31 Desember 2012

Air Force Plans Upgrades to Radar System

31 Desember 2012

Network centric concept of the RTAF (all photos : wing7)

The air force will improve its radar-based defence system next year and link it to the army and navy for joint missions.

It intends to replace ageing radars and support facilities with new systems to search for airborne targets under the Royal Thai Air Force Defence System (RTAD), said air force chief Prajin Jantong.

The air force will be able to communicate with the navy's frigates _ HTMS Naresuan and HTMS Taksin _ and the navy's aircraft carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet.

The communications facilities of these vessels are being upgraded, a military source said.

Earlier, the air force bought 12 Gripen fighter jets from Sweden along with two Saab 340 AEW early warning aircraft and a Saab 340 transport plane for 34 billion baht.

Linking the air force with the navy will enable joint operations in the future, the source said.

Connections will also be expanded to the army under the air force's "Network Centric" plan to link the systems of the three armed forces. The plan will be completed in 2014, the source said.

Meanwhile, ACM Prajin also wants the air force's new communications facilities to be applied to disaster response efforts _ a goal backed by Asean defence ministers who have agreed to work in concert in the field of regional disaster relief in the lead-up to the Asean Economic Community in 2015.

(Bangkok Post)

Pesawat Tanpa Awak Dioperasikan 2013

31 Desember 2012

UAV Wulung (photo : Viva)

Sampit, Kalteng (ANTARA News) - Pesawat tanpa awak yang dikendalikan remote kontrol buatan Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) akan dioperasikan pada 2013 mendatang, kata Menteri Riset dan Teknologi, Gusti Muhammad Hatta.

Di Sampit, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Kalimantan Tengah, Sabtu Gusti Muhammad Hatta mengatakan, kemampuannya tidak diragukan lagi karena telah diuji coba di Pangkalan Udara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta pada Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012.

"Pesawat tanpa awak yang diberi nama Wulung tersebut dirancang khusus dan sangat canggih sehingga memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa dibandingkan dengan pesawat-pesawat yang ada," kata Menristek, Gusti Muhammad Hatta.

Selain bisa menjadi pesawat mata-mata, pesawat tersebut nantinya juga dapat dipergunakan untuk pemotretan wilayah dari udara dan pemadaman kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Pesawat ini memiliki kemampuan terbang selama 4 jam tanpa henti dan bisa digunakan untuk membuat hujan buatan.

UAV Wulung mampu terbang 4 jam tanpa henti dengan jangkauan 70 km (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Jarak tempuh maksimalnya 70 kilometer, dengan kecepatan jelajah 52--69 knot. Puna Wulung bisa dikendalikan dengan jarak 73 kilometer dari remote control. Wulung mampu terbang hingga ketinggian 12 ribu kaki, dan yang sudah diujikan sejauh 8.000 kaki. 

BPPT membuat lima pesawat serupa, dan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk lima pesawat serupa berkisar antara Rp6 miliar--Rp8 miliar.

Wulung memakai mesin 2 tak dan untuk mendapatkan tenaga yang optimal, bahan bakar yang dipergunakan adalah pertamax. 

Bahan material pesawat tanpa awak tersebut menggunakan komposit (komposisi serat kaca, fiber, karbon) sehingga mendapatkan struktur pesawat yang ringan.

"Dengan adanya pesawat tersebut nantinya pemadaman kebakaran hutan dan pembuatan hujan buatan tidak perlu lagi menaburkan garam pada awan dan kami telah menemukan bahan penggantinya, yani bernama pleer," katanya.

Setiap satu kilogram pleer sama dengan satu ton kilogram garam dan pesawat Wulung mampu membawa delapan kilogram pleer. 

PAL INDONESIA Patok Pendapatan 2013 Rp1,5 Triliun

31 Desember 2012

Kapal cepat rudal KCR-60 yang sedang dibangun di PT Pal (photo : Defense Studies)

SURABAYA – PT PAL Indonesia pada 2013 memproyeksikan pendapatan menjadi Rp1,5 triliun dengan menggenjot jasa pemeliharaan dan perbaikan kapal, atau naik 250% dibandingkan pendapatan tahun ini hanya senilai Rp600 miliar.

Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) M. Firmansyah Arifin mengatakan BUMN tersebut tahun depan berpotensi mendongkrak pendapatan, menyusul besarnya peluang di bidang pemeliharaan dan perbaikan (harkan) maupun pembuatan kapal baru.

Menurutnya, sepanjang tahun ini divisi harkan kapal mengontribusikan 45% terhadap total pendapatan PAL yang mencapai Rp600 miliar.

“Tahun depan kami memproyeksikan kenaikan revenue menjadi Rp1,5 triliun. Divisi harkan masih akan menjadi tulang punggung, selain pembuatan kapal niaga, kapal perang dan rekayasa umum (komponen industri minyak dan gas bumi),” ujarnya saat ditemui Bisnis di kantornya, kemarin (29/12).

Firmansyah optimistis pada 2013 mampu mencapai kinerja sesuai yang direncanakan, mengingat kini mendapat sejumlah proyek yang akan dirampungkan tahun depan. Diantaranya dua unit tanker pesanan Pertamina masing-masing berbobot 17.500 dead weight ton (DWT) dengan harga US$25 juta dan US$24,8 juta.

Divisi rekayasa umum (general engineering/GE) juga tengah merampungkan pengerjaan platform untuk pemboran minyak lepas pantai pesanan Petronas senilai US$46 juta.
Perusahaan migas asal China CNOOC juga memesan komponen yang sama untuk pemboran minyak di Madura seharga US$42 juta.

“Platform pesanan CNOOC kami kerjakan bersama perusahaan asal China, maka nilai kontraknya dibagi dua masing-masing memperoleh US$21 juta,” tutur Firmansyah.

Dia menambahkan peluang lain masih terbuka lebar berupa pembuatan dan harkan kapal dari dalam maupun mancanegara. Untuk itu, bagian pemasaran PAL tahun depan disebutkan akan lebih proaktif mencari order.

Upaya tersebut akan dibarengi dengan pembenahan manajemen, agar PAL dapat bangkit kembali sesudah tahun lalu mengalami kerugian hingga ratusan miliar rupiah.

“Kami optimistis pada 2013 sudah mampu menangguh untung, tahun ini pun [dengan pendapatan Rp600 miliar] kami sudah bisa membukukan laba usaha kendati masih sangat kecil,” paparnya. 

(Bisnis Jatim)

PAF to Have New Radars

31 Desember 2012

PAF acquires three radars worth P2.3 billion (photo : Finmeccanica)

Manila, Philippines – As the military builds up its air defense capabilities, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) is acquiring three radars with a project cost of about P2.3 billion, said PAF vice commander Major General Raul Dimatatac.

Interviewed at the Villamor Airbase in Pasay City, Dimatatac told reporters, “We are looking at installing three radars for our three major sites.“

The radars, he said, are among those listed in the PAF’s wish list in the P75-billion military modernization budget in the next five years.

“Although we were given by the government P75 billion for the next five years . . . we have a lot of concerns insofar as security is concerned so we really have to prioritize,“ said Dimatatac.

He added that for the Air Force, among the items lined up for acquisition aside from the radar system are surface attack aircraft (SAA), light lift and long range patrol aircraft, and additional UH1H helicopters.

The PAF vice commander has earlier expressed pleasure over the activation of the third three C-130 Lockheed Hercules cargo plane in the PAF inventory.

The military recommissioned on Friday some of its air and ground assets that underwent major refurbishment, with all the work done locally.

Among the recommissioned assets aside from the C-130 were a Cessna 210, the PAF’s platform for rainmaking, one UH1H combat utility helicopter, and 12 M-35 trucks.

“This is definitely a big improvement to the PAF’s airlift capability, considering that for the past years, we only one C130 aircraft in service,“ said Dimatatac.

He added the three C-130 cargo planes will allow the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to support the government in its various development and relief missions.

Aside from improving the PAF’s cargo lift capability, Dimatatac said that the three aircraft has definitely boosted the morale of their aircrew as they now know that they have a sufficient number of planes to perform their missions.

29 Desember 2012

TNI AU Rekomendasikan Pembangunan Bandara Sangkima

29 Desember 2012

Sangkima, Kalimantan Timur (image : Google Maps)

SANGATTA. Dukungan Pemkab Kutim untuk segera membangun Bandara Sangkima kini muncul dari TNI Angkatan Udara (AU). Dukungan ini tertuang dalam surat rekomendasi dengan No 13/336/X/2012 yang dikirim ke Pemkab Kutim, serta ditembuskan ke berbagai pihak termasuk kementerian Kehutanan dan lainnya. Alasan  TNI AU mendukung pembangunan Bandara Sangkima adalah untuk kepentingan mobilitas TNI pada umumnya, pada saat melakukan latihan gabungan di Sekerat. Surat rekomendasi ditandatangani oleh Marsekal Pertama TNI AU Polter Gultom selaku Kepala Disbagops TNI AU.

Karena dukungan ini, Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Kutim Johansyah Ibrahim mengatakan, dukungan ini merupakan hal yang positif. Apalagi, pihak kementerian  Kehutanan juga sudah memberikan sinyal akan melepaskan lokasi tersebut sesuai dengan permintaan enclave dari Pemkab Kutim karena itu pihaknya yakin bandara ini akan dibangun.

"Karena itu, tahun ini kami sudah melakukan perencanaan. Kami sudah siapkan anggaran perencanaan. Setelah ada persetujuan enclave, pekerjaan fisik langsung dimulai," jelas Johansyah ditemui dua hari lalu di kantornya.
Diakui, keberadaan bandara tersebut sangat dibutuhkan untuk menghidupkan dan mempermudah jalur transportasi di Kutim. Karena itu, pembangunannya akan dipercepat jika pelepasan dari Kemenhut sudah selesai. Karena itu perencanaanya harus dipersiapkan dari sekarang.

Disebutkan, proses pelepasan hak penggunaan lahan yang semula dikelola PT Pertamina kini sudah diserahkan kembali ke Kementerian Keuangan. Ini artinya kawasan tersebut sudah merupakan aset negara. Bahkan, Kementerian Keuangan sudah menghibahkan kawasan tersebut kepada Pemkab Kutai Timur melalui Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Kaltim. Namun finalisasi hibah masih terkendala dengan belum terbitnya persetujuan Kementerian Kehutanan terkait status kawasan yang termasuk TNK.

Menurut Johan, program pembangunan dan pengembangan Bandara Sangkima sudah direncanakan sejak lama. Namun hal itu terkendala masalah izin. Saat ini kondisi Bandara Sangkima memiliki landasan sepanjang 800 meter, lebar 23 meter dengan menggunakan aspal lapen (lapisan penetrasi macadam). Sesuai dengan perencanaan, bandara tersebut rencananya akan mengalami peningkatan, baik itu dari segi panjang maupun lebarnya. Untuk panjang landasan pacu rencananya ditambah menjadi 2.700 meter dengan lebar 40 meter. "Karena ada perluasan kawasan bandara, secara otomatis perlu ada izin dari Menteri Kehutanan. Begitu izin di keluarkan proses pembangunannya langsung dimulai. Termasuk pembuatan amdalnya dan meminta instansi teknis terkait untuk membebaskan lahan untuk pelebaran bandara," jelasnya.

Johan mengaku, keberadaan bandara ini mempunyai peranan penting untuk pengembangan kawasan Kutim yang didaulat menjadi salah satu daerah pengembangan koridor ekonomi nasional. Hal ini dikarenakan jarak tempuh jalur darat cukup jauh. "Dengan adanya bandara, jarak tempuh antara Kutim dengan Samarinda sebagai ibukota Kaltim dan beberapa daerah lainnya dapat lebih singkat. Bandara ini juga akan memudahkan arus transportasi warga keluar daerah. Secara tidak langsung akan mendukung perkembangan ekonomi daerah," katanya. (jn/agi)

(Samarinda Post)

AFP Adds Military Trucks from KIA

29 Desember 2012

Kia KM500 5,0 tonnes 6x6 truck (photo : Timawa)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine’s defense chief says the government has signed separate contracts worth 163 billion pesos (about $39 million) with Italian and South Korean companies to supply helicopters and trucks as part of efforts to modernize its poorly equipped military.

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said Thursday the Philippines will purchase three multi-purpose AW 109 helicopters for its navy from AugustaWestland SPA of Italy amounting to 1.33 billion pesos ($32 million).

He says Kia Motors Corp. will supply 60 field ambulances and 12 trucks all worth 300.78 million ($7.33 million) pesos.

Kia KM451 field ambulance (photo : top81)

Gazmin says the purchases show the country’s “louder and clearer” intent to modernize its military.

The Philippine military is fighting a decades-long communist insurgency and battling Islamic militants while facing increasing tension over territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea.


28 Desember 2012

Wamenhan Minta PT Pal Tepat Waktu

28 Desember 2012

Kapal cepat rudal KCR 60 yang diproduksi PT Pal (photo : Defense Studies)

Pengerjaan Kapal Militer di PT PAL Molor

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoedin mengungkapkan kemungkinan mundurnya jadwal penyerahan dua jenis kapal militer pesanan Kementerian Pertahanan yang tengah digarap PT PAL. Kementerian Pertahanan memesan dua unit tugboat serta tiga unit kapal cepat rudal ke PT PAL sejak dua tahun lalu dengan biaya sekitar Rp 500 miliar.

"Saya melihat prosesnya lambat karena perencanaan oleh pejabat yang lama tidak cermat. Mungkin penyelesaiannya akan meleset dari target pada 2013," kata Sjafrie saat meninjau pembuatan kedua kapal tersebut di galangan PT PAL di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Jumat, 28 Desember 2012.

Meskipun demikian, Sjafrie berharap agar target delivery time kedua kapal tersebut pada 2014 tidak meleset. Bekas Panglima Kodam Jaya itu juga menginginkan proses penuntasan kedua kapal itu tidak mempengaruhi delivery yang telah disepakati. "Sebab kapal itu merupakan bagian dari proses modernisasi peralatan Tentara Nasional Indonesia," kata Sjafrie.

Selain kedua jenis kapal pesanan tersebut, Sjafrie juga meninjau kesiapan PT PAL dalam pembuatan tiga unit kapal selam militer yang sedang dikerjakan bersama Korea Selatan. Menurut Sjafrie, satu di antara tiga kapal selam itu nantinya akan dikerjakan di galangan kapal milik PT PAL. "Kedatangan saya ke sini juga dalam rangka melihat persiapan pembangunan galangan kapal selam itu," ujar Sjafrie.

Direktur Utama PT PAL M. Firmansyah Arifin mengatakan, proses penggarapan tugboat dan kapal rudal cepat tidak meleset dari target. Ia pun optimistis pengerjaannya akan tuntas sesuai waktu. Sebab selain kontrak jangka panjang sudah di tangan, materialnya pun sudah tersedia. "Saya memahami pernyataan Wakil Menteri Pertahanan itu sebagai cambuk bagi kami agar bekerja keras merampungkan kapal itu," kata Firmansyah yang diwawancarai terpisah.


The Department of Defense Confirmed: China is Developing a Large Transport Aircraft

28 Desember 2012

Y-20 large transport aircraft (photo & imege : Chinese Military Review)

Reporter: China's first large military transport aircraft Y-20 before exposure, please tell us about the R & D Y-20. Will the Y-20 and when fielded forces, fitted out how improved transport capacity in China?

Yang Yujun: To meet the needs of the national economy and social development, and service of military modernization, better disaster relief, humanitarian relief and other emergency tasks, our country is the development of large transport aircraft to rely on their own strength, strengthen air transport capacity building.

Should be noted that when the large transport aircraft fitted out development of any kind of equipment has its own laws, large transport aircraft is no exception. The technical complexity of large transport aircraft, the need to go through a series of research and development process of the design, prototype, test, test flight of China's large aircraft research and development work is progressing according to plan forward.

(China MoD)

27 Desember 2012

Contract for Acquisition of Naval Helicopters Signed

27 Desember 2012

AW-109 Power helicopter (photo : HoverControl)

DND Office for Public Affairs | 27 December 2012 - The contract of agreement for the acquisition of three naval helicopters was signed at the Department of National Defense last December 20, 2012.

With a contract price of PhP 1, 337,176,584.00 and signed between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and supplier AugustaWestland S.P.A, the acquisition project was done under negotiated procurement through Section 53.2 (Emergency Procurement) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 9184.

“The acquisition of these naval helicopters is one concrete step towards the fulfillment of our goal to modernize the Philippine Navy, and our Armed Forces in general,” Defense Secretary Voltaire T. Gazmin said.

On November 28, 2012, AugustaWestland was declared by the Naval Helicopter Acquisition Project (NHAP) Negotiating Committee as the single calculated and responsive proponent after going through the process of a negotiated procurement.

The Italian Ministerio Della Difesa conducted a review of AugustaWestland’s proposal for the procurement of AW 109 Power Helicopter, including related logistic support and found out that the price per helicopter “seems to have been progressively reduced”, meaning they were sold cheaper.

Upon the recommendation of the DND Bids and Awards Committee, the Secretary of National Defense issued a notice of award last December 4, 2012.

“With the other projects in the pipeline and our planned acquisition, we are now louder and clearer in our intent to upgrade the capability of our AFP to address its constitutional duty to “secure the sovereignty of the state and the integrity of the national territory’,” Gazmin said. ***

Indonesia Luncurkan Roket Berjarak Tiga Digit Tahun Depan

27 Desember 2012

Roket berdaya jangkau ratusan kilometer akan mulai diuji coba pada tahun 2013 (photo : Defense Studies)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia siap meluncurkan roket tiga digit atau roket berdaya jangkau 100 km-900 km pada 2013 untuk memperkuat sistem persenjataan negara.

"Tahun depan kita akan mulai menguji statis maupun uji dinamis roket berdaya jangkau tiga digit," kata Asisten Deputi Menteri Riset dan Teknologi bidang Produktivitas Riset Iptek Strategis Goenawan Wybiesana pada Evaluasi Akhir Tahun di Jakarta, Kamis.

Untuk tahap awal, ujarnya, lebih dulu dikembangkan roket balistik berdaya jangkau 100 km dengan kaliber 350 mm sebanyak 10-20 unit, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan roket balistik kaliber berikutnya, disusul roket kendali.

Kementerian Ristek sebagai bagian dari konsorsium roket, turut mendanai proyek tersebut sebesar Rp10-15 miliar pada 2013. Selain Kemristek, konsorsium roket beranggotakan PT Pindad, PT Dahana, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Lapan, BPPT, LIPI, ITB UGM, ITS, dan lainnya.

Teknologi roket, ujarnya, dibangun dari empat kemampuan yakni teknologi material, teknologi sistem kontrol, teknologi eksplosif dan propulsi serta teknologi mekatronik yang seluruhnya sudah dikuasai.

Program roket nasional, ia menerangkan, telah dimulai sejak 2005 dengan mensinergikan berbagai lembaga terkait, dilanjutkan pembuatan desain awal dan uji prototipe serta pengembangan desain pada 2010.

Pada 2011, urainya, konsorsium roket ini meluncurkan freeze prototype 1 (prototipe jadi) yang setelah dibeli Kementerian Pertahanan dinamakan R Han 122 untuk dibuat menjadi massal melalui program 1.000 roket.

"R Han 122 ini memiliki kaliber 122 mm berdaya jangkau 15 km, lalu pada tahun yang sama, daya jangkaunya R Han 122 ditingkatkan menjadi 25 km dan pada 2012 R Han ditingkatkan lagi kalibernya menjadi 200 mm dengan daya jangkau 35 km," katanya.

Sebelum program roket untuk kepentingan pertahanan negara, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) telah lama menguasai teknologi roket untuk kepentingan riset peluncuran satelit. (D009)

26 Desember 2012

PCG Not Expecting New Ships in 2013

26 Desember 2012

Ten 40-meter MRRVs to be used by the Philippine Coast Guard expected to arrive in 2014 (photo : Militaryphotos)

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said yesterday it is not expecting to receive additional ships in 2013, but the Aquino administration is purchasing at least 10 new vessels that are scheduled to arrive at least by 2014.

“Since all of the ships to be purchased by the Coast Guard are brand new, it would take some months to construct. So hopefully, by 2014 they would start arriving,” PCG commandant Rear Admiral Rodolfo Isorena said.

When he took over as PCG chief last Dec. 14, Isorena said one of his priorities is to improve the agency’s capabilities.

He said Malacañang has given its approval to procure 10 40-meter search and rescue vessels from Japan that will be delivered within three years, from 2014 until 2017.

There are also plans to procure an 82-meter ship and four 24-meter vessels from France, but Isorena said these are not yet final.

25 Desember 2012

Satu Pesawat Hercules PAF Siap Bergabung Kembali Awal 2013

25 Desember 2012

Pesawat C-130B Hercules dengan tail number 3633 (photo : PPS)

Satu pesawat Hercules C-130B dengan nomor ekor 3633 telah selesai menjalani perawatan yang dilakukan di Depo 410th Maintenance Wing di Clark Air Base, Philippines dan akan bergabung kembali dalam operasional Angkatan Udara Philippines pada awal tahun 2013.

Sebelumnya pada bulan Oktober 2012, satu pesawat Hercules C-130H dengan nomor ekor (tail number) 7607 juga telah diserah-terimakan kembali selesai menjalani perawatan dan perbaikan di fasilitas BAE Systems yang terletak di Mojave, California.

Dengan telah selesainya perawatan dan perbaikan tersebut maka saat ini Angkatan Udara Philippines memiliki 3 pesawat Hercules yang operasional, satu lagi adalah Hercules C-130H dengan nomor ekor 4726.

Pesawat Hercules tersebut dioperasikan oleh 222nd Airlift Squadron dari 220th Airlift Wing yang terletak di Benito Ebuen Air Base, Lapu-lapu, Cebu. 

Angkatan Udara Philippines pernah mempunyai 13 pesawat Hercules yang terdiri dari 8 C-130B, 1 L-100, 2 L-100-20 dan 2 C130H.

Pada bulan Agustus 2008 satu pesawat Hercules serie L-100-20 dengan nomor ekor 4593 jatuh dan menewaskan belasan orang.

Presiden Noynoy Aquino pada beberapa kesempatan menginginkan penambahan pesawat Hercules paling tidak 2 pesawat lagi untuk tugas kemanusiaan dalam penanganan bencana alam maupun untuk tugas pemindahan pasukan.

Sebelumnya sempat beredar kabar mengenai rencana pembelian pesawat C-130H ex Angkatan Udara Tunisia, namun rencana tersebut akhirnya dibatalkan pada pertengahan 2011.

(Defense Studies)

TNI AU Akan Beli Enam Hercules di Tahun 2013

25 Desember 2012

Pesawat C-130H Hercules Angkatan Udara Australia yang saat ini telah dipensiunkan (photo : XAirforces)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mabes TNI terus mempercepat modernisasi alutsista matra udara. Setelah mendapat hibah empat unit pesawat Hercules C-130 dari Negeri Kanguru.

Rencananya tahun depan TNI AU bakal kedatangan enam pesawat Hercules jenis yang sama. “Pesawat Hercules sama didatangkan dari Australia,” kata Panglima TNI, Laksamana Agus Suhartono usai pelantikan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU), Marsekal Madya Ida Bagus Putu Dunia di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, akhir peka lalu.

Agus menjelaskan modernisasi alutsita TNI AU merupakan program mendesak yang harus dipenuhi. Selain mendatangkan jet tempur Sukhoi dan F-16 sebagai program lanjutan memperkuat pertahanan udara, TNI AU juga bakal kedatangan pesawat angkut CN-295 sebagai pengganti Fokker-27. “Ini sebagai tindak lanjut program memperbarui alutsista TNI AU,” katanya.

KSAU Marsekal Madya Ida Bagus Putu Dunia menyebut, peremajaan alutsista merupakan salah satu kebijakan khusus yang bakal diprioritaskannya. Mendatangkan pesawat angkut dan jet tempur adalah program lanjutan untuk bisa memenuhi minimum essential forces (kekuatan pokok minimum) alutsitas TNI AU pada 2014.

Pada tahun ini, TNI AU mendapat dana terbesar untuk pembelian alutsista mencapai 2,6 miliar dolar AS. Adapun TNI AL mendapat alokasi dana sebesar 2,1 miliar dolar AS, dan TNI AD paling kecil sebanyak 1,4 miliar dolar AS.

“Saya akan mengevaluasi apa yang perlu diperbaiki dan mempelajari lagi tentang alutsitas,” kata Ida Bagus.

“Saya," lanjut Ida Bagus, "harus konsolidasi dan memperbaiki manajemen untuk melanjutkan program pejabat sebelumnya.”

Dalam pembukaan Rapat Kerja Teknis Logistik Modernisasi, pada awal bulan lalu, mantan KSAU Marsekal Imam Sufaat menyatakan, sesuai rencana strategis pembangunan 2010-2014, TNI AU membutuhkan sekitar 102 pesawat berbagai jenis.

Rinciannya terdiri atas pesawat tempur F-16, T-50, Sukhoi, Super Tucano, pesawat angkut CN-295, Hercules, Boeing 737-500, Helikopter Cougar, Grob, dan pesawat latih KT-1.

24 Desember 2012

Kilo 636 for Vietnam Undergoes Sea Trials

24 Desember 2012

"Hanoi" Kilo 636 submarine is scheduled to be handed over in August 2013 (photo : Admship)

In early December of outfitting the wall "Admiralty Shipyards" to the factory sea trials in the Baltic Sea came submarine of project export series 06361. On the test boat will be based in Port Light near Kaliningrad. Correspondent Central Navy Portal source said the company.

The first phase of the factory running tests (ZHI) is planned for the end of December, this period will be deep dive boat.

The total period of the entire test program - nearly five months.

To comply with contractual obligations to release the order for the ship ZHI organized two, and sometimes three shifts. Last month shipbuilders worked virtually around the clock.

Since this order - the head, then it establishes a number of new and upgraded systems and complexes. Thus, the project for the first time have the latest system of life of personnel ship (removal of pressure in the compartments and nitrogen fire-fighting). This system has already passed successfully tested on non-nuclear submarine "Saint Petersburg". Installation, testing and commissioning of the system on the project took a long time 06361 costs and special training commissioning team.

Skilled shipyard had to learn the new computerized system. Now they will have to share the skills learned from the crew of the Russian military, and then - to learn a foreign team. Due to the significant complexity of equipment for training the crew to customer country devoted almost five months, although the previous similar studies did not exceed two weeks.

The number of teams in the acceptance ZHI - 52. Increased acceptance team composition is explained not only by the necessity test of new and upgraded systems, but also the training of young specialists.

Immediately after the holidays to start learning a foreign crew. For this to be six outputs boat at sea for 10-12 days each.

In early May, the parent order - serial number 01339 - to get back to the dock yard. After removal of comments and audit SSK again come to sea in priemoperedatochnye test.

Transfer of the first order under the contract series is scheduled for August 2013.

Bookmark boats took place in 2010, they let down the order for the water August 28, 2012.

According to unconfirmed reports, the head boat the customer given the name "Hanoi".

Submarines of the Admiralty building will be the main submarine Navy customer country - Vietnam. Under the contract, worth about $ 2 billion, signed between Vietnam and Russia in December 2009, JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" to build a series of six diesel-electric submarines of Project 06361 deadlines - 2013-2016. This is the most ambitious program of cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the segment of naval technology.


Z-9 Helicopters to Arrive in April 2013

24 Desember 2012
Chinese made Z-9 helicopter. (photo : K.L. Yim)

Choppers Cambodia-bound

Cambodia's air force will be strengthened by the arrival of 12 military helicopters, including four attack choppers, from China next year, government officials said yesterday.

Prak Sokha, a spokesman for the Royal Cambodian Air Force, told the Post yesterday that 25 Cambodian pilots and mechanics were training in China in preparation for the Kingdom receiving the Chinese-made Z-9 helicopters between April and August.

“We expect that by April, some of them will finish their training and will return with two helicopters,” he said.

Of the 12 helicopters, four would be used for fighting purposes, six for general transport and two for transporting high-ranking officials, Sokha said.

These comments echoed earlier reports quoting Royal Cambodian Arm Forces commander Pol Sarouen and Royal Cambodian Air Force commander Soeung Samnang saying similar things.

“What I am not so clear on is whether the Cambodian government has bought these or whether they have been granted to us,” Sokha said.The government, boasting of a new era of cooperation with China, announced in August last year it had struck a deal with the superpower to receive a batch of Z-9 helicopters for $195 million. Media reports at the time suggested a loan from China would cover the cost.

About 100 tanks and 40 armoured personnel carriers, believed to be from Ukraine, arrived at Sihanoukville port in late October, one of the largest single shipments of military vehicles in Cambodia’s recent history.

Sam Rainsy Party lawmaker Son Chhay said he was concerned about the percentage of the national budget allocated to military spending and the fact the government was making decisions about purchases without debate in parliament.

“We have doubts about equipment that is not accounted for or [deals] that are not transparent,” he said.

Chhay said military equipment from China was often expensive and of poor quality and the origin and volume of Cambodia’s military acquisitions were a topic for parliament.

“We as parliamentarians have a right to know,” he said.

Mey Vann, a director from the Ministry of Finance, could not be reached for comment.

22 Desember 2012

Boeing Wins Contract for RAAF Growler Kits

22 Desember 2012

RAAF Growler (image : forcesdz)

The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being awarded a $101,862,000 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-09-C-0086) to exercise an option for the procurement of 12 EA-18G Lot 37 Full Rate Production (FRP) Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) Kits.

Work will be performed in Baltimore, Md. (41.1 percent); St. Louis, Mo. (36.3 percent); Bethpage, N.Y. (19 percent); and Fort Wayne, Ind. (3.6 percent), and is expected to be completed in February 2015.

Contract funds in the amount of $101,862,000 are being obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.

(US DoD)

21 Desember 2012

Raytheon to Provide Six ATFLIR for Malaysia's F/A-18C/D

21 Desember 2012

ATFLIR pods for F/A-18 Hornet (photo : Global Security)

Raytheon Co., SAS, McKinney, Texas, is being awarded a $25,700,000 firm-fixed-price delivery order against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-10-G-0006) for the procurement of six Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) pods in support of the F/A-18 C/D aircraft for the Government of Malaysia under the Foreign Military Sales Program. 

ATFLIR pods (photo : Raytheon)

Work will be performed in McKinney, Texas (90 percent); El Segundo, Calif. (8 percent); Midland, Ontario, Canada (1 percent), and the Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom (1 percent) and is expected to be completed in July 2017.

Contract funds in the amount of $24,289,029 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.

General Dynamics Delivers Digital Video Exploitation System to Australian Army

21 Desember 2012

D-VEX systems have been integrated into the Shadow 200  UAV (photo : General Dynamics)

System helps manage large volumes of full motion video and turns data into real-time actionable intelligence for forward-deployed forces

CANBERRA, Australia - General Dynamics Mediaware has delivered two video capture and exploitation D-VEX systems to the Australian Army, enhancing the distribution of mission-critical, actionable intelligence among Australian troops and coalition forces. The systems have been integrated into the Shadow 200 Tactical Unmanned Aerial System (TUAS) operating in Afghanistan.

D-VEX is a versatile and portable video exploitation system that captures and manages full motion video from airborne surveillance platforms. Designed for in-theater operations, the system also works with commercially-available compact mobile hardware, such as a laptop.

"D-VEX provides the Australian Army with next-generation tools for real-time and forensic analysis of airborne surveillance video," said Michael Manzo, director of General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems' Geospatial Solutions Imagery Systems division. "It will enhance and streamline the Army's ability to derive timely, relevant and accurate geospatial intelligence from the Shadow TUAS."

With the ability to record and index video with metadata to derive real-time actionable intelligence, D-VEX provides users with detailed forensic analysis through its comprehensive search and mark-up capabilities. D-VEX also supports open defence standards, including the Motion Imagery Standards Profile (MISP) and STANAG 4609.

"Managing the thousands of hours of video collected by the Shadow 200 TUAS presented the Army with a sizable data processing and analytics challenge," said Dr. Kevin Moore, chief technology officer of General

Dynamics Mediaware. "With the D-VEX solution, the video archive is easily searchable, enabling analysts to identify, tag and analyze critical events in real-time for consistent, reliable and standards-compliant results."

Australian-based General Dynamics Mediaware,part of General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, is a leading global provider of digital video technology. Please visit www.mediaware.com.au for more information about the benefits of standards-compliant compressed video and audio processing in an all-digital network.

KRI Klewang Kedua akan Mulai Dibangun Januari 2013

21 Desember 2012

KRI Klewang 625 (photo : Lundin)

Tahun  Depan KRI Klewang Kedua Dibangun

BANYUWANGI - PT Lundin Industry Invest, perusahaan pembuat kapal perang asal Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, akan memulai pembuatan KRI Klewang kedua pada Januari 2013. "Semoga awal 2013 bisa dimulai," kata Direktur PT Lundin, Lizza Lundin, melalui pesan pendek kemarin.

 KRI Klewang pertama, bernomor 625, terbakar habis di Selat Bali pada 28 September lalu. Kapal seharga Rp 114 miliar ini diluncurkan pada 31 Agustus 2012. Penyebab kebakaran adalah korsleting listrik pada saat pemasangan mesin dan instalasi listrik di galangan ke kapal.

Menurut Lizza, Klewang kedua akan dibuat dengan bahan yang sama, yakni komposit karbon, dan dilengkapi dengan teknologi anti-terbakar. Hal itu, kata Lizza, dilakukan agar insiden terbakarnya Klewang pertama tidak berulang.

Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana Pertama Untung Surapati mengatakan Angkatan Laut sedang mengkaji tiga opsi penggantian kapal perang KRI Klewang 625.

"Sampai hari ini kami belum memutuskan memilih opsi yang mana," kata Untung.

Opsi pertama, kata Untung, adalah kapal baru dengan material sejenis kapal lama, namun dengan kualitas bahan yang lebih baik.

Opsi kedua, kapal sejenis namun materialnya diganti, dari komposit fiber menjadi baja atau aluminium.

Opsi ketiga, jenis kapal diganti menjadi KCR-60.

Menurut Untung, saat ini Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan danTeknolagi (Puspiptek) Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, masih menguji material komposit fiber. Kalau material itu dinilai baik, TNI AL mungkin akan memilih opsi yang pertama. "Tapi, dengan catatan kualitas bahannya kelas satu," kata dia.

Untung memastikanTNI AL tidak mengeluarkan duit sepeser pun dalam pembuatan KRI Klewang baru. Sebab, dalam kontrak, kata Untung, PT Lundin sebagai produsen bersedia bertanggung jawab melakukan penggantian jika terjadi kerusakan kapal.

"Alternatif mana pun yang kami pilih, Lundin siap mengganti,"kata Untung.

New Navy Chief Eyes ‘Desired Force Mix’ to Defend Territorial Waters

21 Desember 2012

Philippine's Fleet "desired force mix" will consists of three submarines, six frigates for anti-air warfare, 12 corvettes for anti-submarine warfare, 18 offshore patrol vessels, three anti-mine vessels, four sealift vessels, 18 landing craft utility vessels, three logistics ships, 12 coastal interdiction patrol boats, 30 patrol gunboats and 42 multi-purpose assault crafts. (photo : defenceweb)

MANILA, Philippines - Newly-installed Navy flag officer in command Vice Admiral Jose Luis Alano wants to retire the country's old and "antiquated" ships and replace them with new ones to better protect the country's territorial waters.

Alano, in his speech at the turnover ceremonies on Wednesday, said these old ships were deemed "excess baggage" for the country's naval force and he vowed to "rationalize current operational assets, review the modernization program, taking a deliberate look at the phase-in and phase-out scheme."

Alano replaced Vice Admiral Alexander Pama.

Alano, who once served as the head of the country's Navy Fleet, said he would recommend equipment that would make the Navy a "relevant" force in defending the country's territory, amid the ongoing dispute with China over islands in the West Philippine Sea.

"I come at an opportune time, when we are fleeting up with new capabilities like WHECs (weather high endurance cutters), frigates, naval helicopters, MPACs (multi-purpose attack crafts), AAVs (amphibious assault vehicles), as well as individual Marine and special warfare combat equipment," he said.

Alano also vowed to review the country's "active archipelagic defense" strategy with an eye at achieving the Fleet's "desired force mix."

According to an article published on Phil Fleet last April, the Fleet's "desired force mix" consists of six frigates for anti-air warfare, 12 corvettes for anti-submarine warfare, 18 offshore patrol vessels, three submarines, three anti-mine vessels, four sealift vessels, 18 landing craft utility vessels, three logistics ships, 12 coastal interdiction patrol boats, 30 patrol gunboats and 42 multi-purpose assault crafts.

President Benigno Aquino III said the recent signing of the New AFP Modernization Act would give the military P75 million in the next five years to procure much-needed land, air and sea assets.

"Dapat lang na maghanda na ang ating Pambansang Tanggulan sa pagdagsa ng ating mga bagong truck, eroplano, mga dekalibreng armas, at iba pang modernong kagamitan para sa buong kasundaluhan (the Armed Forces should be prepared for the arrival of new trucks, airplanes, firearms, and other modern equipment for the entire military)," Aquino said in his speech.

Aquino also said that in just over a year, his administration was able to put in P28 billion for the AFP, allowing the military to procure two Hamilton class cutters (BRP Gregorio del Pilar and BRP Ramon Alcaraz) and the arrival of BRP Tagbanua, the first Filipino-made landing craft utility.