31 Januari 2011

Navy Commences Annual Training Program Off East Coast

31 Januari 2011

HMAS Darwin (photo : Defense Industry Daily)

Five ships with approximately 600 sailors and officers participating departed Sydney Harbour this morning to commence Navy’s latest training program, Exercise Triton Storm.

The three frigates and two mine hunters will conduct live firings, seamanship exercises, boarding training as well as anti-aircraft exercises and mine hunting off the east coast of Jervis Bay, before sailing south to Tasmania.
HMAS Ballarat (photo : Benchill)

During the exercise, HMA Ships Darwin, Ballarat and Parramatta will integrate with RAAF aircraft including Hawks, F/A-18s, AP-3C Orions and Wedgetails during anti-aircraft serials.

Coastal mine hunters, HMA Ships Diamantina and Gascoyne, will also operate in Jervis Bay, testing crews’ abilities to search for, detect and classify mock mines. Collectively, all units will be tested on their preparedness for various warfare serials within the strict environmental and safety guidelines used within Navy.

HMAS Parramatta (photo : RAN)

As the lead ship for the exercise, HMAS Parramatta’s crew are anticipating a busy period Commanding Officer Commander Heath Robertson said.

“My ship’s company is ready to take on all the challenges of 2011. Operating in company with other ships and with the support of the Air Force, it is an exciting start to the year. It will allow us to practice our core skills to prepare us for any eventuality,” he said.

HMAS Gascoyne (photo : leftymgp)

“The months of planning and the ability of each of our sailors really comes into play when you are operating 3500-tonne warships within 500 yards of each other. Life at sea can be a risky enterprise, so we train to keep our sailors prepared and safe.”

HMAS Diamantina (photo : Australian DoD)

As part of the exercise, the task group will transit to various ports in Tasmania to mark Tasmanian Navy Week; the key celebrations will be held between 11-14 February.

Soldiers to Get More Killing Power

31 Januari 2011

New Zealand Army has been evaluating FN SCAR for Steyr AUG replacement (photo : DevianArt ).

The country's soldiers are about to get more killing power with a new weapon which will better the range and accuracy of the rifles used by the enemies they are likely to be fighting.

A 7.62mm marksman's rifle will be issued to each section of eight to 10 soldiers after the New Zealand Defence Force completed a study of 10 of its weapons systems, mostly small arms issued to soldiers.

Three sections make up a platoon and the army said today one soldier in each section would get the new weapon when the army decided what rifle to buy. The rest of the soldiers in the section would continue to be issued with Steyr rifles which fire a 5.56mm standard issue Nato cartridge which was limited in range, said Deputy Chief of Army, Brigadier Dave Gawn.

The new rifle would fire a more powerful cartridge with greater range and accuracy.

Brig Gawn said most hostile forces used the Russian-designed AK47, which fired a similar 7.62mm round.

"In terms of range and hitting power there is a mismatch between the 5.56mm (bullet) which has a maximum range of around 300m versus the 7.62mm which is closer to 600m."

He said giving the soldiers more powerful 5.56mm cartridges would overcome some of that difference but the new weapon would have a range of up to 1000m.
The army would also replace its specialist 7.62mm sniper rifles.

About 3000 of the 13,000 Steyr rifles in the Defence Force armory would be fitted with a new sighting system, which would increase magnification from 1.5 times to four times magnification. They would also be modified to allow thermal sighting systems to be fitted.

The Steyr rifles were likely to last another 10 years before they were replaced, but Brig Gawn said it was too soon to say what calibre rifle would be adopted.

29 Januari 2011

WZ-10 Memasuki Dinas Operasional

29 Januari 2011

CAIC WZ-10 (all photos : Alert5)

Helikopter serang China terbaru WZ-10 memasuki dinas operasional pada akhir tahun 2010 lalu. Foto-foto helikopter buatan Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) ini beredar di internet China.

Sejauh ini oleh pemerintah China foto-foto tersebut dibiarkan saja beredar di internet, sama seperti pemunculan pesawat siluman China J-20 yang sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa industri kedirgantaraan China telah menguasai teknologi tinggi dan masuk era modernisasi.

WZ-10 merupakan heli serang modern yang dipersenjatai dengan kanon putar di bagian bawah hidung serta 4 cantelan dari sayap kecil di kanan dan kiri badan yang dapat dipasangi rudal dan roket.

(Defense Studies)

28 Januari 2011

RPZ Condor - Pasukan Tempur Saling Melengkapi

28 Januari 2011

Pasukan Malaysia dengan Condor dalam misi PBB di Somalia (photo : Militaryphotos)

MENJEJAKKAN kaki ke dalam kenderaan pengangkutan infantri (APC) jenis RPZ Condor dianggap pengalaman paling bermakna, terutama apabila mengimbau kembali kesulitan dihadapi 60 tentera Malaysia ketika berdepan serangan hendap bertubi-tubi kumpulan militia di kawasan Pasar Bakara di Mogadishu, Somalia, dalam tragedi `Black Hawk Down’ pada Oktober 1993.

Walaupun hanya seketika, ia sudah cukup untuk memberikan gambaran betapa sengsaranya keadaan perajurit negara yang terpaksa berkubukan hanya dinding jentera RPZ Condor dalam usaha menangkis peluru militia, termasuk senjata antikereta kebal dan pelancar grenade yang menghujani mereka tanpa henti.

Namun, saat menjejakkan kaki ke tempat duduk pemandu, perasaan tiba-tiba menjadi sebak terutama mengenangkan di situlah mayat wira negara, Allahyarham Koperal Mat Aznan Awang, terkujur layu selepas RPZ Condor dengan nombor pendaftaran ZA9341 dipandunya ketika tragedi itu musnah akibat terkena serangan tepat senjata anti kereta kebal.

Selain Mat Aznan, sembilan lagi rakan setugasnya yang juga dari Batalion 19 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (RAMD) Mekanis berpangkalan di Sungai Petani, Kedah, turut dilapor parah akibat serangan sama.

Namun, di sebalik keperitan itu, timbul rasa bangga dan kagum dengan keupayaan jentera RPZ Condor berkenaan, yang menjadi perisai utama kepada 60 perajurit negara ketika berkhidmat di bawah panji Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) melalui Operasi UNOSOM II antara 18 Jun 1993 hingga 11 Januari 1994.

Justeru, tidak hairanlah RPZ Condor yang menjadi kebanggaan warga 19 RAMD Mekanis, terutama ZA 9341 yang dipandu Koperal Mat Aznan dinobat sebagai Ragaan Utama batalion berkenaan dengan nama `AZNAN’, sekali gus membuktikan keupayaan tinggi serta jasa besar jentera terbabit dalam setiap misi disertai pasukan.

Condor APC 4x4 buatan Rheinmetall German (photo : kolonel)

Condor adalah kenderaan jenis APC keluaran Jerman dan direka khusus untuk menyediakan pertahanan menyeluruh daripada sebarang serangan senjata ringan, pecahan peluru meriam atau pun periuk api kecil. Malah, ketika berkhidmat bersama Malaysia di Somalia melalui UNOSOM II, RPZ Condor terbukti kebal apabila berjaya menangkis serangan peluru roket RPG-7 dalam pertempuran di Pasar Bakara, walaupun seorang tentera Malaysia dilapor terkorban dan sembilan yang lain parah.

Apa pun, keupayaan RPZ Condor dalam ops berkenaan tidak akan lengkap tanpa keseragaman tindakan kru terlatih yang dikenali sebagai Pasukan Tempur Unit Infantri Batalion 19 RAMD Mekanis.

Ini diakui sendiri Pegawai Pemerintah Batalion 19 RAMD Mekanis, Lt Kol Fazal Abdul Rahman, yang menganggap kedua-duanya (RPZ Condor dan Pasukan Tempur) sebagai saling melengkapi satu sama lain.

“Setiap jentera lengkap RPZ Condor mengandungi 10 kru tempur terdiri daripada pemandu, ketua kenderaan, pasukan peninjau serta kru penembak senjata bantuan.

“Tanpa kru tempur ini, sebuah RPZ Condor tidak akan sempurna dan keberkesanan jentera juga sudah pasti terbatas. Ini sekali gus akan mengganggu gugat kesempurnaan setiap misi yang dijalankan,” katanya.

Dari segi reka bentuk, RPZ Condor dianggap APC paling fleksibel kerana bukan saja sesuai untuk kegunaan dalam serangan berbentuk amfibia, malah boleh diangkut ke lokasi tertentu secara mudah melalui udara menggunakan pesawat C-130 Hercules atau C-160.

Dalam aspek penggunaan pula, Condor yang sinonim dengan fungsinya untuk mengangkut unit infantri bersenjata, sebenarnya boleh diubah suai dengan mudah sekali mengikut keperluan penggunaan, termasuk bagi tujuan pengangkutan kargo.

Malah, Condor juga diguna pakai untuk tujuan pemantauan dan pemerhatian, pengangkutan senjata dan pertahanan udara ringan, serta sebagai kenderaan anti-rusuhan.

Selain itu, APC ini juga boleh diubahsuai sebagai jentera sokongan logistik serta ambulans seperti yang dipraktikkan Malaysia, selain dilengkapi pelbagai variasi persenjataan.

Fazal berkata, kelebihan utama RPZ CONDOR adalah dari segi perintah dan kawalan, di mana setiap arahan operasi boleh diatur secara terus dan terkoordinasi ketika jentera sedang bergerak dalam formasi ke arah sasaran.

“Ini bukan saja dapat menjimatkan masa, malah sebarang perubahan dalam sasaran misi atau haluan juga boleh dikoordinasi secara terus melalui sistem komunikasi yang ada dalam kenderaan pada bila-bila masa tanpa perlu berhenti,” katanya.

Difahamkan, selain digunakan Malaysia khususnya Batalion 19 RAMD Mekanis menggantikan kenderaan perisai jenis V150 Commando buatan Amerika Syarikat pada 1989, APC Condor turut diguna pakai beberapa negara lain seperti Kuwait, Portugal (Polis Tentera Udara), Thailand, Turki, Uruguay dan Korea Selatan.

Malah, sepanjang berbakti bersama Batalion 19 RAMD Mekanis sejak 1989, RPZ Condor banyak memberi sumbangan ke arah keselamatan dan juga pembangunan negara melalui pembabitannya dalam pelbagai operasi baik di dalam mahu pun luar negara.

Antaranya termasuk pembabitan secara langsung dalam operasi yang diatur seperti Ops Bongsu, Ops Ganas, Ops Setia VIII, Ops Kota Charlie, Ops Kancil, Ops Foxport, Ops 797, Ops Gerak Sedar, Ops Kota Echo, Ops Sedar, Ops Gubir/Lenggong, Ops Sedar 4/85, Ops Setia, Ops Kota Charlie/Delta, Ops Tak Sin 8601, Ops Kota Charlie /Delta 4/86 dan Ops Kota Echo 2/84.

Ketika operasi terbabit, katanya, selain melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab diamanahkan, pasukan itu juga berjaya mencapai beberapa kemajuan. Antaranya kejayaan merampas 23 ketul candu mentah seberat 49 kilogram di Sungai Temin, Kedah melalui Operasi Kota Bravo Pagar pada Mac 1985.

Selain itu, pasukan itu juga terbabit dalam misi luar negara di bawah panji PBB, termasuk melalui Operasi UNOSOM II sebagai kumpulan utama Malbatt 1, mulai 18 Jun 1993 hingga 11 Januari 1994 yang lebih dikenali sebagai peristiwa Black Hawk Down.

APC Condor 4x4 (photo : Berita Harian)

INFO: Data Teknikal APC Condor
-Berat kosong - 9,000kg
-Berat penuh - 12,400kg
-Panjang - 6,130mm
-Tinggi (termasuk Turret) - 2,770mm
-Laju maksima - (100 km/j)
-Laju (dalam air) - 10 km/j
-Persenjataan - Pelancar grenade 76mm/ GPMG (optional mengikut keperluan)
-Keanggotaan Unit Tempur - tujuh hingga 10 orang.

(Berita Harian)

TNI AL Repowering 6 Kapal Perang

28 Januari 2011

KRI Karel Satsuit Tubun - 356 (photo : Ian Johnson)

Sebanyak 6 kapal perang TNI AL akan di-repowering untuk kurangi beban biaya. Ke-6 kapal itu, diantaranya, kapal tempur buatan Belanda.

Satu diantara kapal yang sudah selesai di-repowering yakni KRI Karel Sasuit Tubun. Sementara KRI Oswot Siahaan dalam proses repowering. Repowering ini dalam upaya memperbarui kapal-kapal TNI AL yang sudah tua dan dianggap tidak layak dipakai beroperasi

Laksamana Agus Suhartono Panglima TNI AL seperti dilaporkan Rangga reporter Suara Surabaya, Jumat (28/01), mengatakan repowering dilakukan pada kapal yang badannya bagus tapi daya dorongnya sudah buruk.

Ini disampaikan Laksamana Agus Suhartono di sela sertijab jabatan komandan Jenderal Akademi TNI dari Letjen Nono Sampurno kepada Marsekal Pertama S Andreas di AAL Surabaya.

Kata Panglima TNI, prioritas repowering adalah kapal-kapal dari Belanda dan Jerman. Untuk kapal-kapal yang dibeli dari Amerika pada tahun70-an akhir tidak digunakan lagi. Panglima TNI mengistilahkan dengan sebutan akan dilepas.

Repowering kapal dilakukan secara bertahap sejak akhir tahun lalu. Dengan repowering, penggunaan BBM pada kapal bisa dihemat. Panglima menambahkan biasanya 1 kapal bisa menghabiskan 50 ton solar, dengan pembaharuan hanya menggunakan 18-20 ton solar.

Repowering kapal ini melibatkan industri perkapalan dalam negeri seperti PT PAL, PT Pindad dan Industri Angkatan Laut. Industri dalam negeri, dinilai Panglima, sudah baik. Selain kapal, sistem kendali persenjataan seperti rudal juga di-repowering. Khusus untuk rudal masih melakukan kerjasama dengan China dan Rusia. (tin)

(Suara Surabaya)

24 F-16 Hibah Akan Diupgrade ke Block 32 Dalam 3 Tahun

28 Januari 2011

24 F-16 hibah akan diupgrade delapan pesawat setiap tahunnya (photo : Aviacol)
Menhan : Hibah F16 Masih Belum Final

Jakarta, 28/1/2011 (Kominfo-Newsroom) Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengatakan keputusan untuk menerima hibah pesawat tempur F16 dari Amerika belum final namun demikian pemerintah masih melakukan pertimbangan yang tepat terutama pengalokasian anggaran antara beli dan hibah.

“Kita memang memerlukan pesawat ini, karena kesiapan pesawat yang ada sangat minim. Apalagi seluruh wilayah nusantara memang kesulitan,” katanya di Jakarta, Kamis (27/1).

Menurut Purnomo, kesiapan pengamanan udara seluruh nusantara, di bawah 30 pesawat tempur perharinya. Perhitungan ideal untuk Indonesia diperlukan 180 pesawat tempur per hari atau 12 skuadron. “Singapura dengan wilayah yang tidak begitu besar memiliki F16 tiga skuadron. Australia punya 80 pesawat F18,” katanya.

Purnomo mengatakan bahwa pengalaman perang Trikora, yang dapat menggetarkan itu karena kekuatan laut dan udara kuat. “Kita berencana membeli 6 pesawat F16 (@60 juta dollar). Jika kita alokasikan untuk meretrofit 24 pesawat hibah, maka akan masih menguntungkan,” katanya.

Menhan lebih lanjut menjelaskan, alasan Amerika menawarkan hibah F16 kepada Indonesia karena pesawat tersebut termasuk dalam pesawat dikonservir dalam mengurangi anggaran pertahanan Amerika Serikat dan bersamaan dengan kedatangan pesawat F22.

“Pesawat F16 yang ditawarkan AS masih bisa terbang waktu dibawa ke Arizona. Jam terbangnya masih sekitar 4 ribu sampai 5 ribu jam terbang. Masih sekitar 20 sampai 25 tahun bisa digunakan,” tuturnya.

Sementara itu, Kasau Marsekal TNI Iman Sufaat menjelaskan awalnya dari surat TNI AU 2009. Dijawab pada 2010 bersamaan dengan kunjungan Kasau ke Kasau Amerika mengungkapkan Thailand pernah mendapatkan 30 unit F16. Hibah ini gratis. Namun Block 15 dan block 25 perlu diupgrade lagi karena avioniknya sudah tua.

“Untuk upgrade satu pesawat 10 juta dollar. Barunya 60 juta dollar. Operasionalnya sudah terbukti di Timur Tengah. Keunggulannya teruji. Maintenance gampang daripada Sukhoi. Kita juga sudah biasa merawat F16,” kata Kasau.

Imam mengatakan, anggaran 6 pesawat block 52 akan lebih menguntungkan dengan mengambil 24 pesawat F16. Jika di upgrade ke block 32 akan lebih baik dari block 52. “Yang Program F16 tidak mengambil anggaran Sukhoi,” ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan pesawat tempur F5 juga akan tetap diganti. Sukhoi pun yang enam belum ada alokasinya. “F16 yang kita punya pun akan diupgrade ke block 32. Untuk biaya pemeliharaan. Satu jam terbang hanya 70 juta. Sedangkan Sukhoi 500 juta dan peralatannya cukup rumit,” ungkapnya.
Menurut dia Retrofit satu tahun 8 pesawat. Akan sangat menguntungkan dan mempercepat pemenuhan MEF. Untuk Sukhoi ada anggaran 84 juta dollar. (Yr/rm)

Defence Trials Mincham Naval UAV

28 Januari 2011

Mincham Aviation managing director Darryl Mincham (r) and chief engineer Dave Betteridge with aerial sensor delivery system aircraft being trialled by the Australian Navy. (photo : The Advertiser)

Defence Trials Mincham UAV

Mincham Aviation’s new unmanned aerial system is currently being trialled by Defence.

Weighing 22 kg and approximately 1.3 metres long, the system is able to deploy sonobuoys traditionally used to detect submarines or for underwater research.

Further development work is ongoing to allow the system to deliver different payloads as decoys, training aids and emergency supplies.


See Also :

Mincham Aviation wins Defence contract for unmanned aerial systems
01 November 2010

DEFENCE is trialling unmanned aerial sensor delivery systems developed by a South Australian manufacturer that will help the armed forces save costs and potentially, lives.

Parafield-based Mincham Aviation has designed and developed the Maritime Ranges Sensor Delivery System used to listen to the underwater noise of ships and submarines, for the Defence Materiel Organisation.

The unmanned system, believed to be the first of its kind in the world, weighs about 22kg and can deploy sensors, also known as sonobuoys weighing about 10kg, up to a distance of 15 nautical miles.

Traditionally, these sensors have been deployed by manned aircraft or ships and are used to detect anti-submarine warfare or to conduct underwater acoustic research.

The unmanned vehicles look like mini-planes, are about 1.2m wide and 1.3m long, and are made from aerospace composites.

The Navy could significantly improve the information quality and save tens of millions of dollars in ship time and make detections less hazardous using the improved technology, Mincham Aviation founder and ex-RAAF technician Darryl Mincham said.

Hundreds of sonobuoys are deployed by the Australian Navy and Mincham Aviation expects a large ongoing order for these systems.

"More importantly, we are looking at exports, especially to the UK market, which use thousands of sonobuoys,'' Mr Mincham said.

The company is working with the DMO to further evolve the system to pursue other opportunities, including deploying other sensors, decoys, training aids for maritime use and other payloads for land-based applications, such as emergency supplies.

The small 15-staff firm has grown steadily in the past few years, winning a key contract to make parts for defence giant Boeing's CH-47 Chinook helicopters.

This success and plans to bring more products to market over the coming years now underpin a near $2.5 million investment in a second manufacturing facility at Edinburgh Parks.

(Adelaide Now)

27 Januari 2011

DTI Will Continue Other Project : UAV, AAV

27 Januari 2011

DT-1 multiple launch rocket system (photo : TAF)

New rocket battalion planned

The army has plans for a new battalion to be equipped with multi-barrel rocket launchers (MBRLs), attached to the existing Lop Buri-based Artillery Division, an army source said.

Under the plan, a large number of MBRLs will be bought from the Defence Technology Institute (DTI), an organisation under the Defence Ministry.

DTI, in collaboration with the army of China, has produced a prototype DTI-1 MBRL, using technology transferred from China.

On Monday, Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon and army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha visited the Artillery Division in Lop Buri where they took receipt of the first of the MBRLs developed by DTI.

MBRL systems are in wide use with the Cambodian military, which has large numbers of them.
The source said the plan ned new battalion has the support of the prime minister, who sees it as a way of boosting the army's capability.

China has transferred WS-1B technology to DTI (photo : Military Today)

At the hand-over ceremony, Gen Prayuth said it has been the army's wish since 1988 to have a rocket company. At present, the defence minister has approved in principle the development of MBRLs and the newly developed weapon has been tested.

Lt-Gen Thitinan Tunyasiri, the DTI director, said the MBRL prototype is very important as its technology can be use to develop a guided missile system to respond to demands from various army units.

In the near future, the DTI will proceed with other projects to build unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), signal jammers, combat auxiliary systems, and amphibious assault vehicles (AAV), to reduce reliance on imports from abroad, he said.

(Bangkok Post)

AFP Needs P42.1 Billion for Security Program

27 Januari 2011

ACV-300 of the PAF (photo : Sandy)

MANILA, Philippines - The military needs at least P42.13 billion in the next five years to upgrade its capability and implement security programs.

Military data showed P11.66 billion of the program has been allotted to the Army; P14.36 billion for the Air Force and P14.49 billion has been earmarked for the Navy.

The remaining P1.62 billion has been allocated to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) General Headquarters and various support units.

Senior military officials presented the data before members of the House of Representatives defense committee in a hearing held at Camp Aguinaldo yesterday.

“The P42 billion (for 2012 to 2016) is a practical modest budget... it can still be adjusted,” Defense Undersecretary Pio Lorenzo Batino said during the committee hearing.

AFP vice chief Lt. Gen. Reynaldo Mapagu said the program would involve allotting equipment to 12 Army battalions.

He said this would also entail the creation of three mechanized battalions, which will be equipped with Army fighting vehicles.

Mapagu said they are still determining which battalions would be provided with new equipment.

Mapagu, however, said this might include troops deployed in some areas in Mindanao.

The P42-billion program includes the purchase of 110 units of infantry fighting vehicles, 4,464 units of night fighting system, 8,103 units of assault rifles, 8,103 units of force protection equipment, grenade launchers, trucks, and radios for the Army.

For the Air Force, the items in the shopping list include four units of combat helicopters, four units of surface attack aircraft and lead-in fighter trainers, six units of close air support aircraft, a long-range patrol aircraft and an air surveillance radar.

For the Navy, the program seeks to acquire two offshore patrol vessels, a strategic sealift vessel, a command and control communication system, two units of multi-purpose helicopters, a bases support system, a Coast Guard watch system and an anti-bunker and tank system.

The program also aims to fund, among others, security, mobility, information and weapons systems, communication networks, rehabilitation of military structures and dental and medical equipment.

Muntinlupa Rep. Rodolfo Biazon, chairman of the House defense committee, said they would have to study the AFP medium-term capability program.

“The first thing that we will be doing is (to) identify what equipment should be acquired. Only then can we determine how much is needed to support the acquisition,” Biazon said.

“The next phase is to determine how to provide the funds and define the sources of funding,” he added.

Biazon, however, said the AFP should not include in its proposal the equipment used by civilian agencies to implement developmental projects.

“These items should not be mixed with the modernization (program) because whatever they will acquire should be determined by the requirement of providing national security and defense for the country, not agriculture,” he said.

The AFP is currently implementing Bayanihan, an internal security plan that focuses on development programs designed to attack the roots of rebellion.

26 Januari 2011

KAI Rolls Out First Production T/A-50

26 Januari 2011

Korea's T/A-50 light attack variant of the T-50 Golden Eagle (photo : KAI)

Korea Aerospace Industries has rolled out the first production T/A-50, the light-attack variant of the T-50 Golden Eagle advanced jet trainer.

The South Korean air force has ordered 22 T/A-50s for lead-in fighter and ground-attack training, says an industry source. These will be delivered by the end of 2012.

Virtually identical to the T-50, the T/A-50 (above) is equipped with a three-barrelled 20mm cannon with 200 rounds. It can also carry air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons and has an ITT EL-2032 mechanically scanned radar.

The T/A-50 has achieved weapons certification for the Raytheon AGM-65 Maverick (above) air-to-ground and AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, although it is not certificated to use the latest AIM-9X variant.

In 2013, following the end of T/A-50 production, KAI hopes to transition to building its developmental F/A-50, which could begin testing in 2012. Seoul has committed to buying 60 F/A-50s and could eventually order up to 150 to replace its air force's Northrop F-5Es.

Marshall Aerospace Pitches C-130 Upgrade to Malaysia

26 Januari 2011

Malaysia has a legacy fleet of 14 C-130H/Ts (photo : ADF)

UK maintenance, repair and overhaul company Marshall Aerospace has revealed details of its bid to modernise the capabilities of Malaysia's Lockheed Martin C-130 tactical transports.

Marshall says it hosted Royal Malaysian Air Force chief of staff Gen Tan Sri Dato' Sri Rodzali bin Daud in a visit to its Cambridge airport facilities on 10 January.

The company has identified a Malaysian requirement "for an upgrade of their C-130H avionics to provide a capability to fly in CNS/ATM [communications, navigation and surveillance/air traffic management] airspace", says head of business development Peter Taylor.

Marshall has recently conducted an extensive avionics and cockpit upgrade on two refurbished C-130Hs for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and will perform the same work on two more Dutch aircraft. Last year it identified a possible market to offer a similar service to Hercules operators in Asia, Europe and North Africa.

The Royal Malaysian Air Force has an active fleet of 12 C-130H/H-30s and two C-130T tankers, as listed in
Flightglobal's MiliCAS database. The five oldest of these entered service in 1976, it says.
As well as operating its Hercules fleet, Malaysia is the lone export buyer for Airbus Military's larger
A400M. Kuala Lumpur has ordered four of the European type.

(Flight Global)

Singaporean Searchers on A Mission in Afghanistan

26 Januari 2011

A 52 person team from Singapore deployed to Afghanistan for three months in August. It is now slated to remain in country until the end of the year.(photo : Defense Update)

The Singaporean troops will stay in Afghanistan until the end of 2011 supporting ISAF operations in the country. The deployments were supposed to have ended by April 2011 But Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean announced their mission will be extended. Since 2007 Singapore has deployed several military teams to Afghanistan, providing medical assistance, training and reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the International Security Afghanistan Force (ISAF).

Sixteen servicemen from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) are likely to remain stationed there to teach Afghan soldiers to fire artillery guns and take part in coalition operations involving pilotless surveillance planes. Singapore also operates a 52-man Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)detachment operating four Singaporean IAI/Malat Searcher II UAVs are operated from Tarin Kowt, in Afghanistan’s Uruzgan province. The Searchers were deployed here following the withdrawal of the Dutch contingent operating Aerostars UAVs leased from the Israeli company Aeronautics. Prior to the Singaporean mission Spanish forces also operated Searchers from Herat in Western Afghanistan.

(Defense Update)

25 Januari 2011

KRI Banda Aceh Akan Lengkapi Armada TNI AL

25 Januari 2011

LPD ke-4 KRI Banda Aceh dalam penyelesaian (photo : mastekhi)

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - TNI Angkatan Laut tahun ini akan memiliki satu lagi kapal perang jenis LPD (Landing Platfrom Dock), yakni KRI Banda Aceh. Kapal perang pengangkut pasukan dan barang itu akan melengkapi koleksi kapal perang TNI AL setelah pekan lalu meresmikan kapal perang pertama buatan dalam negeri, KRI Banjarmasin.

Dikatakan oleh Kepala Staf TNI AL, Laksamana TNI Soeparno, pembuatan dua kapal perang itu dimaksudkan untuk meremajakan deretan kapal perang yang dimiliki TNI AL, yang umumnya merupakan kapal perang buatan Amerika Serikat yang sudah berusia lanjut.

"Sudah selayaknya kita ganti. Penggantiannya itu diupayakan yang buatan kita. Buktinya kita sudah buat oleh PT PAL dua (unit kapal), dan sudah dicoba," kata Soeparno dalam konferensi pers di Mabes TNI AL, Cilangkap, Selasa (25/1). Kapal-kapal baru itu akan diuji coba untuk keliling perairan Indonesia.

Seperti halnya KRI Banjarmasin, KRI Banda Aceh merupakan kapal perang buatan dalam negeri, yakni oleh PT PAL, Surabaya. Harganya diperkirakan sedikit lebih mahal dari biaya pembuatan KRI Banjarmasin sebesar Rp 365 miliar. Proses pembuatan dilakukan sepenuhnya di PT PAL.
Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AL, Laksamana Pertama TNI Tri Prasodjo mengatakan, kendati kontraktor utama pembangunan KRI Banda Aceh adalah Korea Selatan, tapi proses alih teknologinya dipastikan hampir seratus persen di PT PAL. "Cuma tenaga ahlinya ada yang dari Korea," ujarnya.

Prasodjo menilai wajar jika biaya produksi KRI Banda Aceh sedikit lebih mahal daripada KRI Banjarmasin. Sebab, selain disebabkan sub kontraktornya dikembangkan di dalam negeri, waktu yang diperlukan dalam proses pembuatannya juga agak lama. "Lalu masih ada material-material yang masih harus didatangkan dari Korea. Tapi mahalnya juga nggak seberapa," kata dia.

TNI-AL Akan Uji Persenjataan Strategisnya

25 Januari 2011

Rudal Yakhont P-800 (photo : NPOMash)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - TNI Angkatan Laut akan menguji sejumlah persenjataan strategisnya seperti peluru kendali untuk memastikan kesiapan alat utama sistem persenjataan dan personel matra laut dalam mengantisipasi berbagai ancaman sesuai perkembangan lingkungan strategis yang terjadi.

"Uji persenjataan itu dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan manajemen pemeliharaan, perawatan, perbaikan yang efektif guna mencapai kesiapsiagaan yang optimal," kata Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Soeparno di sela-sela rapat Pimpinan TNI Angkatan Laut 2011 di Jakarta, Selasa.

Ia menambahkan, salah satu persenjataan strategis yang akan diuji adalah peluru kendali Yakhont buatan Rusia.

Beberapa kehandalan Yakhont yang tidak dimiliki rudal anti permukaan TNI-AL sebelumnya adalah Yakhont mempunyai kecepatan maksimum hingga 2,5 Mach. Ditambah lagi Yakhont punya jangkauan tembak sangat jauh, tak tanggung-tanggung 300 Km.

"Dua kemampuan tadi yang hingga kini belum dimiliki jajaran rudal anti kapal TNI-AL. Yakhont dapat ditemabka dari Surabaya ke sasaran di Yogyakarta," ungkap Kasal.

Seperti diketahui TNI-AL mempunyai rudal Exocet MM30/40, Harpoon dan C802. Tapi dibalik itu, Yakhont mempunyai bobot dan dimensi yang terbilang bongsor di kelasnya. Harga satu unit Yakhont ditaksir sekitar 1,2 juta dolar AS.

Saat ini 16 KRI sudah dipasang rudal Yakhont yaitu enam pada kapal jenis fregat dan 10 di kapal perang Korvet. Masing-masing Fregat dipasang delapan unit Yakhont sedangkan Korvet sebanyak empat unit. Pemasangan dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh PT PAL Surabaya.

Kasal menambahkan, sasaran tembak dari uji coba sejumlah persenjataan strategis itu adalah kapal perang yang tidak lagi digunakan. Uji coba akan dilaksanakan di Samudra Indonesia pada Februari.

Kapal Selam

Amur 1650, sodoran baru dari Russia kepada Indonesia (photo : pakdef)

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kasal Soeparno mengatakan, pihaknya masih menunggu keputusan Kementerian Pertahanan terkait pengadaan dua kapal selam baru yang telah direncakan sejak lama.

"Kita telah menyampaikan spesifikasi teknik dan spesifikasi operasional kapal selam yang kami butuhkan. Sekarang prosesnya masih di kementerian Pertahanan. Di sana akan dibahas lagi di Tim Evaluasi Pengadaan yang akan menentukan kapal selam jenis apa yang akan dibeli dan digunakan TNI Angkatan Laut. Apapun yang diberikan kami terima," kata Soeparno.

Pengadaan dua unit kapal selam itu dibiayai fasilitas Kredit Ekspor (KE) senilai 700 juta dolar Amerika Serikat, yang diperoleh dari fasilitas pinjaman luar negeri di Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) tahun 2004-2009.

"Kami sudah tentukan spesifikasi teknisnya, serta kemampuan dan efek penggentar yang lebih dari yang dimiliki negara tetangga," kata Kasal.

Pada tender pertama, dari empat negara produsen kapal selam yang mengajukan tawaran produk mereka, seperti Jerman, Perancis, Korea Selatan, dan Rusia, TNI Angkatan Laut telah menetapkan dua negara produsen sesuai kebutuhan yaitu Korea Selatan dan Rusia.

Rencananya, dari dua pilihan itu akan diuji kembali mana spesifikasi kapal selam yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Laut oleh Kementerian Pertahanan.(T.R018/S019)

RI-Korea Akan Perluas Kerjasama Industri Pertahanan

25 Januari 2011
Kerjasama industri pertahanan akan mencakup antara lain pembangunan tank, panser, kapal patroli serta pesawat tempur. (photo : Deagel)

RI- Republik Korea Akan Tingkatkan Kerjasama Industri Pertahanan

Jakarta, DMC - Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Jumat (21/1), menerima kunjungan kehormatan Duta Besar Republik Korea HE Kim Ho-Young, di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta. Kedatangannya kali ini adalah untuk menyampaikan dua hal yaitu mengenai kunjungan utusan khusus Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang akan bertemu dengan Pemerintah Republik Korea dan persiapan mengenai konten kerjasama industri pertahanannya.

Dubes Republik Korea mengharapkan diadakannya pertemuan antara pihak Republik Korea dengan Kementerian Pertahanan RI dan TNI sebelum utusan khusus Presiden RI bertemu dengan Pemerintah Republik Korea untuk menindaklanjuti kemungkinan kerjasama ini.

Sementara itu Wamenhan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin menjelaskan bahwa berdasarkan laporan dari Sekjen Kemhan mengenai hasil dari pertemuan antara Presiden RI dengan Presiden Korea pada akhir tahun kemarin. Informasi tersebutlah yang mendorong Kementerian Pertahanan untuk proaktif berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian tentang agenda yang menjadi fokus pertemuan tersebut.

Kementerian Pertahanan sampai saat ini masih membahas hasil pertemuan kedua pimpinan negara tersebut dengan Kemenko Perekonomian mengenai pembicaraan tentang kerjasama industri pertahanan dalam pertemuan tersebut. Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengharapkan hasil pertemuan antara kedua Kepala Pemerintahan tersebut dapat direalisasikan sesegera mungkin.

Pada akhir tahun yang lalu Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Presiden Republik Korea mengadakan pertemuan tingkat tinggi yang didalamnya membicarakan beberapa hal penting diantaranya kerjasama industri pertahanan antara kedua negara. Dan kedatangan Dubes Korsel kali ini adalah untuk mengetahui tindak lanjut upaya peningkatan kerjasama industri pertahanan kedua tersebut.

Kerjasama industri pertahanan ini antara lain pembangunan tank, panser, kapal patroli serta pesawat tempur. Yang dibicarakan oleh Presiden RI kepada Presiden Republik Korea sebenarnya sama dengan keinginan Wakil Menhan yang diungkapkan sebelumnya yaitu peningkatan kerjasama strategis di bidang industri pertahanan. Saat menerima Dubes Republik Korea, Wamenhan didampingi Kepala Badan Ranahan Kemhan Laksda TNI Susilo dan Dir Tekind Ditjen Pothan Kemhan Brigjen TNI Agus Suyarso. (DAS/SR)


DTI-1 MLRS Hand Over to RTA

25 January 2011

DT-1 Multiple launch Rocket System (all photos : TAF)

Delivering multiple launch rocket system prototype a DTI-1 to the Army

Today, Defense Institute of Technology (Public Organization) or the DTI has a ceremony to deliver multiple launch rocket system prototype a DTI-1 to the division artillery at his Army division artillery. A product derived from the transfer of technology from abroad. The master plan for missile research and development to security, the Ministry of Defence has been prepared. The Minister in the Ministry of Defence , Commander in chief, Chairman and Director of Defence Institute of Technology (ITD), Division Commander of artillery Including senior military officers from all three force Troops and artillery of the Division also attended the ceremony, which is the launch of the first tasks of the DTI as well.

Work starts with the report of Gen. Thitinan Thanya Siri, director of the DTI about the coming of the multiple launc rocket a DTI-1 which is constructed from receiving technology transfers from foreign countries. DTI's mission is to build and further development to the Thai Armed Forces stationed in the next.

Then Minister of Defense Gen. Prawit Wong Suwan, along with senior military officers ceremony to deliver the underlying did this missile system. The Minister of Defence to open the curtains to the press launch of a DTI-1 rocket publicly.

Later Air Chief Marshal Herns Pun Si Chairman of the DTI to deliver weapons to the list, the Minister of Defence to forward to Gen. Praiutht Monday Ocha commander in chief and delivered to a Major General Chamnong Sukit the Division Commander of artillery as a user.

After the military was walking multiple launch rocket system, a DTI-1, which before that, the division artillery was firing demonstration set of this missile system by missile system using the regular troops of the 711th artillery battalion that has been trained to work with this missile system. This missile system consists of two car spaces. The first car as a car packed with rocket dock rocket carried four shots of the car and another car fired a shot at the podium, which is installed with 4 shots can be fired with the fire control room in front of the car.

After receiving the target position to make a shot then. Rider will be moving to a location where fire. The vehicle will have stand number four hydraulic legs, which will press down on the floor during the fire to secure to the car.

Troops will use data from many parts of the evidence or to determine the angle shot direction angle sector to adjust the firing platform in place that can be fired accurately. Except for the coordinates of the target will be fired then. Weather information is also required to keep the ball moving a projectile rocket that runs toward the goal. The car will be on the fire control room, where troops use the computer to find the necessary values and process the evidence came out firing.

After the shooting evidence. Troops will raise more platforms in the corners and angle direction is determined out of the region. The firing platform can be upgraded to either an automatic lift, which will be controlled from the control room, shooting and hand-raised by force by aiming the camera mounted inside the vehicle.

After firing platform into the correct position and ready for firing and then. Troops regularly checks the vehicle's electrical firing platform for the last time to make sure everything is ready system. Ask permission before shooting.

The actual shooting. The ball ran to the rocket fire from the platform at speeds around Mach 5 or five times the speed of sound. And travel time to the target at a distance shot far at 180 km approximately 2 minutes of firing can be either shot pan each meeting and fired a Seeoy is set and the ball rockets an appointment with a radius of destruction was about a field football.

When shooting finished. Missiles can be loaded cars containing the new rockets and four shots within 20 minutes to be ready to shoot again In the current system rocket several barrel a DTI-1 is a general missile that is not the way the DTI project to develop navigation systems for installation with rocket a DTI-1 to increase the efficiency and accuracy in shooting a lot more.

Minister of Defense, said during an interview at one of the reporters. In the past, Thailand imported samples bent arms from abroad. This is a budget issue to a foreign country. And there are several limitations that could not supply weapons they need. Ministry of Defence has a policy to promote national defense industry by using the Institute of Defence Technology (ITD), a research agency and develop a prototype weapon systems to force to strengthen the army and the nation.

Director of Defence Institute of Technology (ITD), said the one that the defense industry is a challenging task but if done successfully. In addition, Thailand will have an opportunity to use weapons and self-produced. Technology ownership in Thailand can also make maintenance and development of weapons systems to improve their next In addition to strengthening and building self-reliance and the military. Research and development to create knowledge to improve the country's science and technology, boost economy and create jobs for the Thai.

This roll-division artillery, as the prototype implementation will be multiple launch rocket a DTI-1 to the training and trial to find flaws and make recommendations to the DTI to develop a missile system in the next version.

(Thai Armed Force)

Penambahan Pesawat TNI AU Terus Diupayakan

25 Januari 2011

F-16 TNI AU akan diupayakan menjadi 34 pesawat (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Harapkan Hibah F-16

Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara terus mengupayakan hibah 24 pesawat jet tempur F-16 bekas dari Amerika Serikat. Pendekatan khusus terus dilakukan sejak Indonesia mengajukan permintaan hibah pada 2009.

Empat pesawat angkut militer Hercules rencananya juga akan dihibahkan dari Australia.

Pada rapat pimpinan TNI beberapa waktu lalu, Presiden menyatakan harapan agar TNI AU menambah jumlah pesawatnya menjadi 16 pesawat F-16, 16 pesawat jenis Sukhoi, dan 30 Hercules.

”Dengan tawaran hibah F-16 ini, anggaran telah kami upgrade sehingga nanti total jadi 34 pesawat F-16,” ujar Kepala Staf TNI AU Marsekal Imam Sufaat di sela Rapat Pimpinan TNI AU di Yogyakarta, Senin (24/1). (WKM)


Baca Juga :

KSAU Ajak KPK Awasi Pembelian Pesawat
25 Januari 2011

SLEMAN- Kepala Staff Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal Imam Sufaat meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) ikut mengawasi proyek pengadaan pesawat yang sedang dilakukan instansinya. Ajakan ini merupakan komitmennya dalam upaya pemberantasan korupsi. “Malah bagus karena saat ini era keterbukaan. Kami tentu juga butuh petunjuk agar tak terjadi kesalahan,” ujar Imam. disela-sela rapat pimpinan TNI AU di Gedung Sabang Merauke Kompleks Akademi Angkatan Udara Jogjakarta, kemarin (25/1). Seperti diketahui, tahun 2011 ini TNI AU siap melakukan pengadaan sejumlah pesawat guna melengkapi kekurangan yang terjadi saat ini. Kucuran dana dari pemerintah akan dimaksimalka untuk pengadaan pesawat tempur berbagai jenis, baik pesawat tempur atau helikopter.

Menurut Imam, hingga tahun 2014 pemerintah menganggarkan hingga Rp 51 triliun untuk tiga angkatan bersenjata. TNI AU mendapat dana sekitar Rp 4 triliun pada tahun 2011. ”Dana inilah yang akan digunakan untuk melengkapi kekurangan sekaligus pemeliharaan pesawat,” paparnya.

Imam menjelaskan pembelian pesawat awalnya mengandalkan anggaran kredit ekspor. Namun hal itu dikurangi dan diganti pendanaan dalam negeri. Selama ini TNI AU selalu membeli pesawat dari luar negeri. Seperti produk Casa 212 dan Helikopter Puma. Selama ini stok di Indonesia tidak ada, sementara jika ada kerusakan maka pesawat grounded. Dan harus menunggu pesanan di luar negeri yang bisa makan waktu hingga lebih satu tahun. “Jika di Indonesia ada, dan cocok serta memenuhi kebutuhan, tentu kami akan gunakan produk dalam negeri,” katanya.

Tahun 2011 ini, kata Imam, TNI AU kembali akan memanfaatkan pesawat produk Industri Pesawat Terbang Negara (IPTN) misalnya helikopter Cougar. Termasuk pesawat-pesawat latihan. Hanya saja untuk persenjataan dan amunisi masih harus impor dari luar negeri karena sangat rumit. “Persenjataan itu riskan dan harus dilakukan uji fungsi dan kelayakan. Indonesia belum bisa buat itu, jadi terpaksa beli keluar negeri,” ucapnya.

Selain pembelian baru, TNI AU rencananya juga akan menerima hibah pesawat tempur jenis F-16 dari Amerika Serikat. “Rencanya ada 24 unit F-16 yang akan dihibahkan. Kami masih menunggu jawaban pihak Amerika Serikat. Ini memang permintaan kami sejak tahun 2009 ,” paparnya.

Selain dari Amerika Serikat, imbuh Imam, Indonesia juga akan mendapat hibah dari Australia sebanyak 8 unit pesawat Hercules. Ia mengungkapkan akan melakukan pembicaraan soal hibah dengan petinggi angkatan udara Australia pada 27 Januari mendatang. “Pihak Australia akan hadir di Indonesia,” kata perwira tinggi TNI AU berpangkat bintang empat itu.

Kedelapan unit pesawat Hercules hibah dari Australia itu guna melengkapi armada milik TNI AU yang saat ini berjumlah 21 unit. Imam mengatakan jumlah pesawat pengangkut pasukan itu saat ini masih kurang, sedikitnya 9 unit. “Setidaknya butuh 30 pesawat Hercules. Dua unit untuk tangki, dua untuk VIP, dan sisanya mengangkut operasional pasukan sekitar 2 batalyon,” papar KSAU.

Mengingat dalam waktu dekat akan mendapat hibah 8 unit dari Australia, maka TNI AU hanya butuh 1 unit lagi pesawat Hercules. Lebih lanjut Marsekal Imam Sufaat , kebutuhan pesawat di Indonesia terbilang masih cukup besar untuk pertahanan negara. ”Jumlah pesawat yang dimiliki TNI belum ideal untuk pertahanan Negara,” tandasnya. (yog)

(Radar Jogja)

24 Januari 2011

SAF Troops Thunder On in New Zealand

24 Januari 2011
The SSPH is a tracked self-propelled howitzer which fires 155mm rounds at a maximum rate of six shots per minute. (all photos : Cyberpioneer)

Amidst the unusually chilly summer this year, the Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF) artillery troops are certainly keeping warm as their big guns fired hot and true at the Waiouru Training Area, New Zealand.

On 22 Jan, they received a special guest as Minister of State for Defence Associate Professor Koo Tsai Kee visited the SAF troops participating in the exercise, together with the New Zealand Defence Minister Dr Wayne Mapp.

As part of their visit, both ministers observed a battalion live-firing exercise involving the Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer (SSPH), Primus. This marks the second consecutive year they are observing the exercise.

About 350 personnel from the 21st and 24th Battalion, Singapore Artillery, have been in New Zealand since 17 Jan for the annual artillery exercise codenamed Thunder Warrior.

The SSPH, which carries a 155mm artillery gun, is able to hit targets up to 30km away at a maximum firing rate of six rounds per minute.

When cyberpioneer spoke to personnel from the two units on 21 Jan, they had just spent the previous night preparing for the next day's live-firing operations.

"The men were working in low-light conditions, strong winds and nine-degree weather. Yet, they were still able to deliver accurate fire this morning," said Colonel (COL) Steven Seng. He is the Exercise Supervising Officer and Commander 3rd Division Artillery.

The TPQ36 Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) enables artillery units to pinpoint the source of “enemy” fire as well as estimate the final impact area of their firing.

"They have shown that they are able to adapt and improvise, and I'm very proud of their fighting spirit," he added.

Commanders on the ground have also been doing their part to keep morale high by taking extra measures to ensure the safety of the soldiers under their charge.

"The weather is cold and the men might not feel that they are losing water, so we have been constantly reminding everyone to hydrate themselves," said Lieutenant Colonel Chang Pin Chuan, Commanding Officer 24SA.

"SAF medics have also been told to check on the men to look out for signs of cold rash and hypothermia on a daily basis."

This year's exercise also sees the inclusion of the Ammunition Resupply Vehicles (ARV), which is used to ferry artillery rounds to various gun positions around the training area.

Based on the Bronco chassis, the ARV is able to traverse harsh and undulating terrain to deliver ammunition where required.

Previously, fresh ammunition would be ferried by wheeled vehicles such as the five-tonne transport truck, or the SSPHs would return to base in order to pick up new rounds.
An Ammunition Resupply Vehicle (ARV) charges ahead to provide fresh ammunition for the artillery guns.

"Wheeled vehicles are not as mobile as tracked vehicles out in the field. Having the ARV allows the guns to be resupplied faster," explained COL Seng.

The ARV was trialled in 2010 as part of the Thunder Warrior series of exercises. It has since been incorporated into the Singapore Artillery's operations.

Established in 1997, Exercise Thunder Warrior is an annual artillery exercise that has been held for over 10 years. Since then, the exercise has grown in complexity and size. In 1999, it became a battalion-level exercise, with a New Zealand detachment participating alongside SAF troops.

Assoc Prof Koo's visit is part of the regular ministerial exchanges between Singapore and New Zealand. The SAF and the New Zealand Defence Force interact through a wide range of bilateral and multilateral training exercises, professional exchanges and courses. The two countries are also part of the Five Power Defence Arrangements.

Exercise Thunder Warrior 2011 will conclude on 1 Feb.

Konsep Pembangunan Aviation Park Disiapkan

24 Januari 2011

Perbaikan pesawat di Garuda Maintenance Facility (photo : Kompas/Raditya)

Asing Bisa Rebut Bisnis Perawatan Pesawat

Jakarta, Kompas - Bisnis perawatan pesawat di Indonesia berpotensi direbut pihak asing. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan keterlibatan pemerintah untuk memimpin langsung pengembangan masif bisnis perawatan pesawat.

Nilai bisnis tahun 2014 diperkirakan Rp 18 triliun per tahun untuk melayani lebih dari 1.000 unit pesawat.

”Pemerintah harus berdiri paling depan, baru kemudian mengundang investor. Dulu kita membanggakan Garuda Maintenance Facility, tetapi sekarang negara tetangga sudah melangkah lebih maju,” kata pengamat penerbangan Dudi Sudibyo, Minggu (23/1) di Jakarta.

Di hadapan Wakil Menteri Perhubungan Bambang Susantono dan Wakil Menteri Perindustrian Alex Retraubun, akhir pekan lalu di Jakarta, Direktur Utama PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia Richard Budihadianto menegaskan pentingnya dibangun pusat perawatan pesawat (aerospace park).

Dengan dibangunnya aerospace park, akan ada kluster khusus perawatan pesawat dan di tengahnya bisa dibangun gudang khusus material atau suku cadang pesawat. ”Gudang ini penting karena selama ini kita sering kehilangan waktu kerja karena masing-masing perusahaan memesan material sendiri dan sering telat datang,” ujar Richard.

Ia mencontohkan, sewa pesawat Boeing 737 senilai 5.000 dollar AS per hari. Apabila perawatannya terlambat diselesaikan karena suku cadangnya terlambat datang, akan merugikan maskapai yang menyewa Boeing itu.

Richard menjelaskan, pengembangan bisnis perawatan pesawat dapat dilakukan dengan menyinergikan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) bidang pemeliharaan pesawat yang ada. Alasannya, 85 persen pasar perawatan pesawat di Indonesia dikuasai BUMN, di antaranya GMF AeroAsia, PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi, Aircraft Service PT Dirgantara Indonesia, serta Merpati Maintenance Facility.

Saat ini persoalan yang dihadapi adalah belum ada strategi pengembangan dan finansial soal aerospace park. ”Kami baru susun masterplan Cengkareng, termasuk aerospace park sebagai bagian dari Cengkareng Aerotropolis. Paling cepat, dibangun tahun 2012,” kata Direktur Utama Angkasa Pura II Tri Sunoko.

Sementara Singapura telah mengembangkan Seletar Aerospace Park dengan investasi Rp 540 miliar di lahan seluas 140 hektar. Malaysia membangun Malaysia International Aerospace Center (MIAC) dengan investasi Rp 819 miliar di lahan 84 hektar. Thailand di Bangkok Internasional Airport juga membangun aerospace park.

Melihat langkah yang sudah diambil negara tetangga, itu berarti pembangunan aerospace park tak bisa ditunda lagi bila tidak ingin bisnis perawatan pesawat diambil oleh pihak asing.

Tahun 2009, hanya sekitar 30 persen dari nilai perawatan pesawat domestik sebesar 750 juta dollar AS, yang dapat dikerjakan perusahaan perawatan pesawat dalam negeri.

Padahal, tahun 2014 diperkirakan lebih dari 1.000 pesawat memerlukan jasa perawatan. Tahun 2010 hanya ada 816 pesawat.

”Kementerian Perhubungan terus mendorong bisnis perawatan ini maju, terutama karena keselamatan penerbangan sangat bergantung pada bagusnya perawatan pesawat,” kata Bambang Susantono.

Sementara itu, Alex Retraubun menegaskan, Kementerian Perindustrian akan mendorong BUMN agar serius dalam bisnis perawatan pesawat. ”Pasar terbuka di depan mata. Jangan ragu membangun bisnis perawatan pesawat,” katanya. (RYO)


APMM Gets Six New Patrol Boats to Combat Maritime Crisis

24 Januari 2011
MMEA receives six new patrol boats (photo : Dalac Marine Engineering)

JOHOR BARU: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM) is set to respond swiftly to crimes occurring in Malaysian waters with the addition of six new patrol boats worth RM3.8mil.
The 600hp rigid hull fender boats manufactured by a local maritime company Dalac Marine Engineering and Services Sdn Bhd are the fastest boats in the agency’s fleet of 138 vessels and helicopters nationwide.

Director-general Admiral Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish said the boats would be able to respond to maritime crimes and emergencies in half the time period it currently takes.

Speedy boats: The rigid hull fenders boats performing a boat manoeuvre demonstration after the boats were handed over to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency. (photo : Dalac Marine Engineering)

“The new boats will enhance the abilities of our men to combat maritime crimes nationwide as speed is an essential element in catching criminals,” he told the media after the boat handing-over ceremony here yesterday.

Admiral Mohd Amdan said the boats are capable of reaching speeds in excess of 50 knots, equivalent to 92.6kph.

Three boats would be used to ply the waters of the southern, northern and eastern regions while the remaining vessel would be for its Special Forces Unit.

Admiral Mohd Amdan added each region had crime activities unique to its location such as the northern region had more smuggling and human trafficking activities while maritime theft activities occurred in the southern area.

“Last year, we foiled 13 attempted robberies in the southern region,” he said.

He said that the number of smuggling cases in the southern region had declined from 28 cases in 2009 to 23 last year.

Admiral Mohd Amdan urged anyone with information on maritime crime activities to contact the APMM southern region hotline at 07-2199 401.

Whenuapai Air Base to Get $24m Upgrade

24 Januari 2011

A US Air Force C-17 plane takes off from Whenuapai Air Base. (photo : NZHerald/Martin Sykes)

The Government is to spend $24 million upgrading the Whenuapai Air Base in Auckland.

The main runway and taxiways will be upgraded, storm water drainage improved and new lighting will be installed.

Defence Minister Wayne Mapp says it ensures there is a runway that will last at least another 40 years.

He says the runway was built shortly before World War Two and now constantly needs repair.

Work will begin this month with the project expected to be completed in May next year.

SGPV Akan Menggunakan Basis Gowind Class

24 Januari 2011

DCNS pada IMDEX 2009 menawarkan Gowind class sebagai Littoral Combat Ship kepada Malaysia untuk proyek Second Generation Patrol Vessel (image : DCNS)

TLDM bakal guna kapal tempur lebih canggih

LABIS - Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) tidak akan menggunakan kapal Meko A-100 yang menjadi asas kepada Kapal Ronda Generasi Baru (NGPV) untuk membangunkan skuadron Kapal Tempur Pesisir (LCS) sebaliknya, ia menggunakan model baru yang lebih canggih.

Sumber pertahanan memberitahu Utusan Malaysia, model baru itu mempunyai reka bentuk halimunan termoden yang setanding dengan keupayaan halimunan kapal friget kelas Delta milik Singapura yang diiktiraf selaku kapal perang tercanggih di rantau ini selain, memiliki kemampuan tempur tiga dimensi yang mantap.

Jelasnya, pembinaan LCS daripada model baru tersebut juga akan membolehkan negara menguasai pembuatan kapal perang termoden sekali gus, memenuhi tuntutan pertahanan abad ke-21 yang menekankan kepada ciri-ciri halimunan kerana kerajaan bukan sahaja membeli kapal tersebut tetapi teknologinya sekali.

"Sebuah kapal akan dibina di negara asal syarikat pengeluar tersebut iaitu di Perancis, manakala baki lima lagi kapal akan dibina oleh syarikat tempatan iaitu Boustead Holdings Berhad yang mana surat tunjuk minat (LOI) sudah pun diserahkan kepada syarikat ini.

"Kita memilih kapal ini kerana ia mempunyai keupayaan tempur termoden sesuai dengan kehendak TLDM memandangkan kapal-kapal perang negara serantau juga sudah memiliki teknologi terkini dan langkah ini bertujuan bagi menjaga perairan negara terutama di Laut China Selatan," katanya di sini hari ini.

Sumber itu bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan lanjut mengenai spesifikasi sebenar kapal perang itu tetapi rata-rata penganalisis pertahanan tempatan menjangka kerajaan akan memilih Kapal Kelas Gowind buatan DCNS iaitu syarikat perkapalan sama yang membina kapal selam pertama negara.

Selain dibina dengan aplikasi teknologi halimunan, Kapal Gowind yang sepanjang 105 meter juga mampu membawa 16 peluru berpandu pertahanan udara jarak sederhana (50 kilometer) sama ada Aster 15 atau Mica RF; lapan peluru berpandu antikapal (Exocet, Harpoon atau RBS-15 MK.3) serta torpedo.

Pada masa yang sama, kapal berkenaan juga boleh membawa helikopter serta berupaya menjadi kapal induk kepada semua jenis pesawat tanpa pemandu (UAV) bagi tujuan pemantauan laut.

Ditanya mengenai apakah jenis persenjataan yang akan dipasang pada kapal perang tersebut, sumber tersebut berkata, pihak TLDM sedang mengkaji perkara berkenaan tetapi beliau yakin, jenis peluru berpandu sedia ada akan digunakan kecuali melibatkan pertahanan udara.

Sebelum ini, Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dilaporkan memberitahu, kapal LCS yang bakal dibina bagi memperkukuhkan perairan negara tidak lagi mengguna pakai konsep fitted for but not with seperti aplikasi pada kumpulan pertama kapal NGPV jenis KD Kedah.


Philippine Navy to Acquire Largest Ship in Inventory

24 Januari 2011

Hamilton class, the USCG's 3.500 tonnes ship (photo : Orange27)

The Philippine Navy is in the process of acquiring its largest ship: a Hamilton class US Coast Guard cutter.

“We are negotiating for the acquisition of a US Coast Guard cutter… through the FMS or Foreign Military Sales," said Navy chief Rear Admiral Alexander Pama on Sunday.

Other details of the impending acquisition, including the price, are still being discussed, Pama said, adding that “it is in the realm of the possibility" that the ship will be acquired this year.

“Right now, we already reached the stage that we already have an understanding, meaning to say we are about to send a formal letter request," he said.

The Hamilton class cutter was the largest class of vessel in the US Coast Guard until replaced by the National Security Cutter.

Pama said the ship, once acquired, will boost the Navy’s capability, particularly in the conduct of patrol in the high seas and in search and rescue operations during disasters. It will also be the first kind in the inventory of the Navy whose modernization is being hampered by lack of funds.

The US Coast Guard introduced 12 Hamilton class cutters in the 1960s. From 1980 to 1992, these vessels were modernized under the Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization, including the upgrading of the mounted gun.

Navy spokesman Capt. Giovanni Carlo Bacordo said former Navy chief Rear Admiral Danilo Cortez inspected the cutter ship during a visit to the US last November. Cortez retired early this month and was replaced by Pama.

“I think it’s in the finishing stages," said Bacordo of the negotiations to acquire the ship. “We expect this to be in country maybe by first semester of 2011," he added.

Bacordo said the cutter ship will be the largest vessel in the inventory of the Navy since it is about 380 feet in length. The largest surface combatant ship of the Navy at present is the destroyer escort BRP Rajah Humabon, which is about 308 feet in length.

(GMA News)

23 Januari 2011

Royal Malaysian Navy Commandos Save Crew from Somali Pirates

23 Januari 2011

Paskal - the commandos from Royal Malaysian Navy (photo : Malaysian DoD)

KUALA LUMPUR: There was drama aplenty in the Gulf of Aden when commandos from a Royal Malaysian Navy auxilliary ship stormed and rescued a hijacked Malaysian chemical tanker and its crew from Somali pirates, early yesterday.

The Shipborne Protection Team, comprising special forces from the combined Armed Forces tri-services, swung into action from the RMN’s Bunga Mas 5.

Their swift and timely action saved the lives and limbs of the 23 crew. It also salvaged the tanker laden with lubricating oil and ethylene dichloride, all of which is believed to be worth in excess of an estimated RM30 million.

Bunga Mas 5’s effort resulted in the capture of seven Somali pirates, three of whom were injured in the ensuing gun battle with the commandos.

Relating the high drama, RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar said MT Bunga Laurel, hired by the Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC), was on its way from the gulf to Singapore when it was attacked by the pirates about 300 nautical miles (555km) east of Oman at 11.40pm on Thursday.

“The drama unfolded just two hours after the Bunga Mas 5 had completed escorting the tanker and another MISC liquefied natural gas carrier, MT Seri Balhaf, to a safe zone called Easton 4 in the gulf.

“This is the waypoint where we cease our escort duty,” he said.

Abdul Aziz said under the cover of darkness, seven pirates armed with AK-47 assault rifles, light machine guns and pistols suddenly emerged from a skiff boat and began boarding the tanker, firing at random.

MT Seri Balhaf was spared.

RMN's Bunga Mas 5 (photo : Secure Malaysia)

“At the same time, a mother ship with 18 pirates on board began its assault on the tanker.“

The alarmed tanker crew activated the Ship Security Alert System before taking cover in a specially-designed security compartment near the vessel’s engine room,” Abdul Aziz said.

Responding to the SOS distress signal Bunga Mas 5, which was 14 nautical miles (25.9km) away, sped towards the tanker at 1.20am.

The navy’s Fennec attack helicopter went airborne to provide reconnaissance and aerial gunfire from its mounted general purpose machine gun.

“Several shots on target from the helicopter kept the pirate’s mother ship at bay. This preventive measure saved the tanker from serious damage and minimised the risk on its crew.

“Simultaneously, the commandos boarded the tanker and subdued the pirates. It was all over within minutes. There were no injuries on the Malaysians, while the three injured pirates were given first-aid,” said Abdul Aziz.

Following interrogation with the authorities, he confirmed that all seven captured pirates were Somalis who admitted that they had used one of the previously captured vessels as their mother ship.

‘What’s baffling is that they seemed to know our movements, including even the 300-nautical mile extended envelope in the gulf. They are ruthless and their threats are for real,” said Abdul Aziz.

He added all concerned were glad that the episode was over and MISC officials are believed to have cleared the tanker fit to continue its journey.

Bunga Mas 5 has a crew of 21 MISC supporting personnel and 39 Shipborne Protection Team members from the Armed Forces, specialising in various trades.

There are four teams, inclusive of six special force members, deployed for the two-day escort duty shift in the gulf under Operasi Fajar launched since June 21, 2009.

Bunga Mas 5 can escort up to three vessels at a time, including foreign ships as requested by international authorities.

Pirate gangs operating along Somalia’s 1,900 miles-long (3,100 km) coastline have become increasingly brazen, accounting for the capture of 32 commercial vessels to date to seek ransoms.

The Gulf of Aden, sandwiched between Somalia and Yemen, is the main sea route between Europe and Asia where vessels ply the Suez Canal.

Two other piracy incidents also took place in the gulf and its vicinity, the last 48 hours.

South Korean navy commandos stormed the Samho Jewelrya hijacked by Somali pirates about 1,300 kilometres (800 miles) off northeast Somalia in the Indian Ocean, rescuing all the 21 crew and killing eight pirates.

The 11,500-ton ship, with eight South Koreans, two Indonesians and 11 from Myanmar was hijacked on January 15 in the Arabian Sea when it was en route to Sri Lanka from the United Arab Emirates.

In the second separate incident, pirates hijacked the Syrian-owned bulk carrier MV Khaled Muhieddine with 25 crew approximately 330 nautical miles southeast of the Omani coastal port of Salalah on Thursday night.

The Togo-flagged vessel, with a deadweight of 24,022 tonnes, was on passage from Singapore to Al Hudaydah in Yemen with 22 Syrians and three Egyptians on board.

(New Straits Times)