30 April 2023

Skadron Udara 27 Lanud Manuhua Laksanakan Latihan Terbang Formasi

30 April 2023

Terbang formasi CN235 Skadron Udara 27 (photo : Skadron Udara 27)

TNI AU --. Skadron Udara 27 Lanud Manuhua Biak laksanakan terbang formasi menggunakan dua pesawat CN-235 dengan PIC Komandan Skadron Udara 27 Letkol Pnb Imron Fathir dan Mayor Pnb Okvan, Jumat (28/4/2023).

Terbang formasi kali ini merupakan program bagi perwira penerbang lulusan Sekbang TNI AU yang bertugas di Skadron Udara 27. Terbang formasi merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh semua penerbang “Cenderawasih” untuk meningkatkan kapasitas delivery personel maupun logistik yang menjadi salah satu tugas Skadron Udara 27 Lanud Manuhua.

Saat ini Skadron Udara 27 diperkuat dengan 3 pesawat angkut CN235 dan 2 pesawat intai CN235MPA, kedepannya akan ditambah tiga pesawat baru jenis CN295 yang akan dipesan dari PTDI (photo : Skadron Udara 27)

Skadron Udara 27 adalah sebuah Skadron udara dari Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara, yang berbasis di Pangkalan Udara Manuhua, Kabupaten Biak Numfor. Saat ini Sebagai tahap awal, Skadron Udara 27 baru diperkuat lima unit CN235-110M/220/MPA buatan PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.

Kisah : Mengenal Riga-class, Frigate Legendaris TNI dari Masa Orde Lama

30 April 2023

Fregat kelas Riga KRI Nuku 360 (photo : TNI AL)

Bila di era sekarang armada frigate yang dimiliki oleh TNI-AL bertumpu kepada Martadinata-class, maka di era dekade 60-an hingga awal 60-an kekuatan armada frigate TNI-AL atau yang saat itu dikenal dengan nama ALRI (Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia) bertumpu kepada frigate buatan Uni Soviet, yakni Riga-class. Kapal jeni frigate yang mulai dibangun sejak periode 1950-an tersebut menjadi salah kekuatan armada laut Indonesia di masanya.

Saat itu Indonesia total mengoperasikan 8 unit kapal frigate Riga-class yang mulai dioperasikan sejak tahun 1962. Melansir dari situs Indomiliter, kapal frigate tersebut datang ke Indonesia bersamaan dengan beberapa alutsista buatan blok timur lainnya guna mendukung operasi Trikora yang dilakukan untuk merebut Irian Barat dari tangan Belanda. Dalam rekam jejaknya, kapal-kapal tersebut menjadi sebuah kesatuan serang unggulan yang dimiliki oleh TNI-AL saat itu.

Tiga fregat terakhir kelas Riga yang masih bertahan hingga tahun 1980-an (photo : Indomiliter)

Dibeli Bekas Pakai dari Angkatan Laut Uni Soviet

Kedatangan 8 unit kapa frigate Riga-class dari Uni Soviet pada kurun waktu 1962-1964 sejatinya merupakan kapal bekas pakai armada Angkatan Laut Uni Soviet. Melansir dari Wikipedia, kapal-kapal frigate tersebut sejatinya merupakan kapal yang dibangun pada dekade 1950-an dan berdinas antara kurun waktu tahun 1954-1962. Pembelian kapal-kapal dalam kondisi bekas pakai tersebut tentunya merupakan prioritas yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia yang dimana mereka memerlukan armada kapal dengan sesegera mungkin. Tentunya membangun kapal baru saat itu dirasa kurang efektik karena memerlukan waktu sekitar 2-4 tahun sebelum diserahkan kepada pihak yang membelinya.

Total 8 unit yang dibeli oleh pihak ALRI saat itu terdiri atas KRI Jos Soedarso (351), KRI Slamet Rijadi (352), KRI Ngurah Rai (353), KRI Walter Mongisidi (354), KRI Lambung Mangkurat (357), KRI Hang Tuah (358), KRI Kakiali (359) dan KRI Nuku (360). Namum, saat perubahan haluan politik Internasional sejak tahun 1965 membuat kapal-kapal ini mulai terbengkalai seperti lazimnya sebagian besar alutsista Uni Soviet saat itu. Akan tetapi, kapal-kapal ini tidak langsung pensiun karena cukup melimpahnya suku cadang dari hasil kanibalisasi kapal-kapal lainnya. 

Fregat KRI Nuku 360 (photo : Indomiliter)

Masih Menggunakan Konsep Persenjataan Klasik

Seperti lazimnya kapal-kapal yang mulai dibangun sejak berakhirnya perang dunia ke-2 hingga dekade 1950-an, kapal-kapa frigate Riga-class juga masih menggunakan sistem persenjataan meriam dengan kaliber besar sebagai sistem persenjataannya. Melansir dari Wikipedia, kapal frigate Riga-class menggunakan 3 pucuk meriam kaliber 100 mm sebagai senjata utamanya. Selain itu, kapal ini juga menggunakan 4 unit meriam otomatis 37 mm untuk peran anti pesawat dan serangan jarak pendek. Kapal ini juga mampu melaksanakan peran anti kapal selam karena dilengkapi dengan 3 tabung peluncur torpedo 533 mm dan sistem peluncur roket anti-kapal selam MBU-600. Kapal ini diawaki oleh sekitar 175 awak dan mampu mencapai kecepatan maksimal hingga 52 km/jam dengan jarak jelajah sekitar 3.000 km. Kemampuan tersebut dihasilkan dari 2 mesin uap yang mampu mengeluarkan daya sekitar 21.000 hp.

Fregat kelas Riga (image : Gollevainen)

Pernah Diterjunkan Saat Operasi Seroja di Timor Timur

Meskipun dibeli pada masa operasi Trikora di awal dekade 1960-an, akan tetapi justru salah satu misi yang dikenal mengikutsertakan kapal frigate Riga-class adalah saat melakukan operasi Seroja di Timor Timur pada tahun 1975. Melansir dari buku “Saksi Mata Perjuangan Integrasi Timor Timur”, tercatat ada 2 unit kapal frigate Riga-class yang diturunkan saat penerjunan pasukan di Timor Timur. Kapal-kapal tersebut melakukan misi pengawalan pendaratan pasukan di daerah medan operasi. Saat itu tidak dipungkiri kapal frigate ini mulai menua sehingga pada awal dekade 1980-an unit-unit terakhirnya pada akhirnya dipensiunkan dan digantikan dengan kapal yang lebih modern. (Zahir Zahir)


KRI REM-331 Berhasil Laksanakan Penembakan Rudal VL MICA

30 April 2023

Penembakan rudal VL MICA dari KRI RE Martadinata 331 (all photos : Koarmada 2)

TNI AL. Koarmada II -- Dalam Latihan Gladi Tugas Tempur (Glagaspur) Tingkat-III/L3, KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata (REM)-331 yang merupakan salah satu KRI unsur Satkor Koarmada II, berhasil melaksanakan penembakan senjata khusus Rudal VL MICA, bertempat di Perairan Utara Pulau Bali. Sabtu (29/4).

Penembakan tersebut disaksikan langsung oleh Asisten Operasi (Asops) Kasal Laksda TNI Denih Handrata, S.E., M.M., CHRMP., didampingi oleh Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI Maman Firmansyah, dengan sasaran tembak Drone SCRAB II.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Asops Kasal menyampaikan ucapan selamat, serta bangga atas keberhasilan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan terima kasih atas kerja keras seluruh prajurit KRI REM-331 yang telah diberikan, sehingga penembakan dapat berjalan dengan aman dan lancar.

"Saya mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerja keras kalian, ingat tugas kita kedepan masih banyak dan saya berharap akan terlaksana dengan baik seperti saat ini. Oleh karena itu mari kita semua bekerja, bekerja, dan bekerja," ujarnya.

Setelah melaksanakan penembakan, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan tabur bunga saat melintasi Perairan Laut Bali, yang dilakukan sebagai penghormatan dan mengenang ABK KRI Nanggala-402.

Singapore and Chinese Navies Conduct Bilateral Maritime Exercise

30 April 2023

PLA(N)'s Jiangkai II-class frigate Yulin-569 (photo : News.cn)

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)'s Commander First Flotilla Colonel (COL) Ng Kok Yeng Daniel and People's Liberation Army (Navy) (PLA[N])'s Chief of Staff of Destroyer Flotilla Senior Captain Mei Leyang, co-officiated the Exercise Maritime Cooperation opening ceremony at RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base (CNB) earlier today. Both navies are conducting the bilateral maritime exercise from 28 April to 1 May.

Wozang-class Minesweeper Chibi-747 (photo : Huaxia)

This year's Exercise Maritime Cooperation is the second in the series since its inauguration in 2015. The exercise consists of a shore phase in RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base (CNB), and a sea phase in the southern reaches of the South China Sea within international waters. The exercise involves the RSN's Formidable-class frigate RSS Intrepid, Bedok-class Mine Countermeasure Vessel RSS Punggol, and the PLA(N)'s Jiangkai II-class frigate (Yulin) and Wozang-class Minesweeper (Chibi). 

During the shore phase, personnel from both navies will engage in joint planning exercises, professional exchanges and combined training at the Damage Control Trainer. During the sea phase, the ships will conduct a range of serials, including helicopter cross deck landing with the PLA(N) helicopter landing on the RSS Intrepid, gunnery firing, replenishment-at-sea approaches, search and rescue, simulated minefield transits, as well as communication and manoeuvring exercises.

RSS Punggol M108 (photo : RSN)

Speaking at the opening ceremony, COL Ng said, "The RSN conducts regular bilateral and multilateral exercises with foreign navies, and Exercise Maritime Cooperation 2023 allows the RSN and the PLA(N) to strengthen mutual trust, understanding, and cooperation. It also enhances our bilateral relationship and people-to-people ties." Senior Captain Mei Leyang also said that this exercise aims to "further deepen friendship, expand consensus and promote the continuous forward development of the two navies."

RSS Intrepid 69 (photo : DVIDS)

The exercise underscores the warm and friendly bilateral defence relations between Singapore and China, and enhances mutual trust and understanding between the SAF and PLA. Besides bilateral exercises, the two armed forces also interact regularly through high-level exchanges, mutual visits, cross-attendance of courses and port calls.

29 April 2023

Rudal Strategis TNI AL Hancurkan Bahaya Udara di Utara Bali

29 April 2023

Rudal VL Mica meluncur dari KRI RE Martadinata 331 (photos : TNI AL)

Jakarta ---TNI AL sukses menggelar latihan penembakan senjata strategis di perairan utara Bali, Sabtu 29 April 2023. Latihan ini bertujuan guna meningkatkan kemampuan tempur, serta kesiapan dan kesiagaan operasional unsur, hal tersebut telah menjadi prioritas dari Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali.  

Senjata strategis tersebut yaitu Rudal SAM (surface to air missile) yang ditembakan dari KRI R.E Martadinata – 331. Objek sasaran latihan penembakan menggunakan Drone Scrab II dari Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Laut (Puspenerbal), yang terbang dan diintersep oleh rudal SAM dari jarak 20 km.

Selain menggerahkan KRI R.E Martadinata-331, dalam latihan tersebut TNI AL melibatkan sejumlah Kapal Perang dan satuan satuan lain diantaranya, KRI Diponegoro-365, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda – 367, Skuadron 700 Puspenerbal, Tim Kopaska, dan Satuan Kapal Selam Koarmada II.

Drone sasaran udara Scrab II diluncurkan dari geladak heli KRI Diponegoro 365, yang selanjutnya dilaksanakan tracking sasaran dengan prosedur penembakan. SAM ditembakkan dan berhasil menghancurkan sasaran udara di perairan utara pulau Bali. 

Usai menghancurkan sasaran udara seluruh KRI  yang melaksanakan latihan membentuk konvoi melewati posisi KRI Nanggala untuk melaksanakan penghormatan kepada para pahlawan.
Drone Scrab II waktu latihan di KRI Diponegoro 365 (photo : Puspenerbal)

Pelaksanaan latihan ini merupakan Komitmen TNI AL dan prioritas dari Kasal Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali, untuk terus meningkatkan kesiapan operasional Alutsista dan Satuan Operasi, diikuti dengan kapabilitas dalam menjawab tugas-tugas multi dimensi, guna mencapai kesiapan dan kesiagaan yang tinggi.  

Press Release TNI AL

Penjajaran 15-to-5: LMS Batch 1 Kurang Menepati Kehendak TLDM – Panglima

29 April 2023

LMS pertama KD Keris 111 (photo : TLDM)

LUMUT – Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Datuk Abdul Rahman Ayob menjelaskan, perolehan Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) Batch Pertama kurang menepati kehendak semasa pengoperasian Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) pada masa kini.

Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata, perolehan LMS Batch Kedua akan dilengkapi dan memenuhi keperluan terkini serta di masa hadapan dalam menjaga kedaulatan perairan negara.

“LMS yang kita nyatakan di dalam 15-to-5 itu melibatkan 18 buah platform. Jadi, kita ada 4. Tetapi, kita menetapkan LMS Batch Pertama itu tidak begitu menepati keperluan kita,

“Justeru, kita mencadangkan supaya perubahan LMS Batch 2 (LMSB2) yang kita rasa lebih sesuai dan memenuhi keperluan masa kini dan masa hadapan kita,” katanya pada sidang media selepas sambutan Hari Ulang Tahun TLDM Ke-89 di Pangkalan TLDM Lumut, hari ini.

Beliau turut mensasarkan agar penjajaran berkaitan Pelan Transformasi 15-to-5 dapat diselesaikan pada tahun ini dan mempunyai sedikit perubahan serta peningkatan.

“Sebab perbincangan 15-to-5 masih lagi diteruskan. Tetapi, penjajaran itu masih lagi dibincangkan. Dan kita jangkakan kita akan selesai pada tahun ini. Ada sedikit perubahan,

“Sebab itu adalah salah satu bahagian dalam penjajaran dan penjajaran semula yang kita telah buat. Yang kita akan dokumentasikan di dalam kita punya 15-to-5 program,

“Dan ia memerlukan masa sekurang-kurangnya 5 atau 6 pembentangan Rancangan Malaysia Ke (RMK),” ujarnya lagi.

Tegasnya, segala pelan strategik ini juga bergantung kepada kemampuan kerajaan dalam membelanjakan aset pertahanan.

“Jadi, komitmen kerajaan pun kita pertimbangkan. Bukan setakat perbelanjaan di aspek aset pertahanan saja, tetapi banyak lagi perkara-perkara lain yang perlu mereka lihat dan juga beri perhatian,” jelasnya.

LMS keempat KD Rencong 114 (photo : TLDM)

LMS Batch Kedua
Sebelum ini, Abdul Rahman dalam perutusannya menyatakan, Pelan Transformasi 15-to-5 akan mengalami sedikit perubahan.

Jelasnya, perubahan itu dibuat adalah berdasarkan landskap geo-strategik masa kini dan kekangan kewangan serta cabaran dalam industri pertahanan sehingga Pelan yang dihasilkan 5 tahun dahulu, perlu dibuat penyesuaian yang sewajarnya.

Dalam pembentangan Belanjawan 2023 lalu, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengumumkan perolehan 3 buah kapal LMSB2 untuk TLDM.

Abdul Rahman menyatakan kapal LMSB2 yang pertama akan diterima pada tahun 2027.

Pada tahun lalu, TLDM menyuarakan keperluan mereka untuk memperolehi kapal LMSB2 bagi mengisi jurang keupayaan kombatan sementara menunggu projek Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) siap.

Menurut Panglima Tentera Laut, pihaknya telah mengenal pasti model kapal yang sesuai untuk mengisi keperluan tersebut.

4 buah kapal LMS Batch Pertama(kelas Keris) diperolehi dari China dan hanya dilengkapi dengan meriam 30mm.

LMS merupakan sebahagian daripada jujukan rancangan strategik 15-to-5 di mana ia bertindak sebagai kapal sokongan kepada ketumbukan utama armada. Kapal ini dijuga digariskan untuk melaksanakan peranan konstabulari semasa aman.

Dalam perancangan 15-to-5 yang asal, LMS direka untuk mempunyai ciri-ciri modular yang membolehkan kapal ini dipertingkatkan keupayaan setara dengan kapal kovet sekiranya diperlukan. 

Participation of PN's Frigate in the Sinkex at Balikatan 2023

29 April 2023

The sinking of decommissioned PN vessel, BRP Pangasinan (PS31) (all photos : PN)

PH Navy Employs Frigate, Provides Venue for Combined Joint Littoral Live Fire Exercise in Balikatan 2023

Philippine Navy's frigate, BRP Jose Rizal FF150 - PF, participated in the highlight of this year's Exercise Balikatan, the Combined Joint Littoral Live Fire Exercise. 

Utilizing her main gun, the Oto Melara Super Rapid 76mm, BRP Jose Rizal (FF150) fired volleys at the decommissioned BRP Pangasinan (PS31) together with other Armed Forces of the Philippines units and participating United States military forces.

Meanwhile, PN's premier training institution, the Naval Education, Training and Doctrine Command - Philippine Navy in San Antonio, Zambales provided a conducive venue for the successful execution of the Philippines-US Combined Joint Littoral Live Fire Exercise as witnessed on-site by President and Commander in Chief, Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on April 26.

The activity, which served as the highlight of this year’s Balikatan Exercise, involved the firing of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), and the sinking of decommissioned PN vessel, BRP Pangasinan (PS31) off the coastal waters of San Antonio, Zambales.

Exercise Balikatan continues to serve as one of the best training opportunities for both countries' military forces.

The PN’s participation in this significant activity underscores its commitment to improve capabilities while sustaining partnership with allies that benefits regional peace and stability.


New Zealand Mencari Helikopter Angkatan Laut Baru

29 April 2023

Helikopter Seasprite SH-2G (I) RNZN (photo : Seaforces)

Sebuah Permintaan informasi (request for information/RFI) telah dirilis oleh New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) untuk program Penggantian Helikopter Maritim (MHR) baru yang akan memberikan platform baru untuk menggantikan delapan helikopter Seasprite SH-2G (I) yang ada.

RFI – diterbitkan pada 24 April – mencari solusi helikopter menengah yang mencakup sistem wahana udara tanpa awak, melalui dukungan operasi, pelatihan, dan sistem pendukung misi. MHR diharapkan beroperasi selama 25 tahun.

Di bawah Defence Capability Plan (DCP) 2019, MHR dijadwalkan menelan biaya sekitar NZD 1 miliar (USD 617 juta). Helikopter itu harus dapat melakukan perang multidomain di pesisir dan beroperasi dengan pasukan koalisi – khususnya Lima Negara: Australia, Kanada, New Zealand, Inggris, dan AS.

Peran utama MHR adalah perang anti kapal selam; perang anti-permukaan; dukungan tembakan bersama; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); dan misi perlindungan pasukan, serta melakukan berbagai operasi pendukung termasuk SAR, logistik, evakuasi korban, dan operasi boarding.

Menurut RFI, pengiriman ke Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) harus dimulai dari pertengahan 2027. Laporan media berspekulasi bahwa Skuadron 6 RNZN, yang mengoperasikan Seasprites, merasa semakin sulit untuk mendapatkan suku cadang untuk helikopter yang mungkin tidak mencapai tanggal out-of-service yang diharapkan dan terpaksa pensiun lebih cepat setelah lebih dari 10 tahun bertugas.

28 April 2023

Australia to Invest 3-8 Billion to Strengthen Northern Bases

28 April 2023

RAAF Base Learmonth (image Google Maps)

Strengthening Australia's Northern Bases

The Albanese Labor Government will bolster investment in Australia’s northern bases, committing $3.8 billion over the next four years. 

A key priority area identified in response to the Defence Strategic Review is improving the ability of the Australian Defence Force to operate from Australia’s northern bases.

It is clear that given our strategic circumstances, the Australian Army must be optimised for littoral operations in northern land and maritime spaces, and provide a long-range strike capability. Air Force must also be equipped to support operations in the north through surveillance, air defence, strike and air transport.

RAAF facility in Cocos islands (image : Google Maps)

In order to realise this, the Government has directed Defence to deliver upgrades and development of the northern bases network as a matter of priority, including:

-$2 billion for critical air bases stretching from RAAF Base Learmonth through Cocos (Keeling) Islands, as well as air bases in the Northern Territory and northern Queensland;
-$1 billion for upgrades to land and joint estate capabilities;
-$600 million in maritime estate investments including HMAS Coonawarra, HMAS Cairns and the Harold E Holt Naval Communications Station, and;
-An additional $200 million towards the acceleration of additional projects.

In line with the recommendations of the Defence Strategic Review, work across northern air bases will include upgrades to runway and apron capacity, fuel supply and storage, accommodation and security.

Detail of Cocos islands (image : Google Maps)

Investment in land and estate will be centred on major training area upgrades in the Northern Territory, and upgrades at Robertson Barracks in Darwin and Lavarack Barracks in Townsville.

This immediate work will be complemented by the inaugural National Defence Strategy in 2024 which will further progress the Government’s investment for this important priority. 

The $3.8 billion is part of the Albanese Government’s $19 billion commitment over the forward estimates to implement the six priority areas outlined in response to the Defence Strategic Review.

Uruguay to Upgrade Its Fleet with BAE Hawk from Malaysia and Indonesia?

28 April 2023

TUDM Hawk 200 equipped with in-flight refueling probes (photo : Junchuann)

BAE Hawk 200 offered to Uruguayan Air Force to replace its A-37 Dragonfly

The U.S. based Falcon Air proposed to the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) the purchase of six BAE Hawk 200 light subsonic fighters and two BAE Hawk 100 advanced trainers for US$110 million.

According to the website Defensa.com, Uruguay has received an economically very advantageous offer for the acquisition of eight aircraft of the BAE Hawk family. These are six aircraft of the Mk200 version, single-seat subsonic fighters; and two of the Mk100 version, advanced two-seat trainers with some ground attack capabilities. The package would include training and a significant number of spare parts, which would ensure their logistical sustainability for many years.

TNI AU Hawk 200 equipped with in-flight refueling probes (photo : Ipenk)

The aircraft were built during the 1990s, would have a large number of remaining flight hours in their airframes, and during their operational life would have enjoyed a high degree of maintenance.

The aircraft could come from the stocks of the Malaysian Air Force (which will replace them with the KAI FA-50), Indonesia or Oman (which recently decommissioned them).

The aircraft offered feature the improved performance Adour 951 engine (rated at 29.00 kN (6,520 lbf) of thrust) and up to twice the service life of the original Adour Mk 871. 

See full article AviaciOnline

Balikatan Live-fire Exercise Sinked Retired Corvette

28 April 2023

Sinkex at Balikatan 2023 (photo : PAF)

Live-fire exercise shows PAF aircraft interoperability, firepower

MANILA – Fighter and attack aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) has successfully demonstrated their interoperability and firepower in the successful combined joint littoral live-fire exercise in Zambales last April 26, the PAF said Thursday.

In a statement, Air Force spokesperson Col. Ma. Consuelo Castillo said the PAF deployed two FA-50PH light jet fighters from the 5th Fighter Wing to participate in the live-fire exercises in the waters of San Antonio, Zambales.

Both aircraft were armed with the AGM-65 G2 "Maverick" air to surface guided missiles.

A-29B ST and T-129 ATAK Pilots and Ground Crew after a successful Surface Strike sortie (photo : PAF)

One of the FA-50PHs targeted and fired its missile against the World War II corvette, BRP Pangasinan (PS-31), and struck the warship during the sinking exercise phase.

Castillo said two more PAF attack aircraft, the T-129 "Atak" helicopter and A-29 "Super Tucano" strike plane also demonstrated its firepower during the exercise.

Other American aerial participants like the F-16s jet fighters and AH-64 attack helicopters also fired at the decommissioned corvette prior to its sinking.

An AGM 65 "Maverick" air-to-surface guided missile is fired from a FA-50PH during the joint live-fire exercise (photo : PAF)

BRP Pangasinan eventually sank after being hit by a laser-guided bomb dropped by a participating American F-35B "Lightning II" around 2:55 p.m.

"Direct Air Support Force provided airspace management while the Combat Air Controller Team gave the 'cleared hot' for weapons' release," Castillo said.

Meanwhile, the PAF's "Hermes" 900 UAV aircraft provided situational awareness through a live-feed of the target.

BRP Pangasinan after hit by laser-guided bomb dropped by US F-35B aircraft (photo : PAF)

"The live-fire activity highlighted the interoperability and combined strike capabilities of different units coming from the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) major services and their US counterparts," Castillo said.

Approximately 1,400 marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen and coast guardsmen from the US and Philippines took part in the training, which involved detecting, identifying, targeting and engaging a target ship using a variety of ground and air-based weapons systems.

This year's "Balikatan" is the largest annual exercise between the two allies and 2023 marks its 38th iteration and the largest to date with more than 17,600 participants.

The exercises started on April 11 and will end on the April 28. 


27 April 2023

NZDF Uji Coba dengan Munisi Loitering

27 April 2023

Pelatihan penggunaan munisi loitering tentara New Zealand oleh DefendTex (photo : NZDF)

New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) sedang melakukan eksperimen pertamanya dengan amunisi loitering untuk mengimbangi perubahan sifat peperangan.

Berbicara kepada Janes pada bulan April, Hayden Robinson, manajer eksperimen bersama untuk Angkatan Darat New Zealand, mengatakan NZDF akan menggunakan amunisi loitering  Drone40, yang dibuat oleh perusahaan Australia DefendTex, untuk eksperimen.

Eksperimen adalah langkah pertama ketika NZDF tertarik untuk memperoleh kemampuan baru, kata Robinson.

“NZDF membeli sejumlah kecil sistem Drone40 untuk penilaian awal,” katanya. “Unit Drone40 ini akan digunakan untuk melatih tentara tentang amunisi loitering dan mendapatkan umpan balik mereka serta memahami bagian mana dari organisasi [NZDF] yang mungkin menggunakannya dan bagaimana caranya,” tambahnya.

Drone40 munisi loitering (photo : DefendTex)

Robinson mengatakan sekelompok kecil tentara dari Batalyon 1 Resimen Infantri Royal New Zealand dilatih menggunakan sistem Drone40 pada bulan Februari di Kamp Militer Linton di North Island, New Zealand. Para prajurit dari resimen infantri ini akan memulai eksperimen, lanjutnya.

Setelah resimen infanteri selesai bereksperimen pada sistem Drone40, eksperimen akan dilakukan oleh Mounted Rifles Queen Alexandra dan oleh Field Regiment  ke-16 (artileri) Angkatan Darat New Zealand, kata Robinson.

Eksperimen pada sistem Drone40 diperkirakan akan berlanjut hingga 2023, tambahnya.

Littoral Live Fire Event at Balikatan 23

27 April 2023

Live fire exercise with Avenger and Patriot at Balikatan 2023 (all photos : DVIDS)

A U.S. Army Avenger air defense system is prepared to fire at a simulated aircraft for a littoral live fire event during Balikatan 23 at the Naval Education, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippines, April 25, 2023.

A U.S. Army Avenger air defense system fires .50 caliber rounds at a simulated aircraft for a littoral live fire event during Balikatan 23 at the Naval Education, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippines, April 25, 2023.

A U.S. Army Avenger air defense system fires a Stinger missile for a littoral live fire event during Balikatan 23 at the Naval Education, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippines, April 25, 2023.

The Avenger air defense system is a self-propelled surface-to-air missile system which provides mobile, short-range air defense protection for ground units against cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-flying fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.

A simulated aircraft is launched into the air as a target for a U.S. Army MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile system for a littoral live fire event during Balikatan 23 at the Naval Education, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippines, April 25, 2023.

A U.S. Army MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile system is fired for a littoral live fire event during Balikatan 23 at the Naval Education, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippines, April 25, 2023.

Balikatan 2023 is the 38th iteration of the annual bilateral exercise between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the U.S. military. The exercise includes three weeks of training focused on amphibious operations, command and control, humanitarian assistance, urban operations and counterterrorism skills throughout northern and western Luzon. Coastal defense training figures prominently in the Balikatan 23 training schedule. 

Type 071ET LPD, HTMS Chang, Arrives at Sattahip Naval Base, Royal Thai Navy

27 April 2023

Arrival of HTMS Chang LPD 792 (photos : Royal Thai Navy)

Large landing ship HTMS Chang (3rd ship), Royal Thai Navy (RTN: Royal Thai Navy) has arrived at Chuk Samet Pier, Sattahip Naval Base Chonburi Province Thailand at approximately 12:00 hrs on 25 April 2023 and an official welcome ceremony at 16:00 hrs on the same day. It was the end of the voyage for a period of 7 days after leaving the shipyard Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group (HZ) near Shanghai, People's Republic of China on April 18, 2023.

A large multi-purpose landing ship supporting submarine operations  HTMS Chang (the 3rd ship) sailed to the rendezvous point with the offshore patrol boats of the HTMS Pattani Fleet Series, HTMS Narathiwat on 21 December 2023 at 13:00 hrs near Hainan Island, People's Republic of China in the South China Sea by HTMS Narathiwat departing from Songkhla Naval Base Royal Thai Navy Region 2, Royal Thai Navy 2 (2nd NAC: Second Naval Area Command) south of the Gulf of Thailand since April 17, 2023 by sailing a distance of 1,273nmi.

HTMS Narathiwat has delivered the escort of the landing ships to the dock. HTMS Chang (the 3rd ship) for the Royal Thai Navy Region 1 (1st NAC: First Naval Area Command) when it enters the Gulf of Thailand on 25 April 2023 with a frigate of the HTMS Chao Phraya series HTMS Bang Pakong Provide joint escort with ships in the 1st Naval Area. It consists of a helicopter carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet, a landing ship HTMS Ang Thong (the 3rd ship), HTMS Naresuan frigate, HTMS Rattanakosin Corvettes, offshore patrol boat HTMS Pattani and large maintenance ships HTMS Similan.

Type 071ET LPD (Landing Platform Dock) HTMS Chang (3rd ship) is based on the Type 071-class landing dock ship stationed with the People's Liberation Navy (PLAN: People's Liberation Army Navy), with the Royal Thai Navy as the first export customer. With a length of 210 m, a width of 28 m, a depth of 7 m, a displacement of 25,000 tonsnes, a maximum speed of 25 knots, a ship of 196 people, consisting of 26 officers, 39 sergeants, 96 sergeants and 35 soldiers supporting 600 landing troops, will be a ship with the largest size of the Royal Thai Navy.

Commander of the Royal Thai Navy, Admiral Choengchai Chomchengphaet, also answered questions from the media on several issues. For example, the operational waste of the new amphibious landing ship HMS Chang that when doing a frugal speed of 18knots, it uses as much fuel as HTMS Chakri Naruebet or HTMS Ang Thong and will be more economical at travel speed of 12 knots.

The commander-in-chief also provided information that the Royal Thai Navy had requested a budget in the draft budget for the year 2024 for the installation of naval firearms 76/62 (presumably a Leonardo 76/62), two 30mm machine guns, a combat information center (CIC: Combat Information Center) and a water/air surveillance radar to HTMS Chang.

Whereby the initial multi-purpose amphibious landing ship HTMS Chang (3rd ship) will be equipped with four M2 .50cal heavy machine guns. 950 million baht ($27.6 million) for primary weapons and combat management systems will depend on the decision of the new Thai government after the elections in May 2023. 

Thai Submarine

The Thai Navy commander also answered additional questions about the S26T phase 1 procurement of submarines, which had a problem with the MTU 396 diesel engine that Germany refused to deliver to China to install for Thai ships and Pakistan, China offers a CHD 620 engine to replace it.

The Royal Thai Navy maintains the three main conditions that China CHD 620 electric power generator diesel engine must 1. Must be safe and reliable. 2. The People's Liberation Army of China must recognize and guarantee lifetime spare parts and service support 3. China must compensate for the opportunity cost for Thailand. The commander-in-chief also said China already uses CHD 620 engines in its aircraft carriers, and China-built diesel-electric submarines are now being switched to CHD 620 instead of MTU 396 in line with stricter EU sanctions

However, if the Royal Thai Navy decides to accept Chinese CHD 620 engines expected in June 2023, the construction of the first S26T submarine will be delayed no less than that 40 months or about 2025 and compensation from China will depend on the decision of the new Thai government after the election. Following the delay in procurement of the second and third phases of S26T submarines The Royal Thai Navy has pushed for a project to procure a second high-performance frigate instead, which will be built in Thailand by transferring technology.