31 Mei 2018

Army Now Equipped with New Communication Platforms

31 Mei 2018

Mobile Command Center of the Philippine Army (photo : PA)

MANILA -- The Philippine Army (PA) is now equipped with platforms that can provide situational capability and secure communication to its units in the field.

The equipment being referred to is the "Blue Force Tracking System" that was developed by the Army Signal Regiment under its situational awareness capability program.

The latter is equipped with a global positioning system, allowing it to provide critical information to ground units, PA spokesperson Lt. Col. Louie Villanueva said in a statement Tuesday.

Aside from its "Blue Force Tracking System", the Army is also equipped with Mobile Command Centers (MCC) 1 and 2, tasked to provide communication support to all field units.

Villanueva said communication capability upgrades, such as MCC 1 and MCC 2, enable the commanders and planners to see the battlefield with real-time picture to come up with comprehensive and accurate plans and timely decisions, particularly during the conduct of focused military operations, and humanitarian assistance and disaster response operations.

Both platforms are capable of communicating through voice and data since they are equipped with dipole and aerial antennas, telephone extender, and satellite dish antenna, with uninterruptible power supply.


Sejumlah Perjanjian Diteken dalam Kunjungan PM Modi ke Indonesia

31 Mei 2018

Water cannon produksi Pindad-Tata (photos : IMF)

PM Modi ke Indonesia, 9 Kerja Sama Diteken

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Kedatangan Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi ke Indonesia kali ini langsung membuahkan sekitar sembilan kerja sama government to government (G to G) dan enam kerja sama non-G to G antara Indonesia dengan India.

Dalam pernyataan bersamanya, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengatakan kunjungan perdana PM Modi ke Indonesia menandakan sejarah persahabatan yang kuat antara kedua negara. Saat ini, dia mengemukakan India merupakan mitra dagang terbesar di Asia Selatan dan Tengah dengan nilai perdagangan hampir mencapai US$15 miliar.

“Nilai strategis juga ditunjukkan dengan adanya pembaharuan kerja sama pertahanan dan joint production industry strategies, termasuk pembuatan water cannon yang telah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, kita sepakat meningkatkan kemitraan strategis ke kemitraan strategis komprehensif. Dan dengan strategis komprehensif, hubungan bilateral Indonesia dan India semakin kokoh dan baik,” ujar Jokowi, Rabu (30/5/2018).

Adapun, kesembilan nota kesepahaman yang diteken oleh kedua negara yakni kerja sama di bidang pertahanan, eksplorasi dan penggunaan antariksa untuk tujuan damai, bidang perkeretaapian, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pengembangan kapaitas aparatur sipil negara, dialog kebijakan antar pemerintah dan interaksi antar lembaga kajian, kesehatan, kerja sama sister city antara Bali dengan Uttarakhand, dan farmasi.

Sementara itu, khusus untuk kerja sama non- G to G, kerja sama dilakukan antara Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia dengan International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore.

Lalu, kerja sama Kamar Dagang Industri (Kadin) dan Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), PT Pindad (Persero) dan Bhukanvala, PT Kalbe Farma dan The Himalaya Drug Company, Twinning Heritage Prambanan dan Taj Mahal, serta nota kesepahaman antara Museum Layang-layang dan Museum Ahmedabad India. (Bisnis)

Bersama Tata, Pindad Siap Produksi Water Cannon dan Truk 2,5 Ton

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - PT Pindad (Persero) telah meneken kerjasama produksi dengan Tata Motors Ltd guna mengembangkan kendaraan keperluan militer.

Direktur Tekonologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad Ade Bagja mengungkapkan terkait produk, proyeksi tahap awal mencakup kendaraan jenis berat seperti water cannon dan kendaraan taktis truk kelas 2,5 ton. Selain itu, lanjut Ade, produksi awal juga menyasar kendaraan khusus untuk pengamanan kerusuhan.

Untuk kendaraan komersial, Ade menjelaskan masih terbuka kemungkinan untuk kendaraan keamanan di bidang niaga. “Namun itu masih dalam tahap pembicaraan serta menunggu konfrimasi,” jelasnya kepada Bisnis.com, Minggu malam (22/1/2017).

Selain jenis kendaraan pendukung operasional, kerjasama Pindad dan Tata inipun berniat menciptakan kendaraan tempur. Terkait produk tersebut, sejauh ini masih harus dikembangkan guna menyesuaikan spesifikasi.

“Kendaraan ini tergantung kebutuhan pengguna [TNI/Polri],” tambah Ade.

Saat ini, lanjut Ade, kedua korporasi melakukan pertemuan intensif untuk melakukan kajian bisnis dan teknis. Hingga kini, kajian itu dalam tahap pengembangan konsep implementasi kesepakatan.

“Sehingga nilai investasi pun belum bisa ditentukan saat ini karena sangat tergantung hasil kajian bersama tersebut,” ujarnya.

Kesepakatan kerjasama keduanya diteken pada November tahun lalu. Selang sebulan, dalam lawatan kenegaraan Presiden Joko Widodo ke India, kerjasama itupun kembali disinggung.

Inti kerjasama tersebut adalah saling sokong dalam pengembangan dan produksi kendaraan militer. Jenis kendaraan tersebut antara lain meliputi kebutuhan distribusi logistik dan orang. (Bisnis)

Vietnam Needs MH-60R Seahawk Helicopter

31 Mei 2018

MH-60R ASW helicopter (photo : Defencetalk)

According to military experts, Vietnam is likely to order the MH-60R Seahawk Navy multi-purpose helicopters due to the urgent need.

In recent years there have been many predictions regarding the weapons that Vietnam can order from the United States, the most obvious of course being the P-3C Orion light hunting aircraft or the F-16 light fighter. Fighting Falcon.

Unfortunately, there are no successful deals. For the P-3C, our needs are not so urgent and the cost of this vehicle is very high.

While the case of the F-16 has too many requirements for technical assurances that make it difficult to deploy quickly.

But surprisingly, according to comments from some military experts, the first weapon that Vietnam can receive from the United States in the future is the multirole helicopter MH-60R Seahawk.

On the service of the Navy, Vietnam is currently lacking an anti-submarine helicopter but is capable of deploying anti-ship missiles via Surface Reconnaissance Radar to serve as the extension arm of the warship as many naval forces in the area. area.

MH-60R ASW helicopter (photo : dvids)

The Ka-28 helicopters of Vietnam are currently only one type of unit, purely for anti-submarine functions. Russia has introduced the Ka-52K, which is capable of attacking the surface of the water but is no longer resistant to groundwater.

In 2015, Jane's defense magazine announced that we have had talks about the purchase of the AW159 Wildcat helicopter but have yet to reach the destination.

Currently, according to the assessment, the best candidate for the Navy is none other than the US-made MH-60R Seahawk, which meets all criteria such as outstanding features Highly reliable and especially competitive price.

Compared to the Z-9D in China, the MH-60R is superior in range, payload and avionics. In addition to the anti-submarine warfare or anti-surface missions, it also carries the AGM-114 Hellfire anti-aircraft missile to support naval firepower, the world's top three-in-one helicopter. now on.

Vietnam-US defense relations have made tremendous strides, buying satellites is no longer a big barrier, especially when the US has expressed that it wants us to buy weapons. as a means of balancing the trade balance.

If all goes well, in the not too distant future, the MH-60R Seahawk is available in the S-shaped Strip front of the P-3C Orion or the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

First New Pacific Patrol Boat Launched

31 Mei 2018

The first of 21 new Pacific Patrol Boats named the Guardian class (Aus DoD)

First new Guardian Class Patrol Boat launched

The first vessel from the Turnbull Government’s $90 billion continuous shipbuilding program has been launched.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said Austal launched the first of 21 new Pacific Patrol Boats – named the Guardian Class – at Henderson in Western Australia.

“The launch is a further demonstration the Turnbull Government is delivering on its ambitious naval shipbuilding agenda,” Minister Pyne said.

“The project, which is worth around $335 million, is on time and on budget.”

“This particular boat will be gifted to Papua New Guinea in late October 2018, and is the first of 21 boats to be gifted to 12 Pacific Island countries and East Timor as part of the Pacific Maritime Security Program.”

The first of 21 new Pacific Patrol Boats named the Guardian class (photo : Manufacturer's Monthly)

“Austal has advised the Guardian Class Patrol Boat Project supports around 400 jobs either directly or through the supply chain.”

The boats will be used to conduct maritime surveillance and enforcement operations, such as combating illegal fishing.

Construction of the second and third boats is underway, with new boats scheduled to be delivered at approximately three-month intervals from late 2018 until 2023. 

The 39.5 metre steel-hulled patrol boats are being built at Austal’s dedicated production facility in the suburb of Naval Base, near Henderson.

Dari Skadron Baru hingga Satuan Rudal Jarak Jauh, Ini Daftar Renstra IV TNI AU (2020-2024)

31 Mei 2018

Dalam Rencana Strategis IV, TNI AU akan mempunyai satuan rudal jarak jauh (photo : ac.nato)

Lanud, Hanud, Satrad dan Depohar

ANGKASAREVIEW.COM – Empat Pangkalan TNI AU (Lanud) Tipe C akan dibentuk oleh TNI Angkatan Udara di Batam, Saumlaki/Selaru, Wamena, dan Sorong. Hal ini telah dituangkan dalam Rencana Strategis (Renstra) IV TNI AU periode 2020-2024.

Selain membangun empat lanud baru Tipe C, TNI AU juga akan membangun enam Satuan Radar (Satrad), dua Resimen Hanud (Reshanud), dan lima Detasemen Hanud (Denhanud). Ada pula pembentukan Detasemen/Satuan Peluru Kendali (Denrudal/Satrudal) Jarak Sedang dan Jarak Jauh.

Kemudian pembentukan Depo Pemeliharaan (Depohar) 80 dengan tiga Satuan Pemeliharaannya (Sathar 81, Sathar 82, Sathar 83) untuk pemeliharaan tingkat berat pesawat tempur.

Lalu pembentukan Depohar 90 dengan tiga Satharnya yaitu  Sathar 91, Sathar 92, dan Sathar 93 untuk pemeliharaan tingkat berat helikopter.

Satuan pemeliharaan (Sathar) untuk pesawat tempur dan helikopter akan ditambah (photo : TNI AU)

Ada juga pembentukan Sathar baru sebagai pelengkap dari Sathar yang sudah ada. Yaitu Sathar 24 (Depohar 20), Sathar 34 (Depohar 30), Sathar 43 (Depohar 40), Sathar 54 (Depohar 50), Sathar 55 (Depohar 50), dan Sathar 65 (Dephar 60).

Selanjutnya, di dua Lanud Tipe A, masing-masing di Lanud Supadio, Pontianak dan Lanud Suryadarma, Subang TNI AU juga akan membentuk Skadron Teknik baru.

Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna memaparkan hal itu saat memberikan kuliah umum kepada para mahasiswa dan dosen Pascasarjana (S2) Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) di Sentul, Bogor, Senin (28/5/2018).

Dikatakan KSAU, sesuai amanah Undang-undang TNI No 34 Tahun 2004 Pasal 10, TNI Angkatan Udara melaksanakan tugas TNI matra udara di bidang pertahanan, menegakkan hukum dan menjaga keamanan di wilayah udara yurisdiksi nasional sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum nasional dan hukum internasional yang telah diratifikasi. Selain itu TNI AU juga melaksanakan tugas TNI dalam pemberdayaan wilayah pertahanan udara.

Pangkalan udara baru tipe C akan dibuat di Batam, Saumlaki/Selaru, Wamena, dan Sorong (image : GoogleMaps)

Perihal sistem pertahanan maritim, lanjut KSAU, dibutuhkan Angkatan Laut yang kuat dan Angkatan Udara yang kapabel. Sehingga, penguasaan ruang udara dapat menjamin terwujudnya supremasi kekuatan maritim.

“Terwujudnya  kebijakan pembangunan TNI AU yang andal dan disegani serta berkelas, tidak terlepas dari kebijakan Tripilar, yaitu kesiapan operasional, profesionalisme, dan kesejahteraan prajurit. Sedangkan empat program pembangunan kekuatan mancakup dukungan kesiapan matra udara, modernisasi alutsista dan non-alutsista, peningkatan profesionalisme personel matra udara, serta penyelenggaraan manajemen dan operasi matra udara,” papar Yuyu Sutisna.

Kohanudnas digabung dengan Koopsau

Sebelumnya, KSAU menjelaskan bahwa pada Renstra III (2015-2019), TNI AU telah dan akan melakukan validasi organisasi. Yaitu penggabungan Kohanudnas dan Koopsau menjadi Komando Operasi Udara Nasional (Koopsudnas), dan pembentukan Koopsud III sebagai kelanjutan dari rencana pembentukan Komando Gabungan Wilayah Pertahanan (Kogabwilhan).

Skuadron angkut akan dibentuk di Lanud Hasanuddin tahun 2019 (photo : Dimas Satrio)

Kemudian restrukturisasi Kodikau menjadi Kodiklatau dan Dispamsanau menjadi Pusintelau. Ada juga pembentukan Spotdirgaau dan Disopslatau serta pembentukan skadron udara baru untuk pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat intai strategis, heli, dan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA).

Dua skadron pesawat baru di Makassar

Sementara itu, terkait skadron baru yang akan dibangun, KSAU menyatakan bahwa tahun depan Skadron Udara 9 (helikopter) dan Skadron Udara 33 (pesawat angkut) akan dibangun di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin (HND), Makassar.

Hal tersebut dikatakan KSAU dalam kunjungannya ke Lanud HND hari ini, Rabu (30/5/2018).

“Rencana ke depan, di tahun 2019, akan dibentuk Skadron Udara 33 pesawat angkut dan Skadron Udara 9 helikopter,” ujar KSAU dalam pengarahannya kepada para perwira Lanud HND.

Skuadron helikopter akan dibentuk di Lanud Hasanuddin tahun 2019 (photo : tribun)

Hadir pada acara tersebut, Irjenau, para Asisten KSAU, Pangkohanudnas, Dankorpaskhas, Dankoharmatau,  Pangkoopsau II, Waaspers KSAU, para Kadis jajaran Mabesau, dan Komandan Lanud HND Marsma TNI Bowo Budiarto.

KSAU menjelaskan, penempatan dua skadron baru di Lanud HND sebagai upaya TNI AU mendukung dan mewujudkan interoperabilitas antar satuan-satuan TNI di wilayah Sulawesi. Untuk diketahui, di Makassar saja terdapat beberapa satuan TNI lainnya seperti Divisi III Kostrad dan Lantamal VI.

Menyikapi rencana tersebut, KSAU minta agar Lanud HND melakukan persiapan, termasuk  kesiapan sarana prasarana dan para awak pesawat.

Yang terkait dengan kesiapan pesawat, KSAU berharap ada sinergi yang baik antara kebutuhan kesiapan pesawat untuk melaksanakan misi dengan pelaksanaan upgrade atau perbaikan pesawat.

Pembentukan skadron udara baru untuk pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat intai strategis, heli, dan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA) juga akan dilakukan dalam Rencana Strategis ke IV (photo : Saab)

“Lakukan kerja sama yang baik dengan PTDI dalam proses tersebut, sehingga kita dapat mendukung dan membesarkan Industri Pertahanan Nasional sesuai kebijakan pemerintah,” tekan Yuyu.

Kepada para penerbang, KSAU meminta untuk memanfaatkan alokasi jam terbang yang ada secara efektif dan efisien guna meningkatkan kemampuan dengan tetap berpatokan pada keselamatan (safety).

(Angkasa Review)

PH Fleet Activates Third TC-90 Patrol Plane

31 Mei 2018

Third PH fleet TC-90 King Air patrol aircraft (photo : PH Fleet)

MANILA -- The Philippine Fleet has activated its third Beechcraft King Air TC-90 patrol aircraft (tail number NV-394) during short ceremonies at the Naval Air Group headquarters in Sangley Point, Cavite Tuesday.

This was confirmed by Lt. Sahirul Taib, Philippine Fleet spokesperson, in a phone interview Wednesday.

Present during the activation ceremony were Philippine Navy Flag Officer-in-Command Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad and his wife Blesilda.

The NV-394 was among the three TC-90 aircraft formally handed by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) last March 26.

With the turnover of the three planes, the number of TC-90s under Philippine service climbed to five, the first two of which were donated by the JMSDF on March 27, 2017.

The TC-90 was offered by Japan shortly after the Agreement Concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology was finalized on Feb. 29, 2016.

It has a range of more than 1,000 nautical miles, and a cruising speed of 226 knots and is capable of carrying eight passengers along with the pilot.

The additional TC-90s are expected to boost the Navy's capability in intelligence surveillance reconnaissance, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, limited transport, and maritime air surveillance.


30 Mei 2018

Two Refurbhised Su-30MK will be Finished in September 2018

30 Mei 2018

Sukhoi Su-30MK number 01 and 02 (all photos : Kaskus Militer)

CAMTO - Indonesia expects to receive two refurbished Su-30MK fighters, the maintenance of which has been conducted since 2017 at the "558 Aircraft Repair Plant" (Baranovichi, RB), by September 2018.

As reported by Bisnis Metro, it became known after the talks of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia Valeriy Kolesnik and the commander (chief of staff) of the Air Force of Indonesia, Marshal of the Air, Yuu Sutisny, who took place on May 25 in Maibes Chilongkap (Eastern Jakarta).

The Commander highly appreciated the relations between the two countries in the sphere of military-technical cooperation and called for their further strengthening. He also expressed gratitude to the Belarusian side for participating in the logistics of the park of Indonesian fighters of the brand "Su". In his turn, the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus V. Kolesnik proposed to establish cooperation in the exchange of cadets of military academies of both countries.

As previously reported by CAMTO, on December 9, 2015, in a press release from the Indonesian Air Force, it was reported that two Su-27SK multi-role fighter aircraft with TS 2701 and TS 2702 onboard aircraft produced in 2003 would be repaired in Belarus. On December 8, 2015, both planes were loaded aboard the leased An-124 Ruslan aircraft and were delivered to OJSC 558 ARZ.

In April of this year, Tribune News referring to the representative of the Air Force of Indonesia reported that Belarus will undergo major repairs of four Su fighters of the Indonesian Air Force.

Two repaired Su-27SK fighters were returned to the customer at the Sultan Khasanuddin airbase on August 3, 2017 on board the An-124-100M Ruslan transport plane. Earlier, on March 15, 2017, two Su-30MK also produced in 2003 were delivered to Belarus for the maintenance.

Located in Sultan Hasanuddin airbase, the 11th squadron of the 5th Air wing has 16 aircrafts from a mixed fleet of Su-class aircraft: two Su-27SKs (received in 2003), three Su-27SMK (2010), two Su-30MK (2003) and nine Su-30MK2 (2008-2013).


Malbat Finally Taken Delivery of 9 Guardian 4x4

30 Mei 2018

IAG Guardians of Malbatt 850-5 (photo : Malaysian Defence)

SHAH ALAM: Guardians in Lebanon. The Malaysian contingent in Lebanon – Malbat 850-5 – has finally taken delivery of the nine IAG Guardian 4X4 APC ordered last year. The APCs were delivered to the Malbat 850-5 camp, near the port city of Tyre early on May 29 according to a tweet by the Joint Force headquarters.

The white coloured vehicles were transported to the Marakah UN camp on low loaders. As reported previously the Guardians had been shipped to Lebanon earlier this year but their release were pending clearance from the Lebanese authorities.

From the pictures released by Joint Force, the Guardians are fitted with turrets likely to be armed with GPMGs. Malbatt experience in Lebanon had shown that the local population were more comfortable with lightly armed APCs especially those not fitted with cameras or any types of recording system.

See full article Malaysian Defence

Philippine Army Negotiates to Acquire Used K136 Kooryong MLRS from South Korea

30 Mei 2018

K136 Kooryong MLRS from South Korea (photo : Dante)

The Philippine Army (PA) has always been longing to have Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) in its inventory, as it found such system to be good in providing large amounts of projectiles fired at the same time at a specific area. Such concentration of firepower can only be achieved by either large numbers of gun-based artillery systems firing together.

During previous Balikatan Joint Military Exercises with the US Military, the US Army displayed the firepower capabilities of the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, to the Philippine military top brass. While the Philippine Army wanted such system in its inventory, the unit price is very much beyond their budget for modernization or asset acquisition. Thus HIMARS remains a dream that the PA hopes to one day have.

Aside from the HIMARS, numerous groups, either defense companies or government-supported groups, have expressed interest to supply the Philippine Army and also the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) with an MLRS system. Several systems were given consideration by these armed services, and has actually found two offers to be very promising and might be considered should the PA and/or PMC have the means to acquire them. 

MaxDefense won't incline to mention the specific systems, but they are actually from Israel and South Korea.

But alas! After the Philippine Army and the Philippine Navy (parent branch of service of the Philippine Marine Corps) submitted their proposed budgets for the Horizon 2 phase of the Revised AFP Modernization Program, both services didn't get the budget they were expecting and deserved. And both services have no choice but to temporarily remove the MLRS requirements from both services' Horizon 2 Phase acquisition plans.

Thus the Philippine Army was left with no choice to find other means to be able to acquire even a basic MLRS system. This is for them to learn first hand the use of such system and incorporate it to their doctrines and development as a modern land force.

The Philippine Army and Philippine Marine Corps are both interested in acquiring MLRS systems to improve its artillery and firepower delivery. And lately the Philippine Army through the DND has shown interest in accepting South Korea's offer for K136 Kooryong MLRS from their Excess Defense Articles.

See full article MaxDefense

TNI AU Segera Miliki Jet Tempur Su-35, Ini Perbandingannya dengan F-35 Milik Australia

30 Mei 2018

Su-35 dan F-35 (infografis : Merdeka)

SERAMBINEWS.COM - Secara politik dan militer, Australia hingga saat ini masih menganggap Indonesia sebagai ancaman.

Oleh sebab itu, pembelian sebanyak 100 unit jet tempur F-35 Lightning II oleh Australia benar-benar menjadi ancaman serius bagi Indonesia.

Untuk membeli 100 jet tempur berteknologi siluman (stealth) yang memiliki sistem teknologi perang paling canggih itu, Australia telah menggelontorkan dana sebesar Rp227 triliun atau lebih dari 2 kali anggaran TNI tahun 2018 yang ‘hanya’ sekitar Rp104 triliun.

Kehadiran F-35 jika sampai melanggar wilayah Indonesia Timur memang akan sulit dideteksi oleh jet-jet tempur generasi keempat TNI AU seperti F-16 dan Su-27/30 karena dari sisi teknologi bukan merupakan tandingannya.

Ketika sejumlah F-18 Hornet melakukan terbang unjuk gigi di atas wilayah udara Indonesia Timur pasca referendum Timor-Timur (1999), kekuatan udara TNI yang berpangkalan di Kupang, NTT, hanya bisa membiarkan jet-jet tempur Austrlaia itu terbang secara leluasa sebelum akhirnya kembali ke ruang udara Australia.

Su35 vs F35 (image : desuarchive)

Jika Indonesia belum bisa menerima sekitar 11 jet tempur Su-35 dari Rusia, maka kehadiran F-35 Australia yang secara sengaja memasuki ruang udara Indonesia memang akan sulit disergap dan diusir.

Secara teknologi F-35 memang merupakan jet tempur siluman yang sulit dideteksi menggunakan radar seperti yang dimiliki oleh F-16 atau Su-27/30 dan sistem radar pertahanan udara di darat.

Namun demikian penerbangan F-35 dari sejumlah sudut masih dideteksi oleh jet tempur Su-35.

Untuk mendeteksi F-35 yang dalam penerbangannya masih mengeluarkan suara dan udara panas dari hasil gas buang mesin jet, Su-35 bisa menggunakan radar pelacak sasaran infra merah (Infrared Search and Track/IRST), dan kemudian menyerangnya menggunakan rudal udara ke udara.

Selain itu, F-35 yang jelajah terbangnya hanya sekitar 1.250 km jika akan digunakan oleh Australia untuk menyerang Indonesia juga memiliki kelemahan.

Persenjataan pesawat Su-35 (image : ausairpower)

Yakni harus mengisi bahan bakar ulang di udara menggunakan pesawat tanker yang sudah menunggu sambil terbang.

Keberadaan pesawat tanker yang sedang terbang pada koordinat tertentu  itu, bisa diburu oleh Su-35 yang memiliki jelajah terbang hingga 3.600 km.

Dengan jarak terbang seperti itu, Su-35 masih  bisa secara leluasa melakukan perburuan dan pencegatan di udara tanpa mengisi bahan bakar ulang.

Jika pesawat tanker penyuplai bahan bakar F-35 bisa ditembak jatuh, F-35 yang seharusnya mengisi bahan bakar ulang akan menyusul jatuh karena kehabisan bahan bakar.

Jika pesawat tanker penyuplai bahan bakar F-35 bisa ditembak jatuh, F-35 yang seharusnya mengisi bahan bakar ulang akan menyusul jatuh karena kehabisan bahan bakar.

Selain itu, jalur penerbangan F-35 menuju ke pesawat tanker meskipun berteknologi siluman, bisa dideteksi oleh Su-35 yang kemudian melaksanakan misi penghadangan dan menembaknya jatuh.

Persenjataan pesawat F-35 (image : Aviationist)

Dalam kondisi kekurangan bahan bakar maka F-35 menjadi tidak berdaya ketika harus menghadapi  pertempuran udara (dogfgiht) melawan Su-35 di udara.

Seperti diberitakan, Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) telah menandatangani kontrak pengadaan 11 pesawat Su-35 dengan Rusia, pada bulan Februari 2018.

Jika tidak ada aral melintang maka pesawat ini tiba bulan Oktober mendatang.

Pembelian Su-35 ini bertujuan untuk menggantikan F-5 Tiger yang sudah tidak layak terbang.

Pesawat bermesin ganda ini dianggap sebagai pesawat generasi ke lima karena kelebihan yang dimilikinya.

Pesawat turunan Su-27 ini mampu melakukan manuver yang tidak bisa dilakukan oleh pesawat tempur lainnya yakni, berhenti seketika di udara, mampu terbang cepat di ketinggian dan bisa membawa banyak rudal udara ke udara.

Intinya jika Indonesia (TNI AU) sudah bisa menerima 11 Su-35, sebenarnya tidak perlu khawatir lagi terhadap F-35 Australia yang jumlahnya mencapai 100 unit.(*)


29 Mei 2018

Luerssen and Civmec form “AMSEG” Joint Venture

29 Mei 2018

Luerssen OPV 80 (photo : Luerssen)

Australia's Newest Naval Shipbuilder

In a major boost for Australia’s shipbuilding industry, a new joint venture has been formed between Luerssen and Civmec called the Australian Maritime Shipbuilding and Export Group.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said the joint venture is another positive step forward.

“This is great news as the group will play a significant role in the Western Australian build of ten Offshore Patrol Vessels using Luerssen’s proven design,” Minister Pyne said.

“In November 2017, the Turnbull Government selected Luerssen as the prime contractor to supply 12 OPVs to the Navy.”

“The whole project is worth around $3.6 billion and construction of the first OPV will start in South Australia later this year using ASC.”

“The work will then move to Henderson in WA where the final 10 will be built as part of the continuous shipbuilding program for minor war vessels.”

Minister Pyne said it’s estimated the project will directly employ up to 1000 Australian workers - 400 direct and a further 600 in the supply chain.

“I commend AMSEG for their commitment to advancing Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding capability,” Minister Pyne said.

“By investing in Australian skills and infrastructure, and looking at opportunities to export into the global naval market, AMSEG is signalling its intent to be a key player in establishing Australia as a competitive shipbuilding nation.”

(Aus DoD)

Singapore and US Armies Strengthen Professional Ties at Exercise Tiger Balm 2018

29 Mei 2018

The Singapore Army's Strike Observer Mission Team together with the US Army's Fire Support Team observing their targets in support of the infantry assault during the live-firing exercise at Exercise Tiger Balm 2018. (photos : Sing Mindef, US Army)

The Singapore Army and the United States (US) Army conducted Exercise Tiger Balm from 15 to 27 May 2018 (Singapore time). This year's exercise involved 113 personnel from 6th Singapore Division (6 Div) and 10th Singapore Infantry Brigade, and about 180 personnel from 25th Infantry Division (25 ID), 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, and 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. Commander 6 Div Colonel Leung Shing Tai and Commanding General of 25 ID, United States Army Pacific, Major General Ronald R. Clark, co-officiated at the closing ceremony of Exercise Tiger Balm in Oahu, Hawaii this afternoon (Singapore time).

This year's Exercise Tiger Balm included live-firing exercises where both armies jointly executed joint strike operations. While the Singapore Army's Strike Observer Mission Team (STORM) has participated in Exercise Tiger Balm in 2016, this year marked the first time that the STORM was involved in providing terminal control to cue the US Army Apache Attack Helicopters during the live-firing exercise. This is also the first time that both armies shared their expertise on Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) operations during the exercise, including the detection and neutralisation of IEDs. The conduct of these joint training exercises in Hawaii provided both armies the opportunity to train together in a realistic environment and to enhance the interoperability between both armies.

Inaugurated in 1981, Exercise Tiger Balm is the longest-running bilateral exercise between the Singapore Army and the US Army. This annual bilateral Brigade-level exercise allows both armies to collaborate and share tactics, techniques and procedures, and is a testament to the excellent and long-standing defence ties between both armed forces.

Apart from Exercise Tiger Balm, both armies also interact extensively through professional exchange programmes, cross-attendance of professional courses, as well as bilateral and multilateral exercises. These regular interactions have fostered and enhanced the professionalism, friendships and mutual understanding among their personnel.

(Sing Mindef)

Oman Tawari TUDM 10 Hawk Bekas

29 Mei 2018

Hawk 103 dan Hawk 203 Royal Omani Air Force (photo : Peter R. Foster)

Laman Malaysian Defence memberitakan (25/5) bahwa TUDM mendapatkan tawaran surplus Hawk baik kursi ganda (Hawk 103) maupun kursi tunggal (Hawk 203) dari Royal Omani Air Force. 

Oman telah memesan delapan pesawat Hawk Mk 166 Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) untuk menggantikan 10 pesawat Hawk 103 di Squadron no 6 sebagai pesawat latih lanjut. Pengiriman pesawat Hawk AJT telah dimulai pada pertengahan tahun 2017 lalu.

Pesawat latih lanjut MB339CM TUDM (photo : Laurence M Bean)

Masih menurut laman tersebut, jika tawaran ini diterima, TUDM dapat menggunakan pesawat Hawk 103 ini untuk menggantikan pesawat MB339CM yang saat ini difungsikan sebagai pesawat LIFT (Lead-in Fighter Trainer) dan dapat digunakan hingga tahun 2030 dengan paket upgrade. Pesawat Hawk 203 dapat juga digunakan untuk menambah armada pesawat Hawk 208 TUDM.

TUDM menerima kiriman pesawat latih MB339CM mulai tahun 2009 dari pesanan sebanyak delapan unit. Pesawat CM ini adalah fuselage-nya yang baru sementara mesinnya merupakan daur ulang dari pesawat MB339AM yang dioperaikan TUDM dari tahun 1980-an hingga tahun 2007. Karena tipe pesawat ini sudah tidak diproduksi lagi maka kelangkaan suku cadang mengganggu operasional hingga jatuhnya satu pesawat MB339CM pada Mei 2016.

(Defense Studies)

Indonesian Navy Transfers Fleet of Kapitan Pattimura-Class Corvette to Armada III

29 Mei 2018

Indonesia is transferring its fleet of ex-East German Navy corvettes to a newly established fleet. Move aims to equip the new formation with vessels capable of better patrolling Arafura, Timor seas (photo : Kaskus Militer)

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) is in the process of transferring its fleet of Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvettes as part of a major fleet reorganisation, a senior official from the service confirmed with Jane’s .

The vessels are being transferred to the command of a new geographical fleet known as Armada III and the corvettes will be redistributed to various regional naval bases that report to this formation.


28 Mei 2018

Vietnam Digitized Old-Generation Radar

28 Mei 2018

Vietnam's P-18M radar (photos : Retia)

According retia.cz - defence company RETIA (Czech Republic) has successfully upgraded P-18 radar of Vietnam to the new standard for major changes.

According to this source, the P-18 radar upgrade contract signed by the Czech Republic with Vietnam a few years ago. The contract will indicate that the Czech side will be responsible for upgrading 40 P-18 radars to Vietnam.

The source said the P-18M radar was a modernization variant on the Soviet/Russian P-18 radar. P-18M radar is used to detect, search for targets and determine the target azimuth. In addition, the station also has the ability to determine the national sovereignty of the target through questioners.

In addition to the original P-18 antenna rig, the improved Czech radar also features four additional ECCM noise-canceling antennas that significantly improve operability in a robust electronic warfare environment.

Compared with the old P-18 radar system, the P-18M radar developed by the Czech Republic has many improvements with modern technology, especially digital technology. Instead of using the same electronic light as in the older radars, the P-18M radar system as well as the P-18M radar system is digitized.

Radar can work in many different frequencies with extremely fast and flexible switching times. In the photo is a cockpit operating the old P-18 radar. The display system is very modern with a liquid crystal display instead of the old P-18 electronic vision sight system.

All old control systems were removed to replace the newer, more sophisticated LCD displays. The P-18M radar detects and works in unmatched frequency range, but the new radio has the ability to automatically track up to 200 targets per second and over 1000 targets/revolutions.

Thus, the introduction of P-18M digital radar equipment with outstanding features will significantly enhance the ability to monitor the sea and sea islands of the country for the Air Defense of the Air Force.

Key Points of KF-X and IF-X Fighter Program

28 Mei 2018

KF-X/IF-X fighter aircraft (photo : Defense Studies)

3 Block Development Phase of KF-X

The project goes ahead, the 1st step will involve picking a foreign development partner, and the next step will involve choosing between 1 of 2 competing designs. The C103 design’s conventional fighter layout would look somewhat like the F-35, while the C203 design follows the European approach and uses forward canards in a stealth-shaped airframe. It’s likely that the choice of their foreign development partner will determine the design choice pursued.

KF-X Block 1 to Block 3 (all images : Namu)

KF-X Block 1

Either aircraft would be a twin-engine fighter weighing around 10.4 tonnes, with stealth shaping. In order to keep ambitions within the bounds of realism, KFX Block 1 fighters would only have to meet the radar cross-section of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet or Eurofighter Typhoon. Sources have used figures of 0.1 – 1.0 square meters.

Note that even this specification amounts to developing a plane similar to or more advanced than the JAS-39E/F Gripen, from a lower technological base, with less international help on key components, all for less development money than a more experienced firm needed to spend. South Korea’s own KIDA takes a similar view, questioning the country’s technical readiness for something this complicated, and noting an overall cost per aircraft that’s twice as much as similar imported fighters.

KF-X Block 2

KFX Block 2 would add internal weapon bays. Present plans call for Block 1 would be compatible with the bays, and hence upgradeable to Block 2 status, but Block 1 planes wouldn’t begin with internal bays. The fighter’s size and twin-engine design offer added space compared to a plan like the Gripen, but this feature will still be a notable design challenge. Additional tolerance and coating improvements are envisioned to reduce stealth to the level of an F-117: about 0.025 square meters.

KF-X Block 3

KFX Block 3 would aim for further stealth improvements to the level of the B-2 bomber or F-35.

No timeline has been discussed for Block 2 and Block 3 improvements. At this stage of the program, any dates given would be wildly unreliable anyway.

The ROK Agency for Defense Development says that if full-scale development begins in October 2014, the 1st KF-X Block 1 prototype flight wouldn’t take place until September 2020. Based on the history of other programs, the new plane would be hard pressed to enter service before 2025. (DefenseIndustryDaily)

Block 1 for Indonesia, Block 2 & 3 for Korea

"At this point, there is almost no difference between KF-X and IF-X shapes," says the official.

Still, the South Korean and Indonesian examples are likely to be different. Previously, officials have said that a Block I configuration without stealth coatings and the ability to carry weapons internally will go to Indonesia. South Korea will have a Block II aircraft, with stealth coatings and weapons bays.

Seoul will also develop indigenous capabilities in key areas where it failed to obtain export licences from the US, an early stumbling block for the programme. These include the jet's active electronically scanned array (AESA), which will be developed with Israeli assistance, infrared search & track (IRST), electro-optical targeting, and the aircraft's electronic warfare suite. (FlightGlobal)

IFX : Indonesian Version of KF-X

He added that there would be minor differences between the KFX and IFX.

“The IFX will have a greater range as required by the Indonesian Air Force ,” he said.

“For air refueling, the IFX will use a probe system while the KFX will use a boom system.

“The third difference will be the data link. South Korea will use the US-made Link 16 and probably develop their own while we will also develop our own.” 

Budi said Indonesia needed its own data link to allow communications with the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers heavy jet fighters. (The Jakarta Post)

F-35 four key technologies (image : Korea Times)

25 US Fighter Technology

The transfer of 25 technologies, including the four, was included in the offset deal in return for Korea's purchase of 40 F-35s, which was signed in September last year.

However, the transfer of the remaining 21 technologies from the U.S. defense giant and the budget issue still remain major obstacles to completing the project on time. The project is aimed at building new fighter aircraft by 2025 to replace the Air Force's aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s. (Korea Times)

The U.S. has refused to transfer core technologies connected to the next-generation F-35 fighter jets to Korea, throwing plans to acquire 40 of them for the Air Force into disarray.

Lockheed Martin, the manufacturer, had agreed in negotiations in September last year to transfer the technologies to Korea. But U.S. government intervention means the entire project worth W20 trillion is up in the air (US$1=W1,177). (Chosun)

The project will also proceed with the help of Lockheed Martin which will transfer 21 technologies used in the F-35 stealth fighter. In early December, the U.S. government approved the transfer of the technologies in a "large frame," according to DAPA.

Before its official kickoff, the program had suffered a severe crisis after the U.S. government refused in April to allow Lockheed to hand over four core technologies — the AESA radar, the EOTGP, the infrared search and radio frequency (RF) jammer and the infrared search and tracking (IRST) system.

A transfer of a total of 25 technologies was included in an offset deal signed in September of 2014 with Lockheed Martin in return for Korea's purchase of 40 F-35s. (Korea Times)

Four key technologies of KF-X that blocked by US : IRST, AESA Radar, EO TGP, and RF Jammer (photo : Kookbang)

But the U.S. government refused to approve exports of the four core technologies due to national security concerns, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said. The four items are AESA radar, infrared search and tracking equipment (IRST), electro-optical target tracking devices (EO TGP), and Radio Frequency (RF) Jammers. The Korean military was planning to use the technologies in 2025. It was known that the four technologies were not included in the official contract when the Korean government decided to introduce F-35A fighters.

The DAPA is considering going ahead with the production of AESA radar, infrared search and tracking equipment by way of technological cooperation with third countries such as those in Europe and the development of other technologies in Korea. (Business Korea)

Schedule of KF-X

Menurutnya, perakitan pesawat tempur KFX/IFX fase EMD merupakan program berjangka waktu 10 tahun. Pembangunan dimulai dari tahun 2016 dan dijadwalkan berakhir tahun 2026. Total investasi kedua negara terkait proyek ini mencapai US$ 8 miliar dari APBN Indonesia dan Korsel.

Ditargetkan tahun 2021 pesawat tempur KFX/IFX bisa diperkenalkan ke masyarakat, lalu dibuat prototipe ke-5 oleh PTDI pada 2022. Setelah itu akan dikirimkan ke Korea Selatan untuk disempurnakan dan akan dikirimkan kembali ke Indonesia sebagai flying test bed untuk pengembangan dan wahana pembelajaran generasi muda PTDI.

"Diharapkan pesawat tempur KFX/IFX bisa mendapatkan Type Certificate di tahun 2025 atau 2026," kata Anne. (Berita Satu)

KF-X single and double version (image : Cobham)

First Prototype with AESA radar

South Korea will complete the development of an advanced radar system to be placed on the country's indigenous fighter jets by 2026 that will greatly boost its air-combat capabilities, the state arms procurement agency said Wednesday. 

The state-run Agency for Defense Development has begun the process of developing the active electronically scanned array radars for some 120 KF-X fighter jets that South Korea seeks to develop by the mid-2020s, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration said. It said a meeting with related officials and experts was held at the ADD's headquarters in Daejeon, 164 kilometers south of Seoul.  

"We are planning to produce the first prototypes of the AESA radar system by the second half of 2020. Starting in 2021, the radar system will undergo a five-year-long test run after being mounted onto the KF-X jet before its development project is completed in 2026," a DAPA official said. (Korea Herald)

Production of the Initial Batch

"With the signing of the contract with KAI on Monday, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration will officially set about the fighter jet development project," DAPA said in a statement.
The project will take 10 years and six months before completing the developmental phase by the first half of 2026 and producing the initial batch of aircraft by 2028, according to the state procurement agency. (Korea Times)

KF-X fighter with AESA radar (image : KAI)

Project Costs

Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. signed a deal with Indonesia on Sunday, clinching the Southeast Asian country's partnership in a lavish local fighter jet development program. 
Under the preliminary contract, Indonesia will shoulder 20 percent, or 1.7 trillion won ($1.5 billion), of the program's 8.7 trillion-won cost to develop the advanced multi-role combat jet, according to the airplane manufacturer.
The Korean Fighter Experimental program is designed to develop and mass-produce homegrown dual-engine combat airplanes by 2025. It's one of the most lavish defense procurement projects here with more than 8 trillion won in development costs in addition to 10 trillion won to be spent in mass production. KAI is South Korea's contractor manufacturer of the program. 

With the partnership, Indonesia will be entitled to purchase 50 new planes. (KoreaHerald)

Led by Korea Aerospace Industries, KF-X development began in 2016 with the goal of producing six prototypes by 2021. Indonesia’s state-run defense firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia is the only partner for the $8 billion project, responsible for 20 percent of development costs. About 120 KF-X aircraft are to be produced by 2032 to replace the South Korean Air Force’s aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s.

South Korea’s KF-X Block 2 would have an internal weapons bay, and Block 3 is expected to feature stealth technology comparable to the F-35. (DefenseNews)

The development of AESA radar is part of the 8.5 trillion won ($7.5 billion) KF-X project to build 4.5-generation indigenous fighters by 2026 to replace the Air Force's aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s. 

The government will invest an additional 10 trillion won ($8.8 billion) to produce 120 aircraft by 2032. (Korea Times)

(Defense Studies)