09 Januari 2017

PNGDF Plans Expansion

09 Januari 2017

Soldier of the PNGDF during amphibious exercise (photo : Asian Military Review) 

Brigadier General Gilbert Toropo, commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF), talk to asianmilitaryreview.com about the state of PNGDF capabilities in the run-up to next year’s national and local elections.

The PNGDF, which contains a land, air and naval element under a single command, plays a key role in supporting the national police force, the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC), in maintaining security in the country. The capabilities, such as Bell 212 light utility helicopters and ‘Balikpapan’ landing craft for example, that the PNGDF has at its disposal far surpass those of the RPNGC. This makes it possible to ensure security in remote areas of the country during significant events such as next year’s elections.

PNG received three Balikpapan-class landing craft heavy : HMPNGS Buna, HMPNGS Lakekamu, HMPNGS Salamaua (photo : William Hester)

Currently, the PNGDF operates two 212 helicopters, which are leased from the Australian Government. According to Brig. Gen. Toropo: “Helicopters are a key capability on an island where the lack of road infrastructure makes mountainous areas particularly difficult to reach”. A Public Private Partnership (PPP) is being set-up with a private helicopter company to acquire more helicopters and secure PNDGF personnel training for five years. The name of the company and the details of the contract, however, cannot be disclosed for confidential reasons.

Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. Toropo continued that in 2018, the PNGDF’s naval element will receive the first of four Austal ‘Guardian’ class patrol boats to replace the four Tenix ‘Pacific’ class patrol boats acquired from Australia in the late-1980s. 

Bell 212 owned by HeviLift and leased to The PNGDF with aid from the Australian Government. (photo : Greg Buckley)

Finally, Brig. Gen. Toropo states that: “There is a big requirement to upgrade our capabilities … but the big challenge is the uncertainty of funding.” For example, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Papua New Guinea performed $112 million in 2014 on military expenditure, although this declined to $100 million in 2015.


8 komentar:

  1. PNG ternyata tidak ada apa-apanya dalam persenjataan militer ,sangat jauh dari negara asean yang berlomba-lomba membeli persenjataan. Karena selama ini tidak ada bertingkah aneh maka aman saja berjiran dengan Indonesia ,andai berjiran dengan Malay ?

  2. Hanya indonesia yg pernah menyerang wilayah tetangganya ...malay tidak ada masalah sama brunai, singapura, thai atau filipina... persengketaan bersenjata cuma sama Indonesia

    1. Well, i gues i must say.. It's in our blood. Since the era of kings and kingdom, our nation full filled with wars and conguest.

    2. Malay membiayai/support pemberontak mnlf philippine.,pemberontakan muslim pattani ,thai ,pemberontakan acheh .

    3. Apa bukti malaysia membiayai pengganas... malaysia buleh kata indon juga membiayai pengganas.. malaysia tiada ancaman pengganas disebabkan perisikan mengesan awal anasir ni... di indon tentera dengan polis pun gaduh.. camana tu...

    4. @Dein ,faktanya peristiwa lahad dattu ,banyak tentara/polis Malay jadi korban ,karena sangat heibat perisiknya. Pesawat komersil boleh hilang juga karena heibat perisik ?Pengganas /penculik Abu sayyaf banyak menyandera warga Malay juga karena perisik heibat ?
      ni ada bukti heibatnya atm ;http://video.tribunnews.com/view/14443/dijamin-ngakak-tentara-malaysia-latah-dengar-suara-tembakan
      Dengar suara tembakan atm langsung latah ,terkencing di seluar.

    5. Bebei, you're right.
      The conquest was the most than war. Majapahit was more like united kingdom than one big kingdom.
      In other hand, the kingdom of Minang have descendant in neighboring country.

  3. Ia PNG sebenar nya bersiap utk hadapi negara indon takut takut d takluki lgi loh....
