31 Agustus 2019
The RTA has received a first batch of Stryker ICVs from the United States, according to a 29 August announcement by the JUSMAGTHAI (photo : JUSMAGTHAI)
The United States has delivered a first batch of General Dynamics Land Systems Stryker 8×8 infantry combat vehicles (ICVs) to the Royal Thai Army (RTA), the Joint US Military Advisory Group Thailand (JUSMAGTHAI) announced on 29 August on its Facebook page.
Stryker ICVs (photo : US Embassy)
The advisory group also released images showing the ICVs at an undisclosed Thai airbase after being flown to the Southeast Asian country aboard a US Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft. The photographs also show Thai and US officials present at the handover, including US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson, the commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM).
The JUSMAGTHAI did not diclose how many vehicles were delivered but Jane's understands that up to 10 Strykers were part of the first batch, with more batches expected to follow, possibly in financial year 2020.
31 Agustus 2019
Komisi I Dorong Kopassus Miliki Helikopter dan Drone Tempur Sendiri
31 Agustus 2019
DPR mendorong Kopassus untuk mengajukan alutsista (photo : Airbus)
Komisi I Dorong Kopassus Tingkatkan Peralatan Alutsita
Wakil Komisi I DPR RI Asril Hamzah Tanjung mengatakan, sebagai prajurit khusus yang berstandar internasional, Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan alutsista tempur yang modern. Ia menyarankan Grup 1 Kopassus Kota Serang, Provinsi Banten, mempunyai helikopter, sehingga dapat menjangkau ibu kota lebih cepat jika terjadi kerusuhan atau kekacauan yang memerlukan tindakan cepat.
“Selama ini (Kopassus) hanya mengandalkan kendaraan darat yang jarak tempuhnya cukup lama. Untuk itu, Komisi I DPR RI mendorong Kopassus untuk mengajukan fasilitas alutsista yang dimaksud. Tidak hanya itu, Kopassus juga harus mempunyai drone tempur guna mempermudah tindakan operasi,” kata Asril saat memimpin Tim Kunjungan Kerja Spesifik Komisi I DPR RI ke Markas Grup 1 Kopassus, Serang, Banten, Kamis (29/8/2019).
Di sisi lain, politisi Partai Gerindra itu juga mendukung peningkatan kesejahteraan prajurit. Menurutnya, kesejahteraan adalah poin penting dalam pengumpulan prajurit yang profesional. “Kalau SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) bagus, tapi tidak sejahtera, kan percuma. Insya Allah, sebagai Anggota Komisi I DPR, saya akan terus mendorong ke arah (kesejahteraan) itu, baik dari sisi regulasi maupun dari dukungan anggaranya,” tegasnya.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama Danjen Kopassus Mayor Jenderal TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa mengatakan, institusinya mendapatkan jatah alutsista setiap tahun. Ia mengatakan, kemampuan Kopassus tidak akan maksimal jika hanya berharap pada kualitas prajurit. “Saya berharap ada perbaruan alutsista setiap tahun, tidak hanya sumber daya manusianya bagus, tapi juga didukung alutsista," katanya.
Lebih lanjut ia menuturkan, alat angkut dan senjata merupakan dua alutsista yang saat ini dibutuhkan. Ia menambahkan, pembelian alutsista itu perlu persetujuan Komisi I DPR RI. “Sudah ada perencanaan yang kami ajukan ke kementerian dan itu akan dibawa ke DPR. Nanti DPR yang akan mengesahkan. Saya berharap dengan kedatangan Komisi I DPR ke Markas Grup 1 Kopassus ini dapat memperjuangkan hal tersebut,” harapnya.
DPR mendorong Kopassus untuk mengajukan alutsista (photo : Airbus)
Komisi I Dorong Kopassus Tingkatkan Peralatan Alutsita
Wakil Komisi I DPR RI Asril Hamzah Tanjung mengatakan, sebagai prajurit khusus yang berstandar internasional, Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan alutsista tempur yang modern. Ia menyarankan Grup 1 Kopassus Kota Serang, Provinsi Banten, mempunyai helikopter, sehingga dapat menjangkau ibu kota lebih cepat jika terjadi kerusuhan atau kekacauan yang memerlukan tindakan cepat.
“Selama ini (Kopassus) hanya mengandalkan kendaraan darat yang jarak tempuhnya cukup lama. Untuk itu, Komisi I DPR RI mendorong Kopassus untuk mengajukan fasilitas alutsista yang dimaksud. Tidak hanya itu, Kopassus juga harus mempunyai drone tempur guna mempermudah tindakan operasi,” kata Asril saat memimpin Tim Kunjungan Kerja Spesifik Komisi I DPR RI ke Markas Grup 1 Kopassus, Serang, Banten, Kamis (29/8/2019).
Di sisi lain, politisi Partai Gerindra itu juga mendukung peningkatan kesejahteraan prajurit. Menurutnya, kesejahteraan adalah poin penting dalam pengumpulan prajurit yang profesional. “Kalau SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) bagus, tapi tidak sejahtera, kan percuma. Insya Allah, sebagai Anggota Komisi I DPR, saya akan terus mendorong ke arah (kesejahteraan) itu, baik dari sisi regulasi maupun dari dukungan anggaranya,” tegasnya.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama Danjen Kopassus Mayor Jenderal TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa mengatakan, institusinya mendapatkan jatah alutsista setiap tahun. Ia mengatakan, kemampuan Kopassus tidak akan maksimal jika hanya berharap pada kualitas prajurit. “Saya berharap ada perbaruan alutsista setiap tahun, tidak hanya sumber daya manusianya bagus, tapi juga didukung alutsista," katanya.
Lebih lanjut ia menuturkan, alat angkut dan senjata merupakan dua alutsista yang saat ini dibutuhkan. Ia menambahkan, pembelian alutsista itu perlu persetujuan Komisi I DPR RI. “Sudah ada perencanaan yang kami ajukan ke kementerian dan itu akan dibawa ke DPR. Nanti DPR yang akan mengesahkan. Saya berharap dengan kedatangan Komisi I DPR ke Markas Grup 1 Kopassus ini dapat memperjuangkan hal tersebut,” harapnya.
30 Agustus 2019
BRP Gregorio del Pilar Repairs Done by 2020: Navy
30 Agustus 2019
BRP Gregorio del Pilar (photo : Surigao News)
MANILA – The BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PS-15) might be restored to service by the second semester of 2020, Philippine Navy (PN) Flag Officer-in-Command, Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad, said Wednesday.
Repair of the ship's propeller and hub, which was damaged during its grounding off Hasa-Hasa Shoal while patrolling the area on August 29 last year, is still not completed, Empedrad said.
"The problem with the (Gregorio) del Pilar is that its propeller and another important part, which (were) damaged in the grounding, will only be available by (either the) first or second quarter of next year and the (ship) might be repaired by the second semester of next year," he said in a mix of Filipino and English in a press briefing.
He added that they are trying to expedite its repair because without it, the Navy only has two large ships capable of long-distance patrol -- the BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PS-16) and BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17).
The Gregorio del Pilar was towed from the Hasa-Hasa Shoal on Sept. 3, 2018 and arrived at Subic Bay, Zambales four days later.
Meanwhile, Empedrad said the newly acquired BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39) from South Korea was ready for deployment.
"I am also happy that our corvette (the Conrado Yap) is already here and we can deploy it to Palawan, Zamboanga. It can patrol the eastern side of the country," he said.
The Conrado Yap was formally commissioned into the Navy at the Jinhae Naval Base in South Korea last August 5 and arrived in the Philippines last August 20.
BRP Gregorio del Pilar (photo : Surigao News)
MANILA – The BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PS-15) might be restored to service by the second semester of 2020, Philippine Navy (PN) Flag Officer-in-Command, Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad, said Wednesday.
Repair of the ship's propeller and hub, which was damaged during its grounding off Hasa-Hasa Shoal while patrolling the area on August 29 last year, is still not completed, Empedrad said.
"The problem with the (Gregorio) del Pilar is that its propeller and another important part, which (were) damaged in the grounding, will only be available by (either the) first or second quarter of next year and the (ship) might be repaired by the second semester of next year," he said in a mix of Filipino and English in a press briefing.
He added that they are trying to expedite its repair because without it, the Navy only has two large ships capable of long-distance patrol -- the BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PS-16) and BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17).
The Gregorio del Pilar was towed from the Hasa-Hasa Shoal on Sept. 3, 2018 and arrived at Subic Bay, Zambales four days later.
Meanwhile, Empedrad said the newly acquired BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39) from South Korea was ready for deployment.
"I am also happy that our corvette (the Conrado Yap) is already here and we can deploy it to Palawan, Zamboanga. It can patrol the eastern side of the country," he said.
The Conrado Yap was formally commissioned into the Navy at the Jinhae Naval Base in South Korea last August 5 and arrived in the Philippines last August 20.
TNI Tengah Bangun Markas Arhanud dan Armed di NTT
30 Agustus 2019
Arhanud Starstreak TNI AD (photo : Okezone)
Kupang (ANTARA) - Panglima Kodam IX Udayana Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto mengatakan TNI AD sedang membangun markas Satuan Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) dan satuan Artileri Medan (Armed) guna mengoptimalkan pengamanan di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Australia dan Timor Leste.
"TNI AD melakukan pengembangan beberapa satuan baru di NTT yaitu satuan Armed dan Arhanud," kata Panglima Kodam IX Udayana Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto kepada wartawan usai serah terima jabatan Komandan Brigadir Infanteri 21-Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Jumat.
Menurut Pangdam IX Udayana, dalam konsep gelar kekuatan TNI AD khususnya Kodam IX Udayana di wilayah NTT akan dibangun beberapa satuan baru dalam menghadapi ancaman dan tantangan yang dihadapi TNI kedepan.
Salah satu satuan yang segera dibangun menurut jenderal bintang dua itu yaitu Satuan Artelileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) yang sudah hampir rampung dikerjakan dan satuan Artileri Medan (Armed).
"Pangkalan Armed mulai dikerjakan dan direncanakan pada tahun 2020 sudah bisa diresmikan," tegasnya.
Selain itu TNI-AD juga akan membangun beberapa satuan lainnya dalam mendukung tugas pokok TNI AD dalam mengamankan wilayah provinsi NTT.
Ia mengatakan, guna mendukung tugas operasi TNI terus meningkatan kualitas alutsista bagi satuan di daerah ini sehingga lebih optimal dalam melaksanakan tugas operasi pengamanan wilayah di NTT.
"Kami inginkan dukungan fasilitas operasi yang berkualitas sehingga tugas yang diemban para prajurit TNI AD di NTT bisa lebih optimal," tegas Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto.
Arhanud Starstreak TNI AD (photo : Okezone)
Kupang (ANTARA) - Panglima Kodam IX Udayana Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto mengatakan TNI AD sedang membangun markas Satuan Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) dan satuan Artileri Medan (Armed) guna mengoptimalkan pengamanan di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Australia dan Timor Leste.
"TNI AD melakukan pengembangan beberapa satuan baru di NTT yaitu satuan Armed dan Arhanud," kata Panglima Kodam IX Udayana Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto kepada wartawan usai serah terima jabatan Komandan Brigadir Infanteri 21-Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Jumat.
Menurut Pangdam IX Udayana, dalam konsep gelar kekuatan TNI AD khususnya Kodam IX Udayana di wilayah NTT akan dibangun beberapa satuan baru dalam menghadapi ancaman dan tantangan yang dihadapi TNI kedepan.
Salah satu satuan yang segera dibangun menurut jenderal bintang dua itu yaitu Satuan Artelileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) yang sudah hampir rampung dikerjakan dan satuan Artileri Medan (Armed).
"Pangkalan Armed mulai dikerjakan dan direncanakan pada tahun 2020 sudah bisa diresmikan," tegasnya.
Selain itu TNI-AD juga akan membangun beberapa satuan lainnya dalam mendukung tugas pokok TNI AD dalam mengamankan wilayah provinsi NTT.
Ia mengatakan, guna mendukung tugas operasi TNI terus meningkatan kualitas alutsista bagi satuan di daerah ini sehingga lebih optimal dalam melaksanakan tugas operasi pengamanan wilayah di NTT.
"Kami inginkan dukungan fasilitas operasi yang berkualitas sehingga tugas yang diemban para prajurit TNI AD di NTT bisa lebih optimal," tegas Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto.
Chinese CH-4 UAV Arrives in Surabaya for Demonstration Flight
30 Agustus 2019
CH-4 UCAV in Juanda naval aviation base (photos : Military Buzz)
A single Chinese-made CH-4 medium-altitude, long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has arrived in Indonesia for demonstration flights, the Indonesian Navy's (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL's) aviation squadron confirmed to Jane's on 30 August.
Although the service has declined to provide further details of the airframe, Jane's understands from images provided that the location at which the aircraft is parked is the Juanda airbase in Surabaya, the headquarters of the TNI-AL's aviation squadron.
Jane's also understands that the TNI-AL is assisting the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU) in arranging the series of demonstration flights.
CH-4 UCAV in Juanda naval aviation base (photos : Military Buzz)
A single Chinese-made CH-4 medium-altitude, long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has arrived in Indonesia for demonstration flights, the Indonesian Navy's (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL's) aviation squadron confirmed to Jane's on 30 August.
Although the service has declined to provide further details of the airframe, Jane's understands from images provided that the location at which the aircraft is parked is the Juanda airbase in Surabaya, the headquarters of the TNI-AL's aviation squadron.
Jane's also understands that the TNI-AL is assisting the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU) in arranging the series of demonstration flights.
29 Agustus 2019
PT Dirgantara Indonesia Mulai Produksi N-219 Tahun 2020
29 Agustus 2019
Pesawat N219 Nurtanio (photo : PTDI)
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA -- PT Dirgantara Indonesia bakal mulai memproduksi pesawat perintis N-219, yang dikembangkan bersama dengan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), pada tahun depan.
“Sekarang sedang tahap test-flight dan sertifikasi, targetnya akhir tahun ini mendapatkan Type Certificate untuk pesawat N 219, sehingga awal tahun depan bisa mulai produksi,” kata Direktur Produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) M. Ridlo Akbar, seperti dilansir Tempo, Sabtu (24/8/2019).
Untuk tahap pertama, PTDI akan memproduksi empat unit pesawat. Adapun proses produksi disebut membutuhkan waktu setahun, sehingga penyerahan pesawat kepada pemesan baru dapat dilakukan pada 2021.
Menurut Ridlo, sudah ada 257 unit pesawat N-219 yang dipesan, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Jumlah pemesanan dari luar negeri mencapai lebih dari 150 unit.
“Luar negeri itu ada dari China, Singapura, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), dan Nigeria,” tuturnya.
Meski sudah ada pesanan dari luar negeri, tapi produksi awal akan ditujukan untuk pemesan dari dalam negeri.
Saat ini, PTDI sudah membangun dua unit purwarupa N-219. Pesawat pertama, berkode PD1, dicat dominan warna putih sedangkan pesawat kedua diberi kode PD2 dan dicat dominan hijau.
“Untuk uji kemampuan stall, uji manuver. Makanya, PD1 itu sudah kami bawa ke Nusawiru [bandara di Pangandaran]. Karena untuk uji terbang rendah, lebih aman di pinggir laut,” terang Ridlo.
Dia melanjutkan secara keseluruhan, kedua pesawat akan diuji terbang demi menggenapkan 200 jam terbang untuk bisa memperoleh sertifikasi.
Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PTDI Gita Amperiawan mengungkapkan sertifikasi atas N-219 diharapkan sudah tuntas pada akhir 2019.
Pesawat N219 Nurtanio (photo : PTDI)
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA -- PT Dirgantara Indonesia bakal mulai memproduksi pesawat perintis N-219, yang dikembangkan bersama dengan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), pada tahun depan.
“Sekarang sedang tahap test-flight dan sertifikasi, targetnya akhir tahun ini mendapatkan Type Certificate untuk pesawat N 219, sehingga awal tahun depan bisa mulai produksi,” kata Direktur Produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) M. Ridlo Akbar, seperti dilansir Tempo, Sabtu (24/8/2019).
Untuk tahap pertama, PTDI akan memproduksi empat unit pesawat. Adapun proses produksi disebut membutuhkan waktu setahun, sehingga penyerahan pesawat kepada pemesan baru dapat dilakukan pada 2021.
Menurut Ridlo, sudah ada 257 unit pesawat N-219 yang dipesan, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Jumlah pemesanan dari luar negeri mencapai lebih dari 150 unit.
“Luar negeri itu ada dari China, Singapura, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), dan Nigeria,” tuturnya.
Meski sudah ada pesanan dari luar negeri, tapi produksi awal akan ditujukan untuk pemesan dari dalam negeri.
Saat ini, PTDI sudah membangun dua unit purwarupa N-219. Pesawat pertama, berkode PD1, dicat dominan warna putih sedangkan pesawat kedua diberi kode PD2 dan dicat dominan hijau.
“Untuk uji kemampuan stall, uji manuver. Makanya, PD1 itu sudah kami bawa ke Nusawiru [bandara di Pangandaran]. Karena untuk uji terbang rendah, lebih aman di pinggir laut,” terang Ridlo.
Dia melanjutkan secara keseluruhan, kedua pesawat akan diuji terbang demi menggenapkan 200 jam terbang untuk bisa memperoleh sertifikasi.
Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PTDI Gita Amperiawan mengungkapkan sertifikasi atas N-219 diharapkan sudah tuntas pada akhir 2019.
PH's Second Missile Frigate Launch Set in November
29 Agustus 2019
Jose Rizal class frigate (image : RoK Armed Forces)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy's (PN) second missile frigate, the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), will be formally launched in November.
"Our second frigate will be launched on either the first or second week of November. By that time, the first frigate (BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) will be finished (fitting its equipment)," said Navy flag-officer-in-command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad during an interview with reporters at the PN headquarters at Naval Station Jose Andrada, Roxas Boulevard, Manila Wednesday.
The launching ceremonies will take place at the Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea.
The BRP Jose Rizal, the country's first missile frigate, was launched at the same facility last May 23.
The first missile frigate is expected to be delivered to the PN by April 2020 while the BRP Antonio Luna is scheduled for September of the same year.
The Philippines and HHI signed a PHP16-billion contract for two missile-armed frigates with another PHP2 billion set aside for its weapon systems and munition.
The steel-cutting for BRP Jose Rizal took place in April 1, 2018 while the same ceremony for BRP Antonio Luna transpired on November the same year. This event officially signified the start of the actual construction of the frigates.
Meanwhile, the keel-laying ceremony for BRP Jose Rizal took place in October 2018 as the formal recognition of the start of the ship’s construction.
Keel-laying refers to the official start of the construction of any ship and is considered among the four highlights of any surface vessel with the other three being steel-cutting, commissioning, and decommissioning.
Both ships are armed with an Oto Melara 76mm Super Rapid main gun, an Aselsan SMASH 30mm remote-controlled secondary cannon, anti-submarine torpedoes, and anti-air and ship missiles.
The Jose Rizal-class frigates of the PN are also equipped with a Hanwha Systems' Naval Shield combat management system (CMS), which integrates all shipboard sensors and weapons and decides on which is ideal to deal with any incoming threats.
This system can also detect and track air, surface and sub-surface targets and is used in various configurations by the Republic of Korea Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy and the Indonesian Navy.
"It is a strategic move as (these) ship(s) will be the most powerful in the PN due to its multiple capabilities," Empedrad earlier said.
Jose Rizal class frigate (image : RoK Armed Forces)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy's (PN) second missile frigate, the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), will be formally launched in November.
"Our second frigate will be launched on either the first or second week of November. By that time, the first frigate (BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) will be finished (fitting its equipment)," said Navy flag-officer-in-command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad during an interview with reporters at the PN headquarters at Naval Station Jose Andrada, Roxas Boulevard, Manila Wednesday.
The launching ceremonies will take place at the Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea.
The BRP Jose Rizal, the country's first missile frigate, was launched at the same facility last May 23.
The first missile frigate is expected to be delivered to the PN by April 2020 while the BRP Antonio Luna is scheduled for September of the same year.
The Philippines and HHI signed a PHP16-billion contract for two missile-armed frigates with another PHP2 billion set aside for its weapon systems and munition.
The steel-cutting for BRP Jose Rizal took place in April 1, 2018 while the same ceremony for BRP Antonio Luna transpired on November the same year. This event officially signified the start of the actual construction of the frigates.
Meanwhile, the keel-laying ceremony for BRP Jose Rizal took place in October 2018 as the formal recognition of the start of the ship’s construction.
Keel-laying refers to the official start of the construction of any ship and is considered among the four highlights of any surface vessel with the other three being steel-cutting, commissioning, and decommissioning.
Both ships are armed with an Oto Melara 76mm Super Rapid main gun, an Aselsan SMASH 30mm remote-controlled secondary cannon, anti-submarine torpedoes, and anti-air and ship missiles.
The Jose Rizal-class frigates of the PN are also equipped with a Hanwha Systems' Naval Shield combat management system (CMS), which integrates all shipboard sensors and weapons and decides on which is ideal to deal with any incoming threats.
This system can also detect and track air, surface and sub-surface targets and is used in various configurations by the Republic of Korea Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy and the Indonesian Navy.
"It is a strategic move as (these) ship(s) will be the most powerful in the PN due to its multiple capabilities," Empedrad earlier said.
Joint Apache Live Fire Exercise at Garuda Shield 19
29 Agustus 2019
Apache TNI AD fires Hellfire missile (photo : skuadron 11)
Apache helicopters from both US Army Task Force Tiger Shark, the aviation unit for US Army Task Force Wolfhounds and Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) 11th Squadron Aviation maneuver together as part of a joint live fire exercise between US Army and TNI- AD aviation.
US Army Task Force Tiger Shark, the aviation unit for US Army Task Force Wolfhounds flies an Apache helicopter as part of a joint live fire exercise between US Army and TNI- AD aviation.
Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) 11th Squadron aviation flies an Apache helicopter as part of a joint live fire exercise between US and TNI- AD aviation.
Apache TNI AD with Hellfire missile (photo : dvids)
The joint mission showcased Apache helicopters from both armies maneuvering and eliminating targets with live rounds including 30mm gun rounds, 2 Hellfire missiles and 2.75 inch rockets. The live fire exercise was a part of Garuda Shield 19.
Garuda Shield is an annual, bilateral military exercise sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific and hosted annually by Tentara Nasional Indonesia. This year marks the thirteenth iteration of this continuing effort to promote regional peace and security.
Apache TNI AD fires Hellfire missile (photo : skuadron 11)
Apache helicopters from both US Army Task Force Tiger Shark, the aviation unit for US Army Task Force Wolfhounds and Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) 11th Squadron Aviation maneuver together as part of a joint live fire exercise between US Army and TNI- AD aviation.
US Army Task Force Tiger Shark, the aviation unit for US Army Task Force Wolfhounds flies an Apache helicopter as part of a joint live fire exercise between US Army and TNI- AD aviation.
Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) 11th Squadron aviation flies an Apache helicopter as part of a joint live fire exercise between US and TNI- AD aviation.
Apache TNI AD with Hellfire missile (photo : dvids)
The joint mission showcased Apache helicopters from both armies maneuvering and eliminating targets with live rounds including 30mm gun rounds, 2 Hellfire missiles and 2.75 inch rockets. The live fire exercise was a part of Garuda Shield 19.
Garuda Shield is an annual, bilateral military exercise sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific and hosted annually by Tentara Nasional Indonesia. This year marks the thirteenth iteration of this continuing effort to promote regional peace and security.
Helikopter Serang,
Latihan Perang,
28 Agustus 2019
Philippine to Build 4 'Fast Attack Missile Craft': Navy
28 Agustus 2019
Israel Shipyard's Shaldag V with NLOS missile is the candidate for FAIC-M (photo : Israel Shipyard)
MANILA -- Four of the eight fast attack interdictor craft-missiles (FAIC-M), being acquired to replace the aging maritime vessels tasked for interdiction operations, will be constructed in the Philippines.
"The FAIC-Ms are important, we will be acquiring about eight, four will be outside the Philippines and the remaining four will be constructed at our naval shipyard (in Sangley Point, Cavite). (With this, we will have the capability) in the future to build our own ships," Philippine Navy (PN) flag-officer-in-command, Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad said in an interview at Naval Station Jose Andrada in Roxas Boulevard, Manila on Wednesday.
He, however, did not identify the proponent or interested bidders for the projects.
Earlier reports said four of the eight FAIC-M will be armed with non-line of sight (NLOS) missiles with ranges up to 25 kilometers and is intended to replace eight of the PN's patrol killer mediums (PKMs) and fast-attack crafts being used for interception missions.
PKMs are medium-sized naval patrol craft and are generally armed with machineguns and cannons up to 25mm, 30mm and 40mm in caliber.
In the PN, these vessels are designated as the "Tomas Batilo"-class patrol boats, of which four are still in active service out of the eight acquired from South Korea in 1995.
Earlier, Empedrad said President Rodrigo Duterte has given the green light for the acquisition of eight FAIC-Ms for PHP10 billion.
Formerly, these PKMs were operated by the Republic of Korea Navy and later transferred to the PN. These ships have a top speed of 33 knots and have a range of up to 600 nautical miles.
The FAIC-Ms will give the PN the capability to defend the key sea lines of communications (SLOCs), such as Mindoro, Balabac, Sibutu and Basilan Straits against conventional threats.
Operating in restricted waters, the FAIC-Ms can interdict surface threats and launch NLOS missiles safely using the surrounding littoral areas as maneuver space and cover.
Israel Shipyard's Shaldag V with NLOS missile is the candidate for FAIC-M (photo : Israel Shipyard)
MANILA -- Four of the eight fast attack interdictor craft-missiles (FAIC-M), being acquired to replace the aging maritime vessels tasked for interdiction operations, will be constructed in the Philippines.
"The FAIC-Ms are important, we will be acquiring about eight, four will be outside the Philippines and the remaining four will be constructed at our naval shipyard (in Sangley Point, Cavite). (With this, we will have the capability) in the future to build our own ships," Philippine Navy (PN) flag-officer-in-command, Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad said in an interview at Naval Station Jose Andrada in Roxas Boulevard, Manila on Wednesday.
He, however, did not identify the proponent or interested bidders for the projects.
Earlier reports said four of the eight FAIC-M will be armed with non-line of sight (NLOS) missiles with ranges up to 25 kilometers and is intended to replace eight of the PN's patrol killer mediums (PKMs) and fast-attack crafts being used for interception missions.
PKMs are medium-sized naval patrol craft and are generally armed with machineguns and cannons up to 25mm, 30mm and 40mm in caliber.
In the PN, these vessels are designated as the "Tomas Batilo"-class patrol boats, of which four are still in active service out of the eight acquired from South Korea in 1995.
Earlier, Empedrad said President Rodrigo Duterte has given the green light for the acquisition of eight FAIC-Ms for PHP10 billion.
Formerly, these PKMs were operated by the Republic of Korea Navy and later transferred to the PN. These ships have a top speed of 33 knots and have a range of up to 600 nautical miles.
The FAIC-Ms will give the PN the capability to defend the key sea lines of communications (SLOCs), such as Mindoro, Balabac, Sibutu and Basilan Straits against conventional threats.
Operating in restricted waters, the FAIC-Ms can interdict surface threats and launch NLOS missiles safely using the surrounding littoral areas as maneuver space and cover.
U.S., Australia Work Side-by-Side on Triton UAS Development
28 Agustus 2019
MQ-4C Triton HALE UAV (photo : Northrop Grumman)
The U.S. Navy’s Triton team is working alongside its partners from the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to develop and execute the cooperative program between the two countries.
Over the past year, the RAAF have provided eight Cooperative Project Personnel (CPP) in support of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) program after signing an agreement in 2018 to procure up to six Triton aircraft and associated Mission Control Stations (MCS) under the MQ-4C Triton Development, Production and Sustainment Cooperative Program. The embedded CPP work with various program teams ranging from engineering, research and development, to flight test.
“This cooperative program aligns with DOD’s objective to strengthen alliances that are crucial to our National Defense Strategy,” said Capt. Dan Mackin, Triton program manager. “We are working together with our Australian counterparts to jointly define new capabilities that benefit both countries.”
Recently, a team of system administrators, network engineers and international policy from Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 20 and the Triton program designed a unique solution to enable Australia’s sole member of the flight test team, Squadron Leader Neale Thompson, to operate as a fully integrated Triton crew member.
“It is an absolute privilege to fulfill this role, working with my U.S. Navy colleagues to develop and test this new, unmanned platform,” said Thompson. “The dedication and ingenuity displayed by the system administrator team in this example epitomized the U.S. Navy’s genuine commitment to integrate their cooperative partners within the Triton program.”
Thompson, a graduate of U.S. Naval Test Pilot School and formerly a tactical coordinator (TACCO) for the Australian P-3 program is the first international partner to operate Triton and serves as a TACCO. He is responsible for managing mission systems during flight and performs the mission systems team lead role at the integrated test team (ITT), managing a diverse team of specialized flight test engineers and project officers.
This map gives a good idea of the area an MQ-4C can cover from various locations. This range circle all the way to the right is centered on the US island of Guam Image : The Drive)
“This is the latest important milestone for our cooperative program, which allows our test team member to be fully involved in all facets of testing,” said Wing Cmdr. Troy Denley, Australian National Deputy for the Triton program.” The cooperative program continues to mature with all CPP embedded in key roles that will help ensure the success of the program for both nations. This is due in no small part to the dedication of Triton’s international team.”
Thompson will routinely participate in flight test operations with his Navy counterparts to gain experience on the system while contributing to the cooperative effort utilizing his flight test experience. After his three-year tour, Thompson will return to Australia and continue working on the program in the same capacity.
“This keeps continuity,” he said. “We will take the skills and lessons learned here early on and apply them to our program when the aircraft is delivered in-country.”
This graphic shows the US Navy's broad concept of operations involving the MQ-4C, including sharing information with other aircraft, ships, and sites on land, as well as allies and partners image : The Drive)
Thompson’s integration into the ITT is one of the many milestones of the cooperative program as both partners progress toward delivery of capability to the warfighter. Under the agreement, the RAAF will embed personnel within the U.S. Navy program team for the next decade. The Navy and industry partner, Northrop Grumman, plan to deliver the first aircraft to Australia in 2023.
The RAAF plans to operate the MQ-4C Triton in conjunction with the P-8A Poseidon to support its maritime patrol and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance roles.
MQ-4C Triton HALE UAV (photo : Northrop Grumman)
The U.S. Navy’s Triton team is working alongside its partners from the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to develop and execute the cooperative program between the two countries.
Over the past year, the RAAF have provided eight Cooperative Project Personnel (CPP) in support of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) program after signing an agreement in 2018 to procure up to six Triton aircraft and associated Mission Control Stations (MCS) under the MQ-4C Triton Development, Production and Sustainment Cooperative Program. The embedded CPP work with various program teams ranging from engineering, research and development, to flight test.
“This cooperative program aligns with DOD’s objective to strengthen alliances that are crucial to our National Defense Strategy,” said Capt. Dan Mackin, Triton program manager. “We are working together with our Australian counterparts to jointly define new capabilities that benefit both countries.”
Recently, a team of system administrators, network engineers and international policy from Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 20 and the Triton program designed a unique solution to enable Australia’s sole member of the flight test team, Squadron Leader Neale Thompson, to operate as a fully integrated Triton crew member.
“It is an absolute privilege to fulfill this role, working with my U.S. Navy colleagues to develop and test this new, unmanned platform,” said Thompson. “The dedication and ingenuity displayed by the system administrator team in this example epitomized the U.S. Navy’s genuine commitment to integrate their cooperative partners within the Triton program.”
Thompson, a graduate of U.S. Naval Test Pilot School and formerly a tactical coordinator (TACCO) for the Australian P-3 program is the first international partner to operate Triton and serves as a TACCO. He is responsible for managing mission systems during flight and performs the mission systems team lead role at the integrated test team (ITT), managing a diverse team of specialized flight test engineers and project officers.
This map gives a good idea of the area an MQ-4C can cover from various locations. This range circle all the way to the right is centered on the US island of Guam Image : The Drive)
“This is the latest important milestone for our cooperative program, which allows our test team member to be fully involved in all facets of testing,” said Wing Cmdr. Troy Denley, Australian National Deputy for the Triton program.” The cooperative program continues to mature with all CPP embedded in key roles that will help ensure the success of the program for both nations. This is due in no small part to the dedication of Triton’s international team.”
Thompson will routinely participate in flight test operations with his Navy counterparts to gain experience on the system while contributing to the cooperative effort utilizing his flight test experience. After his three-year tour, Thompson will return to Australia and continue working on the program in the same capacity.
“This keeps continuity,” he said. “We will take the skills and lessons learned here early on and apply them to our program when the aircraft is delivered in-country.”
This graphic shows the US Navy's broad concept of operations involving the MQ-4C, including sharing information with other aircraft, ships, and sites on land, as well as allies and partners image : The Drive)
Thompson’s integration into the ITT is one of the many milestones of the cooperative program as both partners progress toward delivery of capability to the warfighter. Under the agreement, the RAAF will embed personnel within the U.S. Navy program team for the next decade. The Navy and industry partner, Northrop Grumman, plan to deliver the first aircraft to Australia in 2023.
The RAAF plans to operate the MQ-4C Triton in conjunction with the P-8A Poseidon to support its maritime patrol and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance roles.
Thailand to Acquire 120 U.S. Armoured Vehicles
28 Agustus 2019
Stryker A1 infantry carrier vehicle (photo : American Security Today)
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand’s military plans to acquire 120 American-made armoured vehicles by 2020, with the first batch of 10 arriving next month, a Thai defence ministry source told Reuters on Wednesday.
The United States curbed military aid to Thailand following a 2014 army coup, but ties are improving after disputed elections this year that officially restored civilian rule under a government led by former junta leader Prayuth Chan-ocha.
Army chief General Apirat Kongsompong told reporters that Thailand would receive 70 U.S. made armoured infantry carrier vehicles by the end of the year and 50 more next year, but did not give the value of the deal.
“The first delivery will consist of 10 vehicles and by the end of the year there will be 70 vehicles,” Apirat said.
“There will be 50 vehicle in the next lot.”
He said the armoured vehicles would be deployed at a base in Chachoengsao, south of the capital of Bangkok.
U.S. embassy officials were not immediately available to comment on the army chief’s remarks.
The Stryker infantry carrier vehicle Dragoon with its 30mm cannon (photo : the Drive)
A defence ministry source told Reuters that Thailand paid for 47 vehicles and the U.S. would supply 23 free in this year’s purchase, while 50 more will be bought next year. The U.S. will also help the Thai army in the maintenance of the vehicles.
The source declined to be identified because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
In July, the U.S. State Department said it had approved a government-to-government Foreign Military Sales deal for 60 Stryker armoured vehicles and equipment, at an estimated cost of $175 million.
Under junta rule, Thailand bought tanks and infantry fighting vehicles from China to replace old U.S. models, as well as planning to set up a joint centre with China to produce and maintain military gear, as relations cooled between Washington and its oldest ally in Southeast Asia after the 2014 coup.
The United States remains an important ally for Thailand.
Next week, Thailand will host the opening of the first-ever maritime drill between the navies of the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the 11th Indo-Pacific army chief conference on Sept 9.
Stryker A1 infantry carrier vehicle (photo : American Security Today)
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand’s military plans to acquire 120 American-made armoured vehicles by 2020, with the first batch of 10 arriving next month, a Thai defence ministry source told Reuters on Wednesday.
The United States curbed military aid to Thailand following a 2014 army coup, but ties are improving after disputed elections this year that officially restored civilian rule under a government led by former junta leader Prayuth Chan-ocha.
Army chief General Apirat Kongsompong told reporters that Thailand would receive 70 U.S. made armoured infantry carrier vehicles by the end of the year and 50 more next year, but did not give the value of the deal.
“The first delivery will consist of 10 vehicles and by the end of the year there will be 70 vehicles,” Apirat said.
“There will be 50 vehicle in the next lot.”
He said the armoured vehicles would be deployed at a base in Chachoengsao, south of the capital of Bangkok.
U.S. embassy officials were not immediately available to comment on the army chief’s remarks.
The Stryker infantry carrier vehicle Dragoon with its 30mm cannon (photo : the Drive)
A defence ministry source told Reuters that Thailand paid for 47 vehicles and the U.S. would supply 23 free in this year’s purchase, while 50 more will be bought next year. The U.S. will also help the Thai army in the maintenance of the vehicles.
The source declined to be identified because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
In July, the U.S. State Department said it had approved a government-to-government Foreign Military Sales deal for 60 Stryker armoured vehicles and equipment, at an estimated cost of $175 million.
Under junta rule, Thailand bought tanks and infantry fighting vehicles from China to replace old U.S. models, as well as planning to set up a joint centre with China to produce and maintain military gear, as relations cooled between Washington and its oldest ally in Southeast Asia after the 2014 coup.
The United States remains an important ally for Thailand.
Next week, Thailand will host the opening of the first-ever maritime drill between the navies of the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the 11th Indo-Pacific army chief conference on Sept 9.
Navy to Commission 4 AAV, 3 MPAC on Sept. 16
28 Agustus 2019
KAAV7 of the PMC (photo : Military Images)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN) is scheduled to commission into service four additional amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) and three more multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) next month.
"The four AAVs along with the three MPACs will be commissioned into service this coming September 16," Navy flag officer in command, Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said in a press briefing held at the PN headquarters in Naval Station Jose Andrada in Manila Wednesday.
The first four AAVs were commissioned at the 121st PN founding anniversary during ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite last June 17.
While the second batch of AAVs arrived this August and had successfully completed their Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee on the same month.
The AAV contract is worth PHP2.42 billion.
These vehicles are armed with .50-caliber machineguns, 40mm grenade launchers and smoke launchers.
Meanwhile, the three MPACs will be also be armed with Spike-ER surface-to-surface missiles, Empedrad added.
This would boost the number of missile-armed MPACs of the PN to six.
These boats were also delivered early this month.
The MPACs will be called the Mark IV and production started in November last year. Empedrad earlier said that the builders of the MPACs are the same as the previous Mark II and III.
The PN's three Mark IIIs MPACs were built by the Subic-based Propmech Corporation and activated on May 22, 2017.
These boats can cruise up to 45 knots and are armed with remotely-controlled .50-caliber machineguns aside from the Spike-ER missiles.
KAAV7 of the PMC (photo : Military Images)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN) is scheduled to commission into service four additional amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) and three more multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) next month.
"The four AAVs along with the three MPACs will be commissioned into service this coming September 16," Navy flag officer in command, Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said in a press briefing held at the PN headquarters in Naval Station Jose Andrada in Manila Wednesday.
The first four AAVs were commissioned at the 121st PN founding anniversary during ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite last June 17.
While the second batch of AAVs arrived this August and had successfully completed their Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee on the same month.
The AAV contract is worth PHP2.42 billion.
These vehicles are armed with .50-caliber machineguns, 40mm grenade launchers and smoke launchers.
Meanwhile, the three MPACs will be also be armed with Spike-ER surface-to-surface missiles, Empedrad added.
This would boost the number of missile-armed MPACs of the PN to six.
These boats were also delivered early this month.
The MPACs will be called the Mark IV and production started in November last year. Empedrad earlier said that the builders of the MPACs are the same as the previous Mark II and III.
The PN's three Mark IIIs MPACs were built by the Subic-based Propmech Corporation and activated on May 22, 2017.
These boats can cruise up to 45 knots and are armed with remotely-controlled .50-caliber machineguns aside from the Spike-ER missiles.
Kapal Patroli,
Kendaraan Tempur,
27 Agustus 2019
Malaysia Seeks to Barter Arms Purchase with Palm Oil
27 Agustus 2019
Tejas fighter (photo : Economic Times)
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is in talks with at least six countries on the possibility of using palm oil to pay for arms, as Southeast Asia's third-biggest economy seeks to replace old equipment to boost its defence capabilities.
Malaysia has struggled to update its defence equipment over the years and a cut in its defence budget this year all but derailed efforts to replace navy ships, some of which have been in service for 35 years or more.
Costs have been a big hurdle but using palm oil to help pay for equipment could open new avenues to upgrade, Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu said on Monday.
Mohamad said discussions on paying with palm oil had started with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.
"If they are prepared to accept a palm barter trade, we are very willing to go in that direction," Mohamad told Reuters in an interview. "We have a lot of palm oil."
Malaysia and Indonesia, the world's two largest palm oil producers, are embroiled in a dispute with the European Union over a plan to phase out the commodity from renewable fuels used by the bloc by 2030 over deforestation concerns.
The two countries supply about 85% of global palm oil, much of which is used in food but also in items such as lipstick and soap.
JF-17 of Pakistan-China (photo : Quwa)
Mohamad said he could not put a figure on how much palm oil Malaysia was looking to trade for defence equipment.
Besides new ships, Malaysia was also keen to acquire long-range surveillance aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and fast intercept boats, the minister said.
The planned barter is part of a 10-year defence policy to be tabled in parliament this year, which Mohamad said would focus on boosting naval capabilities, including in the disputed South China Sea.
China claims historic jurisdiction over the sea via a so-called nine-dash line on maps, but it overlaps with territory claimed by Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines. Taiwan also claims most of the sea.
Recent Chinese naval deployments in the disputed sea, through which over US$3.4 trillion in goods are transported annually, have reignited tension with Vietnam and the Philippines.
Malaysia had been critical of China's South China Sea position, but has not been excessively outspoken recently, especially after China pumped in billions of dollars into infrastructure projects under its Belt and Road Initiative.
Malaysia regularly tracked Chinese naval and coastguard vessels entering Malaysia's territorial waters, Mohamad said, but added that China respects Malaysia and had "not done anything that caused us trouble, so far."
However, Southeast Asian counties would need to work together to make sure their interests are not drowned out by big powers like the U.S. and China jostling for control, Mohamad said. "We want this region to remain peaceful and neutral."
Tejas fighter (photo : Economic Times)
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is in talks with at least six countries on the possibility of using palm oil to pay for arms, as Southeast Asia's third-biggest economy seeks to replace old equipment to boost its defence capabilities.
Malaysia has struggled to update its defence equipment over the years and a cut in its defence budget this year all but derailed efforts to replace navy ships, some of which have been in service for 35 years or more.
Costs have been a big hurdle but using palm oil to help pay for equipment could open new avenues to upgrade, Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu said on Monday.
Mohamad said discussions on paying with palm oil had started with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.
"If they are prepared to accept a palm barter trade, we are very willing to go in that direction," Mohamad told Reuters in an interview. "We have a lot of palm oil."
Malaysia and Indonesia, the world's two largest palm oil producers, are embroiled in a dispute with the European Union over a plan to phase out the commodity from renewable fuels used by the bloc by 2030 over deforestation concerns.
The two countries supply about 85% of global palm oil, much of which is used in food but also in items such as lipstick and soap.
JF-17 of Pakistan-China (photo : Quwa)
Mohamad said he could not put a figure on how much palm oil Malaysia was looking to trade for defence equipment.
Besides new ships, Malaysia was also keen to acquire long-range surveillance aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and fast intercept boats, the minister said.
The planned barter is part of a 10-year defence policy to be tabled in parliament this year, which Mohamad said would focus on boosting naval capabilities, including in the disputed South China Sea.
China claims historic jurisdiction over the sea via a so-called nine-dash line on maps, but it overlaps with territory claimed by Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines. Taiwan also claims most of the sea.
Recent Chinese naval deployments in the disputed sea, through which over US$3.4 trillion in goods are transported annually, have reignited tension with Vietnam and the Philippines.
Malaysia had been critical of China's South China Sea position, but has not been excessively outspoken recently, especially after China pumped in billions of dollars into infrastructure projects under its Belt and Road Initiative.
Malaysia regularly tracked Chinese naval and coastguard vessels entering Malaysia's territorial waters, Mohamad said, but added that China respects Malaysia and had "not done anything that caused us trouble, so far."
However, Southeast Asian counties would need to work together to make sure their interests are not drowned out by big powers like the U.S. and China jostling for control, Mohamad said. "We want this region to remain peaceful and neutral."
Navy to Acquire Patrol Vessels via Gov't-to -Gov't Deal
27 Agustus 2019
OPV for Phillipine Navy (image : Austal)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN)'s offshore patrol vessel (OPV) project will be acquired via the so-called government-to-government procurement approach.
"Yes, because we are availing of Australian government financing (for the project)," Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a message to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) over the weekend.
Government-to-government is an advantage as it does not require a large capital outlay and has sovereign guarantee aside from the equipment being acquired much easier and faster.
The OPV project aims to acquire six brand-new ships for PHP30 billion, a project that Australia-based global shipbuilder and defense contractor Austal has expressed interest to participate in.
OPVs are large classes of patrol vessels capable of long-distance patrolling.
Austal is offering a larger version of its 80-meter Cape-class patrol vessels being used by the Royal Australian Navy and Australian Border Force. Earlier, Lorenzana said the PN is preferring a government-to-government approach in acquiring the vessels.
"Government-to-government is (the procurement process being favored) by the PN," the DND chief said.
The OPVs are part of Horizon Two of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program and expected to replace the World War II corvettes and minesweepers still in PN service as of this time.
On Friday, Lorenzana said the South Korean government expressed interest to fund the PN's corvette acquisition project, which aims to acquire two anti-submarine ships to boost up the PN fleet. He said a government-to-government approach would be an advantage for the Philippines.
The budget for the CAP, he said, is placed between PHP28 to PHP30 billion.
Lorenzana said while the country is yet to sign a contract with South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for the two corvettes, the PN is recommending the company construct these ships for commonality and interoperability.
The two Jose Rizal-missile frigates, which is also being constructed by HHI for PHP18 billion, including its weapon systems and munition, is expected to be delivered by next year, with the lead ship, BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), expected by April 2020 and the second ship, BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), by September of the same year.
Asked on how the process will take, Lorenzana said he expects it to be done as soon as possible, adding that the concerned parties are now doing the paperwork.
OPV for Phillipine Navy (image : Austal)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN)'s offshore patrol vessel (OPV) project will be acquired via the so-called government-to-government procurement approach.
"Yes, because we are availing of Australian government financing (for the project)," Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a message to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) over the weekend.
Government-to-government is an advantage as it does not require a large capital outlay and has sovereign guarantee aside from the equipment being acquired much easier and faster.
The OPV project aims to acquire six brand-new ships for PHP30 billion, a project that Australia-based global shipbuilder and defense contractor Austal has expressed interest to participate in.
OPVs are large classes of patrol vessels capable of long-distance patrolling.
Austal is offering a larger version of its 80-meter Cape-class patrol vessels being used by the Royal Australian Navy and Australian Border Force. Earlier, Lorenzana said the PN is preferring a government-to-government approach in acquiring the vessels.
"Government-to-government is (the procurement process being favored) by the PN," the DND chief said.
The OPVs are part of Horizon Two of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program and expected to replace the World War II corvettes and minesweepers still in PN service as of this time.
On Friday, Lorenzana said the South Korean government expressed interest to fund the PN's corvette acquisition project, which aims to acquire two anti-submarine ships to boost up the PN fleet. He said a government-to-government approach would be an advantage for the Philippines.
The budget for the CAP, he said, is placed between PHP28 to PHP30 billion.
Lorenzana said while the country is yet to sign a contract with South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for the two corvettes, the PN is recommending the company construct these ships for commonality and interoperability.
The two Jose Rizal-missile frigates, which is also being constructed by HHI for PHP18 billion, including its weapon systems and munition, is expected to be delivered by next year, with the lead ship, BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), expected by April 2020 and the second ship, BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), by September of the same year.
Asked on how the process will take, Lorenzana said he expects it to be done as soon as possible, adding that the concerned parties are now doing the paperwork.
RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless Retire After Decades of Distinguished Service
27 Agustus 2019
RSS Fearless 94 (photo : Sing Mindef)
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) decommissioned three Fearless-class Patrol Vessels (PVs) RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless at a sunset ceremony at Tuas Naval Base this evening. Officiated by Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral (RADM) Lew Chuen Hong, the ceremony marked the progressive handing over of duties from the PVs to the new Littoral Mission Vessels (LMVs).
RSS Fearless and RSS Brave were commissioned on 5 October 1996 while RSS Dauntless was commissioned on 3 May 1997 by then Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam. Over the years, the ships safeguarded Singapore's maritime interests and territorial integrity through numerous operations at sea. They also advanced defence relations by participating in bilateral and multilateral exercises with foreign navies.
RSS Brave 95 (photo : Sing Mindef)
Commander Maritime Security Task Force RADM Seah Poh Yeen, who delivered the citations, paid tribute to the three ships and to the generations of its crew members. He said, "Throughout their operational service, RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless were an integral part of the Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF)'s High Readiness Core and truly lived up to 182 Squadrons motto of being “Sharp and Vigilant”… The success of these Patrol Vessels would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication, professionalism and sacrifices of the many generations of sailors who served on board."
RSS Dauntless 99 (photo : Sing Mindef)
The operational duties of RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless will be handed over to the new LMVs. The LMVs are more versatile, and equipped with sharper, stronger and a wider range of capabilities. All eight LMVs will be fully operational by 2020.
Also present at the decommissioning ceremony were past and present crew members of RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless as well as senior RSN officers.
(Sing Mindef)
RSS Fearless 94 (photo : Sing Mindef)
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) decommissioned three Fearless-class Patrol Vessels (PVs) RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless at a sunset ceremony at Tuas Naval Base this evening. Officiated by Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral (RADM) Lew Chuen Hong, the ceremony marked the progressive handing over of duties from the PVs to the new Littoral Mission Vessels (LMVs).
RSS Fearless and RSS Brave were commissioned on 5 October 1996 while RSS Dauntless was commissioned on 3 May 1997 by then Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam. Over the years, the ships safeguarded Singapore's maritime interests and territorial integrity through numerous operations at sea. They also advanced defence relations by participating in bilateral and multilateral exercises with foreign navies.
RSS Brave 95 (photo : Sing Mindef)
Commander Maritime Security Task Force RADM Seah Poh Yeen, who delivered the citations, paid tribute to the three ships and to the generations of its crew members. He said, "Throughout their operational service, RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless were an integral part of the Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF)'s High Readiness Core and truly lived up to 182 Squadrons motto of being “Sharp and Vigilant”… The success of these Patrol Vessels would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication, professionalism and sacrifices of the many generations of sailors who served on board."
RSS Dauntless 99 (photo : Sing Mindef)
The operational duties of RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless will be handed over to the new LMVs. The LMVs are more versatile, and equipped with sharper, stronger and a wider range of capabilities. All eight LMVs will be fully operational by 2020.
Also present at the decommissioning ceremony were past and present crew members of RSS Fearless, RSS Brave and RSS Dauntless as well as senior RSN officers.
(Sing Mindef)
Kapal Cepat,
Kapal Patroli,
Defense Seeks Congress Approval of Proposed P258 Billion Budget
27 Agustus 2019
World defence spending (image : naval news)
MANILA - The Department of National Defense (DND) is asking Congress to approve its proposed P258 billion budget for 2020, which also covers the funds for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
Based on the National Expenditure Program (NEP) for next year, P68.70 billion will go to retired servicemen's pensions, if the proposed budget is approved, leaving about P188.6 billion for the regular budget.
The Philippine Army will get P90 billion, General Headquarters (GHQ) will have P36.83 billion, the Philippine Navy will get P29.02 billion, and the Philippine Air Force will be allotted P25.9 billion.
Of the GHQ’s budget, P25 billion will be allotted for the AFP Modernization Program, such as buying new weapons and equipment, while P1.18 billion will be alloted for its intelligence funds.
The intelligence funds of the DND and the AFP are broken down are as follows:
-Office of the Secretary - P10 million
-Philippine Army - P444 million
-Philippine Air Force - P17 million
-Philippine Navy - P39.7 million
-General Headquarters - P1.18 billion
Also, Veterans Memorial Medical Center will be allotted P1.6 billion, the Government Arsenal will get P1.28 billion, the Office of Civil Defense will have P1.21 billion, the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office gets P567.45 million, the Office of the Secretary gets P517.21 million, and the National Defense College of the Philippines will have P10.75 million.
The DND ranks 4th in the top 10 government departments with the highest allocations in the 2020 budget.
World defence spending (image : naval news)
MANILA - The Department of National Defense (DND) is asking Congress to approve its proposed P258 billion budget for 2020, which also covers the funds for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
Based on the National Expenditure Program (NEP) for next year, P68.70 billion will go to retired servicemen's pensions, if the proposed budget is approved, leaving about P188.6 billion for the regular budget.
The Philippine Army will get P90 billion, General Headquarters (GHQ) will have P36.83 billion, the Philippine Navy will get P29.02 billion, and the Philippine Air Force will be allotted P25.9 billion.
Of the GHQ’s budget, P25 billion will be allotted for the AFP Modernization Program, such as buying new weapons and equipment, while P1.18 billion will be alloted for its intelligence funds.
The intelligence funds of the DND and the AFP are broken down are as follows:
-Office of the Secretary - P10 million
-Philippine Army - P444 million
-Philippine Air Force - P17 million
-Philippine Navy - P39.7 million
-General Headquarters - P1.18 billion
Also, Veterans Memorial Medical Center will be allotted P1.6 billion, the Government Arsenal will get P1.28 billion, the Office of Civil Defense will have P1.21 billion, the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office gets P567.45 million, the Office of the Secretary gets P517.21 million, and the National Defense College of the Philippines will have P10.75 million.
The DND ranks 4th in the top 10 government departments with the highest allocations in the 2020 budget.
26 Agustus 2019
TNI AL Luncurkan Lagi Kapal PC-40M, KRI Bubara 868
26 Agustus 2019
Peluncuran kapal PC-40M yang dinamakan KRI Gulamah 869 di galangan PT Caputra Mitra Sejati (photos : bang mandor)
TNI AL Luncurkan Dua Kapal PC-40M
TNI Angkatan Laut meluncurkan (launching) dan Shipnaming kapal perang baru jenis Patroli Cepat (PC-40 M) yakni KRI Bubara-868 dan KRI Gulamah-869 yang diresmikan oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji, S.E., M.M., didampingi Ketua Umum Jalasenastri Ny. Manik Siwi Sukma Adji, bertempat di Halte Slipway PT Caputra Mitra Sejati, Banten, Senin (26/8/2019).
Alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut ini, merupakan kapal perang karya anak bangsa yang diproduksi PT Caputra Mitra Sejati Banten. Kedua Kapal tersebut rencananya akan memperkuat jajaran Satuan Patroli Komando Armada III (Satrol Koarmada III). Peluncuran Kapal perang ditandai dengan pemotongan tali dan prosesi pemecahan kendi oleh Ketua Umum Jalasenastri Ny. Manik Siwi Sukma Adji serta dilanjutkan dengan peninjauan ke atas kapal.
Pemberian nama Bubara dan Gulamah, diambil dari nama sejenis ikan kakap putih yang merupakan ikan jenis demersal, Ikan ini biasa ditemukan di perairan pesisir dan sungai. Kedua ikan ini memiliki karakteristik kecepatan dan ketahanan dalam berenang.
Pada kesempatan ini, TNI Angkatan Laut mengucapkan terima kasih dan memberikan penghargaan yang tinggi, atas kerjasama, usaha serta kerja keras yang telah dilakukan Direktur PT CMS beserta staf dalam membantu mewujudkan kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam pembangunan kapal PC 40 Meter.
Kapal patroli cepat 40 M yang diresmikan ini, memiliki spesifikasi panjang 45,5 meter, lebar 7,9 meter dan bobot 220 ton. Kapal ini mampu melaju dengan kecepatan maksimal 24 knot, kecepatan jelajah 17 knot dan kecepatan ekonomis 15 knot, serta memiliki ketahanan (endurance) dalam berlayar selama enam hari. Kapal perang ini dilengkapi dengan dua unit radar dan senjata meriam 30 mm dan diawaki 35 prajurit.
Turut hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut para pejabat tinggi TNI AL diantaranya, Irjenal, Asrena Kasal, Asops Kasal, Aspam Kasal, Aslog Kasal, Pangkoarmada I, Kadismatal, Kadispenal, Kadisadal, Kadislaikmatal, Waaspers Kasal, Danlantamal III, Dirut PT CMS Bapak Kris Pramono dan jajaran Direksi PT CMS Banten beserta Ibu-ibu Pengurus Pusat Jalasenastri,.
Peluncuran kapal PC-40M yang dinamakan KRI Gulamah 869 di galangan PT Caputra Mitra Sejati (photos : bang mandor)
TNI AL Luncurkan Dua Kapal PC-40M
TNI Angkatan Laut meluncurkan (launching) dan Shipnaming kapal perang baru jenis Patroli Cepat (PC-40 M) yakni KRI Bubara-868 dan KRI Gulamah-869 yang diresmikan oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji, S.E., M.M., didampingi Ketua Umum Jalasenastri Ny. Manik Siwi Sukma Adji, bertempat di Halte Slipway PT Caputra Mitra Sejati, Banten, Senin (26/8/2019).
Alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut ini, merupakan kapal perang karya anak bangsa yang diproduksi PT Caputra Mitra Sejati Banten. Kedua Kapal tersebut rencananya akan memperkuat jajaran Satuan Patroli Komando Armada III (Satrol Koarmada III). Peluncuran Kapal perang ditandai dengan pemotongan tali dan prosesi pemecahan kendi oleh Ketua Umum Jalasenastri Ny. Manik Siwi Sukma Adji serta dilanjutkan dengan peninjauan ke atas kapal.
Pemberian nama Bubara dan Gulamah, diambil dari nama sejenis ikan kakap putih yang merupakan ikan jenis demersal, Ikan ini biasa ditemukan di perairan pesisir dan sungai. Kedua ikan ini memiliki karakteristik kecepatan dan ketahanan dalam berenang.
Pada kesempatan ini, TNI Angkatan Laut mengucapkan terima kasih dan memberikan penghargaan yang tinggi, atas kerjasama, usaha serta kerja keras yang telah dilakukan Direktur PT CMS beserta staf dalam membantu mewujudkan kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam pembangunan kapal PC 40 Meter.
Kapal patroli cepat 40 M yang diresmikan ini, memiliki spesifikasi panjang 45,5 meter, lebar 7,9 meter dan bobot 220 ton. Kapal ini mampu melaju dengan kecepatan maksimal 24 knot, kecepatan jelajah 17 knot dan kecepatan ekonomis 15 knot, serta memiliki ketahanan (endurance) dalam berlayar selama enam hari. Kapal perang ini dilengkapi dengan dua unit radar dan senjata meriam 30 mm dan diawaki 35 prajurit.
Turut hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut para pejabat tinggi TNI AL diantaranya, Irjenal, Asrena Kasal, Asops Kasal, Aspam Kasal, Aslog Kasal, Pangkoarmada I, Kadismatal, Kadispenal, Kadisadal, Kadislaikmatal, Waaspers Kasal, Danlantamal III, Dirut PT CMS Bapak Kris Pramono dan jajaran Direksi PT CMS Banten beserta Ibu-ibu Pengurus Pusat Jalasenastri,.
Industri Pertahanan,
Kapal Patroli,
China’s First Helicopter Carrier Type 075 Nearing Completion
26 Agustus 2019
Type 075 ship near completed (photo : dambiev)
New photos have emerged from the Shanghai shipyard where China’s newest warship, the Type 075 amphibious assault ship, is nearing completion.
At the China State Shipbuilding Corporation’s Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard on Shanghai’s Huangpu River, a giant is taking shape: the Type 075 landing helicopter dock (LHD) is nearing completion.
New photos on social media show the ship’s flight deck has been installed as well as its command island, giving it the definitive silhouette of an aircraft carrier for the first time. However, this 32,000-ton vessel will carry helicopters and amphibious landing craft, not fixed-wing J-15s or FC-31s like its bigger cousin, the Type 001A.
The Type 075 is roughly analogous to the United States Marine Corps’ Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, capable of supporting an amphibious assault by thousands of troops. It also has a hangar for holding up to 28 helicopters that can land at six points on its deck.
Sputnik previously reported how the new warship, which might be followed by up to two others in its class, is part of a burgeoning fleet of amphibious assault vessels capable of mounting a serious threat to maritime areas across the East and South China Seas. By the time the Type 075 hits the water, which might be by the end of the year, according to Defense News, the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s eighth Type 071 landing platform dock (LPD) will be ready as well.
Type 075 amphibious assault ship (image : SCMP)
The PLAN has reorganized its paltry Marine Corps, planning on more than tripling its previous size from two to seven brigades, according to US defense analysts. A CCTV report this past April confirmed the branch had accomplished a size-increasing milestone in time for the 70th anniversary of the PLAN’s foundation, but made no comment as to what that size was. It’s estimated that the goal, however, is to eventually have 30,000 marines under arms.
Beijing has two full-sized aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and her sister ship, presently known only as Type 001A, which weigh in at about 58-68,000 tons each, although there are slight differences between the two ships. The carriers form the heart of China’s growing blue water navy, capable of carrying up to 40 fixed wing aircraft each.
A third aircraft carrier, also believed to be under construction in Shanghai, is expected to set sail in 2023.
Type 075 ship near completed (photo : dambiev)
New photos have emerged from the Shanghai shipyard where China’s newest warship, the Type 075 amphibious assault ship, is nearing completion.
At the China State Shipbuilding Corporation’s Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard on Shanghai’s Huangpu River, a giant is taking shape: the Type 075 landing helicopter dock (LHD) is nearing completion.
New photos on social media show the ship’s flight deck has been installed as well as its command island, giving it the definitive silhouette of an aircraft carrier for the first time. However, this 32,000-ton vessel will carry helicopters and amphibious landing craft, not fixed-wing J-15s or FC-31s like its bigger cousin, the Type 001A.
The Type 075 is roughly analogous to the United States Marine Corps’ Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, capable of supporting an amphibious assault by thousands of troops. It also has a hangar for holding up to 28 helicopters that can land at six points on its deck.
Sputnik previously reported how the new warship, which might be followed by up to two others in its class, is part of a burgeoning fleet of amphibious assault vessels capable of mounting a serious threat to maritime areas across the East and South China Seas. By the time the Type 075 hits the water, which might be by the end of the year, according to Defense News, the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s eighth Type 071 landing platform dock (LPD) will be ready as well.
Type 075 amphibious assault ship (image : SCMP)
The PLAN has reorganized its paltry Marine Corps, planning on more than tripling its previous size from two to seven brigades, according to US defense analysts. A CCTV report this past April confirmed the branch had accomplished a size-increasing milestone in time for the 70th anniversary of the PLAN’s foundation, but made no comment as to what that size was. It’s estimated that the goal, however, is to eventually have 30,000 marines under arms.
Beijing has two full-sized aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and her sister ship, presently known only as Type 001A, which weigh in at about 58-68,000 tons each, although there are slight differences between the two ships. The carriers form the heart of China’s growing blue water navy, capable of carrying up to 40 fixed wing aircraft each.
A third aircraft carrier, also believed to be under construction in Shanghai, is expected to set sail in 2023.
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