10 Januari 2020

The Most Powerfull Artillery of the Vietnamese Army

10 Januari 2020

BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system (photo : Tra Khanh)

The most powerful artillery and jet artillery models of Vietnam Artillery were introduced in the Vietnam North Exhibition - Fair 2019 in Thai Nguyen.

The exhibition - Viet Bac Fair this year showcases quite a lot of equipment to represent the army of the Vietnam People's Army as well as introduce to the public the achievements of the domestic defense industry over the years.

One of the most popular outdoor exhibition areas that attracted the attention of the visitors was the area where the People's Army of Vietnam People's Republic of Vietnam's towed and jet artillery models were presented. appearance of 2S1 and 2S3 self-propelled artillery pieces, otherwise all Vietnamese Artillery will appear in Thai Nguyen.

D-30 122mm towed howitzer (photo : Tra Khanh)

D-30 122mm towed howitzer

Placed in the center of the display area is the 122mm D-30 howitzer, one of the most modern artillery models in Vietnam. Regarding the design of the D-30 has a fighting weight of 3.21 tons, 5.4m long, 1.9m wide, crew of 8 soldiers. Specially thanks to a 3-legged cannon platform, the D-30 can rotate 360 ​​degrees to allow gunner to change direction in a snap.

D-30 122mm towed howitzer (photo : Tra Khanh)

According to the introduction, the D-30 cannon can switch operational status to combat in just 2.5 minutes, it has an effective range of 15.4 km or 21.9 km with increased ammo, the highest rate of fire is 10 -12 times/minute or average 5-6 times/minute.

M46 130mm towed howitzer (photo : Tra Khanh)

M-46 130mm towed howitzer

And this is a 130mm long barrel grenade 130mm M-46, one of the artillery models associated with the process of construction, combat and growth of Vietnam Artillery. Specifically, M-46 participated in many major battles of the Artillery Corps and made many glorious victories, from the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign (1975), the War to protect the southwest border (1979) to Fighting to protect the northern border (1979).

M46 130mm towed howitzer (photo : Tra Khanh)

Although not the largest caliber field grenade, the M-46 is the artillery with the longest range of Vietnamese Artillery about 27.4 km for conventional ammunition and 38 km for increased ammunition. The highest rate of fire of M-46 is 8 rounds/minute or average 5-6 shots/minute.

The overall design of M46 has a weight of up to 7.7 tons, 11.73m long, 2.45m wide. It has an 8-man battle crew and can switch troops to combat in just 6-8 minutes.

D-20 152mm towed howitzer (photo : Tra Khanh)

D-20 152mm towed howitzer

Like the M-46, the D-20 is also a cannon model that made a name of "Vietnamese army, shoulder, hit, hit" by Vietnamese Artillery in the Resistance War against the US as well as two wars to protect the national borders. Vietnam is currently one of 27 countries in the world still using 152mm grenades and is used for both army and navy.

D-20 152mm towed howitzer (photo : Tra Khanh)

In terms of specifications, the D-20 has a combat weight of 5.7 tons, is 8.69 meters long and 2.35 meters wide. It also has an 8-man battle crew like the M46 and can transform troops into combat in just 6 minutes.

A D-20 has an effective range of about 18km with conventional bullets and up to 24km with bullets increased, its maximum rate of fire can reach 5-6 rounds/minute or average 1 shot/minute.

BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system (photo : Tra Khanh)

BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system

In addition to towed artillery pieces, this year the Artillery Corps also brought Thai Nguyen the strongest launch rocket of Vietnam - BM-21 Grad. Interestingly, the model BM-21 introduced this time is the first BM-21 version manufactured by the Soviet Union, with a distinctive identifier is the special 6x6 Ural-375 chassis.

In terms of specifications, a BM-21 artillery complex has a combat weight of 13.7 tons, 7.35 meters long, and 2.40mm wide. It has a crew of only 3 soldiers and it only takes 10 minutes to switch status to battle.

BM-21 Grad jet artillery has been put into service by the Vietnam People's Army since 1978 and is one of the key weapons of the Artillery Corps, with the ability to attack targets at great distances and to kill brand on a large scale.

BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system (photo : Tra Khanh)

Specifically, a combination of the BM-21 rocket cannon can preemptively strike the target from a distance of 20 to a maximum of 40 km, depending on the type of ammunition. Each BM-21 complex is equipped with a 40-barrel launcher carrying 40 122mm rocket shells and it only takes about 20 seconds to launch all of these bullets.

With conventional rockets, the range of damage of a BM-21 complex can be up to 1,000 m2 and each rocket carries an 18.4kg warhead capable of wiping out all living things in the area. area it was attacked.


48 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Mbah gono iseng buka hp istrine....disitu nemu nama "Bandot Tua" 🐏.

      Saking penasaran, ditelponlah ke nomer itu.....lhoooo, kok malah nyambung ke hp nya sendiri 😨🙆🙆

    2. Njur pas coba telp nama "Pak Carik" lha kok hp rewange sing muni..

      Ajur jum...😂😂😂

    3. hiiii.. syeeemmm, iso di🍆🔪🔪☠☠

    4. Sinetron opo maneh kuwi? 😁😁
      Judule terong type destroyer pho..

    5. maksute sayaa itu om@helmy.. ehhmm, "terongnya' si Mbah yg di "potong2' sama nyonya di rumah🤣😆

      maafin aq yaa mbah@gon..🙏🙏🙏🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

  2. Buat mainan di Kodam mantab nih BM 21 grad.
    Khususnya kodam yg berbatasan darat langsung dengan tetangga.

    1. Yg punya ABRI AL dan AD dulu sudah dipension yak..?

    2. Kapan abri punya Bm 21 grad om..
      Yg ada dulu marinir punya 14/17 uda pensiun.

    3. haish, kok masih minta BM 21 grad yg sepuhsih.

      kan kmaren dah dibikinin MLRS , sama" 40 tabungnya, plus auto reload gitu.

  3. Artileri nguyen lengkap jg ya,ada amunisi 122 mm,152 mm,130 mm dgn perangkat meriam tarik & MLRS

    1. MLRS jadulan tuh..

      MLRS kekinian tuh multi kaliber kayak Astros & Himars...😎

    2. Yoi om

      Marinir TNI AL pernah punya MLRS jadul seperti ini tapi semua dah dipensiunkan 😁😁

    3. bang@rempit.. yg mlrs marinir yoo podo wae to dgn yg BM21 grad viet, cuma udah lansiran ceko, pke Truk Tatra. cuman yaa emang kalah canggih klo d adu sama Atros / himars

    4. D'boys@ makanya dipensiunkan atuh 😁😁...cuma MLRS marinir sekarang baru kaliber 122 m,pengen sih pake Astros tapi duite blm ada 😁😁

    5. harusnya bisa seragam yaa bang@rempit, toh altros juga punya tupoksi yg sama dgn sodara2nya dari "blok timur'. commonality itu penting dalam menunjang tingkat kesiapan di lapangan.
      slogan "Amateurs talk about tactics but profesionals study logistics' itu perlu diresapi. karena salah satu masalah terbesar dlm suatu oprasi adalah jalur & suply logistik.

    6. Maksud om pit mungkin yg pensiun Bm 14/17 marinir.

    7. Tapi program truk peluncur 122m produk dalam negeri kmrn lg terus di kembangkan.
      Iya itu ja yg di beli nanti kalau sudah ok.
      Isi buat kodam.
      Coz Astros yg pegang Kostrad only.

    8. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    9. Aku yakin peluncur roket dan roket made in indonesia akan menyamai kwalitas bahkan melebihi kemampuan produk peluncur roket dan roket negara lain, dahulu awal kita memulai membuat senjata serbua semuanya terlihat kacau dr yg macet sampai larasnya bisa bengkok karena tidak tahan panas tp perlahan namun pasti senjata serbu pindad merngsek naik kepermukaan dan membawa TNI menjuarai berbagai perlombaan menembak, bahkan banyak negara yg membeli dan memakai senjata serbu pindad berpendapat kwalitas senjata serbu pindad setara dengan kwalitas AK47 rusia atau pun produk senjata serbu ternama negara lainnya, kwalitas ini didapat karena TNI dan para pengembang alutsista BUMN dan swasta lainnya emang bener2 mau saling shering dan teebuka untuk mendapatkan kwalitas yg diinginkan, mudah2an saling memberi masukan ini terus berlanjut agar produk2 alutsista indonesia emang bener2 berkwaltas, terutama tni dan pemerintah harus berani memberi kepercayaan penuh kepada BUMN PRODUSEN ALUTSISTA untuk mendesain dr nol segala jenis alutsista yg diinginkan TNI, kepercayaan penuh itu sangat penting bagi BUMN produsen alutsusta agar bisa lebih percaya diri mengeluarkan segala kemampuan yg ada pada diri enginer2 BUMN produsen alutsista made in indonesia.

  4. Iru amunisinya buatan mana.? Msh adakah yg produksi amunisi 122, 130, 152 mm ya.? Kalibernya gak langkakah dipasaran.?

    1. Sangat beragam mungkin tak efisien, apa ga ribet logistiknya ya ?

    2. walah, sisa" malah mas choko.

      122 dan 152 malah masih masuk dines aktif Russia.

      banyak Kw nya, mulai bekas soviet, cino sampek afrika 122 jadi idola.

      rivalnya 105 nato ini.

  5. mana neh ketua suku.,kata nya mau debat sama olang chino..olang cino nya dah dimari neh

  6. OOT, untuk semua rekan disini, harap ladenin omongan @ketua kutu busuk ini dengan bahasa ibu or bahasa daerah asli agan, jangan pakai bahasa Indonesia...Monggo 😀😀

    1. bukkan nya simbah geladeni dek...tapi simbah heran debat tahunan engak kelar kelar...jadi simbah turun gunung kemukus untuk membenahi dunia persitan deh...getu...loh

  7. https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/market/20200109140942-17-128847/trump-mau-damai-dengan-iran-nasib-emas-bagaimana

    Habis mbunuh jendralnya sekarang minta damai😂😂 ,pakde trumm Jan nyoto

    1. Bar menthung trus mlayu 😅 strategi yahudd.. coba jenderal US dibunuh trus minta damai.. pasti malah digempur berjilid jilid

    2. Mungkin otak warasnya masih tersisa sedikit, jdi ingget 53.906 personil di 10 Negara timteng. Blm lgi Israel iso hujan rocket 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 dri semua arah..

    3. Data dri pak Rt.5 Rw.3

      1. Turki
      Pasukan: 2,500 personil
      Pangkalan pesawat tempur (Incirlik Air Base)

      2. Suriah
      Pasukan: 800 personil.

      3. Yordania
      Pasukan: 3 ribu personil
      Pangkalan pesawat tempur.

      4. Irak
      Pasukan: 6 ribu personil
      Pangkalan untuk pesawat tempur.

      5. Kuwait
      Pasukan: 13 ribu personil
      Pangkalan pesawat tempur (Ali Al Salem Air Base)

      6. Bahrain
      Pasukan 7 ribu personil
      Pangkalan pesawat tempur
      Pelabuhan untuk kapal perang

      7. Qatar
      Pasukan: 13 ribu personil
      Pangkalan pesawat tempur

      8. Arab Saudi
      Pasukan: 3 ribu personil

      9. Uni Emirat Arab
      Pasukan: 5 ribu personil

      10. Oman
      Pasukan: 606 personil
      Pelabuhan untuk kapal perang

    4. Datane sampean kok komplit ngono Mbah gono,OPO bar survei cantrik Wati wilayah kono pow piyee😂😂


    5. Mbar njalok ko pak Rt mau.. 😁😁

    6. Karena mamarika gak berani liat rudal balasan yg di tembakan lumayan akurat.😁

    7. Wragate larang mbah kalau mau perang. pun ga dapet dukungan konggres dan sekutu sepertinya.

    8. Boleh aje damai asal iran harus bunuh satu jendral us, biar adil 🤔

  8. The most powerful artillery and jet artillery models of Vietnam Artillery were introduced in the Vietnam North Exhibition - Fair 2019 in Thai Nguyen.

    owh ternyata pameran alutsista vietkong, fantesan jadul gaes, tp kyk baruw haha!👍👍👍

    1. tolong dek pake bahasa jerman saja...kalou englis simbah kurang ngarti...

    2. Olangchino@ Lha dia kan ngutip kalimat artikel diatas dan mengartikan bahwa artikel diatas adalah pameran alutsista vietnam,,,makin lama makin banyak aje orang yg nongol dimari pada konslet 🤦‍♂️

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    1. aduh dek carin bok ya cari nafkah yang hallal kenapa,karna rezeki itu sudah diatur sama yang maha kuasa,jadi ssmua udah ada takeran masing masing.kamu mau cara yang hallal atau haram memang udah takeran nya segitu.
      begitu juga dek dengan pengeluaran baik kamu nafkahkan dengan cara baik atau bermanfaat(sadakoh.jakat dan infak)atau dengan cara keterpaksaan itu pasti akan keluar juga.entah bentuk kemalingan atau bahkan untuk membayar rumah sakit karna penyakit.makanya cucilah hartamu dengan jakat...itu yang diperintahkan agama...kalou engak percaya tanya sama sikhentir...wkwkwkwk...

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

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