04 Oktober 2024

Boeing Conducts First Flight of Thailand’s First AH-6 Little Bird Helicopter

04 Oktober 2024

First of eight Boeing AH-6 Little Bird light attack helicopters for the Royal Thai Army flies (photo: Boeing)

MESA, Ariz.  — The first of eight Boeing [NYSE: BA] AH-6 Little Bird light attack helicopters for the Royal Thai Army completed a successful first flight Aug. 22 at the company’s Mesa, Ariz. site.

“With its superior performance and flexible, easily configurable mission equipment, the Little Bird packs enormous versatility into a small, combat-proven package to get the job done,” said Christina Upah, vice president of Attack Helicopter Programs and senior Boeing Mesa site executive. “We are proud to partner with the U.S. Army to provide Thailand with these critical defense capabilities, and we look forward to supporting training for the first Thai Little Bird pilots in the near future.”

After completing Thailand’s fleet, Boeing will train the Royal Thai Army pilots at its Mesa site and at U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, where they will learn to operate the Little Bird and leverage its versatile mission capabilities.

The Royal Thai Army has procured the AH-6 as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance aviation readiness and modernize national defense capabilities. Featuring a purpose-built military fuselage, integrated cockpit, and the latest fully integrated weapons, the AH-6 was designed for a wide range of missions and operating environments to meet customers’ needs around the world.

Boeing was awarded a contract by the U.S. Department of Defense as part of a Foreign Military Sales order for eight Little Birds in February 2022, which includes spares, training devices, support equipment, and technical publications for the Thailand customer.

116 komentar:

  1. HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled NOrdin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has NOt been completed.
    (NGEMIS) AKAN DAN SEKIRANYA BERHASIL = Teka-teki tentang cadangan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) untuk mendapatkan pesawat pejuang F/A-18 Hornet dari Kuwait nampak cerah apabila akan ada usaha dibuat ke arah itu.
    Ini berikutan rancangan TUDM untuk menghantar sepasukan pegawai ke negara Teluk tersebut dalam masa terdekat tentang perkara berkenaan.
    Sekiranya perkara ini berhasil, ada harapan untuk melihat pertambahan kuantiti pada aset-aset TUDM sepertimana diharapkan.
    PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
    NO UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘NO WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah meNOlak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    NO UANG - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    NO UANG - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unkNOwn number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were kNOwn colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    NO UANG - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly kNOwn as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    NO UANG - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
    SKANDAL UANG = NOw and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional NOrm.
    NO UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

    1. uda oktober takde blekhok, sewa kensel la om haha!😁😁😁

  2. Jadi inget Heli Telor Malon yg bisa kalahkan Heli Aphace Indo..

    1. Ada yg tau Heli Telor yg bisa bawa banyak Rudal dan Ribuan peluru ...@gelak sangat🤣

    2. Grounded helly telor Malon guys

  3. HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR SIBMAS Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)

  4. KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said..
    2024 OVER LIMIT DEBT 65,6%
    Malaysia Government debt accounted for 65.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Mar 2024, compared with the ratio of 64.3 % in the previous quarter. Malaysia government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2010 to Mar 2024.

  5. AH-6 ini Little Bird asli bukan si KW MD530 haha!🤭🤭🤭

    DOWNGRADE = MURAHAN hahahaha
    FA 50 GF (TA 50 blok II) 12 biji harga USD 705 juta alias USD 58,75 juta/biji
    FA 50 PL (blok 20) 36 biji harga USD 2300 juta alias USD 63,89 juta/biji
    FA 50M 18 biji harga USD 920 juta alias USD 51,1 juta/biji
    At Monday’s press conference in the south-eastern city of Rzeszow, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz addressed the report, saying that while the Law and Justice (PiS) cabinet, whose administration ended last December, in fact made several deals for military equipment purchases, they did not arrange for appropriate changes that would prepare the armed forces for its implementation. In his view, after the army received the purchased FA-50 planes, they were not ready for take-off or to be used right away.
    Tomczyk revealed that while Poland initially pursued the acquisition of the FA-50s from South Korea with the expectation of receiving operational aircraft, it subsequently emerged that the armaments intended for these aircraft had been discontinued. As a result, the Polish Ministry of Defence has received 12 aircraft that are no longer capable of fulfilling combat roles.....
    So far, Poland has received 12 of the jets in the GF (Gap Filler) version, but Blaszczak failed to secure weapons for them, Cezary Tomczyk, a deputy defence minister, told parliament on Thursday.
    According to him, the delivery of the 36 remaining jets in the PL version custom-made for Poland "is largely at risk" and delays in their deliveries may reach nine months.
    While praising the role the FA-50s are playing in the Polish Air Force, Tomczyk said that they can only be used as training aircraft.
    A notable attraction at this year’s Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition are six new MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony.
    The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    STM, in its role as main contractor, will turn to the Turkish defence sector for such equipment as the Combat Management System; the Gun Fire Control System, to be supplied by HAVELSAN; and the 3D Search Radar, Fire Control Radar, IFF, 30mm Gun, ESM and Chaff Decoy System, as well as other electronic sensors, to be supplied by ASELSAN. ROKETSAN will be supplying its ATMACA Surface-to-Surface G/M System.
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    13. Indonesia = SHOPPING = MRCA
    22. Vietnam = SHOPPING = MRCA
    25. Thailand = SHOPPING = MRCA
    30. Singapura = SHOPPING = MRCA
    34. Filipina = SHOPPING = MRCA
    35. Myanmar = SHOPPING = MRCA
    42. Malaysia = LEASE = LCA
    17. Indonesia US$ 25 Billion = DELIVERED
    28. Singapura US$ 13,493 Billion = DELIVERED
    39. Vietnam US$ 7,9 Billion = DELIVERED
    41. Thailand US$ 7,7 Billion = DELIVERED
    53. Malaysia US$ 4,370 Billion = CANCELLED

    1. nyoiih aset jiran kebanyakan dongred, tp bayar kebanyakan otomatis kena tipu...tp warganyet tetep bangga haha!😆😆😆

  7. AH-6 Thailan ini Little Bird asli bukan si MD530G palsuw negeri🎰kasino genting, makloum ktipu haha!🤣🤣🤣

  8. This is real heli attack
    Heli malon versi basic ⛔😆

  9. Manakala Apache INDON belum perang sebahagian besar sudah GROUNDED.... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Aset udara Malon semua grounded akhirnya cuma bisa sewa dan itupun cancel.kasihan.

  10. AH 6 thailand lebih mahal drpd heli puyuh malon MD530 versi sipil


  11. Heli puyuh malon versi sipil murah temeh ompong
    AH6 versi real speks militer


  12. kasian py sebelah gak punyak hellfire,
    Low kualiti & low bajet haha!😋😋😋

  13. Versi sipil mimggir woi
    Ah6 thailand lebih power wkwkkw

  14. Nah punya Malon MD 530 versi downgrade

  15. Heli nya malon MD530 versi sipil ompong wkkwkwkw
    Ah6 punya thailand itu speks militer lon mahal termasuk hellfre

  16. AH6 the real spesk light attack
    MD530 real speks heli tiupu2 murah lagi


  17. MALAYSIA terlibat bina kapal Frigat MERAH PUTIH PINK guys.. 🤣🤣🤣

  18. KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

  19. TNI AL lebih percaya kan firma MALAYSIA guys terlibat projek Frigat INDON... 🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣

  20. VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

  21. Mantap Protankgrüp Sdn Bhd... 😎😎🇲🇾🇲🇾

  22. Terlibat apa puuur terlibat titpu tipu?

    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  25. Punya thailand paling berkemampuan little bird thailand bilah baking baling 5 , punya heli telor Malon hanya 4 bilah

    1. Bestlah punya Thailand, punya malon versi mainan tadika 🤣😅😂😁😂😅🤣

  26. Haaahaaa....PAKAI MADE IN INDONESIA JUGA!!!!!!!!
    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  27. Apa kabar LCS mahatolol malon 13 mangkarak 😁😁😁

  28. Malon katak dalam tempurung 🤣😅😂😁😂😅

  29. BEZA KASTA... 🔥🔥😎😎🇲🇾🇲🇾



    1. Makanya LCS mangkrak dah puluhan tahun cuma tipu tipu.

    2. Beruk tusbol otaknya masih dalam tempurung. Gak di up grade.

  30. Lebih hebat heli telor malon dengan rudal anti UFO tamingsari

  31. Bina kapal 13 tahun mangkrak sok2 an bantu kita hhhhhhhh orang malaydesh tolol akut😁😄😁😄

  32. GempurGay tololl😁😄😁😄

    GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled NOrdin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has NOt been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is NOw RM11.2 billion. It must be NOted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And NOt a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up NOtice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  34. Vita birahi senjata hasil kepakaran otak gorilla

  35. GORILLA ngamuk mereka baru tahu yang Firma MALAYSIA ada terlibat dalam projek kapal perang INDON .. 🤣🤣🤣


      DOWNGRADE = MURAHAN hahahaha
      FA 50 GF (TA 50 blok II) 12 biji harga USD 705 juta alias USD 58,75 juta/biji
      FA 50 PL (blok 20) 36 biji harga USD 2300 juta alias USD 63,89 juta/biji
      FA 50M 18 biji harga USD 920 juta alias USD 51,1 juta/biji
      KATA KUNCI =
      A notable attraction at this year’s Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition are six new MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony.
      The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
      KATA KUNCI =
      At Monday’s press conference in the south-eastern city of Rzeszow, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz addressed the report, saying that while the Law and Justice (PiS) cabinet, whose administration ended last December, in fact made several deals for military equipment purchases, they did not arrange for appropriate changes that would prepare the armed forces for its implementation. In his view, after the army received the purchased FA-50 planes, they were not ready for take-off or to be used right away.
      KATA KUNCI =
      Tomczyk revealed that while Poland initially pursued the acquisition of the FA-50s from South Korea with the expectation of receiving operational aircraft, it subsequently emerged that the armaments intended for these aircraft had been discontinued. As a result, the Polish Ministry of Defence has received 12 aircraft that are no longer capable of fulfilling combat roles.....
      KATA KUNCI =
      So far, Poland has received 12 of the jets in the GF (Gap Filler) version, but Blaszczak failed to secure weapons for them, Cezary Tomczyk, a deputy defence minister, told parliament on Thursday.
      According to him, the delivery of the 36 remaining jets in the PL version custom-made for Poland "is largely at risk" and delays in their deliveries may reach nine months.
      While praising the role the FA-50s are playing in the Polish Air Force, Tomczyk said that they can only be used as training aircraft.
      KATA KUNCI =
      STM, in its role as main contractor, will turn to the Turkish defence sector for such equipment as the Combat Management System; the Gun Fire Control System, to be supplied by HAVELSAN; and the 3D Search Radar, Fire Control Radar, IFF, 30mm Gun, ESM and Chaff Decoy System, as well as other electronic sensors, to be supplied by ASELSAN. ROKETSAN will be supplying its ATMACA Surface-to-Surface G/M System.
      2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
      The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
      In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
      “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
      13. Indonesia = SHOPPING = MRCA
      22. Vietnam = SHOPPING = MRCA
      25. Thailand = SHOPPING = MRCA
      30. Singapura = SHOPPING = MRCA
      34. Filipina = SHOPPING = MRCA
      35. Myanmar = SHOPPING = MRCA
      42. Malaysia = LEASE = LCA
      17. Indonesia US$ 25 Billion = DELIVERED
      28. Singapura US$ 13,493 Billion = DELIVERED
      39. Vietnam US$ 7,9 Billion = DELIVERED
      41. Thailand US$ 7,7 Billion = DELIVERED
      53. Malaysia US$ 4,370 Billion = CANCELLED

    2. KD mahatololl mangkrak 13 tahun hasil kepakaran tehnisi hebat malon😁

    DOWNGRADE = MURAHAN hahahaha
    FA 50 GF (TA 50 blok II) 12 biji harga USD 705 juta alias USD 58,75 juta/biji
    FA 50 PL (blok 20) 36 biji harga USD 2300 juta alias USD 63,89 juta/biji
    FA 50M 18 biji harga USD 920 juta alias USD 51,1 juta/biji
    A notable attraction at this year’s Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition are six new MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony.
    The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    At Monday’s press conference in the south-eastern city of Rzeszow, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz addressed the report, saying that while the Law and Justice (PiS) cabinet, whose administration ended last December, in fact made several deals for military equipment purchases, they did not arrange for appropriate changes that would prepare the armed forces for its implementation. In his view, after the army received the purchased FA-50 planes, they were not ready for take-off or to be used right away.
    Tomczyk revealed that while Poland initially pursued the acquisition of the FA-50s from South Korea with the expectation of receiving operational aircraft, it subsequently emerged that the armaments intended for these aircraft had been discontinued. As a result, the Polish Ministry of Defence has received 12 aircraft that are no longer capable of fulfilling combat roles.....
    So far, Poland has received 12 of the jets in the GF (Gap Filler) version, but Blaszczak failed to secure weapons for them, Cezary Tomczyk, a deputy defence minister, told parliament on Thursday.
    According to him, the delivery of the 36 remaining jets in the PL version custom-made for Poland "is largely at risk" and delays in their deliveries may reach nine months.
    While praising the role the FA-50s are playing in the Polish Air Force, Tomczyk said that they can only be used as training aircraft.
    STM, in its role as main contractor, will turn to the Turkish defence sector for such equipment as the Combat Management System; the Gun Fire Control System, to be supplied by HAVELSAN; and the 3D Search Radar, Fire Control Radar, IFF, 30mm Gun, ESM and Chaff Decoy System, as well as other electronic sensors, to be supplied by ASELSAN. ROKETSAN will be supplying its ATMACA Surface-to-Surface G/M System.
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    13. Indonesia = SHOPPING = MRCA
    22. Vietnam = SHOPPING = MRCA
    25. Thailand = SHOPPING = MRCA
    30. Singapura = SHOPPING = MRCA
    34. Filipina = SHOPPING = MRCA
    35. Myanmar = SHOPPING = MRCA
    42. Malaysia = LEASE = LCA
    17. Indonesia US$ 25 Billion = DELIVERED
    28. Singapura US$ 13,493 Billion = DELIVERED
    39. Vietnam US$ 7,9 Billion = DELIVERED
    41. Thailand US$ 7,7 Billion = DELIVERED
    53. Malaysia US$ 4,370 Billion = CANCELLED

    KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled NOrdin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has NOt been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is NOw RM11.2 billion. It must be NOted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And NOt a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up NOtice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  38. Military Ex of FPDA ...Betul-betul PADU dan MENAKUTKAN ... TIADA LAWAN



    1. BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’
      BENDERA DI CELANA DALAM AUSSIE = Celana dalam bergambar bendera Malaysia “Jalur Gemilang” yang dipakai sembilan pemuda Australia di Formula 1 Grand Prix Sepang, Malaysia, ternyata dijual secara online seharga 174 ringgit Malaysia.
      PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant..
      RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
      RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
      RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unkNOwn number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were kNOwn colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
      18 MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
      PEMBIAYAAN SWASTA DAN SIMULATOR KOMERSIAL 10 TAHUN = Menurutnya pusat simulasi itu dibangunkan menerusi inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) di mana HeiTech Padu Berhad dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengurus operasi serta penyelengaraan bagi tempoh 10 tahun sehingga tahun 2020.
      Beliau berkata sistem simulasi yang dibangunkan itu juga mampu melakukan pemindahan tekNOlogi ke negara-negara yang memerlukan dan ia bukan hanya khusus untuk pesawat tempur semata-mata malah boleh digunakan bagi simulasi pesawat komersial, dan menurutnya sejak dibangunkan pusat simulasi itu sudah melatih 28 juruterbang dan pegawai TUDM.
      SEWA SIMULATOR MKM 5 TAHUN = Five-year contract for Sukhoi’s simulators. Publicly listed HeiTech Padu Bhd has announced that it had been awarded a RM67 million, five-year contract to operate and maintain the Su-30MKM flight simulators at the RMAF airbase in Gong Kedak. The company made the anNOuncement to Bursa Malaysia on September 9, 2022.
      SEWA SIMULATOR HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator

      SCRAMBLED F16 SINGAPURA = Two Singaporean F-16 fighter jets armed with AIM-9 and AIM-120s were reportedly scrambled to Pulau Tekong this morning after a Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) helicopter flew over the small island.

      DOWNGRADE = MURAHAN hahahaha
      FA 50 GF (TA 50 blok II) 12 biji harga USD 705 juta alias USD 58,75 juta/biji
      FA 50 PL (blok 20) 36 biji harga USD 2300 juta alias USD 63,89 juta/biji
      FA 50M 18 biji harga USD 920 juta alias USD 51,1 juta/biji
      KATA KUNCI =
      A notable attraction at this year’s Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition are six new MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony.
      The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
      KATA KUNCI =
      At Monday’s press conference in the south-eastern city of Rzeszow, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz addressed the report, saying that while the Law and Justice (PiS) cabinet, whose administration ended last December, in fact made several deals for military equipment purchases, they did not arrange for appropriate changes that would prepare the armed forces for its implementation. In his view, after the army received the purchased FA-50 planes, they were not ready for take-off or to be used right away.
      KATA KUNCI =
      Tomczyk revealed that while Poland initially pursued the acquisition of the FA-50s from South Korea with the expectation of receiving operational aircraft, it subsequently emerged that the armaments intended for these aircraft had been discontinued. As a result, the Polish Ministry of Defence has received 12 aircraft that are no longer capable of fulfilling combat roles.....
      KATA KUNCI =
      So far, Poland has received 12 of the jets in the GF (Gap Filler) version, but Blaszczak failed to secure weapons for them, Cezary Tomczyk, a deputy defence minister, told parliament on Thursday.
      According to him, the delivery of the 36 remaining jets in the PL version custom-made for Poland "is largely at risk" and delays in their deliveries may reach nine months.
      While praising the role the FA-50s are playing in the Polish Air Force, Tomczyk said that they can only be used as training aircraft.
      KATA KUNCI =
      STM, in its role as main contractor, will turn to the Turkish defence sector for such equipment as the Combat Management System; the Gun Fire Control System, to be supplied by HAVELSAN; and the 3D Search Radar, Fire Control Radar, IFF, 30mm Gun, ESM and Chaff Decoy System, as well as other electronic sensors, to be supplied by ASELSAN. ROKETSAN will be supplying its ATMACA Surface-to-Surface G/M System.
      2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
      The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
      In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
      “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
      13. Indonesia = SHOPPING = MRCA
      22. Vietnam = SHOPPING = MRCA
      25. Thailand = SHOPPING = MRCA
      30. Singapura = SHOPPING = MRCA
      34. Filipina = SHOPPING = MRCA
      35. Myanmar = SHOPPING = MRCA
      42. Malaysia = LEASE = LCA
      17. Indonesia US$ 25 Billion = DELIVERED
      28. Singapura US$ 13,493 Billion = DELIVERED
      39. Vietnam US$ 7,9 Billion = DELIVERED
      41. Thailand US$ 7,7 Billion = DELIVERED
      53. Malaysia US$ 4,370 Billion = CANCELLED

  39. GELAK TAWAAAA.....
    KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled NOrdin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has NOt been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is NOw RM11.2 billion. It must be NOted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And NOt a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up NOtice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  40. Bikin kapal salah potong kok mau bantu PT PAL 😁😁😁😁 bikin gelak je...

  41. GELAK TAWAAAA.....
    KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled NOrdin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has NOt been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is NOw RM11.2 billion. It must be NOted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And NOt a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up NOtice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  42. Parah... FRIGATE MERAH PUTIH PINK ada melibatkan firma dari MALAYSIA guys... 🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

  43. Gempur membual babi pun bisa terbang😁😁😁

  44. Guys.... Firma MALAYSIA terlibat bina kapal Frigat MERAH PUTIH PINK guys... 😎😎🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

      EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
      EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
      EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
      EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
      EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
      EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
      EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
      EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
      “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
      EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
      RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
      RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
      The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    2. HELI SEWA
      VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
      KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
      HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
      HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
      HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
      HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
      MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
      MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
      SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
      2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
      The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
      Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
      SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
      SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
      SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
      SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
      SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
      SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
      SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
      SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  46. Supplay selang 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  47. Little bird punya Thailand ini tdk ada apa2 nya jika d bandingkan MD530 malonte yg mampu bawa 4 stesyen minigun dg 12.000butir peluru....🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

    VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

  49. Terus firma malonte yg turut menyumbang teknologi pembangunan LCS , teknologi apa poor yg d instal k LCS kok sampai 13th 1bijipon tak jadi2 a.k.a MANGKRAK....🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

    1. Teknologi halimunan hhhhhhh

    2. Yoi om sampai sekarang tak bisa terendus radar kapal perang, bahkan kapal perang canggih dr USA, RUSIA, INGGRIS, CINA radarnya gagal mendeteksi LCS Malon, krn sampai sekarang tuh LCS phobia sama air😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  50. Purr malon hebat ya😄😁😄😁


  51. Wwwoooowwww firma malonte ikut serta mengimplementasikan teknologi canggihnya k project kapal perang INDONESIA...........supply selang????.....🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

    PSC > BNS = 2005
    BNC > LUNAS = 2024
    PSC-NAVAL DOCKYARD had never built anything but trawlers or police boats before being given the contract, the company was contracted to deliver six patrol boats for the Malaysian Navy in 2004 and complete the delivery in 2007.
    LCS DIBAYAR 6 JADI NOL = The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    OPV DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13..
    2011 PENGADAAN LCS = Pengadaan enam LCS pada 2011 itu juga dilakukan tanpa tender terbuka. Kapal-kapal itu akan dibangun di Galangan Kapal Boustead dan unit pertama sedianya dikirim pada 2019.
    2019 LCS DIJANGKA = KD Maharaja Lela setelah ditugaskan, diluncurkan secara seremonial pada Agustus 2017. Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019
    2022 LCS DIJANGKA = menurut jadual asal, setakat Ogos 2022 sepatutnya lima buah kapal LCS harus disiap dan diserahkan kepada TLDM.
    2023 LCS DIJANGKA = Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019, dengan kapal terakhir dijadwalkan untuk serah terima pada Juni 2023. Namun, progres kapal pertama baru sekitar 60% selesai
    2025 LCS DIJANGKA = Kapal pertama Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) TLDM itu dijangka hanya akan siap pada tahun 2025, iaitu 12 tahun selepas projek itu bermula pada Oktober 2013 dan kerajaan telah membayar RM6 bilion kepada kontraktor utama projek itu.
    2026 LCS DIJANGKA = Lima kapal LCS akan diserahkan kepada TLDM secara berperingkat dengan kapal pertama dijangka diserahkan pada penghujung 2026
    2029 LCS DIJANGKA = TLDM hanya akan dapat memperoleh kelima-lima LCS pada 2029 berbanding kontrak asal di mana 5 kapal LCS itu sepatutnya diserahkan pada 2022..
    17 KREDITUR = Besides MTU Services, others include Contraves Sdn Bhd, Axima Concept SA, Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn Bhd, Contraves Electrodynamics Sdn Bhd and Tyco Fire, Security & Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd, as well as iXblue SAS, iXblue Sdn Bhd and Protank Mission Systems Sdn Bhd. Also included are Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd, AmBank Islamic Bhd, AmBank (M) Bhd, MTU Services, Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd, Affin Bank Bhd, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) and KUWAIT FINANCE HOUSE (MALAYSIA) BHD.
    LMS B2 = MENUNGGU 2030
    MRSS = MENUNGGU 2030
    HELI = MENUNGGU 2030
    “Perolehan bagi baki 3 buah LMS lagi akan dimasukkan di bawah RMKe-13,” ujar beliau.
    Selain LMS, TLDM turut merancang perolehan 2 buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 3 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 3, 4 buah helikopter anti kapal selam dan 6 buah Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
    “Proses perolehan bagi aset-aset baharu ini dijangka berlangsung sehingga 2030. Kesemua perolehan aset TLDM ini dianggarkan
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.

  53. Pur masih ingat gak kesombonganmu katanya malon bisa bikin mobil terbang 😁😁😁

    PSC > BNS = 2005
    BNC > LUNAS = 2024
    PSC-NAVAL DOCKYARD had never built anything but trawlers or police boats before being given the contract, the company was contracted to deliver six patrol boats for the Malaysian Navy in 2004 and complete the delivery in 2007.
    LCS DIBAYAR 6 JADI NOL = The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    OPV DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13..
    2011 PENGADAAN LCS = Pengadaan enam LCS pada 2011 itu juga dilakukan tanpa tender terbuka. Kapal-kapal itu akan dibangun di Galangan Kapal Boustead dan unit pertama sedianya dikirim pada 2019.
    2019 LCS DIJANGKA = KD Maharaja Lela setelah ditugaskan, diluncurkan secara seremonial pada Agustus 2017. Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019
    2022 LCS DIJANGKA = menurut jadual asal, setakat Ogos 2022 sepatutnya lima buah kapal LCS harus disiap dan diserahkan kepada TLDM.
    2023 LCS DIJANGKA = Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019, dengan kapal terakhir dijadwalkan untuk serah terima pada Juni 2023. Namun, progres kapal pertama baru sekitar 60% selesai
    2025 LCS DIJANGKA = Kapal pertama Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) TLDM itu dijangka hanya akan siap pada tahun 2025, iaitu 12 tahun selepas projek itu bermula pada Oktober 2013 dan kerajaan telah membayar RM6 bilion kepada kontraktor utama projek itu.
    2026 LCS DIJANGKA = Lima kapal LCS akan diserahkan kepada TLDM secara berperingkat dengan kapal pertama dijangka diserahkan pada penghujung 2026
    2029 LCS DIJANGKA = TLDM hanya akan dapat memperoleh kelima-lima LCS pada 2029 berbanding kontrak asal di mana 5 kapal LCS itu sepatutnya diserahkan pada 2022..
    17 KREDITUR = Besides MTU Services, others include Contraves Sdn Bhd, Axima Concept SA, Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn Bhd, Contraves Electrodynamics Sdn Bhd and Tyco Fire, Security & Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd, as well as iXblue SAS, iXblue Sdn Bhd and Protank Mission Systems Sdn Bhd. Also included are Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd, AmBank Islamic Bhd, AmBank (M) Bhd, MTU Services, Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd, Affin Bank Bhd, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) and KUWAIT FINANCE HOUSE (MALAYSIA) BHD.
    LMS B2 = MENUNGGU 2030
    MRSS = MENUNGGU 2030
    HELI = MENUNGGU 2030
    “Perolehan bagi baki 3 buah LMS lagi akan dimasukkan di bawah RMKe-13,” ujar beliau.
    Selain LMS, TLDM turut merancang perolehan 2 buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 3 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 3, 4 buah helikopter anti kapal selam dan 6 buah Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
    “Proses perolehan bagi aset-aset baharu ini dijangka berlangsung sehingga 2030. Kesemua perolehan aset TLDM ini dianggarkan
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.

    VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

  56. Heli telor Malon kemana ya ? Grounded kah ? 😁😁😁😁

    1. Lagi sibuk latihan om, biar kuat bawa 12 ribu peluru gatling


  58. Malon dalam tempurung....selangpun dibilang teknologi canggih 😩😩😂😩😅😅😂

  59. Aset Baharu Malon sudah datang tapi versi ghoib semua

  60. Beda kasta
    AH 6 speks militer
    MD530 speks odong2 versi basic bin OMPONG😭😭😭

  61. Firma malon belajar sama galangan kapal indo,karena proyek kapal LCS yg salah potong sampai 13 tahun belum cecah air

    Wkwkkww...jauhh ilmu nya lon🤪🤪🤪😭😭

  62. Belajar lah sma galangan indonesia lon.
    Wkwkkw..biar gak salah potong macam kapal majarekelalelae😭😭🤪🤪🤪🤣

  63. Kocak malon ya klaim trus saja wkwkwkw

  64. Jangan lupa lanjut heli sewaan nya lon hahhaha

  65. >>> ada malon PAMER punya NILAI TUKAR ringgit terhadap US Dollar yang bersifat SEMENTARA tapi FAKTANYA malon TIDAK BISA BELI BRAND NEW MILITARY ASSETS....HAHAHA....

    baca nich lon malon jejak sejarah nilai tukar ringgit malon terhadap USD per bulan di 2024

    Pahami dengan BENAR apa itu FLOATING EXCHANGE RATES atas ringgit malon terhadap US Dollar


  66. 🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣.... Sorry INDON...

    PT PAL bantu projek LCS malaysia

    Protankgrüp Sdn Bhd Malaysia bantu
    projek kapal Merah putih dan opv
    Indonesia ✅

  67. 🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣.... Sorry INDON...

    PT PAL bantu projek LCS malaysia

    Protankgrüp Sdn Bhd Malaysia bantu
    projek kapal Merah putih dan opv
    INDON ✅

  68. Jadi ingat heli telor MALON yang diklaim sanggup bawa 12 ribu peluru gatling
    Apa kabarnya pud?

  69. Kerjayaan firma MALAYSIA Tembus pasaran pertahanan INDON...😎😎🇲🇾🇲🇾

    1. SME Ordnance Sdn Bhd Eksport 15 juta peluru ke pasaran INDON
    2. AIROD servis selama 5 tahun Dan part pesawat C130 INDON
    3. Protankgrüp Sdn Bhd terlibat pembinaan kapal perang FRIGAT & OPV INDON

    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  72. Ha ha ha ha beruk bangga sekali selang minyaknya dipakai. Saya kira CMS atau rudalnya buatan beruk. Ternyata komponen tak penting 😁😁😁😁😁


      EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
      EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
      EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
      EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
      EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
      EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
      EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
      EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
      “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
      EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
      RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
      RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
      The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    2. Sana lo maloon bloon

      Jual kondom unisex...


  74. Uji Tembak Rudal AGM-114 Helikopter Apache TNI AD


    Malaysia tak boleh 🤭

    1. hanya segelintir negara di luar AS yang diizinkan membeli Apache, seperti Israel, Inggris, Belanda, Yunani, Mesir, Jepang, dan Singapura.

      Malaysia tak boleh 🤭

    2. https://youtu.be/znWDKpoxqaQ?si=KCXItWmguXNwQpm9

      Coba lihat helm yang digunakan pilot Penerbad 😊

      Malaysia tak boleh🤭

    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.


  76. PEMBURU4 Oktober 2024 pukul 18.51
    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  77. HUTANG 84.2% DARI GDP =
    VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

  78. HUTANG 84.2% DARI GDP =
    VERSI TRAINING = MD530Gs, which were delivered to Malaysia’s army in 2022. The type is appearing on static, and also participated in the show’s opening ceremony. The six rotorcraft – delivery of which was delayed for several years – are primarily used for training.....
    KARENA KEUANGAN (NO MONEY) = Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada dan ancaman-ancaman keselamatan dihadapinya pada ketika ini yang tidak memerlukan kehadiran helikopter penyerang seperti Apache atau Tiger.
    HUTANG FMS SEWA BEKAS : BATAL = Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sudah mendapat maklum balas daripada Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) berhubung cadangan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk untuk Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).
    HELI HUTANG FMS = Panglima Tentera Darat, “Ini memandangkan perolehan aset dari Amerika Syarikat perlu melalui prosedur termasuk Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
    HELI SEWA BEKAS = the helicopters leased are the UH-60A or 60A plus variants which have been sold to US private companies. According to one report, a UH-60A – sold by US companies and ex-US Army aircraft
    MARET 2023 = “Insya Allah Mei dan bulan Jun, Black hawk akan diterima dan berkhidmat dengan PUTD,” kata Zamrose yang memetik makluman dari Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan.
    MEI 2023 = According to MINDEF, the helicopters will be leased from Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd. .
    SEPTEMBER 2023 = The Malaysian Army (TDM) is expecting to take delivery of two of four Black Hawk helicopters by end of this year.
    2024 HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.

  79. Ha ha ha...ikut bina apa loon...blooon....itu semua project NGEMIS....nggak ada peran apa2.selain.jualan selang puur...dr pd kita capek ngadepin malon.ngemis2 terus..makanya kita terpaksa beli dr agen di malon...nggak ada peran apa2 pur dlm project MERAH PUTIH....

    maloon...LAWAK...cuma sedapkan hati sendiri...wkwkwk

    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.
    PT Dirgantara Indonesia (atau biasa disingkat menjadi PTDI) adalah produsen pesawat terbang pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia dan di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Dirgantara Indonesia tidak hanya memproduksi berbagai jenis pesawat terbang.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    Indonesia currently is the only country in Southeast Asia that produces its own combat tanks. This tank was made Pindad, an Indonesian state- owned military equipment manufacturing company.
    LCS DIBAYAR 6 RM 11.2 BILLION NOT YET DELIVERED = The cost of the LCS project is NOw RM11.2 billion. It must be NOted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And NOt a single ship has been delivered yet.
    OPV DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up NOtice dated Sept 13.
    CONDOMS UNISEX = A Malaysian gynaecologist has created what he says is the world's first unisex condom that can be worn by females or males and is made from a medical grade material usually used as a dressing for injuries and wounds.

    Haahaaaa......BEDA KASTA BEDA LEVEL
    EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    EKSPOR PARASUT DAN TENDA MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    EKSPOR 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced techNOlogy transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said. We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as NOt to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," NOh said.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of techNOlogy from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  82. 2024 = 84% NO SAVING EVERY MONTH
    A recent survey conducted by the Financial Education Network (FEN) showed that 84 per cent of Malaysians do not have regular savings every month.
    FEN joint chairman and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) financial inclusion department director Nor Rafidz Nazri, highlighted the pressing issue during the unveiling of the survey results.
    According to the survey, 27 per cent of Malaysians expressed significant concern about their capacity to cover living expenses upon retirement.
    Nazri said: "The level of financial literacy among Malaysians is still low. The study found that 69 per cent prefer spending over saving, leading to a lack of savings for emergencies. Moreover, 47 per cent admitted to having difficulty setting aside RM1,000 for emergencies."
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    KUALA LUMPUR: Housing loans made up the largest chunk of household debt in Malaysia at 60.5%, it was revealed. The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023. In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018). “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said. The ministry was replying Labis MP, Pang Hok Liong in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday who asked the ministry to reveal the country’s aggregate household debt between 2018 and 2023. For the period from 2018 to 2023, the ministry said the average annual growth of household debt was 5.1%. Other household debts included vehicle loans at 13.2%, personal financing (12.6%) and loans for other purposes, including non-residential property purchases, credit card debt, securities and others.“The annual growth of household debt was primarily driven by housing and vehicle loans. This followed various home-ownership incentives offered by the government and the private sector, as well as sales and service tax (SST) incentives for motor vehicle purchases between 2020 and 2022,” it said.
    The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 OVER LIMIT DEBT 65,6%
    Malaysia Government debt accounted for 65.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Mar 2024, compared with the ratio of 64.3 % in the previous quarter. Malaysia government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2010 to Mar 2024.
    Malaysia's is officially reported as having a debt-to-GDP ratio of 66% by the IMF.

    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR SIBMAS Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said..
    2024 OVER LIMIT DEBT 65,6%
    Malaysia Government debt accounted for 65.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Mar 2024, compared with the ratio of 64.3 % in the previous quarter. Malaysia government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2010 to Mar 2024.
    2024 = 84% NO SAVING EVERY MONTH
    2024 = 84% NO SAVING EVERY MONTH
    2024 = 84% NO SAVING EVERY MONTH
    A recent survey conducted by the Financial Education Network (FEN) showed that 84 per cent of Malaysians do not have regular savings every month.
    The level of financial literacy among Malaysians is still low. The study found that 69 per cent prefer spending over saving, leading to a lack of savings for emergencies. Moreover, 47 per cent admitted to having difficulty setting aside RM1,000 for emergencies."

  84. Versi kw dan down grade sedang ngamuk kayak beruk Gempork tusbol.

  85. Jangan bual aja ruk ingat LCS dah Puluhan tahun di bina sahkan gak ada yg jadi dan diserahkan. Parah.

  86. YEAH firma malonte berjaya bantu project kapal merah putih INDONESIA.........supply SELANG..🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  87. HAAAAA .....12 HELI AW149 SEWA
    GEMPURWIRA8 Desember 2023 pukul 14.11
    Psssttttt.. Mari kita lihat siapa yang MISKIN... 🤭🤭🤭🤭
    12 helikopter BELI CASH
    12 HELI SEWA = The government has decided that RMAF will operate at least twelve Leonardo AW149 utility helicopters under a leasing programme mooted by the Prime Minister’s Department and the National Security Council, Armed Forces chief General TS Mohammad Ab Rahman said today.
    The approved leasing deal for KTMB may tip the scale in favour of the truck and VSHORAD proposals.
    Meanwhile, the division also published a tender for eleven glass reinforced plastic patrol boats together outboard motors, trailers and associated equipment
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT programme
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang akan ditempatkan di No.3 Skuadron, Pangkalan Udara Butterworth
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR SIBMAS Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)
    2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said..
