30 April 2011

Kedatangan Super Tucano Dipastikan Tahun 2012

30 April 2011

Super Tucano dengan skema warna TNI AU - dipastikan pesawat ini akan mulai datang pada Maret 2012 (image : Angkasa)

16 Pesawat Tempur Brasil Lengkapi Alutsista TNI 2012

MALANG - Sebanyak 16 pesawat tempur jenis Super Tucano EMB - 314 buatan Brasil pada tahun 2012 akan melengkapi alutsista (alat utama sistem persenjataan) Indonesia khususnya TNI Angkatan Udara (AU).

Hal itu dikatakan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal Imam Syufaat, saat kunjungan kerja ke Pangkalan TNI AU Abdurachman Saleh, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, Jumat.

Kepastian datangnya pesawat itu pada 2012, setelah pihak Markas Besar TNI AU melakukan tanda tangan Letter of Credit untuk pembelian total 16 pesawat jenis itu. "Dalam tanda tangan Letter of Credit itu, sudah termasuk masa pelatihan bagi mekanik dan penerbang kita," katanya.

Ia menjelaskan, kedatangan pesawat Super Tucano akan dilakukan secara bertahap dan dimulai awal tahun 2012.

"Nilai kontrak pembeliannya sekitar US$ 260 juta dan saat ini tugas kita adalah mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana, termasuk fasilitas bangunan seperti shelter, hanggar dan ruangan kantor," katanya.

Pesawat itu memiliki kemampuan yang paling unggul dibandingkan dengan jenis pesawat tempur lainnya. "Amerika saja juga memilih Super Tucano untuk memperkuat kekuatan udaranya, namun saat ini masih terkendala kebijakan politik negara tersebut," katanya.

Pesawat itu dipesan akibat pesawat jenis OV-10F Bronco yang dimiliki Indonesia dinyatakan grounded (masuk karantina).

"Rencananya, pesawat Super Tucano akan digunakan misi operasi taktis dalam membantu pasukan di darat, sebab pesawat ini memiliki keunggulan close air support udara ke darat dari jarak dekat," katanya.

Super Tucano juga memiliki mesin tunggal buatan Empresa Braziliera de Aeronautica, Brazil, dan memiliki kemampuan menembakkan asap ke darat secara cepat untuk menunjukkan posisi musuh. (gor/ant)

(Investor Daily)

PAF Grounds All S-211 Training Jets

30 April 2011

PAF S-211 training aircraft (photo : Boomstick54)

CLARK FREEPORT, Philippines – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) yesterday grounded all five of its remaining operational S-211 training jets following the crash that killed two officers in Bagac, Bataan on Thursday.

The ill-fated aircraft was one of the six S-211 trainer jets that the were operational from the total of 25 such aircraft the PAF purchased since the 1990s.

Of the total number, 15 were locally assembled by the Philippine Aerospace Development Corp. (Aerospace) based here.

PAF records showed that other accidents involving S-211 jets have occurred in recent years.

In July last year, another such aircraft belonging to the Air Defense Wing’s 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron based here also crashed in Concepcion, Tarlac, but its pilot and co-pilot were able to eject safely.

In 2002, another S-211 jet of the PAF crashed due to mechanical failure, killing five people, including the pilot and his co-pilot, in Barangay Garcia in Cabanatuan City where 15 houses were also destroyed. The aircraft was reported to be on proficiency flight.

Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Miguel Okol said the PAF has already extended condolences to the families of Capt. Raymond de Leon and Maj. Ephraim Suyom who died in the crash last Thursday.

Their trainer jet crashed off the shores of Stella Maris resort in Barangay Banawang in Bagac, Bataan.

The body of Suyom was retrieved by local police and village folk soon after the crash, while the remains of De Leon were retrieved by Coast Guard divers later in the evening.

Bataan provincial police director Senior Superintendent Arnold Gunnacao said the Scene of the Crime Operations (SOCO) would help in the identification of the two bodies.

He said the bodies of the two victims were shattered due to the impact of the explosion.

The plane took off from here at about 2:15 p.m. and subsequently lost contact with air traffic controllers. The pilots were based at Basa Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga.

Okol described De Leon as “a combat ready pilot,” adding that Suyom was an instructor pilot for S-211 aircraft.

“PAF chief Lt. Gen. Oscar Rabena has ensured that a thorough investigation of the crash will take place,” Okol said.

He also said Rabena has vowed “to look after the families left behind by the fighter pilots.”

Okol said the remaining five other still functioning S-211 trainer jets of the Air Force would remain grounded until the cause of last Thursday’s accident is known.

He said the aircraft has been with the PAF since 1991.


Diagnostic Review of MRH-90 Multi Role Helicopter Program

30 April 2011

MRH90 multirole helicopter (photo : ADF gallery)

A full diagnostic review of the MRH-90 Multi Role Helicopter Program has now been completed.

The review was ordered in February by the Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and the Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare to address delays to the project.

It was chaired by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Defence Materiel Organisation Mr Warren King supported by a number of independent specialists.

The review has recommended that the project should not be added to the Project of Concern list at this time.

It has recommended that Defence work with the contractor, Australian Aerospace, to implement a remediation plan to improve the availability of the helicopters by addressing engineering and reliability issues.

The project will be the subject of a further diagnostic review later this year to examine the effectiveness of the action taken and whether further action is necessary.

The diagnostic review was ordered to address delays to the project due to a series of key issues including engine failure, transmission oil cooler fan failures and the poor availability of spares.

As reported in both the Defence Annual Report and the ANAO Major Project Report released last year, the project has suffered delays of 12 months for the Navy’s helicopters and 18 months for the Army’s helicopters.

To date, 13 MRH-90 helicopters have been accepted by Defence and are currently being used for testing and initial crew training.

(Australian DoD)

29 April 2011

Korpaskhas Peroleh Alokasi NVG PM-1

29 April 2011

Teropong malam DNVG-PM1 buatan Paulson Internasional, Jerman (photo : Paulson)

SOREANG, (PRLM).- Guna menunjang kelancaran tugas yang diemban Korpaskhas, bertempat di Gedung Simulator QW-3 Wing III Paskhas, para prajurit Korpaskhas yang berjumlah sekitar 30 orang yang berasal dari seluruh satuan jajaran, Jumat (28/4), mendapatkan pelatihan penggunaan peralatan baru dengan jenis NVG PM-1. Alat yang merupakan produksi Jerman ini baru digunakan oleh satuan khusus TNI termasuk Korpaskhas.

"Peralatan NVG PM-1 akan langsung dioperasikan ke seluruh satuan jajaran Paskhas dan termasuk Satuan Khusus Detasemen Bravo-90 Paskhas," kata Asisten Logistik Korpaskhas Kolonel Tek Wahyu Laksito.

Alat NVG PM-1, yang lebih dikenal sebagai teropong malam ini selain praktis dan efisien juga memiliki keunggulan yang tidak merepotkan prajurit dalam penggunaannya maupun perawatannya. "Keunggulan alat ini memiliki daya jangkau sekitar 150 meter, menggunakan hanya dengan satu baterai yang tahan lama, perolehan gambar lebih jernih dan terang dibandingkan dengan alat sejenisnya," katanya.

Alat lama hasil perolehan gambar berwarna kuning kehijau-hijauan, sedangkan jenis NVG PM-1 ini penglihan hasil Hitam Putih dengan hasil gambar yang tajam dan jernih.(A-71/das)

(Pikiran Rakyat)

KRI Oswald Siahaan-354 Loading Unloading Misile Yakhont

29 April 2011

Loading rudal Yakhont pada KRI Oswald Siahaan-354 (all photos : Armatim)

Surabaya (Dispenarmatim) - Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Oswald Siahaan (OWA)-354 melakukan loading dan unloadind misile Yakhont di Dermaga PT. PAL Indonesia Jum’at (29/04). Pengisian Peluru Kendali (Rudal) kedalam peluncurnya yang ada diatas kapal perang itu melibatkan personel KRI Oswal Siahaan dan Dinas Materiil Senjata Dan Elektronika (Dissenlekal) Markas Besar Angkatan Laut (Mabesal) yang ada di Surabaya serta PT. PAL dengan mengerahkan berbagai macam peralatan yang dimiliki untuk mendukung kegiatan tersebut.

Peluru kendali yang terpasang diatas KRI OWA ada empat peluncur (Launcher) dengan posisi horizontal di sebelah lambung kanan dua buah peluncur dan lambung kiri juga dua peluncur. Saat ini Peluncur yang diisi dengan Combat Misile (CM) adalah Launcher nomor tiga yang berada disebelah lambung kanan geladak kapal perang tersebut. Sedangkan peluncur yang di lepas (Unloading) adalah launcher nomor dua yang berada di sebelah lambung kiri. Selanjutnya CM beserta Launchernya yang diunloading akan disimpan di Gudang Senjata (Arsenal) untuk dilakukan perawatan terhadap sistem dan komponen yang terdapat pada Rudal itu.

Diantara keempat peluncur rudal yang terpasang diatas kapal perang itu salah satunya terdapat (Tecnologycal Misil) atau dalam istilah amunisi adalah peluru Dummy atau peluru untuk latihan. Namun dalam sistim rudal yakhont peluru dummy yang ada di atas KRI tidak dapat meluncur dan tidak memiliki peledak (War Head). Tecnologycal misile hanya berguna untuk mengecek kesiapan Fire Control System (FCS) sebelum rudal itu ditembakkan dari kapal perang. Idealnya Rudal yakhont dapat disimpan dalam peluncur yang berada di KRI selama maksimal tujuh tahun dengan melakukan pemeriksaan (Cek Out Equitment) secara rutim setiap tiga tahun sekali.

Peluru kendali buatan Russia itu terpasang diatas KRI Oswald Siahaan-354 sekitar tahun 2008 dan merupakan senjata pamungkas yang dimiliki oleh TNI AL yang masuk dalam Alat Utama Sistim Persenjataan (Alutsista) TNI. Rudal ini menjadi salah satu komponen Sistim Senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT) guna memperkuat TNI AL dalam melakukan operasi tempur laut guna melindungi dan menegakkan kedaulatan wilayah laut Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Sekilas tentang Yakhont dibuat di pabrik senjata yang terletak dikota Roztock Moscow Russia. Saat ini hanya tiga Negara yang memiliki Rudal Yakhont yaitu Russia sebagai Negara produsennya, India dan Indonesia. Bahkan di Negara India rudal ini dinamai Brahmos yang diproduksi didalam negeri dengan berbagai varian yaitu untuk sasaran kapal-kapal permukaan, sasaran darat dan sasaran pesawat udara. Rudal Yakhont dapat diluncurkan dari atas kapal perang, kapal selam, kendaraan darat bahkan dari pesawat tempur yang dilengkapi dengan sensor yang terpadu antar combat misile dengan Fire Control System yang dipasang secara khusus pada pesawat tempur. Rudal Yakhont memiliki jarak Jangkau 300 km.


South Korea Offer KT-1 to Philippines

29 April 2011

KO-1 of the ROKAF (photo : Defense Industry Daily)

Air Force Chief of Staff of South Korea Bakjongheon, on April 26, visited the Headquarters of the Philippine Air Force and met with Philippine Air Force Commander Oscar H. Rabena to discuss bilateral military cooperation between the Air Forces.

Philippine Air Force General is reviewing the replacement of OV-10 reconnaissance aircraft to replaced with domestic KT (A) -1 was highly recommended.

Bakjongheong explained that Indonesia and Turkey as model has been demonstrated that the aircraft is already performing of versatile performance, as well as less expensive maintenance as required by the Philippine Air Force : has both the battlefield ability and observation.

Also, in the defense exhibition in Seoul ADEX 2011 will be held in October this year the Air Force invited the Philippine officials offered to attend.

Also, discussed the exchange of personnel and senior cadets two Air Force and increasing military cooperation between the two countries.


Royal Malaysian Navy Plans to Add Ship and ASW Helicopter in 10MP

29 April 2011

Among purchase planned in the 10th malaysia plan includes six ASW helicopter (photo : Militaryphotos)

Royal Malaysia Navy Continues to Shine

KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- With its military spirit, loyalty to the country and undying courage, the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), which celebrates its 77th anniversary tomorrow, continues to strengthen its force in ensuring the sovereignty and maximum security of the country's waters.

As a branch of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF), the RMN remains a division that is credible and ready to face challenges for the people and country.

For example, their success in saving RMN auxiliary vessel Bunga Mas 5 in Aden Bay, Somalia, opened the eyes of the world and also became a landmark in the nation's defence history.

Also, June 20 was a proud moment when the Ops Fajar 8 team recovered commercial vessel MT Bunga Laurel, which had been hijacked by pirates, as seven armed pirates were arrested by the Special Protection Team after exchanging fire from air and sea.

RMN chief, Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar, said the naval success upheld the MAF, especially the RMN, to a higher level in the international maritime arena, showing that it is on par with other countries.

He added that the navy also demonstrated their capability to continuously operate in foreign waters with success.

"Ops Fajar is entering its ninth year, and throughout the operation not one commercial vessel owned by the MISC or country was hijacked by armed pirates."

The presence of Ops Fajar also crippled two attempted pirate ships attempting attacks on Chinese commercial vessels, MV Zhenhua 4 on Dec 17, 2008 and Indian commercial vessel MT Abdul Kalam Azad on Jan 1, 2009," he told Bernama in a special interview at his office, here recently.

Abdul Aziz said more of such successes would follow with a proposal for an additional escort vessel by next September, should it be approved by MISC Berhad.

Currently, he said, with only one vessel operating, the task of escorting Malaysian commercial vessels through Aden Bay becomes complicated and time-consuming when there are too many ships to escort.

"Two successful meetings with MISC Berhad discussed the concept, design and characteristics of the second vessel...and come May 5 the development and latest status on the proposal will be discussed in more detail.

"If this happens, the second ship will operate independently, whereby one vessel will escort from the West to East and another from East to West...it will launch operations and movement of Malaysian commercial vessels, as well as enable high returns for MISC," he said.

He added that auxiliary vessel Bunga Mas 5 made history when it became the first auxiliary vessel in the world to be used to fight pirates in Aden Bay.

Ops Fajar was launched following the hijacking of two MISC vessels, Bunga Melati 2 and Bunga Melati 5, in Aden Bay in July 2008 before the Bunga Mas 5, a former MISC Berhad commercial vessel that was renovated into an RMN auxiliary vessel.

It was deployed to escort and protect the country's commercial vessels from threats of pirates in Aden Bay and nearby waters.

The Special Sea Unit (PASKAL), also known as KD Panglima Hitam, was the backbone of Ops Fajar's success with the assistance of the Army Special Operations Group (GGK), Special Air Service (PASKAU) and MISC Berhad crew, who were absorbed into the RMN Volunteer Reserve Team (PSSTLDM).

Abdul Aziz said the RMN would also update its defence system through plans of purchasing the latest defence assets and equipment, as well as replacing old assets in line with their goal to become a more ready and efficient organisation.

He said among the purchases planned in the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP)includes six Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopters, a multi-purpose support ship(MSS) and disaster support ship to boost the country's maritime defence.

For patrol and training purposes, the RMN has also agreed to buy two ships from a local ship building company, NGV Tech Sdn Bhd, and they will be built at the NGV Tech ship dock in Kampung Sinjangkang, Teluk Panglima Garang, with a completion target of two years.

"These normal patrol ships are sophisticated and will be equipped with various weapons to be used as training objects, which RMN personnel will be taught to use.

Regarding the anniversary celebrations, tomorrow which has been themed "Warga Didahulukan, Kesiapsiagaan Diutamakan" (People First, Readiness Now), he said it will be a lively but moderate affair in Lumut to be attended by the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, as RMN Colonel-in-chief.

The navy is seen as more mature in their efforts to strengthen its structure and armada to ensure safety, but despite this heavy responsibility it cannot be denied that the RMN has a praise worthy 77-year track record.Therefore, it is appropriate that the RMN be congratulated for bravely and confidently stepping forward as an able force to dominate military operations and become a versatile armed force in this century.


28 April 2011

Pindad Serahkan Prototipe SLT Latih Kal 64 mm

28 April 2011

Senjata Lawan Tank kaliber 64mm (photo : Pussenif)

Perkembangan Alutsista militer di dunia semakin maju, berbagai produk Alutsista dibuat semakin modern sehingga efektif untuk memenangkan pertempuran. PT. Pindad (Persero) merupakan salah satu industri dalam negeri milik Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang memproduksi bermacam senjata termasuk kendaraan tempur Panser. Keberadaan PT. Pindad (Persero) sangat potensial berkembang sepadan dengan industri negara maju apabila dapat menyerap teknologi negara maju. Litbang Pussenif sebagai Staf Danpussenif Kodiklat TNI AD mempunyai andil dalam pengembangan kualitas produk PT. Pindad agar sejajar dengan produk negara maju. Kunjungan Danpusenif Kodiklat TNI AD ke PT. Pindad (Persero). Pada hari Kamis, 7 April 2011 Danpussenif Kodiklat TNI AD dan Wadan Pussenif serta Sekretaris Pussenif, Danpusdikif, para Direktur Pussenif dan para Pamen Ahli Pussenif melakukan kunjungan kerja ke PT. Pindad (Persero) Bandung.

Sambutan Danpussenif Kodiklat TNI AD. Danpussenif Kodiklat TNI AD Mayor Jenderal TNI Siswondo, S. IP dan rombongan disambut Dirsista PT. Pindad (Persero) Bapak Ir. M. Irianto. Pada kesempatan tersebut Mayor Jenderal TNI Siswondo, S. IP dalam sambutanya mengatakan :Pussenif dan PT. Pindad mempunyai peran dalam mengembangkan kemajuan bersama. PT Pindad sebagai produsen Alutsista perlu mendapat dukungan dalam peningkatan kualitas sedangkan Pussenif adalah Induk Satuan Infanteri TNI AD. Saat ini Satuan Infanteri sebagian senjatanya diproduksi PT. Pindad (Persero).

Pemenuhan kebutuhan senjata Satuan Infanteri diharapkan mampu mewujudkan satuan yang tangguh dan modern guna mendukung pelaksanaan tugas. Sesuai amanat Presiden RI pada upacara Hari Jadi TNI ke 65 tahun 2010 disebutkan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan TNI diprioritaskan enggunakan produksi dalam negeri. Menyikapi amanat tersebut PT. Pindad (Persero) sebagai industri dalam negeri yang memproduksi materiil/senjata TNI AD khususnya Satuan Infanteri maka dihadapkan pada perkembangan teknologi senjata militer keberadaan PT. Pindad (Persero) adalah mitra kerja Pussenif. Kegiatan antara Pussenif dan PT. Pindad yang telah terjalin diantaranya static show senjata Infanteri produk Pindad pada event Rabiniscabif, Lomba Tembak Piala Kasad serta Apel Dansat. Kegiatan lainnya yaitu uji coba panser dan yang baru saja dilaksanakan adalah pengujian operasional senjata senapan serbu (SS2). Berkaitan hal teknis dan taktis penggunaan senjata Infanteri di lapangan atau di medan tugas, maka komunikasi antara PT. Pindad dengan Pussenif perlu dipererat guna optimalisasi kualitas produk.

Penyerahan model rancang bangun SLT Latih Kaliber 64 mm. Pada acara kunjungan kerja dilaksanakan penyerahan model senjata rancang bangun SLT latih kaliber 64 mm sebagai hasil kerjasama program Litbanghan TA. 2010 antara Litbang Pussenif dengan PT. Pindad. Pada TA. 2011 program kegiatan rancang bangun type senjata lawan tank latih merupakan kelanjutan dari rancang bangun model SLT latih. Program ini dalam rangka mendukung pembuatan sarana latihan menembak prajurit di satuan. Program rancang bangun type senjata lawan tank bermanfaat bagi prajurit karena tidak memerlukan latihan khusus dan dapat digunakan di sekitar pangkalan.


Army Air Defence Simulator Upgrade Completes Acceptance Testing

28 April 2011

The upgraded Advanced Air Defence Simulator (photo : Australian Aviation)

BAE Systems has announced the completion of System Acceptance Testing (SAT) for the Army’s Advanced Air Defence Simulator (AADS) Refresh project, fulfilling a $5 million contract issued by the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) in 2009.

The project saw BAE replace obsolete simulator dome projectors, computers and software with the latest equipment and programs to produce higher fidelity visuals and extend the facility’s life. Scheduled for completion at the end of March, BAE responded to a compressed schedule issued by the DMO and re-opened the facility on January 31.

The newly upgraded AADS training facility is used by the Army’s 16th Air Defence Regiment to provide training in the use of ground-to-air missile systems. BAE Systems is responsible for maintaining and operating the AADS facility, having been originally built and delivered by the company in July 2005.

“The refresh of the facility is excellent, the new display system is extremely impressive and means our ability to provide a simulated controlled tactical environment for the training of Ground Based Air Defenders is even more effective,” CO 16th Air Defence Regiment, LTCOL John McLean said.

BAE Systems is also contracted to operate the facility through to July 2013 (awarded under Land 19 Phase 2B), providing the Army with 270 training days each year.

(Australian Aviation)

Air Force Plane Crashes in Bataan

28 April 2011

S-211 PAF patrol over Snake Island, Palawan (photo : PFB-Timawa)

A Philippine Air Force trainer plane crashed in the shoreline of Bataan, killing one person, a military official said.

Armed Forces' Northern Luzon Command chief Lt. Gen. Gaudencio Pangilinan said the S-211 plane crashed at Banawang village near the Stela Mariz Beach resort, moments after it took off from an undisclosed area around 2:32 a.m.

The ill-fated aircraft was being piloted by Maj. Ephraim Gatus Suyom and one identified only by his surname, De Leon.

Suyom was valedictorian of Philippine Military Academy (PMA) class of 1997.

"[The] aircraft disintegrated upon impact," Pangilinan said. "One confirmed dead, identification still for confirmation."

He said elements of the Army's 24th Infantry Battalion are now on site, security the crash site.

Col. Gregorio Catapang, commander of the Army’s 703rd Brigade, said the plane was totally wrecked. "They (Army troops) are securing the area. They are retrieving the dead…The retrieval operations are ongoing," he said.

He said one body was already recovered at the site but they are not in the position to identify him.

The Air Force has yet to issue a statement on the circumstances of the incident and its possible cause.

In July last year, an S-211 plane crashed while engaged in a training exercise in Conceptcion town in Tarlace. The two pilots were unharmed as they were able to eject from the totally-wrecked plane before hitting the ground.


Indera dan Isra Sang Pengintai

28 April 2011

Roadmap industri radar Indonesia (image : Kompas)

Indonesia mestinya memiliki sistem pemantauan radar yang menjangkau seluruh wilayah mengingat sebagian besar berupa laut. Namun, sarana pengintai kapal penyusup itu hanya ada beberapa sehingga kita sering kecolongan. Membangun kemandirian dalam penyediaan fasilitas strategis itu dimulai Indonesia dengan menciptakan Indera dan Isra.

Wilayah Nusantara membujur sepanjang 6.000 kilometer lebih di antara Samudra Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik. Luasnya 5,18 juta km persegi dan 60 persen berupa laut. Sebagai negara maritim terluas di dunia, Indonesia tentu memerlukan radar pengawas pesisir dan kapal patroli dilengkapi radar navigasi dan penjejak.

Data dari Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan menyebutkan, hanya ada 11 sistem vessel traffic service (VTS). Bila melihat lokasi VTS, sebagian besar berada di kawasan barat Indonesia, sedangkan kawasan tengah dan timur belum termonitor. Untuk menutup daerah kosong itu, Kementerian Perhubungan akan menambah 47 radar VTS dalam beberapa tahun mendatang.

Penambahan itu belum mencukupi. Idealnya, menurut Hari Purwanto, Staf Ahli Menteri Riset dan Teknologi bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan (Hankam), diperlukan ratusan radar pantai untuk tujuan hankam.

Radar Isra untuk pengawasan pantai (photo : Defense Studies)

Kurangnya sarana pemantau membuat Indonesia rawan dari praktik ilegal, seperti pencurian ikan, penyelundupan, dan pelanggaran batas wilayah perairan oleh kapal asing.

Ruang udara kita juga rawan pelanggaran oleh pesawat asing, baik sipil maupun militer. ”Setengah ruang udara di atas Indonesia belum terpantau radar,” kata Timbul Siahaan, Staf Ahli Menteri Pertahanan bidang Teknologi dan Industri.

”Perlu upaya sungguh-sungguh mengatasi dan mandiri dalam penguasaan teknologi radar hingga penerapan,” kata Hari.


Sebagai teknologi yang berbasis pada teknologi telekomunikasi dan elektronika, radio detection and ranging (radar) telah lama digunakan sebagai pendeteksi dan pengukuran jarak suatu obyek dengan menggunakan gelombang elektromagnet, khususnya gelombang radio.

Antena pemancar radar akan memancarkan gelombang radio, lalu pantulannya pada suatu obyek ditangkap antena penerima radar. Dengan demikian, jarak obyek dapat diketahui.

Teknologi radar terus dikembangkan kapasitas jangkauan dan aplikasinya. Semula untuk keperluan militer, kemudian masuk ke sektor sipil, yaitu memantau lalu lintas kapal dan penerbangan. Selain itu, juga untuk mengamati kondisi cuaca dan pemetaan.

Penelitian dan pengembangan hingga penerapan teknologi radar di Indonesia ditetapkan sebagai program prioritas bidang industri hankam. Hal ini diungkapkan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Suharna Surapranata dalam Seminar Radar Nasional V 2011 yang diadakan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) di Jakarta, pekan lalu.

Untuk itu akan dibentuk konsorsium yang menghimpun semua pihak, termasuk berkontribusi dalam pembiayaan. Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi tahun lalu mengalokasikan anggaran Rp 20 miliar, di antaranya penelitian dan pengembangan radar yang dilakukan LIPI.

Isra dan Indera

Tahun lalu LIPI menghasilkan prototipe radar Isra (Indonesian Surveilance Radar) yang terpasang di Anyer, Banten, untuk memantau lalu lintas kapal di Selat Sunda. Prototipe yang dibuat PT Inti itu merupakan karya bersama LIPI dengan ITB dan International Research Centre for Telecomunication and Radar, Technological University Delft, Belanda.

Selain itu, ada radar untuk navigasi kapal yang dibuat oleh swasta nasional, yaitu RCS (Radar & Communication System) Solusi 247. Radar yang disebut Indera (Indonesian Radar) ini diuji coba, Kamis (21/4), oleh TNI AL di dua KRI.

Radar Indera untuk navigasi kapal (photo : Defense Studies)

Menurut Andaya Lestari, Kepala Divisi RCS, dibandingkan radar maritim yang umumnya menggunakan teknologi pulsa berdaya hingga 15 kilowatt, Indera menggunakan sistem FMCW (frequency modulation-continuos wave) berkapasitas 2 watt. Karena itu, keberadaan kapal sulit terdeteksi sehingga menunjang operasi pengintaian.

Bila uji coba berhasil, radar itu dapat diproduksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hankam dalam negeri. Paling tidak 60 kapal perang di Indonesia dapat dilengkapi dengan Indera.

Menurut Ketua Asosiasi Radar Indonesia Mashuri yang juga Kepala Bidang Telekomunikasi Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi LIPI, radar yang umum digunakan di Indonesia adalah radar yang menggunakan sinyal pulsa seperti sinyal digital. Sistem radar pulsa menggunakan satu antena untuk memancarkan dan menerima sinyal secara bergantian.

Selain itu, dikembangkan pula radar gelombang kontinu (continuous wave/CW). Radar ini menggunakan dua antena untuk radar pemancar dan penerima. Ada pula radar Doppler untuk menjejak atau melacak kecepatan pergerakan obyek.

Program Radar Nasional tahap pertama akan berlangsung hingga tahun 2014 untuk menghasilkan satu prototipe generasi baru, antara lain model PSR (Primary Surveillance Radar) untuk mendeteksi dini sasaran, prototipe material, dan komponen peralatan radar. Teknologi radar terus dikembangkan, antara lain untuk membuat radar senjata (radar penjejak optoelektronika) serta pemantauan lalu lintas laut dan udara.


27 April 2011

Boeing Vigilare System Completes Operational Testing in Australia

27 April 2011

Vigilare, the RAAF's ground-based air defense system (photo : Australian Aviation)

Network centric command and control system participates in RAAF combat exercise

RAAF BASE WILLIAMTOWN, New South Wales -- The Boeing [NYSE: BA] Vigilare network centric command and control system has passed its last formal operational test. Testing took place at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Williamtown's Eastern Region Operations Centre (EROC) from March 28 to April 8.

The testing established that EROC is ready for operations as it demonstrated Vigilare's full range of functionality in preparation for conditional acceptance this month, the last milestone before final system acceptance by the Commonwealth of Australia.

Vigilare's second week of operational testing was incorporated into Exercise Aces South, a key combat exercise for pilots and air defense operators studying to become advanced fighter tactics instructors and controllers.

"Exercise Aces South provided an excellent opportunity to put the newly installed Vigilare system at EROC through its paces. We threw our best and brightest people into the exercise, and they worked the new system extremely hard through some complex and intense air battle scenarios," said Wing Commander Richard Pizzuto, Officer Temporary Commanding RAAF No. 41 Wing. "I've been impressed with how the Vigilare system performed and with the increased functionality it delivers. It's an exciting new capability for Air Force, and one which sets us up well for the future."

Vigilare combines information in near real-time from a wide range of platforms, sensors, tactical data links and intelligence networks to deliver tactical and strategic surveillance operations and battlespace management in the air and joint domains. The live inputs from these sources present a unified operational picture to the user at single or multiple operational centers.

"Vigilare demonstrated a new level of network centric capability for the RAAF by networking a broad range of RAAF assets into the battlespace through EROC," said Lee Davis, Vigilare project manager, Boeing Defence Australia. "RAAF operators' situational awareness was enhanced by their ability to connect to Vigilare's advanced surveillance and tactical management capabilities."

Platforms participating in the exercise included F/A-18 Classic Hornets, F/A-18F Super Hornets, Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft, Hawks, a 707 Tanker and a P-3 Orion.

Vigilare consists of two regional operations centers: EROC and the Northern Regional Operations Centre, which has been operational since September 2010 and is located at RAAF Base Tindal in the Northern Territory.

(Boeing Australia)

Uji Coba Helikopter Mi-35 Myanmar

27 April 2011

Helikopter Mi-35P Angkatan Udara Myanmar (all photos : Michail Mizikaev & Erik Rostov)

Menyusul pesanan helikopter dari Myanmar pada tahun lalu, beberapa unit heli serbu Mi-24P atau dalam varian ekspornya dikenal dengan nama Mi-35P (NATO : Hind F) saat ini telah selesai dibuat.

Seperti diberitakan oleh Irrawaddy pada bulan September tahun lalu, pemerintah Myanmar memesan 50 unit helikopter Mi-35 dan 12 unit helikopter Mi-2 dari Rusia.

Ke 62 unit helikopter ini akan dibagi ke dalam 4 skuadron yang masing-masing akan berpangkalan di Magwe dan Ela. Pengoperasian helikopter ini akan dilakukan oleh Angkatan Udara Myanmar.

Saat ini helikopter ini tengah menjalani uji coba di Rusia semenjak bulan Februari. Tampak bahwa unit heli bernomor 68-01, 68-02, 68-03 masih menjalani uji terbang.

Beberapa sumber mengatakan bahwa setelah uji coba selesai maka akan dilakukan pengiriman batch pertama yang terdiri dari 6-7 helikopter. Pengiriman batch pertama ini kemungkinan akan dilakukan pada bulan April tahun ini.

(Defense Studies)

26 April 2011

New Shipborne Navy Jet Fighter Makes Waves Among Analysts

26 April 2011

Unofficially dubbed the J-15, the new People's Liberation Army navy's "flying shark" features enlarged folding wings, twin nose wheels and an arresting hook for use on China's first aircraft carrier. (photo : Zhang Xinliang)

Photos of a domestic-made shipborne J-15 heavy fighter were released on Sunday afternoon on Internet defense forums, prompting many military observers to coo about China's aircraft carrier capacity.

"Heavy shipborne fighters will boost the aircraft carrier fleet's air defense capability and enhance the fleet's strike ability," said Lan Yun, editor of the Modern Ships, a Beijing-based magazine following the latest developments in warships and defense equipment.

"They can carry many air-to-air missiles or air-to-surface missiles and other kinds of airborne munitions," Lan told the Global Times. "And they have the benefit of long combat radius."

J-15 shipborne heavy fighter (photo : Defense Update)

The fighters are to be stationed onboard the Chinese Varyag aircraft carrier, which is under renovation in Dalian, according to defense media. The giant ship has had radars and electronic warfare equipment installed, the Canada-based Kanwa Daily News reported.

on Sunday's photos of the fighter were taken outside the airfield of the No. 112 Factory of Shenyang Aircraft Industry Corporation, a company of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), and were uploaded onto the cjdby.net and fyjs.cn military forums after 1:30 pm on Sunday.

Videos and smaller photos showing the fighter flying over Shenyang had been circulating on the Internet since June. This time the fighter was seen with a standard naval paint scheme, according to photos released on Sunday.

The fighter has distinctive features that enable it to operate on an aircraft carrier, such as folding wings and strengthened landing gear, according to the Chinese Military Aviation (CMA).

Missile launch rails and wide-angle holographic Head Up Display (HUD) clearly indicated that the fighter is equipped with domestic sensors, avionics and weapon systems, the website reported, just like later models of the Shenyang J-11 fighter. The fighter dubbed J-15 is based on a Russian Su-33 in terms of structural configuration, it also said.

The Russian Ria Novosti news quoted a Russian military analyst saying that China's J-15 is inferior to the Russian aircraft. Lan Yun refuted the claim.

"The sensors, avionics and missiles of the Su-33 are already obsolete," Lan said, adding that the Chinese airborne electronics could offer more advanced technologies.

The first prototype J-15 was believed to have made its maiden flight on August 31, 2009, a month before the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to the Russian Ria Novosti news.

Lin Zuoming, AVIC general manager, published a poem in the China Aviation News newspaper one day later, celebrating the "breakthrough of scientific research."

On Sunday's photos came at about the same time as foreign media quoted a Chinese blogger claiming a Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing (V/STOL) shipborne fighter for the Varyag is conducting flight tests in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the US-based Defense News. The foreign reports were dismissed by an AVIC spokesman as pure speculation on April 18.

(Global Times)

China To Launch Carrier This Year: Taiwan

26 April 2011
THE FORMER SOVIET aircraft carrier Varyag berths at Dalian, northeast China, in May 2002. Taiwan's spy chief said April 25 that China could bring the carrier into service before the end of 2011. (File photo / Agence France-Presse)

TAIPEI - Taiwan's spy chief on April 25 said China could bring its first aircraft carrier into service before the end of the year, kindling fears in Taipei over Beijing's continued naval buildup.

Tsai Teh-sheng, head of the island's National Security Bureau, said Varyag - a half-completed Soviet-era aircraft carrier Beijing obtained from Ukraine in 1998 - is expected to make its maiden voyage before the end of 2011.

The warship has been docked in China's Dalian harbor, where it has undergone extensive refurbishing work since 2002.

"Varyag has restored its sailing capability, and is expected to start providing training missions before the end of 2011," Tsai said in response to a parliamentary question by Lin Yu-fang of the ruling Kuomintang party.

Tsai said the warship will have "certain combat capability" and will serve as a base for an unknown number of China's home-grown fighter jets, which are modeled on Russian-made Su-33s.

Taiwan's defense ministry has expressed alarm at China's naval buildup although experts say it may still take time for the People's Liberation Army to operate its first carrier group complete with fighter jets.

"The Chinese communists' acquisition of their first aircraft carrier will threaten not only Taiwan but the stability of Asia," said David Lo, spokesman for Taiwan's defense ministry.

Taiwan plans to build
a new "stealth" warship armed with guided missiles next year in response to China's naval build-up, military officers have said.

An aircraft carrier group would potentially double the military threat posed to Taiwan by China by allowing the Chinese to approach from directions other than across the strait, experts warn.

Ties between China and Taiwan have improved significantly since Ma Ying-jeou became the island's president, vowing to adopt a nonconfrontational policy toward the mainland. But China still regards Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting to be reunified by force if necessary, although the island has governed itself since 1949, when a civil war ended.


New Patrol Boat for Vietnam Navy Launched

26 April 2011

Third Svetlyak class for Vietnam Navy (photo : Arms Expo)

St. Petersburg shipbuilding company Almaz was launched on the third patrol boat project 10412, under construction for the Viet Nam Navy, according to a company press release. Currently, the ship moored at the quay wall of the plant, which will be its completion. When the new patrol will be delivered to the customer, not specified.

Vietnam Navy must obtain a total of four patrol boats of the project 10412 (export version of the project 10410 "Svetlyak"). Two of the ship has already admitted to the Vietnamese Navy. Construction ofthe latter two being under a contract signed in July 2009. Previously reported that the deal is estimated at $ 60 million.

Project 10412 ships have a displacement 375 tons and capable of speeds up to 30 knots. Range of the patrol is 2,2 thousand miles. Boats armed with 30-mm artillery installation AK-306, 7.56-mm AK-176M gun mount, 16 rocket launchers Igla-1M and two machine guns 14.5 mm.

(Arms Expo)

Defence Council Nod for Submarines

26 April 2011

Type 206A submarine (photo : Militaryphotos)

The Defence Council on Monday approved the navy's plan to buy six used Type U206A submarines from Germany for 7.7 billion baht.

Defence spokesman Col Thanathip Sawangsawng said navy chief Adm Kamthorn Poomhiran spent one hour and 40 minutes explaining the acquisition plan to the council, chaired by Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon.

Council members were satisfied with the reasons given by the navy for the purchase - to protect the country's interests in the sea, to increase the Asean submarine force potential and to help keep military power in the region in balance.

If the acquisition plan is also approved by the cabinet, the submarines are expected to be put in commission in mid-2013.

Col Thanathip said a detailed plan will be presented to the Defence Council for next month. A special conference may also be held for the press.

The Defence Ministry will push for cabinet approval of the plan as soon as possible, he added.

(Bangkok Post)

25 April 2011

Malaysia has First Simulation Centre for Sukhoi Jets in Asia

25 April 2011

Sukhoi Su-30 flight simulator - Indian version (photo : Trishul)

BESUT, (Bernama) -- The Royal Malaysian Air Force now has at its Gong Kedak base the only simulation centre in Asia for training pilots of Sukhoi Su-30MKM fighter jets.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the centre had two sets of a system capable of carrying out training missions on line just like in real life.

He said the RM258 million system built by local company HeiTech Padu Berhad at a cost of RM258 million had been in use since early November last year.

"The system can train pilots and weapons sensor officers and the technical crew by using aircraft flight simulation models especially for Sukhoi aircraft," he told reporters after launching the centre Monday.

Also present were Air Force chief General Tan Sri Datuk Seri Rodzali Daud, HeiTech Padu Berhad executive chairman Datuk Mohd Hilmey Mohd Taib and RMAF Divison 1 commander Major General Datuk Ansar Ali Majeth.

Ahmad Zahid said the system had helped to reduce government expenditure as pilots of Sukhoi aircraft no longer had to be sent overseas for training.

He said the centre was developed using a private fund initiative, whereby HeiTech Padu Berhad was responsible for 10 years of operations management and maintenance until 2020.

Twenty-eight RMAF pilots had been trained at the centre since it was set up, Ahmad Zaid said.


KRI Clurit-641 Perkuat Armada Kapal Perang TNI AL

25 April 2011

KRI Clurit 641 kapal baru jenis FAC-M untuk TNI AL (photo : Antara)

BATAM, TRIBUN- Mentri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (RI), Purnomo Yosgiantoro menegaskan kedepan tidak ada lagi cemehan untuk Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), sebab saat ini TNI sudah memilik armada perang yang cukup bagus dan patut diandalkan.

Bahkan yang membanggakan lagi, armada perang yang baru ini, KRI Clurit-641, merupaka buatan atau produksi anak dalam negeri. "Jadi kedepan tidak perlu lagi kita minder, sebab kwalitas armada perang kita juga tidak kalah dengan tentara yang ada di luar sana," tegas Purnomo.

KRI Clurit-641 ini, terang Purnomo merupakan kapal perang jenis Kapal cepat rudal (KCR-40), dimana jarak tembak rudalnya itu mencapai 80 km.

"KRI Clurit-641 KCR-40 merupakan kapal pemukul reaksi cepat yang dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya mengutamakan unsur pedadakan, mengemban misi menyerang secara cepat, menghancurkan target sekali pukul serta mampu menghindar dari serangan lawan dalam waktu singat pula," terang Purnomo.

Kapal yang berukuran panjang 43 meter, lebar 7,40 meter dan berat 250 ton ini, tambah Purnomo memiliki sistim pendorong handal yang mampu berlayar dan bermanuver dengan kecepatan 27 knot, serta memiliki daya tembak atau hancur yang besar karena dilengkapi persenjaan rudal C-750.

"Kelebihan kapal perang ini, dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan canggih berupa sensor weapon control (Sewaco), meriam caliber 30 mm, 6 laras sebagai close in weapon system (CIWS) serta meriam anjungan 2 unit caliber 20 mm," papar Purnomo.

Selain itu, kapal Clurit-641 KCR-40 ini mampu menampung bahan bakar sampai 50 ton, air tawar 15 ton, 35 orang anak buah kapal dan masih mampu memuat 13 personel pasukan Khusus.

"Kapal ini juga memiliki peralatan navigasi yang akurat, sehingga memberikan keyakinan keamanan bernavigasi," sebut Dia.

Begitu juga dengan alat komunikasi, tambah Purnomo KRI Clurit-641 KCR-40 juga sudah dilengkapi peralatan komunikasi yang mampu digunakan untuk melaksanakan komunikasi antar kapal permukaan dan pesawat udara dalam satu kesisteman. Sehingga diharapkan mampu memberikan efek deterrence bagi pertahanan negara.


Oto Melara, Genting Etika Join Forces

25 April 2011

Oto Melara 76mm mounted on KD Kedah (photo : encik kacang)

KUALA LUMPUR: Italy's Oto Melara, one of the world's top 10 defence companies, strengthened its presence in Malaysia and the region by partnering privately-held Genting Etika Sdn Bhd.

The alliance is a platform for Oto to jointly bid for future armed forces projects especially from the yet-to-be announced second generation patrol vessel programme.

Genting Etika managing director Captain Azhar Abdul Rahman Sdn Bhd said the firm will invest RM5 million to set up a workshop facility in Lumut, Perak. This is to put the partnership in a better position to vie for business deals especially from the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) as well as naval forces in the region.

Oto Melara senior vice president marketing and sales Ulderigo Rossi said with the partnership, Oto Melara will be in a "superior" position to meet current and future requirements from the RMN.

"We have secured the funding from bank loans and the workshop is expected to be operational by the first quarter of 2012," Azhar told reporters after inking the agreement here yesterday.

Oto Melara has been supplying guns to the Malaysian navy since the 1970s. This includes field artillery guns on four Laksmana class corvettes and recently the 12 guns on the current offshore patrol vessel fleet.

Established in 2001, Genting Etika is Oto Melara's licensed and authorised agent in Malaysia since 2008. The firm is owned by a former admiral from the RMN.

Genting Etika provides technical services, maintenance and supply of defence related equipment to the Defence Ministry through government tenders.

In its business presentation, Oto Melara said the partnership may have a businss potential of up to ?25 million (RM110 million) by 2020 to maintain, integrate, produce and sell products to armed forces in the region.

Rossi said Oto Melara will transfer technology required to Genting Etika. This will also include the possibility of setting up a joint venture that may lead to sharing of risks, intellectual property rights and profits.

(Business Times)

2 Panser Anoa Dikirim ke Brunei untuk Uji Coba

25 April 2011

Panser Anoa 6x6 buatan PT Pindad (photo : Defense Studies)

Panser Anoa buatan Pindad ditaksir banyak negara

JAKARTA. Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengklaim industri pertahanan dalam negeri lebih kompetitif dibandingkan dengan luar negeri. Salah satu contohnya adalah panser Anoa buatan PT Pindad.Purnomo mengatakan, banyak negara yang berminat membeli panser tersebut. Dia menyebutkan seperti Malaysia, Brunei dan Timor Leste.

Menurutnya, jika sebelumya harganya per unitnya berkisar Rp 100 miliar maka sekarang lebih murah yakni berkisar Rp 80 miliar. "Kami dulu membuat dengan mesin Renault, kini sedang bicara dengan beberapa pabrikan seperti Mercy nantinya bisa lebih murah," paparnya akhir pekan lalu.

Purnomo menyebutkan, Pindad telah mengirimkan dua Anoa untuk diuji coba di Brunei. "Mereka sedang coba dulu. Make sure dulu bahwa produk itu sesuai dengan mereka," katanya.

Selain Anoa, juga telah dikirimkan senjata serbu SS2. Purnomo menambahkan selain kedua produk itu tengah menawarkan pesawat CN 235 pabrikan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI). "Juli mendatang kami akan memanfaatkan ajang Brunei Industrial Defend Expo di Brunei untuk memamerkan produk alutsista," jelasnya.


Rudal Rusia, Rudal China, dan Pertahanan Perbatasan

25 April 2011

Peluru kendali (rudal) Yakhont meluncur ke udara setelah ditembakkan dari Kapal Republik Indonesia Oswald Siahaan-354 (jenis kapal perusak kawal kelas Fregat Van Speijk) di perairan Samudra Hindia, Rabu (20/4). photo : Kompas-Hendra A Setyawan)

Selangkah demi selangkah upaya membangun pertahanan Republik Indonesia dibangun sejak krisis Timor Timur tahun 2000. Embargo senjata dari Amerika Serikat membuat Indonesia beralih kepada dua negara yang sempat menjadi sahabat erat pada era Soekarno, yakni Rusia dan China.

Salah satu jenis persenjataan dari Rusia dan China yang memperkuat pertahanan Indonesia adalah peluru kendali. Peluru kendali paling canggih yang dimiliki adalah jenis Yakhont buatan Rusia dengan jarak jelajah (cruising range) 300 kilometer. ”Ini merupakan rudal dengan jangkauan terjauh yang saat ini kita miliki,” ujar Komandan Gugus Tempur Laut Armada RI Kawasan Timur Laksamana Pertama Soleman Banjar Nahor, dalam latihan penembakan rudal Yakhont di perairan Samudra Hindia, Rabu (20/4) pekan lalu.

Keberadaan Yakhont memang strategis bagi pertahanan Indonesia. Jangkauan 300 kilometer yang dimiliki Yakhont seandainya ditempatkan di pesisir timur dan utara Sumatera dapat menjangkau Semenanjung Malaya, Thailand Selatan, serta Kepulauan Nicobar dan Andaman. Seandainya digelar di Kepulauan Natuna-Anambas, rudal tersebut dapat mencapai sasaran di sekitar Kepulauan Spratly dan Paracel, yang menurut pengamat Barat dapat menjadi potensi konflik pada masa depan karena pertentangan China-Amerika Serikat (AS) yang tentu saja akan berdampak pada ASEAN.

Peluncuran rudal Yakhont dari fregat KRI Oswald Siahaan (photo : Vivanews)

Seandainya digelar di wilayah timur Indonesia, di kawasan Sulawesi Utara, Maluku Utara, atau Papua, rudal Yakhont dapat menjangkau sasaran di Filipina selatan hingga Guam, yang menjadi salah satu basis militer terdepan AS. Adapun di wilayah selatan, di sekitar Kupang dan perairan Timor, rudal tersebut dapat menjangkau sasaran di Darwin dan sebagian kawasan Northern Territory Australia.

Soleman menambahkan, saat ini platform penembakan rudal Yakhont baru dimiliki kapal Armada RI Kawasan Timur yang relatif lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kapal milik Armada RI Kawasan Barat. ”Ke depan Armabar juga akan mampu mengoperasikan Yakhont,” tutur dia.

Seorang perwira muda di Komando Lintas Laut Militer mengatakan, Yakhont dapat ditembakkan dari beragam platform, seperti silo-penyimpanan rudal-di darat, kendaraan tempur, hingga pesawat tempur pengebom seperti Sukhoi. Penembakan melalui pesawat tempur pengebom tentu menambah jauh jangkauan serangan rudal Yakhont!

Rudal dengan hulu ledak (warhead) 300 kilogram bahan peledak itu memiliki dimensi panjang 8,9 meter, diameter 72 sentimeter, dan memiliki kecepatan maksimum hingga 2,5 mach (kecepatan suara). Dalam uji tembak di Samudra Hindia di selatan Selat Sunda, rudal Yakhont menjangkau sasaran di lautan sebelah selatan Pulau Enggano yang berjarak 250 kilometer dalam enam menit saja.

Lintasan rudal Yakhont buatan Rusia (photo : ARC)

Kepala Pusat Penerangan Umum Mabes TNI Laksamana Muda Iskandar Sitompul mengatakan, keberadaan rudal Yakhont dalam persenjataan TNI lebih ditujukan sebagai detterent (penangkal) terhadap upaya agresi ataupun tindakan tidak bersahabat dari negara tetangga. ”Tentu saja kita mengutamakan perdamaian ASEAN. Apalagi Indonesia adalah negara yang menjadi teladan di ASEAN,” ungkapnya lagi.

Rudal China

Selain persenjataan Rusia, rudal buatan China juga memperkuat persenjataan TNI. Soleman menceritakan adanya rudal buatan China tipe C-802A dan C-705. Rudal itu merupakan jenis ”Exocet” buatan China.

”Sejumlah kapal perang kita diperlengkapi rudal itu. Sejenis dengan rudal-rudal yang memperkuat kapal perang Kerajaan Thailand yang juga dibuat China,” kata Soleman.

Beberapa tahun lalu, Kompas sempat mengunjungi HTMS Taksin yang sempat singgah di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. Kapal latih Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Thailand tersebut dibuat galangan kapal di Shanghai dan memiliki rudal buatan China. Pekan lalu HTMS Taksin kembali singgah di Indonesia, tepatnya di Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali.

Rudal China dengan jangkauan sekitar 70 kilometer hingga 90 kilometer itu turut memperkuat persenjataan Republik Indonesia. Tentu saja di samping persoalan embargo, produk persenjataan buatan Rusia dan China lebih murah jika dibandingkan produk sejenis buatan AS.

Sebuah kapal perang baru, yang akan diluncurkan di Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Senin (25/4), juga diperkuat dengan persenjataan China, termasuk rudal C-802A. Seperti pada tahun 1960-an, persenjataan untuk menjaga wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, yang waktu itu disegani di belahan bumi selatan, kembali diperkuat arsenal produksi Blok Timur: Rusia dan China.(Iwan Santosa).


23 April 2011

Commander Insists on Plan to Buy Old German U-Boats

23 April 2011

Type 206A submarines of German Navy (photo : Militaryphotos)

Navy chief Kamthorn Phumhiran is insisting on pushing ahead with the plan to procure six second-hand submarines from Germany, dismissing the other option of buying brand-new South Korean ones as being too expensive.

Adm Kamthorn yesterday said he would go ahead with the navy's original plan. It would be presented to the Defence Council chaired by Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon next week.

Gen Prawit had earlier voiced his support for the idea of acquiring two brand-new submarines from South Korea. He believed they would last longer than the decommissioned German ones.

The six Type U-206A coastal patrol submarines have been in use in Germany for more than 30 years and Adm Kamthorn admitted they had only another six or seven years of useful life left.

Though the South Korean Type U209 submarine is made using German technology, Adm Kamthorn said it is too big, with a displacement of 1,200 tonnes. "They also cost up to 13 billion baht each," he said.

Although the navy included the option of buying South Korean submarines in its feasibility study, it does not have enough money to buy the two new ones.

"It is most practical to buy the second-hand ones at a cost of 7.7 billion baht," said Adm Kamthorn, who also played down concerns over the usefulness of the submarines in Thai waters. "The navy has to take care of Thailand's marine interests valued at 900 billion baht a year. An investment of 7.7 billion baht will be worth it," he said.

If Thailand fails to secure the six submarines, the opportunity may go to Chile or Colombia, which are also interested in striking a deal with Germany, said navy Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations Thawiwut Phongphiphat.

A navy source said other countries in Southeast Asia have already strengthened their navies with submarines. Malaysia deploys two French-made ones, Singapore has four and Vietnam has three, with a plan to buy six more from Russia. Even Burma has already had its soldiers trained in submarine operations.

If the Defence Council and later the cabinet approve the navy's purchase plan, the first batch of 30 navy officers will be sent for a year of training in Germany before Thailand receives the submarines, said Vice Adm Thawiwut.

"The navy doesn't want to have these submarines, we need them," Adm Kamthorn said. "They are weapons for protection. They may be small, but a small cobra can bite a bigger person to death."

Two subs would be deployed in the Gulf of Thailand and two in the Andaman Sea, with the others as replacements.

(Bangkok Post)

Orion Upgrade a Massive Leap in Capability

23 April 2011

P3K2 Orion of the RNZAF (photo : RNZAF)

Today’s arrival in New Zealand of the first upgraded Royal New Zealand Air Force P3K2 Orion aircraft represents a quantum leap forward for the Air Force, Defence Minister Wayne Mapp says. The aircraft landed at the Whenuapai air force base in Auckland from the United States late this afternoon.

Dr Mapp said that the Government has made the delivery of the Orion upgrade a top priority since taking office.

“The poor management of the previous Government led to substantial delays. The project has taken far longer than we wanted.

“This project means a great deal to the RNZAF and the Ministry of Defence. Today is a significant milestone for them,” he said.

The $373 million upgrade includes improved surveillance, reconnaissance, navigation and communication systems. The upgrade project will also deliver crew trainers, and software testing and integration tools.

“This puts the Air Force at the forefront of technology. The Orion will now have vastly more capability across its whole range of missions, from military operations through to search and rescue, supporting our Pacific relationships and effective monitoring of our Exclusive Economic Zone," the Minister said.

“This also enables a significant and fundamental expansion in the Orion’s role. Along with its traditional maritime focus, it will now have tremendous capability for overland operations.

"The systems upgrade complements the earlier airframe upgrades. Together, they will see the Orion through to 2025.”

This aircraft was upgraded by L3 Systems and sub-contractors based in Greenville, Texas. The second and subsequent aircraft will be completed by Safe Air in Blenheim, and the first of those will be delivered in about three months.


22 April 2011

Navy Still Wants 6 German Submarines

22 April 2011

Type 206A submarine from Germany (photo : Militaryphotos)

The navy still wants to buy six used Type U206A submarines from Germany, because they are most suitable for its needs, navy chief Admiral Kamthorn Poomhiran said on Friday.

Adm Kamthorn said the Type U206A submarine is most suitable for the Thai navy because it is small and agile, with a displacement of only 450 tonnes.

Moreover, the six submarines would cost the navy only 7.7 billion baht.

"I can guarantee that they can be in commission for more than 10 years," he said.

Adm Kamthorn said this type of submarine is far better than the Type U209 submarines which the navy earlier hoped to buy from South Korea.

Korea bought the submarines, which are much bigger at more than 1,000 tonnes displacement each, from Germany and had them refurbished.

Two Type U209 submarines would cost the navy 13 billion baht, which is far more expensive than the Type U206A from Germany, he said.

"The 7.7 billion baht to buy six Type U206A submarines from Germany is worthwhile, to protect the country's yearly marine interests of more than 900 billion baht," Adm Kamthorn said.

The navy chief said a proposal to buy six submarines from Germany would be forwarded to the Defence Council meeting chaired by Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon next week for approval.

If approved, the proposal would be tabled for cabinet consideration.

He said the navy plans to buy the submarines with its own four-year tied-over budget.

Vice Admiral Taweewut Pongpipat, assistant navy chief-of-staff for tactical operations, said the navy plans to use two submarines in the Gulf of Thailand and two in the Andaman Sea, while two others would be used for rotation.

He said the navy has already selected the first batch of 30 naval personnel for training in Germany for one year before the submarines were handed over.

The submarines the Thai navy plans to buy are still in operation, and not decommissioned yet.

"If we don't buy them, Chile and Colombia would," Vice Adm Taweewut said.

Malaysia now has two submarines in commission and Singapore has four, a navy official said.

Vietnam already has four submarines and is reported to be negotiating to buy six more at a cost of US$4 billion from Russia, while Burma has already trained its sailors for submarine operations, the official said.

Agosta Training Sub to be Brought Home in August

22 April 2011

Agosta submarine ex French submarine Ouessant (S623) decomissioned in 2001 and then used to train for RMN personnel (photo : Michel Floch)

KUALA LUMPUR: The Agosta submarine which was used to train Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) personnel in submarine operations in France will be brought home in August to be converted into a museum, RMN chief Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.

He said the submarine could not be used for operations but would be converted into a museum piece to symbolise the progress made by RMN.

"It is a second-hand submarine we bought for training RMN personnel. Now that its services are no longer needed, it will be brought to the Lumut naval base in August," he told reporters here today.

The Agosta submarine was used as a training submarine for two Scorpene class submarines Malaysia bought from France namely the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Abdul Razak, which were commissioned in 2009 and 2010 respectively.

On the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Abdul Razak, Abdul Aziz said both the submarines were doing fine and operating at their optimum capacity.

"Having submarines in the open sea is great surveillance for our country," he said.


Prototipe Baru Radar Pantai Ditargetkan Selesai 2014

22 Agustus 2011

Radar pantai Indra yang telah dibuat oleh PT Inti (photo : Defense Studies)

JAKARTA: Prototipe baru radar pantai buatan dalam negeri untuk kepentingan pengawasan transportasi laut dan udara serta kepentingan pertahanan nasional ditargetkan selesai pada 2014.

“Sekarang sudah banyak riset-riset itu. Riset teknologi radar yang kuat akan menghasilkan inovasi radar yang bagus, dan pada 2014 harus sudah ada prototipe terbaiknya,” kata Menristek Suharna Surapranata di sela Seminar Radar Nasional (SRN) V 2011 yang bertemakan “Sinergi Kemampuan Bangsa untuk Kemandirian” di Jakarta, Kamis.

Dia mengatakan, sesuai arahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono industri pertahanan nasional harus direvitalisasi, dengan demikian perlu disinergikan dengan riset-riset di dalam negeri sehingga di masa depan Indonesia akan lebih mandiri.

Anggaran Kementerian Ristek, diakuinya sangat kecil, tahun ini anggaran ristek untuk riset pertahanan hanya Rp15-20 miliar, karena itu diperlukan kerja sama dengan lembaga lainnya, seperti dari swasta dan universitas.

Sementara itu, Staf Ahli Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Hari Purwanto di tempat sama mengatakan, Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan dan memiliki pesisir yang sangat panjang membutuhkan minimal 800 radar pantai.

Kebutuhan sebanyak itu, lanjut dia, harus dipenuhi oleh hasil-hasil riset dari dalam negeri dan diproduksi sendiri oleh industri yang ada di tanah air seperti PT Inti, PT LEN, PT Pindad dan lain-lain.

“Karena itu, prototipe yang dihasilkan oleh para ilmuwan di bidang radar harus bisa dimanfaatkan oleh sektor pertahanan maupun transportasi dan berorientasi pada industri,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Prof Dr Lukman Hakim mengatakan, melihat kebutuhan akan radar yang sangat besar, Indonesia jangan hanya menjadi pasar bagi produk-produk dari luar negeri.

“Kita harus berperan di negeri sendiri dengan meningkatkan kemandirian dalam pembuatan produk-produk yang mempunyai nilai tambah besar seperti radar,” katanya.

LIPI, urainya, sudah berinisiatif meneliti soal radar ini sejak 1988 dan telah menghasilkan prototipe radar ISRA (Indonesian Surveillance Radar) yang telah dikomersialisasikan melalui kerja sama dengan PT Inti dan dimanfaatkan di Selat Sunda.

Sedangkan Staf Ahli Menhan bidang Teknologi dan Industri Dr Timbul Siahaan mengatakan, Kementerian Pertahanan harus mulai memanfaatkan kapasitas industri yang ada di dalam negeri untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan di bidang pertahanan nasional.

Sampai dengan 2025, ujar dia, diharapkan 32 radar di seluruh Indonesia bisa dipenuhi dengan penambahan 15 satuan radar baru.

Dalam SRN V ini dipresentasikan 43 makalah oleh para peneliti di bidang radar.(hh)

(Bisnis Jabar)