31 Oktober 2012

PINDAD: Pesanan dari TNI Meningkat

31 October 2012

Panser pendobrak rancangan Pindad (image : istimewa)

JAKARTA– Pesanan peluru dari TNI tahun ini meningkat tiga kali lipat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

“Tahun lalu kebutuhan peluru TNI bisa 100, kalau tiga kali berarti 300 peluru,” kata Direktur Utama Pindad Adik Avianto Soedarsono di Jakarta, Rabu (31/10/2012).

Menurutnya, perseroan telah memperoleh fasilitas kredit dari PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk senilai Rp156 miliar untuk mesin amunisi kaliber 5,56 milimeter. Mesin tersebut baru dapat diperoleh dalam 18 bulan ke depan. Kini, BUMN senjata itu tengah mengerjakan pesanan peluru SS109.

“Kita diberi tenor 10 tahun, sehingga masih banyak waktu bagi kami untuk menyelesaikan kewajiban kepada BRI,” tuturnya.

Ia menekankan bahwa pinjaman tersebut dilakukan karena penyertaan modal negara senilai Rp300 miliar dari Rp700 miliar yang diajukan belum cair. Apabila suntikan dana dari pemerintah dapat digulirkan, maka perseroan akan segera melunasi fasilitas kredit tersebut.

Panser pengusung rudal Mistral (photo : Defense Studies)

“Kita tidak bisa selalu tergantung dan menunggu kapan cairnya PMN itu, makanya kita minta izin dari Menteri BUMN untuk dapat meminjam,” tambahnya.

Pindad saat ini juga tengah mengerjakan enam unit Komodo, sebuah kendaraan tempur lapis baja yang memiliki kemampuan bermanuver sangat baik, pesanan Kopassus, TNI AD, dan Brimob.

Enam unit pesanan itu yakni, dua Komodo varian pendobrak untuk 10 personel pesanan Kopassus, tiga Komodo varian Armored (tahan peluru) Personnel Carrier (APC) atau pembawa pasukan untuk 10 personel dan satu versi rudal mistral (anti serangan udara) untuk TNI AD. Prototipe Komodo sudah diperkenalkan di RITech Expo di Bandung pada September 2012.

Komodo seberat 4 ton dan berdaya jelajah 450 km ini, ujarnya, selain mesin, seluruhnya buatan Pindad yang selesai prototipenya sejak Maret 2012 dan bisa dipesan dan dimodifikasi sesuai keinginan. (Ant/Juanda)

Tanks and APCs for Cambodia Arrive in Sihanoukville Port

31 Oktober 2012

About 100 tanks and 40 eight- and six-wheel APC arrived in Sihanoukville port (photo : KIMedia)

Scores of tanks and armoured personnel carriers arrived at the port in Sihanoukville yesterday, marking one of the biggest shipments of military vehicles in recent history.

A source in Preah Sihanouk province who asked not to be named told the Post that the ship in question arrived yesterday morning, with “some 100 tanks and about 40 eight- and six-wheel amoured personnel carriers,” he said.

Last night, Sihanoukville Autonomous Port director Lou Kim Chhun confirmed the shipment, but declined to comment on numbers or countries of origin, saying: “For the details I think you can ask customs officials.”

In September 2010, in the middle of a border dispute with Thailand, Cambodia purchased 94 tanks from an Eastern European country widely thought to be Ukraine. The same year, China donated some 250 vehicles to the Cambodian military.

Defense officials could be reached for comment.

2nd Philippine Navy Warship from US to Arrive February

30 Oktober 2012

BRP Ramon Alcaraz PF-16 (photo : pdff)

MANILA, Philippines - The second warship to be acquired by the Navy from the United States (US) is expected to arrive by February, Defense Secretary Voltraire Gazmin said Monday.

Gazmin said US Pacific Command chief Adm. Samuel Locklear III gave him the assurance of the second warship's delivery during their meeting in Hawaii early this month.

“Our new ship will be coming sometime next year, about February. I met with Admiral Locklear in Hawaii before I joined the trip of the president to Australia and New Zealand. He assured us that the ship will arrive by February 2013,” he said.

The scheduled arrival of BRP Ramon Alcaraz in February is a month later than the initial expectations.

During his state of the nation address last July, President Aquino said BRP Alcaraz was expected to reach Philippine shores by the end of January.

Gazmin said the BRP Alcaraz is “a better conditioned water craft” than the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, the first ship provided by the US last year.

“We have sailors undergoing training [on how to maneuver the ship] and they will be the ones who will bring the ship here from Charleston (South Carolina),” the defense chief said.

Last year, the government acquired its first Hamilton-class vessel from the US Coast Guard to enhance the military’s external defense capabilities.

The ship, which has been renamed BRP Gregorio del Pilar, has been deployed to the West Philippine Sea to secure energy projects in the area. It is now the Navy’s largest vessel.

The US, however, stripped the ship of some of its accessories before it was turned over to the Philippines.

Officials earlier said that the BRP Alcaraz, the second warship to be acquired from the US, would cost more than BRP del Pilar since the government had to buy weapons and accessories that were removed from the vessel.

The ship was named after Commodore Ramon Alcaraz, a Philippine Navy officer, who distinguished himself during the Second World War when the patrol boat he commanded shot down three Japanese aircraft.

BRP Alcaraz was largely used by the US Coast Guard for drug and migrant interdiction, law enforcement, search and rescue, living marine resources protection, and defense readiness. The ship can accommodate up to 180 officers and sailors.

Meanwhile, the military hailed the awarding of a contract for the purchase of modern weapons system for BRP Alcaraz.

Armed Forces spokesman Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. said the weapon system would boost their maritime security capabilities and enable them to guard the country’s territory.

“This acquisition will greatly and significantly contribute to the fulfillment of our mandate which is to protect the people and uphold the sovereignty and integrity of the national territory,” Burgos said.

“The system acquisition will definitely help us in the enforcement of maritime laws and support us in our fight against transnational crimes like drug trafficking, human trafficking human trafficking piracy illegal fishing and poaching,” he added.

On Sunday, the Philippine embassy in US announced that the Pentagon has awarded a $1.8 million contract for the purchase of modern weapons systems for BRP Alcaraz.

The purchase and installation of two Mk38 Mod 2 autocanon systems for the Alcaraz is part of a $24-million contract the Pentagon recently awarded to the Kentucky-based BAE Systems Land and Armaments Inc.

The contract, which is covered under the Foreign Military Sales Program, involves the purchase of 21 units of the remotely controlled naval gun systems and spare parts.

The new weapon systems are upgraded versions of the Mk38 M242 Bushmasters that were removed from BRP Alcaraz prior to its turnover to the Philippines. The remotely controlled chain gun system can fire as many as 180 25m rounds per minute at targets as far as two kilometers.

30 Oktober 2012

Dua Unit Tank Leopard Datang Pekan Ini

30 Oktober 2012

Leopard 2 Revolution MBT (photo : Shephard)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Dua unit tank tempur utama Leopard dipastikan datang pada pekan ini. Tank yang didatangkan dari Jerman itu masing-masing terdiri atas satu unit jenis Leopard 2A4 dan satu unit jenis Leopard 2 Revolution.

"Dua tank ini akan datang pada 3 November ini dan rencananya dipamerkan di Indo Defence Expo pada 7-10 November mendatang," kata Pos Hutabarat, Direktur Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan, di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012.

Kedatangan Leopard, menurut Pos, akan menutup kedatangan alat utama sistem persenjataan yang sudah memasuki penghujung 2012. "Kemarin Tucano sudah datang, sepertinya setelah ini tidak ada lagi senjata yang akan datang," kata dia.

Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Shafrie Syamsudin menyatakan semua tank yang datang sudah bisa dipakai oleh militer Indonesia. "Semuanya baru, tinggal pakai, tidak perlu lagi upgrade, tidak perlu lagi refurbishment," kata dia.

Dua unit tank Leopard ini merupakan penyerahan tahap pertama. Dengan dana sekitar US$ 287 juta, Indonesia membeli 40 unit Leopard 2A4, 63 unit Leopard 2 Revolution, dan 10 unit tank pendukung Leopard 2, 50 unit medium tank Marder 1A3. "Proses politik sudah selesai, administrasi sudah, tinggal mengecek skema produksi dan pembiayaan," ujar Sjafrie.

PT DI Siapkan Lini Produksi Pesawat Transpor Militer CN 295

30 Oktober 2012

Pesawat CN-295 TNI AU (photo : Joseph Tonna)

BANDUNG – PT Dirgantara Indonesia saat ini tengah menyiapkan lini produksi untuk pesawat transport menengah CN 295. Pesawat ini sudah memperkuat jajaran armada TNI AU dab merupakan pengembangan dari CN235.

“Pesawat CN235 dirancang dan mulai terbang pada 1980-an, kini tercatat salah satu jenis pesawat transpor populer dan banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia. CN295 adalah pengembangannya,” kata IP Windu Nugroho, staf senior Divisi Komunikasi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero). Windu mengatakan karena merupakan pengembangan dari CN235 yang dirancang bangun bersama Indonesia dan Spanyol, maka bagi pihaknya rincian pembuatan CN295 di PTDI bukan sesuatu yang memerlukan pengetahuan asing sama sekali.

Windu menjelaskan CN 295 telah memasuki pasar dunia sejak 1996 oleh Airbus Military (konsorsium Eropa dan CASA terlebur di dalamnya), merupakan pesawat yang mempunyai kapasitas dan jangkauan lebih besar serta memiliki tingkat kehandalan dan dukungan operasional yang sama dengan CN 235.

Pesawat CN295 pun mampu membawa beban muatan hingga 9 ton dengan kecepatan terbang normal hingga 260 knot (480 km/jam). Pesawat ini juga mempunyai bentuk yang kokoh, kualitas terbang serta multifungsi yang menawarkan biaya operasinal rendah, termasuk bahan bakar dan pemeliharaan.

Sebagai pesawat generasi baru dari hasil pengembangan CN 235, pesawat CN 295 dengan segala kemampuan serta sistem yang dimilikinya, sangat cocok untuk tugas-tugas yang diemban TNI AU. Desain dan kontruksi yang dibuat menggabungkan kekuatan, ketahanan dan karakteristik operasi militer dengan tingkat keselamatan dan kehandalan tinggi.

Selain itu, kapabilitas STOL (Short Take Off & Landing) membuat CN 295 mampu lepas landas dan mendarat pada landasan paling buruk sekalipun. Dengan muatan penuh, CN 295 bisa lepas landas dari lapangan terbang sepanjang hanya berkisar 600 meter. “Untuk menjadi CN 295, beberapa struktur pesawat yang ada di tubuh CN 235 diperkuat dan dilakukan beberapa perubahan, di antaranya perangkat pendarat, sayap tengah, mesin dan baling-baling, selain badan pesawat diperpanjang tiga meter,” kata Windu.

Kementerian Pertahanan RI membeli sembilan unit CN 295 hasil kerja sama antara PTDI dan Airbus Military ini. Dua unit telah diserahkan pada 4 Oktober 2012 yang dibuat di Spanyol, sedangkan sisanya tujuh unit akan diproduksi di Bandung dengan rencana penyerahan empat unit pada 2013 dan tiga unit pada 2014.

“Guna mendukung program plan tersebut, saat ini kami sedang melakukan beberapa persiapan, di antaranya menyiapkan pencetakan badan pesawat (jig fuselage) untuk yang kelebihan panjang badan tiga meter serta pembangunan pusat lini perakitan,” katanya. Dengan menggunakan manufaktur dan lini perakitan terbaru, PTDI dan Airbus Military berharap dapat mengirimkan pesanan pesawatnya ke customer dalam kurun waktu 12 bulan, atau bahkan lebih cepat.

Air Warfare Destroyer Tests Torpedos

30 Oktober 2012

The testing included launching the MU-90 practice delivery torpedo from the surface vessel torpedo tubes into a custom designed test rig (photo : Aus DoD)

Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that firing tests of torpedo launchers for the new Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyers (AWD) have been held in Adelaide.

The tests were part of acceptance testing of the weapon systems for the second destroyer Brisbane and involved firing an MU-90 practice delivery torpedo from an MK32 Mod 9 Surface Vessel torpedo tube.

The system is made up of three main components – a launcher, an air charging panel and a torpedo loading tray.

“All three destroyers will have MK32 Mod 9 torpedo launchers installed in the port and starboard magazine compartments of the ship,” Mr Clare said.

“The launch system will be capable of deploying lightweight torpedoes against enemy submarines.”

The AWD Alliance has already taken delivery of the first shipset of torpedo launchers for the first destroyer Hobart from subcontractor Babcock after Factory Acceptance Testing was successfully completed in June.

The testing took place at the Techport Australia facility and  included launching the MU-90 practice delivery torpedo from the surface vessel torpedo tubes into a custom designed test rig.

The AWD Alliance is responsible for delivering three of the most complex surface combatants ever built in Australia and is made up of Defence Materiel Organisation, ASC and Raytheon Australia.

The Hobart Class destroyers will provide a significant increase in Australia’s defence capabilities. The destroyers will be the most capable surface combatants ever operated by the Navy.

Philippines to Buy 5 French Patrol Boats

30 Oktober 2012

 Ocea class-24 meter patrol vessel of France (all photos : Mer et Marine)

THE government will spend P4.8 billion for the acquisition of five patrol vessels from France next year, the Philippine Coast Guard announced on Monday.

Rear Admiral Luis Tuason, Coast Guard officer-in-charge and commandant for operations, did not specify the manufacturer and class of vessels they plan to acquire, but stressed that the vessels will be brand new and French made.

“The President has ordered the procurement of additional ships for the Coast Guard,” said Tuason. “We have a forthcoming one unit 82-meter and four 24-meter long brand new patrol vessels from France.”

Tuason said the funding for the vessels will come from the Office of the President.

“We have allocation from the Office of the President that was approved already,” Tuason said. “I’m not sure about the budget but I think they will come from projects that did not push through and unused funds that were allotted for Coast Guard vessels.”

He said the four 24-meter vessels are expected to arrive by December next year while the 82-meter vessel will in 2014. “We’re still finalizing the papers,” Tuason added.

He said the vessels will be used to patrol the West Philippine Sea.

“When we patrol the West Philippine Sea, we encounter huge waves, turbulent waters so it will be better if we will use bigger ships,” said Tuason.

The Coast Guard is also set to build a support base at the West Philippine Sea to immediately respond to sea emergencies in the area. The base will be built in Ulugay, Palawan.

At the moment, the Coast Guard has district in Palawan, but it is at the eastern coast of the province. It is also supported by five stations and 17 detachments.

Apart from being the largest province in the country, Palawan also hosts the Malampaya natural gas project.

“It will be quicker for quick response and law enforcement activities in the West coast of Palawan, especially if there is a problem in the Malampaya or other government projects. We will have a faster response time. We will also be able to provide shelter in the area for ships during bad weather,” said Tuason.

“We can easily do that if we are near the western side (of Palawan),” he said, adding that the government is expected to give P1.5 billion from Malampaya fund for the upgrade within the year or next year.

Part of the money will also be used to repair two of their 56-meter vessels and one 35-meter vessel.

29 Oktober 2012

Vietnam Coast Guard Receive First Large Patrol Vessel

29 Oktober 2012

DN 2000 for Vietnam Coast Guard (photo : Tuoi Tre)

VietNamNet Bridge – Factory Z189, under the General Department of Defence Industry, held a ceremony to launch and hand over the vessel “DN 2000 (OPV-9014)”, with its number sign “CSB 8001”, with the participation of Senior Lieutenant-General Nguyen Thanh Cung, Deputy Defence Ministry; Colonel Nguyen Quang Dam, General Director of the Vietnam Marine Police Force and representatives from the Dutch Damen Shipyards Group and relevant agencies.

Delivering a speech, Senior Lieutenant-General Nguyen Thanh Cung said that the event marks the ability of military factories to build large-tonnage ships and also asked the Vietnam Marine Police to continuously strengthen its staff and promote troops’ professionalism to master the new ship and keep pace with marine police forces in the region.

In order to effectively conduct tasks of maintaining security, order and safety in the national waters and exclusive economic zone; search and rescue; fighting against smugglers and supporting fishermen, the Defence Ministry assigned Factory Z189 to build a versatile patrol ship (DN 2000 design) for the Vietnam Marine Police.

On December 17th, 2010, the factory laid down a keel to build the ship and after 20 months’ construction, the unit finished the work under the supervision of foreign experts, meeting all international standards.

The “DN 2000”, 90m in length, 14m in width and 7m in height, is the force’s biggest ship so far and can sail at 21 nautical miles per hour. Besides, it also has a landing platform for a Ka-28 naval helicopter (Russia).

According to the ship’s Captain Nguyen Duc Tuyen, he and his crew are ready to receive the ship. After the launch ceremony, the DN 2000 crew will participate in a training course put on by Dutch experts.

The ship is scheduled to run sea-trials until December 2012 and will be put into full operation by the first quarter of next year.

Air Force Opens Bid for 21 Hueys

29 Oktober 2012

PAF's Huey helicopters (photo : TriztaN19)

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of National Defense (DND) is planning to spend P1.26 billion to purchase 21 combat helicopters to give a much-needed boost to the Philippine Air Force.

In a notice posted on the DND website on Monday, October 29, the department said it intends to acquire the refurbished Bell UH-1 ("Huey") helicopters along with the corresponding logistics support package through "open competitive bidding procedures" as specified by Republic Act 9184 or the Government Procurement Reform Act.

The UH-1 is a multipurpose military helicopter famous for its use by the United States in the Vietnam War, and is commonly known as "Huey."

The purchase is under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) modernization program, which seeks to develop the military into a multi-mission oriented force capable of effectively addressing internal and external security threats.

A pre-bidding conference will be held on November 2 in Camp Aguinaldo and bidding documents may be purchased for P75,000.


28 Oktober 2012

Pesawat T-50 Pesanan Indonesia Masuki Lini Produksi

28 Oktober 2012

Pesawat T-50 pesanan Indonesia yang sedang dirakit oleh KAI (all photos : Viggen)

Pesawat latih lanjut T-50 Golden Eagle pesanan Indonesia telah mulai diproduksi di pabrik Korea Aerospace Industry (KAI) Korea Selatan. Indonesia merupakan negara pertama diluar Korea yang memilih pesawat hasil rancangan KAI-Lockheed Martin ini.

Pada 12 April 2011 Indonesia telah memilih pesawat latih lanjut T-50 Golden Eagle untuk menggantikan pesawat Hawk Mk-53 yang sudah menua. Pada saat itu T-50 berhasil menyingkirkan pesaingnya yaitu Yak-130 buatan Rusia dan L-159B buatan Ceko.

Nilai kontrak senilai 400 juta USD telah ditanda-tangani pada 25 Mei 2011 untuk pengadaan 16 pesawat T-50 atau satu senilai skadron udara. Tipe pesawat yang dipilih Indonesia adalah yang mampu membawa persenjataan, meskipun secara spesifik tidak disebut sebagai T/A-50. Penyerahan pesawat tersebut rencananya akan dilakukan pada tahun 2013.

Pada gambar diatas tampak bodi pesawat dengan nomor TT5003, dalam penomoran standar TNI AU maka berarti pesawat ini akan masuk dalam skadron Tempur Taktis, sedangkan  angka 5003 menunjukkan jenis pesawat T-50 dengan angka urut nomor 3.

Dalam negosiasi jual beli, sempat  muncul beberapa opsi, diantaranya adalah opsi counter-purchase dengan pesawat angkut CN-235 atau reassemble pesawat T-50 ini di PT Dirgantara Indonesia, namun belum jelas opsi mana akhirnya yang dituangkan dalam kontrak

(Defense Studies)

27 Oktober 2012

US to Supply Cut-Price Weaponry to Thailand

27 Oktober 2012 

US offers to Thailand :  two second-hand Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates, five new F-16 fighter, three new Blackhawk helicopters and a large number of second-hand Humvee military vehicle (all photos : fas, xairforces, keyaero, army recognition)

Thailand will receive heavily discounted military equipment from the US Department of Defense, including retired warships and F-16 fighter jet engines, to help cement military ties.

Thailand is a major non-Nato ally of the US and the department wants to recognise that friendship by selling weaponry selected from its Excess Defense Articles (EDA) programme, a Thai military source said.

The EDA programme was set up to sell off excess military items to other countries, according to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency website.

In addition to five new F-16 fighter jet engines which have been offered for sale to the Royal Thai Air Force, the US has also offered to sell 1,150 Humvee military vehicles to the army that were previously deployed in Iraq.

The US has also offered three new Black Hawk helicopters to the army with a price tag of 1.3 billion baht each, the source said.

The navy will be offered two second-hand Perry Class frigates - general purpose warships designed back in the mid-1970s with a displacement of 4,100 tonnes."All of these items will be sold at very special, cheap prices," the source said.

"The discussion did not go into details. The offer is amicable."

The offer follows talks in Washington last week between permanent secretary for defence Gen Thanongsak Apirakyothin and US defence assistant secretary Marc Lippert.

Thailand and the US will mark 180 years of bilateral relations next year.

Defence minister Sukumpol Suwanatat and armed forces chiefs are due to meet US defence secretary Leon Panetta next month during his Thailand visit.

DCNS Introduces Anti-Aircraft Self-Defense for Submarines

27 Oktober 2012

Artist impression of A3SM Underwater vehicle version (Mica SAM) in action (all images : DCNS)

Currently, submarines have no alternative but to flee when detected by helicopters and maritime patrol aircraft. But thanks to a new air defense system developed by DCNS in cooperation with MBDA, the game is about to change.

Indeed, to meet the needs of navies to protect their submarines from air threats, The DCNS-designed A3SM comes in two versions, both fully integrated with Subtics® combat systems:

Mast Version

A3SM Mast Version with Mistral SAM (image : DCNS)

Comprises a missile housing (that remains watertight throughout the submarine’s operating range and down to maximum diving depth) mounted on a hoistable mast and containing several short-range Mistral missiles that can be fired from periscope depth.

Underwater Vehicle Version

A3SM Underwater vehicle version with Mica SAM (image : DCNS)

Comprises a torpedo-like capsule containing a medium-range (20 km) Mica missile that is tube-launchable at any depth. The capsule is similar to the type developed for submarine-launched Exocet anti-ship missiles.
These weapons are integrated with Subtics® combat systems, ensuring the overall performance of the submarine, from target designation and launch of the missile to the destruction of the target.

26 Oktober 2012

Distinguish Molniya and Tarantul : Guided Missile Corvettes of Vietnam Navy

26 Oktober 2012

Tarantul guided missile corvettes could equiped with 2x2 SSM P-15 Termit range 80km or P-270 Moskit range 120km (all photos : militaryphotos, ttvnol)

The Molniya and Tarantul belong Project 1241 (NATO List collectively Tarantul) under high-speed missile boats, are designed for combat duty in the shallow coastal waters, high speed, firepower are the advantages of this type of rocket ships.

Project 1241 was initiated at the end of the Soviet Union in 1970, to replace the high-speed missile boats obsolete Osa.

In 1978, the first project was completed and transferred to the Soviet Navy evaluation.

This variant is equipped with 4 anti-ship missile P-15 Termit range of 40km, 1 gunboat AK-176 76.2 mm at the front and two fast firing AK-630 cannon in the back.

The identified variants of Project 1241 is quite complex. Russia, every time with small improvements to be set for a different identifier while the external appearance does not change much. This is the reason why many people difficult to distinguish Molniya and Tarantul.

Other variants were developed of Project 1241 include 1241.1M/MR (NATO identification is Tarantul III) equipped with search radar target Monolith, this radar targets 120km search range in active mode, up to 500 km with a passive mode.

New variant to replace the P-15 missile with supersonic anti-ship missiles P-270 Moskit, 120km range, replace engine CODOG (combined diesel gas turbine) by engine CODAG (combined diesel gas)

Project 1241 RE is the export variant of Project 1241, (NATO identifier is Tarantul-II), with different variations for the Soviet Navy is removing search radar target Monolith installed above command chamber, instead search radar target Garpun-Bal (NATO identification Plank Shave) at the top of the mast.

Radar radar installation location Monolith is replaced with fire-control radar MR-123 Vympel for gunboat AK-176 and rapid firing AK-630 guns.

On Project 1241 RE weapons equipped with 4 anti-ship missiles P-15 Termit less than capacity layout structure clusters the similar anti-ship missile launcher as the Russian, 1 gunboat AK-176 76.2 mm, 2 artillery Quick shot AK-630, low-to-air missiles, Igla.

In the photo, Project 1241.8 Molniya export to India, gunboat AK-176 front replaced by OTO 76mm SRGM French.

Vietnam People's Navy ordered ships since 1999, four vessels were delivered in the early 2000s. Currently, Vietnam will close the vessel with the help of technology transfer from Russia. At least 6 units cruise missiles Tarantul are served in the Vietnam People's Navy personnel.

Russian Molniya is the name for this variation, it is also called the Lightning. This variant is also known as Project 1241.1 Molniya, 1241.1/1241.8 actually the same project, the reason which had a different name due to be exported to various countries.

Project 1241.1 is a variant for the Russian Navy only has one aircraft were put into use.

Project 1241.8 is reserved for export variants. In particular, variations export for gunboat India AK-176 is replaced by the gunboats OTO 76mm SRGM French, search radar targets are placed in the dome above the top of the mast. Vietnamese also Project 1241.8 exports to the use of fully electronic and weapons systems from Russia.

Molniya guided missile corvettes with 4x4 SSM Uran E range 130km (all photos : giaoduc, ttvnol)

Between Molniya and Tarantul there are many differences easy to see with the naked eye, the superstructure the Molniya is divided into 3 levels, 3 different types of radar installation.

First, the upper chamber commander installed fire-control radar for anti-ship missile Garpun-Bal-E (in Project 1241 RE Tarantul, radar is located on the top of the mast), followed by the fire control radar MR-123 Vympel for gunboat AK-176 and rapid firing AK-630 guns, on top of the mast to install the target search radar MR 352 positiv-E (note ship missiles Project 1241 RE Tarantul not have this type of radar ).

Masts of Project 1241 RE Tarantul circle at an angle to the rear also mast vertical box Molniya and lower, 2 the sad column installed 2 electronic warfare systems.

Weapons of Molniya more powerful than Tarantul, Molniya fitted to 16 subsonic anti-ship missile Kh-35 Uran-E (NATO name SS-N-25 Switchblade range of 130 km, is arranged into four launched two sides clusters with 4 missiles each cluster.

Project 1241.8 Molniya gunboat equipped with AK-176M 76.2 mm, two rapid fire guns AK-630M, low-to-air missiles, Igla-1M, (with Russian weapons, M is used for the variation undergoing modernization).

Power source system of the two ships are the same are used engine CODOG (combined diesel gas turbines). The amount of water stretching of Molniya little more than a little than Tarantul due carry more missiles (550 tonnes compared with 490 tonnes).

Overall, the combat capability of the Molniya higher than with Tarantul. Vietnam People's Navy is 2 Molniya missile boat on the payroll, in addition to the 10 aircraft being built under contract for the transfer of technology from Russia in Vietnam.

For Vietnam called Tarantul only for RE Project 1241, also with the Russian Project 1241.8 own set identifier is Molniya, the use of the name for each variant is very important to help readers recognize the This difference between the two types of warships.

Navantia Starts the Cut of Steel for the First LCM-1E High Speed Landing Craft for Australia

26 Oktober 2012

LCM-1E High Speed Landing Craft (photo : Navantia) 

Navantia has celebrated last October the cut of steel of the first LCM-1E high speed landing craft, of a series of 12 that Navantia will build for the Royal Australian Navy, to be operating on board the ALHD Canberra and ALHD Adelaide

These units are identical to the LCM-1E high speed landing crafts built by Navantia and in service with the Spanish Navy since 2007 and 2008.

Each LCM-1E  weights 110 tonnes. The first four will arrive in 2014, when the first of the new ALHDs becomes operational.

The main characteristics are:

- Lenght overall: 23.30 m
- Floatation length: 21.27 m
- Width: 6.40 m
- Depth: 2.80 m
- Propulsion: two 809 kW diesel engines, two waterjerts propellers.
- Speed: > 20 knots
- Autonomy: 190 miles at full load

25 Oktober 2012

The Q-53 Radar Finds Enemy Firing Positions Before Their Mortars Find Us

25 Oktober 2012

AN/TPQ-53 Quick Reaction Capability Radar (photo : US Army)

Fighting wars would be a hell of a lot easier if everybody still just lined up on the field of battle where we can see them. But with the advent of guerilla tactics and asymmetric warfare, you now need to keep your head on a swivel in a vicious cockfight—or just let Lockheed Martin's new mobile radar system watch your back.

Officially known as the AN/TPQ-53 Quick Reaction Capability Radar, this truck-mounted mobile radar system is designed to spot and track incoming mortar, artillery, and rocket fire, then backtrace the enemy's firing position and the round's estimated impact location based on its trajectory thanks to a suite of purpose-built ballistics algorithms. This allows our forces to respond to incoming threats faster while severely limiting the number of rounds an attacker can get off before being engaged.

The Q-53 is actually composed of two FMTV trucks; the Mission Essential Group totes the radar itself and the primary 60Kw generator while the Sustainment Group transports the radar's four operators and a backup power supply. An encrypted radio channel allows the operators to remain a safe 1km distance from the radar itself, either in the climate-controlled comfort of the SG truck or in the field using ruggedized Linux-based laptops. This may seem like a lot of resources for a simple radar setup, but the Q-53 system is actually quite svelte compared to its predecessor, the Q-36, which needed three trucks and a crew of six.

"We improved the software and improved the overall hardware of the system, incorporating lessons learned from the earlier systems," said Chief Warrant Officer 4 Daniel McDonald, Training and Doctrine Command capability developer and requirements staff officer. "We developed more robust gears, a rotating platform, an automated leveling system and an improved air cooled system."

With a selectable 90 or 360-degree field of view and lightning-fast five-minute setup/two-minute teardown time, the Q-53 is already being utilized for the defense of counter insurgency operations. It can also be incorporated into a forward operating base's existing Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) systems, which use the Q-53's ballistics information to shoot down incoming threats before they hit. The military is also considering upgrading the Q-53's tracking capabilities, which would allow it to identify and track larger targets like UAVs.

"These radars systems give a lot of capability to commanders in the field, especially since we are not fighting a linear fight anymore," McDonald explained. "This system is easier to emplace, especially in a high-optempo environment. Now it is all automated, so it reduces wear and tear on the crew and system. Also, the Q-53 enhances force protection. It uses an encrypted wireless network able to reach up to 1,000 meters away, so I can put myself in a tactical operations center, or TOC, or nearby shelter."

And any of those places should offer a terrific view of hyper-accurate return fire.

Empat Negara Ajukan Kapal Latih Pengganti KRI Dewaruci

25 Oktober 2012

Kapal layar Sea Cloud II buatan Astilleros Gondan Spanyol (photo : shipspotting)

TNI AL Siapkan Pengganti KRI Dewaruci

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut menyiapkan pengganti kapal perang Dewaruci yang akan pensiun pada 2013.

"Untuk pengganti KRI Dewaruci ini masih dalam tahap negosiasi. Sekarang masih dalam proses di Kementerian Pertahanan," kata Wakil Kepala Staf TNI A, Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio, di Jakarta, Rabu.

Menurut dia, ada lima perusahaan dari tiga negara yang siap memproduksi kapal pengganti KRI Dewaruci. Lima perusahaan itu, dua perusahaan dari Spanyol, dua perusahaan dari Belanda dan satu perusahaan dari Polandia.

Kepala Dinas Penerangan AL, Laksamana Pertama TNI Untung Suropati, menyebutkan, saat ini TNI AL telah menyerahkan rekomendasi tiga perusahaan yang akan memproduksi kapal Dewaruci tersebut.

"Saat ini prosesnya sudah mengerucut menjadi tiga perusahaan. Kami sudah menyerahkan kepada Kementerian Pertahanan sebagai domain yang memutuskan pembuat kapal Dewaruci," katanya.

Menurut dia, kapal latih pengganti ini harus memiliki standar yang sama dengan kapal Dewaruci yang selama ini dikenal tangguh dan telah mengikuti berbagai gelaran maritim internasional.

"Paling tidak memiliki standar yang sama bahkan lebih, baik dari segi fisik, lebar, daya tampung, maupun manuver karena ini merupakan kapal latih," ujar Suropati.

Staf Ahli Menteri Pertahanan bidang Keamanan, Mayjen TNI Hartind Asrin, mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengkaji terlebih dulu melalui Tim Evaluasi Pengadaan (TEP) di bawah Kabaranahan setelah menerima rekomendasi perusahaan pembuat kapal, yakni TNI AL.

Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Pertahanan, Kolonel Kav Bambang Hartawan, menyebutkan saat ini Kemhan baru menerima proses penawaran dan akan mengkajinya terlebih dahulu.

Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh, TNI AL sebelumnya telah mengerucutkan lima nama perusahaan calon pembuat pengganti KRI Dewaruci. Penyerahan rekomendasi sebelumnya telah dilakukan oleh TNI AL ke Kementerian Pertahanan namun dikembalikan karena dinilai kurang layak.

Namun penyerahan rekomendasi kedua TNI AL ke Kementerian Pertahanan masih terdiri atas tiga dari lima perusahaan sama yang ditolak.

Lima perusahaan yang sebelumnya bersaing untuk direkomendasikan menjadi calon pembuat kapal latih baru itu adalah Astilleros Gondan dari Spanyol, Bumar Sp z o.o. asal Polandia, Icon Yachts dari Belanda, Freire Shipyard dari Spanyol, dan DSNS Belanda.

Dari nama tersebut, Astilleros Gondan memiliki penawaran harga terendah, 53,18 juta dollar Amerika namun hanya memiliki panjang kapal 78 meter, sementara Freire Shipyard mengajukan kapal dengan panjang 110 meter namun dengan harga 74,7 juta dolar AS.

Bumar mengajukan penawaran sebesar 64,7 juta dolar dengan panjang kapal dibuat 78 meter. DSNS Belanda mengajukan penawaran dengan nilai 75,9 juta dolar untuk kapal sepanjang 96 meter.

Sedangkan Icon Yachts mengajukan penawaran sebesar 68,9 juta dolar dengan rincian kapal sepanjang 107 meter dan lama pembuatan 18 bulan serta memastikan kesanggupan pembuatan dengan melibatkan banyak bahan baku dan sumber daya manusia dari dalam negeri.