18 Desember 2018

Growing Australia's Defence Exports

18 Desember 2018

A Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard ship (image : Austal)

A major milestone has been reached on Australia’s journey to become a top ten global defence exporter.

Today we announce the Defence Export Facility will support the export of sophisticated Australian radar systems and patrol boats.

This support for Australian defence industry will help create and support Australian jobs.

A key initiative of the Liberal National Government’s Defence Export Strategy, the Defence Export Facility was established to grow Australia’s defence exports by helping overcome difficulties in accessing private sector finance for exports.

CEA Technologies will use a $90 million loan from the Defence Export Facility to finance the construction of a new manufacturing facility in Canberra to help grow their exports and meet Australian Defence Force demand for their world-class phased array radars.

The expansion of CEA’s facilities is expected to create 200 jobs and further high-tech jobs in its Australian supply chain.

GBAD radar with AESA by CEA (photo : ADBR)

Thanks to the Defence Export Facility Austal is in negotiations to build two patrol boats for the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT). The export facility loan of up to $80 million will directly support Australian jobs on the program. Austal is still in contract negotiations with the GORTT but has concluded an interim Schedule Protection Agreement to allow work to commence at Austal’s Henderson, Western Australia centre for excellence in Maritime design to support the sale.

The Austal order shows how the Defence Export Facility is helping Australian exporters sell more of their Australian products to the world, helping drive economic growth and create new Australian jobs.

The Liberal National Government is backing Australian businesses so they can grow and prosper by exporting their expertise to world.

Exports will help strengthen Australia’s defence industry and build the nation’s sovereign defence capability, critical to keeping Australia safe and secure.

The Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (Efic) will administer loans under the Defence Export Facility.

(Aus DoD)

30 komentar:

  1. Sekarang aturannya sudah berubah...baris pertama didedikasikan buat sales dan keluarganya πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


    1. Much powerful than US Aegis Destroyer.


      What it looks like?????

      Using Indons made TONG- TONG 400HP Piston type engine.


    2. klo ATM malassiah gimana ruk.... setarap dungeon ya...😁😁😁

  3. Dan komentar pertama dari baris pertama adalah penerima dedikasi itu..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. (jebule isih sedulur)


  5. Mbok yo fotone ki diganti toyo master....ko ndhak dikiro sedulur tenanan πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

  6. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  7. This one I prefered as a shipbuilder.very taugh and quality ships produce.
    How about Indons PT PAL????
    1. Poor Quality
    2. Have lots of issues in corruption.
    3. Unprofessional shipbuilder.
    4. Poor and Ugly designed ships.
    5. Belongs to a third world country.
    6. Previous customer are not satisfied of their made ships.
    7. Made up of poor materials.
    8. They (Indons) dont know what they are doing.
    9. ASEAN neighbors called Indons countries aviation as the most dangerous and no ability and capable to maintain.
    10. They (Indons) have no directions in life.

    1. ah beruk dah berani nampak pulak.... jangan kaboor ko lon...munafik peoples...

  8. PT PAL of Indonesia is a garbage shipbuilder. Made very Poor quality.

    1. nunjuk orang lain gak liat dirinya sendiri... mana ada bikin kapal dah seremoni di kembalikan lagi kat hanggar... dibongkar pulak plus rustic karna kelamaan gak di pakai2 jg...itu namanya apa ruk...😁😁

    2. Gak usah ngebacott loo.. poor malay pasti bli kapal PT PAL utk MRRS!!
      after that you could suck your own small Di..xxxxxck,. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    3. malon tinggal beruk ini saja yg punya muka koar koar hoax disini...yg lain dah pada sadar negerinya cem sampah asean je...😁😁

    4. Dia bencong gila yg lagi caper..

      Kasih receh aja biar dia seneng..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Sing seneng nggodani bencong πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

  9. ...intinya IFX dan F-16 Indonesia...kalau TANPA Su-35 Flanker E itu sama dengan RONGSOKAN

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  10. pedang setan18 Desember 2018 13.26

    Ngelu, kedawan mas'e..?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    smilinghari21218 Desember 2018 13.50

    Astaga...gak nyongko tenan aku, mas@PS jebul 😱😱😱

    1. Opo tho mas bro..?"kedawan..?" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. You can see the diffrence of Austal design which is more than as futuristic and taugh unlike Indons made design like an Idiot.

  12. ...ada 2 alasan kenapa IFX dan F-16 Indonesia bisa jadi RONGSOKAN ;

    1. Kalah bertempur jika BERDUEL dengan dengan Jet Tempur yang tangguh

    2. Karena EMBARGO ALUTSISTA dari US Amerika dan kroco2nya termasuk juga Korea Selatan

    ...kalau masalah DUIT jangan dijadikan alasan, karena Indonesia horang kayaaaaa

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

    1. "Nggene wae mas...dijoli iki wae piye πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡"


  13. ...jadi Ane harap TABIR KEPALSUAN yang masih menyelimuti mata hati para fansboy BARAT...bisa segera terkuak dan menghilang, lalu dilanjutkan ke HABIS GELAP TERBITLAH TERANG

    ...bahwa kehadiran Su-35 Flanker E Indonesia adalah sebagai 1 jawaban untuk 2 masalah yang dihadapi oleh IFX dan F-16 Indonesia supaya tetap konsistensi keberadaannya dan terlindungi bila menghadapi lawan yang tangguh

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  14. desain kapal bagus,..tingkat daya "dragnya" rendah..jd lebih efisien bhn bakar nih...

  15. disain2 austal uda bagus, tp knp ostrali masi byk impor luar punya yak. apa gak pede? haha!πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    1. Betul..mas,banyak kontraktor besar buka di ausie kya Thales,rayytheon,Bae..dll,tgl ngomong pasti disediain suku cadang dan senjata..masalahnya hanya ausie dan tuhan yg ta😌😌

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