15 Februari 2020

Test-Firing of BRP Jose Rizal's Main Gun Successful

15 Februari 2020

BRP Jose Rizal's is seen test-firing its 76mm Oto Melara Super Rapid main gun off South Korean waters on Wednesday (Feb. 12, 2020). This is part of sea trials which are the last phase of construction prior to the frigate’s delivery to the Philippines scheduled tentatively in April or May this year (photo : PN)

MANILA -- Test-firing of the 76-mm main gun of the country's first purposedly designed missile frigate, BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), was successfully concluded off South Korean waters on Wednesday.

Philippine Navy (PN) public affairs office chief, Lt. Commander Maria Christina Roxas, said the test-firing of BRP Jose Rizal's Oto Melara Super Rapid main gun successfully went off during sea trials as per reports from PN representatives who witnessed the test.

"The recent one was yesterday (Wednesday) and that is our fifth sea trial. We conducted a structural test firing of our main gun (76mm Oto Melara Super Rapid SR main gun) with 12 rounds of ammunition. This is to check the effect of the main gun in the structure of the ship," Roxas said in a message late Thursday.

Roxas said the sixth sea trials involving the ship's combat systems (weapons and sensors), integrated platform management system and endurance test of the frigate will commence on February 17.

The third and fourth sea trials took place in the third week of January that involves testing the communications and navigational equipment of the BRP Jose Rizal and also went successfully.

The ship's first and second sea trials took place in November and December last year, respectively, which involves the vessel's general seaworthiness and propulsion and associated systems, including its radars.

BRP Jose Rizal has a maximum designed speed of 25 knots and a cruising speed of 15 knots and a range of 4,500 nautical miles.

The sea trials are the last phase of construction prior to the frigate’s delivery to the Philippines scheduled tentatively in April or May this year.

BRP Jose Rizal was launched at the Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in Ulsan May 23, 2019. The contract for the BRP Jose Rizal and its sister ship, the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), is placed at PHP16 billion with another PHP2 billion for weapon systems and munitions.

These ships are capable of conducting anti-air warfare (AAW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and electronic warfare (EW) operations.


38 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Sebentar lagi juga keluar dari Asean.nahan malu,negara yg masih di jajah British sampai saat ini.😁😁😁

    2. Mereka dah sekelas sama negara Timor Leste yang tak pernah belanja 🤣😂🤣

  2. LMS Corona Ompong, LCS busok di limbungan, Gowind sudah dikubur dan sudah berbeda alam 😌😌😌

    1. Corona (corban rondo mempesona) mak jleb...

    2. Corban opo korban bro, baru tahu kalau korban dah jadi Corban 🤣😂🤣😂👍

    3. Pinoy sudah tes gun..sementara ada tetangganya kapalnya masih di dry dock..takut cecah air keh..😁

    4. Kapal Maharogolela macam kucing comel burik takut air bro 🤣😂🤣

    5. Kipas propeller pun tak de pasang Krn mahal, ganti kipas bambu Dora emon

  3. Mana berita tentang malon? berita malon bangkrap pon tak masalah, dari kemarin berita shoping dari malon tak pernah ada 😂🤣😂🤣

    1. Yoooiii hakekatnya budget Pertahanan Ciput tapi Sembang besar. Kismin 😁

  4. Oowaaaalaaah......!!!
    Mawu tak kiro KD MAHAROGOL sing firing test,..

    1. Boro2 firing test baling1 aja belum kepasang 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Wiring dan pipeng pun masih berantakan tak kunjung selesai kerjaannya sampai lambung kapal rusted merata rata. Lembabnyo. Kahkahkah 😀

  5. KRI Slamet Riyadi kelas Van speijk infonya mau ditenggelamkan dijadiin sasaran tembak tuh guys ... Kenapa gak dikasihin ke Coast Guard RI aja ya guys?????

    1. Usianya sdh sepuh mas Super. Biasanya yg sdh tua dan sepuh contohnya spt si Smilikity itu susah dan mahal perawatannya mas. Bahkan klo dihidupkan suka susah mas, suka rewel klo mau dihidupkan..🏃🏃🏃==💨💨💨

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Aku tak singitan sek mas Super, aku kleru nulis. Mengko nek wonge moco iso ngamuk.

    4. Tapi usianya masih tuaan atok M yg jg masih bertahan jadi PM di negeri pasir berdengung 😁😁😁

    5. analisis guwe:
      hull disain VS itu kan murni kapal kombatan yg biaya operasionalnya ckp tinggi dan krng efisien buat patroli, klo vs kan cocok buat nyruduk doank haha!🤭🤭🤭

      apa mungkin setelah setelah diitung2 agak mahal biayanya modif jd kapal kosgard.
      lagipula bakamla butuh spek cem kapal opv.

      kapal opv biasanya py jarak tempuh super jauh dgn ketahanan super lama.
      trus kapal opv jaman now butuh sluncuran kapal rhib dr rampa buritan biar bisa nyebur sambil jalan gt haha!🤓🤓🤓

      pilihannya, kalo kita mampu bikin kapal 110 meter yg murmer ganteng, knp hrs ambil vs, kali gt lojiknya bakamla.
      klo liat2 duwit apgred kelas fatailah aja bisa dpt 2 ato 3 kapal kn tanjung datu ato kelas 80meter milik bakamla haha!🙏🙏🙏

      1 kapal tj datu non kombatan, seharga 208,2 milyar ato sekitar 15 juta dolar


    6. bakamla pasti pilih kapal baruw, yg notabene dimensinya gak jau2 beda bgt.
      apalagi disain baruw cakep jugak kuo haha!👍👍👍

      terutama efisiensi, kedepan klo mo tamba senjata..bs jd dpt lungsuran VS,
      klo beli baruw yg gred militer hrgnya pasti mahal apalagi radar militer, bisa lbh mahal dr harga hullnya tj datu haha!🤑🤑🤑

    7. Yg paling utama biaya perawatan bung, utamanya instrument2 dan sistem elektrik serta body kapal yg sdh berumur. Itu perlu perawatan ekstra bung PG

    8. negeri kita blom ada, pi'em gred a uda ngapelin calon bininye haha!😅😅😅

    9. VS class...bagus ambil CMS & enjinnya ja...platformnya mending buat baru..terus kasih ke Bakamla.

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Yg lain mainannya sdh Oto Melara Super Rapid 76 mm. Sementara LeMeS modal SMB kaliber 12,7 mmm. Apalagi LCS Maharogolela yg sdh jd besi romgsokan cuma modal Oto Melara 57 mm, canon jaman PD 1......😂😂😂😂

  7. terbukti manjur selamat utk fililpin navi uda pilih meriam utama mantab 76mm Oto Melara Super Rapid mabuhay haha!💪💪💪

  8. meriam utama 76mm pilihan utama kapal kombatan anggota tim elit shopping soping 3 matra tempur se-ASEAN.

    diluar pilihan ituw pasti LeToY haha!🤣🤣🤣

    1. Punya tu dkt ngpv haha n laksamana ahah

    2. ituw kan kapal opv bkn kapal kombatan utama wueee..takde rudal cuy = omphong haha!🚀🚀🚀

  9. Congratulation PN...BRP JOSE RIZAL...

    MEANWHILE MaharajaLela.....



    1. Ber huhu sajalah Malon dan bersibuk dengan kapal LeMaS berkontena.

  10. Babu inggris blah blah blaaah malondog 😂😂😂😂

  11. LMS malon kepending gara2 korona 🤯😭😭😭😭 nasib nasib, habis keluar dari mulut buaya masuk ke mulut naga 🤯🤯🤯
