13 Oktober 2018

RAAF Pauses F-35A Flying for Safety Inspections

13 Oktober 2018

RAAF F-35A A35-009 (photo : Aus DoD)

Defence has confirmed the RAAF has “paused” flying its F-35A Joint Strike Fighters while engine inspections are undertaken.

The confirmation on Friday afternoon comes after the US Department of Defense announced on Thursday US time it had suspended F-35 flying to inspect fuel tubes within the aircraft’s Pratt & Whitney F135 engines, following initial investigations into a US Marine Corps F-35B crash in South Carolina, near Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, in late September. The pilot ejected safely.

“Following a recent incident in the United States (United States Marine Corps South Carolina 29 Sep 18) the F-35 fleet has been instructed to conduct safety inspections across all delivered engines,” a Defence spokesperson said via emailed statement on Friday.

“Australian F-35 aircraft currently based in the US will return to flying operations once safety inspections are complete. Some international partners within the F-35 program are already commencing flying following conclusion of their inspections.”

In early September, the RAAF took delivery of its ninth F-35A. The aircraft, A35-009, was the first to be taken on strength by its first operational flying unit to fly the jet, No 3 Squadron.

The Defence spokesperson said the new safety inspections “will not affect the delivery of aircraft to Australia”.

3SQN pilots and maintenance personnel are currently training on the F-35 with the US Air Force’s 56th Fighter Wing at Luke. The squadron is due to bring the first two jets to Australia in mid-December for a ‘Verification & Validation Testing’ program and to allow in-country F-35 maintenance training to begin.


17 komentar:

  1. Iya..ya..ya..ya..ya....zZZZz...ZzZz...

  2. 2055 Malay mau beli jet pejuang ini 150 biji.

  3. Alhamdulillah,hehehe. Apa progressnya Malon?

  4. just like US 80% readines of all fighter jets.. damn scs or wps is on boiling point..😢

  5. Elllehhhh...ga bakal pke mesin hyundai qt orang beli mesin PROTOL lah yg lebih mendunia...😆😆😆😆

  6. sayang kalau pada jatuh semuanya, mending tarik dulu ke hanggar dech,,,pespur mahal yg penuh masalah.

    1. Memang repot juga sih ngurus barang canggih dan mahal.
      Error satu system berakibat fatal secara keseluruhan.

      Plus minuslah

  7. Ganti sutuc saja.. minta yg versi siluman

  8. Salam bankrups sampai tahun 2055
    Salam MKM lapok 4 bijik
    Salam PTM Gen6 terjaguh

    Malon oh malon dungu cam beruk


  9. Su30 malon siluman lo bro, tinggal kasih mantel tembus pandang da g keliatan

  10. Protol emang jaguh dunia akhirat Wkwkwk

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