05 November 2019

$604 million USD Approved for Cambodia's 2019 Defence Budget

05 November 2019

Cambodia army with RM-70 Czech-made 122 MLRS (photo : Army Recognition)

PM approves 2019 budget

Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Council of Ministers on Friday approved the $6,791,249,000 budget for 2019 as laid out by the Ministry of Finance – an 11.4 per cent increase in public spending of on the $6,018,543,704 allocated for this year, a ministry report said.

The draft budget will be sent to the National Assembly this week for final approval.

Defence and education are to receive an 11 per cent and eight per cent respectively in spending increase if the budget is signed off by the National Assembly this week, while healthcare is set for a six per cent decrease.

The Ministry of National Defence was allotted $542 million for 2018 in last year’s budget, while this year $604 million has been pencilled in for 2019. The draft budget sees $915 million set aside for education – an increase on last year’s $848 million if approved by parliament.

The health sector is set to receive a proposed $455.231 million – down from last year’s $485 million.

“The budget aims to continue strengthening peace, political stability, public order and commune village safety for the greater wellbeing of the people, and to protect [the Kingdom’s] independence, integrity and sovereignty, and not to let any forces crack down and destroy it."

“It also ensures the reaching of targets towards poverty reduction by 2050,” the ministry report said.

Last year’s budget saw increases in spending on education, health and the arts.

However for 2019, the ministries of Public Works and Transport, Labour and Vocational Training, and Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction are to receive significant rises compared to 2018.

Government spokesman Phay Siphan said no changes were made to the proposed budget from the Ministry of Finance that was put forward for approval by the Council of Ministers on Friday.

“There were no changes made to the draft budget proposed by the Ministry of Finance. It will be sent to the national assembly [for signing],” he said.

Affiliated Network for Social Accountability executive director San Chey said the lack of transparency and openness in consultation when drafting the budget remained a challenge for civil society.

“We still see there is limited openness in consultation when drafting budgets. I am, therefore, concerned that the spending is not going on actually address the problems [facing Cambodia]."

“The four main sectors that really need serious [spending] reforms are agriculture, health, education and transport. The farmers need support from the government to adapt to the changing climate, for example,” he said.


57 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Itu baju doreng kayaknya sering liat dimari yaak...πŸ˜πŸ‘

    2. Doreng TNI mas bro, secara sering melatih tentara mereka..πŸ˜πŸ‘

    3. Tentara malon pernah melatih kagak om

  2. Tambahan RM 70 Vampire 36 unit untuk marinir

  3. Itu kayane emang bener mas PS, seragam Kopassus TNI tuh...
    Tapi kok di Kamboja ?
    Apa lagi kasih training yaa ???

    1. Nemu potongan2 berita dari web luar.. apa iya yaa kopassus sampai Kamboja ?

      According to Indonesia’s Defence Attache office, the MoU would allow Indonesia to train soldiers from all Royal Cambodian Armed Forces branches.

      Since 2012, Indonesia has trained about 200 Cambodian troops – including from the 911 Brigade and National Counter Terrorism Special Forces – under the Army to Army Talks (ATAT) agreement. The new programs followed the end of a six-month commando training course offered to the Kingdom’s special forces.

      Taking roughly 20 soldiers a year to Indonesia, the program offers courses covering sniper, anti-terrorism, military diving, climbing and sky diving tactics.

      The country also sends advisers to Cambodia to train the Prime Minister’s Bodyguard Unit.

      Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Deputy Commander General Chan Sopheaktra said yesterday that Indonesia has long been an ally to Cambodia’s military.

      “Significantly, we have sent military scholars to train in Indonesia for the last 10 years,” Gen. Sopheaktra said. “Those who finished training in Indonesia have enough capacity to implement their role in the country,” he added.

      More than 400 military trainees have received training in Indonesia since 2007, when the two countries first held bilateral military talks. Infantry unit management, military free-falling, assault climbing and scuba diving are all topics of study in Indonesia for Cambodian soldiers.

    2. Bahkan baret jingga pun mereka adopsi...πŸ˜πŸ‘

    3. Kamboja, viet sempet belajar ke kita om

    4. Kalo tentera Myanmar malah belajarnya ke Philipina πŸ€”

    5. Kalo tentara Timbuktu belajarnya ke Gempurwira...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. Dulu malahan waktu ada konflik kecil di sana...tentara mereka yg sama2 dilatih pasukan kita mereka ga mau bertempur...dan lebih sering menghindar...kalau sama2 pernah dilatih pasukan kita

    7. Vietnam dulu menang perang gerilya lawan amerika berkat ilmu gerilya dari buku pokok pokok gerilya karya jendral besar alm.AH.Nasution

    8. Kalo nak belajar ilmu perang eject kat hanggar,tewas dalam exercise,songlap engine,subs yg tak boleh selam,engine meletup,MRO lembab,jaring Nguyen experience,robohkan pokok sawit,shadowing nelayan je belajarlah pada ATM soalnya ATM ada kepakaran cem tuh 😁😁

    9. Pakar bodoh,ahli dungu om pit

    10. Hahahaha mat rempit bisa ja tau kalo ATM punya kepakaran itu πŸ˜€πŸ‘

  4. Stupid comment of a brainless ape

  5. πŸ–• iri dengki punya tentera idiot. Demontrasi tentera komando fail nembak rekan sendiri. Keluarga pun tak rela dan tuntut ATM. Budget ciput dan Kedekut selaluπŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

  6. Ini dulu yg nulis muslim church kan? Hahaha.....πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†.hahaha ga ada otak dan cukup pengetahuan dasar.


  8. Just one word for malon : MALING

  9. Cambodis saja punya RM 70,malon hanya punya mortir jelek nempel di gempita

    1. Itu mah bkn mortir bro tapi kembang api taming sari 😁😁

  10. Warmest regard...LCS "DESIGN FAILURE and NO CLASS VESSEL"....2023

  11. mayan ada ss1-v1 di kamboja..hore haha!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    1. Yoi ompal,PINDAD punya tuh bkn deftech punya 😁😁

    2. defteks? apaan tuch pabrik kuteks yak om pit haha!πŸ’…πŸ’…πŸ’…

    3. Itu om,pabrik stiker ompal 😁😁

  12. Lho peluncur roket pun malon ditinggal sama kambojaπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ bener2 negara bangkraps Malon idiot miskin pula

    1. Dah idiot,miskin,hidup pula bro 😁😁

    2. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  13. Ada negara miskin babunya inggris yang awet miskin Si MALON idiot

  14. Ada negara miskin yang sombong aslinya penakut yaitu malon

  15. Balasan
    1. 😁😁 terbaik wong edan πŸ‘πŸ‘

  16. Ini adalah salah satu beruk low mental illness yg tak bisa menerima kenyataan negara nya lg terpurok 😁😁

  17. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  18. Marinir punya 9 rm grad,8vampire(rencana 36),4 norinco 122 b.

    1. Malassia hanya punya kemiskinan

    2. Kalo Malon punya MLRS kagak? Oh iya yg dari Brazil itu untuk TDM kan? Jumlahnya pun Ciput dan tiada bertambah. Lah di kita MLRS di punyai marinir, artileri Medan angkatan darat pun juga punya MLRS. He he....😁

  19. 604 juta USD dibagi 3 (tiga) matra
    Beli pesawat tempur china bisa dapat 8-10 unit.
    300 juta untuk angkatan laut bisa dapat 2 unit frigate china, mayan banget

  20. 604 juta USD dibagi 3 (tiga) matra
    Beli pesawat tempur china bisa dapat 8-10 unit.
    300 juta untuk angkatan laut bisa dapat 2 unit frigate china, mayan banget
