31 Desember 2019

First of 4 LMS Delivered to RMN

31 Desember 2019

The Royal Malaysian Navy’s Littoral Mission Ship, KD Keris 111 (photo : MMP)

KUALA LUMPUR: The first of four Littoral Mission Ships (LMS) for the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) was handed over to the Defence Ministry today.

A ministry official in a statement said that the vessel Keris was handed over at a ceremony at Wuchuan Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd at Wucang Port, Qidong, in Shanghai, China.

The Malaysian delegation was headed by the ministry’s procurement division secretary Datuk Ahmad Husaini Abdul Rahman.

Others present included Eastern Fleet commander Vice-Admiral Datuk Pahlawan Syed Zahrul Putra Syed Abdullah and Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNSSB) chief executive officer Ee Teck Chee.

The statement said the Malaysian officials did a physical inspection of the vessel and its documents, and took part in a sailing demonstration.

This was followed by a signing ceremony for the acceptance of the vessel by BNSSB on behalf of the government.

Keris’ construction began on July 31, 2018, at Wuchuan Shuangliu Manufacture Base in Wuhan and successfully underwent sea trials.

The Royal Malaysian Navy’s Littoral Mission Ship, KD Keris 111 (photo : RMN)

It was then launched by Normah Alwi, wife of Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu, on April 15 this year and underwent final trials.

The LMS is part of the RMN’s ’15 to 5’ fleet transformation programme, which involves reducing its current 15 classes of vessels to just five - namely, the LMS, Multi-Role Support Ships (MRSS), Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), Patrol Vessels (PV) and submarines.

The LMS contract was signed between the ministry, BNSSB and China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Co Ltd on March 23, 2017.

It was the first major defence acquisition project from China, reportedly for a total RM1.17 billion.

The second LMS, Sundang, is also being built in China and is expected to be delivered in April.

The remaining two, to be deliverd by mid 2021, will be built in Malaysia through a joint-venture between BNSSB and China Shipbuilding and Offshore International.

An LMS can be used for maritime surveillance, border security as well as search and rescue operations.

The LMS is scheduled to be commissioned as KD Keris during a traditional ceremony by RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza Mohd Sany on Jan 6.


Batalyon Arhanud 2 Marinir Laksanakan Uji Fungsi Penembakan PKT BPV 2

31 Desember 2019

Tank BVP2 Korps Marinir TNI AL dilengkapi dengan kanon otomatis 2A42 kaliber 30 mm, senapan mesin PKT 7.62 mm serta antitank missile launcher (photo : Elfan)

Dispen Kormar (Surabaya). Asisten Logistik Komandan Korps Marinir Kolonel Mar Agung Trisnanto meninjau uji fungsi penembakan Amunisi PKT (Polemet Kalasnikov Tank) BPV-2 Batalyon Arhanud 2 Marinir buatan Serbia, di Lapangan tembak Internasional Lettu Mar (ANM) FX. Soepramono Karangpilang, Surabaya, Senin (30/12/2019).

Kanon utama tank BVP2 (photo : Akmal Studio)

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Aslog Dankormar didampingi Kalabinsen Kolonel Laut (E)Cholik Kurniawan, Aslog Pasmar 2 Kolonel Mar Muh. Maftukin, Wadan Menart 2 Mar Letkol Mar Gunawan Tri Utomo, Paslog Menart 2 Mar Letkol Mar Rana Karyana,  M.Tr. Hanla, SE,M.M., Danyon Arhanud-2 Marinir Letkol Marinir Agus Nyubianto, M.Tr.Opsla., PT Tri Sakti Nusa Arta Bpk. Dwi Satya.

Sebelum melaksanakan penembakan, Danyon Arhanud 2 Marinir menjelaskan kepada tim peninjau dan penguji yang didamping oleh Pasiops Yon Arhanud 2 Mar Mayor Mar Laode Rustam Balemping, Danrai  Bravo Kapten Mar Sindu Yanuarianto tentang daya tembak amonisi buatan Serbia tersebut, awak pucuk melaksanakan Drill Penembakan serta paparan Kasilap Senum Labinsen tentang Karateristik kelaikan pucuk ranpur Uji.

Dalam uji penembakan itu para tim penguji dari Korps Marinir memberikan penembakan langsung (untuk menguji jarak aman) dengan jarak 300 meter, penembakan arah langsung.

(Korps Marinir)

Skuadron 600 Wing Udara 2 Melaksanakan Latihan Terbang Malam

31 Desember 2019

Latihan terbang malam dengan pesawat Casa NC212 U-6205 (all photos : Puspenerbal)

Latihan terbang malam yang dilaksanakan skuadron 600 wing udara 2 merupakan salah satu fase program latihan yang harus dilaksanakan oleh seorang penerbang dalam kegiatan Konfersi, Captaincy  maupun Instruktursi Training kegiatan yang dilaksanakan ini adalah bentuk dukungan Skuadron Operasional   kepada Skuadron 200/ Latih dalam meningkatkan profesi penerbang.

Dalam kegiatan Terbang malam seorang penerbang akan diuji  kemampuan terbang tanpa adanya visibility (jarak pandang) atau dalam istilah penerbangan disebut Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Kemampuan ini harus dimiliki oleh setiap pilot/penerbang militer. Dimana seorang pilot harus menggunakan semua instrument yang di pesawat untuk melaksanakan Take Off, bernavigasi dan juga landing.

Pada kesempatan kali ini (23/12) Pesawat Casa NC212 U-6205 yang dimiliki oleh Skuadron 600 Wing Udara 2, mengambil bagian dalam pelaksanaan program Captaincy Training guna mencetak Captain Pilot baru. Terlihat pada latihan kali ini siswa Captaincy sedang melaksanakan fase latihan Terbang Malam, dimana siswa diharapkan mampu memahami prosedur terbang malam dan mengaplikasikan dalam praktik terbang malam yang dilaksanakan.


M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank of the Vietnam People's Army

31 Desember 2019

M41 Walker Bulldog 1950s production in excellent technical condition at one of the storage bases of armored vehicles of the Vietnam People’s Army (all photos : KienThuc)

At present, Vietnam People's Army in addition to T-54/55 and T-62 tanks, we still maintain a very small number of US-made M41 tanks.

During the Vietnam War, the M41 tank served as the main tank of the RVN, hundreds of M41 tanks were launched into the Vietnam battlefield. It was once considered one of the best light tanks in the world.

The M41 Walker Bulldog was a US-made light tank in 1953. It was originally nicknamed Bulldog but was named after the American general who died in Korea Walton Walker.

The vehicle weighs 23.5 tons; body length 5,819 m; 3.2 m wide; 2.71 m high; crew of 4 people. M41's armament consists of a 76 mm M32 main gun with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun mounted on the roof of the turret.

Continental AOS 895-3 6-cylinder petrol engine with a capacity of 373 kW for a maximum speed of 72 km / h, this is quite high speed for the type of increase when they were born. However, the range is quite short, only about 150km.

During the Vietnam War, the M41 was the main tank of the RVN, used in many Lam Son 719, Tan Canh campaigns, before the US supplied M48 Patton medium tank.

By 1973, there were more than 200 M41 Walker Bulldog in service of the ARVN Armor. After 1975, M41 was confiscated as a spoil by the Vietnam People's Army and deployed in the Southwestern Border War of 1979 along with M48 and M113 armored vehicles.

However, after a period of effective service on duty, they were gradually put into long-term storage, suffering the same fate with other American weapons due to the lack of spare parts. Only a few still serve in a training role.

Although not directly involved with the frontline units in the army, the M41 tanks are used effectively for training.

Although in a closed state, but due to the good maintenance, these vehicles can fully operate again. However, upgrading to a higher standard is unlikely because this car is relatively backward in modern warfare.

Perhaps the most suitable role at the moment is to do combat training as it is. However, there is an opinion that Vietnam should sell these tanks to accumulate money to buy more advanced armored vehicles. These tanks are being bought by collectors for nearly $ 300,000, while used BTR-80 armored vehicles cost only $ 200,000.


Helikopter Bell-412 EPI, Alutsista Terbaru TNI

31 Desember 2019

Bell-412EPI (graphic : KataData)

Kementerian Pertahanan membeli sembilan unit helikopter Bell 412EPI untuk memperkuat alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) TNI Angkatan Darat. Dengan total senilai Rp 2,5 triliun, helikopter jenis ini memiliki spesifikasi lebih baik dari seri sebelumnya.

Bell 412EPI menggunakan mesin Pratt & Whitney PT6T-9 dengan tenaga lepas landas 15 persen lebih besar, fitur nyala mesin otomatis, dan fitur kontrol mesin secara digital. Kemudian, helikopter ini memiliki perangkat avionik yang canggih, seperti teknologi kontrol penerbangan empat arah dan peta digital pada kokpitnya.

Helikopter buatan Bell Textron asal Amerika Serikat ini juga dilengkapi dengan persenjataan, antara lain door gun, Fin Folding Aerial Rocket (FFAR), dan gattling gun. Sementara itu, PT Pindad akan menyuplai kebutuhan pelurunya. Bell 412EPI pun mampu membawa beban hingga 5,5 ton. 

Selain Indonesia, Filipina dan Jepang telah membeli helikopter Bell 412EPI untuk angkatan bersenjatanya, masing-masing sebanyak 16 unit dan 2 unit.


30 Desember 2019

Versi Kombatan "Elang Hitam" Mampu Terbang Sejauh 250 Km dan Bawa Rudal 300 Kg

30 Desember 2019

Prototipe pesawat udara nirawak "Elang Hitam" akan dibuat empat pesawat (photo : Antara)

Drone Buatan Indonesia Mampu Terbang Sejauh 250 Km dan Bawa Rudal 300 Kg

BANDUNG - Pesawat udara nirawak (Puna) Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) bernama Elang Hitam atau Black Eagle yang dibuat oleh enam lembaga dan BUMN ini memiliki sejumlah kelebihan.

Drone buatan anak bangsa yang rencananya mulai beroperasi pada 2024 mendatang ini mampu terbang sejauh 250 kilometer dengan membawa peluru kendali (rudal) seberat 300 kilogram.

Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) Elfien Goentoro mengatakan, pesawat nirawak ini mampu terbang dengan maximum endurance 30 jam dalam perhitungan maximum cruising speed 235 km/jam.Tak hanya itu, pesawat yang dikendalikan dari jarak jauh ini mampu terbang sejauh 250 km. Namun, pesawat ini hanya mampu membawa beban sekitar 300 kg. Beban ini rencananya bisa dipakai untuk kebutuhan militer seperti membawa misil atau rudal.

Elang Hitam versi militer (graphic : BPPT)

"Tetapi untuk tahap awal bukan untuk kombatan. Tetapi bisa dipakai untuk kebutuhan pengawasan dari udara seperti ancaman daerah perbatasan, terorisme, penyelundupan, pembajakan, serta pencurian sumber daya alam seperti illegal logging dan illegal fishing," jelas dia, Senin (30/12/2019).

Pesawat ini memiliki lebar 16 meter, panjang 8,65 meter, dan tinggi 2,6 meter. Saat take off, pesawat bisa mengunakan landasan sepanjang 700 meter. Sedangkan saat mendarat (landing) bisa pada landasan sepanjang 500 meter. Kemampuan ini hampir mirip dengan pesawat N212 buatan PTDI yang dibuat untuk bandara perintis.

Menurut Kepala BPPT Hammam Riza, pesawat nirawak ini diperlukan untuk membantu menjaga kedaulatan NKRI dari udara yang sangat efisien dan dapat mengurangi potensi kehilangan jiwa karena dioperasikan tanpa pilot.

Misssion system UAV Elang Hitam (photo : Angkasa Review)

Dengan kemandirian ini, diharapkan PUNA MALE buatan Indonesia dapat mengisi kebutuhan skadron TNI AU dalam mengawasi wilayah NKRI melalui udara. Selain itu, dapat menumbuhkembangkan industri dalam negeri yang sesuai dengan mandat Undang-Undang No.16 Tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan. "Produk ini diharapkan mengisi kebutuhan impor nasional. Sehingga menjadi negara mandiri dan kompetitif," imbuh dia. (SindoNews)

BPPT-PT DI buat tiga lagi prototipe pesawat nirawak MALE hingga 2024

Bandung (ANTARA) - Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia serta institusi lain yang tergabung dalam Konsorsium Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA MALE) akan membuat tambahan tiga prototipe pesawat udara nir awak (PUNA) atau drone tipe medium altitude long endurance (MALE) yakni PM-2, PM-3 dan PM-4 pada periode 2020-2024. 

"Kita akan buat tiga lagi prototipe PUNA MALE dalam periode 2020-2024," kata Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia Elfien Goentoro di dalam acara Roll Out PUNA atau drone tipe MALE di PT DI Bandung, Jawa Barat, Senin.

Ground Control Station UAV Elang Hitam (photo : Angkasa Review)

Konsorsium itu beranggotakan BPPT, Kementerian Pertahanan dan TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai pengguna, Institut Teknologi Bandung sebagai mitra perguruan tinggi, PT DI sebagai mitra industri pembuatan pesawat, PT LEN Persero yang mengembangkan sistem kendali dan muatan, serta Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional. 

Prototipe PM-1 telah diluncurkan di PT DI pada Senin (30/12) yang mampu terbang terus menerus selama 24 jam dan ditargetkan bisa terbang perdana pada 2020. 

"Drone ini targetnya adalah bisa take off dan landing sekitar 700 meter dengan ketinggian sekitar 20.000 kaki dengan kecepatan maksimum 235 km/jam," ujarnya.

"Untuk PM-4 itu targetnya dilengkapi sertifikatnya pada tahun 2024 untuk sudah berupa pesawat drone yang sudah bisa kombatan," tuturnya.

Elang Hitam MALE UAV (graphic : Sindo)

Deputi Bidang Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa BPPT Wahyu Widodo Pandoe mengatakan mesin akan dipasang pada prototipe PM-1 dalam waktu sepekan ke depan. Wahyu menuturkan prototipe kedua PUNA MALE dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi pada 2020. 

PUNA MALE ketiga atau PM-3 dikembangkan untuk uji statis atau kekuatan struktur pesawat yang kemungkinan diuji di Serpong. 

Sementara PUNA MALE keempat atau PM-4 untuk mendapatkan sertifikat tipe dari Kementerian Pertahanan RI. Sertifikat tipe adalah tanda bukti terpenuhinya persyaratan kelaikudaraan sesuai peraturan penerbangan sipil. 

Prototipe PUNA MALE keempat akan mampu mengakomodasi misi kombatan dengan membawa sekitar 300 kg muatan, misalnya diperlengkapi dengan rudal. 

PUNA MALE kedua akan diipasang radar apertur sintetis dan kamera yang sifatnya bukan kombatan tapi lebih mengarah untuk mendukung kegiatan intelijen, pengawasan, pengintaian dan penargetan. Sementara PM-4 akan terbang dengan dilengkapi peralatan alutsista. 

"Kita mau supaya satu pesawat tapi bisa mengangkut berbagai macam misi," ujarnya. (Antara)

MALE UAV "Elang Hitam" Dilakukan Roll Out

30 Desember 2019

MALE UAV ini diberi nama "Elang Hitam" (Black Eagle) (photo : Antara)

2020 terbang perdana, PTDI kenalkan pesawat nirawak penangkal ancaman teritorial

Bandung, (ANTARA) - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) mengenalkan model Pesawat Udara Nir Awak jenis Medium Altitude Long Endurance (PUNA MALE) untuk menangkal ancaman teritorial seperti penyelundupan, pembajakan, terorisme, serta pencurian sumber daya alam.

Direktur Utama PTDI Elfien Goentoropada Senin mengatakan PUNA MALE merupakan pesawat efisien yang sangat diperlukan untuk mendukung upaya menjaga kedaulatan NKRI dari udara.

"Tahun depan targetnya bisa terbang perdana. Sekarang masih development manufacturing," kata Elfien di Hangar Rotary Wing PTDI, Jalan Pajajaran, Kota Bandung.

Elang Hitam mampu terbang selama 24-30 jam dengan ketinggian terbang 3.000 hingga 6.000 meter (photo : Antara)

Ia menjelaskan, pesawat itu hanya membutuhkan landasan sepanjang sekitar 700 meter untuk lepas landas maupun mendarat serta mampu terbang hingga setinggi 20 ribu kaki dengan kecepatan maksimum 235 kilometer per jam.

"Pesawat ini dirancang untuk mampu terbang selama 30 jam di udara. Untuk sertifikasinya kita targetkan tahun 2024. Nanti dilengkapi dengan rudal," kata dia.

Elfien mengatakan bahwa pada tahun 2020 akan dibuat dua lagi prototipe pesawat nirawak itu, masing-masing untuk uji terbang dan uji kekuatan struktur di Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT).

Elang Hitam merupakan UAV hasil kerja 7 instansi : PT Len, PTDI, ITB, LAPAN, BPPT, TNI AU, dan Kementerian Pertahanan (photo : Tribunnews)

Pada tahun yang sama, proses sertifikasi produk militer juga akan dimulai. Pesawat nirawak itu diharapkan pada akhir tahun 2021 sudah mendapatkan sertifikat tipe dari Pusat Kelaikan Kementerian Pertahanan RI.

Kepala BPPT Hammam Riza mengatakan pesawat PUNA MALE juga akan disiapkan untuk mendukung pengawasan hutan dan lahan.

"Karhutla itu setiap tahun terjadi, itu butuh pengawasan yang terus terhadap awan, terhadap cuaca, terhadap titik panas, terhadap tinggi muka air dari lahan gambut," kata Hammam.

Varian militer UAV MALE ini akan dilengkapi dengan rudal (graphic : istimewa)

Ia menjelaskan, teknologi sintetik aparatur radar yang akan dipasang di PUNA MALE memungkinkan pemeriksaan kandungan air hingga menembus 30 cm di bawah permukaan tanah.

"Jadi kita bisa mengukur seberapa banyak air yang dikandung. Sebelum tanah itu kering, kita bisa sirami itu, sehingga tidak muncul kebakaran hutan dan hotspot (titik panas)," kata dia.

Chinese PLA Sets New World Record Launching 23 New Surface Warships in One Year

30 Desember 2019

Type 75 LHD (photo : Russiadefence)

On December 26th, 2019, the launch ceremony of the sixth destroyer of Type 055 and the twenty third destroyer of Type 052D was held at the shipyard in Dalian.

In just 2019, the Chinese shipbuilders launched nine destroyers for the needs of the PLA Navy, setting a new world record.

China’s 10,000 ton-class guided missile destroyer, the Type 055, is capable of launching long-range land-attack cruise missiles.

China displayed its first Type 055 destroyer, the Nanchang, in April at the fleet review of the PLA Navy’s 70th anniversary celebration in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong Province.

As China’s first type of 10,000 ton-class destroyer, the Type 055 has 112 vertical launch missile cells capable of launching a combination of surface-to-air missiles, anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine missiles.

The Type 052D incorporates improved design, as well as sensors and weapons fit. Its layout slightly differs from that of the earlier Type 052C class, as its superstructure inclines inward at a greater angle for reduced radar cross-section.

The guided-missile destroyer has a length of 156m, beam of 18m and a draft of 6.5m. The full load displacement of the vessel is 7,500t. The destroyer is manned by a crew of 280.

The ships are equipped with vertical launchers for eight anti-aircraft, anti-submarine or tactical cruise missiles each (64 missiles in total): four modules are located in the bow of the ship in front of the superstructure, four others in the stern, in front of the helicopter hangar. In addition to artillery systems, destroyers are armed with three-tube torpedo tubes and four 18-barrel rocket-propelled bombers.

On February 23rd, 2019, at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, the seventeenth destroyer of Type 052D Nanying was launched.

Destroyer Project 055 and destroyer of Project 052D (photo : wenweipo)

On April 16, 2019, the eighteenth destroyer of Type 052D Huainan was launched at the same Jiannan shipyard.

On May 10, 2019, two Type 052D missile destroyers were launched at the Dalian Liaonan Shipyard in Dalian.

According to Chinese media, the number of destroyers of this Type in the PLA Navy reached 20 units.

On August 28, 2019, the twenty-first destroyer of Type 052D was launched at a shipyard in Shanghai.

The ship was built according to an updated project – the helicopter platform is slightly longer. In all likelihood, the site has been lengthened to base the ship’s version of the latest Chinese Z-20 helicopter.

On September 12th, 2019, the fifth destroyer of Type 055 was launched at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai.

On September 26th, 2019, the twenty-second destroyer of Type 052D was launched at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai.

On December 26, 2019, the launch ceremony of the sixth destroyer of Type 055 and the twenty third destroyer of Type 052D took place at the shipyard in Dalian.

In total, in 2019, Chinese shipyards launched 23 surface ships for the PLA Navy, including:

-1 Type 075 universal landing ship;
-1 Type 071 amphibious helicopter docking ship;
-2 Type 055 destroyers;
-7 Type 052D destroyers;
-12 Type 056 corvettes;


Raytheon has Contracted AIM-120 AMRAAM Delivery to the US and 22 Countries, Including Indonesia

30 Desember 2019

AIM-120C7 AMRAAM (photo : almrsal)

Raytheon Missile Systems Co., Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $768,283,907 non-competitive fixed-price incentive (firm) contract for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) Production Lot 33. This contract provides for the production of the AMRAAM missiles, captive air training missiles, guidance sections, AMRAAM telemetry system, spares and other production engineering support hardware.  

Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, with an expected completion date of Feb. 28, 2023. This contract involves unclassified foreign military sales to Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and United Kingdom, which accounts for 47% of the contract value. 

Fiscal 2018 Air Force and Navy procurement funds in the amount of $21,606,031; fiscal 2019 Air Force and Navy procurement funds in the amount of $356,753,259; fiscal 2020 Navy procurement funds in the amount of $4,212,839; fiscal 2019 Air Force research and development funds in the amount of $7,343,150; fiscal 2020 Air Force and Navy research and development funds in the amount of $10,295,601; fiscal 2020 Air Force operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $1,404,956; and foreign military sales funds in the amount of $366,668,071 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Dominance Division Contracting Office, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8675-20-C-0033).

(US DoD)

29 Desember 2019

Sino-Pakistani JF-17 Block 3 Next Generation Fighter Released

29 Desember 2019

JF-17 Block 3 (all photos : Sina)

The first images of the JF-17 Block 3 ‘4+ generation’ fighter were unveiled on December 28th, with a prototype shown taxiing on a factory runway in China before taking its first flight. The fighter represents the fourth variant of the JF-17, a fighter jointly developed by China and Pakistan from the early 2000s which saw its first flight in august 2003. The JF-17 was designed exclusively for export and does not serve in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, although over 100 of the older JF-17 Block 1 and Block 2 variants are currently in service in the Pakistani Air Force with smaller numbers having been sold to Myanmar and Nigeria. There has been considerable speculation among analysts regarding the Block 3 variant’s capabilities, with the design balancing the need to maintain low production and operational costs with the importance of maximising performance by integrating next generation technologies - many of which are extremely costly. 

The new fighter's most outstanding feature appears to be its elongated nose, which is intended to house an active electronically scanned array radar that is not only more sophisticated but also considerably larger than the radars on prior JF-17 variants. AESA radars are not only considerably more powerful than the passive radars on older JF-17 variants, but they also leave a lower radar signature and are less prone to jamming. The fighters are expected to deploy a number of newer munition types including PL-15 air to air missiles, which a large and powerful AESA radar is critical to guiding against faraway targets. The PL-15 was developed to equip China's own AESA radar equipped next generation fighters, including the J-10C, J-16 and J-20. The next generation missile retains an engagement range of up to 200km, allowing it to comfortably outrange missiles such as the R-77 and MICA used by Indian MiG-29 and Rafale fighters.

The JF-17 Block 3 is expected to be considerably more costly than prior variants, but its next generation capabilities have the potential to make it far more successful on the export market. Other than a new radar and next generation avionics and electronic warfare systems, other features of the JF-17 Block 3 design such as its rumoured infra red tracking system, new engine and high composite airframe all have yet to be confirmed. The fighter's new air inlets, however, indicate that a new engine has been installed - possibly an enhanced derivative of the RD-33MK which powers the Russian MiG-35. The Sino-Pakistani fighter is expected to improve on the already considerable range of its predecessor, and may also be compatible with new classes of cruise missile to replace the YJ-12. Paired with its considerable range, this could make the JF-17 Block 3 a formidable maritime strike fighter. The evolution of the JF-17 Block 3 program, and the date of its expected entry into service, remain uncertain, as does the scale of production in both China and Pakistan.


NTT Dapat 12 Panser Anoa dari Mabes TNI, Meriam Caesar Menyusul

29 Desember 2019

Panser Anoa mengikuti parade kendaraan tempur TNI-AD wilayah Korem 161/Wirasakti Kupang di Kupang, NTT (photo : Antara)

Kupang (ANTARA) - Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur akan dilengkapi lagi dengan 12 unit Tank Anoa dari Mabes TNI pada 2020 mendatang untuk menambah sistem peralatan utama dan sistem persenjataan (Alutsista) di wilayah Korem 161/Wirasakti Kupang yang telah diperkuat dengan enam Tank Anoa.

"Saat ini kita menyaksikan ada enam Tank Anoa yang ditunjukkan di sini, nah tahun depan nanti akan ada lagi 12 Tank Anoa yang akan dikirim ke NTT untuk menambah sistem alutsista kita," kata Komandan Korem 161/Wirasakti Kupang Brigjen TNI Syaiful Rahman kepada wartawan di Kupang, Kamis (19/12).

Hal ini disampaikan saat menghadiri acara syukuran HUT ke-74 Hari Juang TNI AD di Kupang yang dihadiri juga oleh Gubernur NTT Viktor B Laiskodat dan sejumlah Forkompimda lainnya di NTT.

Tank Anoa yang ada berada di bawah kendali satuan Batalyon Kavaleri yang nantinya akan ditempatkan di Atambua, ibu kota Kabupaten Belu yang berbatasan langsung dengan Timor Leste yang saat ini tengah dalam pembangunan fasilitas pendukungnya.

Selain Tank Anoa ada juga fasilitas pendukung alutista lainnya berupa Meriam 155 Caesar yang akan datang bersamaan dengan satuan Batalyon Artileri Medan (Armed) yang bermarkas di Camplong, Kabupaten Kupang.

"Meriam dengan jarak tembak 40 kilometer itu nantinya akan semakin memperkuat pertahanan Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur," ujar dia.

Namun, ujar dia, Meriam 155 itu untuk tahap pertama akan dikirim enam unit terlebih dahulu pada tahun depan. "Meriam 155 Caesar berjumlah 18 unit, dan akan dikirim secara bertahap ke NTT," katanya.

Jenderal berbintang satu itu menambahkan pada tahun 2020, Batalyon Pertahanan Udara akan diperkuat dengan 18 pucuk senjata arteleri medan (Armed) di markas militer di Camplong, sekitar 40 km timur Kota Kupang.

Tak hanya itu, TNI juga akan mengirim satu batalyon kesehatan, yang tidak hanya bermanfaat untuk militer tetapi juga untuk masyarakat sekitar yang bermukim tak jauh dari komplek militer tersebut.

Danrem Wirasakti Kupang menegaskan keberadaan sejumlah alutsista dengan dukungan personel militer yang cukup memadai tersebut, bukan karena NTT atau Indonesia dalam keadaan tidak aman, tetapi ini merupakan bagian dari upaya militer menjaga keutuhan dan kedaulatan NKRI dari ancaman negara lain. (Antara)

Meriam Caesar TNI AD (photo : TNI)

NTT Jadi Perhatian Pengembangan Alutsista Angkatan Darat

POS-KUPANG.COM | KUPANG --  Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur ( NTT) kini tengah menjadi perhatian Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Darat. Sebagai provinsi perbatasan yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Republik Demokratik Timor Leste (RDTL) dan Australia, NTT mendapat prioritas perhatian Mabes TNI AD untuk pengembangan kekuatan pertahanan. 

Selain pengembangan satuan, Mabes TNI juga melakukan pengembangan alutsista pertahanan Angkatan Darat di wilayah NTT. 

"Framenya, bahwa di NTT sedang dilaksanakan banyak sekali pengembangan satuan, jadi NTT saat ini menjadi pusat perhatian pimpinan dalam rangka pengembangan kekuatan," ujar Komandan Korem (Danrem) 161/Wirasakti Kupang Brigjen TNI Syaiful Rahman. 

Ia mengatakan pengembangan satuan telah mulai dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Kupang NTT.  Pengembangan tersebut antara lain, dibentuknya Batalyon Artileri Medan (Yon Armed) dan Batalyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Yon Arhanud) di wilayah Camplong Kabupaten Kupang. Saat ini juga telah dibangun satu Batalyon Kavaleri di wilayah Kabupaten Belu. 

Selain itu, diproyeksikan akan dibangun Batalyon Perbekalan dan dan Angkutan (Yonbekang) pada 2021 dan Batalyon Kesehatan Angkatan Darat (Yonkes) pada 2022 di Camplong Kabupaten Kupang. 

Dalam waktu lima tahun ini, juga direncanakan akan dibangun satu batalyon di Kabupaten Ende Pulau Flores dan satu batalyon di wilayah Pulau Sumba. 

"Masyarakat harus siap terhadap perubahan, baik perubahan ekonomi, perubahan edukasi dan perubahan pertahanan," ujarnya. 

Dengan adanya unsur ketahanan semakin banyak, jelasnya, maka secara otomatis akan ada jaminan peningkatan keamanan. 

"Ketika aparat makin banyak emang makin rawan? Kan tidak, pastinya makin aman, karena apa? Semakin banyak aparat yang melakukannya pengamanan," jelas Danrem. 

Di Yon Armed akan ditempatkan meriam sersan kaliber 155 sementara di Batalyon Kavaleri Atambua ditempatkan 12 unit tank Panser Anoa2 6x6. Setiap Batalyon, jelasnya, akan diperkuat pasukan sejumlah 500 hingg 1000 orang.  "Semuanya terpusat di Kupang, itu kayak military base," katanya. 

Untuk pembangunan Korem, lanjutnya, saat ini sedang dilaksanakan kajian. Proses pembentukan telah dilaksanakan bertahap dengan pembangunan dan peresmian Kodim Sumba Barat Daya (SBD). 

"Ilustrasinya sama saat pengembangan atau pemekaran wilayah. Pengembangan satuan TNI selaras dengan kebutuhan pertahanan," katanya. 

Ia menjelaskan, pengembangan satuan selalu dilakukan berdasarkan kajian. Hal tersebut bukanlah sebuah perjalanan yang mutlak tapi terprediksi pasti akan terjadi. "Kita lihat bagaimana ancamannya, bagaimana kebutuhan mendesak dari situasi dan kondisi wilayah kita," pungkasnya.  


Vietnam is Testing a Passive Domestic Radar System

29 Desember 2019

Passive combination of new generation radar made in Vietnam (photo : BaoDatViet)

Recently, the domestic defense industry has launched many generations of modern radar realm both active and passive.

According to figures published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - SIPRI of Vietnam, Vietnam has been in the payroll of the extremely advanced Vera-NG passive radar complex produced by the Czech Republic.

Parameters provided by the ERA as CA Company of OMNIPOL Group (Czech Republic), the Vera-NG passive radar operates in all weather conditions, has a reconnaissance range of 400 km with an error of 20 m, stick close to 200 targets simultaneously with parameter update time: 1 - 5 seconds.

With advanced technology and reconnaissance methods, they can "see" the B-2 stealth aircraft from a distance of 250 km, helping the air defense units to actively change their combat readiness state first at least 10 minutes.

Despite being a modern product, which is considered a leading product in the segment, this weapon still has a disadvantage as an imported product, which does not guarantee absolute confidentiality because the specification has been made public.

Therefore, the need to localize and create a passive radar station with similar features has been urgently set. Given the current level of Vietnamese science and technology, this task is not difficult.

Not long ago, the first image of a mobile radar station using active phase array antenna technology (AESA) manufactured by Vietnam appeared, creating a premise for our own production. Passive electronic reconnaissance stations like the Vera-NG.

Not to wait long, recently the special equipment made by Vietnam in the country has started to undergo testing, observing outside can realize its shape quite similar to Vera-NG, here most likely due to localization.

Besides, it can be seen that Vietnamese products are much more mobile and compact, when the entire complex is folded into a container and mounted on the chassis of the tractors, making it easy to take to the different battlegrounds.

With recent successes in manufacturing radar types, we can think of the prospect that after producing enough quantities to meet domestic requirements, Vietnam will move to export to get more money. reinvestment in national defense activities.


Philippine Marine Corps Wants to Have 24 AAVs

29 Desember 2019

PMC want to add 16 more AAVs from the 8 that already have (all photos : MaxDefense)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Navy hopes to get additional amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) and multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) in a bid to further enhance its modernization efforts.

Navy chief Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad said they would need 16 more AAVs as it aimed to acquire two more strategic sealift vessels in addition to its two existing units.

“With the force mix of six AAVs per strategic sealift vessel, we need additional 16 AAVs since we will acquire two more strategic sealift vessels,” Empedrad said at the Navy headquarters in Manila.

“The versatile AAVs not only enhance by large ship-to-shore capabilities of the Philippine Marine Corps but can also provide combat firepower in different types of terrain as well as protection of Marine warriors,” he said.


28 Desember 2019

Terma C-Guard Naval Decoy System for RTN OPV Krabi Class Successfully Passed Sea Acceptance Test

28 Desember 2019

Terma C-Guard system uses the NATO standard in decoy rounds, SeaGnat or 130mm (photo : SeaWaves)

The C-Guard Sea Acceptance Test is an important milestone in the collaboration between Terma, Thales NL as prime contractor and the Royal Thai Navy on the Krabi Class Offshore Patrol Vessel program and is a token of the strengthened relationship between the parties. Terma previously supplied C-Guard systems for the Naresuan Class (HTMS Naresuan and HTMS Taksin) and the DW 3000F Class (HTMS Bhumibol Adulyade).

Further opportunities to increase the business relationship in the near future, between Terma and the Royal Thai Navy, exists if the Royal Thai Navy decides to install Decoy Launching Systems on board the remaining Krabi Class program vessels and on the next Frigate in the DW 3000F Class.

Krabi class OPV (photo : Collin Koh)

More than 200 C-Guard systems are currently in operation worldwide, providing effective protection against any type of air and underwater threat (RF/IR/Dual Seeker missiles and torpedoes). The C-Guard system using SeaGnat or 130 mm decoy rounds will provide protection against any type of threat, including:

-Radio Frequency (RF) threats – the C-Guard algorithm offers the flexibility of deploying chaff as sub-munitions or as a large chaff burst

-InfraRed (IR) and Imaging IR threats – An increasing threat especially in the littoral zone. -The multi-azimuth tubes of the C-Guard will allow the algorithm to calculate precise firing of IR to provide 360-degree coverage

-The C-Guard algorithm can effectively calculate the heat dissemination of flare decoys and in combination with chaff decoys obscure the IR image of a naval vessel

-Dual Seeker threats – the algorithm supports dual mode rounds containing both flare and chaff payloads – an advanced coverage technique towards dual seeker threats

-Torpedo threats – unparalleled, C-Guard supports the firing of the latest acoustic anti-torpedo decoys, including state-of-the-art Canto by DCNS.

(Asian Military Review)