17 September 2024

Australia Set to Become Home to Hypersonic Flight Testing After Southern Launch and Hypersonix Sign MoU

27 September 2024

Hypersonix DART (image: Hypersonix)

Leading South Australian spaceport provider Southern Launch and Queensland hypersonic vehicle and scramjet technology manufacturer Hypersonix Launch Systems are helping to cement South Australia’s position as the next global aerospace hub after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on a turnkey hypersonic test bed service.

Hypersonix is an aerospace engineering, design and manufacturing company specialising in hypersonic vehicle technology and scramjet engines. Under the MoU, Hypersonix and Southern Launch will work together to develop a mission to launch and return Hypersonix’s test bed vehicles at either of Southern Launch’s spaceports.

Southern Launch CEO Lloyd Damp says, ‘South Australia has some geographical advantages that make it the perfect place to test hypersonic vehicles. We are excited to work with the Hypersonix team to help test their groundbreaking technology from our facilities.’

Hypersonic aircraft fly at more than five times the speed of sound and require plenty of space to test and evaluate the technology. To reach hypersonic speeds Hypersonix’s aircraft will be launched on a rocket before separating and igniting its own scramjet engines to reach speeds up to Mach 12.

Hypersonix scramjet DART (photo: Hypersonix)

Hypersonix CEO Matt Hill says, ‘The intensity of hypersonic testing is set to rise rapidly and there are a huge number of both emerging technology companies and large aerospace companies that need hypersonic flight heritage for their products. Our hypersonic test bed will make this affordable for these companies to flight qualify their technology.’

The two companies will begin collaborating on a concept of operations for a future commercial launch and return of a Hypersonix test bed vehicle. Hypersonix’s long term ambition is to bring affordable aircraft-like operations to access to space, flying to the edge of space for spacecraft deployment and returning to land like a plane.  Hypersonic engines will also power a future generation of passenger aircraft with the potential of reducing the flight time from Sydney to London to just 2 hours.

Lloyd says, ‘The Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex and Koonibba Test Range are designed to be flexible to host a variety of missions. We are proud that we can work with the Hypersonix team to help with the advancement of hypersonic vehicle technology and add another chapter to our nation’s aerospace capabilities right here in South Australia.’

Work on a joint mission will begin immediately with a hope to launch in late 2025.

9 komentar:

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    The level of financial literacy among Malaysians is still low. The study found that 69 per cent prefer spending over saving, leading to a lack of savings for emergencies. Moreover, 47 per cent admitted to having difficulty setting aside RM1,000 for emergencies.".
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
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    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said..
    2024 OVER LIMIT DEBT 65,6%
    Malaysia Government debt accounted for 65.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Mar 2024, compared with the ratio of 64.3 % in the previous quarter. Malaysia government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2010 to Mar 2024.

    MENUNGGU 2050 = MRSS
    MENUNGGU 2050 = LCS
    MENUNGGU 2050 = PV
    MENUNGGU 2050 = LMS
    Panglima TLDM Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza Mohd Sany berkata, bilangan kapal itu mungkin akan berubah bergantung kepada keadaan geo-strategik rantau itu yang dinamik.
    Dalam temuramah dengan majalah pertahanan berbahasa Inggeris tempatan, Asian Defence Journal (ADJ) keluaran May-Jun tahun ini, beliau juga memaklumkan bilangan jenis-jenis kapal perang yang dirancang dimiliki oleh TLDM dibawah pelan transformasi itu.
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    Nampak gaya,impian untuk melihat TLDM menambah bilangan kapal selam dimilikinya daripada dua buah kepada empat buah akan hanya direalisasikan menjelang tahun 2050.
    LMS B2 = MENUNGGU 2030
    MRSS = MENUNGGU 2030
    HELI = MENUNGGU 2030
    KUALA LUMPUR – Rancangan perolehan aset baharu Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dijangka akan menelan belanja sekurang-kurangnya RM10 bilion untuk tempoh Rancangan Malaysia Ke-13 (RMKe-13).
    Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Adly Zahari semasa Perbahasan Penggulungan Laporan Ketua Audit Negara (LKAN) di Dewan Rakyat, hari ini.
    Menurut beliau, perolehan Kapal Misi Pesisir (Littoral Mission Ship) Batch Kedua (LMSB2) yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan pada Jun lalu merupakan sebahagian daripada usaha untuk memperkasakan armada TLDM.
    “Di bawah RMKe-13 pula, usaha memperkasakan armada TLDM diteruskan dengan termeterainya perjanjian perolehan bagi tiga buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 dengan negara Turkiye baru-baru ini,” katanya di Dewan Rakyat.
    Perolehan 3 buah LMSB2 itu dilakukan melalui kaedah Government to Government (G2G) dengan negara Turkiye.
    RMKe-13 merangkumi tempoh tahun 2026-2030.
    “Perolehan bagi baki 3 buah LMS lagi akan dimasukkan di bawah RMKe-13,” ujar beliau.
    Selain LMS, TLDM turut merancang perolehan 2 buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 3 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 3, 4 buah helikopter anti kapal selam dan 6 buah Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
    “Proses perolehan bagi aset-aset baharu ini dijangka berlangsung sehingga 2030. Kesemua perolehan aset TLDM ini dianggarkan
    2041-2045 C130J : Diterangkan Utusan Malaysia, mereka baru bisa mendapatkan C-130 J Super Hercules paling tidak di tahun 2041 hingga 2045.
    2050 KAPAL : “Mengikut Pelan Transformasi 15 ke 5 TLDM, ia dijangka akan memiliki 12 buah kapal Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), tiga buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 18 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship (LMS), 18 buah kapal Patrol Vessel (PV) dan empat buah kapal selam menjelang tahun 2050,”
    2055 HAWK : Kerajaan merancang secara sistematik penggantian pesawat Hawk 108 dan Hawk 208 seperti yang digariskan dalam Pembangunan Keupayaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) 2055
    2053 HUTANG : Kerajaan Persekutuan dijangka dapat menyelesaikan hutangnya pada tahun 2053 dengan mengambil kira no sebarang pinjaman baharu dibuat bagi tujuan pembiayaan defisit dan membiayai semula hutang yang matang mulai 2024 dan seterusnya, kata Kementerian Kewangan (MoF).
    2055 HAWK : Kerajaan merancang secara sistematik penggantian pesawat Hawk 108 dan Hawk 208 seperti yang digariskan dalam Pembangunan Keupayaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) 2055










  4. Hypersonic engines will also power a future generation of passenger aircraft with the potential of reducing the flight time from Sydney to London to just 2 hours.

    Luar byazah klo buat psawat pnumpang,
    2 jam brasa geal geol haha!🤪🤪🤪

    1. Cita2 boleh setinggi langit, tapi Concorde membuktikan realita kadang menyakitkan.😢

    2. Betul, yg bisa naek org2 kaya dan noise pollutions pasti kill this airplane too. Because there are too many Karens out there.

  5. GEMPURWIRA17 September 2024 pukul 11.40
    Pssstttt.. Yang jumlahnya hanya beberapa buah je.... 🤣🤣🤣


    Tank mogok mau melawan harimau 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,cukup 9 Tank harimau saja untuk meratakan seluruh tank pendek mogok malon 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Ya ampun...beberapa bulan bahkan tahun berlalu tak ada satupun berita malon shoping asset militer baru ke ? 🤔🤔
    Untuk sebuah negara yg konon berdaulat ini sungguh sangat aneh 🤔🤔
    Oh, ternyata guys....
    Hutang mereka 84,2 % PDB
    Military budget mereka tersikit sekawasan teramat sikit bahkan untuk sewapun


  7. Mainanya brimob da pada Dateng dari turkeye
