18 Januari 2024

RTAF White Paper to Defend Need to Buy New Fighter Jets

18 Januari 2024

12 new fighter jet fleet from Lockheed Martin F16 or Saab JAS-39 Gripen will start in fiscal 2025 (image: Defence Learning)

The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) is to present a white paper next month outlining its strategies for the next 10 years and explaining why it needs to procure 12 new fighter jets, the RTAF chief said Tuesday.

Commander-in-Chief ACM Phanpakdee Pattanakul said the white paper laying out the RTAF’s strategies for development and modernisation over the next decade, would be made public on February 29.

The white paper will explain how the RTAF intends to adjust itself to the global situation and new technologies, Phanpakdee said.

He added that the white paper will also lay out the Force’s plans to acquire 12 fighter jets to replace the ageing F16 jets that will be gradually decommissioned.

The procurement will be made in three phases in the RTAF’s annual budgets and take account of the national situation, the RTAF chief added.

The procurement of a new fighter jet fleet will start in fiscal 2025, and will either be composed of F16 craft from the US or Gripen jets from the Swedish aerospace and defence company Saab AB.

The RTAF’s last white paper was published in 2020 and outlined the various missions undertaken by the Force in air defence, combat operations, aerial reconnaissance, airlifts, and search and rescue.

It identified the capabilities needed to fulfil these missions effectively, including new fighter jets, drones, radar systems, and aircrew training.

The document emphasised transparency in procurement and modernisation efforts, encouraging collaboration with both domestic and foreign defence companies.

47 komentar:

  1. REAL 42 RAFALE = (Saint-Cloud) – The final tranche of 18 Rafale for Indonesia came into force today. It follows the entry into force, in September 2022 and August 2023, of the first and second tranches of 6 and 18 Rafale, thus completing the number of aircraft on order for Indonesia under the contract signed in February 2022 for the acquisition of 42 Rafale.
    PRANK 18 RAFALE = Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets, the French government spokesman said on Thursday.
    2024 MYR 19,7 (approx. US$4 billion) : PASTI SEWA LAGI ...
    2023 MYR 17,74 : SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 : SEWA
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    DEFICIT 4,3% : The Malaysian government remains committed to fiscal consolidation with the fiscal deficit expected to improve to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (2023e: 5.0%) and ultimately reach the targeted 3.0%-3.5% by end

  2. swadikap
    thailen persiapan SHOPPING MRCA...mantab tim elit haha!👍👍👍

    lha tetangganya si KL malah cuman LCA, ituw jugak A K A N haha!😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


  3. He added that the white paper will also lay out the Force’s plans to acquire 12 fighter jets to replace the ageing F16 jets that will be gradually decommissioned.
    F16 justru dilem biru
    wah si super tigris selamat lagi yak haha!🤗🤗🤗
    negeri gajah putih nampaknya bakal buru² sikat stok terakhir si gipeng c/d, mumpung harga lama, daripada gipeng tipe e/f yg selangit haha!🤭🤭🤭
    bangkok konon butuh jet baru seblom 2028, sedangkan f-16V antriannya masi panjang beud
    denger kabar filipin masi kena bleklist suwekdia

    1. Jadi penawaran Eagle EX di rijek ama Thai oom...?


    2. dr berita koran bangkok, dana shoppingnye $ 1 milyar aje buat dapetin 12 pespur, gak mungkin jet 2 pintuw kan..eh knalpot haha!😄😄😄

    3. andai filipin yg dapetin si gipeng, kmungkinan, thailen tetap santuy..spy gak kosong yaa tinggal diplomasi ke f-16 bekas dari mantan propinsinya KL, si upil, ya sukur² dpt free spt dulu om pedang o haha!😋😋😋
      rencananya sing bakal trima f-35b di 2026...
      taon 2030 ap...keknya bakal garasi sale, taiwan keknya buking, masa KL..gak lepel ahh haha!😜😜😜

    4. Andai pespur cukop di re-hull bisa sedia pulih, malon akan ambil semuanya oom...


  4. Setelah F-5, semua fighter Thailand kedepan single engine...😬


    1. Kita malah banyakan double engine

    2. Andai user dimari diberi kuasa macam RTAF, ga akan banyakin dobel engine...😬😷

    3. Wilayah kita sangat luas butuh yang dobel engine bro,kalo thai wilayahnya kan sedikit

    4. Sebenare double/vs single itu ada diwilayah abu-abu......lha itu F-35 yg dipake dibajyak negara juga tipe single engine

      Dan malahan pespur F-2 Jepang (kloningan F-16) yg dikhususkan utk misi serang maritim juga single engine

    5. Lantas sesama pespur jelas MRCA baik yg single atau double engine, radius tempur nya sepadan kok (F-16, F18, Rafale)

    6. Tipe dobel engine diunggulkan karena faktor kinematisnya, sementara yg single engine selain lebih murah biaya ops nya, faktor kesiapan tempurnya scr teoritis juga tinggi karena faktor murah nya

      Pespur dobel engine walo disebut lebih aman dr yg single engine tapi fakta saat ini, tingkat keamanan mesinnya single engine sangat tinggi dan kalo pespur dobel engine jelang terbang ada masalah PD salah satu engine maka dia batal terbang

    7. Aku kii nyumet gur ngarep link, tetep ra entuk...😥😒

    8. Efek tanggal tuo om PS, dadi link'e yo rodok seret xaxaxaxaxa

    9. Udan-udan, lunyu, arep golek link Wedi kepleset.....kepleset neng omahe Rondo anak 3 😁😁😁

    10. F-2 harusnya double, tetapi karena gandeng Lockheed jadi single.
      F-35 terpaksa diambil USN karena harus bisa STOVL buat USMC. Kalau tidak ada kata "Joint", USN inginnya double. Daripada tidak dapat strike fighter baru, harus rela single.

      Yang banyak beroperasi diatas lautan biasanya ingin double buat safety.

    11. 6G arahnya ke double engine semua. Single kasih ke UCAV. Kalau mau murah, barang yg paling mahal pilotnya dan segala hal yg mendukung keselamatan pilot. Tanpa pilot, bisa murah sekali.😁

    12. Double enjin ya sangat diperlukan
      Cuma ya kalau bermacam2 jenis merk..ya bisa amsyong.

    13. Sukhoi-Rafale-Eagle EX-Boramae...

      Kombinasi yang mengesanken


    14. Mengesankan....waton Ra Kon mikir ragate 😆😆😆

  5. Bagai langit dan bumi daja kekuatan militer malon hanya sekuat bangladesh saja ...

  6. Bangla?
    Bro, malon tuu levelnya alien Namex...

    Contoh aset tercanggihnya : LCA + boat hasil re-hull


  7. Besar Bual dr pd Reality..Vanuatu pun Gelak liat Malon, Malon Bangsa Pesakitan dr AsiaTenggara wkwkwkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣🩲🇲🇾🩲

  8. Mana selevel banglades, jauhlah MALON di bawah kekuatan banglades ...

  9. "Kedua negara telah menyusun beberapa perjanjian pertahanan. Lockheed Martin —salah satu perusahaan senjata terkemuka Amerika setuju untuk menjual 24 helikopter S-70 Blackhawk kepada TNI Angkatan Darat.

    Perjanjian ini menyusul penjualan F-15EX beberapa hari sebelumnya," jelasnya.

    Rupanya selain Black Hawk dan F-15 Eagle II ada kesepakatan V-22 Osprey, CH-47 Chinook hingga P-8 Poseidon.

    "Menurut laporan tersebut belum ada pengumuman resmi mengenai kesepakatan senjata apa pun dengan Pentagon.

    Meskipun pernyataan Indonesia telah bocor dengan menyatakan minatnya pada beberapa sistem persenjataan buatan AS, seperti helikopter kelas atas, pesawat berat CH-47 Chinook, pesawat MV-22 Osprey, atau jet tempur ringan," jelas American Military News.

    Kini apakah kesepakatan alutsista lain akan mengikuti pembelian F-15 Eagle II ke Indonesia? cuma waktu yang bisa menjawab.

    1. Wah Indonesia penuh misteri. Semoga terealisasi

  10. di bawah myanmar pantas diserbu rohingya tidak ada reaksi om ......

  11. Manakala INDON..... 12 MIRAGE RONGSOK NGUTANG BATAL... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    1. Gempur cukup kerasukan saja gak ada berita yg bermutu dr Malon?

  12. Perjanjian ini menyusul penjualan F-15EX beberapa hari sebelumnya," jelasnya

    Kode Alam kah???
    Mudah²an memang Terealisasi diakhir masa jabatan Pakde PS sebagai Menhan🇮🇩

  13. Bukan penjualan F15... Tapi NGUTANG F15 nah betul kan ayat tu.... Bukan beli tapi NGUTANG... 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  14. Dari 18 MKM yang masih operasional tinggal 4 ekor...itupun suku cadangya hanya cukup sampai thn.2024.
    Artinya malon thn.2025 MKM tamat.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. Nafsu besar.... Wang tak cukup.... 😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Nafsu 6 LCS satu pun takde yg diluncurkan. Lawak.

  16. Kesian..... 😂😂😂😂

    Menurut dia, penundataan itu diputuskan oleh dua kementerian yakni Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian Keuangan. "Pemerintah telah menunda pembelian jet Mirage karena kapasitas fiskal kami, untuk saat ini, tidak dapat mendukung pembelian," ujar Dahnil dalam sebuah acara di stasiun TV swasta dikutip Reuters pada Kamis, 4 Januari 2024.

  17. Nampak sangat hanya mengharapkan HUTANG... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Takde hutang dari lender sepi shopping cuma bisa sewa aset receh pula. Kasihan yah Pork.

  18. REAL 42 RAFALE = (Saint-Cloud) – The final tranche of 18 Rafale for Indonesia came into force today. It follows the entry into force, in September 2022 and August 2023, of the first and second tranches of 6 and 18 Rafale, thus completing the number of aircraft on order for Indonesia under the contract signed in February 2022 for the acquisition of 42 Rafale.
    PRANK 18 RAFALE = Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets, the French government spokesman said on Thursday.
    2024 MYR 19,7 (approx. US$4 billion) : PASTI SEWA LAGI ...
    2023 MYR 17,74 : SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 : SEWA
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    DEFICIT 4,3% : The Malaysian government remains committed to fiscal consolidation with the fiscal deficit expected to improve to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (2023e: 5.0%) and ultimately reach the targeted 3.0%-3.5% by end

  19. REAL 42 RAFALE = (Saint-Cloud) – The final tranche of 18 Rafale for Indonesia came into force today. It follows the entry into force, in September 2022 and August 2023, of the first and second tranches of 6 and 18 Rafale, thus completing the number of aircraft on order for Indonesia under the contract signed in February 2022 for the acquisition of 42 Rafale.
    “In choosing the Rafale, Indonesia has opted for a unique tool for sovereignty and operational independence that will help consolidate its role as a major regional power. This choice also consolidates ambitious industrial and academic cooperations. We are fully committed to making this partnership a success, with a resolutely long-term vision,” said Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.
    REAL 55 SPH = The Indonesian Army ordered 37 CAESAR self-propelled artillery pieces at a total price of US$240 million. The first two units were delivered in September 2012. In February 2017, Indonesia purchased an additional 18 CAESAR self-propelled artillery pieces
    PRANK 18 RAFALE = Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets, the French government spokesman said on Thursday.
    "Negotiations have started. I believe there are now only negotiations with Dassault about the Rafale," Stephane Le Foll told reporters in a briefing after a cabinet meeting.
    PRANK 20 SPH = Nexter in cooperation with Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) is proposing the CAESAR 155mm 52 .cal self propelled howitzer to the Malaysian Army, in order to fill a capability gap. An LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory.
    2024 MYR 19,7 (approx. US$4 billion) : PASTI SEWA LAGI ...
    2023 MYR 17,74 : SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 : SEWA
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    DEFICIT 4,3% : The Malaysian government remains committed to fiscal consolidation with the fiscal deficit expected to improve to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (2023e: 5.0%) and ultimately reach the targeted 3.0%-3.5% by end

  20. Hurraiyy..
    Si Malon kalap kesurupan lagi...


  21. REAL 42 RAFALE = (Saint-Cloud) – The final tranche of 18 Rafale for Indonesia came into force today. It follows the entry into force, in September 2022 and August 2023, of the first and second tranches of 6 and 18 Rafale, thus completing the number of aircraft on order for Indonesia under the contract signed in February 2022 for the acquisition of 42 Rafale.
    “In choosing the Rafale, Indonesia has opted for a unique tool for sovereignty and operational independence that will help consolidate its role as a major regional power. This choice also consolidates ambitious industrial and academic cooperations. We are fully committed to making this partnership a success, with a resolutely long-term vision,” said Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.
    REAL 55 SPH = The Indonesian Army ordered 37 CAESAR self-propelled artillery pieces at a total price of US$240 million. The first two units were delivered in September 2012. In February 2017, Indonesia purchased an additional 18 CAESAR self-propelled artillery pieces
    PRANK 18 RAFALE = Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets, the French government spokesman said on Thursday.
    "Negotiations have started. I believe there are now only negotiations with Dassault about the Rafale," Stephane Le Foll told reporters in a briefing after a cabinet meeting.
    PRANK 20 SPH = Nexter in cooperation with Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) is proposing the CAESAR 155mm 52 .cal self propelled howitzer to the Malaysian Army, in order to fill a capability gap. An LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory.
    2024 MYR 19,7 (approx. US$4 billion) : PASTI SEWA LAGI ...
    2023 MYR 17,74 : SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 : SEWA
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    DEFICIT 4,3% : The Malaysian government remains committed to fiscal consolidation with the fiscal deficit expected to improve to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (2023e: 5.0%) and ultimately reach the targeted 3.0%-3.5% by end

  22. RAFALE Tu pun guys bukan SAJA memang NGUTANG.... Masalahnya wang muka RAFALE pun INDON terpaksa NGUTANG... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. REAL 42 RAFALE = (Saint-Cloud) – The final tranche of 18 Rafale for Indonesia came into force today. It follows the entry into force, in September 2022 and August 2023, of the first and second tranches of 6 and 18 Rafale, thus completing the number of aircraft on order for Indonesia under the contract signed in February 2022 for the acquisition of 42 Rafale.
      “In choosing the Rafale, Indonesia has opted for a unique tool for sovereignty and operational independence that will help consolidate its role as a major regional power. This choice also consolidates ambitious industrial and academic cooperations. We are fully committed to making this partnership a success, with a resolutely long-term vision,” said Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.
      REAL 55 SPH = The Indonesian Army ordered 37 CAESAR self-propelled artillery pieces at a total price of US$240 million. The first two units were delivered in September 2012. In February 2017, Indonesia purchased an additional 18 CAESAR self-propelled artillery pieces
      PRANK 18 RAFALE = Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets, the French government spokesman said on Thursday.
      "Negotiations have started. I believe there are now only negotiations with Dassault about the Rafale," Stephane Le Foll told reporters in a briefing after a cabinet meeting.
      PRANK 20 SPH = Nexter in cooperation with Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) is proposing the CAESAR 155mm 52 .cal self propelled howitzer to the Malaysian Army, in order to fill a capability gap. An LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory.
      2024 MYR 19,7 (approx. US$4 billion) : PASTI SEWA LAGI ...
      2023 MYR 17,74 : SEWA
      2022 MYR 16,14 : SEWA
      The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
      Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
      DEFICIT 4,3% : The Malaysian government remains committed to fiscal consolidation with the fiscal deficit expected to improve to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (2023e: 5.0%) and ultimately reach the targeted 3.0%-3.5% by end

  23. Pasalnya program alutsista negeri Jiran banyak yang mandek gegara kena rasuah.

    Baca Juga: Taktik Gerilya Laut Jadi Pertahanan Maritim Berlapis Indonesia

    Hal ini dilaporkan oleh institut Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) yang mengawasi transfer senjata ke atau dari negara satu dan lainnya.

    Lantas seperti apa transfer senjata ke dan dari Malaysia?

    Patut digarisbawahi dulu Malaysia dari merdeka sampai detik ini belum mengekspor sebiji pun senjata ke negara lain.

    Industri pertahanan Malaysia belum mampu untuk melakukan ekspor senjata ke luar negeri.

    Daftar impor senjata Malaysia pun masih didominasi tahun 2021 dimana ada status 'but not yet ordered by end-2022' yang berarti belum ada uang untuk membayarnya.

    Baca Juga: AS Beri Fasilitas EMLU F-16 Karena Tahun Keamanan Udara Indonesia Prioritas Utama

    Misal proyek fregat Gowind sebanyak 6 buah yang tak operasional satu unit pun padahal sudah dimulai pembuatannya sejak tahun 2014.

    Kemudian ada rencana pembalian pesawat intai maritim ATR-72MP yang statusnya 'but not yet ordered by end-2022'

    Ada lagi UAV Anka sebanyak tiga unit dan statusnya lagi-lagi 'but not yet ordered by end-2022'

    Uniknya ada ekspor senjata buatan Indonesia ke Malaysia yakni CN-235 yang dikonversi ke MPA berkat dana sumbangan dari AS untuk pemerintahan Kuala Lumpur.

    "APS-143C(V)3 Version for modification of 3 CN-235 transport aircraft to MP aircraft (by Indonesian company) 'MSI' adi Delivery planned 2025.," sebut SIPRI.

    Berikut daftar lengkap impor senjata oleh negara Malaysia tahun 2022.



    Memang sesama tetangga harus membantu militer Malaysia dengan alutsista buatan Indonesia demi memperkuat diri untuk mempererat kerjasama asal bayarnya tepat waktu saja.*

    Baca Juga: Pola Operasi Militer Indonesia Sulit Ditebak Berkat Adanya LPD Makassar Class

    Editor: Beryl Santoso

    Sumber: SIPRI

  24. Kapal China Masuki Perairan Pahang Menunjukkan Borok Lemahnya Militer Malaysia

    Militer Malaysia pasti tahu sebuah kapal China memasuki perairan Pahang secara ilegal.

    Militer Malaysia tak sigap menyangkal intruder ini.
    Akan tetapi kasus di Pahang ini agak sedikit berbeda.
    Sebab yang masuk cuma kapal pengangkut China, bukan Coast Guard atau nelayan.

    Parahnya kapal China masuk secara ilegal dan berjarak cuma 40 km dari daratan semenanjung Malaysia.

    Pemantuan militer Malaysia di sinilah yang dipertanyakan.

    Untungnya coast guard Malaysia segera menahan kapal pengangkut China itu.

    Ketika diperiksa di kapal pengangkut China ditemukan 100 butir peluru aktif berbagai ukuran.

    Peluru tersebut merupakan milik kapal perang Inggris yang tenggelam di sana pada masa Perang Dunia II.

    Ya, kapal pengangkut China melakukan penjarahan ilegal di perairan milik Malaysia.

    "Penemuan peluru itu mengungkap aktivitas pencurian bangkai kapal perang Inggris kuno di perairan Pahang yang diduga dilakukan oleh pengangkut yang terlibat.

    Kapal tersebut ditahan oleh Maritime Malaysia di posisi 20,1 mil laut timur Tanjung Siang di sini, karena berlabuh tanpa izin pada pukul 12.45 siang," ujar Berita Harian Malaysia Bernama pada tanggal 10 Januari 2024.

