03 Oktober 2016

PTDI Introduces N245 Aircraft

03 Oktober 2016

N245 medium airlifter (all images : PTDI)

N245 aircraft designed by LAPAN Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional or National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, introduced by PT DI in its official website.

N245 is a further development of CN235 to accommodate 50 passengers, most suitable for commercial flight as feeder-liner to Jet aircraft or connecting between small airports. It is designed to comply with CASR 25 Transport Category.

N245 is the solution for the demanding requierements : short haul flights, spoke to spoke flights, special missions, combi versions, border cross flights, multi short-hop flights, charter flights, hub to spoke flights.

Cabin noise, stage length, design range at 48 pax, and operating cost per seat-nm of these aircraft could be illustrated in a graph.

N245 is a further development from CN235, the main differences are : engine, T Tail Shape, and removing ramp door.

Dash8-300 standard configuration have 50 seats capacity just like N245, meanwhile ATR42-600 can carry 48 passenegers and CN235-220C is able to carry 40 passengers.

N245 Flight Deck adopt the advanced glass cockpit technology system with high comfort for pilot and co-pilot. Therefore, it will guarantee flight safety and operation efficiency.

(Defense Studies)

8 komentar:

  1. maaf saya ada usul. sebaiknya perkecilkan ukuran badan pswt (lebar) tp prbnyk tmpt duduk.. pswt ttp diperpanjangkan. itu tujuan agar lebih ringan bobot, lebih efesien BBM, lebih stabil terbang dan jarak terbang lebih jauh

    1. Kenyamanan penumpang juga harus diperhitungkan. Mau seefisien apapun kalau penumpang tidak nyaman, ga ada yang mau beli. Kalau mau mengurangi bobot, bisa dengan mengubah bahan ke carbon fiber atau komposit seperti A-350 XWB yang baru dirilis dan memakai mesin yang lebih hemat.

  2. Jangan ngajarin bebek berenang :v

  3. Waspadai taktik & akal bulus asing untuk menjegal rencana ini ... ingat proyek N250 yang dijegal via IMF dengan dalih recovery ekonomi nasional akibat krisis moneter ... secara sudah ada produk barat sekelas ( ATR 42 ) yang pasti akan merasa terancam karena persaingan bakalan semakin ketat ...

  4. Yang pasti perlahan menuju kesitu, dan menurut saya DI concern dulu lah ke N219. Kalo sertifikasi dah ok, dah bisa mass production, baru kembangin lagi yang N245 baru setelah itu N290.
    Bertahap. Tapi pasti. Jangan kbanyakan prototype kita nanti...

  5. Kinerja pt DI tidak se moncer pt PAL . Permasalahan pt DI PRODUKSI Pembuatan pesawat terbang mirip kura kura jalan lamban .

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