30 November 2017

Pengerjaan Proyek 5 Kapal LST Sesuai Rencana

30 November 2017

Pengerjaan LST di DRU (photo : defence.pk)

Pengerjaan proyek 5 kapal jenis Landing Ship Tank (LST) dipastikan telah sesuai dengan waktu yang telah direncanakan. Kepastian tersebut didapat setelah Kementerian Pertahanan melaksanakan kunjungan kerja ke PT Daya Radar Utama (DRU) di bandar lampung selaku Badan Usaha Milik Swasta Strategis. Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kemhan, Brigjen Totok Sugiharto menyatakan, dari 5 pengadaan LST, 1 LST yaitu Kapal Republik Indonesia (KRI) Bintuni 520 telah beroperasional, sementara 4 LST lainnya direncanakan akan diselesaikan secara bertahap mulai pada pertengahan tahun 2018 mendatang.

"PT DRU telah mendukung program penguatan Alutsista, khususnya armada laut guna mendukung pertahanan maritim di Indonesia. Sudah menghasilkan banyak kapal dengan sebagian besar komponen dalam negeri," kata Totok dalam rilisnya yang diterima redaksi elshinta.com, Rabu (29/11). 

Tidak hanya pembangunan LST, PT DRU yang berada di Lamongan Jawa Timur saat ini juga tengah mengerjakan 17 unit Landing Craft Unit (LCU) untuk TNI Angkatan Darat. Selain untuk keperluan militer, PT DRU juga memenuhi pesanan kapal untuk Bea dan Cukai serta Kementerian kelautan dan perikanan.

Dikatakan Kapuskom Publik Kemhan, keterlibatan BUMS Strategis dalam mendukung pertahanan maritim menunjukkan bentuk sinergitas antara BUMN dengan BUMS dalam mewujudkan kemandirian industri pertahanan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri.

Kemampuan PT DRU dalam memenuhi standar spesikasi membuktikan bahwa BUMS Strategis sebenarnya telah mampu. Terlebih dalam pembuatan LST ini murni hasil karya cipta anak indonesia tanpa adanya campur tangan dari negara lain.

Walaupun merupakan karya asli anak bangsa, diakui Totok Sugiharto, masih ada beberapa komponen yang harus di impor seperti mesin utama dan generator. Untuk saat ini lokal konten LST buatan PT DRU telah mencapai 30 persen dan terus di tingkatkan.


Revolutionary New Battlefield Command System for the Army

30 November 2017

Elbit Systems battlefield command system (image : Army Recognition)

The way wars are fought on the modern battlefield will be revolutionised with a new Battlefield Command System for the Army.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP and Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne today announced the approval of the Land 200 Tranche 2 Project.

Worth up to $1.4 billion, the project will enhance the Australian Defence Force’s digital command, control and communications systems and support hundreds of local jobs.

Minister Pyne said Harris Communications Australia will deliver the tactical communications network, including encrypted radios, and Elbit Systems of Australia will enhance the Battle Management System software, which tracks our units, delivered under Land 200 Tranche 1.

“Together they form the Battlefield Command System, which allows commanders to plan, monitor, direct and review operations in real time,” said Minister Pyne.

Minister Payne said this will change the way the Army fights by continuing its transformation from an analogue voice and paper-based force to a modern digital one.

“It will improve our land combat and amphibious warfare capabilities by providing fast, accurate information over secure and reliable digital communications,” said Minister Payne.

“The Battlefield Command System will integrate with weapon systems in Australia’s tanks and future combat vehicles, increasing decision speed and the ability to share information across the battlefield.”

Minister Pyne said Harris and Elbit’s Australian workforce will grow as a result of the Turnbull Government’s investment.

“Harris’ Australian workforce will increase by 70 to 120 positions in Brisbane and another 15 new positions will be established by their major subcontractor, Boeing Defence Australia,” said Minister Pyne.

“Elbit’s Australian workforce to support Land 200 will grow by 70 to 122 with 67 in Brisbane and 55 in Melbourne.”

Australian industry involvement is valued around $215 million for acquisition and this is expected to nearly double to around $400 million during project sustainment.

(Aus DoD)

29 November 2017

Denarhanud Rudal Bontang Uji Coba Rudal Grom di Pantai Sekerat

29 November 2017

Rudal Grom dan pengujian di pantai Sekerat, Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur (photos : AP, TNI AD)

TNI AD – Sangatta. Pangdam VI/Mulawarman Mayjen TNI Sonhadji meninjau langsung uji coba Rudal Grom yang dilaksanakan prajurit Denarhanud Rudal 002/Bontang, di Pantai Sekarat Bengalon, Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur, Sabtu (25/11/2017).

Kemampuan prajurit yang dikomandani Mayor Arh Reindi Trisetyo ini, diuji dalam mengoperasikan sekaligus menembakan senjata berat 23 mm bersama Rudal Poprad.

Sebuah pesawat diterbangkan yang disimulasikan pesawat musuh memasuki kawasan vital di Indonesia. Saat pesawat memasuki udara Indonesia, langsung dilakukan deteksi untuk mengetahui tujuan pesawat memasuki kawasan terlarang di Indonesia. Kemudian, peringatan dilakukan namun diabaikan sehingga sejumlah rudal diluncurkan. “Pelucuran rudal merupakan tindakan terakhir,” terang Mayor Arh Reindi Trisetyo.

Disebutkan, Rudal Grom adalah rudal jenis Short Range Air Defence alias rudal pertahanan udara jarak pendek. Sebagai rudal SAM ringan, Grom pertama kali diproduksi pada tahun 1995, dirancang oleh Military Institute of Armament Technology dan diproduksi oleh Mesko, Skarzysko-Kamienna, manufaktur senjata asal Polandia. “Rudal Grom mulai memperkuat Detasemen Rudal 002 Kodam VI/Mulawarman yang mengamankan obyek vital di Bontang,”ujarnya.

Mayor Arh Reindi Trisetyo menyampaikan, berdasarkan data, Rudal Grom milik Arhanud TNI AD bisa dipasang dalam platform peluncur Poprad dan meriam 23-mm/ZUR komposit. Poprad yang dipakai oleh TNI AD, menggunakan platform Jip Defender dari Land Rover. Dalam satu Jip tersedia 4 (empat) peluncur Grom yang bisa berputar 360 derajat.

“Dengan adopsi peluncur Grom pada kendaraan berkemampuan off road, diharapkan gelar operasi rudal ini dapat lebih mobile dan fleksibel. Umumnya dalam satu Jip peluncur membawa 8 rudal, 4 yang siap tembak dan sisanya 4 rudal sebagai cadangan,”tutur Mayor Arh Reindi Trisetyo.

RMAF Receives RM6m Mobile Electronic Warfare Simulator Prototype

29 November 2017

The prototype of the Mobile Radar Threat Emitter Simulator (MTES) (photo : MalaysiaToday)

KOTA BELUD: The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) received a RM6 million prototype of a mobile electronic warfare simulator system, the first of its kind in the country, here today.

The system, called Mobile Radar Threat Emitter Simulator (MRTES), will be used in electronic warfare training for pilots, especially of fighter planes.

Electronic warfare is a war system that degrades the effectiveness of enemy radar and radio systems by using radar jamming and deception methods.

RMAF chief Gen Affendi Bujang received the prototype from Syed Mohamad Jamil, representative of the company which made the system, Syarikat Ikramatic Systems Sdn Bhd, during a ceremony on the sidelines of an air force exercise here.

“The MRTES is another important asset that will increase RMAF’s capability to defend our airspace,” Affendi told reporters after the handover ceremony.

According to Affendi, the system was also the pride of the country as it was fully developed by a local company using local resources.

KOTA BELUD: Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) has launched a prototype of a portable radar simulator system which will be used for training purposes.

“MRTES is the first of its kind in Malaysia and was designed and developed fully by local engineers,” he said.

“MRTES took three years to develop, and has passed our tests.

“We expect to receive more of the simulators, which will be cheaper and equipped with additional systems in the future.”

Earlier, Affendi witnessed the Paradrop Deepstrike Insertion and Extraction Exercise or Paradise at the RMAF’s air range here.

More than 500 personnel and 30 aircraft took part in the exercise which showcased RMAF’s capability to carry out special forces troops air infiltration and extraction, as well as precision laser-guided air-to-ground missile strikes on stationary targets at the range.

(Malaysia Today)

28 November 2017

Batalyon Marinir Jaguar Yudha Khatulistiwa Resmi Perkuat Kalimantan Barat

28 November 2017

Batalyon Marhanlan XII Jaguar Yudha Khatulistiwa - Pontianak (photos : Marinir)

Pontianak - Komandan Korps Marinir (Dankormar) Mayjen TNI (Mar) Bambang Suswantono, S.H., M.H., M.Tr (Han), meresmikan Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan (Yonmarhanlan) XII Pontianak, di Alun-alun Kota Pontianak Kalimantan Barat, peresmian tersebut dihadiri oleh Komandan Lantamal XII Pontianak Brigadir Jenderal (Brigjen) TNI (Mar) Endi Supardi didampingi Ketua Korcab XII DJAB Ny. Nana Endi Supardi.

Selain meresmikan Yonmarhanlan XII Pontianak, Komandan Korps Marinir juga mengukuhkan Mayor Marinir Eko Budi, M.Tr Hanla sebagai Komandan Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan XII Pontianak, yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Dik USMC CMD dan Staf Collage di AS.

Dalam amanatnya, Komandan Korps Marinir mengatakan peresmian Yonmarhanlan XII Pontianak dan pengukuhan Danyonmarhanlan XII Pontianak merupakan realisasi pengembangan dan validasi organisasi Korps Marinir dalam rangka membangun kekuatan pertahanan sesuai postur dan Esential Force (EF) TNI Angkatan Laut. Walau dihadapkan dengan keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana yang belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi, akan tetapi mengingat kebutuhan organisasi agar tugas dan peranan TNI AL khususnya Lantamal XII Pontianak dapat lebih optimal dalam menjaga keutuhan kedaulatan Negara Indonesia dari segala gangguan dan ancaman, maka keberadaan Yonmarhanlan XII Pontianak sangat dibutuhkan kehadirannya sesuai tugas pokoknya untuk menyelenggarakan pertahanan pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut serta melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain dalam rangka mendukung tugas Lantamal XII Pontianak.

“Secara geografis Kabupaten Mempawah yang terletak di Kalimantan Barat merupakan wilayah Indonesia yang sangat dekat dengan perbatasan Malaysia dan jalur ALKI II, sehingga sangat rawan akan terjadinya tindakan pelanggaran dan ancaman kedaulatan bangsa Indonesia seperti halnya yang terjadi di perairan Natuna. Maka diharapkan, dengan diresmikannya Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan XII Pontianak dapat memberikan efek deterrent dari segala bentuk gangguan dan ancaman terhadap keutuhan wilayah NKRI khususnya di wilayah Kalimantan Utara dan sekitarnya”, tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut dikatakan, Yonmarhanlan XII Pontianak yang merupakan Satuan pelaksana Pasmar-2 jakarta yang secara pembinaan dibawah korps marinir dan secara operasional dibawah lantamal XII Pontianak, dituntut untuk selalu memiliki kesiapsiagaan operasi yang tinggi, sehingga dapat melaksanakan tugas operasi yang diberikan oleh Lantamal XII Pontianak dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Diakhir amanatnya, Dankormar menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada Mayor Marinir Eko Budi atas kepercayaan pimpinan sebagai Danyonmarhanlan XII Pontianak dan ucapan terima kasih, penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada Danlantamal XII Pontianak dan jajaran Pemda Kalimantan Barat serta seluruh pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan baik berupa moril maupun materil mulai dari penyiapan hingga terlaksananya acara peresmian dan pengukuhan Komandan Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan XII Pontianak.

Sebelum peresmian Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan XII akan di ramaikan dengan berbagai pameran alutsista atau kirab mengililingi Kota Pontianak dan atraksi Terjun bebas oleh Pasukan DENJAK dan INTAI AMPHIBI dengan ketinggian 6.000 kaki.

Hadir dalam peresmian tersebut, Gubernur Kalbar Drs. Cornelis, M.H., Danpasmar 2 Brigjen TNI (Mar) Nur Alamsyah, Danlantamal XII Pontianak Brigadir Jenderal (Brigjen) TNI (Mar) Endi Supardi, Kasdam XII/Tpr Brigjen TNI Aris Martono, Danlanud Supadio Marsma Minggit Tribowo, Danpaskas Supadio, Wakil Komandan Lantamal XII Kolonel Laut (P) Joko Sumitro, S.E, Wali Kota Pontianak dan Wakil walikota Pontianak, Bupati Landak Kalimantan Barat, Wakil Bupati Landak Kalimantan Barat, ‎Wakil Bupati Mempawah, Sultan Al Kadri Pontianak, Sulatan Mempawah, Ketua Gabungan Jalasenastri Korps Marinir Ny. Alike Bambang Suswantono, Ketua Korcab XII DJAB Ny. Nana Endi Supardi, Ketua Korcab Pasmar 2, ‎Pejabat Kormar dan Lantamal XII serta Seluruh masyarakat kalbar.


RTAF is Deploying the Indigenous-Developed U-1 UAV

28 November 2017

RTAF U-1 UAV (photo : TAF)

RTAF put the full system of RTAF U-1 on display at Defense and Security 2017. Overall configuration is resembled the R V Connex's Sky Scout configuration with some notable different such as winglet. RTAF ordered 17 U-1 from the assemble-partner R V Connex

The ground control station will be built from the second-hand container. Design by R V Connex, the station features 3 consoles as well as directional and omnidirectional antenna.

RTAF also put forward the research and development of Tigershark - now a technology demonstration platform - into the last step of its 20 years UAV development master plan that will include the study in the armed variant of the UAV before moving into the development of MALE UAV.


27 November 2017

DND Acquiring Troposcatter System with ‘Extreme Confidentiality’

27 November 2017

Two American companies to bid to meet a requirement for a tropospheric scatter (troposcatter) communications system. (photo : Shephard)

The Department of National Defense (DND) through its Special Bids and Awards Committee (SBAC) chaired by Asec. Teodoro Cirilo T. Torralba III is procuring a tropospheric scatter (troposcatter) system for Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) joint C4ISTAR from Zamboanga to Tawi-Tawi.

C4ISTAR stands for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Information/Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting Acquisition and Reconnaissance.

The acquisition will be via Limited Source Bidding with only two American defense company, Raytheon and Comtech Systems Inc., invited to participate.

“We would like to request your good office to treat this project with extreme confidentiality,” the DND SBAC said in its invitation to bid.

Submission and Opening of Bid Envelopes is scheduled on November 21.

The acquisition project has an approved budget of PHP181.4 million sourced from the AFP Modernization Act Trust Fund.


Lockheed Martin Completes Third F-35A for Australia

27 November 2017

Australia’s third F-35A aircraft (photo : CASG)

Australia's Attack Plane Fleet Grows

Australia’s third F-35A aircraft has rolled off the assembly line at Lockheed Martin’s production facility in Fort Worth, Texas, marking another major milestone in Australia’s F-35A Project.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said No. 3 Squadron markings were applied to the aircraft in early November, the final stage in the production process before the aircraft undergoes several weeks of ground and flight testing at Fort Worth.

“The completion of our third Joint Strike Fighter is a significant achievement for Australia’s F-35A Project,” Minister Pyne said.

“It is particularly exciting that a key component – the tail piece – was manufactured in Australia, by Australian company, Marand Engineering.”

“As the programme matures more and more parts on Joint Strike Fighters going to countries around the world will come from Australia.

“More than 50 Australian companies have directly shared in more than $800 million in production contracts thus far, while hundreds more are indirectly benefiting through supply chains.”

Further opportunities for Australian Industry to participate in the F-35 Program through regional assignments for the repair of the second tranche of aircraft components are expected to be announced in 2018.

(Aus DoD)

RMAF Concludes Crucial PARADISE Exercise in Labuan

27 November 2017

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) would never compromise on its PARADISE exercise even in the face of financial constraints, Air Operation Commander Lieutenant General Datuk Seri Abdul Mutalib Ab Wahab said on Saturday. (photo : RMAF)

LABUAN - The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) would never compromise on its PARADISE exercise even in the face of financial constraints, Air Operation Commander Lieutenant General Datuk Seri Abdul Mutalib Ab Wahab said on Saturday.

“The mini PARADISE 4/17 exercise, which was conducted at the Labuan air base here, had achieved its training objectives.

“The RMAF will improve its weaknesses to ensure better exercises,” he said in a statement.

The 10-day exercise, which ended on Saturday morning, involved about 300 personnel.

Assets involved include the fighter jets F/A-18D, SU-30MKM and Hawks; the transport carriers A400M, KC130 and CN235; the C130H tanker; and the helicopters S61A and EC725 AP.

Elements which facilitated the exercise include the Air Force Special Air Service (Paskau), the 10th Paratrooper Brigade and the Squadron 401 Ground Base Air Defence.

Abdul Mutalib said that the main mission of the exercise is to conduct important and necessary operation training in Region 2 (Sabah and Sarawak).

Among the objectives of the exercise is the strengthening of collaboration in the Large Force Employment; and to assess the readiness, expertise and competency of the RMAF in combat.


Tahun Depan Satu Skuadron Udara Standby di Tarakan

27 November 2017

Skuadron Udara 21 yang bermarkas di Malang akan dipindahkan ke Tarakan mulai tahun 2018 (photo : Sasandrie)

PROKAL.CO, TARAKAN - Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Tarakan, berencana untuk memaparkan pengembangan udara jangka panjang, hal itu diutarakan saat Komite II DPD RI tiba untuk melakukan kunjungan kerja di Kaltara, pada Minggu nanti (25/11).

Kepada Radar Tarakan, Komandan Lanud Tarakan Kolonel Pnb Didik Kristiyanto mengatakan, pihaknya sudah menyiapkan master plane pengembangan Lanud Tarakan ke depan, untuk menjadi pangkalan operasi pertahanan udara di kawasan perbatasan utara Indonesia.

“Master plan ini digunakan untuk taraf 5 tahun ke depan. Kami sekarang sedang bangun site plane untuk 10 tahun ke depan. Nantinya jalan pintu masuk sampai ke bibir pantai, sudah kami gambarkan di dalam master plan itu,” katanya.

Didik mencontohkan, dalam janga waktu 5 tahun ke depan hingga 2022, di Lanud Tarakan sudah standby 1 skuadron pesawat tempur super tucano anti gerilya serta pesawat tanpa awak atau Unmanned Aerial Verichle (UAV).

Hasil koordinasinya dengan Panglima TNI dan Mabes AU beberapa waktu lalu, diperkirakan pertengahan 2018 nanti armada tempur udara tersebut sudah berada di Tarakan. Skuadron tempur ini nantinya merupakan pengalihan dari skuadron udara 21 yang bermarkas di Malang.

“Nanti di sini akan menjadi pangkalan acu operasional yang bukan hanya dukungan operasi, tapi sudah pangkapan operasi,” sambung Didik disela mengikuti kegiatan bersama TNI/Polri di Mako Lantamal XIII/Tarakan.

Dengan kehadiran skuadron udara itu, pihaknya membutuhkan sarana pendukung seperti mess untuk prajurit, maupun fasilitas penerbangan seperti forklift kapasitas 5 ton serta towing car kapasitas 12 ton.

Dua sarana pendukung penerbangan itu yang belum ada karena keterbatasan anggaran. Sehingga perlu dipaparkan dalam pertemuan nantu untuk segera diputuskan anggarannya oleh pemerintah pusat. Mengingat kebutuhan ini dianggap prioritas untuk diadakan.

Dengan adanya satu skuadron udara di Lanud Tarakan nanti, Didik berupaya memaksimalkan pengamanan perbatasan khususnya wilayah udara. Apalagi sudah terjalin kerjasama trilateral antara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filipina, sehingga perlu di back-up pengamanan udaranya oleh TNI AU.


25 November 2017

DND Confirms to Acquire 24 Attack Helicopters

25 November 2017

24 brand new attack helicopters will be acquired during 2018-2022 (photo : AIN)

MANILA -- The Department of National Defense (DND) confirmed plans to acquire 24 brand-new attack helicopters which will be used by the military to support troops engage in fighting terrorists and other lawless elements.

This was confirmed by DND public affairs office chief Arsenio Andolong in a message to the PNA Thursday.

"We have programmed procurement of 24 attack helicopters under the Second Horizon of the Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program. We are awaiting for the final approval of the Office of the President on the RAFPMP Second Horizon," he added.

However, the project still has no "ABC" (approved budget for contract) as of this posting, Andolong pointed out.

President Rodrigo Duterte, in a recent visit to the Army General Hospital in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, told wounded troops that the time for second equipment and armament is now a thing of the past.

There, he told soldiers present that his administration is planning to acquire at least 23 attack helicopters to help troops in defeating terrorists and other local threats.

The RAFPMP is divided into three horizons, with the first lasting from 2013 to 2017, the second from 2018 to 2022 and third 2023 to 2028.

The Second Horizon calls for the acquisition of equipment more attuned to external defense missions, including jet fighters and other air assets and missile systems.

Acquired during the First Horizon were the three Gregorio Del Pilar cutters, three combat utility helicopters for the Navy, two naval attack helicopters, six MPACs (multi-purpose assault craft), eight combat utility helicopters for the Air Force and refurbishment of two Lockheed C-130 "Hercules" cargo planes. 


PT Palindo Launches 110 m OPV for Indonesia’s Maritime Security Agency

25 November 2017

Indonesia has launched a 110 m offshore patrol vessel for the country’s maritime security co-ordination agency. Platform will be the largest ship to be operated by the service, signalling Indonesia’s intention to have a stronger presence in the country’s waters (photo : Bakamla)

Indonesian shipbuilder PT Palindo Marine has launched a 110 m offshore patrol vessel (OPV) destined for the country's maritime security co-ordination agency (Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut, or BAKAMLA).

The ship will be the largest yet to be operated by the service, and was ordered by the Indonesian government in 2015 with the aim of improving BAKAMLA’s constabulary, and search and rescue (SAR) capabilities, especially in the country's exclusive economic zones (EEZs).

“The launch of this 110 m ship is a historical event for Indonesia. And never again will we be looked down upon by other nations,” said BAKAMLA Chief Vice Admiral Ari Soedewo, in a message read out by Commodore Eko Santoso, who represented him at the launch ceremony on 21 November in Batam.

The vessel, which will be known in service as KN Tanjung Datu with pennant number 1101, measures 15.5 m in breadth, and has a standard displacement of 2,400 tonnes. The platform’s hull and superstructure are both made of steel. The OPV is powered by two 5,300hp diesel engines, and can attain a maximum speed of more than 20 kt, and a cruising speed of 15 kt.

The platform can accommodate a total of three rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs), one each on the port and starboard sides, and a smaller RHIB at the stern that can be deployed via a small boat recovery system. The vessel also features a flight deck that can support either helicopter or rotor-winged unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations.


TNI AU Gelar Latihan Mission Oriented Training (MOT)

25 November 2017

Pesawat T-50i (photo : Ismail Hasan)

Sebanyak 17 Pesawat Tempur Latihan MOT di Iswahjudi

Magetan (Antara Jatim) – Sebanyak 17 pesawat tempur mengikuti latihan ‘Mission Oriented Training’ (MOT) di Lanud Iswahjudi Magetan, Jawa Timur selama dua minggu mulai Jumat (24/11).

Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsekal Pertama (Marsma) TNI Samsul Rizal menyebutkan pesawat-pesawat tempur yang mengikuti latihan tersebut meliputi pesawat tempur ‘Sukhoi’ dari Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, enam unit pesawat tempur ‘F-16 Fighting Falcon’ dari Skadron Udara 3 dan enam unit pesawat tempur ‘T50i Golden Eagle’ dari Skadron Udara 15 Lanud Iswahjudi Magetan.

“Latihan ini merupakan gabungan dari bentuk kegiatan latihan yang diselenggarakan di tiap-tiap satuan yang kemudian digabung menjadi satu. Di dalamnya ada kegiatan latihan dalam satu paket serangan udara,” jelas Samsul Rizal.

Pesawat tempur F-16C/D (photo : mas bayuwibowo)

Latihan MOT kata Samsul Rizal dimaksudkan untuk memberikan bekal dan pengalaman serta meningkatkan pemahaman serta kemampuan dalam bekerja sama antarpenerbang yang mengoperasikan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista).

“Kegiatan latihan ini untuk memberikan bekal dan pengalaman serta meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan dalam bekerja sama antarpenerbang yang mengoperasikan alutsista dengan platform berbeda. Para penerbang secara terpadu akan melaksanakan operasi udara yang memiliki kompleksitas tinggi,” ujarnya.

Selain itu, lanjutnya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penerbang tempur dalam memahami berbagai macam konsiderasi situasi ancaman.

Kegiatan latihan MOT dengan melibatkan satuan-satuan di wilayah Koopsau II tersebut, menurut dia memiliki keutungan. Karena ketiga jenis pesawat dari tiga skadron tersebut masing-masing memiliki karakteristik berbeda.

Pesawat tempur Su-30 (photo : erwin yudha 35)

“Di Koopsau II ini  kebetulan satuannya cukup bervariasi. Ada pesawat F-16 C/D, T50i dan juga pesawat Sukhoi 27 dan 30. Keuntungan tiga pesawat yang kita operasiaonalkan dalam latihan ini, ketiga-tiganya berasal dari sumber blok yang berbeda. Sukhoi dari blok timur mempunyai karakteristik dan persenjataan yang berbeda, F-16 dari blok barat tentu memiliki karakteristik dan persenjatan yang berbeda. Kemudian T50i juga dari blok barat tapi juga memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda,” katanya menjelaskan.

Dipilihnya tempat latihan di Lanud Iswahjudi menurut Samsul Rizal karena Lanud Iswahjudi dinilai paling ideal untuk melaksanakan latihan. 

“Lanud Iswahjudi dinilai paling ideal untuk melaksanakan latihan MOT. Karena didukung ‘Air Combat Manauvering Instrumentation’ (ACMI). Sehingga selama pelaksanaan latihan, kita akan bisa melihat manuver-manuver pesawat tempur di udara secara ‘real time’,” tuturnya.

Lebih dari 600 personel (masing-masing skadron udara 200 orang) dilibatkan untuk mendukung kegiatan latihan MOT. Ditambah personel pendukukung yang berada di Lanud Iswahjudi.

Lürssen Wins Australian OPV Competition

25 November 2017

Lurrsen OPV 80 (photo : Lurssen)

Hundreds of Australian jobs created in Offshore Patrol Vessel project

The Turnbull Government today announces Australia’s 12 Offshore Patrol Vessels will be designed and built under prime contractor Lürssen.

The Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) project, which is worth up to $4 billion, will be delivered by Australian workers, in Australian shipyards using Australian steel.

The OPVs will have an important role protecting our borders and will provide greater range and endurance than the existing patrol boat fleet.

The investment in new naval capabilities such as the OPVs is a key part of the Turnbull Government's commitment to a safe and secure Australia.

As detailed in the 2016 Defence White Paper, the Government is undergoing its largest regeneration of naval capability since the Second World War.

The OPVs will allow the Navy to undertake more extensive operations and protect resources over greater distances and in more complex maritime environments.

The announcement is the next stage in Australia’s National Shipbuilding Plan and will directly employ up to 1000 Australian workers - 400 direct and a further 600 in the supply chain.

The Navy’s OPVs will be the Lürssen design utilising ASC Shipbuilding in Adelaide for the construction of the first two ships.

The project will then transfer to the Henderson Maritime Precinct in WA where Lürssen will use the capabilities of Austal and Civmec to build ten OPVs, subject to the conclusion of commercial negotiations.

The first of the 12 OPVs will commence production in the fourth quarter of 2018.

The announcement represents a significant step in the implementation of the Turnbull Government's vision for a continuous, innovative and sovereign Australian naval shipbuilding industry as outlined in the Naval Shipbuilding Plan.

The Turnbull Government's investment in continuous shipbuilding will guarantee our maritime capabilities will be more flexible and versatile than ever.

(Aus DoD)

24 November 2017

Duterte Eyes ’23 Gunship Helicopters’, ‘Multiple Rockets’

24 November 2017

Philippine will acquire MLRS (photo : themess)

During his visit to Philippine Army’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija on November 22, President Duterte specifically mentioned the acquisition of “23 gunship helicopters” and “multiple rockets”.

“You will have the best of the arms now. Hindi na ako pumayag na magbili tayo ng secondhand,” he said.

“Maybe next year, late, I don’t know but sabi ni [Secretary of Budget and Management Benjamin] Diokno, scheduled for delivery na ‘yung 23 gunship helicopters,” President Duterte told the elite troops.

He said that he will be “buying all the available equipment that are needed to fight the rebellion.”

“‘Di naman kayo tinamaan ng ballistic missiles. ‘Yung mga multiple rockets, ‘yun ang kunin natin so utangin ko na lang. Mahirap naman na kasi mag-sige lang tanggap,” he added.

“Maybe Secretary Esperon will go back there to – ito ngayon, credit na ang. Uutang na lang tayo tapos payable in soft loan 25 years but we have to borrow to buy the equipment na kailangan ninyo,” he added.


BAE Systems Highlights Proposed Future Frigate Knowledge Transfer

24 November 2017

Type 26 frigate for SEA 5000 (image : BAE Systems)

BAE Systems and the UK government have committed to what the company says would be an “unprecedented” transfer of intellectual property if the Global Combat Ship-Australia is selected for SEA 5000.

More than 5,000 ‘work years’ of technical design worth $1.5 billion would be transferred to Australia, BAE Systems stated.

“The transfer of data and the digital design of one of the world’s most sophisticated ships will support the development of a continuous naval shipbuilding capability in Australia, ensuring that local industry can build the fleet of nine Future Frigates,” the company stated.

“It will also ensure they can be upgraded and supported during their decades of service. The unprecedented transfer of intellectual property will also include all ship parts, materials, systems and subsystems used to build the Type 26 frigate.

“With this knowledge, Australian industry will gain the know-how needed to both build and optimise the ship over its life, potentially improving its stealth, flexibility and performance with bespoke local innovation and technology.”

The proposed Global Combat Ship-Australia is based on the Type 26 being manufactured for the Royal Navy.


Indonesia dan Spanyol Perkuat Kerja Sama Pengadaan Alutsista

23 November 2017

Pesawat angkut NC-212i (photo : PTDI)

JAKARTA - Pemerintah Indonesia dan Spanyol berencana melanjutkan kerja sama di bidang pengadaan alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista). 

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto mengatakan, kerja sama alutsista dengan Spanyol tersebut sudah terjalin sejak lama. Kini kedua negara berencana kembali memperkuat kerja sama tersebut, terutama di bidang pembuatan pesawat. 

“Sejak pesawat pertama yang diterbangkan, yakni Pesawat Gatot Kaca, CN 212 hingga 235, dan kemarin menerbangkan pesawat 295. Jadi, saya kira ini kerja sama yang berkelanjutan,” ujar Wiranto seusai menerima kunjungan kehormatan Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri (Wamenlu) Spanyol Idelfonso Castro di Jakarta. 

Sementara, Idelfonso Castro menegaskan, pihaknya ingin memperkuat hubungan kerja sama kedua negara, baik dalam pengadaan alutsista maupun kerjasama lainnya.

“Kami mengharapkan hubungan kedua negara diperkuat. Spanyol ingin kerja sama pengadaan alutsista berjalan dengan baik lagi. Bahkan, tidak hanya pesawat, juga kapal, itu bisa terlaksana baik. 

Apalagi Spanyol dan Indonesia telah melakukan kerja sama ini sejak lama,” ungkap Castro. Wiranto menegaskan, kedua negara juga akan memperkuat kerja sama di bidang penanganan terorisme. “Saya kira Indonesia juga sudah punya pengalaman bekerja sama dengan banyak negara. 

Termasuk dalam penanganan terorisme,” kata Wiranto. Pertemuan Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Pemerintah Spanyol tersebut sebenarnya sudah beberapa kali terjadi. Sebelumnya Duta Besar Spanyol untuk Indonesia Jose Maria Matres Manso juga pernah melakukan pertemuan dengan Wiranto pada 21 Juni 2017.

Pesawat angkut CN-295 (photo : Fauzan Rasyadi)

Saat itu dia menawarkan kerja sama dengan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) dalam menumpas aksi terorisme. Wiranto mengatakan, Indonesia tak membatasi diri dalam bekerja sama dengan negara manapun yang mempunyai pengalaman aksi terorisme. 

Itu dilakukan agar kinerja BNPT bisa terbantu. Menurutnya, pengalaman Spanyol melakukan pendekatan keras maupun halus dalam menangani aksi terorisme dianggap bisa ditiru BNPT. “Jadi, bagaimana BNPT bisa melakukan pendekatan keras dan halus dalam menghadapi terorisme, Spanyol berpengalaman dengan itu,” kata Wiranto. 

Menko Polhukam mengatakan, Spanyol juga menawarkan kerja sama di bidang keamanan siber.

“Kita kan baru mendirikan Badan Siber Nasional sebagai payung dari semua badan siber di Indonesia. Kita juga butuh di masing-masing negara, termasuk Spanyol menawarkan itu (kerja sama),” kata Wiranto. 

Namun, Wiranto mengatakan, pembahasan kerja sama Pemerintah Spanyol dengan Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) masih tahap awal. Karena itu, perlu ada diskusi lebih lanjut untuk sampai pada tahap kerja sama. 

“Itu belum sampai konsep, nanti setelah kami setuju secara teknis, staf akan tindak lanjuti dengan satu perbincangan atau poin kerja sama yang lebih teknis,” katanya.


23 November 2017

PN Commisions First TC-90 Aircraft

23 November 2017

TC-90 aircraft of the PN (photo : Manila Bulletin)

Philippine Naval conducts activation, blessing of Beechcraft King Air C-90 aircraft in Cavite

The Philippine Navy through the Naval Air Group (NAG) conducted today activation and blessing ceremony of the Beechcraft King Air C-90 Aircraft held at Hangar 2, Headquarters Naval Air Group, Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City.

Lt. Sahirul A. Taib, the fleet public affairs officer, said the activity was formally opened by Captain Juario C. Marayag, the commander of the Naval Air Group.

In his remarks, Marayag said the aircraft donated by Japan would help boost the Naval Air Group Air Operations and Maritime Air Surveillance capabilities.

He said the aircraft would also enhance the skills of the naval aviators and maintenance personnel in handling modern equipment.

“This platform will serve as the gradual transition from the humble Britten Norman Islanders to a much faster, higher and more fixed wing squadron,” he said.

Rear Admiral Gaudencio C. Collado Jr., the commander of the Philippine Fleet and who served as the guest of honor during the activity, said the C90 would have a big role in the maritime air surveillance, which is a critical component of naval operations.

“It provides a bigger and better perspective of the operating environment which is crucial for decision making because it will determine the type of capability needed to address a certain threat,” Collado said.

Soon after its tail number of C90 aircraft was revealed as Naval Vessel (NV) 390, it was blessed with holy water. To finally complete the activation of the aircraft, the sponsor, Mrs. Arlene Liberty Collado poured a bottle of wine on the aircraft nozzle.

“The Naval Air Group of the Philippine Fleet truly deserves this modern equipment donated by the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force,” Collado said.

“It will boost the capability of the Philippine and enhances the capacity of its personnel primarily in conducting maritime security and sovereignty patrols, as the Navy true to its commitment to protect the seas and secure the nation’s future,” he added.

It was recalled that two units of Beechcraft TC-90 training aircraft arrived in March at the Naval Air Group (NAG), Naval Base Haracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City.

Three other planes are expected to arrive in the country in the first quarter of 2018.

Pesawat Tempur Bisa Mendarat di Bandara NYIA Kulon Progo

23 November 2017

Pesawat tempur Su-27 TNI AU (photo : RAAF)

Sleman - Keberadaan Bandara New Yogyakarta Internasional Airport (NYIA) di Kulonprogo dalam kondisi darurat nantinya akan bisa dipakai untuk pendaratan pesawat tempur. Sebab landasan pacu bandara tersebut cukup panjang.

"Dengan panjang landasan 3.600 (meter) ini memungkinkan (dipakai) pada saat negara dalam keadaan darurat. Sehingga pesawat tempur sejenis F-16, Sukhoi bisa mendarat," kata GM AP I Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta, Agus Pandu Purnama kepada wartawan seusai FGD di Wisma Adisutjipto Yogyakarta, Rabu (22/11/2017).

"Artinya dalam keadaan darurat dan normal bisa digunakan dalam rangka pertahanan negara, maka fasilitas itu pasti bisa digunakan. Bagaimana nanti kontrolnya, karena di sana (NYIA) satuan kita berdekatan dengan satuan radar (milik TNI AU)," lanjut dia.

Oleh karenanya, kata Pandu, nantinya NYIA di Kulonprogo akan dilengkapi dengan Military-Civil Collaboration (MCC). Selanjutnya juga ada Pusat Komando dan Pengendalian (Puskodal) yang mengontrol seluruh aktivitas di NYIA dalam satu ruangan.

"Mungkin nantinya TNI sebagai penyelenggara pertahanan negara juga bisa berkolaborasi dengan kami yang sipil di bandara," ungkapnya.

Sementara itu Komandan Lanud Adisutjipto, Marsekal Pertama TNI Novyan Samyoga menambahkan, keberadaan NYIA di Kulonprogo nantinya bisa menjadi alternatif saat TNI melakukan operasi udara. 

"Ada yang perlu ditambah, seperti misalnya agar pesawat tempur bisa mendarat dengan aman, pemasangan senjata juga aman, itu harus suatu area di mana pesawat tempur bisa standby di situ," paparnya.

Selain itu harus ada MCC (Military-Civil Collaboration). "Di situ nanti di bandara ada radar dan sebagainya. Nah radar juga nantinya akan disinergiskan dengan radar yang dimiliki TNI AU," pungkasnya. 

Thales Details More Information on HTMS Trang And Bang Rachan Class

23 November 2017

Electronic equipment on HTMS Trang (photos : TAF) 

Thales give more details about the electronics to be installed on board HTMS Trang.

HTMS Trang will be equipped with TACTICOS CMS, Variant search radar, Vigile Electronic Warfare Suite that will be working with SKWS decoy launcher, STIR 1.2 EO Mk.2 fire control radar, IFF ISB2525, and Link Y Mk.2.

"We will also install the RTN-own Link RTN on board the ship" Boudewjin Geerink, marketing manager of Thales said to TAF

HTMS Trang's TACTICOS will use the MOC Mk.4 console and Thales will be responsible for weapon integration including 76/62 naval gun, two 30 mm gun, and Harpoon missile.

Thales also received the contract to upgrade the Bang Rachan-class Minehunter that included the installation of TSM 2022 Mk.3 Sonar - the first time Thales sonar win the contract in RTN - M-CUBE C2 system, multi-influence signature range, vessel revisit and repair, system integration, navigation system, communication system upgrade, and the logistic support that will extend the service life of the ship to another 15 years.