30 September 2010

Kemhan RI Upayakan Alih Teknologi 'Super Tucano'

30 September 2010

Pesawat Super Tucano buatan Brazil photo : (Militaryphotos)

Jakarta - Kementerian Pertahanan RI tengah mengupayakan adanya alih teknologi dalam pengadaan pesawat "Super Tucano EMB-314" yang akan menggantikan pesawat OV-10 Bronco TNI Angkatan Udara, kata Sekjen Kementerian Pertahanan Marsekal Madya TNI Eris Herryanto di Jakarta, Rabu.

Kepada ANTARA ia mengemukakan, klausul mengenai alih teknologi itu akan dimasukkan dalam kontrak pengadaan 16 unit "Super Tucano" bagi TNI Angkatan Udara. "Karena itu, masih memerlukan waktu agar kontraknya selesai dan pengadaan `Super Tucano` dapat segera dilaksanakan," ujar Eris.

Ia mengungkapkan, pihak Embraer Brasil sebagai produsen "Super Tucano" hanya mengizinkan PT DI untuk mengerjakan sejumlah pekerjaan non aeronautika. Sedangkan Kemhan RI terutama PT DI menginginkan, Embraer memberikan ijin untuk pembuatan suku cadang pesawat.

"Dengan begitu, jika sewaktu-waktu TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai pengguna, memerlukan suku cadang pesawat akan lebih cepat dan murah. Tidak perlu kita harus menunggu lama. Ini yang masih kita negosiasikan. Setelah disepakati kedua pihak, baru kita masukkan dalam kontrak agar ada dasar hukum yang jelas dan tidak timbul masalah di waktu mendatang," kata Eris.
Perbedaan ukuran pesawat EMB-312 Tucano (trainer) dan EMB-314 Super Tucano (counter insurgency). (image : arcforum)

Ia menambahkan, pihaknya memahami kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Udara untuk segera mengganti pesawat OV-10 yang telah lama dihanggarkan namun Kementerian Pertahanan tidak mau gegabah. "Pemerintah telah menetapkan dalam setiap pembelian alat utama sistem senjata dari mancanegara, harus menyertakan alih teknologi. Ini yang sedang diupayakan pula dalam pengadaan pesawat Super Tucano dan lainnya," ujar Eris menegaskan.

Sebelumnya, Asisten Perencanaan kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal Muda TNI Ery Biatmoko mengatakan, dalam kurun waktu 2005-2024 TNI Angkatan Udara berencana mengganti sejumlah pesawat tempur dan angkut yang telah memasuki usia pakai 20-30 tahun, seperti OV-10 Bronco yang kini telah di-"grounded", Hawk MK-53, F-5 Tiger dan F-16 Fighting Falcon. Untuk pengganti Hawk MK-53, maka Mabes TNI Angkatan Udara mengajukan tiga jenis pesawat yang sudah dicoba yakni T-50, Yak 130 dari Rusia dan L-159B dari Ceko.

Ia mengemukakan, pengadaan pengganti pesawat OV-10 Bronco sangat mendesak mengingat pesawat tempur taktis buatan North American Rockwell itu sudah dikandangkan sejak medio 2007 lalu. "Kalau terlalu lama, kasihan adik-adik penerbang kita. Jadi, jika lebih cepat akan lebih baik. Kemampuan penerbang kita terjaga dan kesiapan operasional juga bertambah," kata Ery yang ditemui di tempat kerjanya.

Indonesia mulai menggunakan pesawat itu sejak 1976, dan terbukti efektif saat diterjunkan dalam operasi militer di Timor-Timor, Aceh dan Kalimantan Barat.

Kini aktivitas di Skuadron Udara 21 Pangkalan Udara Abdurahman Saleh, Malang, yang merupakan markas pesawat OV-10 Bronco, hanya sekadar memelihara pesawat-pesawat yang ada. Para pilot pesawat OV-1O Bronco kini memelihara kemampuan terbangnya dengan menjadi instruktur atau menjalani konversi ke jenis pesawat lain.

Sukhoi Hanya di Makassar

30 September 2010

Pesawat flanker TNI-AU (photo : bukusuma-indoflyer)

Makassar (ANTARA News) - Untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara Indonesia, pemerintah telah membangun satu skadron pesawat tempur Sukhoi di Pangkalan Udara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar dan jet tempur Rusia itu hanya akan berada di Lanud Hasanuddin.

"Untuk skadron pesawat tempur Sukhoi ditempatkan di Lanud Hasanuddin Makassar dan hingga saat ini Lanud telah mempunyai 10 unit pesawat tempur Sukhoi," kata Kepala Penerangan dan Kepustakaan (Kapentak) Lanud Hasanuddin Makassar, Kapten Agus, Kamis.

Untuk melengkapi skadron Lanud Hasanuddin Makassar, pemerintah masih akan memesan enam pesawat tempur Sukhoi lagi dari Rusia.

"Satu skadronnya akan diisi Sukhoi sebanyak 16 unit dan hingga saat ini kita sudah punya 10 unit," ujarnya tanpa menjelaskan kapan enam pesawat tempur berikutnya bakal dibeli.

Berdasarkan rencana jangka panjang hingga tiga dekade ke depan, pemerintah akan membangun 10 skadron dengan 180 unit pesawat tempur berbagai jenis.

10 skadron itu akan ditempatkan 180 pesawat tempur berbagai jenis, diantaranya F-16 Fighting Falcon yang sudah masuk dalam rencana kerja strategi Kemenhan sebagai pengganti Hawk. (*)


29 September 2010

DSTO Hercules Propeller Balancing Software Adopted Internationally

29 September 2010
Hercules propeller (photo : DSTO)

DSTO has developed software for Air Force C-130J aircraft to vastly improve the process of dynamic balancing of propellers to reduce vibration levels. It has proved so useful that with the exception of the United States which is still reviewing the terms of the software licence, all C-130J users ( UK, Italy, Denmark, Canada and Norway) will soon start using the software. DSTO scientist, Brian Rebbechi, acknowledged the support from Air Force No. 37 Squadron, SQNLDR Vince Chong and SQNLDR Herman Wong, as pivotal in getting this project off the ground a number of years ago. “Without their enduring support… this would never have made it.”

To develop the initial concept, DSTO scientists carried out a flight test program on an Air Force C-130J aircraft. The results were used to develop an algorithm that together with data obtained from existing onboard sensors, provided a propeller balance solution. Data can now be acquired during normal flight operations.

“We found an advanced engine monitoring capability that was active but wasn’t being used. Access to this capability required no modification or change to aircraft hardware or software – only a tool to extract and decode data from a data bank recorded during every flight,” said DSTO’s Brian Rebbechi.

Balancing will now take two hours without the need for engine ground runs. Previously balancing required up to five maintenance staff, 1-2 days, and multiple ground runs. Extensive manual effort was required to temporarily install sensors, external wiring and test equipment. The ‘working at height’ OH&S issues associated with the temporary over-wing wiring caused further complications.

The software has the potential for ongoing savings for the Air Force of over $2 million worth of maintenance hours and fuel savings over the life of the aircraft, and frees up personnel and aircraft for other tasks.

The Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) is part of Australia's Department of Defence. DSTO's role is to ensure the expert, impartial and innovative application of science and technology to the defence of Australia and its national interests.

28 September 2010

Sindikasi 3 Bank dalam Negeri Akan Biayai Pembelian Tambahan 6 Sukhoi

28 September 2010

Su-27SKM yang baru saja diserah-terimakan kepada TNI-AU (photo : Detik)

Menhan Akui Tak Termasuk Senjata

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Untuk pengadaan enam pesawat tempur jenis Sukhoi yang dibeli dari Rusia, pemerintah harus merogoh dana sekitar 300 juta dollar Amerika Serikat.

Dengan demikian, harga per satu unit pesawat Sukhoi mencapai sekitar 50 juta dollar AS. Namun, pembelian pesawat tempur tersebut, tidak termasuk kontrak pembelian jenis senjata tempurnya. Sebab, pengadaan senjata harus dilakukan dengan kontrak berbeda.

Hal itu diakui Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro menjawab pers, seusai menghadiri pelantikan Panglima TNI yang baru Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono dan Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut Laksdya TNI Poernomo di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Selasa (28/9).

"Memang, harganya jadi cukup mahal. Akan tetapi, mempertahankan negara ini, kan, memang tidak murah. Namun, devisa yang kita miliki, kan, juga cukup besar, yaitu sampai 78 juta dollar AS," tandas Purnomo.

Menurut Purnomo, dana yang digunakan untuk enam pesawat Sukhoi itu melalui fasilitas kredit ekspor (KE) yang berasal dari dana sindikasi tiga bank dalam negeri, yaitu Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI 46 dan Bank Rakyat Indonesia. "Dana APBN-nya hanya sebesar 15 persen, yakni untuk lokal content-nya saja," tambahnya.

Adapun, kata Purnomo, penggunaan dana devisa negara yang mencapai 78 juta dollar AS, harus seizin Menteri Keuangan terlebih dulu. Diakui Purnomo, harga per unit pesawat jenis Sukhoi sekitar 50 juta dollar AS itu baru termasuk rak untuk pemasangan senjata dan bom yang akan melengkapinya.

"Jadi, kalau mau pasang senjata dan bom-nya, harus cari sendiri. Kita bisa mencarinya dari mana saja. Tidak harus dari Rusia," lanjutnya.

Purnomo mengakui, setiap jenis pesawat Sukhoi dilengkapi dengan empat rak untuk penempatan senjata dan pembom-nya. Sukhoi bisa digunakan untuk pertempuran udara maupun aksi pemboman wilayah musuh.

Target dua kapal selam

Lebih jauh, Purnomo mengakui dari enam kapal fregat yang dicita-citakan TNI Angkatan Lau, akan dibangun PT PAL, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, ternyata pemerintah baru mampu merealisasi satu unit saja.

Sementara, di tempat yang sama, Laksdya TNI Poernomo mengakui kepada Kompas, akhir tahun ini korpsnya berusaha menyelesaikan kontrak bagi pembangunan dua kapal selam samudra. Jika terwujud, pihaknya akan mengajukan kepada Kementerian Keuangan.

Namun, ia belum mau merinci dengan negara mana pembangunan dua kapal selam samudra tersebut dilakukan. "Kalau akhir tahun ini kontraknya sudah ditandatangani, pembuatan kapal selamnya bisa berlangsung selama tiga tahun," kata Poernomo.

Poernomo menambahkan, sebagai KSAL yang baru, ia akan melanjutkan program yang dirintis oleh KSAL sebelumnya, yaitu Agus Suhartono. "Program Pak Agus kan belum selesai. Jadi, saya harus melanjutkan program alat utama sistem kesenjataan (alutsista), peningkatan profesionalisme, kesejahteraan anggota dan efisiensi anggara," demikian Poernomo.

Kiwi Skyhawk Sale Approval Expires

28 September 2010

Kiwi Skyhawk (photo : Doug Mackay)

Approval from the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for the New Zealand government to sell the RNZAF’s retired fleet of 17 A-4K Skyhawks expired on September 22 without the completion of a sale.

The NZ government had hoped to sell the aircraft as well as 17 MB-339 Macchi jet trainers to Arizona based Tactical Air Services (TAS), but the company has been unsuccessful in obtaining the required NZ$150m (A$116m) required to complete the deal. NZ Prime Minister John Key said on September 21 that the deal was “challenging” and that it was unlikely TAS could come up with the cash for the aircraft, despite a sale to TAS being announced as far back as 2005.

“At some point you’ve just got to say, ‘you’ve had your time,”‘ Defence Minister Wayne Mapp added, saying the aircraft would likely be scrapped, broken up for spares, or placed in museums. While it was still possible for the US authorities to extend the deadline, it is unlikely another buyer will be found for the 45 year old Skyhawks, some of which are former RAN aircraft.

The NZ government has reportedly spent more than NZ$34m (A$26m) keeping the mothballed Skyhawks at Woodbourne near Blenheim since they were retired in December 2001, although in recent years they have been stored outside and have reportedly deteriorated. The Macchis have been stored and occasionally flown at Ohakea Air Base, and have recently been crated up for storage.

(Australian Aviation)

See Also :

Christmas is Coming for Skyhawks
28 September 2010

The New Zealand government will give a United States company until to Christmas to come up with money to buy its Skyhawks, after the company was granted extended import approval by its own authorities.

Tactical Air Services (TAS) got an import permit from the US State Department a year ago, as is needed for the purchase of such equipment. That approval was due to expire yesterday, but Defence Minister Wayne Mapp said a 12 month extension had been granted.

TAS has for several years had its sights set on buying 17 Skyhawks and 17 Aermacchi trainer jets from the Defence Force, but has not been able to wrap up a deal.

Mapp and Prime Minister John Key this week all but wrote off any chance of a sale going through, and Mapp said today while the Government was now prepared to wait until Christmas, hopes of a sale were still slim.

"They have had that permit to import for 12 months, they didn't come up with a credible contract during that period of time," he said.

After Christmas the government would take "other options".

While there could potentially be a market for the 1980s Aermacchis, the 1965 Skyhawks would more than likely end up as museum pieces.

Key even said this week Australia had shown interest in getting one to put on display and that it would be a "nice gesture" to hand one over.

The jets were decommissioned by the Labour government in 2001 but have still cost the taxpayer millions to maintain and keep in a saleable condition.

The Skyhawks were more recently wrapped in latex so they could be weather-proof and kept outdoors without too much expense, but Mapp said they couldn't stay in that state for much longer.

He said TAS had been in touch this week with the Defence Force insisting it would come up with a deal. "But they've said that before."

Labour had the jets on the books at $155 million and said in 2005 a deal had been done with TAS to sell them. That deal fell through because of the time it took for the state department to grant import approval, and the economic crisis has since made it difficult for the company to find the big investor needed.


Singapore Signs Contract For 12 M-346 Aircraft

28 September 2010
M-346 master advanced jet trainer (photo : Nigel Blake)

New Generation Advanced Fighter Trainer for the RSAF

The Ministry of Defence has awarded a contract to Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd (ST Aerospace) to acquire 12 M-346 aircraft and a ground-based training system for the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) replacement programme. The aircraft will be provided by Alenia Aermacchi, while the training system will be supplied by Boeing. ST Aerospace will undertake the overall management of the AJT programme. The 12 M-346 aircraft and the ground-based training system are expected to be delivered from 2012.

The acquisitions of the M-346 aircraft and the ground-based training system mark a significant milestone in the RSAF’s force development, enhancing the capabilities and operational readiness of the Singapore Armed Forces.

27 September 2010

Casspir IV – Denel Introduces A Modern Version for the Legendary Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV)

27 September 2010

Casspir Mk IV (photo : Army Recognition)

31 years after pioneering mine protection for vehicles with the first Casspir Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV) Denel unveiled today a new version of South Africa’s iconic mine-protection vehicle – Casspir MK IV. The new vehicle was launched in Cape Town today, at the African Aerospace and Defence Expo (AAD) taking place at the Ysterplaat Air Force Base.

According to Ashley Williams, CEO of Denel’s subsidiary Mechem, responsible for the vehicle design, new features introduced with the new model are the use of modern, more powerful drive train with manual or automatic transmission, a stronger hull offering improved protection, including ‘up armoring’ with appliqué armor modules, a slightly wider and lower cabin, offering improved interior design.

Casspir IV from rear view (photo : Army Recognition)

“Mechem took the strategic decision to build this configuration again due to the great demand still in the market. In the last few years, most of these vehicles were re-manufactured from hulls bought from SAPS auctions and tender processes causing depletion in actionable stock. There was also concern over the supply of spare parts,” said Mr Williams.

Kopassus also uses Casspir (photo : Kaskus Militer)

According to Denel CEO, Mr Talib Sadik, Casspir had been the benchmark for the safe transportation of military personnel worldwide and the vehicle is the preferred Mine Protection Vehicle and Armored Personnel Carrier used by the United Nations. It has been used in combat in many of the world’s hot spots, from Afghanistan to Mozambique, by the South African National Defence Force, private security companies and police services. Casspir became famous in popular culture when it featured prominently in the Oscar-nominated film, District Nine. The first Casspir was built in 1979 by TFM.
New features introduced with the new model are the use of modern, more powerful drive train with optional automatic transmission, improved protection and more ergonomic cabin. (photo: Denel)

Mechem also offers the ‘Steel Wheels’ counter-mine system for the Casspir, enabling the vehicle to destroy land mines without damaging the vehicle.

See Also :
Denel develops air-transportable Casspir APC
20 September 2010

Denel's Mechem division has developed a new air-transportable variant of the Casspir mine-protected armoured personnel carrier (APC) to complement the Mk II variants, which were re-launched in May 2010.

The new vehicle, known as the Casspir Mk IV, is wider than the original vehicle, but at 2.73 m tall, it is slightly lower overall, enabling it to fit through the entrance to a C-130 Hercules transport. The vehicle's 40 cm ride-height remains the same to help manage blast, but the roof has been dropped by 20 cm.

Despite the change in dimensions, Denel claims the vehicle offers the same high levels of mine protection as the earlier vehicles and that add-on armour packages are available to increase protection still further.

Questions Over F-35's Stealth Capability

27 September 2010

F-35 JSF (photo : Defense Industry Daily)

There are claims Australia's biggest ever defence purchase, the $16 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, has lost its biggest advantage - stealth.

Defence analysts say the new Russian L band radar will detect the fighter and can be fitted to Sukhoi jet fighters of the type flown by Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Vietnam.

The Liberal member for Tangney, Dr Dennis Jensen, is a former research scientist and defence analyst with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation. He says the radar system can see through the F-35's stealth protection.

"The F-22 has been designed to be stealthy in a wider range of frequencies than the Joint Strike Fighter but also the F-22 has been designed to be in all aspects stealthy ... whereas with the JSF the major focus has been from the frontal aspect," he said.

"The stealth on the Joint Strike Fighter has been optimised around a certain set of frequencies and this is the problem with the radar that the Russians have developed to fit into the Sukhoi Flankers among others."

A spokesman for Defence Minister John Faulkner says Defence monitors all such technical developments.

He says ongoing analysis shows the Joint Strike Fighter will be able to meet Australia's requirements in all realistic threat scenarios.

He says that includes Indonesia's purchase of Sukhoi SU-35 fighters.

TNI AU akan Beli Rudal untuk Lengkapi Sukhoi

27 September 2010

Rudal-rudal yang biasa dipakai untuk Sukhoi Flanker family (photo : acig)

MAKASSAR--MI: Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal Imam Sufaat mengungkapkan TNI AU sedang melakukan perundingan dengan Pemerintah Rusia bagi pengadaan peluru kendali atau misil guna melengkapi pesawat tempur tersebut.

"Kami sedang merundingkan pembelian rudal bagi Sukhoi," kata Kasau kepada pers di Makassar, Senin (27/9), usai serah terima tiga pesawat tempur Sukhoi tipe SU-27 SKM dari Pemerintah Rusia.

Imam Sufaat mengatakan, proses pembelian rudal tersebut dilakukan karena produsen pesawat Sukhoi tidak sama dengan produsen rudal.

"Pembelian rudal ini memang dilakukan dari Rusia," kata Imam Sufaat saat mendampingi Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

Imam Sufaat mengatakan, ada hal-hal teknis yang harus dibicarakan dengan pabrik rudal tersebut karena misil tersebut harus sesuai dengan sistem komputer yang ada pada Sukhoi.

Sementara itu, Menhan Purnomo mengatakan, sekali pun Sukhoi tidak dilengkapi dengan rudal, bukan berarti di dalam pesawat itu tidak ada senjata sama sekali. "Kita membeli bom dari Turen," kata Purnomo.

Di Turen, Malang, terdapat pabrik amunisi milik PT Pindad yang mempunyai spesialisasi untuk pembuatan senjata serta amunisi.

Kasau Imam Sufaat menambahkan, pembelian pesawat Sukhoi tersebut satu paket dengan program pemeliharaan dan perawatan.

Ia mengatakan, untuk 2010, TNI AU mendapat anggaran pemeliharaan sebesar Rp1,3 triliun, sementara pada 2008, Mabes TNI AU hanya menerima biaya perawatan dan pemeliharaan sebesar Rp500 juta.

Kasau menjelaskan, penggunaan anggaran perawatan pesawat itu berdasarkan instruksi Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro yang meminta seluruh jajaran TNI AU untuk merawat dan memelihara alat utama sistem senjata mereka secara maksimal.

"Jadi, jangan hanya masalah penyediaan pesawat yang harus dibicarakan, tapi juga masalah pemeliharaan dan perawatan," kata Menhan.

Hadir pada acara tersebut Dubes Indonesia untuk Rusia Hamid Awaluddin serta Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Tubagus Hasanuddin yang merupakan mantan sekretaris militer kepresidenan pada era Pemerintahan Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri. (Ant/OL-3)

RAN Joins China in Live Firing Naval Exercise

27 September 2010

HMAS Warramunga FFG-152 (photo : Australian DoD)

China enlists Australian Navy in charm offensive

China has chosen the Royal Australian Navy as its partner for what are being called the most intense war games with a foreign power in the nation's history.
China has never allowed Western media onto one of its navy ships during live target practice before but times are changing.

The ABC was granted exclusive access aboard Chinese Navy frigate Luoyang as it took part in the exercises on the Yellow Sea off northern China.

Luoyang's 80 millimetre guns opened up on a target almost three kilometres away. Smoke filled the Yellow Sea air after each firing.

Also firing was the Australian frigate HMAS Waramanga, which is also taking part in the joint exercises.

Chinese lieutenant commander Tony Cao is happy with the result.

Louyang FFG-527 (photo : China Defense Mashup)

"We had very good cooperation today," he said.

"I think that shows our relationship."

After criticism it is too secretive about its military build-up, China is on a charm offensive and has chosen Australia as a partner to show the world its intentions are peaceful.

One reason for the change could be military tension between China and the United States.

China is unhappy about US arms sales to Taiwan and Commander Cao says Americans are refused invitations to take part in joint naval exercises.

"If the United States stops selling the weapons to Taiwan and stopping spying us with the air or the surface, I think that will do good to the communication and to the cooperation between our two countries," he said.

Commander Bruce Legge, the Australian frigate's commanding officer, says even though Australia is a close ally of the United States, tensions between Washington and Beijing are not any of his business.

"Well I don't even think it's necessary to have the US here because it allows Australia to just concentrate on working together," he said.

"You know we're working very closely with China, we certainly don't need America to do that and you can see just how forward we're moving with this."

Last year Canberra named China as Australia's biggest strategic threat, prompting an angry response from the Chinese foreign ministry.

But as an Australian Seahawk helicopter performs a daring winch manoeuvre hovering above the flight deck of the Chinese frigate, it seems that dispute is ancient history.

26 September 2010

Vietnam to Buy Four Radar to Detect Stealth Aircraft

26 September 2010

Kolchuga-M passive radar (photo : Allocer)

RBK news agency, reported that Vietnam has purchased four Ukraine’s Kolchuga-M radar to detect stealth aircraft in the country.

Deputy Minister of Industrial Policy, Chairman of the Ukraine defense industry affair Konstantin Kucher and with senior Defense Ministry of Vietnam has signed program document. Mr Кonstantin Kucher rated collaboration Ukraine - Vietnam has strengthened the relationships in the field of military technical cooperation.

Details of the program were not disclosed, but the newspaper commented: "The analysis of military-technical policy in Vietnam showed that Ukraine is still in the future partners in the field of technical Vietnam's military procurement of products, technology and military service. "

According to the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade-TsAMTO (Russia) 2000-2001, Ukraine was transferred to Vietnam 100 R-27 medium-range air to air missile guided by semi-active radar to equip the Su-27 fighters provided by Russia. As Vietnam plans to continue to buy new Russian fighter should be able to Ukraine will also provide a weapon for air planes.

According to available data are at the implementation stage is the contract signed in 2008 provides 4 stations passive electronic reconnaissance Kolchuga-M worth an estimated $ 54 million.

According TsAMTO, although Russia currently has an overwhelming market in Vietnam, Moscow need the ability to increase position than Ukraine in this market. Kolchuga with Tamara and the Czech Vera system is the passive electronic reconnaissance with the most current, one of the most effective means to detect stealth aircraft. There are rumors, China bought 4-8 Kolchuga system of Ukraine.

In 1998-2000, Ukraine has provided Vietnam 5 Projekt 1400 Zhuk/Grif class patrol boats.

In 2002-2003, Ukraine offers Vietnam 10 L-39ZA Albatros air combat training from the armed forces of Ukraine.

In 2005-2006, Ukraine transferred to Vietnam eight Su-22 fighters bomber from the armed forces of Ukraine under contracts signed in 2004, a contract worth an estimated $ 20 million.

TNI Siapkan Pembangunan Satu Batalyon Tank di KODAM XII

26 September 2010

Tank tempur ringan Scorpion (photo : Detik)

Pontianak, (ANTARA) - Komando Daerah Militer XII Tanjungpura mulai membangun satu batalion tank bagian Komando Strategi dan Cadangan Angkatan Darat awal tahun 2011 guna menambah kekuatan di kawasan perbatasan Indonesia dengan Malaysia.

"Batalion tank itu akan kami tempatkan di Kabupaten Bengkayang, untuk memudahkan mobilisasinya kendaraan berat itu di sepanjang kawasan perbatasan Kalbar - Malaysia," kata Komandan Korem 121 Alambhana Wanawai Kolonel Inf Toto Rinanto di Pontianak, Sabtu.

Ia menjelaskan, rencana pembentukan batalion tank itu secara detil masih digodok di Mabes TNI AD.

"Pada dasarnya kami siap mengamankan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, baik dari gangguan luar dan dalam," kata Totok.

Menurut dia, lokasi akan dibangunnya batalion tank itu sudah dipersiapkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Bengkayang.

"Saya bersama Pangdam XII Tanjungpura sudah turun langsung meninjau lokasi pembangunan batalion tersebut," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya Panglima Kodam XII Tanjungpura Mayjen TNI Moeldoko membenarkan, pembangunan batalion tank di Bengkayang akan dimulai pada 2011. Jumlah personel yang ditempatkan untuk batalion tersebut sekitar 600 orang.

"Sekarang, yang ada hanya setingkat Detasemen Kavaleri," kata dia.

Selain itu, jenis tank yang digunakan saat ini akan diganti dengan yang berkapasitas dan kemampuan tempur lebih baik. Jumlahnya pun lebih banyak.

Menurut dia, penempatan batalion tank di Bengkayang dengan pertimbangan daerah tersebut merupakan poros tengah di Kalbar.

Mobilisasi ke berbagai daerah di Kalbar juga lebih mudah dan cepat karena infrastruktur relatif baik.

"Misalnya menuju Sanggau, atau daerah perbatasan lainnya, mudah dilakukan," kata Moeldoko.

Kodam XII Tanjungpura juga akan terus melakukan pembinaan teritorial terpadu dengan pemerintah daerah setempat di wilayah perbatasan. Diantaranya mengenai aspek kesadaran bela negara, kewarganegaraan yang sadar akan hak dan kewajiban sebagai warga negara.

Ia melanjutkan, penanganan di perbatasan perlu dilakukan secara menyeluruh. "Tidak hanya membangun sistem pertahanan dan keamanan," katanya.

Kodam XII Tanjungpura bermarkas di Pontianak dengan cakupan dua provinsi yakni Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Tengah.

25 September 2010

HDW dan Daewoo Tawarkan Proyek Kapal Selam dengan Teknologi Modular dan AIP

25 September 2010

Kapal selam Indonesia KRI Nanggala 402 (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Korsel dan Jerman Tawarkan Proyek Kapal Selam

Surabaya - Dua perusahaan perkapalan asal Korea Selatan dan Jerman menawarkan proyek pembangunan kapal selam di PT Pal Indonesia.

"Ada dua perusahaan dari Korea Selatan dan Jerman yang mengajukan proposal kerja sama pembangunan kapal selam," kata Direktur Utama PT Pal Indonesia, Harsusanto, di Surabaya, Rabu.

Pertama adalah Daewoo, perusahaan perkapalan asal Korea Selatan yang menawarkan pembangunan kapal selam jenis Changbogo kelas 209.

Disusul kemudian Thyssen/HDW, perusahaan perkapalan asal Jerman, yang juga menawarkan pembangunan kapal selam berkonsep propulsi bebas udara ("air independent propulsion"/AIP).

"Sebenarnya Daewoo juga menawarkan kapal selam berkonsep AIP. Namanya juga Changbogo, tapi kelasnya berbeda," kata Harsusanto.

Kedua perusahaan perkapalan tersebut bersedia membangun kapal selam di Pal, sama seperti yang ditawarkan perusahaan perkapalan asal Belanda, Damen Schelde Netherlands Shipyard (DSNS), yang akan membangun kapal perang jenis perusak kawal rudal.

"Kami juga sudah menyiapkan tempat pembangunan kapal selam di sini. Ada beberapa hanggar yang bisa dimanfaatkan," paparnya.

Menurut dia, pembangunan kapal selam berbeda dengan kapal-kapal permukaan lain. Pembangunan kapal selam, butuh banyak tempat karena sistemnya terdiri atas beberapa modul.

"Dengan adanya kerja sama itu, dapat menekan biaya pembuatan kapal selam di sini karena investasi produksi kapal selam itu sangat mahal," ucapnya.

Harsusanto menjelaskan rencana alih tekonologi untuk pembangunan kapal selam. Untuk kapal selam pertama, teknik perancangan dan instalasi "outfitting" dikerjakan mitra kerja, sedangkan integrasi dan penyelesaian keseluruhan kapal selam dikerjakan Pal.

Pada pembangunan kapal selam kedua, instalasi "outfitting", integrasi, dan penyelesaian keseluruhan ditangani Pal. Selanjutnya kapal selam ketiga, proses seluruhnya diharapkan dikerjakan di Pal.

Hingga saat ini, Pal masih menunggu persetujuan dari pemerintah untuk menentukan tawaran dari dua perusahaan perkapalan tersebut. *


24 September 2010

Boeing Completes Production of 1st Australian Super Hornet with Provisions for Future Electronic Attack Capability

24 September 2010

RAAF's F/A-18F Super Hornet (photo : Boeing)

ST. LOUIS -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that it has completed production of the first Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F/A-18F Super Hornet that has the capability to be converted into an electronic attack aircraft.

Boeing is pre-wiring the RAAF's second lot of 12 Super Hornets for potential electronic attack capability conversion during production at the company's facilities in St. Louis. "Incorporating the ability to introduce an electronic attack capability on 12 RAAF Super Hornets as they are produced in St. Louis provides maximum flexibility for our Air Force in the future," said RAAF Group Capt. Steve Roberton, Officer Commanding 82 Wing, which includes Super Hornet and F-111 aircraft. "Ultimately, if a decision to incorporate an electronic attack option is pursued, it will further expand the broad capability of an already formidable Super Hornet weapon system."

The Australian government announced in March 2007 that it would acquire 24 of the advanced Block II versions of the Super Hornet, all of which are equipped with the Raytheon-built APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. Eleven Super Hornets are now operating at RAAF Base Amberley in Queensland. All 11 aircraft were delivered ahead of schedule and on budget. Boeing will deliver Australia's 24th Super Hornet in 2011.

"Besides giving the RAAF the potential of introducing electronic attack capability in the future, producing these 12 aircraft with this configuration from the outset also reduces cost when compared with retrofitting at a later date," said Carolyn Nichols, Australian Super Hornet program manager for Boeing.

The Boeing Super Hornet is a multirole aircraft, able to perform virtually every mission in the tactical spectrum, including air superiority, day/night strike with precision-guided weapons, fighter escort, close air support, suppression of enemy air defenses, maritime strike, reconnaissance, forward air control and tanker missions. Boeing has delivered more than 430 F/A-18E/Fs to the U.S. Navy. Every Super Hornet produced has been delivered on or ahead of schedule and on budget.


CTRM, ATE jalin kerjasama bangunkan sistem pesawat TUDM

24 September 2010

ATE telah mengembangkan cockpit pesawat Hawk dengan Hawk Navigation and weapon System/Hawk NWS yang dapat meningkatkan peran tidak hanya sebagai pesawat latih tempur namun juga mempunyai kemampuan sebagai multirole fighter (photo : ATE)

KUALA LUMPUR - Anak syarikat Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd (CTRM), CTRM System Integration Sdn. Bhd. (CSI) bakal memulakan kerjasama strategik dengan Advanced Technologies and Engineering Co. (Pty) Ltd. (ATE) dari Afrika Selatan bagi membangunkan sistem pesawat dalam inventori Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

Unit Komunikasi Korporat Kementerian Pertahanan dalam satu kenyataan semalam memberitahu, pemilihan ATE oleh CTRM dibuat berdasarkan keupayaan syarikat dari Afrika Selatan itu dalam membangunkan pelbagai sub sistem pesawat dari seluruh dunia selama ini.

"Program Kerjasama Strategik ini bertujuan mewujudkan keupayaan integrasi pesawat ketenteraan di Malaysia.

ATE juga membuat sistem avionik modern untuk diaplikasikan pada pesawat C-130 Hercules (photo : ATE)

"Program ini akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat dan perjanjian ini menyaksikan langkah awal ATE mewujudkan keupayaan integrasi di dalam CTRM, dengan tujuan memodenkan operasi pesawat sedia ada ke satu tahap keupayaan beroperasi yang lebih tinggi," kata kenyataan itu.

Kelmarin, satu majlis menandatangani perjanjian persefahaman di antara kedua-dua syarikat itu berlangsung di Cape Town, sempena pameran Aeroangkasa dan Pertahanan Afrika (AAD) 2010.

Majlis itu turut disaksikan Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi; Panglima TUDM, Jeneral Datuk Seri Rodzali Daud dan Panglima Tentera Udara Afrika Selatan, Leftenan Jeneral Carlo Gagiano.

Kenyataan itu menambah, Malaysia dan Afrika Selatan berupaya menjalinkan kerjasama strategik yang baik dalam bidang ketenteraan memandangkan kedua-duanya menggunakan beberapa pesawat sama dalam angkatan tentera udara masing-masing seperti Hawk dan C-130.

(Utusan Malaysia)

23 September 2010

PAL Aims to Build Submarine Worth $400m

23 September 2010

The government has planned to buy five submarines to strengthen the country’s sea defense (photo : HDW)

State ship builder PT PAL is bidding for a contract from the Defense Ministry to construct submarines worth between US$350 and $400 million each this year.

“The Defense Ministry plans to buy submarines. We expect to win the contract so that we can build the submarines in our plant,” PT PAL president director Harsusanto told The Jakarta Post on the sidelines of the IBBEX 2010 in Jakarta on Thursday.

The government has planned to buy five submarines to strengthen the country’s sea defense.

Harsusanto said that the ministry might hold a tender for procurement of the submarines later this year.

He acknowledged that PT PAL lacked experience in constructing a submarine.

“Some modules might be constructed overseas and we will ask foreign technicians involved in the project to transfer the technology to PAL,” he said.

He added that the company had worked with Demen Schelde Netherlands Shipyard (DSNS) in building a destroyer escort warship ordered by the Defense Ministry in August.

The $220 million warship is 104 meters in length and runs on four engines. It is equipped with censor devices and armed with missiles.

“We expect to deliver the ship in August 2014,” Harsusanto said, adding that PAL had sent several technicians for an internship at DSNS.

The company, which has the largest shipyard located in East Java, also offers some repair and maintenance services.

Russia Delivers Three Mi-35M Helicopters to Indonesia

23 September 2010
Mi-35P of the Indonesian Armed Forces (photo : Tuanhirang-Kaskus Militer)

Russia has delivered three Mi-35M Hind assault helicopters to Indonesia, a military source said on Thursday.

Russia signed an agreement with Indonesia in September 2007 to provide a $1 billion credit line to the Southeast Asian country for Russian weapons purchases. Indonesia planned to buy ten Mi-17 transport helicopters, five Mi-35Ms, six Sukhoi fighters and two Kilo-class submarines financed by the credit.

Jakarta became one of Russia's major arms customers in 1999 when the United States tightened an embargo on arms sales to the country over alleged human rights violations.

Washington has since lifted the ban, but Indonesia, the world's most populous Islamic country, continues to turn to Russia for its military hardware imports.

Moscow has already delivered three Su-27SKM fighters to Indonesia as the final part of an August 2007 $300 million deal for six of the Sukhoi fighters.

The agreement followed a 2003 deal on the purchase of four fighter jets by Indonesia from Russia.

The planes will take part in a military parade dedicated to Indonesian Armed Forces Day on October 5.

The Mi-35M is an export version of the Mi-24 Hind that was used extensively in Afghanistan. The Mi-24/35 can be used for transportation, assault and medical evacuation tasks.

Sukhoi Fighters Pass Flight Tests at Indonesia Base

23 September 2010

Su-27 of the Indonesian Air Force (photo : TNI AU)

All three Su-27SKM fighters delivered to Indonesia by Russia earlier this month have successfully passed flight tests at an airbase in the South Sulawesi province, a source at the base said on Wednesday.

The planes were delivered to Indonesia as the final part of an August 2007 $300 million deal for six of the Sukhoi fighters. That agreement followed on from the 2003 purchase by Indonesia of four fighter jets from Russia.

Indonesia's Air Force chief of staff Marshal Imam Sufaat said on Friday his country planned to buy six more Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia, the Jakarta Post reported.

"The existing squadron of 10 Sukhois is insufficient for our vast air space," Imam told the Antara news agency.

He said the purchases had already been approved by the country's president, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

However he added that while the purchases would be on the Defense Ministry's long-term agenda, he was not sure when the deal would go ahead.

(RIA Novosti)

22 September 2010

Mystery Chinese SSK Fuels Asia's Submarine Race

22 september 2010

New type China SSK (photo : pakdef forum)

The China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation has launched an unidentified new-type conventional submarine (SSK) at its Wuhan shipyard, according to Chinese reports on 9 September.

It is the third new SSK design revealed by China since 1994 and is likely to exacerbate regional anxieties that are propelling many Asian states to increase or establish submarine fleets.

Vague or altered internet images of this new SSK, which first appeared on the popular Chinese CALF web page on 10 September, led observers to think that it may be yet another Chinese internet hoax, but the submarine's existence was confirmed by much clearer images on 13 September.

While not much larger than the 3,000- to 4,000-ton Type 041 Yuan class, the new boat appears to incorporate Russian design influences, including a stouter hull with a reduced aft taper similar to the Project 667 Lada/Amur class, plus an elongated sail and hull-mounted retractable hydroplanes similar to the Project 636 'Kilo' class. However, in contrast to the sail of the 'Kilo', the new Chinese SSK incorporates hydrodynamic elements such as an intricately-faired leading edge with concave and convex curves.

While there remains a possibility that China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has engaged Russia's Rubin submarine design bureau to aid future submarine designs during previous encounters, Rubin representatives, while ready to confirm their willingness to sell new submarines to China, have refused to comment on possible co-operation with China. From late 1994 to 2006, the PLAN took delivery of eight Project 636 boats and four of the older Project 877 design Rubin-designed 'Kilo'-class SSKs.

Beyond what can be seen from the initial images, not much else is known about the size, features, main mission or capabilities of this new SSK. There is ample speculation on Chinese websites that the larger sail may house anti-ship cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles or a new crew-rescue capsule. At the 2008 Zhuhai Airshow the China Aerospace Science and Industries Corporation revealed its C-705: a new smaller anti-ship cruise missile that could fit in the sail of this new SSK. There is also speculation that the new SSK uses a new double-hull design to improve combat survivability.

The Yuan-class is reported to use a new air-independent propulsion (AIP) system based on the concept of the Swedish Stirling engine, and it is known that Chinese naval research institutes have been investigating fuel cell and exhaust recycling AIP designs similar to the French MESMA (Module d'Energie Sous-Marine Autonome), so this new SSK may well utilise some form of AIP. There is also speculation that it may use a new propulsor pump, but this is considered unlikely as it would not be optimal for a slow-speed patrol profile. Early images of the aft area of the new SSK do not reveal a towed-array housing above the waterline, so it cannot be concluded that the new boat may have a greater anti-submarine capability.

Already China's growing submarine fleet is prompting regional reactions. China launched 13 Type 039 Song-class SSKs from 1994 to 2004 and, in addition to the 12 Russian-sourced 'Kilos' now in service, the US Department of Defense expects the PLAN will build up to 15 Yuan-class SSKs; five had been launched by mid-2010. In July it was revealed that Japan would revise its Defense Guidelines to allow for an increase from 16 to 20 submarines. However, some Japanese sources have told Jane's that a submarine life extension is being considered to allow this fleet to increase up to 25.

In addition to its nine licence-produced German Type 209/1200 SSKs, South Korea plans to build nine KSS-2 (licence-produced Type 214) SSKs by 2020, after which it may build up to six KSS-3 follow on SSKs. In late 2009 Vietnam completed a deal to purchase six 'Kilo' Project 636 SSKs with expected delivery between 2013 and 2019. Australia's Sea 1000 programme aims to replace its current six Collins-class submarines with 12 new SSKs starting in 2025. In 2005 Singapore purchased two AIP-equipped Archer-class (Västergötland) SSKs from Sweden, the first of which was completed in 2009. This year Malaysia has taken delivery of the second of two French and Spanish-built Scorpene-class SSKs while Indonesia is planning to acquire submarines by the end of the decade. While proposed for sale by the United States in 2001, Taiwan and the US have yet to finalise a programme by which Taiwan can acquire up to eight new SSKs.


MRH90 Helicopters On Track, On Time

22 September 2010

ADF's MRH-90 medium helicopter (photo : Jetphotos)

Leading defence contractor, Australian Aerospace Limited, says it is on track to meet its 2010 schedule for deliveries of NH90 MRH multi-role helicopters to the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
Australian Aerospace, which produces the MRH90s at its final assembly facility on Brisbane Airport, delivered its 13th MRH90 on 3 September 2010. Another three helicopters are scheduled to be delivered by the end of the year.

A total of 46 MRH90s have been ordered by the Army and Navy to replace existing Black Hawk and Sea King helicopters.

Dr Jens Goennemann, Chief Executive Officer Australian Aerospace said he was pleased to report that the delivery program is progressing well despite a temporary cessation of flying operations earlier this year when an MRH90 experienced a shutdown of one of its two engines. Australian Aerospace is on track to deliver all MRH90s during 2010 as contracted in the schedule.

“The engine manufacturer, Rolls Royce -Turbomeca, is currently working with the ADF on the root cause, and, in the meantime, the MRH90s have resumed flying operations,” Dr Goennemann said. “Two helicopters have been accepted since the resumption of flying and the MRH90 delivery, testing and training program is now building momentum.”

These first 13 deliveries comprise aircraft assembled to Product Base Line (PBL) 01 and 02 standard. The remaining 33 aircraft will be assembled to PBL 03 standard incorporating enhanced avionics and other systems designed to ease and lighten crew workload. Eventually, the initial 13 MRH90s will be returned to Australian Aerospace and upgraded to PBL 03 standard.

Dr Goennemann said he was also pleased to report that work on a strengthened floor being developed for the Australian MRHs was progressing smoothly and on track for serialised production in 2011.

The new floor, which was not part of the original Defence specification, also provides additional equipment tie-down points. It will be incorporated in the yet-to-be assembled PBL 03 MRHs and, later, retrofitted to the PBL 01 and PBL 02 aircraft.“In a huge program such as this one, involving complex and advanced technologies, one is often confronted with unexpected engineering challenges”, Dr Goennemann said, “and while we have had our share of them we have never doubted our ability to resolve them together with our customer.”

Capable of carrying 2 pilots, 2 loadmasters and 18 combat troops up to 900km at speeds in excess of 300km/hr, the MRH90 is a fly-by-wire, all-composite construction, medium-lift helicopter with the highest crash-worthiness standards. Chosen by Australia over competing types as part of a program to modernise and rationalise its military helicopter fleet, the MRH90 is the world’s most advanced helicopter in the ten-tonne class.

Australian Aerospace Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eurocopter - a part of the European Aeronautic Defence & Space Group (EADS). Created in 2003 through the merger of Eurocopter International Pacific Limited and Australian Aerospace Pty Ltd, the company has evolved into a major defence supplier to the Australian Government.

(Australian Aerospace)

TNI Butuh 4 Kapal PKR dan Tambahan Kapal Selam

22 September 2010

Maket kapal fregat ringan Perusak Kawal Rudal / Guided Missile Escort (photo : Tribun News)

Persenjataan Saja Butuh Rp 57 Triliun

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) membutuhkan dana sedikitnya Rp 57 triliun untuk pengadaan dan pemeliharaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) dalam kurun waktu lima tahun ke depan.

"Kami berharap kondisi keuangan negara bisa memenuhi kebutuhan alutsista, baik untuk pengadaan maupun pemeliharaan, selama lima tahun ke depan," kata Wakil Menteri Pertahanan, Letjen TNI Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, di Surabaya, Selasa (21/9/2010).

Pada 2010 ini, TNI mendapatkan alokasi dana dari APBN untuk kebutuhan alutsista sebesar Rp 7 triliun. Pada 2011 dan 2012, diharapkan mendapatkan alokasi dana, masing-masing Rp 10 triliun dan Rp 11 triliun.

"Harapan kami pada 2011 ada penambahan dana lagi sehingga lima tahun ke depan target pemenuhan dana alutsista sebesar Rp 57 triliun bisa tercapai," katanya di PT PAL Indonesia itu.

Dalam program jangka pendek ini, Kementerian Pertahanan akan melakukan pengadaan satu unit kapal perang jenis perusak kawal rudal senilai Rp 2,2 triliun. "Memang kalau dibandingkan dengan luas wilayah laut kita yang mencapai 15 juta kilometer persegi, pengadaan satu kapal saja sangat tidak cukup," kata Sekretaris Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) itu.

Operasi keamanan TNI, lanjutnya, sebenarnya bukan hanya untuk pertempuran, melainkan juga menjaga potensi perekonomian nasional seiring dengan makin maraknya pencurian kekayaan negara oleh pihak asing.

"Sebenarnya kita ini butuh empat PKR (perusak kawal rudal), kalau melihat luas daerah maritim. Tapi kembali lagi, harus melihat kemampuan keuangan negara. Oleh sebab itu, prioritaskan saja pembangunan PKR, sedangkan kapal selam, kita pikirkan nanti," katanya.

Sementara itu, Panglima Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur, Laksamana Muda TNI Bambang Suwarto, mengatakan, kapal selam merupakan senjata strategis bagi semua negara karena kehadirannya dibutuhkan untuk menangkal serangan pihak asing.

"Kami berharap ada penambahan unsur kapal selam sesuai kemampuan dukungan anggaran dari pemerintah sehingga kekuatan pertahanan negara ini tidak terlalu jauh tertinggal dengan kekuatan negara tetangga," katanya.

Ia mengemukakan, satuan kapal selam senantiasa memiliki persiapan dini sebagai garda pertahanan terdepan agar mampu menusuk jauh di wilayah pertahanan musuh.


Baca juga :

Industri Pertahanan Butuh Modal Kerja
22 september 2010

Jakarta, Kompas - Peluang memperoleh kontrak dan pesanan dari pembuat pesawat atau dari angkatan udara asing terbuka. Namun, hasrat untuk mendapat order itu harus dibatasi karena PT Dirgantara Indonesia kelangkaan modal kerja.

Hal ini diungkapkan Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) Budi Santoso saat menerima rombongan Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin di kantor pusat PT DI Bandung, Jawa Barat, Senin (20/9).

Sjafrie selaku Sekretaris Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) juga mengunjungi PT Pindad di Bandung. Selasa, Sjafrie mengunjungi PT PAL Indonesia di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Perusahaan itu adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Industri Pertahanan (BUMNIP). KKIP diketuai Menteri Pertahanan. Kunjungan itu sebagai persiapan rapat KKIP awal Oktober untuk membuat strategi besar industri pertahanan.

Saat berkunjung di PT PAL, Sjafrie dan tim KKIP mengecek persiapan produksi kapal perusak kawal rudal (PKR) dan kapal selam kelas 209. ”Produksi PKR ini merupakan jembatan untuk pembuatan kapal selam,” ujar Sjafrie.

KKIP, kata Sjafrie, juga terus mengupayakan pendanaan produksi kedua alat utama sistem kesenjataan itu. Sumber dana antara lain kredit ekspor 220 juta dollar AS. ”Tahun anggaran 2011 kami mengharapkan tambahan Rp 10 triliun-Rp 11 triliun,” katanya.

Beban Utang

Untuk PT DI, ruang gerak bisnis masih terbatas karena perusahaan ini terbebani utang masa lalu yang berjumlah Rp 1 triliun. Utang itu masih mengisi buku neraca keuangan PT DI.

Menurut Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN Said Didu, bila utang itu dikonversi menjadi penyertaan modal pemerintah, neraca PT DI bisa biru, menjadi plus Rp 600 miliar. Dengan itu setidaknya bisa mendapatkan pinjaman dari bank sebesar Rp 2 triliun untuk modal kerja.

Dengan situasi yang dihadapi, kini PT DI hanya bisa menerima order secara terbatas, antara lain membuat bagian untuk pesawat Airbus tipe A-320 dan A-380. Untuk pesawat, PT DI masih bisa terus menjual produk andalannya, CN-235, ke Korea Selatan. Dari dalam negeri, PT DI sedang menunggu realisasi pesanan dari Kementerian Pertahanan untuk pengadaan tiga pesawat patroli maritim CN-235-220 untuk TNI Angkatan Laut.

Selain pesawat sayap tetap, PT DI juga melanjutkan pembuatan helikopter Super Puma NAS-332C1, yang juga dipesan Kementerian Pertahanan. Helikopter yang mesinnya telah diuji ini belum akan diuji lebih jauh sebelum perjanjian ditandatangani dan uang muka dibayarkan.

Ketika mengunjungi PT Pindad, Sjafrie mendapat paparan dari Direktur Utama PT Pindad Adik Soedarsono. Adik melaporkan, senapan serbu SS-2 yang semula hanya dipakai Komando Pasukan Khusus TNI Angkatan Darat kini menjadi senjata standar TNI.


21 September 2010

ST Aerospace Redelivers First Modernised C130 Aircraft to RSAF

21 September 2010

RSAF's C-130H (photo : 9V Orion Images)

Singapore, - ST Aerospace today announced the redelivery of the first of 10 modernised C130 Hercules transport aircraft to the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF). This C130 aircraft is now equipped with a modernised avionics suite that significantly improves the operational readiness, despatch reliability and operational efficiency of the aircraft. The new avionics suite is Global Air Traffic Management (GATM) compliant, and it enables the aircraft to navigate safely, efficiently and accurately through CNS/ATM-regulated airspace worldwide, reducing the aircraft's response time in emergency humanitarian and disaster relief operations.

The modernisation programme also includes an indigenously-designed digital glass cockpit, featuring ergonomic man-machine interfaces that take into consideration the RSAF crew anthropology and human factors efficacy, resulting in reduced crew workload and operational fatigue.

In addition, the first redelivered C130B is upgraded with an Auxiliary Power Unit and Environmental Control System (APU / ECS) to provide commonality with the C130H. With an improved air conditioning system and electrical power redundancy, this C130B aircraft will be on par with RSAF's younger fleet of C130H aircraft in terms of mission availability.

From this modernisation programme, the RSAF will benefit through improved operational efficiency and lower maintenance requirements, while considerably improving RSAF's overall aircraft and mission availability. Due to fleet standardisation through parts commonality, the RSAF will see improved maintainability and supportability as common parts facilitate interchangeability and repair during maintenance.

RSAF's first modernised C-130H (photo : STAerospace)

The developmental phase of the programme from design to the aircraft's maiden flight took approximately two and a half years, a significant achievement for a modification of this scale. ST Aerospace's ability to offer this innovative solution and complete the prototype aircraft modernisation within the contractual schedule is a further testament to its engineering expertise.

"We are pleased with the successful redelivery of the first C130 aircraft to the RSAF. With the modernisation, the C130 aircraft is expected to have a higher component reliability which equates to lower maintenance costs and more importantly, lower aircraft downtime. The quick progress we have made with this modernisation programme will not have happened without the commitment and hard work of our engineers, technicians, Defence Science & Technology Agency and strong support from the RSAF team. This redelivery also serves as a testament of our engineering design and innovative solutions, and we will continue to develop solutions to meet market and customers' demands." ~ CHANG Cheow Teck, President, ST Aerospace.

In March 2007, ST Aerospace announced it was awarded a contract from RSAF to modernise and standardise its fleet of 10 C130 transport aircraft. The contract is scheduled to be stretched over seven years, and involves the modernisation of the C130's avionic systems to meet evolving GATM requirements. The modernisation programme is expected to extend the service life of the aircraft by another 20 years. Work on the second and third C130 aircraft has commenced and is currently at the modification phase. Both aircraft are expected to complete ground testing by this year.

ST Aerospace's relationship with the RSAF began more than three decades ago when it started as the maintenance depot for the RSAF. Since then, ST Aerospace has provided a comprehensive range of aircraft, components and engines maintenance and engineering solutions as well as materials support for a wide range of RSAF's fleet of aircraft.


Skyhawks Could Be 'Museum Pieces'

21 September 2010

RNZAF's MB-339CB, a time when in service (photo : Airforce Technology)

The Defence Force's mothballed Skyhawk jets could be museum pieces after tomorrow unless a concrete offer is made, and Prime Minister John Key says one may even be given to Australia.
The 17 Skyhawks and 17 Aermacchi trainers have for several years been on the radar of US company Tactical Air Services (TAS) which has struggled to raise funds and a deal has never been closed.

The US State Department approved the sale of the aircraft to TAS but that approval is due to expire tomorrow, Defence Minister Wayne Mapp said today.

He said it was the purchaser's responsibility to apply to the State Department for an extension, but he didn't appear confident of a deal.

"The reality is that they have got a very limited period of time which to have a respectable deal or we will have to have other alternatives," he said.

"The purchaser has to either buy them or we have to come up with another plan that is most likely museum pieces."

RNZAF's A-4K, a time when in service (photo : Aviation Spectator)

The Skyhawks date back to the 1960s and Dr Mapp said that meant they were near the end of their lives, while the mothballed Aermacchis were from the 1980s and could potentially be split and sold separately.

The man behind the supposed deal, TAS principal and former fighter pilot Larry "Hoss" Pearson, last week told NZPA he was confident it would go ahead "very soon" but on advice from his lawyer wouldn't be more specific.

The jets were decommissioned by the Labour government in 2001 but have still cost the taxpayer millions to maintain and keep in a saleable condition, and Dr Mapp said Labour needed to take responsibility for that. "They are the ones who thought they could sell effectively 45 year old aircraft, that has proven not to be the case."

Labour had them on the books at $155 million and said in 2005 a deal had been done with TAS to sell them at that price.

Questioned about whether the buyer was credible, Labour leader Phil Goff said today he believed that was the case as long the company had access to funding.

"We got the Defence Department and State Department to approve this sale, but the buyer hasn't been able to find a cornerstone shareholder, and I guess that has something to do with the global financial crisis in the United States."

Prime Minister John Key said the jets had presented a long-standing problem and frustration for the Government.

"The reality is that even if we could sell them there has been an enormous cost actually in refurbishing them and getting them up and running again..."

Mr Key said there was a possibility some of the Skyhawks could go to clubs around New Zealand and one might even be given to Australia.

"I think it's just historic, I think they would like to have one in their collection over there and I think it would be a nice gesture on our part. Let's face it, there are not a lot of buyers clambering all over them."

(NZ Herald)

See Also :

Air Force Aermacchi Jets Might Return to Service

12 Januari 2008

The new Government may look at bringing the air force's decommissioned Aermacchi jets back into service.

The 17 Aermacchi jets and the air force's combat wing of 17 Skyhawk fighter bombers were axed by the Labour government in 2001.

The Skyhawks have been in storage since then waiting for a buyer but the Aermacchis have been regularly flown to keep them operational.

An American company bid to buy the aircraft for $155 million was blocked by the American State Department.

New Defence Minister Wayne Mapp's office was asked by NZPA under the Official Information Act if there was a move to restore the Aermacchis to operational service to work with the army and the navy.

He responded that a defence white paper due to be completed next year would "provide a process to consider whether it is desirable to retain some level of jet training capability".

A year ago then defence minister Phil Goff decided the Aermacchi jets were not suitable to replace the air force's King Air advanced pilot training aircraft.

He said Aermacchis were not suitable for providing full training capabilities necessary for the Royal New Zealand Air Force's upgraded C130 Hercules, P3 Orions and 757s and the new helicopter fleets.

Mr Mapp said the sale process for the Skyhawks was continuing.

"Two companies are bidding for US Department of Defence contracts for air training support, which would require the use of ex-RNZAF aircraft.

"If either of these companies is successful, the US State Department and the US Department of Defense have undertaken to fast-track approval for the sale of the aircraft," Mr Mapp said.

He said the Government had spent $1.272 million maintaining the Skyhawks since they were taken out of commission in December, 2001. That was $15,700 a month.

He said a protective plastic covering on the aircraft was working and not letting water in between the protective coating and the skin of the aircraft.

He said some water got into four cockpits during heavy rain after the cockpits were not properly sealed following a routine maintenance inspection. Some components were removed for servicing.


Ukraine Offers APC Sweetener to Army

21 September 2010
BTR-3E1 APC(Thierry Lachapelle)
The Ukraine is throwing in an extra six armoured personnel carriers to sweeten a purchase deal with the army for 96 of the vehicles.

In addition to 96 APCs ordered by the Royal Thai Armed Forces at a cost of close to 4 billion baht, Ukraine will provide six extra BTR-3E1 armoured vehicles to the army, Ekachai Watcharaprateep, the director-general of the army's Ordnance Department, said.

Four of them will be used for field training and two for study on maintenance techniques.

The Ukraine will also give the army a training simulator for the BTR-3E1.
Training will be provided, with 25 military personnel from the 2nd Infantry Division and Ordnance Department travelling to the Ukraine this month, Lt Gen Ekachai said.

The first two of the 96 Ukrainian-made APCs were delivered on an Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft to U-tapao airfield on Friday. Lt Gen Ekachai said the army will hold a demonstration of the vehicles at work before army chief Anupong Paojinda and reporters at the 2nd Infantry Division (King's Guards) in Prachin Buri tomorrow.

Gen Anupong, who is retiring at the end of the month, will visit the base to bid farewell to the 2nd Infantry Division, where all 96 APCs will be stationed.

Lt Gen Ekachai said an official delivery ceremony of the first batch of APCs will take place in December when 10 more carriers are due to arrive. The remaining 84 APCs will be delivered before the end of 2011 by sea, he said.

LT Gen Ekachai said he felt relieved after the first two APCs were delivered, as the army wanted to show the transparency of the procurements.

He said the army has faced widespread criticism over delays in the delivery of the vehicles.

The House committee on military affairs has questioned whether the APCs destined for Thailand were modified from outdated models.

LT Gen Ekachai said the BTR-3E1 were new as he had visited the Ukraine several times to witness the vehicles being made.

The APCs have switched from using Deutz engines to MTU Mercedes engines, which have passed a field test, he said.

The army plans to order 121 more BTR-3E1 APCs worth nearly 5 billion baht from the Ukraine.

New Tanks and APCs Arrive

21 September 2010

A Soviet-made T-55 tank is unloaded at Preah Sihanouk port, about 230 km (142.9 miles) west of Phnom Penh September 20, 2010. Cambodia has bought 44 APCs and 50 new T-55 tanks as part of the country's effort to "strengthen sovereignty" following the tension with Thailand over the World Heritage listed Preah Vihear temple since 2008, the pro-government newspaper Rasmei Kampuchea Daily reported. (photo : reuters/Daylife)

A SHIPMENT of 100 tanks and armoured personnel carriers purchased from Ukraine have arrived at the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port, officials said today.
In Sokhemara, chief of the Preah Sihanouk provincial coast guard office said that according to a report that arrived with the shipment, the government purchased the batch of 100 new tanks and armoured personnel carriers from Ukraine, formerly part of the Soviet Union.

Russian-made BTR-60 armoured personnel carriers (APC) are seen on a ship prior to being unloaded at Preah Sihanouk port, about 230 km (142.9 miles) west of Phnom Penh September 20, 2010. Cambodia has bought 44 APCs and 50 new T55 tanks as part of the country's effort to "strengthen sovereignty" following the tension with Thailand over the World Heritage listed Preah Vihear temple since 2008, the pro-government newspaper Rasmei Kampuchea Daily reported. (photo : Reuters/Daylife)

“It will take about a week or so to remove all the tanks and armoured personnel carriers from the port,” he said.