21 Mei 2024

Singapore and Indonesian Navies Conclude Bilateral Mine-Countermeasure Exercise

21 Mei 2024

Exercise Joint Minex 2024 (all photos: Sing Mindef, RSN)

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) concluded Exercise Joint Minex Pandu today. Held in Batam and the waters off Bintan from 14 to 19 May 2024, the bilateral mine-countermeasure (MCM) and clearance diving exercise enhanced the two navies' ability to counter underwater threats together.

This year's exercise saw the participation of more than 230 personnel from the RSN and the TNI AL. The RSN participated in the exercise with two Bedok-class Mine Countermeasure Vessels (MCMVs), RSS Bedok and RSS Punggol, and personnel from the Naval Diving Unit, while the TNI AL participated with two Pulau Fani-class Minehunters, KRI Pulau Fani and KRI Pulau Fanildo, and a dive team. 

The exercise comprised professional exchanges on mine-hunting, clearance diving techniques and ship-boarding, as well as coordinated MCM operations against simulated mine threats, diving operations, and live gunnery firing.

TNI AL 4th Batam Main Naval Base Commander, First-Admiral Tjatur Soniarto and Deputy Commander MSTF, Colonel (COL) Chan Yeng Seng, Michael-John, officiated at the opening ceremony at the 4th Batam Main Naval Base on 14 May 2024.

In his opening remarks, COL Chan said, "The strong bilateral friendship between TNI AL and the RSN is certainly not limited to this exercise. Our navies engage each other in many areas and across multiple levels. It is through the many years of working closely together, and strong friendships that we have built, that allow us to have a high level of mutual trust and interoperability."

The RSN and TNI AL conduct regular professional exchanges, exercises and visits, and also collaborate through the Coordinated Patrol Indonesia-Singapore (CORPAT INDOSIN). The RSN's other bilateral exercise with the TNI AL, Exercise Eagle Indopura, is the Singapore Armed Forces' longest-running bilateral exercise with a foreign military.

These activities underscore the close and long-standing defence relationship between Singapore and Indonesia.

PAF Gets 2 More T-129 Attack Helicopters

21 Mei 2024

PAF two new T-129 Atak helicopters (all photos: PAF)

MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has formally received two more Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) T-129 'Atak' helicopters.

In a Facebook (FB) post on Sunday, the PAF's 15th Strike Wing said it received the two helicopters, with tail numbers 1505 and 1506, in simple rites presided by Air Command Command chief Maj. Gen. Araus Robert F. Musico and 15th Strike Wing commander Brig, Gen. Juliano C. Llarenas at the Atienza Air Base, Sangley Point, Cavite City on May 17.

"The two T-129 'Atak' helicopters performed a low pass before landing on the active runway. Upon taxiing and exiting, a water cannon salute was rendered to the two aircraft - the traditional and ceremonial welcome to honor the newly procured attack helicopters of the 15th Strike Wing," it added.

"The acquisition of the T-129 'Atak' helicopters was part of the priority projects under Horizon 2 of the AFP Modernization Program. The T-129s with tail numbers 1505 and 1506, which were delivered last Nov. 29, 2023, are the fifth and sixth T-129 'Atak' helicopters acquired through negotiated (government-to-government) procurement with Turkey. These dedicated attack helicopters are expected to enhance the combat operational capability of PAF and address the capability gap identified in urban warfare," the FB post added.

The contract for the six T-129 "Atak" helicopters is worth USD269 million which was signed on July 20, 2020.

The first two T-129 choppers were delivered on March 9, 2022, while the second batch of two were delivered in December of the same year.

These helicopters will be utilized for territorial defense, aerial surveillance and reconnaissance, counter-insurgency combat operations and combat support operations. 


Pesawat Tempur F-16 ke-8 Sukses Upgrade Falcon STAR-eMLU, Perkuat Skadron Udara 3

21 Mei 2024

Serah terima pesawat tempur ke-8 dari program Falcon STAR-eMLU, nomor registrasi TS-1611 (all photos: TNI AU)

Lanud Iswahjudi Magetan, Pesawat Tempur F-16 dengan tail number TS-1611 yang merupakan pesawat ke-8 dari program Falcon STAR-eMLU yang dikerjakan oleh Skadron Teknik 042 Lanud Iswahjudi siap mengudara dan perkuat Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi dengan acara serah terima Pesawat F-16 AM TS-1611 dari Danlanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI Firman Dwi Cahyono, M.A. kepada Danskadron Udara 3 Letkol Pnb Pandu Eka Prayoga, M.M.D.S, bertempat di Hanggar Skadron Tehnik 042 lanud Iswahjudi Mageran Jatim, Senin, (20/5/24).

Kepala Dinas Logistik (Kadislog) Lanud Iswahjudi Kolonel Tek Arief Tri Bawanto, S.T.,M.Si, selaku Kasatgas Falcon Star eMLU dalam sambutannya mengatakan, bahwa Pesawat F-16 AM Fighting Falcon dengan Tail Number TS-1611 telah selesai dikerjakan oleh personel yang terlibat dalam program Falcon Star eMLU merupakan pesawat ke 8 dari total keseluruhan 10 pesawat yang dimulai sejak tanggal 10 Juni 2021, dikerjakan oleh tekhnisi TNI AU yang ada di Skatek 042 pada hari ini pesawat akan diserahkan ke satuan pengguna yakni Skadron Udara 3 dengan harapan semoga pesawat ini dapat meningkatkan kekuatan TNI AU secara umum khususnya kekuatan di Lanud Iswahjudi.

Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi, pada saat serah terima Pesawat Tempur F-16 TS-1611 ini menyampaikan apresiasi serta kebanggaannya kepada Tim Falcon STAR-eMLu atas dedikasi serta kerja kerasnya sehingga upgrade pesawat F-16 TS-1611 ini dapat selesai sesuai jadwal yang ditetapkan. “Pesawat ini akan menambah kekuatan operasional Skadron Udara 3 dengan segala kelebihan yang didapat dari upgrade melalui program Falcon STAR-eMLu ini” Tegas Danlanud Iswahjudi.

Acara tersebut dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan berita acara serah terima pesawat F-16 tail number TS-1611 oleh Danlanud dan Kasatgas Falcon Star eMLU Kadislog lanud Iswahjudi dan penyerahan dokumen dan buku riwayat Pesawat dari Danskatek Letkol Tek Anselmus Warianto, kepada Danskadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi diakhiri dengan pemotongan tumpeng.

Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut Danwing 3 Kolonel Pnb Marchelinus Ardha, M.MSc,.Kadisops Kolonel Pnb Bambang Apriyanto, S.T, Kadispers Kolonel Nav Rudy Hartono, Kadispotdirga Letkol Tek Sri Harijanto, Dandepohar 20, Dansathanlan, Danskadud, Dansathar 21 serta para Perwira dan anggota Skatek 042 dan Sathar 21.

(Lanud Iswahjudi)

20 Mei 2024

Pasca Akuisisi Scorpene Evolved, TNI AL Memerlukan 4 Kapal Selam Interim

20 Mei 2024

MBDA menghadirkan Exocet SM39 pada Seminar Kapal Selam di Jakarta (photo: Naval News)

Informasi terkini Scorpene Indonesia dan rencana akuisisi empat kapal selam lagi

Scorpène Evolved akan dibangun oleh pembuat kapal milik negara PT PAL Indonesia di galangan kapalnya di Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, dengan dukungan dari Naval Group. Dengan total biaya $2,16 miliar, kapal selam tersebut akan dikirim ke Angkatan Laut Indonesia (TNI AL) dalam waktu 96 bulan, atau delapan tahun, sejak kontrak mulai berlaku.

Dengan adanya perjanjian pinjaman untuk membiayai proyek yang sedang dikerjakan oleh Kementerian Keuangan RI, PT PAL telah memulai proses peningkatan fasilitas manufaktur kapal selamnya. Peningkatan tersebut mencakup bengkel torpedo dan elektronik baru serta kantor baru untuk divisi kapal selamnya.

Naval Group menguraikan integrasi Kapal Selam-UUV dalam seminar kapal selam di Jakarta (photo: Naval Group)

Selain itu, pada tanggal 18 April, Syncrolift AS yang berbasis di Norwegia meresmikan kontrak senilai $15 juta untuk memasok PT PAL dengan sistem pengangkatan dan pemindahan kapal yang baru dibangun. Struktur tersebut akan memiliki panjang 100 meter dan memiliki kapasitas angkat 6.000 ton, kata PT PAL. Ini akan digunakan untuk produksi dan pemeliharaan, perbaikan dan perombakan (MRO) kapal selam.

Selain itu, menurut PT PAL, insinyur Indonesia yang terlibat dalam pembangunan Scorpène Evolved akan dilatih, disertifikasi, dan diawasi oleh tim TNI Angkatan Laut dan pihak terkait lainnya.

Lampu hijau untuk SM39 dan UUV?
Pada event  Future Submarine International Seminar & Showcase yang diselenggarakan oleh Indonesian Submariner Club antara tanggal 14 dan 15 Mei di Jakarta, tim TNI Angkatan Laut mempresentasikan solusi Kendaraan Bawah Air Tanpa Awak (UUVs) yang dapat diintegrasikan dengan Scorpene Evolved Indonesia. Tergantung pada kebutuhan penggunanya, UUV dapat melakukan berbagai misi termasuk dukungan pasukan khusus dan intelijen, pengawasan dan pengintaian (ISR).

Persyaratan utama untuk kapal selam masa depan Indonesia (photo: NavalNews)

MBDA juga menawarkan SM39 B2 Mod 2, varian keluarga rudal Exocet yang diluncurkan dari kapal selam, yang dapat diluncurkan dari tabung torpedo Scorpene.

Presentasi-presentasi ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Perancis telah menyetujui potensi pembelian sistem-sistem tersebut di atas oleh Indonesia. Dalam beberapa kesempatan, termasuk saat seminar, para petinggi TNI AL menyampaikan keinginannya agar armada kapal selamnya di masa depan tidak hanya mengandalkan torpedo dan sensor onboard.

Teknologi LIB & empat kapal selam lagi
Seminar tersebut dihadiri oleh Panglima TNI AL Laksamana Muhammad Ali yang berasal dari Satuan Kapal Selam sekaligus komandan KRI Nangala (402) yang melakukan patroli abadi pada April 2021.

U212NFS dari Fincantieri Italia dengan teknologi Lithium Ion NFS-1 (2027) dan NFS-2 (2029) yang sedang dalam proses produksi dimungkinkan sebagai kapal selam interim jika ditawarkan ke Indonesia (photo: Naval News) 

Selain kolaborasi yang sedang berlangsung antara Naval Grup dan PT PAL, dalam seminar tersebut, Laksamana Ali mengungkapkan rencana TNI Angkatan Laut untuk membangun lebih banyak pangkalan kapal selam di seluruh negeri dan, dalam waktu dekat, pengadaan kapal selam interim (perantara).

Dia juga mengatakan bahwa kapal selam interim dapat bersumber dari “negara yang dia kunjungi”. Laksamana juga menegaskan bahwa TNI AL membutuhkan setidaknya 12 kapal selam ‘skala penuh’ untuk mencakup wilayah maritim Indonesia yang luas dan mengisyaratkan kemungkinan penggunaan kapal selam yang lebih kecil atau tanpa awak.

Laksamana Ali juga menguraikan beberapa persyaratan utama armada kapal selam TNI AL di masa depan; Sistem propulsi canggih, baterai lithium-ion (LIB), propulsi udara-independen (AIP) dan nuklir, serta sumber daya terbarukan seperti kemampuan tempur multi-domain.

Navantia S-80 class Spanyol yang berteknologi AIP S-83 (2029) dan S-84 (2030) yang sedang proses produksi dimungkinkan sebagai kapal selam interim jika ditawarkan ke Indonesia (photo: Navantia)

Laksamana Ali mengatakan dalam wawancara baru-baru ini di galangan kapal Naval Group di Lorient, bahwa dia telah mengunjungi pabrik baterai lithium-ion Saft di Prancis.

Sementara itu, Direktur Jenderal Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan RI, Laksda Bambang Irwanto, menggarisbawahi perlunya fokus pada teknologi LIB ketika kementerian memilih Scorpène Evolved. Laksda Bambang juga menyebutkan bahwa TNI AL telah mengusulkan untuk mengakuisisi empat kapal selam baru, dua unit antara tahun 2025 dan 2029 dan sepasang lainnya antara tahun 2035 dan 2039.

Perancis, Jerman, Italia dan Turki saat ini menjadi pesaing utama kapal selam tambahan tersebut.

RMN Launched The RMN 15 to 5 Transformation Programme Realignment

20 Mei 2024

Realignment of the RMN 15 to 5 Program (all infographics: Malaysian Defence)

KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) launched the RMN 15 to 5 Transformation Program Realignment document during the 2024 Defence Services Asia (DSA) Exhibition in early May.

Navy chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Ayob said the document was very important for the RMN to take steps to become a powerful and dynamic force, on par with the more modern navies of foreign countries.

“I believe that if this plan is implemented as planned, RMN will definitely have the capabilities it needs in the future,“ he said in his address in conjunction with RMN’s 90th Anniversary.

He said significant changes would also be seen especially through the acquisition of new assets such as the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMSB2) and Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS) which have long been delayed.

“The acquisition of these assets will undoubtedly strengthen and enhance the frontline defence of the country,“ he added.

Abdul Rahman said that to enhance organisational effectiveness and establish more efficient and relevant governance channels, RMN will reorganise the governance channels of several headquarters, overhaul several units, and establish new units through the RMN Organisational Restructuring 2024, known as Re-org 24.

“This includes the establishment of the RMN Warfare and Doctrine Centre or ‘PUSPED’ to strengthen aspects of warfare and doctrine in the Navy.

“In addition, the results of Re-org 24 will also see the implementation of refinements to the appointments of Other Ranks (LLP) personnel, involving a total of 473 appointments, with 130 of them being various specialty appointments that will be promoted,“ he said.

Meanwhile, Abdul Rahman noted that the changing and increasingly challenging defense landscape demanded the national defence to be equipped accordingly, with the current assets now aging.

“As a maritime nation, Malaysia critically needs a capable navy to protect its territorial sovereignty and maritime interests,“ he said.

See full article Bernama via The Sun

Australia Announced Record Defense Budget

20 Mei 2024

An Australian Army M1A1 Abrams Tank (photo: Aus DoD)

A generational investment in Australia’s Defence

The Albanese Labor Government is delivering historic investments in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), our people, our capabilities, our defence industry and our region, as we further strengthen the defence of our nation. 

The 2024 National Defence Strategy and 2023 Defence Strategic Review call for significant and urgent changes to our defence settings to respond to our complex strategic environment and deliver an integrated, focused Defence Force.

The 2024-25 Budget sees Defence funding increase to $764.6 billion over the decade to support a more capable and self-reliant Defence Force that can safeguard Australia’s security into the future. 

At the centre of the Albanese Government’s renewed investment in Defence is the allocation of $330 billion over the decade to 2033-34 for the rebuilt Integrated Investment Program – a significant lift compared to the $270 billion allocated as part of the 2020 Defence Strategic Update and 2020 Force Structure Plan. 

This includes:
-An additional $5.7 billion over the forward estimates – the largest increase to Defence spending over a forward estimates period in decades.                      
-An additional $50.3 billion over the next decade.
As a result of these significant investments, the annual Defence budget will grow to an estimated $100 billion by 2033-34 compared to $53 billion this financial year. 

This will see Defence funding as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product reach over 2.3% by 2033-34 – more than 0.2% higher than the spending trajectory set by the former Coalition government.

The Albanese Government’s commitment to Defence is an investment in a future made in Australia – ensuring we keep Australians safe, while delivering jobs and opportunities right across the country for decades to come. 

Integrated Investment Program
The 2024 Integrated Investment Program (IIP) supports the Albanese Government’s funding decisions by prioritising investments that help meet our changing strategic environment. 

This will include $11.1 billion over the decade to support the Government’s response to the Surface Combatant Fleet review, providing a larger and more lethal surface fleet, and an additional $1 billion over the next four years to accelerate ADF preparedness including long-range strike, targeting and autonomous systems. 

2024-25 Budget initiatives 
As the 2024-25 Budget outlines, the Albanese Government is also investing in other crucial areas to strengthen our defence settings, including: 

-$81.9 million towards defence industry for critical jobs, including for scholarships, attracting and recruiting apprentices under the Shipbuilding Employment Pathways Initiative, supply chain support and uplifting the defence industrial workforce.
-$166.2 million over five years from 2023-24 in grants to support small and medium businesses and local defence industry as part of the Defence Industry Development Strategy.
-$28 million over 2024-25 to 2027-28 to implement reforms under the Defence Trade Controls Amendment Act 2024, including to support industry engagement and accelerate trade between AUKUS partners.
-$232.3 million of international military support and assistance activities between 2023-24 and 2024-25, including $144.3 million in additional military support to Ukraine.
-$17.5 million to establish a new Parliamentary Joint Committee on Defence to enhance parliamentary oversight and understanding of Defence’s role in responding to Australia’s challenging strategic environment. 

The Defence funding confirmed in the 2024-25 Budget advances the implementation of the Government’s six immediate priorities announced in response to the Defence Strategic Review. It will also deliver the capabilities required to achieve an integrated, focused Defence Force across all domains – maritime, land, air, space and cyber – in line with the concept of National Defence.

Importantly, the 2024-25 Budget confirms the Albanese Government’s commitment to set out an affordable, achievable, and sustainable plan for now and the future which delivers the capabilities, jobs and investment in local Australian industry needed to support our Defence Force and safeguard Australia’s security. 

19 Mei 2024

Koarmada III Laksanakan Latihan Vertical Replenishment di Perairan Halmahera

18 Mei 2024

Vertical Replenishment menggunakan helikopter (photos: Koarmada3)

TNI AL/Koarmada III -- Dalam rangka meningkatan kemampuan dan profesionalisme Prajurit Jalasena Koarmada III dalam menjaga kedaulatan NKRI, Satgas Operasi Trisila-24 Koarmada III, dibawah Komando Komandan Gugus Tempur Laut (Danguspurla) Koarmada III Laksamana Pertama TNI Wawan Trisatya Atmaja, SE. MAP., melaksanakan beberapa latihan di laut, salah satunya adalah serial latihan Vertical Replenishment (Vertrep) di Perairan Laut Halmahera, Halmahera Selatan.

Adapun Vertrep merupakan suatu metode dalam pembekalan di laut atau Replenishment At Sea (RAS) dengan menggunakan sarana kemampuan helikopter, dimana dalam pembekalan tersebut Heli tidak landing di kapal. Sabtu (11/05/24).

(Koarmada 3)

China, Cambodia Begin 15-day Military Exercises

19 Mei 2024

The Chinese Navy’s amphibious landing ship Qilianshan arrives at Sihanoukville autonomous port on May 13, 2024 (photo: Ream Naval Base)

Sixth Golden Dragon military exercises kick off from Thursday

The Golden Dragon Exercise 2024 will kick off in Kampong Chhnang and Preah Sihanouk provinces for 15 days, with the participation of over 2,000 Cambodian and Chinese armed forces personnel, with the aim of contributing to support the comprehensive strategic partnership and building a shared destiny between both countries.

The joint military exercise will take place from Thursday to May 30, at the Military Police Training Centre (Phnom Chum Rik Reay) in Peam commune, Samakki Meanchey district in Kampong Chhnang and at Ream Naval Base in Preah Sihanouk.

Chinese troops participating in the "Golden Dragon 2024"  joint exercise unload weapons and equipment after arriving at the Sihanoukville (photo: China MoD)

Major General Thong Solimo, Deputy Director of Information and Communication at the General Command and spokesman for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), said that, “It’s the sixth Cambodian-Chinese military exercise and will be even larger than before, with more than 1,300 Cambodian troops, more than 700 Chinese troops, three large Chinese warships and 11 Cambodian warships”.

“The exercise will feature live ammunition firing, an annual bilateral cooperation between Cambodia and China aimed at exchanging experiences,” he said.

An armored vehicle being loaded onto the landing ship Qilianshan before it departs for Cambodia (photo: CCTV)

He said that combat vehicles, weapons and firearms, demining equipment, communicable disease protection gear, chemical weapons defence equipment, communications equipment and a multi-functional Type-071 Navy fighter for transport all will be deployed during the exercise.

“There will also be helicopters participating during the closing exercise, and three Chinese naval vessels currently docked in Preah Sihanouk province,” he said.

See full article Khmer Times

High-Level Delegation from PT PAL Visited LUNAS Shipyard

19 Mei 2024

Delegation from PT PAL visited  the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (photos: LUNAS)

Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Defence Services Asia (DSA) Exhibition & Conference 2024 and National Security (NATSEC) 2024 event, a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.

The delegation, led by PT PAL Indonesia's Marketing Director, Mr. Willgo Zainar, included Mr. Teguh Supriyantoro, General Manager of Marketing, and Ms. Emira Noor Shakina Octavia, Marketing Manager. They were received by their counterparts from LUNAS: Mr. Syed Ahyattudin Shid Idris, Head of LUNAS Shiprepair, Ir. Muhammad Hanif Muhammad, Head of Corporate Strategy and Development, and Mr. Muhammad Aidil Abu, Deputy Project Director of Littoral Combat Ship (LCS).

This visit signifies a commitment by both companies to strengthen ties and collaborate for mutual benefit. The MoU lays the groundwork for future cooperation in shipbuilding, with a focus on developing innovative solutions and driving advancements in the industry. Through this partnership, LUNAS and PT PAL Indonesia aim to bolster maritime capabilities in Southeast Asia, thereby contributing to regional security and economic growth within the maritime sector.

The collaboration presents exciting opportunities for expertise sharing, technology transfer, and joint research and development initiatives. By working together, LUNAS and PT PAL Indonesia hope to push the boundaries of the maritime and defense industry, ushering in a new era of excellence and progress. This partnership not only strengthens bilateral relations between the two companies but also underscores their shared commitment to promoting maritime interests in the region.

18 Mei 2024

HMAS Anzac (III) Farewelled After 28 Years of Service

18 Mei 2024

HMAS Anzac (III)-150 (photo: Aus DoD)

he Royal Australian Navy’s First Lady of the Fleet, HMAS Anzac (III), has been farewelled after 28 years of service during a decommissioning ceremony at her home port of HMAS Stirling in Perth.

​HMAS Anzac - the longest-serving commissioned vessel in the Navy - was farewelled by many crew who have called her home over 28 years of service.

​The decommissioning recognises the stories of bravery, service, and sacrifice of the ship and her company.

​Commissioned on 18th May 1996, HMAS Anzac is the third Royal Australian Navy ship to carry the name of the Australian legend.

​Anzac was granted freedom of entry to the City of Albany, Western Australia, the departure port for the original ANZAC contingent, and has forged a close association with the City of Rockingham over many years.

​The ship participated in many deployments and operations during its service, most famously when she was deployed to the Gulf region in October 2002, and was part of what is now known as ‘Five Inch Friday’, the first time that the Royal Australian Navy had engaged in combat naval gunfire support since the Vietnam War.

​Decommissioning HMAS Anzac will pave the way for the long-term investment in enlarging and enhancing Navy’s fleet, in response to the recommendations made by the Independent Analysis of Navy’s Surface Combatant Fleet.

Quotes attributable to Chief of Navy Australia, Vice Admiral Mark Hammond, AO, RAN:
​“HMAS Anzac’s motto is ‘united we stand’ and I am very proud to say that the personnel and veterans who have served on board have stood united to protect Australia’s maritime interests within the region.

​“An Australian warship is a strategic capability, but it is also a home, a sanctuary for those in peril on the sea and a floating embassy representing Australia abroad.

​“Thousands of men and women have called this ship home since it was commissioned in 1996, and for some, HMAS Anzac represents key milestones in their lives and I thank each and every one of them, and their families for their support.”

KSAL: TNI AL Berupaya Rampungkan Renstra dan Postur Kekuatan ke Depan

17 Mei 2024

Rencana postur TNI AL (photo: istimewa)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali menyebut TNI AL pada 2024 berupaya merampungkan dua dokumen strategis-nya pada 2024, yaitu Rencana Strategis (Renstra) TNI AL 2025–2029 dan Postur Pembangunan Kekuatan TNI AL 2025–2044.

KSAL menjelaskan dua dokumen itu nantinya menjadi pedoman pembangunan kekuatan TNI AL ke depan, terutama setelah berakhirnya pembangunan kekuatan pokok minimum (MEF) pada akhir 2024.

"Tahun ini merupakan tahap terakhir dalam mewujudkan kekuatan pokok minimum, yang artinya 2024 juga menjadi awal untuk menyiapkan dua dokumen strategis TNI AL, yaitu Postur Pembangunan Kekuatan TNI AL 2025–2044 dan Rencana Strategis TNI AL 2025–2029," kata Laksamana Ali saat memberi sambutan pada acara seminar internasional "Future Submarine" di Jakarta, Selasa.

Dia menjelaskan dokumen strategis itu yang saat ini masih disusun TNI AL juga berpedoman kepada visi Indonesia menjadi negara maju pada 2045, yang juga disebut dengan Visi Indonesia Emas 2045.

Dalam mendukung Indonesia Emas 2045, TNI AL dalam postur pembangunan kekuatan sampai 2044 juga mengangkat visi untuk menjadi angkatan laut yang modern, menggentarkan di kawasan (regionally-deterrent), dan berproyeksi global (globally-projected).

"Visi itu mengakui ke depan TNI AL bakal menghadapi ragam tantangan dan risiko yang berkembang pesat, yang kompleks, dan tak dapat diprediksi baik dalam lingkup global, regional, maupun nasional. Oleh karena itu, TNI AL pun dituntut untuk tangkas, adaptif, dan punya resiliensi yang baik," kata Laksamana Ali.

Gambaran usulan sejumlah alutsista TNI AL dalam paparan yang pernah disampaikan Kasal (photo: Pasmar1)

Dia mencontohkan konflik dan ketegangan yang saat ini terjadi baik di tingkat global seperti pandemi COVID-19, perang Rusia-Ukraina, perang Israel-Hamas, krisis di Laut Merah, atau pun di tingkat kawasan seperti ketegangan di Selat Taiwan dan Laut China Selatan, kemudian di dalam negeri ada masalah keamanan di Papua merupakan gambaran lingkungan strategis saat ini yang dinamis dan kompleks.

Tidak hanya itu, kompleksitas itu juga ditemukan pada kemajuan teknologi pertahanan yang saat ini terlihat dari penggunaan teknologi berbasis siber, kecerdasan buatan (AI), dan persenjataan/alutsista nirawak (unmanned system).

Faktor-faktor itu, menurut KSAL, turut mempengaruhi perencanaan pembangunan kekuatan TNI AL baik dalam dokumen renstra-nya maupun postur pembangunan kekuatannya untuk jangka panjang.

Terkait itu, KSAL menyoroti secara khusus penguasaan teknologi kapal selam dalam rencana pembangunan kekuatan TNI AL. Ali menilai penguasaan teknologi kapal selam modern merupakan simbol angkatan laut yang maju. KSAL pun berpendapat penting bagi industri pertahanan dalam negeri untuk menguasai teknologi itu dan membangun kemandirian untuk memproduksi kapal selam ke depannya.

Oleh karena itu, dia yakin seminar yang membahas secara khusus proyeksi teknologi masa depan kapal selam (future submarine) yang digelar oleh Yayasan Hiu Kencana dapat menjadi masukan yang berharga bagi TNI AL dalam penyusunan renstra dan postur kekuatannya.

"Melihat kondisi TNI AL saat ini, kita membutuhkan upaya yang komprehensif untuk membangun kekuatan kapal selam yang efektif," tutur Laksamana Ali.

Royal Thai Navy Setuju Memasang Mesin China di Kapal Selam Barunya

18 Mei 2024

Kapal selam S-26T yang diminati Thailand berbasis dari  Type 039A/Yuan class (photo: SCMP)

Panel kerja gabungan dari kementerian pertahanan Thailand dan China telah sepakat untuk melanjutkan kesepakatan pengadaan kapal selam yang kontroversial dan membolehkan kapal selam tersebut dipasang dengan mesin China.

Menurut sumber yang mengetahui negosiasi tersebut, kedua belah pihak telah sepakat untuk melanjutkan akuisisi kapal selam, bukan menggantikannya dengan kapal fregat.

Jenderal Somsak Rungsita, penasihat Menteri Pertahanan Sutin Klungsang, memimpin perundingan pihak Thailand yang diadakan di Kementerian Pertahanan pada hari Selasa dan Rabu.

Pihak China terdiri dari perwakilan dari China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)Bureau of Military Equipment and Technology Cooperation (BOMETEC), dan State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND).

Sumber tersebut mengatakan Sutin juga hadir dalam pembicaraan Selasa tersebut.

Negosiasi terfokus pada apakah kesepakatan untuk membeli kapal selam harus diubah menjadi fregat karena CSSC tidak dapat memperoleh mesin diesel MTU 396 Jerman untuk dipasang di kapal selam seperti yang disyaratkan dalam kontrak awal.

Kedua belah pihak sepakat bahwa jika kesepakatan kapal selam dibatalkan dan diganti dengan kapal fregat, hal itu akan menimbulkan lebih banyak masalah daripada keuntungan bagi pihak Thailand. Ditambah lagi, pembayaran yang telah dilakukan Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Thailand terhadap kapal selam tersebut hanya dapat dikembalikan sebagian, kata pihak China.

Sementara itu, pembicaraan berakhir dengan kedua belah pihak sepakat bahwa kesepakatan kapal selam harus dipertahankan demi hubungan bilateral jangka panjang.

Pihak China mengatakan mereka akan menebus pelanggaran kontrak dengan menyediakan peralatan relevan gratis kepada Thailand, seperti simulator pelatihan, dan juga akan memberikan asuransi dan pelatihan kepada perwira angkatan laut Thailand.

Sumber tersebut mengutip perunding China yang mengatakan bahwa paket kompensasi tersebut akan bernilai beberapa ratus juta baht, namun tidak akan mengungkapkan rincian paket tersebut sebelum paket tersebut bersifat final.

Kementerian Pertahanan akan menyerahkan ringkasan negosiasi kepada Perdana Menteri Srettha Thavisin dan Kabinet untuk disetujui.

Persetujuan kabinet diperlukan karena kontrak awal harus diubah dalam dua hal utama. Pertama, harus diperpanjang 1.200 hari lagi, dan kedua, harus diubah agar kapal selam bisa dipasang dengan mesin CHD620 buatan China.

Pihak Thailand yakin bahwa mesin CHD620 telah disertifikasi oleh Masyarakat Klasifikasi/Classification Societies dan Pakistan juga telah membeli kapal selam dengan mesin CHD620.

Sumber tersebut menambahkan bahwa perunding China menerima permintaan Thailand, namun tidak menggunakan kata “kompensasi”. Sebaliknya, kata mereka, tuntutan tersebut harus terlebih dahulu disetujui oleh komite militer pusat China. Para perunding juga berjanji akan meminta pemerintah China untuk membeli produk pertanian Thailand sebagai bagian pembayaran atas kapal selam tersebut.

Namun, pihak China mengatakan kesepakatan itu akan lebih jelas jika Thailand mengubah kontraknya terlebih dahulu.

Proyek pengadaan kapal selam Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Thailand mengalami kemunduran besar ketika Jerman menolak memasok mesin diesel untuk kapal tersebut. Hukum Jerman membatasi penggunaan mesin buatan Jerman pada senjata yang dibuat oleh negara asing.

(The Nation)

17 Mei 2024

NZ Boosts Defence Budget to Upgrade Equipment

17 Mei 2024

Budget package $571 million, most of it over four years (photo: NZDF)

$571 million for Defence pay and projects

Defence Minister Judith Collins today announced the upcoming Budget will include new funding of $571 million for Defence Force pay and projects.

“Our servicemen and women do New Zealand proud throughout the world and this funding will help ensure we retain their services and expertise as we navigate an increasingly unstable environment,” Ms Collins says.

“Of the additional funding, $163 million will go to improving remuneration for New Zealand Defence Force personnel and $408 million to upgrading equipment and infrastructure.

“NZDF personnel are at the frontline of New Zealand’s security but they cannot do their jobs without the right equipment and conditions.”

The additional funding includes $99 million of savings found from within the NZDF budget.

“Subject to Cabinet approval, a project will begin to replace the Unimog and Pinzgauer trucks, the NZDF’s workhorses, and most frequently deployed vehicles. Replacement vehicles will have integrated communications that will enhance interoperability with regional and global partners, such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.”

The other projects for which funding has been allocated through Budget 24, subject to Cabinet approval, are:

-The next phase of an upgrade to the NH90 helicopter navigation systems and radios;
-upgrading the regional supply facility and logistics model at Linton Military Camp;
-modernising devices and productivity tools;
-upgrading some digital services; and
-improving national maritime domain awareness.

The Budget will also fund the leasing of 35 homes for Devonport Naval Base personnel.

“Together these remuneration increases and projects will help boost our economy while ensuring New Zealand is ready, willing and – crucially - able to play its part internationally,” Ms Collins says.

“The world is increasingly unstable. We have only to look at events in the Ukraine and Middle East to see how quickly people’s lives can change.

“This Budget announcement is a signal that New Zealand is ready to step up and play its part to protect the freedoms that so many of us take for granted.

“The next step is to consider options for an updated Defence Capability Plan which will shape our future investment decisions around the equipment we need as we step up.”

Lumut Naval Shipyard Awarded Contract to Refit KD Jebat

17 Mei 2024

KD Jebat FFGH-29 (photo: Benarnews)

Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) has been awarded a contract to refit the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) vessel KD JEBAT as part of the ongoing refit programme for RMN vessels. The Letter of Acceptance (LOA) was signed and announced on the third day of Defence Services Asia (DSA) Exhibition & Conference 2024 and National Security (NATSEC) Asia 2024.

Ir. Azhar Jumaat, CEO of LUNAS, signed the LOA on behalf of the company. Representing the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) was Secretary General Datuk Seri Isham Ishak. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

LUNAS expressed its commitment to delivering excellence in the project, upholding its reputation within the maritime and defense industries.

Analis: TNI AL Butuh Kapal Selam Interim karena Tingkat Kesiapan Tempur Tak Dapat Diandalkan

17 Mei 2024

TNI AL membutuhkan kapal selam interim untuk menjaga kesiapan tempurnya (photo: Marina Militare)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Analis militer dan pertahanan dari Semar Sentinel, Alman Helvas Ali menilai, sebuah pilihan logis apabila TNI Angkatan Laut (AL) membutuhkan kapal selam interim sembari menunggu pembangunan dua unit kapal selam Scorpene. 

Alman mengatakan, kebutuhan kapal selam interim menunjukkan keterdesakan TNI AL saat ini untuk memiliki kapal selam yang siap operasi. 

Sebab, tiga kapal selam kelas DSME 209/1400 yang dibeli Indonesia dari Korea Selatan mengalami masalah operasional. 

Tiga kapal selam itu yakni KRI Nagapasa-403, KRI Ardadedali-404, dan KRI Alugoro-405. 

“Akibat masalah teknis tersebut, tingkat kesiapan ketiga kapal selam untuk beroperasi tidak dapat diandalkan,” kata Alman kepada Kompas.com, Kamis (16/5/2024). 

Di sisi lain, kontrak akuisisi dua kapal selam Scorpene Evolved dari Naval Group, Perancis, memerlukan waktu hingga kapal tersebut diserahkan kepada Kementerian Pertahanan RI. 

“Dihadapkan dengan kondisi kesiapan tiga kapal selam kelas DSME 209/1400 yang tidak dapat diandalkan, begitu pula dengan kesiapan satu kapal selam kelas HDW 209/1300 yang rendah (KRI Cakra), menjadi hal yang logis bila TNI AL memerlukan kapal selam interim untuk menunggu penyerahan pesanan dua kapal selam kelas Scorpene Evolved,” kata Alman. 

Namun, Alman menilai, pembelian kapal selam ini perlu masuk dalam Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM) 2025-2029. 

“Hal demikian penting. Sebab, pembelian kapal selam interim hanya bisa menggunakan skema pinjaman luar negeri mengingat APBN tahunan Kementerian Pertahanan tidak akan cukup untuk mendanai kegiatan tersebut,” ujar Alman.

Alman menambahkan, kontrak pengadaan kapal selam interim pun perlu dicermati. 

“Apakah mekanisme penjualan menggunakan skema G-to-G ataukah B-to-G? Kalau B-to-G, apa alasan Indonesia memilih skema tersebut? Apakah pihak swasta yang terlibat dalam kontrak memiliki kredibilitas dan rekam jejak yang bagus dalam bisnis perdagangan pertahanan atau tidak?” ucap dia. 

Sebelumnya, Kepala Staf TNI AL (KSAL) Laksamana Muhammad Ali mengatakan bahwa Indonesia tidak menutup menjajaki pembelian kapal selam interim atau sementara, sembari menunggu pengerjaan kapal selam Scorpene selesai. 

Sebab, Ali memprediksi, pembangunan kapal Scorpene akan memakan waktu lebih kurang tujuh tahun. 

“Untuk membangun Scorpene membutuhkan waktu 7 tahun, 5–7 tahun. Untuk itu kita harus ada kapal selam interim, itu tidak menutup kemungkinan,” kata Ali menjawab pertanyaan Kompas.com saat acara doorstop di sela-sela seminar “Future Submarine” di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (14/5/2024). 

Saat ini, Indonesia baru memiliki empat kapal selam dari jumlah idealnya 12. 

Untuk melengkapi kebutuhannya, Indonesia berencana membangun dua unit kapal selam Scorpene. 

Diketahui, Indonesia menandatangani kontrak pengadaan dua unit kapal Scorpene. Tanda tangan kontrak dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan RI, Naval Group, dan PT PAL Indonesia di Kantor Kemenhan, Jakarta Pusat, pada Kamis (28/3/2024) lalu.

16 Mei 2024

Pesawat Hercules Kelima Tiba di Halim Perdanakusuma

16 Mei 2024

Kedatangan pesawat C-130J Super Hercules A-1342 TNI AU (photos: Antara, Kemhan)

Pesawat kelima C-130J Super Hercules A-1342 telah tiba di Apron Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, Kamis (16/5), dan disambut Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Wakasau) Marsekal Madya TNI Andyawan Martono Putra.

Penyambutan C-130J Super Hercules buatan Lockheed Martin, Amerika Serikat, untuk memperkuat TNI AU tersebut, dilakukan dengan tradisi water salute.

Saat penyambutan, Wakasau didampingi sejumlah pejabat TNI AU dan Kapus Alpalhan Baranahan Kemhan Marsma TNI Yusran Lubis, yang kemudian mengalungkan selempang batik kepada pilot serta crew pesawat.

Adapun ferry flight pesawat C-130J Super Hercules A-1342 menempuh rute Marietta – San Diego – Honolulu – Marshal Island – Guam dan berakhir di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, dipimpin Komandan Skadron Udara 31 Letkol Pnb Alfonsus Fatma Astara Duta, didampingi Mayor Pnb Ulung P dan Lettu Tek Diky.

C-130J Super Hercules ini merupakan pesawat terakhir dari pesanan Kementerian Pertahanan untuk TNI AU, dimana empat pesawat sebelumnya telah tiba pada bulan Maret, Juni, Agustus 2023 dan Januari 2024, yang dioperasikan di Skadron Udara 31 Wing I Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma.

Chaiseri Thailand Launches New Wildcat HMV 4x4 Special Operations Combat Vehicle

16 Mei 2024

Thai company Chaiseri and Malaysian company Widad Group Berhad displayed and signed MOU to support offering Wildcat HMV 4x4 for Malaysian Army requirement (photo: Army Recognition)

Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd. Thailand launches the new Wildcat HMV (High Mobility Vehicle) 4x4 special operations vehicle that has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Widad Group Berhad Malaysia to present to the Malaysian Army, Tentera Darat Malaysia during the Defense Services Asia (DSA) 2024 international arms and equipment exhibition in Kuala Lumpur between 6-9 May 2024.

According to information from the Thai company Chaiseri, the Wildcat HMV 4x4 special operations combat vehicle is a lightly armored ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) that is a new product development that is different from the successful First Win 4x4 family of rubber-wheeled armored vehicles, previously for government agencies in Thailand and abroad. Designed for off-road operations while protecting personnel, the Wildcat HMV 4x4 can operate in various environments, including rough and difficult terrain, to carry out missions ranging from reconnaissance, to sending back via medical line.

Chaiseri Wildcat HMV 4x4 (photo: Defense Info) 

The Wildcat HMV 4x4 Special Operations Combat Vehicle is equipped with a high-output diesel engine and automatic transmission (Chaiseri does not specify the model of the engine or speedometer used), allowing the vehicle to reach high speeds while maintaining maneuverability.

The Chaiseri Wildcat HMV 4x4 Special Operations Vehicle has a maximum vehicle weight of 3,750 kg, a maximum operating range of approximately 500km, a top road speed of 110km/h, can climb slopes of 60%, climb inclines of 30%, and can cross wide ditches. 0.5m can cross obstacles up to 0.4m high.

Chaiseri Wildcat HMV 4x4 (photo: Defense Info) 

The Wildcat HMV 4x4 Special Operations Combat Vehicle is designed to carry up to four personnel and has a maximum payload of 1,000kg. Chaiseri did not present any weapons installations on the vehicle on display at DSA 2024, although it is understood that the car is able to accommodate this need.

Thai Chaiseri's new Wildcat HMV has a name similar to Thai DTI's D-Wildcat reconnaissance combat vehicle, which is based on the Russian Chaborz family of motocross vehicles, but Chaiseri's Thai car is a new design from the beginning (clean-sheet).