19 Desember 2018

Incredible Weapons of the Vietnamese Special Forces

19 Desember 2018

Vietnamese Special Forces weapons (all photos : KienThuc)

Special Forces Unit of Vietnam has for the first time introduced special equipment and military equipment for training and combat readiness.

Accordingly, besides the maneuvers of some kinds of weapons, equipment and anti-riot at the 113th Special Forces Brigade, the Special Forces Command also introduced a variety of weapons, technical equipment and equipment. Measures of training and combat readiness.

In addition to the high-quality military equipment imported from many advanced countries around the world, the Technical Department of the Special Forces Command has also researched the creation of many weapons, support tools, means of combat Modern armor lifts, lifejackets are attached to many high-rise buildings for training, rehearsal and anti-terrorism missions.

At present, new equipment has worked well for A2 and anti-terrorism, contributing to the strength of the Combat Team. In the picture are some standard equipment for special units for each type of task, from land, under water to air, amphibious.

Included in the photo are some standard Vietnamese guns , including CornerShot shotguns with special pistols, Mirco UZI submachine guns, Tavor CTAR21 submachine guns, and Galil sniper rifles.

Close-up shot of CornerShot of Vietnamese Commandos, this device can help the gunner shoot accurately through the turning corner of the wall if the horizontal rotation. Therefore, the soldier is also safer by not revealing the body before the enemy. However, the limitation of this weapon is the short range. CornerShot also has a 40mm grenade launcher version.

CornerShot players can track and attack targets through a display connected to the camera mounted at the top of the gun.

For the standard guns of the Vietnamese Special Forces, the Mirco UZI and Galil guns have been in service for a long time, while the Tavor CTAR21 has only been in service recently.

In the photo, the underwater gear allows the combatant to move, approach and track the target from below the water instead of manually crafting the way it was before.

Some on-shore and underwater radio communications equipment of the Special Force, most of which are imported from abroad.

Walkie talkie and shortwave communications equipment are being used by Vietnamese specualist use.

In addition to combat missions, the Vietnamese Special Forces are also equipped with clearance and demining weapons in A2 and anti-terrorism missions.


37 komentar:

  1. Incredible?
    Biasa aja tuuh, dimari juga banyak.
    Personel SF nya sangaran dimari juga..😎

    1. Karepe ki, yen neng kono agek iki klakon njajal barang yahud 😂😂😂

    2. nggak papa
      dari pada nggak ada kabar sama sekali kayak sebelah yang iri dengki itu tuu

    3. Yang jelas, disana lebih cantik 😊.

  2. kahkahkahkah...nguyen van that lama2 ketularan chauvinis koplak kek malons.. 😅😅😅.. peralatan kek gitu POLRI pun sudah lama punya brada.. bahkan lebih kompliiiitttt.. wkwkkwk..

    1. pihak polri lan TNI ngunu kuwi wes nduwe alat koyok ngunu ket jaman gaenak
      malah sakniki wes saget nggawe alat corner shot lan close up shot

    2. Weits, ampun ngece lho paklek...teng vietnam riko, akademi militere komplit alat pendidikanipun, ngantos rudal anti pesawat terbang nggih wonten.

      Maklum jaman riyin, vietnam rak bolone sovyet, milo gegamane gemrayah pating glenter

    3. swantee mawon
      ten vietnam senjatane katah seng tumbas lah ten mriki roto rotone wes mulai nggawe dhewe
      ten vietnam niku roto rotone niku nduwe lisensi kanggo nggawe senjatane negoro liyo

    4. btw kene niki bolone sinten nggeh? 🤔🤔🤔

    5. sebg jelas mboten bolone malon ahahaha...pokok e gaah bolonan karo malon

    6. "Lha niko lho paklek...daftar bolo sing sinorowedi 👇👇👇"

      smilinghari21219 Desember 2018 11.55


      smilinghari21219 Desember 2018 11.56


      smilinghari21219 Desember 2018 11.57


      smilinghari21219 Desember 2018 11.58

    7. Nek ingkang meniko ☝️☝️☝️, mboten namung sadeyan gegaman, ning nggih nularke ilmu lan teknologi to paklek....

  3. koyo nek cah cilik due dolanan anyar yoo...bungah e ra umum....tapi ono cah cilik sek mung pengen tok rakuat tuku nganti ngecess....sakno ne caah..

  4. rompi penjinak bom kenopo merekk koyo tnggoku BU micen..

    1. Nek punya tetangga mereke BROMOCORAH mbah...😂😂😂

      Simbah kok ngangsi apal kaleh celemeke bu micen...asring namatke jemurane nopo mbah 🤔

  5. Again those Idiot Indons will say they have it also

    1. Eaaaa eaaaa eaaaa....

      Asune teko....hahahahahaha

    2. https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/65f7e9a9cd03f44c6def4a073739940a/5CA15B86/t51.2885-15/e35/43095896_347699709081424_4649148827209656028_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTg5MjQzMjE2MTM4ODk3MzI1MA%3D%3D.2

      let's see

    3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/dzuhanadasyaiful.wordpress.com/2014/05/27/panglima-angkatan-tentara-malaysia-cium-tangan-sby/amp/

      lets see beruk...bukti nyata malon atm level dibawah TNI...😁😁😁

  6. Balasan
    1. Eaaaa eaaa eaaa

      Jancoke teko...

    2. malon miskin tegar bin dungu iyah...😁😁

  7. FACT...!!!

    Malays karna miskin dari PM sampe Rakyatnya hidup dengan MALING... PM najib Maling Rasuah ditangkap SPRM... Rakyatnya Maling Kayu ditangkap TNI...

