05 Januari 2019

Two Australian Hornets will be Delivered to Canada this Spring

05 Januari 2019

Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18A/B Hornet (photo : AFP)

Deal to buy used Australian fighter jets finalized, with Canadian Forces set to be flying them by summer

Canada has finalized a deal to buy 25 used fighter jets from Australia, the first of which are expected to be operating by this summer, says the top procurement official at the Department of National Defence.

“The first two aircraft will be here this spring,” Pat Finn, assistant deputy minister for materiel at DND, told Postmedia in an interview. “I would say it could be by the summer the first couple are on the flight line and painted with the maple leaf.”

A second group of planes would arrive later this year. Eighteen of the Australian F-18 aircraft will eventually be flying for the Canadian Forces, while another seven will be used for testing and spare parts.

Canada is paying Australia $90 million for the aircraft. The federal government originally estimated the purchase of the Australian jets would cost around $500 million, but Finn said that price reflected every aspect of the associated deal, not just the cost of purchasing the jets. Canada is also acquiring extra spare parts, the Australian jets will have to be outfitted with specific Canadian equipment and software and testing will be needed.

The $500-million project estimate also included $50 million in contingency funds to cover any problems and another $35 million for the salaries of all civilian and military personnel involved over the life of the project. An additional $30 million will be spent on new infrastructure needed to accommodate the aircraft.

Those costs add up to $360 million, Finn said. But DND also plans to upgrade its existing fleet of CF-18s with new communications gear and equipment required to meet regulations to operate in civilian airspace, improvements which the Australian jets will also eventually receive at a cost of around $110 million, an amount that brought the original estimate to nearly $500 million.

The Liberal government had planned to buy 18 new Super Hornet fighter jets from U.S. aerospace giant Boeing to augment the Royal Canadian Air Force’s CF-18s until new aircraft can be purchased in the coming years.

But in 2017 Boeing complained to the U.S. Commerce Department that Canadian subsidies for Quebec-based Bombardier allowed it to sell its C-series civilian passenger aircraft in the U.S. at cut-rate prices. As a result, the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump enacted a tariff of almost 300 per cent against the Bombardier aircraft sold in the U.S. In retaliation, Canada cancelled the deal to buy the 18 Super Hornets, which would have cost more than US$5 billion.

Instead of buying the new Super Hornets, the Liberals decided to acquire the used Australian jets.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan has said the extra jets are needed to deal with a “capability gap,” as Canada does not have enough fighters to handle its commitments to NATO as well as protecting North America.

But Conservative MPs say the capability gap doesn’t exist and was concocted by the government to delay a larger project to buy new jets, a competition that might end up selecting the F-35 stealth fighter that during the 2015 election campaign the Liberals vowed never to purchase.

(National Post)

30 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Malon Bangkrap, they can't jealous anymore kah kah kah

  2. Duit usd 1140 juta daripada dibeliin 11 Sukhoi mending minta hibah block 42 C/D ex US ANG, trus minta diupgrade jadi Viper 24 biji cukup, trus sisanya dibeliin AMRAAM 120 C7, syukur2 dapat missile yang seri D untuk amunisi NASAMS kita.

    1. US mau barter nggk ? Case kita jg ngotot beli sukhoi kan krn rusia mau proses jual belinya dgn barter

    2. Kata siapa Rusia mau beli barter, lha itu nentu'in komoditi yang mau dibeli aja Rusia lemotnya minta ampun.

      US itu pakainya sistem offset.

      Offset itu bisa macam2, bisa berwujud hibah, bisa berwujud lisensi pembuatan suku cadang, bisa berwujud lisensi pembuatan smart bom, bisa berwujud latihan bareng dengan biaya US, bisa berwujud pembuatan sirip pesawat, bisa berwujud pendidikan para perwira kita di west point di amrik sono, dll.

    3. Jadi dengan sistem offset, kita bisa menghemat biaya pertahanan kita.

    4. Loh menhan sendiri yang bilang kalo imbal beli...gimana sih bos

  3. Kenapa jualnya ke Canada ? Australia bukannya member FPDA ? Aneh bener nih Australia gak kayak negara sahabat sesama FPDA. Huh..😧

    1. Namanya orang jualan nawarinnya ke yang punya duit mas'e.

      Wong ra the dheet ditawani yo tiwas tenggorokan garing..😌

    2. tawarin malon nak bayar pake ape? cawet rosmah????

  4. Harga minyak dunia jeblok lagi.. sawit kena banned hiks. Berat kalau devisa suatu negara cuma ngandalin dari sektor ini spt Brunei dan Arab.

    Makanya bener juga analis ekonomi bule bilang 5 thn lagi minyak itu bakal terus turun karena jaman sudah berubah ke energi battery listrik. Listrik dihasilkan dari coal dan alam (angin, laut, matahari).. 10 thn kedepan semua rumah bisa produksi listrik sendiri karena harga alat konversi listrik dari sinar matahari akan dijual murah dan massal (thx to China).

    Dan satu lagi masih menurut analis ekonomi.. negara2 nanti akan melakukan transaksi ekonomi berdasarkan daya tawar.. contohnya sudah ada Indonesia yg tetep bisa jualan Sawit di eropa karena potensi jumlah penduduk kita besar utk dijadikan pasar negara2 eropa. Semacam take it or leave it. Yg susah itu punya produk alam spt sawit atau karet tapi daya tawar rendah karena jumlah penduduk yg sedikit.

  5. ......si Ntung seleranya RENDAHAN banget yach,

    kaya CIMOL ajach...penampung pakaian bekas

    ...hati2 lho serba bekas itu, nanti banyak kuman, bakteri...bahkan virusnya

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  6. Why not to malaydogsial why?

    Kih kih kih

    1. tak de wang pon...boleh tukar guling sama dadah tak?

      klo boleh...aaaaa cingcailah...

    2. Bile tak der.. nak main judi halal percuma kat genting bole laa

      Kih kih kih

    3. tak de wang pon...boleh tukar guling sama dadah tak?

      klo boleh...aaaaa cingcailah...

  7. Palingan ntar malon klu mau jual sawit minta bantuan indonesia bro, secara kita kan aman jual sawit k eropa..
    G brani ban produk sawit kita

  8. Malon dari jaman dulu cuma mengoperasikan 8 ekor horney klasik. Why 😀😘?

    1. Operator Horney paling ciput sejagat. 😌

    2. Kerna mahathir lebih suka psawat soviet.. Btw, hornet malaysia battle proven. Udah ramai musuh dibom..dlu terrorist sulu, next TNI..

    3. Nyatanya Hornet malaydogsial bom ladang sawit orang sampai hangus.. pesawat malaydogsial tanpa sparepart mana bisa terbang.. pilot saja tolol bisa eject di hanggar

      Kih kih kih

  9. Dibatasi 200 komen?😥

    Btw, yang sabar ya mat..


  10. ...sudah harganya MAHAL, kalengan lagi dan tak ada TOT pula...Turky menolak PATRIOT


    ...Xixixixixixi :D

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