31 Desember 2010

N219, Pesawat untuk Landasan Pendek

31 Desember 2010

Cutaway pesawat N-219 (image : FlightGlobal)

Penerbangan perintis masih akan menjadi andalan Indonesia untuk membuka keterisolasian daerah-daerah terpencil, baik yang ada di pegunungan maupun pulau-pulau kecil. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pesawat komuter yang sesuai dengan kondisi geografis dan sosioekonomi setempat.

Banyak daerah terpencil di Indonesia yang memiliki landasan pacu pesawat terbang sangat pendek. Lokasi daerah yang berada di punggung gunung, seperti Papua atau pulau-pulau kecil yang sempit, membuat sulit dibangun landasan pacu yang panjang. Bahkan, akibat kendala geografis itu, banyak daerah yang masih sulit dijangkau dengan menggunakan pesawat-pesawat perintis sekalipun.

Saat ini terdapat 72 persen atau 715 bandar udara dan lapangan terbang di Indonesia yang panjang landas pacunya kurang dari 800 meter. Sebanyak 70 persen atau 60 pesawat perintis dengan kapasitas 9-20 penumpang sudah berumur di atas 20 tahun.

Penerbangan perintis itu menghubungkan 89 bandar udara atau lapangan terbang yang ada di 14 provinsi dan melayani 118 rute penerbangan. Setiap tahun, subsidi negara untuk menutupi biaya operasional penerbangan perintis itu mencapai Rp 240 miliar.

Kepala Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) Marzan Azis Iskandar di Jakarta, Selasa (28/12), mengatakan, kebutuhan pesawat berkapasitas 9-20 penumpang di Indonesia saja hingga 20 tahun mendatang mencapai 97 unit untuk penerbangan sipil dan 105 pesawat untuk keperluan khusus.

Kabin pesawat N-219 (image : FlightGlobal)

Pesawat N219

Menjawab kebutuhan akan pesawat kecil yang bisa menyesuaikan dengan berbagai keterbatasan kondisi geografis yang ada, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) mengembangkan pesawat N219 berkapasitas 19 penumpang. Pesawat ini dirancang sesederhana mungkin, tetapi tidak mengurangi aspek keselamatan penerbangan.

Direktur Utama PT DI Budi Santoso menyatakan, jika pesawat N219 ini nanti terwujud, akan menjadi pesawat tercanggih di kelasnya. Desain pesawat sejenis rata-rata dibuat pada 1950-an.

Pesawat ini akan menggunakan teknologi era 2000-an. Beberapa kecanggihan yang ada dalam pesawat ini, antara lain, menggunakan desain dan analisis aerodinamik hasil penelitian terbaru, desain pesawat seluruhnya menggunakan komputer, serta penggunaan bahan rangka pesawat yang ringan tetapi tetap kuat.

Selain itu, pesawat juga dilengkapi dengan sistem navigasi penerbangan elektronik berbasis personal computer yang murah dan global positioning system (GPS). Dengan peralatan ini, ketika pesawat menghadapi cuaca buruk, hujan deras, ataupun awan tebal, posisi gunung-gunung yang ada di depan ataupun landasan pacu pesawat tetap dapat terdeteksi.

N219 mampu didaratkan pada landasan berumput sepanjang 600 meter. Adapun pesawat sejenis Casa C-212 hanya bisa mendarat di landasan sepanjang 800 meter, sedangkan DHC-6 Twin Otter bisa mendarat di landasan sepanjang 600 meter, tetapi kapasitas angkutnya lebih kecil.

Mesin pesawat yang menggunakan produk Pratt & Whitney ini dirancang untuk tetap berkinerja baik pada daerah dengan tekanan udara rendah dan suhu tinggi.

”Di pegunungan yang tekanan udaranya rendah dan kondisi suhu tinggi yang membuat kerapatan udara kurang akan mengurangi kinerja mesin. Pengurangan kinerja mesin N219 tidak sedrastis pesawat sejenisnya hingga membuatnya lebih stabil,” ungkap Direktur Aerostruktur PT DI Andi Alisjahbana.

Meski termasuk mesin pesawat generasi lama, Pratt & Whitney dipilih karena lebih banyak teknisi yang memahaminya dan suku cadang banyak tersedia. Jika digunakan mesin pesawat generasi baru, dipastikan perawatannya akan lebih susah dan mahal.

Walau demikian, keamanan pesawat tetap jadi prioritas. Posisi sayap dan mesin yang ada di atas membuat mesin cukup terlindung dari debu atau kerikil saat mendarat. Ban pesawat juga didesain tetap ada di luar pesawat, tak dimasukkan dalam badan pesawat saat terbang sehingga tidak perlu khawatir ban tak keluar saat akan mendarat.

Daya angkut dan jelajah

Kapasitas angkut pesawat juga lebih besar dibandingkan pesawat sejenis, yaitu 2.318 kilogram. Ini akan menjawab keluhan sejumlah penumpang di daerah pedalaman yang sering protes saat barang bawaannya tidak terangkut.

Jarak tempuh maksimal pesawat adalah 1.539 kilometer. Namun, pesawat dirancang untuk terbang beberapa kali (multi hop) pada jarak yang lebih pendek, sesuai karakter penerbangan perintis, tanpa perlu mengisi bahan bakar di setiap pemberhentian. Ini untuk mengantisipasi terbatasnya persediaan bahan bakar di daerah pedalaman.

Bagian dalam pesawat juga mudah diubah dalam waktu singkat untuk disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, apakah akan mengutamakan angkutan penumpang atau barang. Pengubahan yang cepat ini memungkinkan penggunaan pesawat ini untuk angkutan evakuasi medik dari daerah bencana atau untuk keperluan militer.

”Pesawat ini merupakan jawaban atas cemoohan berbagai pihak bahwa PT DI (dulu Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara/IPTN) hanya bisa membuat teknologi tinggi yang tidak bisa diaplikasikan sesuai kebutuhan bangsa,” ungkap Andi.

Pesawat yang kini dalam proses penyelesaian desain awal ini diharapkan dapat diproduksi pada 2013 dengan catatan tidak ada masalah pendanaan dalam pengembangan dan produksinya. Penggunaan pesawat N219 diharapkan dapat menggantikan pesawat-pesawat perintis yang sudah tua serta menjadi media alih teknologi dari ahli rekayasa dan teknisi pesawat era 1980- 1990 kepada generasi muda.

30 Desember 2010

Menhan Serahkan Heli Puma ke TNI AU

30 Desember 2010

Super Puma TNI AU (photo : berita 8)

Bogor (ANTARA News) - Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro menyerahkan satu unit Helikopter NAS-332 Super Puma kepada Skuadron Udara 8 Atang Sendjaja, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Kamis siang, yang telah diselesaikan oleh PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

"Rencananya ada sembilan unit Super Puma, namun saat ini kita sudah punya tujuh unit Helikopter Super Puma, termasuk satu unit yang diserahkan ini. Dua unit lagi sedang diselesaikan oleh PT DI," kata Purnomo dalam acara penyerahan Helikopter Super Puma di Lanud Atang Sendjaja, Bogor.

Menurut dia, enam unit yang sebelumnya sudah dibuat oleh PT DI, empat unit diantaranya digunakan untuk SAR dan dua unit lagi untuk VVIP.

Ia mengatakan, pihaknya menggandeng PT DI dalam pembuatan Helikopter tersebut karena pihaknya berupaya menggunakan produk dalam negeri dalam memperkuat pertahanan Indonesia.

Menurut Menhan, penyediaan Helikopter Super Puma itu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pertahanan, bahkan pada 2010 ini telah disusun cetak biru pertahanan (Minimum Essential Force/MEF) yang berisi tentang kebutuhan kekuatan dari alutsista pertahanan Indonesia hingga tahun 2024.

"Baik kekuatan satuan operasional, persenjataan dan anggarannya. Oleh karena itu, dalam rapim yang digelar pada 6 Januari 2011 di Kemhan, saya minta jajaran TNI untuk melakukan review kembali, jangan ada sampai yang tertinggal dalam pembangunan alutsista kita," tuturnya.

Skuadron udara 8 Atang Sendjaja memiliki delapan unit Helikopter SA-330 Puma dan dalam rencana MEF akan diperkuat pula dengan Helikopter EC-725 sejumlah 16 unit.

Spesifikasi umum NAS-332 Super Puma, yakni kru dua orang, penumpang 18 hingga 24 orang, yang memiliki panjang 16,9 meter dengan berat 4.460 kg dan kecepatan maksimum 278 km/jam dengan ketinggian terbang lebih dari 7.200 meter atau 19.750 kaki.


Six Additional Patrol Vessel Starting 2012

30 Desember 2010

Second generation patrol vessel (photo : MalaysianDefence)

LUMUT, (Bernama) -- The government has issued a letter of intent to Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd for the building of six second generation petrol vessels under a programme starting in 2012, Chief of Navy Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar said today.

The additional vessels will ease the asset restraint that the Royal Malaysian Navy have had to endure since surrendering 17 of its ships to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, he said when launching KD Selangor, the sixth RMN petrol vessel, at the base here.

KD Selangor is the last ship ordered under a programme which started in 1999. The other vessels are KD Kedah and KD Pahang, based in Kota Kinabalu, and KD Perak and KD Terengganu, in Kuantan.

KD Selangor will be based in Lumut alongside KD Kelantan.


Baca Juga :

RM1.08b Bina 6 Kapal Peronda

LUMUT 28 Dis. – Projek pembinaan enam kapal peronda generasi kedua (SGPV) Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) oleh Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn. Bhd. (BNS) di sini melibatkan modal awal RM1.08 bilion untuk tempoh dua tahun pertama.

Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar berkata, kos keseluruhan pembinaan enam buah kapal tempur pesisir pantai (Littoral Combatant) itu bergantung pada jenis kapal serta sistem dan peralatannya.

“Kerajaan telah mengeluarkan surat hasrat kepada BNS untuk membina enam lagi kapal ronda di bawah program SGPV dan projek ini dijangka bermula pertengahan tahun depan.

“Saya percaya tambahan enam lagi kapal ronda akan mengurangkan kekangan aset yang dihadapi TLDM yang telah menyerahkan 17 buah kapalnya kepada Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia,” katanya.

Beliau ditemui selepas menyempurnakan majlis pentauliahan Kapal Diraja (KD) Selangor di Jeti Operasi, Pangkalan TLDM Lumut di sini hari ini.

Mengenai pentauliahan itu, Abdul Aziz berkata, ia merupakan kapal ronda generasi baru (NGPV) yang keenam dan terakhir dalam projek pembinaannya yang ditauliahkan dalam inventori TLDM.


Chinese Stealth Fighter Unveiled?

30 Desember 2010
The Chengdu J-20 (J-XX) reportedly undergoing high speed taxi tests in late December. (photo : australian aviation)

Reports and photographs from China indicate that country will soon test fly a large stealthy combat aircraft prototype from the Chengdu facility in the country’s north.

Grainy images of the aircraft, variously dubbed J-XX or J-20, show a long and wide fuselage with low observable engine intakes and a forward chine, a high set delta shaped main wing, forward canards, a bubble canopy, conventional round engine exhausts, and canted all-moving fins.

The aircraft appears to have been undergoing high speed taxi tests at Chengdu as late as December 22. It appears larger than the US’s F-22 Raptor, and similar in size to Russia’s T-50 PAK-FA prototype which flew in late 2009.

29 Desember 2010

Navy Planning to Acquire Seven Vessels Next Year

29 Desember 2010

BRP Benguet LST unloads a PA LAD Scorpion light tank in Mindanao. (photo : skyscrapercity)

MANILA, Philippines - The Navy plans to acquire seven vessels next year to improve its operations and upgrade its capabilities.

Navy spokesman Capt. Giovanni Bacordo told The STAR that they want to buy three offshore patrol vessels, three multipurpose attack craft and a landing craft utility in 2011.

“We seek to upgrade the capabilities of the Navy. The acquisition will help us perform our duties,” Bacordo said.

He said the attack craft, which will be used to insert troops during combat operations, would cost P89 million each.

On the other hand, the P178-million landing craft utility would be used to transport troops and logistics.

Bacordo said the patrol vessels would be used to conduct patrols at the Malampaya natural gas offshore facility in Palawan.

Information about the cost of the patrol vessels is not yet available.

Bacordo said the Navy has three multipurpose attack vessels in its inventory.

Two are deployed in Western Mindanao while another is stationed in Palawan.

He said they also have three landing craft utility but no offshore patrol vessels.

Bacordo said the purchase of a multi-role vessel is still in the pipeline but this would depend on the availability of funds.

He said they could not rely solely on the Navy’s annual budget for funds to cover the purchases since 70 percent of it goes to salaries while the rest is used to fund maintenance and operating expenses.

The purchase of the multi-role vessel, which costs about P5 billion, has been planned since 2007. Its acquisition, however, was stalled due to lack of financial resources.

A multi-role vessel is capable of delivering basic services to far-flung areas and can be used for disaster and humanitarian missions.

Earlier, the military announced plans to lease its properties to private firms to generate funds for its modernization program.

Officials said such a scheme would allow the military to procure equipment without bloating the deficit, which is expected to hit P325 billion this year.

Authorities are still determining how much would be generated from the project.

Last November, acting Navy chief Rear Adm. Danilo Cortez told The STAR that at least six firms have expressed interest in the project.

One of the six firms – Malaysian Resources Corp. Berhad – has submitted a proposal that would involve the lease of a 33-hectare Navy property in Fort Bonifacio in Taguig.

The Armed Forces Modernization Act, which took effect on Feb. 23, 1995, has given the military the opportunity to modernize in 15 years with a total fund of P331 billion.

More than 15 years have passed since the law was enacted but there are views that the military is not even close to what may be called a modern battle force. The delay in the law’s implementation has been attributed to the lack of state resources.


KD Selangor Ditauliahkan Dalam TLDM

29 Desember 2010

Kapal KD Selangor adalah korvet keenam seri Meko-100 yang dioperasikan AL Malaysia (photo : azbaa)

LUMUT - Majlis pentauliahan Kapal Diraja (KD) Selangor dalam perkhidmatan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) hari ini mengembalikan legasi serta kemasyhuran kapal peronda KD Selangor yang telah dilucutkan tauliah pada 1995.

Sepanjang perkhidmatannya selama 32 tahun dalam TLDM sejak 1963, KD Selangor yang dibina oleh syarikat Vosper Thrnycraft Limited Portsmouth, England pada 1961 telah banyak berbakti dalam menjaga kedaulatan melalui siri rondaan di perairan negara.

Salah satu peristiwa penting yang tercoret dalam sejarah KD Selangor ialah pertempuran antara kapal itu dengan Kor Komando Penggempur Indonesia di Selat Singapura pada 24 Julai 1964.

Dalam pertempuran itu, KD Selangor yang di bawah pemerintahan Leftenan P.K Nettur telah berjaya membunuh semua musuh serta menenggelamkan bot mereka.

Namun, kejadian itu mengakibatkan Laskar Kelas Satu Mekanik Elektrikal, Abdul Samad Sulaiman terkorban manakala Laskar Kanan Persenjataan, Kweh Onn Cheong dan Pegawai Kadet Kanan, Musa Jabar tercedera.

Pada majlis pentauliahan KD Selangor, Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar berkata, peristiwa itu membuktikan pengorbanan yang sanggup dilakukan oleh anak-anak kapal KD Selangor dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan dan integriti perairan negara.

''Oleh itu, saya harap pentauliahan KD Selangor ini dapat mengingatkan kita kepada rumpun sejarah perpaduan di antara The Navy People dan akan membakar semangat sedia berkorban di kalangan generasi baru warga kapal KD Selangor khasnya dan warga TLDM amnya," katanya.

Menurut Abdul Aziz, kehadiran kapal itu dapat memperkukuhkan kekuatan armada TLDM dalam menentukan keselamatan perairan negara sentiasa terpelihara daripada ancaman dan anasir pencerobohan.

Katanya, KD Selangor dibina berkonsepkan fitted for but not with yang membolehkan kapal peronda itu menukar peranannya menjadi kapal bercirikan kombat tanpa perlu melalui proses pengubahsuaian yang rumit.

''KD Selangor juga direka bentuk sebagai sebuah kapal bestari iaitu kecanggihan peralatannya boleh dioperasikan dengan jumlah krew yang minimum tetapi berupaya mengekalkan tahap dan tempoh pengoperasian tinggi," ujarnya.

Krew pertama KD Selangor terdiri daripada 10 pegawai dan 58 anggota lain-lain pangkat yang diketuai Komander Mohd. Samsuri Katemon selaku Pegawai Memerintah dan Leftenan Komander Mohd. Ezam Abdul Rahman sebagai Pegawai Laksana.

Beliau memberitahu, KD Selangor akan melaksanakan latihan kemahiran dan penyesuaian laut bagi menyediakan dan menyesuaikan fungsinya untuk menjalankan tugas-tugas operasi.

''Latihan yang juga dikenali sebagai 'work-up' ini bertujuan menentukan warga kapal yang baru ditauliahkan ini mempunyai tahap kesiagaan menyeluruh sebelum melaksanakan penugasan operasi yang sebenar.

''Apabila KD Selangor sudah bersedia sepenuhnya, kapal ini akan ditempatkan di Pangkalan TLDM Lumut di bawah pemerintahan Markas Armada untuk melaksanakan tugas rondaan khususnya di perairan Selat Melaka," katanya.

Untuk rekod, KD Selangor sepanjang 91.1 meter dan lebar 12.8 meter menggunakan sistem persenjataan STN Atlas Cosys 110-M1 dan senjata utamanya ialah meriam 76 milimeter (mm) OTO Melara dan meriam 30 mm OTO Breda.

Selain KD Selangor, sebuah lagi Kapal Ronda Generasi Baru (NGPV) yang ditempatkan di Pangkalan TLDM Lumut ialah KD Kelantan.

Empat lagi NGPV iaitu KD Kedah dan KD Pahang yang dibina di Limbungan Blohm & Voss di Hamburg, Jerman ditempatkan di Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu, Sabah manakala KD Perak dan KD Terengganu ditempatkan di Pangkalan TLDM Kuantan.

Panglima Tentera Laut menyatakan, semua kapal peronda tersebut kini merupakan tulang belakang kepada segala operasi yang dilaksanakan di wilayah masing-masing.


Pesawat N219 Dibuat

29 Desember 2010

Pesawat N-219 (photo : Defense Studies)

Jakarta, Kompas - PT Dirgantara Indonesia mengembangkan pesawat komuter berkapasitas 19 penumpang yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi geografis Indonesia. Pesawat ini diharapkan akan menggantikan pesawat perintis yang saat ini sebagian besar sudah berusia di atas 20 tahun.

Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) Budi Santoso seusai menerima hasil uji aerodinamika pesawat N219 dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) di Jakarta, Selasa (28/12), mengatakan, pesawat ini bisa mendarat di landasan berumput dengan panjang hanya 600 meter. Karena itu, pesawat ini bisa mendarat di dataran sempit di antara pegunungan, seperti di Papua atau di pulau-pulau kecil.

Dibandingkan pesawat sejenis, N219 memiliki daya angkut lebih besar serta daya tampung bahan bakar lebih banyak. Selain untuk angkutan penumpang, pesawat juga bisa digunakan untuk angkutan kargo, bantuan korban bencana, evakuasi medik, patroli maritim dan perbatasan, hingga untuk kepentingan militer.

Pesawat dilengkapi dengan sistem navigasi komputer. ”Jika pesawat ini jadi, akan menjadi pesawat tercanggih di kelasnya karena desain terakhir pesawat sejenis dibuat pada 1950-an,” katanya.

Kepala BPPT Marzan Azis Iskandar mengatakan, kebutuhan pesawat ini untuk 20 tahun ke depan mencapai 97 pesawat versi sipil dan 105 pesawat versi khusus. Selain di Indonesia, pangsa pasar pesawat ini juga terbuka lebar untuk sejumlah negara Asia Pasifik dan Afrika.

Kepala Subdirektorat Transportasi Udara Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Bastian mengatakan, 62 persen atau 34 unit pesawat berkapasitas 9-20 penumpang di Indonesia saat ini usianya sudah lebih dari 20 tahun. Jumlahnya pun sejak 2005 terus menurun.

Meskipun demikian, pesawat-pesawat kecil dan kuno ini masih menjadi andalan penerbangan perintis di Indonesia. Karena itu, produksi pesawat N219 mendesak dilakukan.

Namun, PT DI masih kesulitan dalam membiayai produksi pesawat ini. Menurut Direktur Aerostruktur PT DI Andi Alisjahbana, sejumlah daerah telah berminat membeli N219. Namun, mereka tidak bisa membeli secara tunai akibat terbatasnya dana. Dukungan perbankan nasional juga masih sulit. ”Untuk membuat 1 paket pesawat N219 sebanyak 25 unit hanya dibutuhkan Rp 1 triliun,” katanya.

Jika persoalan pendanaan tidak menemui kendala, pesawat ini akan mulai diproduksi pada 2013 dan mulai dipasarkan satu tahun kemudian. (MZW)


28 Desember 2010

Lapan Uji Terbang Roket Kendali

29 Desember 2010

Suasana peluncuran roket RKX-100 dan RX-200 (photo : Lapan)

Lapan Uji Terbang Dua Roket Eksperimen

Jakarta, Lapan berhasil meluncurkan dua roket eksperimen berdiameter 200 mm dan 100 mm di stasiun peluncuran roket Pameungpeuk, Garut, Jawa Barat. Uji terbang bertujuan untuk penelitian roket ilmiah. Roket berdiameter 200 mm atau disebut RX-200 diluncurkan pertama, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan RKX-100 yang berdiameter 100 mm.

Peluncuran tersebut dihadiri oleh Kepala Pusat Teknologi Wahana Dirgantara, Ir. Yus kadarusman Markis, Dip. Ing serta para pejabat di lingkungan Kedeputian Bidang Teknologi Dirgantara.

ST Engineering's Aerospace Arm Secures Boeing 757-200 Passenger-To-Combi Conversion Contracts

28 Desember 2010

NZ Airforce's Boeing 757 converted into multi-role combi configuration (photo : Aviation Week)

Singapore - ST Engineering today announced that its aerospace arm, ST Aerospace, has signed on its first commercial customer, Guggenheim Aviation Partners, LLC (GAP), to perform a passenger-to-passenger/cargo (combi) (PTC) conversion on a Boeing 757-200 aircraft for TNT Airways S.A. The aircraft is expected to be inducted into ST Aerospace's Singapore facility by end February 2011, and the converted aircraft is targeted for redelivery by end 2011.

This PTC conversion is ST Aerospace's first 757-200 combi conversion for a commercial customer. It has previously successfully designed and converted two Royal New Zealand Air Force's passenger aircraft into multi-role combi configuration. These two combi aircraft are currently in operational service.

Separately, ST Aerospace will also be working in tandem with the aerospace division of ST Engineering's US subsidiary, VT Systems, to undertake a PTC conversion programme, also for the Boeing 757-200 aircraft, for North American Airlines (NAA), a subsidiary of Global Aviation Holdings Inc. VT Systems' aerospace division and NAA entered into an agreement for the PTC conversion earlier this month.

VT Systems' aerospace division's maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities in Mobile and San Antonio are managed by ST Aerospace as part of its global network of MRO facilities.

ST Aerospace will offer both GAP and NAA a complete solution - from engineering design to implementing the conversion of the passenger-carrying aircraft into a combi configuration at its MRO facilities.

As part of the agreements, ST Aerospace will obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety Agency Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) for the PTC conversion. These STCs will be based on ST Aerospace's existing FAA-approved STC for the 757-200 Special Freighter passenger-to-freighter (PTF) conversion, which is to date the only STC developed based on Boeing's licensed passenger and freighter data.

These PTC programmes attest to ST Aerospace's strong engineering and design capability that complement its MRO expertise. ST Aerospace is a PTF Centre of Excellence and has performed numerous PTF conversions for the Boeing 727, 757-200, 767-300, DC10, MD10 and MD11 aircraft for almost two decades. Specifically for 757-200 PTF conversions, ST Aerospace has redelivered 50 converted aircraft to date, with a backlog of 56 aircraft.

These agreements are not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets per share and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year.


27 Desember 2010

Tank BMP-3F Uji Coba Embarkasi-Debarkasi

27 Desember 2010

Tank amfibi BMP-3F (all photos : TNI AL)

Tank BMP- 3F Rusia Di Uji Coba

Tank amfibi BMP - 3F yang baru dibeli dari Rusia di uji coba untuk Embarkasi (masuk) ke Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI). 2 Kapal perang yang ditunjuk untuk uji coba ini adalah KRI Teluk-Penyu 513 dan KRI Surabaya- 991 di dermaga Madura dan dermaga E, Koarmatim , Ujung, Surabaya. Kamis (23/12).

Setelah dilaksanakan uji coba untuk melaksanakan pendaratan amphibi di pantai Banongan, Situbondo beberapa waktu lalu, kini tank buatan Rusia itu, masih harus di uji coba untuk melaksanakan Embarkasi dan Debarkasi (Keluar/masuk) KRI, sebelum melaksanakan tugas selanjutnya sebagai bagian dari Alutsista TNI AL dalam mendukung sebuah operasi amfibi.

Dalam uji coba yang berlansung di Koarmatim ini berlangsung selama 4 hari dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kepada para awak tank dan juga kepada Awak KRI yang bertugas untuk membantu pelaksanaan tugas sebab kedua unsure itu merupakan dua tim yang harus bekerja sebagai satu tim untuk mencapai sukses dalam setiap pendaratan.

Tank yang baru dibeli ini, sangat mutakhir dibanding tank amphibi yang kita miliki dulu. Ada beberapa komponen dan kelengkapan yang lebih canggih dan mutahir sehingga dapat berfungsi ganda disamping bisa angkut pasukan.

Kelengkapan yang dimiliki tank type ini antara lain, merupakan tank amphibi yang dilengkapi dengan satu buah meriam type 2a 70 100 mm, meriam 2a 72 30 mm, senjata PKTM kaliber 7,62 3 pucuk, rudal Arkan yang berfungsi untuk melakukan serangan darat dan udara.

Juga dilengkapi dengan sistim sirkulasi udara (NBC) yang berguna untuk menanggulangi peperangan Nuklir, Biologi, dan Kimia (Nubika). Selain itu, juga diperlengkapi dengan sinar Inframerah dan teropong bidik sasaran, untuk melengkapi jaringan Komunikasi tank BMP 3 F ini menggunakan pesawat radio R 173 dengan jarak jangkau maksimum 12 Km.

Alat komunikasi yang dipergunakan itu berguna untuk melakukan komunikasi baik didalam ataupun di luar kendaraan amphibi itu, sedangkan kelebihan lain yang dimiliki adalah kemampuan melaju didarat dengan kecepatan 70 Km / jam, bila sedang berada di laut dapat mencapai kecepatan 10 Km/jam. Sementara itu untuk sistim kemudi menggunakan hydrolik, kalau mengenai system operasional persenjataan menggunakan manual dan elektrik.

Tank yang mampu menampung 10 orang personel terdiri dari 7 orang pasukan dan 3 orang awak itu dibuat di Kurgan, Rusia tahun 2009. Tank jenis ini masuk ke Resimen Kavaleri Marinir (Menkav Mar) Batalyon Kavaleri 1 Marinir Karang Pilang, Surabaya sebanyak 17 unit.

26 Desember 2010

Russia Selects Warships From France

26 Desember 2010

Mistrall class LHD (photo : Le Figaro)

Paris – Russia has selected France's controversial offer of two Mistral command and projection warships, with an option for two more units, for an undisclosed amount, a French official statement said Dec. 24.

"The president of the Russian Federation Dimitri Medvedev has today informed the president of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy that following the international tender launched Oct. 5 for the supply to the Russian Navy of two command and projection ships, the Russian authorities have selected the offer presented by the consortium formed by French companies DCNS and STX and the OSK Russian shipyard," the French president's office said in a statement.

The sale of the 21,300 ton Mistral class of helicopter amphibious assault ship, worth around 500 million euros ($6.6 million) per unit, marks the first major sale of military equipment by a NATO country to Moscow. The prospect of a sale of the advanced design warship has raised deep concern with the U.S. administration and the Baltic states, following the 2008 war between Georgia and Russia.

French officials have deployed various arguments to justify a sale, including emphasizing the civil standards to which the ship was built and that it would be inconsistent to call Moscow a partner of the West and then refuse to sell the warship.

"President Medvedev and President Sarkozy welcome the realization of this unprecedented cooperation, which will benefit industry and employment in our two countries, and which illustrates the determination and capacity of France and Russia to develop large scale partnerships in all domains, including in defense and security."

The deal represented the equivalent of five million hours of work or employment for 1,000 workers for four years for the French companies DCNS and STX, with most the work at the Saint-Nazaire shipyard, northern France.

Mistral class LHD (photo : haborumuveszete)

"DCNS is delighted the Russian authorities have chosen the Mistral," a company spokesman said.

U.S. defense secretary Robert Gates, when asked in February about the French offer of the Mistral to Moscow, said: "Yes, we did discuss it. We had a good and thorough exchange of views. I will leave it at that."

It was not clear where the ships will be built as the industrial details have not been finalized.

"The consortium's offer initially envisages the common construction of two ships of this type, which should be extended by the building of two more units," the statement said.

The Mistral is designed around modular blocks so it is possible large blocks could be prepared in France and sent for assembly in Russia.

The first of class Mistral and sister ship Tonnerre were assembled at Saint Nazaire after blocks were built at Brest and Saint Nazaire, with a Polish yard at Gdansk subcontracted to build some of the blocks.

French officials feared that if Paris refused to sell the ships, Russia would buy rival products from Spain or the Netherlands.

Russia has insisted on a transfer of technology and construction of some of the ships, while the French government wanted the first two ships to be built at Saint Nazaire, and the second two assembled in Russia.

France owns a stake in STX France, which is a subsidiary of the Korean STX group. Defense electronics company Thales holds a 25 percent stake in DCNS, with an option to raise this to 35 percent.

The Mistral is a highly automated warship, with a crew of 160. The 199-meter long ship is designed to embark a headquarters command staff, equipped with a hospital, can carry 16 helicopters, landing ships and accommodate around 450 troops.

The French government last year ordered a third Mistral vessel to be built under a 2.3 billion euro defense stimulus package.

(Defense News)

23 Desember 2010

Penyelesaian Hercules yang Dirawat di AS Mundur

23 Desember 2010

Pesawat Hercules milik TNI-AU (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Amerika Bantu TNI AU Rawat Hercules

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA-- Pemerintah Amerika Serikat menegaskan komitmennya untuk membantu pemeliharaan pesawat-pesawat angkut berat C-130 Hercules TNI Angkatan Udara. Atase Udara (Atud) Amerika Colonel Kevin A. Booth mengatakan hal itu saat melakukan kunjungan kehormatan kepada Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat di Jakarta, Kamis (23/12).

Juru bicara TNI Angkatan Udara Marsekal Pertama TNI Bambang Samoedro, usai menghadiri pertemuan itu mengatakan, saat ini satu unit pesawat angkut berat C-130 Hercules TNI Angkatan Udara menjalani pemeliharaan berat dalam Programmed Depot Maintanance (PDM) di hangar perusahaan ARINC di Oklahoma, Amerika Serikat (AS).

"Semula direncanakan lebih dari satu, namun kita baru kirim satu. Tetapi mereka tetap komitmen untuk membantu pemeliharaan sejumlah pesawat Hercules TNI Angkatan Udara," kata Bambang.

Satu pesawat yang menjalani pemeliharaan berat di ARINC untuk kali pertama itu, bernomor register A-1323. "Program pemeliharaan PDM tersebut merupakan pemeliharaan tingkat berat untuk pesawat C-130 Hercules yang mengacu pada `technical order` yang dikeluarkan AS. Program ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari kesepakatan yang telah disepakati angkatan udara RI dan AS," katanya.

Bambang menegaskan, program pemeliharaan yang dibiayai dengan hibah AS itu bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan dan kesiapan pesawat C-130 Hercules TNI Angkatan Udara. "Pengerjaan pemeliharaan itu akan dilangsungkan selama enam bulan, melibatkan sepuluh orang teknisi TNI Angkatan Udara dalam rangka alih teknologi," ungkapnya.

Tentang penyelesaian pemeliharaan satu unit Hercules itu, Bambang mengatakan, "dari rencana enam bulan, kemungkinan mundur hingga lebih dari enam bulan karena ternyata banyak yang harus diperbaiki dan diganti,". Perbaikan menyeluruh satu unit Hercules itu diperkirakan menelan biaya senilai 6,5 juta dolar AS.


Air Force to Buy 2nd Hand C-130 Plane for $34 Million

23 Desember 2010

Tunis Air Force's C-130B Hercules (photo : planes)

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) is set to buy a refurbished C-130 cargo airplane that had overshot a runway.

An American company won the bidding to supply the PAF with the 26-year-old airplane that was previously owned by Tunisia.

Derco Aerospace Inc. was the lone bidder in the project, according to Department of National Defense (DND) spokesman Eduardo Batac.

Batac said Derco Aerospace passed the DND acquisition program’s standards.

"The post qualification is now finished. It's already okay. The result was positive," he added.

The US company offered a 26-year-old Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft, originally used by the Tunisian Air Force, for US $34 million.

Tunisia sold the aircraft to Derco in 2007 after the plane figured in the said accident.

Batac said a post-qualification team inspected the facilities of Derco in Wisconsin, including its repair facility in Malaysia where the C-130 plane offered is undergoing refurbishing.

"As reported by the post-qualification team, the package offered by Derco to the Philippine Air Force is over and above the required specifications for the project...The notice of award will be out shortly," said Batac.

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, meanwhile, sought to downplay reports that the deal with Derco was disadvantageous to the government.

He said these perceptions were product of "incomplete information."

"In line with the government's policy of transparency and accountability, let us open our lines of communication so that a proper appreciation of what we do here in the Defense Department can be made, thereby preventing any misunderstanding that might ensue, owing to certain misperceptions formed by way of incomplete information," Gazmin said.

Batac explained that the acquisition project was first approved by the Air Force Weapons and Systems Board on the recommendation of the Air Force Technical Working Group.

"The proposed project was evaluated and endorsed for approval by the AFP [Armed Forces of the Philippines] Weapons Board to the AFP chief of staff and, subsequently, the secretary of National Defense," he added.

(ABS CBN News)

More Countries Invest In Marine Forces

23 Desember 2010
Indonesian Marines (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Most nations have marines—amphibious assault forces that act as first responders when governments project power. Theater commanders will say the benefits of a mobile force of marines, operating with naval support and dedicated air and ground assets, cannot be overstated, especially in an era of asymmetric warfare and littoral operations. So effective is this model of rapid light infantry that even landlocked Paraguay has a battalion of marines.

The number, capabilities and support of marine forces varies. Most nations, ironically, lack the ships and logistics necessary to optimize such forces. This may be changing. Although industrial militaries in the West periodically examine the structure and value of marine forces (see related story on p. 30), many developing countries are expanding their units. The reasons involve regional influence, coastal security, protection of trade and suppression of criminal activity, notably piracy. Moreover, with more countries participating in security and peacekeeping coalitions, fielding and maintaining an effective amphibious force is vital to a successful deployment.

Amphibious forces are among the most complex and expensive in a navy. They need dedicated naval assault forces to project and sustain power, well-trained and motivated personnel, specific and costly equipment, and must hone their skills with constant training. As a result, only a few nations can afford true amphibious forces. Nevertheless, countries in many regions are looking to increase the size and capabilities of their marine forces.

Some NATO members such as the U.K., Italy, Spain and the Netherlands have marine units. Others assign marine activities throughout their forces. France, while having an amphibious naval capability, does not have a true marine force, even though the army fields three regiments called marines and there is a special forces component of the navy. Germany also has no marine force, primarily because an amphibious force projects power, which Germany is reluctant to do.

NATO, which has a doctrine for amphibious operations, has studied and wargamed amphibious raids and larger operations to combat piracy in the Gulf of Aden and elsewhere, but a lack of political will keeps such plans off the table. The only recent amphibious operations among NATO members were landings by Italy and France for the initial deployment of their Unifil (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) troops, disaster relief operations and non-combatant evacuations.

Royal Thai Marines (photo : wiki)

Still, NATO can rely on joint Spanish-Italian and U.K.-Dutch amphibious forces. The U.K. has a Royal Marines force at brigade level and a strong amphibious naval force. The Dutch maintain a brigade of 3,000 marines and two modern LPD (landing platform dock) amphibious craft. One Dutch battalion is integrated with the U.K.’s 3 Commando Brigade to form the U.K./Netherlands Amphibious Land Force.

Spain fields a brigade of 6,200 marines and relevant amphibious naval forces, while Italy has created a peculiar joint amphibious brigade, combining naval infantry units and a regiment of army riverine and delta troops converted to amphibious assault duties.

Elsewhere in the region, Portugal relies on two marine battalions with 2,000 troops, but has limited naval transport. Greece has a marine infantry brigade that is part of the army, which the navy supports with limited amphibious forces. Turkey is increasing its amphibious naval component; Romania has a marine battalion but lacks transport vessels; and Russia is rebuilding its naval amphibious force. Moscow believes that the quickest approach entails acquiring LPDs from the West to support elite naval infantry forces, which include 8,000 in one division, two brigades and some regiments. The Russian navy has been negotiating with France to buy Mistral amphibious craft, but recently announced an open tender for the ships.

Large amphibious forces are common in the Pacific Rim. China has 7,000 marines and special forces in five regiments. This is likely to expand as the navy builds more amphibious assault vehicles and strengthens its blue water fleet. Taiwan has a bigger marine force, with two active divisions and one in reserve totaling 35,000 troops. They are primarily for defensive operations—e.g., repelling an invasion by China.

If China attempts to invade Taiwan, and its missile, naval and air attacks and blockades do not force surrender, amphibious assault operations would take place. China, however, is also looking at naval power projection to defend territorial claims and economic exclusion zones in the Western Pacific.

India has a marine force of only 1,000, which is surprising since experts believe the country will eventually vie with China for influence in the region. The country also has a large coastline to patrol, is committed to keeping shipping lanes open and faces ongoing insurgencies in parts of the country. India’s naval amphibious component is adequate, and being reinforced.
Philippine Marines (photo : allvoices)

South Korea fields a large and capable naval infantry that mirrors the U.S. Marine Corps, with 25,000 men in two divisions and a brigade supported by a growing and modern navy amphibious component including two LHDs (landing helicopter docks). Marines in South Korea would play a defensive role or launch a naval attack in a conflict with Pyongyang.

Geography—including a large coastline—and decades of war drove Vietnam to build a powerful marine force of 25,000, even though the navy lacks the means to project their power and support them. Vietnamese marines are mostly for coastal defense and riverine and delta operations.

Geography also led Indonesia to build up naval infantry, given its need to protect the hundreds of islands in the country. The marine force of 15,000 in two brigades will increase to 22,000 with the planned addition of two brigades. The navy has a patchwork of amphibious vessels, with four LPDs in service or under construction, 18 LSTs (landing ship, tank) and 14 LCUs (landing craft utility).

The Philippines, with many islands to protect, has more than 8,000 marines, but minimal naval transport and assault capabilities. The troops are for counter-insurgency missions.

Japan’s navy is building an amphibious force, which will include LPDs and LHDs and a helicopter air wing. Given the sensitivity of Asian countries to a real or perceived Japanese offensive capability, establishing a dedicated naval amphibious assault infantry is not an immediate move for Tokyo. Naval forces will instead transport and support army units.

Australia has an integrated military force and, while lacking a large marine infantry, is increasing its naval transportation and power projection capability, including amphibious assault assets.

Vietnamese marines (photo : halongvip)

Most of Africa has no significant amphibious forces. Some countries on the Mediterranean have such capabilities, notably Morocco, which has a naval infantry force of 2,000 but only one LST. Algeria plans to develop an amphibious capability, but has no marines. The navy is to acquire at least one LPD, and is increasing rotary wing assets.

Saudi Arabia has the most powerful marine force in the Middle East—3,000 naval infantry who rely on LCUs for coastal operations. The growing Iraqi forces include a marine battalion for coastal and riverine operations, mainly defense on the Shatt al-Arab waterway, whose southern end borders Iran. (Iran has no amphibious assault capabilities to speak of.)

Almost all South American countries with a coast have marine forces, even if they are not matched by naval amphibious capabilities. Brazil’s marine force is 15,000 strong. The navy has several amphibious assault vessels and wants more. Chile has four regiments with more than 2,700 marines, but no naval amphibious force. Venezuela has 10,000 naval infantry, which also operate in riverine roles. The force comprises five brigades, with two more being equipped. Its four LSTs, however, are not sufficient.

Peru has a naval infantry force of 3,500 and is expanding its naval amphibious arm by acquiring decommissioned U.S. vessels. Argentina’s 2,000 marines are among the country’s best troops, though the navy has few airborne and assault capabilities. Colombia has a powerful naval infantry, with four brigades and 22,000 troops, but its main role is guerrilla warfare. Ecuador has three marine battalions, with 1,500 men, and small amphibious vessels. Bolivia has a naval infantry force of 1,000, but no amphibious capabilities.

Mexico plans to increase its naval infantry force to 16,000 from 10,000, but has a small amphibious force. Honduras has a battalion of marines but only one LCU. Guatemala has a marine battalion, two LCUs and one mechanized landing craft. Cuba’s naval infantry, despite a large coastline, is only 500.

(Aviation Week)

22 Desember 2010

Saab Receives Multi Mission Radar Order from Australia

22 Desember 2010

Giraffe AMB multi mission radar (photo : Saab)

Defence and security company Saab has received an order for the GIRAFFE AMB multi-mission radar system and related services from the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO). The order amounts to 550 MSEK.

“We are very proud that the Giraffe AMB has been selected to enhance the force protection capabilities of the Australian Defence Force. This further underscores Saab’s strength as a radar supplier and the capability of our Giraffe system”, says Micael Johansson, Senior Vice President and Head of Saab’s business area Electronic Defence Systems.

Development and manufacturing will be undertaken by Saab in Gothenburg, Sweden. Contract deliveries will begin in mid 2012.

The Giraffe AMB system is a modular and flexible multi-mission radar that is capable of simultaneous air defence, air and sea surveillance, air/land integration and military air traffic management as well as weapon location.

The Giraffe AMB is part of Saab’s continuously evolving radar program and provides unmatched performance for critical targets and proven reliability. Whether as a part of vital point protection or area air defence solutions, the Giraffe AMB has become the radar of choice for armed forces worldwide, including those of Sweden, France, Estonia and the UK amongst others.


Airbus Misses RAAF KC-30 MRTT Delivery Deadline

22 Desember 2010

RAAF's KC-30A MRTT (photo : wabg)

Airbus Military has failed to deliver a KC-30A MRTT to the RAAF by the end of 2010, despite the company saying as late as last month that it still planned to meet that schedule.

The latest schedule slip, now taking total KC-30 program delays to over two years beyond the original late 2008 first delivery schedule, is not believed to be of a technical nature, but is due to ongoing delays in writing the comprehensive technical documentation for the aircraft’s all-new boom and its remote operating station, which currently does not satisfy the RAAF’s stringent airworthiness standards. The RAAF’s airworthiness requirements are recognised worldwide for their high standards, and without having the appropriate technical documentation upon which to establish an acceptable baseline, the RAAF is unable to verify the airworthiness of the boom and therefore clear it for operational use. These ongoing delays have contributed to the project being placed on the Defence Minister’s Projects of Concern list earlier this year, a position new Minister Stephen Smith reiterated in November.

“The delivery of a first and new aircraft with a lot of new systems to a new customer/roperator is always very complex and time consuming,” an Airbus spokesman said in response to queries from Australian Aviation. “It involves not only a purely technical acceptance, but also a huge amount of paperwork regarding contractual documentation, as well as ensuring all the support activities and related documents are taken through the acceptance process. The qualification process, which includes crew training, is also very lengthy. The amount of work to be performed during the acceptance process prior to the final hand-over is therefore huge. So, rather than rush the process prior to the Australian Christmas break and summer holiday period, it has been agreed to take the time needed to complete the procedures in a proper manner. This will lead to a final hand over and formal acceptance moving into the New Year.”

It is believed the RAAF was prepared to accept delivery of the first two KC-30As in an interim configuration without the boom being certified, as it has a more immediate requirement for the aircraft’s airlift and pod hose and drogue refuelling capabilities. But sources claim Airbus has remained focussed on delivering the full capability, perhaps due to parent company EADS’s push for the lucrative 179 aircraft USAF KC-X contract which is due to be decided in early 2011, for which it would obviously like to be able to demonstrate a fully operational boom. In the interim, the ADF has been forced to continue chartering air refuelling services from the USAF and Omega Air to assist with Super Hornet delivery flights, F/A-18A/B deployments to Malaysia, and major exercises such as November’s High Sierra.

There are hopes a final resolution to the delivery schedule can be determined by February and deliveries can commence soon after, and that an Airbus crewed KC-30 will be on display at March’s Australian International Airshow at Avalon.

Nonetheless, despite the new delays, Airbus Military has declared 2010 an “outstanding year” for its A330 MRTT program, and says it plans to deliver aircraft to three customers, including Australia, in 2011. It says it has conducted a number of successful test flights in recent weeks with an MRTT, culminating in a major exercise with the Portuguese air force in which 25 PAF F-16 pilots underwent air refuelling training and more than 70 wet and dry contacts were made with F-16s in various configurations.

Conversion of the second aircraft for Saudi Arabia has also commenced at Airbus’s Madrid facility, and delivery of the first aircraft is due in 2011. Further, the first A330 based Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) for the RAF successfully conducted a number of dry contacts with Spanish EF-18 fighters using its centreline hose and drogue Fuselage Refuelling Unit in early December, and is also moving towards first delivery to the RAF in 2011.

Multi-Million Dollar Frigate Upgrade Complete

22 Desember 2010

HMNZS Te Mana (photo : Benchill)

The navy is back to full fighting strength after a multi-million dollar upgrade to the Anzac frigate HMNZS Te Mana.

Te Mana, one of the navy's two frigates, finished sea trials last week after a seven-month refit when engineers put in new diesel engines, which significantly improved its performance and reduced fuel costs.

The ship also has a jet engine which is used for high speed running.

Earlier this year Te Mana's sister ship, HMNZS Te Kaha came out of a refit with the same engine upgrade.

The new engines cost about $57 million for both ships.

While the new engines are more economic, they will not allow the ships to go faster than their top speed of 27 knots.

The old engines could push each of the two frigates to 18 knots before a gas turbine kicked in for high-speed running. The new engines could go to nearly 22 knots before gas turbines took over, making the ships more economic to operate.

Te Mana's engines had reached the end of their economic life span of 24,000 hours.

The ship also had auxiliary generators replaced, its quarterdeck deck space reduced to give added buoyancy and provide space for a new gymnasium and a relocated laundry, a new communications and control system and a modernised Phalanx gun system.

The 20mm gun system was the last line of defence against anti-ship missiles and aircraft but could also be used against fast inshore attack craft.

The cost of the upgrade to the gun systems on both ships was about $25m.

Both ships were alongside at the Devonport naval base in Auckland as the navy prepared to wind down for the Christmas and New Year break.

Te Kaha is expected to be in commission until at least 2025 and Te Mana until 2028.


21 Desember 2010

NZDF Give $30m Contract to Expand Ohakea Base

21 Desember 2010

Ohakea airforce base (photo : NZ DoD)

The Government has yet to make a final decision on turning Ohakea Air Force Base into New Zealand's major defence force hub - but the air force today awarded a contract worth $30 million to Mainzeal Property and Construction Ltd.

The Palmerston North company will construct additional infrastructure at the base.

The Government has proposed creating the hub by moving the Linton army base to Ohakea, reducing the permanent personnel at Waiouru, and looking at other bases including Woodbourne and Trentham.

Wing Commander Peter Neilson said today the Mainzeal contract included the construction of 13 engineering workshops covering 11,000 square metres, which will be used by the Royal NZ Air Force "and possibly the NZ Army if plans to consolidate at Ohakea are realised in the future".

The building work was expected to be ready by June 2012.

"Its an exciting time for the NZDF and especially the Air Force at Ohakea," he said. "We are proud to be working with Mainzeal and the local community throughout the project."

Local communities have speculated that the creation of a big defence hub could mean personnel and equipment move into the area, bringing economic benefits to towns such as Sanson, Bulls and Feilding.

The proposed expansion of Ohakea stemmed from the Government's Defence White Paper, designed to review the nation's security needs for the next 25 years.


Sikorsky Consolidates Australian Kiowa Support

21 Desember 2010

Kiowa light helicopter (photo : key aero)
SHELTON, Conn. --- Sikorsky Helitech, a Sikorsky Aerospace Services company based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, today announced the merger of several support agreements that will provide deeper component and accessories maintenance for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Kiowa aircraft fleet.

The $7.5 million contract represents a consolidation of services that were previously administered as separate support agreements. Sikorsky Aerospace Services (SAS) is the aftermarket division of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp.

"For more than 10 years, Sikorsky Helitech has supported the Kiowa aircraft, and we are very pleased to be positioned as the pre-eminent supplier of deeper level maintenance for the ADF's platform. Leveraging our engineering and logistics capabilities, this contract provides the ADF unique and extensive resources that will deliver direct support and future options throughout the lifecycle of the Kiowa aircraft," said George Cheetham, director of Sikorsky Helitech.

"We are able to supply single source solutions for universal platforms beyond Sikorsky products. This expanded maintenance agreement solidifies our OEM expertise and capabilities and builds on SAS's status as a global service provider with local capabilities," said David Adler, president of Sikorsky Aerospace Services.

Sikorsky Helitech will offer component aftermarket support for the Kiowa fleet supplemental to maintenance and repair services handled on-base by military personnel. Maintenance of repairable items includes aircraft transmissions, blades, gear boxes and auxiliary power units.

Sikorsky Aerospace Services, a Sikorsky company, provides comprehensive support to rotary and fixed wing aircraft around the world. It offers its military and commercial customers a full portfolio of support services, including material distribution, maintenance, overhaul & repair, aircraft modifications and life-cycle support.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in helicopter design, manufacture and service. United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., provides a broad range of high technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.

Pesawat Tempur TNI AU Dilengkapi ACMI

21 Desember 2010

Peralatan ACMI pada pesawat tempur (photo : planephotoman)

JAKARTA (Suara Karya): TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) melengkapi armada pesawat tempurnya dengan teknologi air combat maneuvering instrumentation (ACMI). Teknologi canggih pabrikan Cubic, Amerika Serikat (AS) dipasang pada sayap pesawat tempur guna memonitor latihan penerbang tempur yang sedang melaksanakan pertempuran udara.

"ACMI merupakan alat yang dapat merekam data-data pergerakan pesawat selama latihan penerbangan. Data-data tersebut nantinya dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa latihan yang dilaksanakan baik secara real time maupun keperluan setelah selesai penerbangan," ujar Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Udara Marsma TNI Bambang Samoedro kepada Suara Karya di Jakarta, Senin (20/12).

Pada medio Desember 2010, Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal Imam Sufaat, meresmikan ACMI di Lanud Iswahjudi. ACMI menyediakan advanced Rangeless/ Autonomous ACMI Training yang memungkinkan para penerbang berlatih dengan bantuan global position satellite (GPS).

Teknis pemasangan ACMI pada sayap pesawat tempur. Gerakan pesawat tempur akan termonitor oleh ground station melalui pemancar yang telah terkoneksi dengan ACMI. Setiap manuver udara pesawat tempur akan terukur sehingga para pilot bisa mengevaluasi atas kekurangannya.

"Inti komponen teknologi dari ACMI adalah instrumentation pod yang dipasang di wing tip weapon station. Pod tersebut mengumpulkan semua data dan pergerakan pesawat selama penerbangan kemudian merekam dan mengirim informasi tersebut ke ground station untuk real time monitoring terhadap kejadian-kejadian selama latihan dan breefing setelah latihan pada layar monitor di ruang debrief," ujar Bambang.

Saat ini, Indonesia baru punya empat unit ACMI. Rencananya, pada tahun 2011, TNI AU akan menambah lagi menjadi delapan unit. "TNI AU akan mencoba latihan pertempuran udara empat lawan empat," ujarnya.

Pada sisi lain, Bambang mengatakan, para penerbang tempur TNI AU akan diikutkan kursus penerbang tempur untuk meningkattkan kemampuan terbang tempurnya. Pada kursus ini akan dibekali pengetahuan taktik tempur serta kualifikasinya.

Pembenahan Armada

Secara terpisah, pengamat militer dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) Andi Widjajanto mengatakan, perkembangan pola taktik pertempuran TNI AU harus diimbang terhadap pembenahan armada tempur yang dimiliki, seperti sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista).

"Penerbang tempur dapat mempelajarai dan melaksanakan berbagai macam taktik pertempuran udara besar karena kualitas dan kuantitas pesawat mencukupi," ujarnya.

Pada era 1970, Indonesia pernah mengalami suatu masa "asal bisa terbang", karena kesiapan kekuatan pesawat yang turun drastis.

Sekarang ini, menurut dia, pemerintah mulai terdorong untuk membeli pesawat tempur canggih dari luar negeri, seperti Sukhoi (Rusia) dan F-16 (AS). kemampuan pemerintah untuk membeli pesawat tempur mulai terdongkrak.

"Rencana pemerintah bekerja sama dengan Korea Selatan untuk membangun pesawat tempur KFX diharapkan bisa mendorong kekuatan pertahanan menunju ideal," ujarnya.

ST Engineering Secures S$110m Worth of Contracts

21 Desember 2010

Trailblazer-mine clearing vehicle (phototo : Bill Sweetman)

Singapore, - ST Engineering today announced that the Group has won contracts totalling about S$110m in value. These include an Automatic Fare Collection System (AFCS) for the Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS); supply of 40mm ammunition to the UK Ministry of Defence (UK MoD); and ship upgrading and modification contracts from both naval and commercial customers.

ST Electronics was awarded a contract by The Krungthep Thanakom Company Limited (KT), a Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Enterprise to supply an AFCS for the extension of the BTS Sukhumvit Line in Bangkok, Thailand. The AFCS for the Sukhumvit Line will be implemented from On Nut Station to Bearing Station (E10 to E14). The extension adds 5.25km to the route length of the existing BTS Sukhumvit Line and includes five new stations. The AFCS will be delivered by the second half of 2011 for commencement of revenue service.

ST Kinetics won a contract from the UK MoD for the supply of low velocity and high velocity 40mm ammunition that caters to the operation and training needs of the UK Army. Winning this competition has enabled continuation of supply to the UK MoD, a customer of ST Kinetics since 2002 and is a strong endorsement of the high standards and quality of ST Kinetics' 40mm products. Delivery will begin in the second quarter of 2011 and will be completed in the first quarter of 2012.

ST Marine scored its first contract with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) to convert its 157.2m long combat logistics vessel, HMAS Success, to be double hulled to meet the International Maritime Organisation standards for environmental protection against oil spills. HMAS Success is designed to supply naval combat units with fuel, ammunition, food and stores whilst underway at sea. Capable of day and night Replenishment at Sea to ships alongside and concurrently by her embarked helicopter to other ships in company, HMAS Success weighs 18,000 tonnes when fully loaded. Commissioned in 1986, HMAS Success is the largest ship built in Australia for the RAN. Work is scheduled to commence before the end of this year when the tanker is deployed in the region and will be re-delivered by the first half of 2011.

The sector also secured two significant repair and conversion jobs from Saipem (Portugal) Comercio Maritimo (Saipem) and Coastline Group of Companies (Coastline) respectively. Saipem's 31,901 tonne (GRT) SEMAC 1, a semi submersible pipe lay vessel measuring 188.1m long, including truss, and 54.8m wide, will undergo upgrading and modification works including: stern winches upgrade, installation of new pipe tensioners, modification of Abandonment and Recovery winch, maintenance activities and Australisation of the vessel. As SEMAC 1 will be deployed in Australia, the vessel needs to undergo Australisation to meet local regulatory requirements. Some of the major Australisation work include: removing existing accommodation (98 cabins with galley and offices) to rebuild 168 new cabins with galley and offices, building a new helideck and an extra accommodation block. The project has commenced and is expected to be completed by July 2011.

Coastline's Caballo Maya, a 143.5m long and 22m wide offshore diving support construction vessel will be undergoing fabrication and installation of sponsons, crane foundation and modification of the stern section. The sponsons fabrication will widen the vessel and help improve its stability. The vessel will be upgraded to install an 850 ton Huisman heavy lift crane. Fabrication of the sponsons and stern blocks has commenced. The vessel is expected to join Coastline's fleet of deep sea offshore support vessels by the first quarter of 2011.

These contracts are not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets per share and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year.