31 Desember 2020

Batalyon Ranratfib 1 Marinir Uji Coba Teropong Bidik Malam

31 Desember 2020

Latihan menembak dengan teropong bidik malam (all photos : PasMar1)

Guna melatih dan memastikan Teropong bidik malam senjata GPMG yang dimiliki Batalyon Ranratfib 1 Marinir berfungsi dengan baik, Perwira Seksi Operasi (Pasiops) Yonranratfib 1 Mar Kapten Marinir Muhan Solihan menggelar kegiatan uji coba Teropong bidik malam senjata GPMG yang dilaksanakan di lapangan tembak Jusman Puger Kesatrian Marinir Hartono, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (29/12/2020).

Sebanyak 5 Personel Prajurit terbaik Batalyon Ranratfib 1 Marinir yang ditunjuk dengan didampingi Bintara Kesenjataan (Basen) melaksanakan uji coba teropong bidik malam senjata GPMG dari jarak 400 M lapangan tembak.

“Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan ini bertujuan untuk pelajaran dan pengetahuan para Prajurit muda Yonanratfib 1 Mar serta menguji teropong bidik malam GPMG apakah berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak, mengingat sangat pentingnya barang tersebut dalam kegiatan latihan menembak malam maupun operasi tempur, Yonranratfib 1 Mar," ujar Pasiops.

Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan dengan tetap mengedepankan protokol kesehatan pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19.

Ternyata Ini yang Bikin RI Tak Happy Bikin Jet Tempur KFX

31 Desember 2020

Perakitan pesawat tempur KFX (photos : KAI)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Kerjasama Indonesia - Korea Selatan (Korsel) mengenai pengembangan jet tempur KF-X dikabarkan retak. Pasalnya, Proyek jet tempur gabungan yang dinamakan KF-X (Korean Fighter eXperimental) di Korea dan IF-X (Indonesian Fighter eXperimental) di Indonesia itu, sempat terganggu akibat RI gagal membayar tunggakan untuk pengembangan pesawat itu.

Dilansir Korea Joongang, Proyek pengembangan Korea Fighter eXperimental (KF-X), jet tempur pertama yang akan dirakit Korsel, telah menelan biaya triliunan won. Bahkan, proyek itu disebut proyek militer termahal dalam sejarah negeri ginseng. Total biaya pengembangan diperkirakan sekitar 8,5 triliun won ($7,8 miliar), di mana 1,6 triliun won, atau 20%, harus dibayar oleh Indonesia berdasarkan kontrak kemitraan bersama kedua negara yang ditandatangani pada tahun 2016.

Dalam perjalanannya sendiri, negosiasi antara pihak Jakarta dan Seoul selalu menemui jalan buntu. Di tingkat pemerintah Indonesia, suara-suara terkait proyek ini memang masih simpang siur.

Sebelumnya Wakil Menteri Pertahanan (Wamenhan) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono sempat buka-bukaan mengenai nasib proyek ini ke depannya. Meski tak secara eksplisit menyebut bahwa proyek ini batal, namun dia menyampaikan bahwa benefit yang didapat Indonesia dalam proyek ini tak terlalu signifikan.

"Gini, KFX itu kan pesawat tempur. Kita ngirim engineer ke Korea. Ini saya mempelajari. Kita mesti spending US$ 2 miliar, lalu ujungnya kita dapat 1 prototipe," ujar Trenggono dalam sebuah wawancara khusus bersama CNBC Indonesia, Jumat (10/7/2020).

Dari prototipe tersebut, nantinya ternyata Indonesia tak memiliki porsi kepemilikan penuh. Bahkan, Indonesia hanya memiliki porsi kepemilikan minoritas, adapun mayoritasnya menjadi milik Korsel.

"Kita punya ownership itu kira-kira cuma 15%. Tapi ada 9 teknologi yang dikuasai Korea, itu kita nggak dikasih, nggak boleh," kata Trenggono.

Belum lagi, ada ketentuan mengenai batas usia bagi para engineer Indonesia yang dikirimkan ke Korsel. Padahal, dari pengiriman engineer ini, pemerintah berharap ke depannya ada transfer teknologi ke tanah air.

Namun, hal ini sempat diluruskan oleh Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD. Ia sempat memastikan pembicaraan mengenai proyek kerja sama pembuatan jet tempur KFX/IFX antara pemerintah Korsel dengan pemerintah Indonesia tetap dilanjutkan.

Mahfud sempat bertemu dengan Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Korsel Jeong Kyeong-doo di Kantor Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Kamis (12/12/2019). "Pembicaraannya tetap dilanjutkan," kata Mahfud ketika itu.

Ia mengatakan Menhan Korsel sengaja datang ke Indonesia menemui Prabowo. Menurut Mahfud, kunjungan itu bertujuan untuk melanjutkan kerja sama proyek tersebut. Mahfud menyatakan saat ini kedua negara masih dalam proses negosiasi untuk melanjutkan proyek tersebut.

"Itu sekarang masih sedang dinegosiasi dan dari Indonesia memang yang ditunjuk Pak Prabowo Menteri Pertahanan untuk berbicara antar menteri pertahanan," kata Mahfud kala itu.

Menhan Prabowo sendiri telah memimpin diskusi mengenai pengembangan pesawat ini September lalu. Namun, menteri yang juga mantan Danjen Kopassus itu hanya mengatakan bahwa akan meninjau keseluruhan konten anggaran pertahanan dan sistem persenjataan negara terlebih dulu.

Sementara itu di Korsel efek perpecahan ini juga terjadi pada saat prototype pesawat itu telah terpasang seluruh bagiannya. CEO Korean Aviation Industry (KAI), Ahn Hyunho, selaku pembuat pesawat itu tidak menyebutkan Indonesia dalam pernyataannya resminya. Padahal Indonesia merupakan partner utama pengembangan pesawat itu.

"Terima kasih buat kemitraan yang hebat dan kolaborasi industri, universitas dan institut, kami mampu menyelesaikan proses selesai di tengah-tengah krisis covid-19. Tak ada hal lain yang berhasil. Kami akan sukses di proyek KF-X dan dapat membantu keberhasilan industri dirgantara dan ekonomi nasional (Korsel), "jelas Ahn Hyunho dikutip Selasa (15/9/2020).

Tak hanya dari perusahaan saja, parlemen negeri K-pop pun ikut buka suara mengenai hal ini. Menurut Shin Won-shik dari pihak oposisi Partai Kekuatan Rakyat, Indonesia hanya membayar 227,2 miliar won dari 831,6 miliar won yang dijanjikan untuk tahun ini. Pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh Jakarta selama ini hanya mencakup sekitar 13% dari komitmennya.

Collins Class Submarines to Receive Sonar Upgrades

31 Desember 2020

HMAS Sheean Collins class submarine (photo : Aus DoD)

Navy’s Collins Class submarines will undergo significant upgrades to its sonar systems here in Australia through a multi-million dollar contract with Thales Australia.

The two contracts, worth around $23.7 million, are for the design and implementation of the Mine and Obstacle Avoidance System and the High Frequency Intercept Array for the submarine fleet.

The upgrades will not only enhance the capability of the Collins Class fleet but will provide a boost to Australian Defence industry and support Australian jobs.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said both the Mine and Obstacle Avoidance System and High Frequency Intercept Array are important parts of the upgrades to the Collins sonar system.

“Our six Collins Class submarines are a highly capable and regionally superior capability that are only halfway through their operational life,” Minister Reynolds said.

“To ensure this capability maintains its edge, we are upgrading and improving its systems including through sonar upgrades.

“The purpose of a Mine and Obstacle Avoidance System is to acoustically detect obstacles, including mines, which pose a threat to the submarine. The High Frequency Intercept Array detects high frequency noises including sonar transmissions.

“With more than 20 years of investment in Australia by Thales and Defence, these upgrades will complement broader improvements to the sonar capability of the Collins Class, ensuring the regional superiority of the fleet into the future.

“Because of this Government’s action, we have a Collins Class submarine that is now exceeding the Royal Australian Navy’s availability requirement.”

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said Thales had extensive experience working on the Collins fleet and other Australian-based companies would be engaged throughout the contracts.

“These contracts will include about 80 per cent of work being completed by Australian industry,” Minister Price said.

“We can expect these contracts to support 30 new jobs with Thales Australia in Rydalmere, NSW and additional jobs along the supply chain – jobs that will continue throughout the contracts.

“Once again, we are backing Aussie businesses and creating jobs in our defence industry, which is in turn helping the national economy on its road to recovery after COVID-19.”

NSW Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, Stuart Ayres said, “Thales Australia has a long history of supporting the Royal Australian Navy with sonars, periscopes and other electronic systems proven with the fleet at sea.

“The sonar systems developed by Thales Australia represents a major contribution to an enduring sovereign sonar capability for the nation.”

PTDI Serahkan 1 Helikopter Bell 412 kepada TNI AD

31 Desember 2020

Bell 412EPI pesanan TNI AD (photo : PT DI, Penerbad)

PTDI lakukan delivery 1 unit helikopter Bell 412EPI untuk TNI AD pada hari Selasa 29/12. 

Ini merupakan 1 unit pertama yang dikirimkan dari kontrak pengadaan 9 unit helikopter Bell 412EPI dengan Kementerian Pertahanan RI untuk TNI AD yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 28 Desember 2018.

PTDI selalu siap memenuhi pesanan berikutnya dari Kementerian Pertahanan RI, sebagai wujud komitmen PTDI dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan kekuatan matra udara negara Indonesia.

Japan to Develop "Domestic Tomahawk" with Range of 2,000 km and New Type-12 Anti-ship Missile Extended to 1,500 km

31 Desember 2020

New cruise missiles will be developed by Japan (photo : Sankei Shimbun)

It was revealed on the 28th that the range of the new anti-ship guided bullets that the government is conducting research and development will reach about 2,000 kilometers. If the deployment is realized, it will be the longest range of missiles owned by the Self-Defense Forces. Apart from this, it was also found that a plan to extend the range of the Type 12 surface-to-ship guided bullet operated by the Ground Self-Defense Force to 1500 km in the future has emerged. By promoting the development of long-range missiles that can be called "domestic Tomahawks," the aim is to strengthen the deterrence of the Self-Defense Forces. Several government officials have revealed.

The Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency began research on the new anti-ship guided ammunition in 2018, and by the second year of Reiwa, a total of 10.5 billion yen was allocated. The company plans to develop a prototype by FY4 and conduct performance tests within the same year.

The range is about 2,000 km, and even if it is launched from Japan on the ground, China and North Korea will be in range. We will also pursue stealth ability to reduce the detectability from radar and high mobility to prevent interception from enemies with complicated movements. In addition to ground launch, it also enables launch from ships and aircraft.

Type 12 land-to-ship cruise missile (photo : Wiki)

The range of the Type 12 surface-to-ship guided ammunition was decided to be extended by a cabinet meeting on the 18th of this month. For the time being, it will be extended from the conventional 200 km to 900 km, but the final goal is 1500 km.

In 2017, the government decided to acquire the Norwegian-made "JSM" (range 500 km) to be mounted on the F35 fighter and the US-made "JASSM" and "LRASM" (both range 900 km) to be mounted on the F15 fighter it was. The new anti-ship guided missiles and the Type-12 range far exceed these, and are comparable to the US cruise missile "Tomahawk," which has a range of more than 1,600 kilometers.

Regarding the introduction of long-range missiles, the government explained that it "effectively blocks the opponent's attacks while ensuring the safety of SDF personnel." The aim is to make it easier to deal with the situation by having a missile that exceeds the range of the opponent, and it is mainly envisioned to defend the islands.

When deployed in the Nansei Islands, 1500 km will cover Pyongyang and 2,000 km will cover Beijing. The government decided to postpone the examination of the enemy base attack capability indefinitely by a cabinet decision in December, but if North Korea and China recognize the SDF's long-range missile as "enemy base attack capability", it will attack Japan. It can also be expected to have the effect of discouraging itself.

Delivery of Primary Weapons for Navy Frigates Set for 2021, 2022

31 Desember 2020

Delivery of MBDA Mistral short range surface-to-air missiles expected by October 2021 (photo : MBDA)

MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) said Wednesday the surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles of BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) and BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) are scheduled for delivery in October next year and the first quarter of 2022, respectively. 

"(Deliveries for) the surface-to-air missile is (on) October 2021 and March 2022 for the surface-to-surface missile," Navy public affairs office chief, Lt. Commander Maria Christina Roxas, said in a message to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) when sought for updates on the acquisition of primary weapons of the two guided-missile frigates.

Roxas said the surface-to-surface missile project is under "Frigate Acquisition Lot 2A" and that South Korean defense manufacturer LIG Nex 1 would deliver C-Star missiles. 

Delivery of the LIGNex1 SSM-700K C-Star anti-ship missiles expected by March 2022 (photo : weapons parade)

The C-Star is described as a "sea-skimming surface-to-surface anti-ship cruise missile".

Meanwhile, the surface-to-air missile project is under "Frigate Acquisition Lot 2B" and was awarded to MBDA, France, which would deliver a quantity of Mistral 3 anti-aircraft missiles.

The BRP Jose Rizal and BRP Antonio Luna are modern warships capable of surface, sub-surface, air, and electronic warfare using state-of-the-art electronic sensors, long-range missiles, acoustic guided torpedoes, and an embarked anti-submarine helicopter.

The BRP Jose Rizal was delivered to the Philippines in May and commissioned last July, while the BRP Antonio Luna is expected to be delivered to the PN by February next year.

The contract for the two ships was placed at PHP16 billion with another PHP2 billion for weapon systems and munitions. 


30 Desember 2020

Denkav 4/SP Latihan UST Tingkat Kompi

30 Desember 2020

Latihan UST Denkav 4/SP (all photos : Denkav 4/SP)

Detasemen Kavaleri 4/Simha Pasupati melaksanakan kegiatan latihan Uji Satuan Tingkat (UST) Kompi berlokasi di wilayah Kabupaten Jembrana dan Buleleng.

Pelaksanaan Latihan UST tersebut diikuti sebanyak 158 personel, diantaranya 118 personel dari Denkav 4/SP dan 40 personel pendukung dari Rindam IX/Udayana serta Kendaraan tempur jenis Anoa dan Tarantula dengan materi latihan : pemindahan pasukan dan berbivak, operasi lawan insurjensi (pam rute, pam objek vital, pam pemukiman, patroli keamanan, penyergapan, pelingkaran, penghadangan, dan pengejaran serta melaksanakan pemeriksaan kampung yang mencurigakan sebagai daerah penyelamatan musuh).

Dalam latihan UST Denkav 4/SP Kodam IX/Udayana ini Pangdam IX/Udayana Mayjen TNI Kurnia Dewantara, S.I.P., bertindak selaku pimpinan umum dan Komandan latihan Danrindam IX/Udayana Kolonel Inf Joao Xavier Barreto Nunes, S.E. dengan tujuan untuk menguji dan mengukur kemampuan tempur satuan tingkat Kompi dalam mengaplikasikan teknik, taktik, dan prosedur tingkat Kompi Kavaleri.

Terkait program latihan UST Kompi Denkav 4/SP, diharapkan latihan kali ini dapat membawa perubahan menuju perbaikan dalam rangka pencapaian Tugas Pokok.

Detasemen Kavaleri 4/Shima Pasupati (Denkav 4/SP) adalah sebuah satuan kavaleri di bawah Kodam IX/Udayana yang bermarkas di Jl.Kediri, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali.

Two More P-8A Poseidon Aircraft Boosts Maritime Patrol Capability

30 Desember 2020

RAAF P-8A Poseidon airctraft (photo : Aus DoD)

Air Force’s maritime patrol capability will be boosted with Australia set to acquire two more P-8A Poseidon surveillance and response aircraft, bringing the total fleet size to 14.

The Government has also approved sustainment funding for the current approved fleet of three MQ-4C Triton aircraft.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said the announcement is part of the Morrison Government’s unprecedented $270 billion investment in defence capability over the next decade.

“Together, the Poseidon and the Triton will provide Australia with one of the most advanced maritime patrol and response capabilities in the world,” Minister Reynolds said.

“The Poseidon is a proven capability that will conduct tasks including anti-submarine warfare, maritime and overland intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and support to search and rescue missions.

“These additional aircraft will enhance Air Force’s flexibility to support multiple operations and will play an important role in ensuring Australia’s maritime region is secure for generations to come.”

“The Morrison Government’s continued investment in the Poseidon program is also creating more Australian jobs and opportunities for Australian small businesses.

“Several Australian companies are already completing work for Boeing Defence Australia, and industry investment including facilities works is over $1 billion.”

The additional Poseidon aircraft are to be purchased through our existing Cooperative Program with the United States Navy.

Minister Reynolds said being part of the Cooperative Program with the United States Navy allows Australia to share in the benefits of their technical expertise and divide project costs.

“Defence is committed to this cooperative approach; together we are striving to develop this military technology to the highest standards,” Minister Reynolds said.

The Poseidon is a highly versatile, long endurance platform capable of a range of mission types including Maritime Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance and striking targets above and below the ocean’s surface.

The planned integration of the Long Range Anti-ship Missile (LRASM) into Air Force capability will also allow it to strike adversary surface vessels at significantly increased ranges.

Filipino Satellite Makers Arrive in Japan for Testing Phase of CubeSats Maya-3, Maya-4

30 Desember 2020

Maya-3 and Maya-4 cubesats (photo : PhilippinesGraphic)

The first batch of scholars of the Space Science and Technology Proliferation through University Partnerships (STeP-UP) has arrived in Japan for the testing phase of their own cube satellites.

The scholars, who are under the Space Technology & Applications Mastery, Innovation and Advancement (STAMINA4Space) program led by the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman, have been in the East Asian country as early as Dec. 21, as per the said program’s announcement on Facebook the next day.

Under the said program, they were able to build the first locally made cube satellites, which were named Maya-3 and Maya-4.

The scholars were trained in the first-ever Master’s in Engineering in Electrical Engineering program, with a special focus on nanosatellite engineering, at the UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute with the help of its partner, the Kyushu Institute of Technology (KyuTech) in Japan, according to UP’s release on Nov. 23.

Maya-3 and Maya-4, which weigh barely over a kilogram each, “can contribute considerably to the country’s economic, territorial, and disaster risk reduction efforts,” UP stated.

Also under the STAMINA4Space program, which is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the first Filipino-made nanosatellite named Maya-1 returned only last month after two years of orbiting the Earth.

The said program “aims to continue and build up the research and capacity building activities from the PHL-Microsat Program on satellite development and operation in the country,” as stated by UP on its website.

The Philippines started investing in space programs back in 2012, an effort that eventually led to the establishment of the Philippine Space Agency last year, DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development Dr. Rowena Cristina Guevarra noted in her Dec. 8 talk at the Space Engineering International Course at KyuTech.

Kemenhub Bakal Pesan Pesawat N219 untuk Jangkau Daerah 3TP

30 Desember 2020

Pesawat angkut ringan N219 (photo : Akang Abdiel)

Jakarta: Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) berencana memesan pesawat N219 untuk tiga keperluan yakni kalibrasi fasilitas penerbangan, memenuhi kebutuhan untuk menjangkau daerah 3TP (Tertinggal, Terpencil, Terluar, dan Perbatasan), dan angkutan perintis.
"Selain untuk kalibrasi fasilitas penerbangan dan kebutuhan daerah 3TP, juga akan digunakan untuk angkutan perintis," kata Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi dalam keterangan tertulis dikutip dari Antara, Senin, 28 Desember 2020.
Hal tersebut disampaikan Menhub usai menyaksikan Kemenhub secara resmi menyerahkan sertifikat tipe Pesawat N219 kepada PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) di Kantor Kementerian Perhubungan Jakarta, hari ini.

Menhub mengapresiasi tersertifikasinya pesawat N219 yang merupakan karya anak bangsa. Selesainya proses sertifikasi tipe diharapkan menjadi tonggak bersejarah kebangkitan industri rancang bangun pesawat udara di Indonesia setelah era pengembangan pesawat buatan anak bangsa N250 sekitar 30 tahun lalu yang diprakarsai oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia ke-3 BJ Habibie.
"Saya berharap, pencapaian ini dapat menjadi motivasi PT Dirgantara Indonesia untuk terus berinovasi, karena masih diperlukan penyempurnaan teknis pada pesawat generasi selanjutnya sehingga bisa bersaing dengan pesawat buatan luar negeri dan mempunyai daya jual yang tinggi," jelasnya.
Pesawat N219 ini merupakan hasil kerja sama PT Dirgantara Indonesia dan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) ini telah menyelesaikan seluruh rangkaian pengujian sertifikasi dan resmi memperoleh Type Certificate di akhir 2020.
Sertifikat yang menandakan bahwa pesawat sebentar lagi bisa diproduksi massal itu diberikan oleh otoritas kelaikudaraan sipil yang berwenang di Indonesia, yakni Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara/DKPPU Kementerian Perhubungan.

The Royal Thai Navy Conducts Amphibious Combat Training for the Year 2021

30 Desember 2020

RTN Amphibious Combat Training 2021 (all photos : Sompong Nondhasa)

Amphibious combat training of landing and service operations that took place between 22-25 December 2020 as part of the training of personnel and tactics of the Navy for Fiscal year 2021. 

Previously, between 7-8 December 1990, there was training in the Naval Air Division and Naval Special Warfare Unit of the training fleet Royal Thai Navy which is a big training at the end of this year.

Six AAV7A1 amphibious vehicles from the Amphibious Battalion Marine Corps was trained with Royal Thai Navy Landing Ship HTMS Ang Thong (791), Large Landing Ship Sichang-class : HTMS Surin (722) and HTMS Sichang (721).

Landing Craft of the Royal Thai Navy Thong Kaeo-class HTMS Thong Lang (772) send a truck that controls the Anti-Aircraft Command and the Coastal Defense, also a helicopter anti-ship surface Leonardo Super Lynx 300 seen in this series of pictures.

Currently, the landing and service fleet It is in the process of procuring a Type 071E LPD from China, which is expected to be delivered in about a year 2023.

The training of the Royal Thai Navy during the year 2020 was severely affected by the coronavirus Covid-19, which led to the cancellation, postponement and rescheduling of in-unit training and joint training with many foreign countries.

Including throughout the year 2020, the Royal Thai Navy has commissioned new ships, namely second tugboat Panyee-class HTMS Lipe (858) and the M21-class patrol boat, the boat Tor. 114, the number of 2 ships, and the boat, Tor. 115 only one, for total 3 boats.


29 Desember 2020

Pemeliharaan Ranpur Denkav 3/SC

29 Desember 2020

Ranpur AMX-13 APC, Tarantula kanon, Anoa APC, dan panser V-150 Commando (all photos : Denkav 3/SC)

Profil Kesatuan Denkav-3/SC

Detasemen Kavaleri 3/Srigala Ceta atau Denkav 3 terletak di Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua. Latar belakang terbentuknya Detasemen Kavaleri 3/Srigala Ceta tidak terlepas dari sejarah panjang lahirnya Detasemen Kavaleri 3/Srigala Ceta. 

Berdasarkan Surat Perintah Kasad Nomor Sprin/1472/VIII/1997 tanggal 21 Agustus 1997 tentang pembentukan 1 Tonkavser sebagai embrio Detasemen Kavaleri-3 Kodam VIII/Trikora. Dibawah pembinaan Pussenkav terorganisasi 1 Ton Kavser dengan jumlah personel 32 orang yang diambil dari beberapa satuan Kavaleri sebagai embrio Denkav-3 Kodam VIII/Trikora, beserta 6 unit Ranpur Panser Commando V-150 yang disiapkan dari Yonkav 7 Kodam Jaya di bawah pimpinan Letda Kav Sugi Mulyanto berangkat menuju Timika-Irian Jaya di bawah Komando Kodam VIII/Trikora yang selanjutnya merupakan Dantonkavser pertama. Pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2005 Denkav-3/Srigala Ceta Kodam XVII/Trikora diresmikan secara langsung oleh Pangdam XVII/Trikora dan pelantikan Dandenkav- 3/Srigala Ceta sekaligus menjadi hari jadi Denkav-3/Srigala Ceta.

Keberadaan Denkav 3 di Kabupaten Mimika Provinsi Papua yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah dan hutan yang luas tak lepas dari gangguan keamanan oleh kelompok separatis bersenjata yang sering kita kenal sebagai OPM. Oleh sebab itu Denkav 3 memiliki resiko dan kerawanan tugas yang cukup tinggi.

Dengan lokasi yang ekstrim serta kerawanan terhadap gangguan keamanan maka Denkav 3 dalam menunjang tugas pokoknya dilengkapi dengan alutsista sebagai berikut :

1. Ranpur tank AMX-13

2. Ranpur panser Commando V-150

3. Ranpur panser Tarantula

4. Ranpur panser Anoa

Dalam membina kemampuan anggotanya, Denkav 3 melaksanakan program latihan serta dilengkapi sarana dan prasarana untuk menunjang terlaksananya tugas pokok TNI Angkatan Darat.

Penggunaan kekuatan Denkav 3 terbagi dalam beberapa tugas operasi baik tempur maupun non tempur. Tugas operasi untuk detasemen dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun dan terus menerus mengingat Denkav 3 terletak di daerah rawan dengan banyak konflik bersenjata. Tugas non tempur juga sering dilaksanakan oleh Denkav 3 antara lain tugas teritorial terbatas serta tugas penanggulangan bencana alam. Termasuk tugas operasi luar negeri, Denkav 3 sering mengirimkan perwakilan prajurit terbaiknya dalam rangka mengemban amanat undang-undang untuk berperan aktif dalam menjaga perdamaian dunia. (Artha Media)

Pemeliharaan Ranpur

Dalam menjalankan tugas pengamanan objek vital nasional dari gangguan kelompok sipil bersenjata, Detasemen Kavaleri 3/Srigala Ceta selalu berkomitmen dalam menjalankan tugas operasi. Dengan medan operasi yang cukup sulit tentunya akan berpengaruh terhadap kendaraan tempur yang digunakan.

Tak banyak kendaraan tempur di Indonesia yang mempunyai reputasi memukau dalam waktu operasionalnya yang demikian panjang, salah satunya adalah kendaraan tempur V-150 buatan Amerika ini. Panser yang mempunyai 4 roda ini didatangkan ke Tanah Air sekitar  tahun 1970an dan hingga kini menjadi andalan dalam berbagai operasi militer.

Seiring perkembangan usia ranpur, jam operasi, medan operasi dan keterbatasan suku cadang munculah berbagai permasalahan kerusakan terhadap ranpur V-150 ini. Kami memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada di wilayah medan operasi kami, salah satunya dengan mengkanibal spare parts dari alat berat tambang untuk pergantian spare parts asli ranpur yang sudah susah didapat. Upaya ini kami laukan untuk mempersiapkan ranpur agar selalu siap beroperasi. 

Permasalahan tersebut tidak menyurutkan semangat dan upaya satuan Denkav 3/Srigala Ceta dalam pemeliharaan ranpur, justru dari masalah dan keterbatasan tersebut munculah ide-ide kreativitas kami dalam mengatasi kerusakan tersebut.

Tak kalah penting pemeliharaan garasi ranpur terus kami lakukan. Untuk memperlengkap kinerja dalam operasi, pemeliharaan senjata terus kami lakukan agar senjata selalu siap digunakan sewaktu-waktu. Upaya-upaya yang kami lakukan itu merupakan wujud profesionalisme TNI dalam mengemban tugas dan melindungi kedaulatan wilayah negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Terhitung mulai tanggal 5 Oktober 2007 Kodam XVII/Trikora berubah kembali menjadi Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih. Sedangkan pada tanggal 19 Desember 2016 pemerintah melakukan pemekaran di Papua Barat dengan membentuk Kodam XVIII/Kasuari yang berada di Jayapura. Denkav 3/Srigala Ceta masuk kedalam Kodam XVII/Cendrawasih, sedangkan di Kodam XVIII/Kasuari sedang persiapan pembentukan satuan kavaleri.  

(Denkav 3)

RTA's 6th Infantry Division Receives Rafael’s SPIKE Missile systems

29 Desember 2020

SPIKE MR ATGM and its launcher (photo : Slovenska_vojska)

Earlier this year, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems supplied the Royal Thai Army (RTA) a supply of SPIKE MR - medium range - missiles for its 6th Infantry Division.

SPIKE MR is an electro-optical Fire & Forget missile, and is part of the wider SPIKE missile family, consisting of the SR, MR, LR2, ER2, NLOS variants of electro-optical, multi-purpose, multi-platform missiles, with ranges of up to 32km and fire-and-update capabilities.

To date, SPIKE has been sold to 35 countries, including 19 NATO nations, with over 33,000 missiles already supplied and more than 6,000 fired in tests and in combat. SPIKE missiles have been integrated onto 45 different vehicular, helicopter and naval platforms.

KASAU Periksa Rantis ILSV J-Force Korpaskhas

29 Desember 2020

Kendaraan ILSV J-Force Kops Paskhas TNI AU (photos : TNI AU)

Kasau Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, S.E., M.P.P., memeriksa  Kendaraan Taktis (Rantis) Korpaskhas jenis Indonesian Light  Strike Vehicle (ILSV) J-Force di Mabesau Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Senin (28/12/2020).

Perlengkapan yang periksa meliputi bagian  persenjataan, alat komunikasi, dan sarana pendukungnya. Kendaraan ini  mampu melaksanakan misi penyerangan, pengintaian, komunikasi, patroli jarak jauh, dan bantuan kemanusiaan.

Rantis ILSV J-Force,  karya anak bangsa pabrikan PT. Jala Berikat Nusantara Perkasa dan didukung PT.Dirgantara Indonesia ini, juga dilapisi plat baja pelindung yang dapat menahan amunisi.

Turut hadir mendampingi Kasau, Wakasau Marsdya TNI Fahru Zaini Isnanto, S.H., M.D.S., para Asisten Kasau, Dankorpaskhas, Kadispenau, dan para pejabat di jajaran Korpaskhas.

Australian F-35A Lightning II Achieves Initial Operational Capability, Cleared to Deploy for Operations

29 Desember 2020

A pair of F-35A Lightning II aircraft (A35-015 and A35-024) fly in formation along the Newcastle region coastline during Exercise Lightning Storm (photo : Aus DoD)

Australia’s F-35A Lightning II fleet can now be deployed on operations, with Initial Operational Capability being officially achieved today.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said the F-35s are the most advanced, multi-role stealth fighter in the world.

“The fifth-generation F-35A, along with the F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler, is key to our air combat capability and critical to achieving the objectives set out in the 2020 Defence Strategic Update to Shape, Deter and Respond,” Minister Reynolds said.

“For the last two years, Defence has rigorously tested the F-35A fleet to assess aircraft and system performance, and declare this important milestone.

“I would like to thank everyone that has worked so hard to get us to this point; to have accomplished all the required testing and materiel delivery is remarkable.

“The Australian Defence Force now has an F-35A squadron ready to conduct technologically advanced strike and air combat roles, and another squadron dedicated to providing world-class training here in Australia.

“While 2020 presented significant challenges to all of us, and travel restrictions made it difficult to ferry our aircraft to Australia, the huge efforts of Defence, industry and our partners in the United States made today’s achievement possible.”

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said cooperation with industry had set Defence up for long-term success.

“Our defence industry has played a critical role in achieving today’s milestone, which continues the success story of Australia’s involvement in the F-35 global program,” Minister Price said.

“Just last month we announced that more than 50 Australian companies have shared in $2.7 billion in contracts, demonstrating the Morrison Government’s commitment to backing Australian industry and supporting Australian jobs.

“Australia will continue to work with the United States F-35 Joint Program Office and our industry partners as more aircraft are delivered through to 2023, and a mature capability is achieved.”

Italian shipyard Offer its Surface Combatant Ship

29 Desember 2020

Fincantieri FREMM frigate (photo : marina difesa)

Japan Wants to Sell the Frigates to Indonesia, the Italian Offer also Appears

Among the priorities of the Tokyo government is the export of military equipment with particular attention to the area of ​​Japanese influence.

Japan is allegedly pushing the sale of military ships to Indonesia in order to fuel the vision of a "free Indo-Pacific".

The units in question would be the "30FFM" classified as destroyers by Japan but frigates in all respects.

Tokyo has in fact chosen to launch this new class of ships to support the larger units and carry out the "minor" tasks.

A way to increase the operational capacity and the number of ships available to the Chief of Staff to face China more widely. The numbers are in fact very important: 8 units for the first batch and 22 for the second.

The price, including four units, should be 300 billion yen for the Indonesian tax payer .

Taking into account the exchange rate (1 yen = 0.0082 euros as of November 6, 2020), the expenditure is 2.45 billion euros, specifically 612 million euros per unit.

Mitsubishi 30FFM (photo : NavalNews)

30DX or 30FFM

The proposed Japanese units, which can give us a rough idea of ​​what Jakarta wants, have a displacement of around 5,000 tons, a length of 130 meters and a width of 16 meters.

The armament consists of a Mk-45 cannon in the bow, two quadruple Type 17 anti-ship missile launchers, a SeaRAM launcher, Type 12 light torpedoes and 16 VLS Mk-41 cells.

Propulsion is ensured by a Rolls Royce MT30 gas turbine and two MAN diesel generators , in the CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas) configuration, capable of propelling the Japanese frigate to more than 30 knots.

The radar is the AESA OPY-2 in X-band is derived from the FCS-3 already installed on several units of the Japanese Navy. To complete the suite of sensors, the OAX-3 for EO/IR, OQQ-25 consisting of the sonar in the bow and the trailed bulb and OQQ-11 for minesweeper operations. All managed by the OYQ-1 Combat Management System (CMS).

The frigates are also capable of carrying out "minesweepers" missions thanks to the use of remotely controlled means and to lay mines.

The diamond point of the ships is the innative bridge that uses virtual reality.

A total of 90 crew members can be found on board.

Fincantieri PPA (image : Occar)

The Italian offer

As reported by “The Japan News”, in addition to the Japanese offer, an “Italian shipyard” also shows the intention to participate when some important parameters such as price and participation of local industries are set.

It can be clearly understood that the “Italian shipyard” is Fincantieri .

The Trieste group could offer both a version of the FREMM "cut" for Indonesian needs, the Multipurpose Offshore Patrol/Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura (PPA) or the "corvette" for Qatar Doha class.

The above figures are very high but it is not clear whether or not they include other costs such as logistical and training support.

However, taking the figures aseptically, it is consequent to make a comparison with the sale of the two FREMMs to Egypt for 1.2 billion euros.

Here too it is not known with certainty the list of expenses but we are at 600 million euros per unit.

On an order of four ships it is possible to make greater use of the economy of scale and to meet the needs of the customer.

The same Multipurpose Offshore Patrol boats have equipment and dimensions that do not differ much from the 30DX.

The graphic will appear clearer.