30 September 2021

Aussie Defence Industry to Make Critical Weapons Components for Boxer Vehicles

30 September 2021

Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (photos : Aus DoD)

Thales Australia has been contracted by Rheinmetall Defence Australia to manufacture critical weapons components for the Australian Army’s new Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles, signifying a strong show of support for our defence industry.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price today announced Thales would draw on its extensive experience and Australian supplier base to assist with the manufacture of components for the Boxer’s 30mm cannon. 

The components will then be assembled at Rheinmetall’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence in Redbank, Queensland, officially opened by Prime Minister Scott Morrison in October last year.

Minister Price said partnerships with local defence industry were critical to ensuring our industrial base effectively supported Australia’s national security. 

“This contract is a great testament to the Morrison Government’s commitment to strengthening Australia’s sovereign defence industrial capability and maximising opportunities for local business in defence manufacturing,” Minister Price said.

“Australian industry will play a vital role in the delivery of the Boxer vehicles. 

“Rheinmetall will use suppliers across the country to design, build, assemble, test and support the Boxer vehicles for the Army.

“We are backing Aussie businesses and supporting local jobs.”

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Andrew Gee welcomed the announcement, which is a boon for jobs and investment in the Lithgow community. 

“In 1912, the Lithgow Small Arms Factory, which would become Thales Australia, began producing SMLE 303 rifles carried by Australian forces in WW1,” Minister Gee said.

“More than a century later, the tradition of the Australian Defence Force employing not only Australian-made but Lithgow-made weapons continues, with Thales Australia to deliver 30mm cannon components for the new Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles.

“First samples of the weapon components manufactured by Thales Australia in Lithgow have been given the green light, passing stringent quality control checks by Rheinmetall in Germany.

“The manufacturing partnership will create about 10 new jobs and provide support for the 130 jobs already at the Lithgow site.

“The Lithgow Arms Factory is part of the fabric of the Lithgow region, and plays a key role in our national defence capability, ensuring our ADF personnel have access to world-class military weapons.”

Rheinmetall Defence Australia will deliver and support 211 Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles – a key investment under the 2020 Force Structure Plan – under the LAND 400 Phase 2 – Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle project to replace the Australian Army’s Australian Light Armoured Vehicles. 

The Boxer vehicles will provide enhanced mobility, firepower and protection in environments ranging from regional stability missions to high threat operations. 

Skadron Teknik 044 Mampu Tangani Pemeliharaan Su-30MK Tingkat Sedang

30 September 2021

Pesawat Su-30MK nomor TS-3002 (photos : SkaTek 044)

Pada tanggal 1 September 2021 Komandan Skadron Teknik 044, Letkol Tek M. Jasril Iman Jamil menerima pesawat Sukhoi Su-30MK Tail Number TS-3002 dari Komandan Skadron Udara 14 Letkol Pnb I Kadek Suta Arimbawa.

Pesawat Su-30MK TS-3002 ini akan melaksanakan pemeliharaan tingkat sedang selama 24 bulan di Skadron Teknik 044.

Skadron Teknik 022 disingkat (Skatek 022) adalah unsur pelaksana pemeliharaan pesawat terbang yang berkududukan langsung di bawah Danlanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar. Skatek bertugas menyelenggarakan pembinaan perneliharaan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista) beserta komponennya.

SEA Awarded New Zealand Communications System Upgrade Contract for Two ANZAC Frigates

30 September 2021

HMNZS Te Kaha with new mast (photo : Dennis J. Dubinsky)

SEA will update the systems with its open architecture external communication capability under the Frigate Sustainment - Communications Project.

The contract, which covers the design of the communication system upgrade, is valued at £4.6 million and is scheduled to commence in September 2021. This contract is for the first of two planned project phases which will deliver new capability from 2024.

SEA’s system is intended to reduce through life costs and associated maintenance. The flexible, modular system will enable the Navy to integrate equipment, including cryptos and radios, regardless of the manufacturer or supplier.

The open architecture of the system will also meet interoperability requirements and allow the Royal New Zealand Navy to communicate with partner navies, which will support missions with friendly countries such as neighbouring Australia.

As part of the contract, SEA will work in partnership with NZ-based subcontractors to develop the new system and deliver on-the-ground training, which will include conducting a gap analysis of current knowledge and skills, followed by training tailored to the needs of the Royal New Zealand Navy. This is designed to enable an effective knowledge transfer and ensure personnel can operate SEA’s intuitive and user-friendly communications system.

Richard Flitton, Managing Director at SEA, said: “We’re delighted to be utilising our experience in delivering and upgrading external communication systems for the Royal New Zealand Navy’s FS - Communications Project. Our involvement will expand our presence in the region and display SEA’s ability to meet the requirements of navies worldwide, while also adding value in supporting in-country training, skills and expertise.

“Through collaboration with our New Zealand partners, our flexible and modular external communication system will enable the Royal New Zealand Navy to maintain its technological innovation, reduce through life costs and improve communication with other navies.”

This contract follows the successful delivery of the Ship Condition Assessment, which SEA completed during COVID-19 restrictions, in collaboration with one of its in-country partners, electrical services experts McKay, in June.


Indonesia Configures 90 m OPVs for Anti-Submarine, Anti-Ship Operations

30 September 2021

OPV 90m and OPV (image : INews)

The Indonesian Navy is equipping its new class of two 90 m offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) with a Turkish combat management system (CMS) and weapons for anti-submarine and anti-ship operations.

Schematic diagrams and other official documents forwarded to Janes by an industry source confirm that the Indonesian Navy has selected the Advent combat system from Turkish software company Havelsan.

The system will be supplied with five operator consoles on a vessel combat network that has one electro-optical (EO) targeting system turret, a combined radar and EO-based fire-control system, a navigation radar, and a surveillance radar integrated with an identification friend-or-foe system.

The CMS will also be linked to a 76/62 Super Rapid (SR) naval gun – presumably from Italian defence company Leonardo – with provisions for a 35 mm naval gun system, two 20 mm cannons, anti-surface missiles, a variable-depth sonar system, decoy launchers, and an electronic warfare radar.

29 September 2021

Utang Luar Negeri Belanja Pertahanan dan Keamanan Teknologi

29 September 2021

Pesawat tempur Rafale (photo : Indian MoD)

Dalam daftar rencana pembelian senjata yang diusulkan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) kepada Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas agar menjadi bagian dari revisi Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah 2020-2024, tergambar pendekatan geopolitik. Hal demikian terlihat dari usulan akuisisi pesawat tempur Rafale buatan Dassault Aviation Prancis sebanyak 36 unit dan 24 buah F-15EX produksi Boeing Amerika Serikat (AS). Opsi pengadaan senjata asal AS tidak sebanyak alutsista dari Eropa, namun akuisisi tersebut tetap strategis bagi Indonesia dalam menjaga keseimbangan hubungannya dengan dua kekuatan Trans Atlantik.

AS menjadi salah satu sumber pengadaan senjata Indonesia yang terkait dengan produk dirgantara, khususnya pesawat angkut dan pesawat tempur. Pada Minimum Essential Force (MEF) tahap II tahun 2014-2019, Indonesia membelanjakan sekitar US$500 juta melalui skema direct commercial sales menggunakan Pinjaman Luar Negeri (PLN) dari sindikasi salah satu bank BUMN dan lembaga keuangan asal Prancis. Sementara pada MEF tahap III tahun 2020-2024, F-15EX merupakan target utama akuisisi senjata Jakarta dari Washington DC, namun skema pendanaan belum jelas karena masih menunggu lampu hijau dari Kementerian PPN/Bappenas dan Kementerian Keuangan. Kemenhan mengusulkan kebutuhan PLN senilai US$3,3 miliar untuk pembelian pesawat tempur yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh McDonnel Douglas itu, namun di sisi lain AS belum memberikan lisensi ekspor F-15EX ke Indonesia.

Indonesia mewajibkan penerapan Imbal Dagang, Kandungan Lokal dan Offset (IDKLO) untuk setiap impor sistem senjata utama. AS terhitung sebagai negara yang tidak mudah memberikan offset kepada negara lain dalam urusan ekspor senjata, akan tetapi hal itu bukan suatu kemustahilan. Sebagai ilustrasi, PT GMF AeroAsia mendapat offset pembelian lima C-130J oleh Indonesia berupa penggantian delapan unit center wing box pesawat C-130 TNI Angkatan Udara, di mana tujuh unit C-130 akan mendapatkan center wing box bekas, sedangkan satu unit sisanya akan mendapatkan center wing box baru yang dipasok oleh mitra Lockheed Martin. Pengadaan senjata melalui mekanisme foreign military sales biasanya lebih sulit untuk mendapatkan offset, namun bukan mission impossible sebagaimana dibuktikan saat pembelian 12 F-16A/B Block 15 OCU oleh Indonesia pada 1986.

Namun terdapat catatan penting yang perlu diperhatikan oleh Indonesia terkait hal tersebut yaitu keamanan teknologi. Sejak beberapa tahun silam, Washington DC telah mendorong Jakarta agar membentuk suatu unit kerja yang bertanggungjawab terhadap Defense Technology Security (DTS) di tingkat Kemenhan. Dorongan itu terkait dengan keinginan Indonesia mendapatkan alih teknologi dari AS untuk program KFX/IFX. Isu DTS memang telah diangkat oleh AS untuk menjadi salah satu perhatian dalam kerja sama pertahanan dengan Indonesia.

Pesawat tempur F-15EX (photo : USAF)

Dalam setiap Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) yang ditandatangani Indonesia untuk akuisisi senjata dari Paman Sam, terdapat klausul DTS yang harus disetujui oleh Indonesia sebagai pembeli senjata. Misalnya dalam pengadaan delapan unit AH-64E Apache yang mengandung banyak teknologi sensitif. Dengan semakin besarnya potensi pembelian senjata dari Washington DC, AS mendorong Indonesia memiliki suatu unit kerja permanen yang bertugas melindungi teknologi AS yang diberikan kepada Indonesia. Perhatian AS dapat dipahami karena sejak era Perang Dingin spionase teknologi adalah hal yang terus terjadi, selain fakta bahwa Indonesia juga membeli senjata dari negara yang dikategorikan sebagai pesaing AS.

Isu DTS bukan saja pada tingkat Kemenhan, tetapi juga pada tingkat industri pertahanan seperti PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). Cakupan DTS cukup luas, termasuk keamanan penyimpanan data dan jaringan. Penerapan DTS secara terbatas telah dilaksanakan oleh PTDI dalam program KFX/IFX di mana terdapat pembatasan akses pada fasilitas di Gedung Pusat Teknologi yang terkait dengan program itu, namun hal demikian belum cukup dan optimal. Persoalan DTS pada tingkat industri pertahanan harus ditangani oleh suatu unit kerja tersendiri dan tidak tepat bila dijadikan bagian dari unit yang bertanggungjawab terhadap teknologi informasi.

Budaya organisasi mempengaruhi pula isu DTS, di mana mayoritas organisasi pemerintah, BUMN maupun swasta masih memiliki kelemahan soal ini. Industri pertahanan Indonesia masih harus belajar terkait DTS dan hal tersebut membutuhkan dorongan dari Kemenhan dan Kementerian BUMN, selain asistensi dari pihak ketiga yang berkepentingan. Isu DTS hendaknya dipandang bukan saja dari aspek politik dan teknologi semata, tetapi juga dampak ekonominya bagi kinerja industri pertahanan nasional dalam jangka menengah dan panjang.

Seberapa besar kesadaran akan DTS pada Kemenhan dan BUMN industri pertahanan? Penulis masih meragukan tingginya tingkat kesadaran terhadap DTS mengingat masih banyak parameter terkait keamanan data dan jaringan belum terpenuhi. Hal demikian membutuhkan perubahan besar apabila DTS diterapkan secara penuh, termasuk perubahan perilaku manusia. Diperlukan pula investasi untuk meningkatkan keamanan data dan jaringan, baik yang menggunakan dana APBN maupun dana BUMN industri pertahanan.

Offset merupakan aspirasi politik untuk meningkatkan penguasaan teknologi tinggi sekaligus mendapatkan nilai ekonomis pada jangka menengah dan panjang dari pengadaan senjata. Mengutip data Janes, terdapat peluang offset sebesar US$ 18,1 miliar di Indonesia selama periode 2021-2030 dengan peluang terbesar berasal dari sektor dirgantara. Untuk meraih peluang itu, selain ditentukan oleh kapasitas fiskal untuk mendukung belanja pertahanan dan kapasitas menyerap teknologi, faktor kemampuan untuk mengamankan teknologi yang dialihkan sebagai bagian dari offset perlu dikalkulasi dengan cermat.

Bisa jadi AS akan memperbolehkan Indonesia membelanjakan US$ 3,3 miliar untuk akuisisi 24 F-15EX, namun menolak offset karena tidak yakin dengan kemampuan Jakarta terkait dengan DTS. Isu DTS mempunyai relevansi pula dengan program KFX/IFX yang membutuhkan dana US$ 1,5 miliar untuk pembayaran co-share hingga 2026. Apakah Indonesia akan mengorbankan US$ 1,5 miliar tanpa imbalan akses teknologi karena enggan memenuhi tuntutan DTS dari AS dan Korea Selatan? Dana untuk kedua program kemungkinan besar dibiayai oleh PLN karena mustahil mengandalkan dana Rupiah Murni.

New Bushmaster Armoured Vehicles Hit the Production Line

29 September 2021

Assembling of Bushmaster armoured vehicles (photo : BendigoAdvertiser)

Production is underway for the first of New Zealand’s Bushmaster NZ5.5 vehicles by Thales Australia in Bendigo, Victoria.

The Bushmaster vehicles will provide New Zealand Army personnel with high levels of blast and ballistic protection. They are designed with a V hull, which redirects blasts out from under the vehicle, saving lives.

The Ministry is responsible for advising the government on defence policy and the acquisition of major defence equipment, such as the Bushmaster vehicle fleet.

Project teams are made up of experts of both Ministry of Defence staff and New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) personnel, but the Ministry has particular responsibility for the selection of suppliers, contract negotiations and project management. NZDF personnel are responsible for the introduction into service, in-service and disposal phases, which for some capability is up to 30 years.

Ministry of Defence project team leader Gillian Rodger says a close working relationship, from the start of the process, has proven vital to the success of the project.

“The Bushmasters are scheduled for delivery in late 2022 and will replace New Zealand’s current New Zealand Army Pinzgauer fleet. They are not a combat vehicle but will provide our personnel with greater protection while deployed on operations, and they’re used by many of our partners overseas.”

Lieutenant Colonel Sara Harrison is the project team’s Capability Integration Lead. She says the 11 tonne vehicles will have an operational life of 30 years and come in five different variants.

“They’ve been designed to provide high-level protection for our people against a range of threats found in the contemporary environment, including peace and security operations and humanitarian and disaster responses. This will in turn enable our people to better protect others,” said Lieutenant Colonel Sara Harrison.

Due to the project’s scale, cost, risk, and complexity, the project is being run by the Protected Mobility Capability Project team, which is made up of both Ministry of Defence staff and NZDF personnel.

“The team has worked with Thales Australia to adapt previous Bushmaster vehicle designs, so the Bushmaster NZ5.5 will be unique to New Zealand and best suit our needs. They’ll be able to undertake a range of tasks, from transporting troops, through to acting as mobile communications and command hubs,” said Gillian Rodger.

The Bushmasters are able to function as protected ambulances, when needed. They also introduce improved networking and communications technologies between the vehicles themselves, and other assets deployed in the field, allowing for more efficient communication over greater distances. The new communications capability has been developed in partnership with the Network Enabled Army project team.

COVID-19 restrictions on travel have presented some challenges to the project team, but the fleet’s delivery remains on track. Gillian Rodger says she’s really proud of this, and the team’s ability to adapt.

The Bushmaster vehicles project follows the team’s success introducing the Polaris MRZR-D vehicles into service earlier this year.

Lockheed Martin Awarded Contract for Malaysia Ground Based Radar System

29 September 2021

Lockheed Martin to provide of TPS-77 Ground Based Radar System for Malaysia (photo : Lockheed Martin)

Lockheed Martin, Liverpool, New York, has been awarded a $25,111,798 firm-fixed-price contract for the Malaysia Ground Based Radar System.

This contract provides a standalone radar system, ancillary equipment, spares, training, and an interim contract support option. This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value to $25,718,050. The location of performance is Liverpool, New York, and is expected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2025. 

This contract involves Foreign Military Sales to Malaysia. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition in which two proposals were received. 

Fiscal 2021 building partner capacity funds in the amount of $25,111,798 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, is the contracting activity (FA8730-21-C-0024).

The Royal Thai Air Force Performs the First Flight of the Enhanced Alpha Jet

29 September 2021

Enhanced Alpha Jet of the RTAF (all photos : AAG)

Youtube channel of Air Chief Marshal Jom Rungsawang, the 24th former commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Air Force holding office during the year 2016-2018 has published a video of the latest progress of the project to improve the capability of the attack aircraft,  Dornier Alpha Jet A (Type 7 : named in Thailand).

Attack aircraft Type 7 Alpha Jet, Squadron 231, Wing 23 Udon Thani the first of 14 aircraft that has been modernized according to the capability improvement project made its first flight on 31 August 2021. The project to improve the capabilities of Alpha Jet, amounting to 1 job, by a specific method, with a limit of 60 million baht ($1,998,781), was announced by the Department of Aeronautics on January 12, 2021.

Although the video is low in detail, but it can see the significant changes of Alpha Jet which has been improved by the company Aviation Industry Thai Aviation Industries (TAI) Thailand and RV Connex Thailand according to the Purchasing and Development Policy.

The cockpit has been transformed into a Glass Cockpit with three color displays and the front display (HUD: Head-Up Display) and the control panel with various Avionics systems from CMC Electronics Canada. Includes HOTAS (Hands on Throttle-and-Stick) controls similar to the Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter, which is also used in the A-6TH (AT-6E Wolverine) attack aircraft that is being procured under the Commom Fleet policy.

The Up-Front Control Panel (UFCP: Up-Front Control Panel) also provides information on the Datalink Link-TH network system being developed in Thailand which has the capability to link with other types of aircraft such as Saab Gripen C/D and F-5TH Super Tigris fighters and other systems in the network.

Renovation of aircraft structure, Avionics system and weapon system in the name of the Alpha Jet TH attack aircraft, 14 machines, with a budget of 3,388 million baht ($108,519,334) It also supports Thai aviation industry and security.

During September 2021, the 23rd Airborne Division has published its various public relations activities which has an exhibit of Type 7 Alpha Jet, the first 231 Squadron that has been modernized in a yellow color primer, it is understood that the machine will be given a new camouflage color next.


28 September 2021

Pemerintah Siapkan Anggaran Rp 29,5 Triliun (2,0 bio USD) untuk Penguatan Pertahanan

28 September 2021

Tank medium Harimau Hitam PT Pindad (photo : Pindad)

KONTAN.CO.ID -  JAKARTA. Presiden Joko Widodo telah menandatangani Peraturan Presiden nomor 85 tahun 2021 tentang Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) tahun 2022.

Salah satu rencana kerja yang terdapat pada lampiran beleid tersebut terkait dengan penguatan pertahanan. Terdapat dua indikator dalam rencana kerja tersebut.

Pertama berkaitan dengan pemenuhan minimum essential force (MEF) mencapai 86%. Kedua kontribusi industri pertahanan mencapai 50%. Guna menjalankan rencana tersebut, pemerintah menyiapkan anggaran Rp 29,5 triliun. Anggaran tersebut disiapkan untuk berbagai program kegiatan.

Pengadaan 23 jenis alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) sebesar Rp 12,64 triliun. Selain itu ada juga pemeliharaan dan perawatan 20 jenis alutsista senilai Rp 8,14 triliun.

Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertahanan juga akan membangun 5 sarana dan prasarana pertahanan dengan anggaran Rp 746,62 miliar. Ada pula pembangunan 25 jenis sarana dan prasarana profesionalisme dan kesejahteraan prajurit yang dibangun dengan anggaran Rp 4,86 triliun.

Kemenhan juga akan membangun satu sistem pertahanan siber pada tahun 2022 dengan anggaran Rp 38,72 miliar. Pemerintah juga akan melakukan pengadaan 5 jenis alat peralatan pertahanan dan keamanan (alpalhankam) industri pertahanan senilai Rp 3,14 triliun.

Sebagai informasi, pada tahun 2022, Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (RAPBN) mengalami kenaikan. Pada tahun 2022 RAPBN Kemhan sebesar Rp 133,9 triliun naik dari tahun 2021 sebesar Rp 118,2 triliun.

PH, Australian Navy Ships Hold Maritime Exercise

28 September 2021

Philippines Navy and Australian Navy maritime exercise (all photos : Philippines Navy)

MANILA – Navy ships of the Philippines and Australia over the weekend held maritime exercises aimed at "promoting peace and stability" in the region.

The Philippine Navy (PN)'s second missile-frigate, the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), participated at-sea phase of Exercise Lumbas 2021 with two Royal Australian Navy (RAN) vessels on Saturday for the "maneuver exercise, division tactics, and formations in column and abreast using NATO coded messages".

"BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) participates in the at-sea phase of Exercise Lumbas 2021 to strengthen cooperation and to promote peace and stability within the region together with HMAS Canberra and HMAS Anzac on Sept. 26," a post on the BRP Antonio Luna's Facebook page said Monday.

Exercise Lumbas is a bilateral Australia-Philippines exercise.

The exercise focused on high-end training and interoperability that will benefit both nations in increased maritime domain awareness and force generation.

After the series of maneuvers at sea, the two RAN ships, along with tanker HMAS Sirius, docked in Manila for a three-day visit which is part of Indo Pacific Endeavour 2021 (IPE21).

In a news release, Australian Ambassador Steven Robinson AO said Australia was "very pleased" to have IPE21 in the Philippines.

"This visit reflects the spirit of mateship and bayanihan during our 75th Anniversary of diplomatic relations. It also demonstrates the increasing mutual trust and cooperation between the Australian Defence Force and the Armed Forces of the Philippines,” he said. “It is part of our robust and longstanding engagement with the Philippines to promote a secure, open, prosperous, and resilient region.”

IPE21 is Australia's flagship regional engagement activity and a demonstration of Australia's support for a peaceful, inclusive and resilient Indo-Pacific region, with Asean at its core.

Since late-August, the IPE21 task group has engaged in a program of at-sea activities, training programs and capacity building with Australia's partners in the region.

The three-month deployment involves around 700 people, including Australian defense and civilian personnel and participants from partner nations.

These include PN Captain Constancio Reyes who is serving as IPE21's deputy commander.

IPE21 in the Philippines will run from Sept. 26 to 29. 


Oshkosh Defense Awarded Contract to Supply HEMTT Trucks to Malaysia

28 September 2021

Oshkosh HEMTT 8x8 truck (photo : GovPlanet)

Oshkosh Defense LLC, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, was awarded a $16,708,584 firm-fixed-price contract for M1120A4 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks (HEMTTs), M977A4 HEMTTs, M978A4 HEMTTs, and M1070A1 Heavy Equipment Transporters. 

Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2022. Fiscal 2019 Foreign Military Sales (Iraq, Lebanon and Malaysia) funds in the amount of $16,708,584 were obligated at the time of the award. 

U.S. Army Contracting Command, Detroit Arsenal, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-21-F-0404).

Final Details of Arrowhead 140 Contract Expected by November 2021

28 September 2021

Arrowhead 140 frigates (image : Babcock)

After the FREMMs, Indonesia buys the Type-31 frigates

For the head of the class destined for the Royal Navy (HMS VENTURER), the cutting of the first sheet will take place by September. On the 16th of the same month, the Type-31 frigates designed by Babcock based on the design of the Danish IVER HUITFELDT marked the first export success, in the ARROWHEAD-140 version, thanks to the contract signed with Indonesia. 

The Asian island giant in fact continues its modernization effort started in the 2000s and already materialized with the purchase of South Korean submarines and amphibious ships, and light frigates/corvettes of the SIGMA family of the Dutch DAMEN, and which on 10 June culminated in the maxi contract with Fincantieri for the procurement of 6 FREMM-ASW frigates, plus 2 MAESTRALE reconditioned as gap-fillers. 

The new contract with Babcock includes an agreement for the construction under license by the Indonesian PT-PAL shipyard in Surabaya (which will also be involved in the construction of 2 of the Italian FREMMs) of 2 Type-31/ARROWHEAD-140, in a modified version and customized for these almost 139 m long ships, with a displacement of 5.700 tonnes and a speed of 28 knots. 

In the version destined in 5 specimens for the RN, the configuration is that of a medium surveillance frigate, relatively lightly armed although with space and predispositions for further weapon systems. 

The Indonesian Navy, which in 2007-2017 has already put into service 9 light frigates/ corvettes and which from 2025 will deploy the 6 sophisticated Italian anti-submarine frigates, would now need air defense units: in 2019-2020 IVER HUITFELDT was considered for this role. More details will emerge with the definition of the final contract, expected by November.


27 September 2021

TNI AL dan Indian Navy Gelar Latihan Samudera Shakti 2021

27 September 2021

Latihan Samudera Shakti 2021 (photos : Indian Navy, TNI AL)

Gugus Tugas Samudera Shakti TNI AL mengamankan Perairan Indonesia

Jakarta, Latihan Bersama (Latma) dengan sandi “Samudra Shakti-21” antara TNI AL dan Indian Navy, yang akan digelar selama tiga hari di Samudera Indonesia, memasuki latihan hari kedua, Rabu (22/9/2021).

Mengambil daerah latihan di Samudera Indonesia melewati ALKI I, TNI AL menunjukan komitmen dan konsistensi dalam menjaga keamanan wilayah perairan Indonesia yang digunakan sebagai alur pelayaran internasional.

Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia I yang terbentang dari arah Selat Singapura dan Laut Natuna Utara membentang ke Selatan menuju Selat Sunda kemudian berakhir di Samudera Indonesia, menjadi salah satu choke point dan alur pelayaran penting yang menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawab Koarmada I dalam menjaga keamanan dan menegakkan kedaulatan di alur pelayaran Internasional tersebut. 

Latihan Bersama (Latma) antara TNI AL – Indian Navy melibatkan KRI Bung Tomo-357 dan KRI Malahayati-362 dari TNI AL serta INS Kadmatt P29 dan INS Shivalik F47 dari Indian Navy. Even tahunan yang dimulai sejak tahun 2018 ini sempat terhenti akibat pandemic Covid-19 ditahun 2020 lalu. Kini kembali digelar, dimana TNI AL menjadi tuan rumah. Adapun beberapa rencana latihan yang akan dilaksanakan antara lain adalah Mioex, Cross Deck Landing, Adex, Tacman, Flashex, Pubex, Nsic/Screenex, Gunex, Sea Surfex, Rasap, Photex dan Farewell Pass.

Panglima Koarmada I,  Laksamana Muda TNI Arsyad Abdullah, S.E.,M.A.P. pada opening ceremony mengatakan bahwa persoalan yang ditemukan dalam latihan, menunjukkan perubahan situasi dan perkembangan kemampuan profesionalisme dalam melaksanakan latihan bilateral. Dan untuk membuat latihan ini dapat beradaptasi secara cepat maka perencanaan yang bersifat fleksibilitas perlu dipersiapkan.

Meski ditengah pandemi, tujuan latihan harus dapat dicapai melalui pengembangan prosedur bersama, skenario latihan dengan melakukan latihan komunikasi dan manuver taktis,” menutup sambutannya secara virtual dari pusat komando dan pengendalian (Puskodal) Koarmada I.

Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto Kunjungi Infoglobal

27 September 2021

Menhan Prabowo Subianto saat plant tour di Workshop Infoglobal (photo : Infoglobal)

Infoglobal mendapat kunjungan dari Menteri Pertahanan RI (Menhan RI) Prabowo Subianto, Senin (6/9/21). Ikut mendampingi Dirjen Pothan Kemhan, Mayjen TNI Dadang Hendrayuda. Kunjungan tersebut disambut oleh CEO Infoglobal, Adi Sasongko di Workshop Infoglobal, Surabaya.

Kunjungan Menhan RI ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka meninjau kompetensi Infoglobal sebagai salah satu Industri Pertahanan yang tidak saja sudah memiliki kemampuan dalam mengembangkan avionik pesawat tempur tetapi juga dalam bidang Combat Management System, Tactical Mission Sytem serta berbagai kemampuan lainnya seperti integrator dalam kegiatan integrasi radar dan kegiatan lain sejenisnya.

Di hadapan Menhan RI, Adi Sasongko memamerkan produk-produk avionik yang telah diproduksi Infoglobal, diantaranya avionik pesawat Hawk 100/200, Hercules C-130, CASA NC-212/200, KT-1B, Grob, dan Super Tucano. Selain avionik, Adi Sasongko juga menunjukkan konsep pembangunan pesawat tempur yang akan dikembangkan Infoglobal di masa depan.

Dalam kunjungan ini Menhan RI terkesan dengan kemampuan Infoglobal dan memberi dukungan penuh atas upaya dan kerja keras yang telah dilakukan, serta memberikan peluang lebih luas kepada Infoglobal untuk berkontribusi secara aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan yang sesuai dengan kompetensi Infoglobal.

Infoglobal adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang avionik pesawat tempur/militer, pengolahan data radar, sistem kontrol senjata dan perangkat lunak aplikasi pertahanan. 

South Australia Confirmed for Collins & Hobart class Upgrades

27 September 2021

Collins class submarines (photo : Aus DoD)

Key Naval Projects Confirmed for South Australia

South Australia will spearhead a major expansion of Australia’s naval capabilities, supporting thousands of jobs and advancing the state’s shipbuilding expertise.

A number of naval projects have been confirmed for South Australia, following the announcement today of a new enhanced security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The first initiative under the partnership, known as AUKUS, is to acquire nuclear-powered submarines for Australia, which are intended to be built in South Australia.

The Morrison Government has also approved a Life-of-Type Extension to the Collins class submarine fleet from 2026 in South Australia, and confirmed that the Full-Cycle Docking of the Collins class will continue to be conducted at Osborne. Up to $6.4 billion will be invested in these works, and around 1,300 jobs supported in South Australia.

The Government will also invest up to $5.1 billion in upgrades to the Hobart Class destroyer combat management system upgrades at Osborne from 2024, creating 300 jobs in the state.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the investments reinforced the Government’s commitment to South Australia’s shipbuilding industry.

“This expansion of Australia’s naval capabilities will strengthen national security, boost our sovereign workforce and support thousands of jobs in the South Australian industry,” the Prime Minister said.

“South Australia is home to some of the most skilled shipbuilding workers in the world, they have the know-how, ingenuity, industrial knowledge and determination that is required to provide our Defence Force with the very best capability.”

Minister for Defence Peter Dutton said the Government’s investments would ensure Australia maintained a strong and agile submarine capability for decades.

“The Collins class submarine to this day remains one of the most capable conventional submarines in the world,” Minister Dutton said.

“The planned Life-of-Type Extension, through the replacement of key systems, will help deliver Defence’s strategic objectives.

“The upgrade to the Aegis combat management system will ensure our fleet of Hobart class air warfare destroyers maintain their capability-edge into the future.

“Both of these projects announced today are vital for Defence’s ability to act with greater independence in an increasingly contested strategic environment.”

Minister for Finance and Senator for South Australia Simon Birmingham said the state would continue to benefit from the Morrison Government’s sovereign and continuous naval shipbuilding program.

“South Australia is the engine room of naval shipbuilding in this country,” Minister Birmingham said.

“Full-Cycle Docking and Life-of-Type Extension at Osborne will ensure we retain our skilled shipbuilding workforce, and will continue to create opportunities for local businesses to engage with the defence industry.

“In addition, the up to $5.1 billion investment in upgrading the Hobart class combat management system will create extra economic activity as well as around 300 jobs in the state.

“Conducting these sustainment projects in Osborne, on top of the building of frigates and submarines will ensure South of Australia continues to be the epicentre of naval shipbuilding in this country.”

Collins class submarine HMAS Farncomb will be the first to undergo a Life-of-Type Extension when it enters its next Full-Cycle Docking in 2026.

Defence Forces Chief: Six MD-530G Helicopters Undergoing Pre-Delivery Inspection Process

27 September 2021

Pre-delivery inspection process of MD-530G (all photos : Amiruddin Arif)

KUALA LUMPUR — Six MD-530G helicopters that will be used by the Malaysian Army Aviation Unit are currently undergoing pre-delivery inspection (PDI) checks before entering service officially, Malaysian Chief of Defence Forces Gen Tan Sri Affendi Buang said.

The PDI process for the six McDonnell Douglas helicopters was to ensure that all technical aspects and specifications were fully met for its future operations to strengthen the army’s air mobility.

“Based on the procurement contract, all the helicopters are expected to be delivered to Malaysia at the end of this year,” he shared during a special interview in conjunction with the 88th Malaysian Armed Forces Day at Wisma Perwira ATM here.

In February, Army chief Tan Sri Zamrose Mohd Zain said the Malaysian Army would receive McDonnell Douglas helicopters worth RM321.9 million in August this year.

On the armed forces’ planning, especially in managing defence assets viewed as aged and whether they were capable of defending the country, Affendi said they have necessary plans for such matters.

“The armed forces have asset management plans, encompassing maintenance programmes, upgrading programme and defence asset replacement programmes to enable us to carry out our function of defending the country.

“The armed forces have focused on our asset management plan on the first pillar of the national defence strategy of Concentric Deterrence, as contained in the Defence White Paper, in which the armed forces still have constraints in terms of the number of assets and their capabilities to protect the entire area of operations,” he said.

Affendi said the armed forces had crafted operation plans systematically using existing assets to provide a more effective defence.

On the developments of comprehensive training at MD Helicopter Inc in Arizona, USA for pilots and technicians, Affendi said the armed forces have sent eight pilots and nine technicians to undergo such training from April 24 till August 13.

“The training is to increase pilot skill in weapons system operations, tactical flight and air combat training while crew training is for maintenance of aircraft, engines and weapons,” he said.

LCA Program

In addition, Affendi said a total of eight manufacturing companies have stated their interest to bid for the supply of Fighter-Lead In Trainer-Light Combat Aircraft (FLIT-LCA) advertised on June 22.

“The aircraft companies involved are Pakistan Aeronautical PAC JF-17, China National Aero-Technology Hongdu L15B, Italian company Leonardo’s M-346, Russian manufacturer Irkut Corporation’s Yak-130 and Boeing T-7 Red Hawk.

“The tender scheduled to close on September 22, is currently ongoing,” he added.

26 September 2021

Usai Latihan Perang, Prajurit Korps Marinir Kembali Ke Surabaya

26 September 2021

Prajurit Marinir pulang kembali ke markas setelah mengikuti latihan (photo : PasMar2)

Dispen Kormar (Situbondo). Latihan Satuan Lanjutan II Aspek Laut Triwulan III tahun 2021 Pasmar 2 telah dilaksanakan, prajurit Korps Marinir TNI AL dan puluhan Tank Amfibi serta material tempur lainnya melaksanakan re embakasi ke Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) yang berada di perairan pantai Banongan, Asembagus, Situbondo. Jumat (17/09/2021).

Kegiatan yang disaksikan langsung oleh Wadan Pasmar 2 Kolonel Marinir Purwanto Djoko Prasetyo didampingi oleh Asisten Operasi (Asops) Komandan Pasmar 2 Kolonel Marinir Bakti Dasasasi Penanggungan dan para Komandan Kolak Pasmar 2 tersebut untuk melihat secara langsung proses re embarkasi personel maupun material ke KRI.

Prajurit dan kendaraan tempur Korps Marinir tersebut melaksanakan re embarkasi ke KRI Surabaya-591, KRI Teluk Lampung-540 dan KRI Teluk Ende-517 yang lego jangkar di perairan Banongan, Situbondo.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut Wadan Pasmar 2, menyampaikan kepada seluruh prajurit agar berhati-hati dalam melaksanakan kegiatan re embarkasi hingga sampai di Satuan masing-masing.

Disampaikan juga bahwa Latihan Satuan Lanjutan II Aspek Laut Triwulan III tahun 2021 melibatkan Prajurit Infanteri, Kavaleri, Artileri dan Bantuan Tempur dari jajaran Pasmar 2 tergabung dalam Pasukan pendarat dengan Komandan Pasrat Letkol Marinir Widarta Kusuma yang sehari-hari menjabat sebagai Komandan Batalyon Infanteri 5 Marinir.

“Latihan ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan Satuan Tempur Pasmar 2 serta profesionalisme prajurit sesuai kesenjataan masing-masing serta untuk menguji kemampuan dan keterampilan pelaksanaan fungsi kepemimpinan lapangan, mulai dari tingkat kelompok hingga Komandan Batalyon,” jelasnya.

Materi yang dilatihkan meliputi terjun tempur, pendaratan khusus, pendaratan amfibi, pertempuran perkotaan, operasi mobut, pendaratan khusus dan lain-lain. Dengan harapkan dapat mewujudkan kesiapsiagaan operasional satuan-satuan di jajaran Pasmar 2 dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman yang mengganggu stabilitas Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

BRP Antonio Luna Holds Chemical Attack Defense Drills

26 September 2021

BRP Antonio Luna FF-151 (photos : BRP Antonio Luna)

MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN)'s second guided-missile frigate, the BRP Antonio Luna, has demonstrated its capability to protect its crewmen from chemical attack.

"As the newest and the most capable asset in the Philippine Navy, BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) conducts regular training and exercise so that it can respond to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) attacks," a post from the ship's Facebook page said Thursday night.

Also posted was a video clip showing BRP Antonio Luna's response to a simulated chemical weapon attack where crewmen were seen locking down all access points of the ship to prevent deadly gases from seeping in.

The video also showed the ship's crewmen donning protective gear and going outside the weather decks to doubly ensure that all hatches are properly sealed.

"Pre-wetting" or spraying water all over the ship's weather was also done to prevent chemical agents from sticking.

The BRP Antonio Luna and the BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) have the capability to detect chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) attacks.

The PN earlier said these ships would automatically seal themselves once its sensors detect that it is being subjected to CBRNE attacks.

Once the ship is sealed, all possible contaminants are prevented from entering the ship's spaces, it added.

Both ships are also capable of surface, sub-surface, air, and electronic warfare using state-of-the-art electronic sensors, long-range missiles, acoustic-guided torpedoes, and an embarked anti-submarine helicopter.

The BRP Jose Rizal was commissioned on July 10, 2020, while BRP Antonio Luna's commissioning date was on March 19 this year.

The contract for the two ships was placed at PHP16 billion, with PHP2 billion for weapon systems and munitions.