26 Oktober 2018

PAF Getting Command and Control Aircraft

26 Oktober 2018

Airbus C-295 aircraft (photo : Airbus)

The Defense Department is eyeing to ink a Memorandum of Understanding with its Spanish counterpart for procurement of defense equipment.

In a statement, the DND said discussions on the MOU on Logistics, Defense Materiel, Armaments and Defense Industry Cooperation between the two countries were done during the meeting between top officials of the DND and the Directorate General of Armaments and Materiel of Spain's Ministry of Defense last October 20 to 23.

“The proposed MOU will serve as the legal framework for the Defense Department to procure equipment from Spain through government-to-government deals pursuant to RA 9184 (Procurement Law). This is very timely in light of the ongoing implementation of the 2nd Horizon of the Revised Armed Forces Modernization Program,” Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Logistics Jesus Rey Avilla said.

The Spanish delegation, headed by Major General Felipe de la Plaza who serves as Deputy National Armament Director for International Relations, also expressed interest in collaborating with the local defense industry and paid a visit to Armscor, a local firearms manufacturing company.

Budget for aircraft (photo : MaxDefence)

The MOU being discussed, however, won't mark the first time of Spain's involvement in modernizing the Philippine military.

Spanish Defense Industries have been actively participating in various procurement projects under the Armed Forces Modernization Program, and among the Philippine military's most recent acquisitions include: three units of Medium Lift Aircraft (C295) for the Philippine Air Force worth P5.29 billion.

These aircraft were procured from Spanish aircraft manufacturer EADS CASA, now Airbus, and are are now being used for air transport and humanitarian assistance and disaster response.

Additionally, a Notice of Award in favor of Airbus has been issued last October 16 for the procurement of one unit of Command and Control Fixed Wing Turbo Prop Aircraft for the Philippine Air Force worth P1.8 billion.

(GMA Network)

13 komentar:

  1. Jangan-jangan philipina bakal jadi launch customer radar elta yg nangkring dibodinya c-295 🤔🤔🤔

    1. kok c295 gak beli dari fete yak...katanya gitu dech, hayo haha!🛫🛫🛫

  2. Malon jealous kerana mat sabu said pertahanan malon paling rendah di ASEAN Wkwkwk

  3. Kl plastik,kenapalah malon beli CN235 VIP untuk angkut ternak cem mahathir n raja ko tuh Wkwkwk

  4. OOT :

    Bahrain just acquired 1 squadron F16 Viper (16 jets) for contract $ 1,2 Billion means 1 unit brand new Viper as $ 75 Million each and probably will take along 3 years for commisioning in Bahrain Air Force.

    Meanwhile Indonesia budget 2019 for Procurement (CAPEX) is around $ 5,2 Billion as pak Wiranto said. Means if total Capex budget all to gathered in just one product to buy which is F16 Block 70 Viper it will get almost 70 Jets...!!

    But I know dats impossible to get since there is another side really need to get the money (our Navy and Our Army).
    So conclusion is, when we assumed there will be three years since date of signed and delivery so there could be a chance for period paymet / yearly payment for 3 years.

    TNI AU need 48 unit Viper Jets.
    48 x $ 75 Million = $ 3,6 Billion.

    Budget 2019 -> $ 5,2 Billion let say $ 1 Billion for deal memorandum or Down Payment, there is $ 2,6 to go for second and third year.

    Increament of Budget 2020 (assuming 10 % increament) and 2021 (another 10 % increament) means in 2020 we will have $ 5,7 Billion and $ 6,3 Billion.

    Another payment for 2nd stage will get from Budget 2020 ($ 1,2 Billion) and 2021 ($ 1,4 Billion), thus in 2021 we already have 3 squadron Vipers and wont bother other stuff requirement during 2019 - 2021 such as Iver Destroyer, additional PKR, more LPDs, Apaches, Chinooks and even Brahmos maybe :-D

    * just thought *

  5. Eleh banyak cakap ko tuh lon,negara ko tuh negara rasis,kl tak rasis tak mungkinlah singapore n brunei keluar dari malon Wkwkwk

  6. Indonesia pun tak sudi jual ke malasia, karena tiada kepintaran merawat tukang claim ahli stampal sticker yang paling penting tiada wang hanya bisa mencicil koek cooohh wkwkwwkk...

  7. janganlah kesini ling ling, sabar nanti aja, 10 taon lagi kata mat sabu mau hantar om unknown370 kesini haha!🤣🤣🤣


  8. apalagi beli rhibs, blom lagi simulator ame Bom sukhoi, dijawab "NO" ama kemhan kesian, sakit ati kyknyo haha!😥😥😥

  9. Malay memang negeri rasis. Bumiputera tetap kalah dgn ras Tionghoa dalam bisnis jg dgn ras India dan tamil. Padahal mereka sudah di dukung dan mendapat keistimewaan serta proteksi yg lebih dari kerajaan. Tapi ya namanya kultur Malay, ya gitulah tetap peringkat bawah maunya hidup enak, g ada fighting spirit, ya akhirnya cuma jadi hewan tukang iri hati, cemburu g berkesudahan termasuk dgn pencapaian negara tetangga yg lebih maju menjadikan mereka frustasi yg tak berkesudahan. Tahniah untuk Singapura dan Brunai Darussalam.

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