black Hawks, 29 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters and an expanded fleet of 14 CH-47F Chinooks.

The Integrated Investment Program beds in funding for previously announced acquisitions such as the Redback infantry fighting vehicle, M1A2 Abrams main battle tank and Huntsman self-propelled howitzer.

Redback IFV (photo: Aus DoD)

Between $1.6 billion and $2.1 billion is earmarked to modernise special operations capability, enabling continued reconnaissance, targeting, strike, technical operations and enhanced engagement.

The restructure of Army's divisions, commands and formations began in 2023. The new structure includes specialised combat and support brigades, and a new dedicated fires brigade and littoral manoeuvre group.

The public National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program is available on the National Defence Strategy website.  

KRI Dewa Kembar 932 Ditugaskan Untuk Kegiatan Operasi Survei dan Pemetaan Hidro-oseanografi

23 April 2024

KRI Dewa Kembar 932 (photo: Antara)

Danpushidrosal Tekankan Prajurit KRI Dewa Kembar-932 Pertahankan Kondisi Teknis Kapal agar selalu siap dukung Opssurta Hidros

Jakarta --- Komandan Pusat Hidro-Oseanografi TNI Angkatan Laut (Danpushidrosal) Laksamana Madya TNI Budi Purwanto menekankan kepada seluruh prajurit pengawak KRI Dewa Kembar-932 agar mempertahankan kebersihan dan kondisi teknis kapal agar siap mendukung tugas-tugas Pushidrosal, utamanya dalam kegiatan Operasi Survei dan Pemetaan Hidro-oseanografi (Opssurta Hidros).

Kunjungan Kapushidrosal ke KRI Dewa Kembar 932 (photo: Pushidrosal)

Demikian disampaikan Danpushidrosal Laksamana Madya TNI Budi Purwanto saat mengadakan kunjungan ke KRI Dewa Kembar-932 saat bersandar di Dermaga Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) 2 Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (18/4/2024).

Kunjungan yang didampingi Wadanpushidrosal Laksamana Muda TNI Rony saleh, Asopssurta Danpushidrosal Laksamana Pertama TNI Dyan Primana Sobarudin, Aslog Danpushidrosal Kolonel Laut (T) Sidyk Wahono, Dansatsurvei Kolonel Laut (P) Hendi Suhendi, Kadisharkap Pushidrosal Kolonel Laut (T) Cok Bagus Alit dan Kadisveranautikas Kolonel laut (E) Trijoko tersebut di terima langsung oleh Komandan KRI Dewa kembar-932 Letkol Laut (P) Mustika Ari Wibowo.

Dalam kunjungannya Komandan KRI Dewa Kembar memaparkan kepada Danpushidrosal beserta pejabat Pushidrosal yang mendampingi tentang pelaksanaan tugasnya dalam melaksanakan operasi survei dan pemetaan hidro-oseanografi (Opsurta Hidros) yang sedang dilaksanakan KRI Dewa Kembar-932 saat ini guna menjamin keselamatan pelayaran di perairan Indonesia.

Diakhir kunjungannya, Danpushidrosal beserta pejabat Pushidrosal mengecek secara langsung KRI Dewa Kembar-932 yang tengah melaksanakan Opssurta Hidros setelah selesai dalam masa pemeliharaan perbaikan tingkat depo diantaranya perbaikan pemeliharaan sistem bangun kapal, dan sistem pendorong kapal.


The Launch Ceremony of Inimitable – Singapore Navy's Fourth Invincible – class Submarine

23 April 2024

The launch ceremony of the Republic of Singapore Navy’s fourth Invincible-class submarine Inimitable (photos: RSN)

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean Officiates the Launch Ceremony of Inimitable – Singapore Navy's Fourth Invincible – class Submarine

Senior Minister (SM) and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean officiated the launch ceremony of the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)'s fourth Invincible-class submarine, Inimitable, at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (tkMS) shipyard in Kiel, Germany on 22 April 2024. The submarine was launched by SM Teo's sister Ms Teo Swee Lian, who was the Lady Sponsor. The ceremony was also witnessed by Federal Minister for Defence Boris Pistorius, Senior Minister of State for Defence Heng Chee How, Chief of German Navy Vice-Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, RSN Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral Sean Wat, CEO tkMS Oliver Burkhard, and senior defence officials from both countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, SM Teo highlighted the importance of Singapore's submarine capability. He said, "Singapore sits astride a focal point of international shipping routes. Close to 90,000 ships pass through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore each year, accounting for a third of global trade. The port of Singapore handled 39 million containers in 2023. The RSN plays an important role in ensuring the safe and secure passage of ships through the waters around Singapore… Our new submarines will enhance the RSN's ability to fulfil her mission of protecting the sea lines of communication in our region. All countries stand to benefit when our seas are safe and secure." He added, "Our submarine journey began in the late 1980s. The RSN recognised then that developing its own submarine capability was critical for it to achieve the strategic mission of protecting vital sea routes and securing Singapore's access to the seas… I have watched with tremendous satisfaction the great strides our submarine community has made."

Conceptualised and engineered jointly by the RSN, Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) and industry partner tkMS, the Invincible-class submarines are customised for operations in Singapore's shallow and busy tropical waters, and they possess longer endurance and higher payloads. The launch of the RSN's final Invincible-class submarine marks a key milestone in the RSN's submarine modernisation journey and underpins the SAF's long-term and sustained commitment to building up its capabilities in order to meet future challenges. Following the launch, Inimitable will undergo a series of sea trials before delivery to Singapore. Impeccable, which was launched in 2022, returned to Singapore last year and is currently undergoing a series of local sea trials and working up towards full operationalisation and its commissioning later this year.

RSS Inimitable fourth Type 218 SG (photo: Ng Eng Hen)

Ahead of the launch ceremony today, SM Teo and Mr Heng also met Mr Pistorius, where they conveyed Singapore's appreciation for Germany's support for the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF)'s training in Germany since 2009, and for the bilateral collaboration on the RSN's Invincible-class submarine programme and training. Both sides reaffirmed the strong and substantive defence relations between Singapore and Germany, which continues to grow significantly across multiple domains. Singapore and Germany's defence relationship is underpinned by the signing of the 2018 enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement, and both countries co-operate and interact widely through high-level visits and dialogues, military exchanges and training, cross-attendance of professional courses, and collaborate in areas of mutual interest, such as in defence technology and cyber.

(Sing Mindef)

22 April 2024

Australia Injects Fund to Boost Navy Capability

22 April 2024

Hobart class destroyer will received Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile Block II and SM-2 and SM-6 missiles (photo: Aus DoD)

Funding injection to boost Navy capability

Conventionally armed, nuclear‑powered submarines and infrastructure will receive $53 billion to $63 billion over the next decade as part of Australia’s investment in developing a Navy with enhanced maritime, air and land strike capability. 

This is one of the commitments in the newly released 2024 Integrated Investment Program, which sets out spending priorities that will be central to the National Defence approach outlined in the National Defence Strategy. 

Investment in infrastructure in Western Australia out to the mid-2030s will support the transition to a sovereign Australian nuclear-powered submarine operating base. 

Australia will receive three Virginia class nuclear powered submarine from US before the first boat of the SSN AUKUS class delivered to RAN (photo: US Navy)

The Government will also allow $4 billion to $5 billion for upgrading and sustaining the current fleet of six Collins-class submarines, which underpin the transition to the new submarines.  

To complement crewed undersea warfare capabilities and the Navy’s surface combatant fleet, $5.2 billion to $7.2 billion will be dedicated to subsea warfare capabilities and new autonomous and uncrewed maritime vehicles, including through AUKUS Pillar II Advanced Capabilities.

Planned investments include the development and acquisition of large and extra‑large uncrewed and autonomous underwater vehicles to undertake stealth missions in high‑risk environments, alongside the continued acquisition of Bluebottle uncrewed surface vessels for persistent maritime surveillance. 

Three extra large underwater vehicles will undertake stealth missions in high‑risk environments (photo: Aus DoD)

About $51 billion to $69 billion will fund maritime capabilities for sea denial, and localised sea control operations will expand the Navy’s surface combatant fleet. 

An expanded fleet of 36 MH‑60R Romeo helicopters, costing $2.4 billion to $2.7 billion, will support the additional major vessels in the fleet. 

The Navy’s long-range strike capabilities will be enhanced through the acquisition of the Tomahawk weapon system from the United States. 

Total 36 fleet of MH60R helicopter will equipped Royal Australian Navy (photo: ADF)

The next-generation Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile Block II and SM-2 and SM-6 missiles will also be acquired for the Hobart-class destroyers, Hunter-class frigates and general-purpose frigates. 

Additional funding for maritime capabilities includes about $12 billion to $15 billion for sea-based strike, $2 billion to $3 billion for elements of the electronic warfare capabilities and $810 million to $910 million for maritime command systems. These investments will allow the Navy to hold targets at risk for longer ranges, providing greater capacity to target adversary aircraft and missiles. 

The National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program are available on the National Defence Strategy website

KSAL Paparkan Daftar Tambahan Prioritas Alutsista TNI AL 2025-2044

22 April 2024

Usulan penambahan sejumlah alutsista TNI AL untuk pembangunan postur kekuatan pada periode 2025-2044 (photo: Pasmar1)

Jakarta, IDM – Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Muhammad Ali menyampaikan gambaran sejumlah alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) yang dibutuhkan dalam rencana pembangunan postur kekuatan TNI AL 2025-2044.

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Ali saat menghadiri kegiatan silaturahmi dan halal bihalal para KSAL dari masa ke masa serta para keluarga besar TNI AL, Jakarta, Jumat (19/4).

Gambaran usulan sejumlah alutsista TNI AL dalam paparan Kasal (photo: Pasmar1)

Tampak sejumlah alutsista yang bakal diprioritaskan untuk pengembangan kekuatan TNI AL dalam 20 tahun ke depan, di antaranya kapal selam Scorpene, kapal patroli multiguna atau Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) PPA dari Italia hingga rencana penambahan kapal perusak (destroyer).

Pada daftar alutsista tersebut, juga terdapat pesawat nirawak pengintai atau Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) ScanEagle yang dilengkapi dengan kamera optik dan inframerah, sistem pertahanan pesisir (coastal defence) hingga pesawat patroli maritim multi-misi (MPA) P-6.

Pesawat patroli maritim P-6 MPA muncul dalam paparan Kasal (photo: PAL Aerospace)

Tak hanya itu, rencana belanja alutsista untuk kekuatan TNI AL juga meliputi pesawat nirawak bersenjata atau Unmanned Combat Aircraft Vehicle (UCAV) Bayraktar Akinci jenis High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) dan UCAV Bayraktar TB-2 jenis Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) dari Turki.

Kemudian, tercatat daftar keinginan TNI AL untuk mempunyai kapal perang Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) hingga penambahan kendaraan tempur (ranpur) untuk Korps Marinir.

HIMARS sebagai sistim pertahanan pesisir/coastal defence muncul dalam paparan Kasal  (photo: Lockheed Martin)

Ali mengatakan, tahap penyusunan postur kekuatan TNI AL 2025-2044 telah dimulai secara paralel.

“Diharapkan dengan postur tersebut, perencanaan pembangunan kekuatan TNI AL akan dapat diwujudkan untuk mendukung visi Indonesia emas 2045, yaitu mewujudkan negara maritim yang berdaulat, maju, dan berkelanjutan,” kata Ali, dikutip dari keterangan Pasmar 1, Minggu (22/4).

LHD Juan Carlos/Anadolu muncul dalam paparan Kasal (photo: Daily Sabah)

Sebelumnya, beberapa waktu terakhir ini TNI AL resmi akan diperkuat dengan penambahan sejumlah alutsista baru, yakni pembangunan dua unit kapal selam Scorpene Evolved dari Prancis hingga kedatangan dua unit kapal OPV kelas Thaon di Revel (PPA) dari Italia.

Ali sempat mengungkapkan, pembangunan dua unit Scorpene Evolved sesuai dengan kebutuhan TNI AL, terlebih kapal selam tersebut merupakan generasi terbaru alias kapal terbaik yang dibuat Naval Group, Prancis saat ini.

Type 052D Luyang-III Class Missile Destroyer muncul dalam paparan Kasal (photo: SinodefenceI

“Ya, sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Jadi, kami sudah beberapa kali rapat dengan Naval Group, Prancis, dan mereka memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan dan meyakinkan kapal yang diproduksi itu canggih. Jadi, bukan Scorpene yang biasa, melainkan Evolved, generasi terbaru,” ungkap Ali, beberapa waktu lalu.

Tak hanya Scorpene, TNI AL juga menantikan kedatangan OPV kelas Thaon di Revel pada Oktober 2024 dan April 2025 untuk memperkuat tugas keamanan dan pertahanan kedaulatan perairan Indonesia, khususnya di jalur Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) I.

Kendaraan pendarat amfibi ACV 8x8 muncul dalam paparan Kasal  (photo: BAE Systems)

Pangkoarmada I Laksamana Muda Yoos Suryono mengungkapkan rencana untuk mengajukan kajian akademis kepada Markas Besar TNI AL (Mabesal) terkait kebutuhan penempatan OPV PPA dari Italia tersebut untuk di wilayah kerja perairan bagian barat.

Ia mengatakan alasan membutuhkan penempatan unit OPV kelas Thaon di Revel itu dikarenakan konsentrasi geografi dan luas wilayah kerja Koarmada I, terlebih di perairan Natuna Utara hingga banyaknya kegiatan ilegal yang terjadi di Selat Malaka.

“Dari konsentrasi geografi dan luas wilayah yang jadi tanggung jawab Koarmada I, terlebih lautan Natuna Utara dan ancaman juga di utara, pengungsi Rohingya dan banyak kegiatan ilegal di Selat Malaka, tentu sangat perlu,” katanya.