11 November 2018

TNI AU Hawk Flies for Longer

11 November 2018

TNI AU Hawk 109 (photo : Jane's)

Hawk flies for longer

Deliveries of an initial batch of an upgraded version of the Indonesian air force's BAE Systems Hawk 100/200 fleet are under way, providing the light attack/trainer aircraft with a refurbishment that will extend its operational life.

Of the 32-strong Hawk fleet operated by the Indonesian air force, eight are under contract to be upgraded, which includes the aircraft being stripped for maintenance, with the aim of extending the life of the fleet that was brought into service in the 1980s/1990s out to 2030.

Michael Salkeld, regional director for BAE Systems International, told the Show Daily that this work is being carried out under a contract signed in 2017. He added that a navigation system is also being added to the Hawks.

The ambition is to upgrade all of the aircraft to this new standard, although for now only these first eight are under contract to be modified.

The company claims there are more tangible requirements for the acquisition of a new fleet of Hawks elsewhere, although there is no reason why Indonesia would not consider a new-build buy, particularly considering the air force is looking to bolster its fighter fleet and maintain a capability of a minimum of 150 combat aircraft.

TNI AU Hawk 209 (photo : LanudSIM)

Salkeld noted that Indonesia could benefit from the newest T2 version of the Hawk and it would be an "excellent buy", through which it would receive a fourth-generation capability that includes enhancements such as a glass cockpit. The Hawk is typically offered as a complementary aircraft to the Eurofighter Typhoon, and Salkeld noted that the company could offer this to Indonesia again if requirements called for it.

This follows the company's involvement in a fighter acquisition that led to the Sukhoi Su-35 - 11 of which are on order - being contracted in February 2018.

Additionally, the company is open to offering technological expertise for the KF-X/IF-X next-generation combat development being jointly carried out by Indonesia and South Korea. BAE (UK Pavilion) has partnered in this way with Turkish industry via a government-to-government commitment for the so-called TF-X fighter development.

"We would be delighted to offer aircraft technology," Salkeld said. "As a company, the number of systems we have for F-22 and F-35 is not always acknowledged."

(IndoDefence Show Daily)

44 komentar:

  1. Good news for indonesia and bad news for malon caused only 5 malaysian hawk can fly wkwkwk....cekidot : www.malaysiaflyingherald.wordpress.com/25 years malaysian hawk terbang tinggi melangit/9-11-2018

    1. Begini bunyi artikelnya

      Unfortunately, this did not prevent any more losses from affecting the already dwindling Hawk fleet. The loss of a BAe Hawk Mk 208 in June 15, 2017 due to technical failure of the aircraft is a grave reminder of the dire situation. There were only 5 Hawk Mk 108 left and these were apparently being distributed between No 6 Skn, which received 2 aircraft and No 15 Skn, with the remaining 3 aircraft. 😁😁😁😁

      Bandingkan dengan artikel di atas:
      32-strong Hawk fleet operated by the Indonesian air force.


    2. Perjelas :
      "..Of the 32-strong Hawk fleet operated by the Indonesian air force, eight are under contract to be upgraded, which includes the aircraft being stripped for maintenance, with the aim of extending the life of the fleet that was brought into service in the 1980s/1990s out to 2030.."

      STRONG bro..😛

      Berkala dirawat skatek 31 Abd Saleh. Itu ada berita upgrade bertahap 8 ekor dulu...😎

    3. Skatek dah pengalaman dari 80an handel Hawk mk.53..😎

    4. Lumayanlah jumlah hawk TNI AU di banding malon

    5. Mulyono n PS @ bayangkan 5 ekor hawk masih dibagi2kan ke 2 skuadron,skuadron 6 dapat 2 ekor hawk,skuadron 15 dapat 3 ekor hawk wkwkwk....miskin amat tuh malon,mbok ya 1 skuadron tuh isinya minimal 12 ekor,bandingkan dgn indonesia ada 32 biji hawk di skuadron 1 pontianak dan skuadron 12 pekan baru,melihat kenyataan ini ane jd ngakak,MALON KERE aka POOR MALON,GRED A KONON wkwkwk

    6. 1 skuadron isi nya berapa hawk tuh malon 😆😆😆

    7. Mulyono@ skuadron 6 isinya cuma 2 hawk,skuadron 15 isinya jg cuma 3 hawk bro....SADIS Bro,kere habis ini malon bro wkwkwk

    8. Waduh miris sekali malon ni.. mana pengadaan pesawat, baru di mulai tahun 2055 😁😁😁😁

    9. Yg 5 unit itu adalah Hawk-108 Malaysia. Tp jangan lupa, malaysia juga punya Hawk-208 yg lebih banyak. Tolong bedakan Hawk-108 (kursi ganda) dan Hawk-208 (kursi tunggal).

      Jelas yg disebut hanya 5 unit itu adalah hanya merujuk Hawk-108, bukan Hawk-108/208 secara keseluruhan.

    10. Kemungkinan ada 13 ,hawk 208 pesawat masih aktif kalau di bagi 2 skuadron ya tetap masih di bawah ideal.

    11. Dimaksud mat rempit 5 bijik hawk tuh yg ready atau operasional..sama seperti hornet yg ready 6 bijik...atau sukhoi yg terkenal paling jago itu cuma 4 bijik yg operasional.

    12. Hawk indo --> Upgrade ......Hawk malon --> Lapok besi buruk..........F 16 A/B indo ==> Upgrade.........Mig 29 malon ==> go to muzeum

  2. malaysia banyak sangat jet pejuang dah lapok ni. Planing nak kena hibah kepada negara luar.

    1. Cakap besar ko TUDM kekurangan pesawat yang efisien buat patrol.. malah sekarang jadi work horse.. dasar malon gengsi gede tenaga kurang 😁😁😁😁

    2. Banyak sangat apanya lon,on ur dream,melancap sahaje kerja ko...setakat ini malon cuma 4 MKM yg boleh terbang,5 hawk dan 8 hornet lapok,hanya 17 ekor yg boleh terbang,itu yg ko kata banyak wkwkwk

    3. Itupun Malon masih berharap oman kasih hibah hawk usang.. 😁😁😁😁

      Jadi Jelas malon otaknya isi apa? 😆

    4. Mulyono@ Malon cuma bisa berharap oman kasi hibah hawk bro,teman malon si ausy sesama FPDApun gk sudi hibahin hornetnya sama Malon bro,hornet bekas ausy semuanya di jual ke kanada bro,Malon cuma bisa gigit jari dan ngences wkwkwk

    5. Tu lah kalo negara miskin bro.. temen sendiri 1 FPDA aja nggak sudi kasih gratisan 😆 malon cuma bisa gigit jari dan ngeces..😆😆😆😆


    6. mau dihibah memang punya uang buat beli baru ? pasti punya uang lah ya, tapi buat bayar bunga hutang

    7. punya kleian lebih lapok om unknown4008, secara datengnya lebih duluan jauh, bentar lg pengsiun haha!🙁🙁🙁

      klo kami punya aja yg paling muda, masi abegeh, baru 18 tahun haha!😜😜😜

    8. @ Mat rempit di ralat bro hornet yg terbang hanya 6 bijik je...2 bijik bengap di hangar..xixiixii....malon hawknya banyak yg terbang...uuppsss salah info punya australia rupanya...wkwkwkkk

    9. malassia dapat hibah jet pjuang JF-17

  3. Ni salah satu coment admin beruk malon yg gw copas dari formil mereka. Betapa piciknya membandingkan Pindad dgn industri militer mereka yg nggk seberapa. Ntar klo dah sign kontrak viper baru bungkam seribu bahasa, hanya krn delay kontrak udh buat opini indo krisis keuangan. Malon tolol

    "Tu sembang lebih psl Medium Tank, Pindad pun minta tolong Chaiseri dari Thailand utk body armor.

    Klu ikutkn Deftech lg awal JV dgn FNSS dgn Chaiseri siap dh hasilkn produk sedangkan Indonesia masih bertatith dan pening nk develop.

    Psl F-16V diorg xmampu bila US bg sebut harga"

    1. Di FB MDR parah tu bro.. adminnya real provokator 😁 brainwash para beruk malon agar terlihat selalu lebih jaguh dari indonesia.. 😁😁😁

    2. Tuh budak malon asbun bro wkwkwk...soal body armor kita banyak belajar dari australia dan turki bro,bkn dari chaiseri thailand

    3. Mat. budak kalo gasalah ingat itu artinya bocah/ anak kecil. Mending pakai panggilan lain. Hahahaha.

    4. Malon Tolol... Jersey Timnas Malon pun Made in Indonesia... Goblok nian Malon...

    5. admin mana tuch, bagi linknya om bay haha!🎯🎯🎯

  4. Indeed.. no lack of sparepart and eject in hanggar 😁😁😁

  5. Only 5 hawk malon can fly,gred A konon wkwkwk

  6. Indonedian ships and plane very quilty bro over 30 country in the world use indonesian CN 235.. including malon uses it as VIP plane 😁😁😁😁

  7. Saya harap pilot hawk ataupun super tucano bila bertemu Su30MKM harap jangan dikejar atau ditembak biarkan saja jatuh sendiri sebab spare part tak ada.

    1. Ga usah di kejar pilot malon udah eject sendiri di hanggar bro 😁😁😁

  8. CN-235 Malon are used to take cow,rabbit and pig like mat sabu,mahathir and raja di pertuan agong fly on the sky wkwkwk

  9. Terbaik mat rempit 😁😁😁

  10. Berita baik buat Indonesia.. balak enam utk "tetangga' nan jaguh

    1. motto malay oon " biar kere yang penting hutang bro " biar berasa jaguh....hwehwe....🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

  11. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

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