31 Desember 2013

Bakorkamla Berubah Menjadi Bakamla

31 Desember 2013

Bakorkamla telah berubah namanya menjadi Badan Keamanan Laut/Bakamla (all photos : TribunNews )

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pemerintah mengubah nama Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut (Bakorkamla) menjadi Badan Keamanan Laut guna meningkatkan penguatan peran komando pengendali keamanan laut agar operasional keamanan menjadi efektif dan efisien.

"Perubahan menjadi Bakamla merupakan turunan dari Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 39 Tahun 2013 Tentang Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) Tahun 2014 serta persetujuan Presiden RI tanggal 24 Desember 2013 Tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang No 6 Tahun 1996 Tentang Revitalisasi Bakorkamla menjadi Bakamla," kata Kepala Pelaksana Harian Bakorkamla Laksamana Madya (Laksdya) TNI Bambang Suwarto, di Bakorkamla, Jakarta, Senin.

Selanjutnya Bakamla akan bertugas sebagai Komando Pengendalian Keamanan Laut (Kodal Kamla) berbasis Early Warning System, yang ada ditargetkan terbentuk pada 2014.

Ketika berubah menjadi Bakamla maka fungsi Bakorkamla yang awalnya hanya melakukan koordinasi berbagai pemangku kepentingan keamanan di laut, menjadi garda terdepan saat operasi pengamanan laut. Secara operasional, sebanyak 12 pemangku kepentingan keamanan di laut akan ikut agenda Bakamla. 

"Dari yang multiagency single task menjadi single agency multitask," jelas Bambang.

Bambang mengatakan perubahan status itu justru akan menghemat anggaran operasional. Jika anggaran operasional dulu ada di masing-masing pemangku kepentingan, maka ke depan akan dialihkan ke Bakamla. "Jika dulu mengeluarkan sepuluh, maka bisa dihemat menjadi lima," katanya mencontohkan.

Meski operasional ada di bawah Bakamla, sumber daya manusia tetap dari 12 stakeholder lain. Seperti, Bakamla masih membutuhkan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) dari TNI Angkatan Laut. Untuk soal kriminal di laut, pihak kepolisian masih menjadi garda terdepan penegakan hukumnya.

Sinergitas dengan pemangku kepentingan dipandangnya sangat penting dengan mengedepankan Integrated Maritime Surveilance System (IMSS) sebagai pengawasan utama di perairan. 

"IMMS ini nanti kita integrasi. Pasti menjadi lebih mudah karena dukungan operasi disatu tempat. Target 2014, para pemangku kepentingan di laut harus menjadi lebih aman. Kita memacu dan optimalkan program yang ada. Mensinergi dari sistem operasional," kata Bambang.

Sekretaris Utama Bakorkamla, Dicky R Munaf, menambahkan penguatan kewenangan Bakorkamla menjadi Bakamla dinilai efektif meningkatkan keamanan di laut. 

"Pembentukan Bakamla sebagai perintah dari dua Perpres sebelumnya yang mensyaratkan agar 80 persen tingkat ketertiban di laut terealisasi," katanya.

Tahun depan, Bakorkamla juga akan meningkatkan sistem deteksi dini dengan memperkuat radar. Keberadaan satelit akan jadi sangat penting untuk deteksi potensi kejahatan di laut.

Terkait anggaran, Dicky menambahkan bahwa langkah Presiden sudah tepat karena dengan Bakamla akan ada efisiensi anggaran dan personel.

"Jika tidak sedang operasi, personel Bakorkamla saat ini antara 400-500 orang. Tapi, begitu operasi, dengan banyaknya kapal, bisa mencapai 3.000 orang. Itu sudah termasuk dengan personel dari pemangku kepentingan lain," katanya.

Anggota Komisi I DPR RI, Susaningtyas Nefo Handayani Kertopati menegaskan perubahan Bakorkamla menjadi Bakamla, harus semakin meningkatkan kemampuan maritime security untuk menjaga kawasan NKRI.

"Namun demikian tentu harus dijaga dengan divisi pertahanan yang jelas dan optimal," kata politisi Hanura ini. 

Ia menambahkan, untuk mengantisipasi konflik kepentingan atau ego struktural dengan 12 institusi terkait, pemerintah harus membuat aturan atau perundang-undangan sehingga tugasnya terintegrasi.


Corvettes and OPVs: Offshore Investments in South East Asia and Oceania

31 Desember 2013

Kedah class NGPV (photo : Militaryphotos)

The question can best be understood by looking at Malaysia. To meet its New Generation Patrol vessel (NGPV) requirement the Royal Malaysian Navy selected the Blohm & Voss MEKO 100 design as the ‘Kedah’ class. They seem to be OPVs at first sight for their armament consists of a 76mm (three-inch) gun and a 30mm (one inch) gun but they feature a sophisticated combat management system, an electro-optical director, a chaff launcher and are equipped to operate surface-to-surface missiles, surface-to-air missiles and an electronic warfare suite. These are not installed but it was recently revealed that Kuala Lumpur now intends adding anti-ship missile systems to them. They are rated in the naval bible, Jane’s Fighting Ships as corvettes and will be joined by DCNS ‘Gowind’ class ships ordered last year from France’s DCNS with the first example to be delivered in 2017. The French Navy operates one as an OPV but the design can be used as a corvette and Malaysia intends operating them in this role.


OPV-type platforms can be used as corvettes for both are generally around the 1,000-2,000 tonne mark but the OPV is more a law-enforcement platform. It is designed to protect a nation’s resources within the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) extending some 200 nautical miles (370 kilometres) from shore and also to assert national sovereignty and law while providing a search and rescue as well as an environmental protection capability with some having a hydrographic survey capability. Compared with a corvette it tends to be slower but with higher endurance often operating a helicopter while some have sophisticated command and communications systems to interact with foreign agencies, but they are generally armed with nothing larger than a 76mm gun. The corvette is a surface combatant usually optimised for Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) and featuring surface-to-surface missiles and consequently it has more sophisticated sensors than the OPV with higher speeds for rapid transit or manoeuvres.

The largest OPV operators in Asia are China, India and Japan, which have to secure green or blue water interests, while a number of countries such as Indonesia rely on their surface combatants in the offshore role. This can sometimes ratchet up tension in times of crisis, such as the recent confrontation off Borneo between Malaysia and Indonesia, while the OPV acts as a less threatening platform.


Darussalam class OPV (photo : shipspotting)

Within South East Asia Brunei has three 80-metre (24-feet) ‘Darussalam’ class OPVs,.


Langkawi class OPV (photo : MMEA)

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has two ‘Langkawi’ class OPVs. 


Jacinto class corvettes (photo : Manilaboy)

The Philippines Navy operates three ‘Jacinto’ class ‘corvettes’, which are actually OPVs, and has acquired two former US Coast Guard ‘Hamilton’ class High Endurance Cutters, and may acquire a third to meet a long-standing requirement for three OPVs. It is now considering installing anti-ship missiles in these vessels to make them full corvettes. 


Krabi class OPV (photo : worldwarships)

Thailand has requirements for five OPVs of which four would be sophisticated craft, reportedly having the same design as OPVs built for Trinidad and Tobago but sold the Brazil, while one will be a more basic vessel. It operates two ‘Pattani’ class ‘corvettes’ which are also actually OPVs.

Pattani class OPV (photo : mdc.idc)


Anawrahta corvettes (photo : myanmar defence weapons)

Around the Indian Ocean Burma operates three ‘sheep in wolves’ clothing, ‘Anawrahta’ class ‘corvettes’ which are actually OPVs.

New Zealand

Protector class OPV (photo : stxmarine)

In the Pacific, New Zealand acquired two ‘Protector’ class OPVs which are unusual because they have ice-strengthened bows to operate in Antarctica. 


Project Sea-1180 Offshore Combat Vessel (image : RAN)

The Government has directed that Defence develop proposals to rationalise the Navy’s patrol boat, mine countermeasures, hydrographic and oceanographic forces, potentially into a single modular multi-role class or family of around 20 Offshore Combatant Vessels (OCV) combining four existing classes of vessels. The new vessels will likely be larger than the current Armidale Class patrol boats.

Australia has a plan, Project Sea 1180 for a 2,000-tonne Offshore Combat Vessel (OCV) which would meet a variety of roles including acting as an OPV. This $3.1 billion programme is unlikely to be implemented until the first half of the next decade.


The demand for true corvettes has grown steadily in the past couple of decades replacing requirements for Fast Attack Craft (FAC). FACs are small platforms especially vulnerable to air attack because their surveillance radar antenna is relatively low reducing the search area and counter-measures reaction times, they cannot mount a significant air defence system which makes them vulnerable even to helicopter stand-off attack and their lack of compartments means a bomb or missile strike can inflict catastrophic damage. The corvette overcomes most of these problems making them a useful surface combatant with superior radar search area, more compartments and the introduction of damage control while bringing the prospect of better air defence protection. It is also a more versatile platform for it can be used for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) through the installation of sonars and lightweight torpedo launchers.


Parchim class corvettes (photo : TNI AL)

It should be noted that not all corvettes have surface-to-surface missiles, and Indonesia’s former East German ‘Parchim Is’, or ‘Kapitan Pattimura’ class, are unusual in being dedicated ASW platforms with hull-mounted sonar, augmented in some ships by variable depth sensors, armed with both anti-submarine torpedoes and mortars.

Fatahillah class corvettes (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Indonesia augments these 16 ships with seven Dutch-built vessels; three 30-year-old ‘Fatahillahs’, which also feature a strong ASW suite, and the most modern Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) ‘Diponegoro’ class which are one of Damen’s Sigma family (Sigma 9113), with their shaped hulls to reduce the radar cross section.

Sigma 90 class corvettes (photo : Kaskus Militer)

The Sigmas form the keel of a new family of corvettes (also designated ‘light frigates’) to meet the Guided Missile Escort (Perusak Kawal Rudal) 105 requirement which are being designed by DSNS and the domestic yard PT PAL under an August 2010 agreement. Based upon the Sigma 10514, these 2,400-tonne vessels will be optimised for ASW with the first of two scheduled to be laid down this year and to enter service in 2016 but it is unclear how many are required. Priority may have been given to a requirement for three submarines with work starting next year.


Laksamana class corvetted (photo : rankratz)

Neighbouring Malaysia’s requirements have been mentioned earlier and it should be noted that the Royal Malaysian Navy also operates six corvettes; four former Iraqi ‘Assads’ (as the ‘Laksamana’ class) and two German-built ‘Kasturis’. 

Kasturi class corvettes (photo : iv-groep)


Victory class corvettes (photo : BQ-T)

While Singapore has six ‘Victory’ class ships based upon the Lürssen MGB 62 design but with an exceptionally high mast for its search radar. 


Khamronsin class corvettes (photo : worldwarships)

Tapi class corvettes (photo : c7f)

Nearby Thailand operates seven corvettes of which the five ‘Khamronsin’ and ‘Tapi’ class are ASW vessels. There is no requirement for new vessels with Bangkok more interested in acquiring frigates and upgrading its vessels.


Tarantul class corvettes (photo : vntime)

By contrast Vietnam is expanding its corvette fleet steadily from the original four ‘Tarantul’ (‘Project 1241E’) class, with an ASW capability, and two domestically-built ‘Improved Pauks’ (‘Project 12418’) and is acquiring up to ten ‘Improved Tarantuls’ (‘Project 1241.8’) all of  which are pure ASuW vessels.

Molniya-Improved Tarantul class corvettes (photo : ttvnol)

In 2011 DSNS revealed they were discussing the sale of four ‘Sigma 10514s’ to Vietnam, of which two would be built domestically. Vietnam is also acquiring Russian-built frigates, two of which have been delivered, reflecting the preference of some Asian navies for larger, multi-role platforms capable of projecting power in ‘blue water’ environments.

See full article : Asian Military Review

30 Desember 2013

Empat Pesawat Latih Beechcraft G-36 Bonanza Diserahkan kepada TNI AL

30 Desember 2013

Pesawat latih Beechcraft G-36 Bonanza (all photos : Tempo)

Empat Pesawat Latih Baru Puspenerbal Diserahterimakan Hari Ini

SURYA Online, SURABAYA - Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Wakasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Hari Bowo, Senin (30/12/2013) pagi hadir di base ops TNI Pangkalan Udara TNI AL (Lanudal) Juanda untuk serahterima empat unit pesawat udara (pesud) Bonanza G-36.

Empat pesud jenis latih itu diserahterimakan dari produsen Beechcraft, Wichita, Kansas, Amerika Serikat (AS).

Pesawat yang sudah masuk di Lanudal Juanda sejak tanggal 4 Desember 2013 lalu itu, masuk dalam skuadron 200.

Pesawat ini memiliki spesifikasi mesin tunggal, berkekuatan 300 HP, 6 silinder dan berbahan bakar avgas.

Pesawat ini mampu terbang dengan kecepatan maksimal 326 km/jam.

Pesawat  ini memiliki domensi tinggi 2,62 meter, dan panjang 8,38 meter.

Kapasitas penumpang 4 orang, dengan kemampuan jelajah 1713 km, ketinggian 5639 meter.

Desain pesawat dibuat dari bahan struktur konvensional semi monocoque aluminium alloy, dan roda pendarat yang dapat dilipat.

Peralatan pelengkap meliputi garmin G-1000 integreted avionic system yang berintegrasi monitor engine, sistim komunikasi, sistim navigasi, auto pilot, dan radar cuaca.

Sebelumnya, Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Laut (Puspenerbal) sudah mengirimkan 4 pilot dan 4 teknisi untuk mendapatkan pelatihan di fasilitas Beechcraft, Wichita, Kansas, Amerika Serikat (AS).


Baca Juga :

Pilot : Pesud Bonanza G-36 Sangat Canggih
30 Desember 2013

SURYA Online, SURABAYA - Empat pesawat udara (pesud) Bonanza G-36 buatan Beechcraft, Wichita, Kansas, Amerika Serikat (AS), dipastikan menjadi pesawat tercanggih yang dimiliki Pusat Penerbangan TNI Angkatan Laut (Puspenerbal).

Hal itu diungkapkan dua pilot yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan dan menerbangkan pesud yang diserahterimakan ke Puspenerbal, Senin (30/12/2013).

"Sangat canggih. Mesinnya garmin G-1000 terintegrasi dengan sistim avionik, monitor engine, sistim komunikasi, sistim navigasi, auto pilot, dan radar cuaca," jelas Kapten Laut (P) Ahmad Ervan, dari skuadron 200 Pangkalan Udara TNI AL (Lanudal) Juanda.

Bersama Mayor Laut (P) Gagas Wahyu, Ervan sudah ikut datang di Kansas sejak pertengahan November.

Mereka mempelajari dan mengoperasikan pesud yang tiba di lanudal Juanda secara bergelombang itu.

Namun untuk kedatangannya, dari Kansas ke Lanudal Juanda, ada pilot delivery yang menerbangkannya.

"Sudah datang dua unit pada 11 Desember lalu, kemudian training flight pada 12 hingga 16 Desember 2013 dan dua unit lainnya datang pada 27 desember 2013," jelas Laksamana Madya TNI Hari Bowo, Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Wakasal).


Navy Pilots Trained for ‘Power’ Choppers

30 Desember 2013

AW-109 Power naval helicopter (photo : sandy-timawa)

Manila, Philippines – A military spokesman on Saturday disclosed that the Philippine Navy (PN) has a sufficient number of pilots and flight crew to man its three newly-acquired AW-109 “Power” helicopters, and two more that are due to arrive in 2014.

PN spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Gregory Fabic said that at the moment, there are seven pilots assigned per helicopter.

He added that an equivalent number of AW-109 trained co-pilots and crewmen are also available.

“More (pilots and crewmen) are now undergoing training to ensure that the aircraft can be manned at all times,” said Fabic.

The Naval Air Group (NAG), the unit tasked to operate and maintain the Navy’s aerial assets, currently has more than 50 pilots on its roster, according to the Navy spokesman.

Prior the arrival of the AW-109s last December 8, the inventory of the NAG consists of one Robinson R-22 helicopter, Blohm B0-105 helicopter, two Islander aircraft, and four Cessna light utility planes.

The firm’s representatives added that the AW-109 is very maneuverable, and very ideal for shipboard deployment.

(Manila Bulletin)

Sukses Menjual 2 Pesawat NC-212i, PT DI Ajukan CN-235 MPA Ke Filipina

30 Desember 2013

Pesawat CN-235 MPA ASW (photo : Defense Studies)

Pesawat NC-212i

Jakarta -Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) produsen pesawat, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), berhasil memenangkan tender pengadaan pesawat untuk militer Filipina. 

Perusahaan pelat merah yang bermarkas di Bandung, Jawa Barat, ini siap menjual 2 unit pesawat tipe NC212i dengan nilai US$ 18 juta atau setara 820 juta peso.

"Kita menang 2 unit NC212i di proyek Light Lift Aircraft nilai budget US$ 18 juta," kata Direktur Niaga dan Restrukturisasi PTDI Budiman Saleh dalam keterangan tertulisnya kepada, Senin (30/12/2013).

Tender pengadaan pesawat ini diadakan oleh Kementerian PertahananFiliphina untuk keperluan Angkatan Udara.

"Departemen of National Defense untuk keperluan Philippines Air Force," jelasnya.

Masa proses pengerjaan untuk 2 unit diproyeksi menelan waktu 18-20 bulan. NC212i sendiri merupakan pesawat generasi terbaru dari pesawat tipe NC212-200 atau NC212-400. Pesawat ini merupakan pesawat berukuran kecil. 

Pesawat ini, bisa digunakan untuk keperluan komersial, angkut personil militer, kargo, misi khusus hingga transpotasi VIP. Untuk versi sipil penerbangan sipil, pesawat ini bisa dipasang 24 kursi penumpang.

Pesawat CN-235 MPA

Budiman menjelaskan, PTDI juga berencana mengikuti tender pesawat tipe medium di Kementerian Pertahanan Filiphina. PTDI siap menawarkan pesawat tipe CN235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft asli karya putra bangsa.

"Januari 2014 kita akan ikut tender berikutnya untuk 3-4 maritime patrol/military transport CN235," sebutnya.


TNI AL Memulai Pembangunan Kapal Patroli Tipe FPB-43

30 Desember 2013

Kapal patroli cepat tipe FPB-43 (all photos : Defense Studies)

WaAslog KASAL Pimpin Acara Peletakan Lunas Kapal Patroli Cepat 43 M

Jakarta --- Wakil Asisten Logistik (Waaslog) Kasal, Laksma TNI Dariyanto, SE yang didampingi Kadisadal Laksma TNI Agus Setiaji, Sekdismatal memimpin acara peletakan lunas Kapal Patroli Cepat 43 M (KPC-43) TNI Angkatan Laut di galangan kapal Jalan Raya Salira Kabupaten Serang Propinsi Banten, Selasa,( 24/12).

Kedatangan Waaslog Kasal di sambut oleh Danlanal Banten Kolonel Laut (P) Eko Yuri Andriantoro, Dirut PT. Caputra Bapak Kris Pramono, Perwakilan PT. Rizki Abadi Bapak Joko Subroto, serta Dan Satgas Yekda DN KPC 43 M.

Dalam sambutannya Waaslog Kasal menyampaikan bahwa Pembangunan Kapal Perang TNI Angkatan Laut jenis KPC-43 akan lebih memudahkan bagi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam proses pengadaan dan pemeliharaan Kapal TNI Angkatan Laut serta dapat memberikan alternatif solusi ketergantungan TNI Angkatan Laut kepada negara lain dalam proyek pengadaan alutsista pada masa mendatang.

Lebih lanjut Waaslog Kasal mengharapkan  kepada PT. Rizki Abadi (PT. Caputra) yang merupakan salah satu galangan kapal nasional yang memproduksi alat pertahanan dapat memainkan peranannya yang sangat penting terhadap penyiapan alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut serta dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kualitas kemapuan dalam memproduksi kapal perang yang berteknologi tinggi.

Sementara itu, Dirut PT. Caputra menyampaikan bahwa pembuatan kapal perang TNI Angkatan Laut jenis KPC-43 sebagai salah satu bukti untuk memaknai nasionalisme dengan penggunaan tenaga-tenaga anak bangsa yang mampu memberikan yang terbaik untuk pembangunan kapal perang 

Acara peletakan Lunas Kapal Patroli Cepat 43 M, diawali dengan penyerahan santunan kepada anak yatim dan ditandai dengan pemotongan tumpeng dan penekanan tombol sirine oleh Waaslog Kasal dan dilanjutkan dengan pengelasan lunas kapal secara simbolis oleh Kadisadal, Sekdismatal, Danlanal Banten dan Dirut PT. Caputra serta perwakilan dari PT. Rizki Abadi dan dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan MoU pembangunan kapal.

29 Desember 2013

US, Canada Firms Bag PAF Huey Deal

29 Desember 2013

Rice Aircraft is expected to start delivery of 21 UH-1 within six months.(photo : Rice Aircraft Services)

MANILA, Philippines - A joint venture of two companies based in North America has bagged the deal to supply 21 UH-1 combat utility helicopters to the Philippine Air Force.

The joint venture of American firm Rice Aircraft Services Inc. and Canadian company Eagle Copters Ltd. won the contract for the supply and delivery of Huey helicopters, the workhorse of the military’s operations.

The STAR learned that the notice of award was issued to the joint venture last week.

Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez said in an interview the Huey helicopters can be used for rescue and internal security operations.

“The helicopters will be used to meet immediate requirements. They will be used to address the dwindling capability of the Air Force,” Velez said.

The approved outlay for the project was P1.26 billion, but the helicopters would be purchased for about P1.25 million less than the approved budget for the contract, he added.

The supplier is expected to start delivery within six months.

“The first delivery based on the requirements is six months but they might deliver that in as close as two weeks,” Velez said.

Earlier, the Defense department held three public biddings for the Huey helicopters acquisition project but all of these failed due to the bidders’ failure to meet some requirements. The Defense department then resorted to an alternative form of procurement to acquire the helicopters.

Officials said the procurement mode was similar to public bidding but without the publication requirements. Under a public bidding, the procuring agency should publish a bid notice in newspapers and the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System website.

Section 53 of the implementing rules of the procurement law allows agencies to resort to a negotiated procurement when there has been a failure of public bidding for the second time.

Negotiated procurement was defined as “a method of procurement of goods, infrastructure projects and consulting services, whereby the procuring entity directly negotiates a contract with a technically, legally and financially capable supplier, contractor or consultant.”

The 21 UH-1 helicopters were originally intended to perform poll-related duties last May but the acquisition had been delayed by failed biddings.

Fighter jets

Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said the delivery of lead-in fighter trainer jets to be acquired from South Korea may start in June 2015.

The government plans to spend P18.9 billion to acquire 12 FA-50 jets from South Korea to boost the Air Force’s territorial defense capabilities.


28 Desember 2013

"Hanoi" Submarine Visits Singapore

28 Desember 2013

Rolldock Sea heavy transport vessel 142 m long, 24 m wide, has about 7,000 tons of payload (photo: Marinetraffic)

The first of six Kilo -class submarines that the Vietnam Navy bought from Russia visits Singapore this morning on the way to the port of Cam Ranh.

The ship is named HQ182 Hanoi transport by ship transport of super critical of Dutch Rolldock Sea. Departing from the port city of Saint Petersburg (Russia) 15/11 yesterday after handing over 4 days earlier techniques, Rolldock Sea vessels along the Atlantic Ocean, around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern most tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean, then cross- Straits and Singapore had, before emptying into the South China Sea to the north and to go to Cam Ranh, expected later this week .

According Marinetraffic.com website dedicated to providing information on international voyages ships at the end of the day 27/12, company information that is received at 5 pm on 26/12 (UTC , the same day ie 13 hours Singapore time) for Rolldock ships or Adaman sea was on the beach in the Pacific and toward the Strait of Malacca. With a speed of 13.9 knots (equivalent to 25.74 km/h), predict Marinetraffic.com Rolldock Sea ship will docked in Singapore for about 20 hours on 27/12 (UTC, ie 4am in Singapore 28/12).

The road Rolldock Sea ship from the Atlantic Ocean through the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Malacca to the time of day 17 hours 37 minutes 27/12 (Singapore time, ie 16 hours 37 minutes now VN)-(image : ThanhNien)

Meanwhile, discussions with Youth, Antoine Albert, CEO of the Asia - Pacific exactEarth Company (Canada) in Singapore, said early yesterday afternoon, the ship was in the Malacca Strait Sea Rolldock located near the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur northwest. ExactEarth company is dedicated to providing identifying information automatically via satellite (AIS) for ships around the world. ExactEarth satellites recorded at day 13 hours 32 minutes 27/12 (Singapore time), Rolldock Sea ship at coordinates 03o11'20" North and 100o29'49'' 'East, about 230 nautical miles from Singapore. Then, ship speed of 14.7 knots (ie 27.22 km/hour). "If you keep this speed, the ship will not come before 6 am on Singapore 28/12, Singapore time," Antoine said.

Telephone exchange with Youth from Vietnam, a Defense Ministry officials said the Rolldock Sea ship had to refuel. Department of Defense not to appoint a vessel through Singapore. Vietnam Defence Attaché in Singapore Truong Dien Bien also said that he did not pick up unknown ship docked and will ship based in Singapore for how long.

Answering the question why not ship HQ182 Hanoi self in Vietnam, the Ministry of Defense officials explained that as announced with the international community, Vietnam submarines will operate mainly in the the sea and the exclusive economic zone of our country .

Kilo Hanoi HQ - 182 is the first of six diesel submarines - 636 Kilo -class power modern dubbed the "black hole ocean" that Vietnam ordered from Russia. This ship was first launched in May 8.2012 and has undergone a series of successful trials at sea.


Harris Corporation Receives $100 Million Order from Australian DoD for Falcon Tactical Radios

28 Desember 2013

Harris Falcon tactical radios (photo : railce)

MELBOURNE, FL/ROCHESTER, NY — Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS), an international communications and information technology company, has received a $100 million follow-on order to provide multiband handheld and high-frequency manpack tactical radios to the Australian Department of Defence.

Harris will deliver the radios in the latest phase of the Joint Project 2072 modernization program. The Australian military forces are fielding and deploying additional Falcon III® AN/PRC-152 handheld radios and vehicular adapters as well as Falcon II® AN/PRC-150(C) high-frequency manpack radios.

"This order extends the longstanding relationship between Harris and the Commonwealth of Australia and demonstrates their continued trust in our tactical communications solutions," said Brendan O'Connell, president, International Business, Harris RF Communications. "We deeply value our partnership with the Australian Department of Defence as it embarks on its long-term goal of creating a next-generation wideband tactical communications network."

The Falcon III AN/PRC-152 is the first Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) software communications architecture-certified multiband, multimode handheld radio. The radio provides line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight communications capabilities.

The Falcon II AN/PRC-150(C) high-frequency manpack is the only military Type-1 HF radio available today, setting the standard for secure, reliable, long-range beyond-line-of-sight communications on the battlefield.

Harris is providing long-term support for the Australian military forces through its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Newstead, Brisbane and the Harris Communications Logistics Centre in Pinkeba, Queensland. The Logistics Centre provides service and support to test and integrate communication systems into various platforms.


Pembelian Satelit Militer Akan Gunakan Dana PNBP Kemenkominfo

28 Desember 2013

RENCANA pembelian satelit khusus militer guna menangkal penyadapan bakal segera diwujudkan. Prosesnya dipermudah dengan menggunakan duit PNBP Kemenkominfo, tidak memakai dana APBN 2014. (photo : topnews)

Senayan - Rencana pemerintah untuk segera punya satelit khusus militer bakal segera terwujud tahun depan. Soalnya pengadaan satelit guna menangkal penyadapan dan sebagainya itu akan lebih mudah karena tidak menggunakan dana APBN 2014. 

Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Tubagus Hasanuddin mengungkapkan, satelit itu akan dibeli dengan duit Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) Kemenkominfo. "Ini akan lebih cepat prosesnya. Kalau pakai APBN 2014, mesti melalui pengajuan dan menunggu masukan-masukan," katanya kepada JurnalParlemen, Kamis (26/12). 

Menurut Hasanuddin, biaya pembelian satelit itu sekitar Rp 5-7 triliun. Dana segitu agaknya cukup dipenuhi dari PNBP Kemenkominfo 2013. Asal tahu saja, PNBP Kemenkominfo pada 2012 saja mencapai Rp 11,58 triliun. Tahun ini jumlahnya diperkirakan naik. 

Tapi, supaya tidak jadi masalah, pembelian satelit itu harus dilakukan oleh lintas kementerian/lembaga. Sedangkan pengawasannya oleh DPR. Selanjutnya, BPK tinggal mengauditnya. 

"Pengadaannya tidak dilakukan satu kementerian saja, harus melibatkan Kemenhan, Sekneg, dan Kemenkominfo. Kemenhan sebagai institusi yang mengamankan perangkat persandian, Sekneg sebagai wakil pemerintah dan presiden, sedangkan Kemenkominfo penyedia jalur komunikasi," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengatakan segera menindaklanjuti pengembangan sistem pertahanan siber dan punya satelit sendiri untuk keperluan itu. Dikendalikan oleh Kemenhan, pertahanan siber yang ia maksud akan jadi tugas BIN, BAIS, Lemsaneg, dan Polri. Nantinya, pertahanan siber dioperasikan TNI, sedangkan kriminal siber ditangani Polri.

(Jurnal Parlemen)

27 Desember 2013

DND Seeks Release of Funds to Buy Korean Fighter Jets

27 Desember 2013

KAI F/A-50 light combat aircaft (photo : sbs) 

MANILA, Philippines - The Defense department has asked Malacañang to allow the release of a 52-percent down payment to the South Korean firm that offered to supply 12 fighter jets to the military.

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said they have submitted their recommendation to the Office of the President, which will have the final say on the matter.

“We recommended approval of the DP (down payment) and progress billing,” Gazmin said in a text message Thursday.

The law permits state agencies to pay a 15-percent down payment to suppliers while the rest of the amount would be paid upon the delivery of goods.

South Korean firm Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) wants the Philippines to pay 52 percent down payment to cover its manufacturing costs. Such payment scheme would require the approval of President Aquino.

Gazmin said the delivery of the jets may start in June 2015.

Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez said negotiations are underway but declined to provide a deadline for the signing of the contract.

“We have settled the turnaround time issue. We are discussing the payment scheme,” he said in a separate interview.

“I’d rather not put a date on this,” he added.

The turnaround time is the period required for the delivery of the jets’ spare parts under a two-year warranty. Gazmin said both parties have agreed to set the turnaround time at 60 days.

The government plans to spend P18.9 billion to acquire 12 FA-50 jets from South Korea. The acquisition is part of the effort to boost the Air Force’s territorial defense capabilities.  Security officials started their negotiations with KAI in July.

Earlier, Air Force chief Lt. Gen. Lauro Catalino dela Cruz said two FA-50 jets could be delivered by the end of 2014 if all the necessary documents are signed this year.

Officials, however, said it is unlikely that a deal would be reached this year.

The acquisition of FA-50 jets is one of the big ticket items in the military’s multi-billion upgrade program.

A total of P85.29-billion is needed to support the program for the next four years.


26 Desember 2013

Pesawat T-50i Kesembilan dan Kesepuluh Datang

26 Desember 2013

Pesawat T-50i kesembilan dan kesepuluh datang dengan skema warna non aerobatic, namun menggunakan skema warna Tempur Taktis (all photos : Francis Neri)

T-50i Golden Eagle Kembali Transit di Baseopas Lanud Balikpapan

Komandan Lanud Balikpapan Kolonel Pnb Ir Tri Bowo Budi Santoso,MM menyambut kedatangan dua jet latih tempur T-50i Golden Eagle yang dipesan Republik Indonesia dari Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI). Tepat pukul 15.40 dua pesawat T-50i landing di baseops Lanud balikpapan untuk melaksanakan transit dan pengisian bahan bakar sebelum meneruskan perjalanannya esok hari menuju Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Iswahjudi di Kecamatan Maospati, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur, rabu (25/12).

Dua pesawat tersebut merupakan pesawat ke-9 dan ke-10 dari total 16 pesawat yang Negara Indonesia pesan dengan no seri TT 5009 dan TT 5010. Selanjutnya pesawat tersebut akan berada di bawah koordinasi TNI Angkatan Udara untuk meningkatkan kekuatan alat utama sistem persenjataan atau alutsista Negara Indonesia.

Pesawat T-50i Golden Eagle tersebut akan menempati rumah barunya (home base) di Skuadron 15 Lanud Iswahjudi. Selanjutnya pesawat T-50i Golden Eagle akan menggantikan pesawat Hawk Mk-53, dikarenakan Pesawat Hawk MK-53 tidak akan digunakan lagi karena sudah tua dan mulai kesulitan mencari suku cadangnya.

Sebagai pesawat jet latih tempur, pesawat T-50i juga bisa di gunakan untuk misi pertempuran di udara. Untuk menambah daya tempur pesawat T-50i Golden Eagle juga bisa dilengkapi dengan persenjataan yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai misi. Diantaranya AIM-9 Sidewinder, bom MK-82, BDU-33, AGM-65 Maverick, MK-20 Cluster Bomb Unit, dan bom pintar JDAM. (pentak Lanud Bpp)

DND Eyes 4 Projects to Upgrade Military Bases

26 Desember 2013

Clark air force base (photo : airport technology)

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of National Defense (DND) is set to implement at least four projects aimed at upgrading military bases under the new Armed Forces Modernization Law.

The projects, amounting to over P2 billion, seek to support new military assets to be acquired by the government.

The four base-related projects are the Air Force basing support systems for long-range patrol aircraft (P187 million), lead-in fighter trainer jets (P135.99 million), Air Force radar system (P825.52 million) and Navy basing support system (P1 billion).

The base support project for the long-range patrol aircraft will be implemented in Lipa, Palawan and Zamboanga.

The DND also bared plans to acquire two units of long-range patrol aircraft worth P5.98 billion and 12 lead in-fighter trainer jets worth P18.9 billion to boost its territorial defense capabilities and security operations.

The Air Force plans to buy three air surveillance radars worth P2.68 billion to improve its monitoring capabilities.

On the other hand, the Navy is still threshing out its P1-billion basing support system consisting of 10 projects.

The old Armed Forces Modernization Act, which took effect in 1995, gave the military a chance to modernize its assets and equipment in 15 years with a P331-billion fund.

However, the program was stalled due to lack of funds and the changing priorities of the national leadership. As a result, the Philippine military has been dubbed one of the most poorly equipped in the Asia-Pacific region.

Last year, President Aquino signed a new modernization law to provide more resources to the military’s upgrade efforts.

More than P85 billion is required to fund the program, which will get P15 billion per year from the national budget until 2017.

Another source of funding is the President’s commitment, which is expected to channel P632.18 million to the program yearly until 2015.

A total of P4.78 billion will come from proceeds of the Malampaya natural gas project, in which the government has a share from taxes, royalties and charges, and remittances from the Bases Conversion and Development Authority.

(ABS CBN News)

PT DI Targetkan Jual 200 Pesawat N-219 Selama 6 Tahun

26 Desember 2013

Pesawat angkut N-219 di tahun 2016, ditargetkan mampu diproduksi 8 pesawat N-219 per tahun, dan pada tahun 2017, jumlah pesawat N-219 yang dapat diproduksi mencapai 16 unit. PT DI menargetkan menjual 200 pesawat N-219 selama 6 tahun mulai tahun 2016. (photo : Angkasa)

PT DI Siap Rambah Pasar Internasional

Meski sempat mengalami masa-masa sulit, akhirnya, PT Dirgantara Indonesia dapat mempertahankan hidupnya, bahkan bangkit. Buktinya, Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang bergerak dalam industri kedirgantaraan itu mendapat kepercayaan, tidak hanya domestik, tetapi juga mancanegara.

Melihat kondisi itu, PT DI terus berupaya meningkatkan kinerjanya pada 2014. Satu diantaranya, menembus pasar internasional guna menyemarakkan persaingan pesawat kecil. “Tahun ini, kami membangun prototipe N-219, pesawat berkapasitas 19 penumpang. Targetnya, pada 2016, kami sudah produksi dan izinnya terbit. Tahun berikutnya (2017), kami siap menembus pasar internasional, yaitu Asia, termasuk ASEAN, dan Afrika, ujar Asisten Direktur Bidang Jaminan Mutu dan Humas PT DI, Sonny Saleh Ibrahim, di Bandung, Selasa (24/12).

Menurutnya, N-219 adalah pesawat bermesin propeler (baling-baling) berukuran kecil. Kendati demikian, sambungnya, daya angkut N-219 lebih banyak daripada pesawat sekelasnya. Daya saing lain yang terdapat pada N-219, ungkap Sonny, dalam hal harga jual. Harganya, berada di level 4-4,5 juta dollar Amerika Serikat.

Selain itu, tukasnya, N-219 pun dapat take off dan landing pada landasan pacu pendek dan kawasan pegunungan. Karenanya, Sonny berpendapat, N-219 cukup tepat bagi penerbangan perintis. “Indonesia punya sejumlah maskapai perintis. Saya kira, N-219 dapat menjadi primadona penerbangan perintis. Jadi penerbangan perintis merupakan pasar bagi kami,” tuturnya.

Sonny menjelaskan, di dunia, terdapat beberapa negara yang juga memproduksi pesawat sejenis. Antara lain, Twin Otter, Cessna Caravan (Kanada), dan Sukhoi (Rusia). Di dunia, menurutnya, kebutuhan pesawat perintis cukup banyak. Tahun lalu, kebutuhannya 800 unit. “Kami harap dapat meraih 200 unitnya,” ucapnya.

Tidak hanya N-219, lanjut Sonny, pihaknya pun meningkatkan produksi dan pemasaran CN-295, CN-235 MPA, Bell 412 EP, dan N-212 sipil dan militer. Diutarakan, sejauh ini, beberapa negara berminat pada produk-produk andalan PT DI tersebut. Bahkan, seru Sonny, beberapa di antaranya segera mencapai kesepakatan kontrak. “Salah satunya, dengan Filipina, yaitu pemesanan N-212 dan CN-295,” katanya.

Mengenai rencana 2014, Sonny mengemukakan, pihaknya menargetkan rencana kerja dan kontrak bernilai Rp 4,91 triliun. Target lainnya, dalam hal penjualan sebesar Rp 4,43 triliun. “Kami pun menargetkan penerimaan Rp 4,90 triliun,” jawab Sonny.

Khusus kontrak 2014, beber dia, sekitar 80 persen merupakan kontrak lama. Sisanya, imbuh dia, merupakan kontrak baru. “Khusus kontrak baru, kami perkirakan, masih didominasi pemesanan dalam negeri, yaitu 60 persen. Semuanya berkenaan dengan alutsita (alat angkut sistem pertahanan). Sementara 40 persen kontrak baru yaitu dengan beberapa negara. Semisal, sebut dia, Thailand, Filipina, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, dan Myanmar,” tandas dia.

(Jabar Today)

Baca Juga :

PT DI Siap Penuhi Permintaan Kemenhan
02 Oktober 2013

Memperkuat sistem pertahanan dan keamanan menjadi salah satu kebijakan yang diputuskan pemerintah. Karenanya, Kementerian Pertahanan terus melakukan berbagai upaya untuk memperbarui dan memperkuat alat angkut sistem pertahanan (alutsista). Salah satu caranya dengan melakukan pemesanan pembuatan pesawat kepada PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

Direktur Utama PT DI, Budi Santoso, mengemukakan, secara keseluruhan, untuk beberapa tahun mendatang, jumlah pemesanan CN 235 oleh pemerintah untuk memperkuat barisan TNI sebanyak 21 unit. Sedangkan NC 212, sejumlah 54 unit. “Namun, sejauh ini untuk CN 235, kontraknya baru 3 unit. Sebanyak 1 diantaranya, kami serahkan hari ini,” ujar Budi pada penyerahan pesawat CN 235 di PT DI, Rabu (2/10).

Budi mengungkap, selain Kemenhan, beberapa negara pun memesan pesawat-pesawat tersebut. Antara lain, Malaysia, yaitu berupa modifikasi 2 unit CN 235 MPA. Kemudian, Brunei Darussalam, sebanyak 1 unit CN 235 MPA. “Berikutnya, Filipina. Pemesanannya yaitu NC 212 sebanyak 2 unit. Begitu pula dengan kepolisian Thailand, yang memesan 1unit NC 212 dan 2 unit CN 235,” ungkap Budi.

Mengenai nilai kontrak, Budi menyebutkan, pemesanan Kemenhan bernilai cukup tinggi. Ia menyebut,  secara total, angkanya mencapai 80 juta dollar AS.

Menteri Pertahanan RI, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, berpendapat, pihaknya memang memerlukan armada-armada pertahanan yang lebih mumpuni. Tujuannya, jelas dia, tidak lain untuk mempertahankan dan memperkuat kedaulatan. Rencananya, pesawat-pesawat itu peruntukannya bagi pemerkuatan patroli maritim. Menurutnya, CN 235 adalah pesawat  yang cocok untuk menjaga dan memantaui wilayah perairan di Indonesia.

(Jabar Today)