30 November 2011

UGM Perkenalkan Mini UAV Berdaya Jelajah 200 Kilometer

30 November 2011

Pesawat Udara Tanpa Awak Mini atau Mini UAV dari Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta dengan bobot 7,5 kilogram mampu menjelajah sampai 200 kilometer dengan kecepatan 120 kilometer per jam, bermanfaat untuk pemantauan batas wilayah atau lokasi-lokasi bencana alam. (photo : Kompas)

Pesawat Tanpa Awak UGM Berdaya Jelajah 200 Kilometer

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Untuk memantau batas wilayah atau situasi dan kondisi lokasi bencana alam dengan biaya murah dan efektif, dibutuhkan teknologi pesawat tanpa awak.

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) turut memamerkan hasil risetnya, berupa pesawat udara tanpa awak mini (Mini UAV) pada Forum Riset Industri Indonesia ke-3 2011, Rabu (30/11/2011) di Jakarta.

Pesawat itu memiliki kemampuan jelajah sampai 200 kilometer, dengan lama jelajah sampai 2,5 jam.

Pesawat Mini UAV ini hasil rekayasa dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik UGM, Sutrisno, dan Dosen Teknik Mesin pada Sekolah Vokasi (D-III) Teknik UGM, Setyawan Bekti Wibowo.
"Kita sudah punya banyak produk riset. Masalahnya sekarang adalah industrialisasinya untuk menjadikan sebagai produk massal masih terjadi kendala," kata Rektor UGM, Sudjarwadi, dalam konferensi pers.

Pesawat Mini UAV dirancang dengan panjang bentang sayap 3,25 meter, dan bobot pesawat tanpa beban mencapai 7,5 kilogram.

Penambahan beban seperti kamera dan sensor lainnya, masih memungkinkan maksimal dua kilogram. Kecepatan Mini UAV mencapai 120 kilometer per jam. Pesawat ini berbahan bakar bensin, dengan kapasitas mesin 55 sentimeter kubik.

Australia to Study Mid-Life Upgrades for Hawk Aircraft

30 November 2011

RAAF BAE Hawk 127 trainer aircraft (photo : Airliners)

Australia has approved the first phase of its lead-in fighter capability assurance programme AIR 5438, establishing a study into potential mid-life upgrades for the Royal Australian Air Force BAE Hawk 127 trainer aircraft.

"The Government has provided first pass approval for Phase 1A of the Lead-In Fighter Capability Assurance Program," said minister for defence materiel Jason Clare.

"The Government has approved the funding of A$43 million ($42.7 million) for Defence to develop options and conduct risk mitigation activities prior to Government approval at second pass, which is presently scheduled for 2013-14," Clare added.

The total cost of AIR 5438 is estimated at A$100-300 million. Government approval may be given in 2013-14.

According to the AIR 5438 project overview, the programme will provide a mid-life upgrade to the Hawk to meet the training needs that are associated with the current aircraft, such as the Boeing F/A-18 A/B Hornet and F/A-18 F Super Hornet, and the future Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.

"The project will investigate sustainability modifications required to address obsolescence, maintainability and reliability issues, and examine a range of capability enhancement options," the overview showed.

"The precise nature and composition of the ensuing acquisition phase will be determined by the capability definition study to be conducted," it added.

29 November 2011

Pesawat F-16 Hibah dari AS akan Tiba di Indonesia 2014

29 November 2011

Dengan tambahan 24 pesawat F16, Indonesia akan memiliki tiga skuadron F-16 yang akan di deploy ke seluruh nusantara. (photo : Aus DoD)

Juru Bicara Kementerian Pertahanan Brigjen Hartind Asrin kepada VOA di Jakarta, Senin mengatakan dua lusin pesawat F16 pemberian Amerika Serikat yang telah diperbaharui akan tiba di Indonesia mulai 2014.

Hartind mengatakan pesawat F16 model block 25 ini akan diperbaharui (diremajakan) menjadi block 52, dengan teknologi terbaru dan akan tiba di Indonesia dalam posisi siap pakai.
Dengan tibanya 24 pesawat F16 kata Hartind, Indonesia akan memiliki tiga skuadron yang akan cukup kuat untuk menjaga teritorial udara.

Menurutnya Indonesia saat ini masih kekurangan pesawat tempur untuk menjaga kedaulatan terutama di udara.

Ia mengatakan, "Untuk Patroli diudara menjaga kedaulatan NKRI di udara gitu. Jadi akan patroli di daerah-daerah, tentunya di kita kan punya koops-koops (koops 1 sampai IV) yah, jadi dari Jakarta sampai ke Papua sana. Nanti deployment-nya sesuai dengan koops-koops yang ada tergelar itu.

Dengan adanya itu kira-kira kita sudah mencapai ke minimum esensial forcedari kekuatan angkatan udara Indonesia."

Lebih lanjut Hartind menjelaskan peremajaan 24 pesawat F16 milik Amerika itu akan dibiayai oleh Indonesia. Saat ini, kata Hartind, pihaknya masih terus merundingkan harga dengan pihak Amerika Serikat agar biaya peremajaan pesawat F16 tersebut bisa di bawah 760 juta dolar AS.

Proses peremajaan F16 ini, kata Hartind, diperkirakan makan waktu selama tiga tahun. Hartind juga membantah jika pesawat hibah dari Amerika itu adalah barang rongsokan.

Menurutnya, pesawat yang akan dimodernisasi di perusahaan penerbangan Lockheed Martin itu memiliki ketahanan sekitar 20 tahun dengan 4.000 jam terbang.

Ia mengatakan rata-rata penerbang menghabiskan sekitar 150 jam terbang per tahun.

Juru Bicara Kementerian Pertahanan itu menambahkan penerimaan hibah pesawat ini dinilai lebih efektif dan efisien jika dibandingkan dengan membeli pesawat baru.

"Kalau beli baru, kita cuma dapat 6 (pesawat) dengan uang segitu, tetapi kalau kita up grade yang ada sekarang kita dapat 24," ujar Hartind.

Kesepakatan transfer pesawat tempur ini diumumkan oleh Presiden Amerika Barack Obama dan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Bali beberapa waktu lalu.

Sementara itu, pengamat pertahanan dari Universitas Indonesia Andi Widjajanto menilai hibah pesawat F16 dari Amerika Serikat itu lebih tepat dibanding pemerintah membeli pesawat tempur baru.

Andi Widjajanto mengatakan, "Karena kalau membeli pesawat baru, berarti kita akan hanya datang Sukhoi 27/30. Berarti nanti seluruh skuadron pesawat tempur baru kita itu Sukhoi. Dan kita akan mengulangi masalah ketergantungan ke (hanya) satu produsen, yang berusaha kita hindari.

Karena berusaha melakukan diversifikasi ini kalau kita merencanakan akan punya 4 skuadron sampai 2014 maka skuadron lainnya tidak bisa Sukhoi harus mencari pesawat tipe lain dan dari pabrikan lain. (Ini) sangat signifikan, terutama untuk memproleh penguasaan dan pengendalian di udara."

Namun Andi Widjajanto juga menambahkan, bahwa pemerintah Indonesia harus transparan terkait hibah pesawat dari Amerika itu.


Eksesais Tingkatkan Kekuatan TDM, TDDB

29 November 2011

Latihan penembakan dengan mortir (photo : Mertak)

KOTA BELUD - Seramai 397 pegawai dan anggota Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) bersama 140 anggota pasukan Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (TDDB) menyertai Eksesais Mertak Bersatu Siri 9 di Lapang Sasar Kota Belud selama sembilan hari yang akan berakhir esok.

Panglima TDM, Jeneral Datuk Zulkifli Zainal Abidin berkata, eksesais yang diadakan setiap dua tahun sekali itu memberi impak positif kepada kekuatan dan kerjasama ketenteraan antara kedua-dua negara.

"Tujuan eksesais ini adalah melatih dan memahirkan anggota tentera kedua-dua negara dalam perancangan dan pelaksanaan tembakan bersama.

"Latihan seperti ini juga dapat mengeratkan silaturahim antara tentera dengan tentera, pegawai dengan pegawai demi manfaat bersama," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis penutup eksesais tersebut hari ini.

Turut hadir, Panglima TDDB, Brigedier Jeneral Datuk Seri Pahlawan Yussof Abd. Rahman; Panglima Divisyen Pertama Infantri Malaysia, Mejar Jeneral Datuk Mohd. Zaki Mokhtar dan Panglima 5 Briged, Datuk Abdul Halim Jalal.

Sebanyak 138 anggota TDBB terlibat didalam Eksesais Mertak Bersatu dimana 106 anggota adalah anggota Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei dan 32 anggota daripada Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei. (photo : Mindef)

Menurutnya, eksesais itu melibatkan latihan menembak mortar yang disertai platun mortar dari Batalion Infantri 1 Divisyen dan platun mortar dari Batalion TDDB.

"Eksesais ini berkonsepkan latihan medan dengan platun mortar kedua-dua tentera darat digabungkan untuk melaksanakan misi tembakan bantuan berdasarkan rancangan bantuan tembakan semasa operasi ofensif dan defensif dalam senario peperangan konvensional," katanya.

Sementara itu, Zulkifli berkata, pihaknya akan terus meningkatkan pengisian program tersebut bagi memberi nilai terbaik kepada setiap peserta pada masa akan datang.

Yussof dalam pada itu berkata, eksesais berkenaan amat bererti kerana memberi peluang dan ruang kerjasama yang lebih erat antara kedua-dua buah negara dalam pelbagai aspek.

"Bagi pihak kerajaan Brunei, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kerajaan Malaysia khususnya TDM yang memberi peluang kepada TTDB membina semangat perjuangan antara kedua-dua angkatan tentera," katanya.


Three More Projects Approved

29 November 2011

Battlespace Communication System concept (all images : AustralianSpace)

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that the Government has given approval for three major Defence capability projects.

This brings to 35 the number of first pass, second pass and other approvals for major projects in 2011, worth a total of around $6 billion.

The three projects are:

Combined pass approval for improved Battlespace Communications Systems, including purchase of around 11,000 new digital radios for ground forces (Project JOINT 2072 Phase 2A);

First pass approval for the lead-in fighter capability assurance program which will provide enhanced training systems to provide Air Force pilots with the capabilities they need to allow training for current and future combat aircraft (Project AIR 5438 Phase 1A); and

First pass approval for a new fixed-site Air Traffic Management and Control System which will replace existing radars and command and control systems which are reaching their life of type (Project AIR 5431 Phases 2 and 3).

These combined approvals are estimated to involve expenditure of around $500 million and when complete the projects are likely to represent a commitment to Australia’s national security by Government of up to $1.2 billion.

Battlespace Communications

The Government has provided combined first and second pass approval for Phase 2A of the Battlespace Communications System (Land) project and approved funding of around $450 million.

JOINT Project 2072 is a multi-phased project to provide an enhanced digital communications capability for the Australian Defence Force, primarily for the Army.

Phase 2A will deliver around 11,000 digital combat net radios that will replace existing analogue equipment and builds on approvals that Government provided for Phase 1 of the project in 2009.

The Phase 1 contractor, Harris Corporation, will be engaged for the provision of Phase 2A radios.


The Government has provided first pass approval for Phase 1A of the Lead-In Fighter Capability Assurance Program (Project AIR 5438).

This project will upgrade Air Force’s capability to produce aircrew with the necessary skills to operate current RAAF combat aircraft, like the F/A-18 Classic and Super Hornet fleets as well as the future combat aircraft, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

The Government has approved funding of $43 million for Defence to develop options and conduct risk mitigation activities prior to Government approval at second pass, presently scheduled for 2013-14.

The total cost of Project AIR 5438 is identified in the Public Defence Capability Plan as being between $100 and $300 million.

Air Traffic Management and Control System

The Government has provided first pass approval for Phases 2 and 3 of the Air Traffic Management and Control Systems project.

This project will deliver replacement surveillance radars, and tower and approach automation systems for the current systems which are approaching the end of their life of type.

A key feature of the project will be to enhance interoperability between military and civil air traffic management systems, as announced in the 2009 ‘National Aviation Policy White Paper – Flight Path to the Future’.

The Government has approved funding of $6.9 million for capability development activities, prior to second pass, which is scheduled for 2013-2014. The total cost of Project AIR 5431 Phase 2/3 is identified in the Public Defence Capability Plan as being between $300 to $500 million.

Ukraina Tawarkan Tank Tempur ke TNI

29 November 2011

MBT Bulat adalah versi upgrade dari T-64B MBT, mempunyai berat 45 ton, dengan kanon smoothbore 125mm (photo : Morozov)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Perusahaan militer Ukraina, Ukrspecexport, menawarkan penjualan `main battle tank` kepada pemerintah Indonesia. Penawaran ini menyusul rencana pemerintah membeli tank-tank tempur utama ini dari Eropa.

Kepala Divisi Penjualan Asia Tenggara Ukrspecexport, Iurii Volovych, menyebutkan jika disetujui mereka siap melakukan transfer teknologi dengan pemerintah Indonesia. "Kami siap bekerjasama dengan BUMN manapun yang ditunjuk pemerintah," ujarnya saat ditemui Tempo di Hotel Aryaduta, Senin, 28 November 2011.

Tank Bulat yang ditawarkan ini merupakan Tank buatan Ukraina yang selama ini memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri. Sedang untuk penjualan luar negeri Tank ini baru ditawarkan pada pemerintah Indonesia. "Kami melihat tank ini sangat cocok untuk kawasan Indonesia yang tropis," ujarnya.

Tank Bulat pertama kali diproduksi tahun 2004. Merupakan pengembangan dari main battle tank varian yang sama. Tank ini memiliki berat 45 ton dengan sistem senjata yang terintegrasi dan dilengkapi " gun-fire control syestem."

Untuk harga, Iurii menyebut untuk tank Bulat yang ditawarkan tidak lebih mahal dibanding Main Battle Tank sejenis. Harga per unit barunya tidak lebih dari US$ 2,5 juta. Sejauh ini, perusahaannya bisa memproduksi banyak tank, tergantung pesanan dari konsumen.

Sedangkan untuk kerjasama dengan Indonesia, perusahaannya siap melakukan kerjasama penjualan dengan sistem alih teknologi. "Penggunaan konten lokal juga dimungkinkan sesuai kemampaun perusahaan pemesan," ujarnya.

Saat ini Kementerian Pertahanan masih merampungkan rencana pembelian alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) bekas dari beberapa negara Eropa. Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro menyebutkan rencana pembelian masih dinegosiasikan oleh Angkatan Darat. "Kami sejauh ini belum tahu persis rinciannya karena kan urusannya juga banyak," ujar Purnomo Jumat pekan lalu.

Menurut Purnomo, tim dari AD masih merumuskan harga, jumlah, dan jenis alutsista yang akan dibeli, apakah baru atau bekas pakai. Termasuk menentukan spesifikasi alutsista yang akan dibeli. "Yang baru diputuskan itu membeli main battle tank dan itu tank berat," lanjut Purnomo. Namun, sejauh ini, pemerintah merencanakan pembelian tank Leopard bekas buatn Jerman.

28 November 2011

New Cutting Edge Missile Defence System for ANZAC Ships

28 November 2011

All eight of the Royal Australian Navy’s Anzac Class frigates will be upgraded with an advanced Anti-Ship Missile Defence system, total cost is $650 million, including the funds already spent upgrading HMAS Perth. (all photos : Aus DoD)

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that the Government has approved the upgrade of all eight of the Royal Australian Navy’s Anzac Class frigates with an advanced Anti-Ship Missile Defence system.

The total project cost is in excess of $650 million, including the funds already spent upgrading HMAS Perth.

The ANZAC Class Anti-Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) project has also been removed from the Projects of Concern list.

The 2009 Defence White Paper outlined the Government’s intent to put all of the ANZAC Class ships through an ASMD upgrade program, subject to the successful outcome of at-sea trials on the first ship.

The upgrade of HMAS Perth as the lead ship for the ASMD program was successfully completed earlier this year.

Following exhaustive testing, including in theUnited States, the Chief of Navy agreed to the operational release of the system in July 2011.

Government has now approved the installation of the system on the remaining seven ships of the ANZAC class by 2017.

Minister Smith said this was the latest weapon in Navy’s arsenal and meant the Navy’s ANZAC frigates would be a lot more capable.

At the moment our ANZAC frigates can track and destroy one target at a time.

The new system is able to identify, track and guide missiles to multiple targets at the same time.
Minister Clare said the project was a great Australian success story – cutting edge technology developed right here inAustraliaby CEA Technologies.

The remaining upgrade installation and integration work will be undertaken by the ANZAC Ship Integrated Materiel Support Program Alliance, comprising SAAB Systems, BAE Systems and the Defence Materiel Organisation.

Minister Clare said that the ASMD upgrade program is a good demonstration of how the Projects of Concern process can effectively manage difficult projects and deliver successful national security outcomes for Australia.

(Aus DoD)

Inilah Industri Pertahanan yang Ingin Dikuasai Indonesia

28 November 2011

Tactical Vehicle/Rantis Garda 4x4 (image : AIU)

Jakarta, PelitaOnline - Indonesia rupanya terus menaikkan targetnya dalam mengembangkan industri pertahanan di Indonesia. Hal ini terlihat pada saat pertemuan Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) yang digelar di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Jumat (25/11).

Dalam hasil pertemuan itu, setidaknya terdapat lima kemampuan yang ingin dikuasai Indonesia.

Pertama, industri kendaraan tempur (Ranpur/ armor vehicle) dan kendaraan taktis (Rantis/ tactical vehicle).

"Kedua, industri kapal perang atas air (combat vessel) dan bawah air (submarine) serta kapal-kapal pendukungnya (support vessel)," kata Ketua KKIP yang juga Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

Ketiga, industri pesawat militer angkut ringan dan sedang (light dan medium military air transport, fix wing and rotary wing) serta pesawat tempur (fighter).

Keempat, industri senjata ringan dan berat untuk perorangan dan kelompok/ satuan (pistol, assault riffle, caraben, SMR, SMB, mortir, AGL, RPG) sampai dengan meriam dan munisinya (MKK dan MKB), roket/MLRS, torpedo, serta peluru kendali.

Sedangkan kelima adalah industri peralatan network centric operation system, mulai alat komunikasi radio, sistem kendali/ kontrol, komputasi, dan komando untuk penembakan senjata, radar dan thermal optic untuk pencari/deteksi dan penjajak sasaran walau dengan kemampuan industri yang relatif masih terbatas.

KKIP sendiri dibentuk berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden No. 42 Tahun 2010 dalam rangka memantapkan fondasi industri pertahanan nasional dalam rangka revitalisasi industri pertahanan. Tugas komite ini antara lain merumuskan kebijakan yang terdiri dari penelitian, pengembangan, dan peningkatan sumber daya manusia, mengkoordinasikan kerjasama luar negeri, dan memantau serta mengevaluasi kebijakan industri pertahanan.

EMT to Make Drones in Malaysia

28 November 2011

Aladin mini UAV (photo : Defense Industry Daily)

GERMAN aviation firm EMT plans to manufacture Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones in Malaysia by June next year via a local partner.

EMT has roped in Drei Sohne Technologies (Deutschland) Sdn Bhd (DST) as its sole Asian region sales and marketing representative.

"We are planning to send the first of a 15-member technical team to Germany for training soon," DST managing director Azmi Mustapha said.

"The principal team from EMT will also be coming here later to assist us," Azmi added.
DST was established in Kuala Lumpur on December 20 last year.

It deals in the sales, servicing and marketing of EMT UAV systems for reconnaissance and surveillance purposes such as military operations, border control, search and rescue, disaster management and specialised missions.

Established in 1978, EMT has over 30 years of experience in the UAV systems industry. This ranges from research and development, manufacturing and continuous system improvements using the latest and state-of-the-art German technologies, to real reconnaissance and surveillance missions in the combat fields of Afghanistan, Macedonia, Kosovo and Pakistan in extremely harsh environments.

EMT's growing family of drones covers the range of micro drones, mini drones and larger tactical drones.

DST is identifying a suitable location for the plantwith an initial investment of RM5 million, said Azmi, who has been living and doing business in Germany for 20 years.

He currently jets between Germany and Malaysia, besides visiting other Asian countries as sole distributor of EMT.

Fancopter UAV (photo : EMT)

"I choose Malaysia as I want the country to be the first to be exposed with this technology that is now being used all around the world.

" It gives me satisfaction to put the country on the world map as one of the manufacturers of drones for the global market," he said.

DST plans to manufacture FANCOPTER, a micro aerial reconnaissance and surveillance system, and ALADIN, a mini aerial reconnaissance system, here.

"We have also received the nod from EMT for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of their drones," Azmi said.

He said the drones can be used in a variety of situations. They are not only useful for surveillance and piracy control, but also in the event of natural disasters.

"Imagine that you are facing a natural disaster such as flood or landslide. Instead of sending people over there to check out the situation, you can use drones to obtain all the data needed for further action.

"This will cut the time, cost and, at the same time, ensure the safety of rescue workers," he said.

DST had on April 26 this year done an EMT UAV presentation to the Ministry of Defence. In July, it did a presentation at the Brunei International Defence Exhibition.

Next month, DST will participate in11th edition of the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition that will run from December 6 to December 10.

26 November 2011

New Maritime Security System Debuts at Exercise Northstar

29 November 2011

SOTF troopers storming the hijacked MV Avatar after rappelling from a Super Puma helicopter. (all photos : Mindef)

It looked like any ordinary commercial ship approaching Singapore's shores, but the seemingly innocuous merchant ship was on a sinister mission.

Initially bound for Port Klang, the merchant vessel MV Avatar was hijacked in the South China Sea.
Armed with explosives, the hijackers demanded the release of some detained terrorists. Failing which, they would sail the MV Avatar into Jurong Island and detonate the ship.

This was the scenario participants at Exercise Northstar VIII were faced with on 25 Nov. The exercise, which simulated multiple terrorist attacks at various locations in Singapore, was held from 10 to 25 Nov to test the whole-of-government approach in handling such emergencies.

In response to the hijacking simulation at sea, exercise participants despatched two patrol vessels from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Police Coast Guard (PCG) to flank the MV Avatar while they negotiated with the hijackers.

When negotiations stalled and the MV Avatar proceeded at full speed towards Jurong Island, the Special Operations Task Force (SOTF) moved in. The SOTF troopers approached via two Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) and a Super Puma helicopter, and proceeded to board and storm the ship while the another helicopter provided air cover.

The hijackers were subdued and control of the ship was gained four nautical miles (approximately 7.4 km) away from Jurong Island.

This successful operation was made possible through a well-oiled National Maritime Security System (NMSS). Involving various maritime security agencies, the new framework enables the early detection of maritime threats and provides a timely and coordinated response to these threats.

It comprises a National Maritime Sense-making Centre (NMSC), which collates and analyses maritime information round-the-clock, and a National Maritime Operations Group (NMOG), which carries out operations to neutralise maritime threats.

Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean, who visited the final day of Exercise Northstar, also officially launched the Singapore Maritime Security Centre in Changi Naval Base.

After observing how the NMSS was tested through the simulated hijacking incident, he commented on the importance of the NMSS: "There's so much traffic in the maritime domain going on around us; we're one of the busiest ports in the world, so to be able to detect, sense-make and understand the threats developing and to pre-empt them before they occur is a very important first step.

"The second step is to be able to respond and interdict any such threats, and the final step... is to mitigate these threats if they do develop," he added.

Besides the sea simulation, Exercise Northstar also featured a chlorine leak simulation followed by blasts caused by vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Jurong Island on the same day. This simulation saw the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) containing the crisis, evacuating and treating casualties together with personnel from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Ministry of Health.

Speaking to local media after observing the successful completion of the exercise, Mr Teo said: "This year's Exercise Northstar has tested our resilience in both the maritime and land domains... Exercises such as this are useful as they help all participating parties to be better prepared for any eventuality that may arise."

He also cautioned against complacency, saying: "We can never be too ready, so we always have to keep on practising. We must understand that the threats are unpredictable, so we cannot just be training for a specific threat, but we must have the flexibility to respond as the threats evolve."

This year's Exercise Northstar - the eighth in the series since it was started in 1997 - involved about 700 personnel from 18 agencies, including the SAF, SCDF, Singapore Police Force, the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore and the Singapore Customs.

Besides Mr Teo, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Defence and National Development Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman and senior officials from various ministries were also present to witness the exercise.


Handover of the Ocean Surveillance Ship

26 November 2011

Ocean surveillance ship named HSV-6613 Giáo Su Vien sĩ Tran Đai Nghĩa (all photos : QDND, ttvnol)

QĐND Online - in Danang, Song Thu Co. Ltd. (a member of the General Department of Defense Industry) held a ceremony to hand over the sea vessel surveillance called HSV-6613 Giáo Su Vien sĩ Tran Đai Nghĩa, Admiral Pham Ngoc Minh, Deputy Commander, Chief of Navy has attended.

HSV Tau - 6613 designed by the Damen Group (Netherlands) and constructed in the Song Thu Company contributions to overcoming the lack of equipment for research, survey, surveying the sea, all set chart warning waters of Vietnam, creating favorable conditions for exploration, exploitation, controlling and protection of marine resources.

This type of steel hull ships, unrestricted activity level, consistent with hydrographic features survey and marine survey measurements, meet standards and regulations for decentralization of shipbuilding steel shell of TCVN 6259/2003 Vietnam Register, Lloyd Register, as well as conventions and other regulations related to the survey ship, surveying the sea. The vessel line shape and drive systems for adaptive purposes, can be easily rotated even in narrow waters, storm strength on level 12.

The ship is powered by four diesel combination generators, two Azimuth propeller, a propeller nose with the equipment information, navigation, weapons and other modern devices. The scope of operation of the ship is 5000 nautical miles at an average speed of 10 knots.

The ship’s design meets capability allows continuous operation at sea for 60 days and nights. The basic specifications of the ship as follows: Length overall: 66.3 m, maximum width: 13.2 m, depth: 6.5 m, draft at full load 4m, full displacement : 1550 tonnes.

Ship HSV-6613 was officially started in July - 2008, ship was launched in October - 2010. Until this time used for training and sea-trials conducted by military service.

25 November 2011

Kemhan Uji Coba 22 Unit Roket R-Han 122

25 November 2011

Roket R-HAn 122 terus dilakukan uji coba sebelum diproduksi massal (all photos : DMC)

Baturaja, DMC - Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia melalui Direktorat Teknik Industri Pertahanan Direktorat Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan (Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan) bersama Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) kembali melakukan uji coba Roket R-Han 122. Uji coba dilakukan di Pusat Latihan Tempur TNI AD, Baturaja, Sumatera Selatan., Jum’at (25/11).

Selain bersama LAPAN, dalam uji coba tersebut Kemhan juga melibatkan pihak – pihak terkait dari industri pertahanan dalam negeri antara lain PT. Pindad, PT. DI dan PT. Dahana. Selain itu, Kemhan juga mengundangan TNI AL sebagai calon pengguna Roket R-Han 122.

Uji coba kali ini merupakan hasil dari evalusi uji coba yang dilakukan sebelumnya pada bulan November 2010 di tempat yang sama. Melalui uji coba dan evaluasi secara terus menerus diharapkan Program Roket Nasional dengan nama R-Han 122 tersebut nantinya dapat mencapai hasil yang maksimal dan siap diproduksi sesuai keinginan pengguna dalam hal ini TNI.

Dalam Uji coba kali ini, diluncurkan Roket R-Han 122 sebanyak 22 unit yang terdiri dari tiga unit warhead smoke (asap) dan 19 unit wearhead live (tajam). Dari 22 unit tersebut, satu unit roket warhead smoke (asap) telah diluncurkan Kamis Sore (24/11), sedangkan 21 unit seluruhnya diuji coba pada Jum’at (25/11). Peluncuran berjalan lanjar dan sukses meskii dalam cuaca hujan.

Dari 21 unit Roket R-Han 122 yang diluncurkan hari ini terdiri dari satu dua roket warhead smoke (asap) dan 19 unit roket warhead live (tajam). Peluncuran roket dibagi dalam tempat tahap dilaksanakan secara salvo menggunakan mobil launcher. Tahap satu tiga unit, kedua enam unit, ketiga enam unit dan keempat enam unit.

Roket R-Han 122 yang memiliki jarak jangkau 14 kilometer tersebut merupakan hasil kerjasama yang sinergi antara Kementerian Pertahanan dengan Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi, LAPAN, PT. Pindad, dan pihak terkait lainnya. Pengembangan roket R-Han 122 dalam rangka mengurangi ketergantungan pengadaan dari luar negeri dengan memberdayakan potensi dan kemampuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri.

Hadir menyaksikan dan menijau secara langsung uji coba Roket R-Han 122 antara lain Staf Ahli Menhan Bidang Keamanan Kemhan Mayjen TNI Zaenal Fahri Tamzis dan sejumlah pejabat di lingkungan Kemhan, Mabes TNI AL dan industri pertahanan dalam negeri. (BDI/SR)


Dirgantara Indonesia Sumbang 15 Persen Produksi Pesawat KFX

25 November 2011

Konsep yang diajukan Boeing untuk KFX (image : Boeing)

JAKARTA--MICOM: Dalam joint production Indonesia-Korea untuk Korean Fighter Xperiment / Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KF-X / IF-X) Indonesia hanya akan menyumbang 15% bila tidak mengembangkan kemampuan hidrolik dan komponen lainnya.

"Indonesia hanya akan menyumbang bagian airframe," ujar Dita Ardonni Jafri, Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Selasa (1/11).

Senyatanya PT DI membutuhkan banyak proyek membuat pesawat terbang untuk menjaga keberlangsungan perusahaan dan regenerasi.

"Kalau dalam jangka waktu dua tahun mendatang tak ada proyek pembuatan pesawat, PT DI akan kehilangan kemampuan dalam membuat rancang bangun pesawat," Imbuhnya.

Dalam proyek ini, PT DI menjadi bagian terbesar dalam tim perancang yang dikirim Kementerian Pertahanan ke Korea Selatan pada 17 Juli lalu.

Proyek KFX menelan biaya sebesar US$8 miliar. Indonesia harus berkontribusi sebesar 20 persen dari total proyek atau sebesar US$1,6 miliar.

Keuntungannya, Indonesia mendapatkan sebanyak 50 pesawat KFX dari total 250 unit. (*/OL-5)

(Media Indonesia)

Lockheed Martin UK Offers Vigilance AEW System to Malaysia

25 November 2011

The pod-housed system has already undergone a trial fit on an AW101 Merlin helicopter (photo : Lockheed Martin)

Malaysia's long-held requirement to field an airborne early warning (AEW) capability will see Lockheed Martin UK Integrated Systems formally launch a product in the country in December.
Dubbed "Vigilance", the system combines mission equipment developed for the UK Royal Navy's AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin HM2 multi-role helicopter upgrade with active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar technology provided by Northrop Grumman.

The latter draws on the company's APG-80 radar developed for the Lockheed F-16 Block 60 fighter and the APG-81 scaleable agile beam radar, being offered as an upgrade option for earlier versions of the type.

"We bring the same performance as a fighter radar, although it will be an APY- [AEW sensor] in function" said George Riley, Northrop's manager for surveillance systems business development.
Vigilance sensors will be mounted in self-contained pods and be capable of supporting tasks such as AEW, fighter control, and maritime and border surveillance, said Neil Morphett, system solutions engineering group manager for Lockheed Martin UK.

LM Vigilance PodLM Vigilance Pod on AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin HM2 multi-role helicopter (photo : Lockheed Martin)

"We are aiming to be as minimally disruptive to the aircraft as possible. We just need power on the aircraft and a hard point for mounting the sensor," he added.

Each pod will contain its own cooling system and other equipment, while a system interface panel will allow for the rapid integration of additional sensors, such as an electro-optical/infrared camera. Pod installation should take less than 4h, Morphett said.

Carrying one pod mounted on either side of its fuselage, a medium utility helicopter such as the Mil Mi-17 would be able to provide 360° radar coverage, with each AESA sensor's field of regard being expanded by the use of using a mechanical positioner.

The Vigilance Pod contains a Northrop Grumman AN/APG 81 active electronically scanned array (AESA), missions can include airborne early warning and control, anti-surface warfare, battlefield surveillance and search-and-rescue. (photo : Northrop Grumman)

Other potential host platforms could include the Airbus Military CN-235 and Lockheed C-130 transports, with these to be equipped with roll-on, roll-off mission stations for up to four operators. Rotorcraft are likely to be equipped with one operator station, and the ability to downlink data to analysts or commanders on the ground.

One radar has recently undergone vibration testing at Northrop's Baltimore site in Maryland, with this to undergo three months of industry-funded flight trials in the UK from the first quarter of 2012, using a prototype pod installed on a "medium-size" helicopter.

The first production-standard system is now in manufacture, and customer deliveries could commence within two years, said Younus Mustafa, Lockheed's capture manager for the Vigilance product. The company will launch the Vigilance product at a Tangent Link conference in Malaysia in late November, before promoting the system at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition.


24 November 2011

Military to Prepare Personnel for Urban Warfare

24 November 2011

On the move: An armoured personnel carrier at the exercise zone at Felda Lok Heng in Kota Tinggi yesterday. (photo : The Star)

KOTA TINGGI: The army will conduct military exercise in towns to prepare its personnel for urban warfare, says its chief Jeneral Datuk Zulkifli Zainal Abidin.

He said the exercise was needed as the landscape and terrain of war was constantly changing and the army must be prepared to face such challenges.

“We hope we will be able to perform a military exercise in smaller urban areas next year,” he said after officiating at the closing ceremony of an exercise here yesterday.

He also gave the thumbs up to the Pendekar battle tanks, which were used for the first time in the three-week exercise after they were handed over in September.

“The tanks did not have any problems during the period and were in tiptop condition throughout the exercise. They have proven to be a success and are a great addition to the army's assets,” Jen Zulkifli said.

He added that more than 5,000 personnel from the army, Royal Malaysian Air Force and Royal Malaysian Navy were involved in the first joint coordinated exercise.

India Unveiled Details of the Fighter Based on the PAK FA

24 November 2011

Artist's impression about PAK-FA in Indian colour scheme (image : Livefist/Parijat Gaur)

Indian aircraft maker Hindustan Aeronautics published a few promising fighter specifications FGFA (Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft), created in cooperation with Russia on the basis of combat aircraft T-50 (PAK FA). According to the description, the Indian version of the aircraft will be network-centric and will act in a group with other FGFA even in areas with "poor communication".

FGFA length was 22.6 meters, height - 5.9 meters, and maximum takeoff weight - 34 tons. The aircraft will be able to fly to a distance of 3.88 kilometers and a speed of two Mach numbers (2.3 thousand kilometers per hour). Will be installed on FGFA engines with thrust vector control management and a maximum deviation of the nozzles 15 degrees.

Each of the two engines of the fighter will be able to develop a thrust of 1,400 kilograms-force (13.7 kilonewton). Probably, this parameter contains an error. For comparison, the turbojet engine AL-41F1S (installed on the Su-35s) is capable of a thrust of 8.8 thousand kilograms-force, and 15 000 pounds-force in regime afterburner.

At the end of September 2011 it became known that the command of the Indian Air Force has selected engines for future fighter aircraft, but did not specify what kind. Reported only that the power plants will be stronger for FGFA AL-41F1 ("Item 117"), intended for prospective fighter T-50.

FGFA will be able to fly at supersonic speed in cruise mode, and maneuver at supersonic speed. In the inner compartment of the fighter can be placed in a mass of weapons to 2.25 tons, and on external pylons - weighing up to 5.75 tonnes. Indian fighter jet fuselage will be made with the use of stealth technology. It should be noted that the development of FGFA in the design stage, so many options listed HAL, can change in one direction or another.Specifications PAK FA until classified.

The contract for the joint development of FGFA was signed by Russia and India in late 2010. Indian version of the aircraft will be established on the basis of the PAK FA, but it will be different from the last version with a single and a double cockpit, engines and airborne equipment. Earlier it was reported that the first flight is scheduled for FGFA 2015. Indian Air Force is going to adopt a 250 fighter FGFA.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA)

The proposed FGFA will have air combat superiority, high tactical capability, group action capability in the regions even with poor communication support. The aircraft will have advanced features like

 Increased Stealth - Low radar cross-section (RCS), Internal deployment of weaponry
 Supersonic cruise and supersonic maneuvering capability
 Data link and network centric warfare capability.

Technical Parameters
-Length : 22.6 m
-Height : 5.9 m
-MTOW : 34 Ton
-Range : 3880 km
-Speed : 2 Mach
-Max Weapon Load : 2.25 Ton (Int.) & 5.75 Ton (Ext)
-Thrust Vectoring : With Jet Nozzle (±15 º)
-Engine Thrust : 2X1400 kgf

FGFA will be co-developed with Russians. Sukhoi Design Bureau (SDB) has been selected as the Russian agency for this development project.

New A109 Helicopter Training Simulator for Air Force

24 November 2011

A109 helicopter training simulator (photo : Scoop/NZDF)

A new flight simulator complex was commissioned at Ohakea today by the Chief of Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal Peter Stockwell.

“The A109 simulator and accompanying Virtual Interactive Procedure Trainer are critical components of the newly introduced integrated training system for future New Zealand Defence Force helicopter aircrew,” said Air Vice-Marshal Stockwell.

As a part of that training system the simulator will provide the Royal New Zealand Air Force with a cost effective means of training A109 aircrew and those destined to fly the NH90 and SH2G helicopters. The simulator provides significant financial savings as the operating cost of the simulator is approximately 10% of the A109 helicopter operating cost.

“The simulator cost EUR9.3M and it has an expected service life of at least 30 years. It will provide approximately 1400 hours of training per year but it has the capacity to provide in excess of twice this, if required. At the planned rate, the simulator will effectively pay for itself in less than five years,” said Air Vice-Marshal Stockwell.

One of the primary functions of the recently introduced A109LUH helicopters was as a training platform for NZDF NH90 and SH2G aircrew. AgustaWestland, suppliers of the A109 helicopters, also provided the Virtual Interactive Procedure Trainer and the Flight Simulator.

“The simulator is an excellent training platform as it allows high risk exercises (such as engine and other equipment failures) to be conducted safely rather than in the helicopter. It also allows flying training in bad weather and poor visibility conditions as we can simulate the external environment to suit our training requirements.”

“Both world class training devices will be housed at Ohakea and used for training NZDF helicopter pilots and crewmen. Approximately 50% of all A109 helicopter training will be conducted in the simulator, making significant training efficiencies and cost savings,” said Air Vice-Marshal Stockwell.

Virtual Interactive Procedures Trainer (VIPT)

This is a PC-based system that replicates the A109LUH cockpit using touch screens and allows training in the use of individual systems (e.g. autopilot) and of integrated systems (e.g. how the autopilot affects navigation and flight displays). The VIPT is capable of simulating all aspects of instrument flight using the aircraft’s automatic flight control system.

Flight Simulator

This is a full reproduction of the A109LUH cockpit within a cabin containing a semi-spherical screen and a visual system comprising seven projectors. The visual system displays an external view of the synthetic world on to a 220o x 60o screen. The simulator includes a six axis electro-pneumatic motion system, a seat vibration system and a sound system that models aircraft and environmental sounds. The simulator is capable of simulating flight by day and night, and is Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible. The control station allows the instructor to set and change weather and sea conditions, change the time of day, reposition the aircraft instantly, insert fixed or moving models (e.g. aircraft, vehicles, ships), and inject a wide range of malfunctions and emergencies.

23 November 2011

Vietnam Navy Commences Series 400 Twin Otter Training

23 November 2011

Vietnam Navy has purchased 6 new Guardian Twin Otters (photo : Viking Air)

Victoria, British Columbia - Flight training has now begun for the first contingent of Vietnam Navy pilot delegates as part of the Force's multiple aircraft purchase of Guardian 400 Twin Otters announced in May 2010. The delegates have traveled from Vietnam to Canada to spend 17 months undergoing English language, flight and technical training as part of the purchase contract.

A customized English as a Second Language ("ESL") training course will be conducted in partnership with Camosun College in Victoria, BC. The Aviation Language Familiarization Course will be taught by experienced instructors from the Language Department, and will serve to provide the pilot trainees with a strong base of English language skills as a prerequisite to the flight and technical training included in the Viking/Vietnam agreement.

Once the ESL course is complete, the delegates will undergo the flight and technical portion of the training at Viking's sister organization, Pacific Sky Aviation, located at the Victoria International Airport. Pacific Sky is responsible for delivering all technical and flight training components, including ab-initio, multi-engine and float ratings on various piston and turbine aircraft, before transitioning over to the new Series 400 Twin Otters on wheels and amphibious floats.

Michael Coughlin, Pacific Sky's CEO, stated "as a long time provider of training services, Pacific Sky is excited to work with Viking and Camosun College in providing such an integrated training program for the Navy, and proud to be a part of the worldwide training program for the Series 400 Twin Otter.

Guardian 400 Twin Otters amphibian aircraft (photo : FlightGlobal)

"The Vietnam multi-aircraft purchase announced in May last year will see the delivery of six new Guardian 400 Twin Otters between 2012 and 2014 to be utilized for transport, resupply, maritime surveillance and search and rescue operations throughout Vietnam's coastal regions. The Twin Otters are the first Western-based manufactured aircraft purchased by Vietnam's Ministry of Defense, and will be the first ever fixed wing aircraft, Navy Air Wing initiated by the Vietnamese Navy. Rob Mauracher, Vikings vice president Business Development commented, "we are extremely pleased to be in partnership with the Navy for the training of their flight operations and technical personnel.

Pacific Sky and Viking recognize that this is a corner stone of our product support program for a smooth entry into service of the Guardian 400 and we foresee additional students joining our training programs in the future.

"Viking launched the new DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 400 production program in 2007, is currentlydelivering one aircraft per month, and has a production backlog through 2014. Viking provides OEM support for the worldwide fleet of de Havilland heritage line of aircraft (DHC-1 through DHC-7), and is part of Westerkirk Capital Inc., a Canadian private investment firm with substantial holdings in the hospitality, aviation and real estate sectors.

TNI AU Targetkan Pasang 32 Radar

23 November 2011

Konsep penggelaran radar yang mengcover seluruh nusantara (image : Tandef)

Solo (ANTARA News) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat mengatakan TNI AU menargetkan program pemasangan instalasi radar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, hingga 2024 sebanyak 32 unit.

Radar yang berfungsi untuk pengawasan wilayah udara itu, kita sudah mulai `instal` empat unit di Indonesia Timur, dan diharapkan bulan Februari 2012 dapat dioperasikan," kata Kasau usai melantik 97 perwira Setukpa di Pangkalan Udara Adi Soemarmo, Solo, Jateng, Rabu.

Menurut dia, jenis radar buatan Prancis dan Inggris, sehingga membutuhkan anggaran cukup besar. Radar itu, cukup canggih karena juga dapat untuk mengarahkan pesawat terbang menuju sasaran.

Kasau menjelaskan, empat radar tersebut ditempatkan di Indonesia bagian timur seperti di Kupang, Saumlaki, Merauke, dan Biak.

Namun, radar di Timika alatnya sudah datang dan kini sedang diinstal, sehingga untuk wilayah Indonesia Timur bisa diawasi setiap saat.

"Kita terakhir pemasangan radar di Timika, dan ke depan kita programkan empat radar akan dipasang Jayapura, Singkawang Pontianak, Poso, Tabulang," paparnya.

Menurut Kasau, program untuk pemasangan alar tersebut bagi TNI AU hingga 2024 sebanyak 32 unit radar diharapkan dapat terpasang.

"Kami kini baru memiliki 18 unit radar yang tersebar di wilayah Indonesia," ujar Kasau.

Program radar target sebanyak 32 unit tersebut minimal, karena Negara Indonesia sangat luas dan jika ingin diawasi seluruhnya diperlukan alat lebih banyak.

Sehingga, kata Kasau, setiap benda masuk di ruang angkasa wilayah Indonesia bisa terdeteksi, tetapi dengan diperlukan banyak radar memerlukan anggaran sangat besar.

Program pemerintah untuk TNI AU karena anggaran terbatas, sehingga pemasangan dilakukan minimal. "Bila da pesawat asing yang masuk di wilayah Indonesia dapat dimonitor, kalau perlu kita ditegur dan ambil tindakan," ujarnya.

"Hal itu, untuk menjaga kedaulatan dan kehormatan Bangsa kita. Kalau mereka masuk niatnya baik tidak masalah. Namun, jika niatnya jahat kita kecolongan dan harga diri bangsa tercoreng," katanya.

Kasau mencontohkan beberapa pesawat komersil dari negara lain yang masuk wilayah kita tanpa izin bisa dimonitor dan diperingatkan. Hal itu sesuai aturan tidak diperbolehkan dan mereka juga bisa memahaminya.

South Korea Invited to Help in Military Buildup

23 November 2011

Philippines was interested in military-grade helicopters, boats and aircraft from South Korea (photo : Defence Talk)

PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino III on Monday sought South Korea’s help in buying helicopters, boats, aircraft and other equipment for the Armed Forces.

Mr. Aquino said the Philippines was interested in buying new military equipment during his meeting with visiting South Korean President Lee Myung-bak at the Palace.

“This is in consonance with the upgrading and modernization of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,” the President said.

He said he and Lee also “updated each other on the developments in the Korean Peninsula and the West Philippine Sea [South China Sea].”

The President had earlier ordered P10 billion released for the Armed Forces’ modernization program.

The Army’s shopping list includes 14 armored personnel carrier, 272 20-man pack radios, and 3,480 force protection equipment worth P1.4 billion.

The Navy wants to buy a strategic sea-lift vessel costing P2 billion. The Air Force wants to acquire a special-mission aircraft and two light lift aircraft worth P1.6 billion.

The P10 billion will also be used to buy vehicles for civil military operations, health services and disaster response.

The Army is also buying 32 five-ton dump trucks and 55 special-purpose vehicles. The Air Force will purchase two search-and-rescue vehicles, 30 special purpose vehicles, and 15 amphibian vehicles.

The military is also buying 1,376 hand-held radios, 150 60-mm mortars, 78 units of audio-video equipment, 160 portable radio receivers, 100 sniper rifle systems, and 2,000 standard weapons systems.

The Navy is preparing for the turnover from contractors of the first Philippine-made landing craft, according to Navy spokesman Lt. Col. Omar Tonsay.

The Navy has yet to name the 51.43-meter ship, which is configured to transport combat personnel, tanks, vehicles, artillery and equipment in support of amphibious operations.

Mr. Aquino and Lee witnessed the signing of economic cooperation agreements that will give the Philippines wider access to aid and low-interest loans of up to $500 million.

The other agreements involve two joint projects to build a coal-fired power plant in Subic and a $300-million multi-purpose dam in Iloilo.

Lee invited Mr. Aquino to visit South Korea in March next year for the Nuclear Security Summit.

See Also :

DND to prepare list of equipment to be acquired from Korea
23 November 2011

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of National Defense (DND) will prepare a list of equipment that the government would acquire from South Korea after President Aquino sought its assistance in improving the military’s capability.

“This is for the DND so it will be the DND who will specify and make specifications of what exactly is needed as far as the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) is concerned,” DND spokesman Zosimo Paredes told reporters yesterday.

Paredes said the drawing up of the list would be done in coordination with the military’s major services.

“We are still awaiting specific instructions from President vis-a-vis the agreement that will be signed,” he said.

Paredes said Aquino’s request for South Korea to help the AFP is significant given the need to boost the military’s capability.

“We welcome other friendly nations to help in this regard. We will not react negatively in terms of defense assistance from friendly countries,” he said.

The military said South Korea has been a “valuable partner” in its upgrade efforts.

“The AFP welcomes President Aquino’s plans to purchase military hardware and defense articles from South Korea,” AFP spokesman Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. told The STAR.

“For many years now, South Korea has been a valuable partner of the AFP as we continuously upgrade our capability to address the nation’s security concerns and challenges,” he said.

Burgos said among the military equipment acquired from South Korea were the one-ton and two-ton truck troop carriers and squad automatic weapons.

“The K3 squad automatic weapons from South Korea provide superior firepower for our ground troops in the infantry and are now being used in our internal security operations,” he said.

Burgos said the KM 450 one-ton trucks provide “fast and efficient” troop lift capability to their field units.

“Aside from the one-ton and two-ton truck troop carriers and the squad automatic weapons from South Korea, we also purchased ballistic helmets and Kevlar vests for our troops’ force protection,” he said.

The President requested the assistance of Korean President Lee Myung-Bak in upgrading the AFP during their meeting in Malacañang last Monday.

“On defense cooperation, I expressed to President Lee the interest of the Philippines to gain some specific defense articles, such as military-grade helicopters, boats and aircraft,” Aquino told reporters. “This is in consonance with the upgrading and modernization of the AFP.”

‘Ninoy impressed with Koreans’

Meanwhile, Aquino told President Lee over dinner Monday that his father – the late senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. – was impressed with the strength of character of Koreans.

“I remember during our own Martial Law years, when I was but a mere child, my father, who also first introduced us to Korean cuisine, would relate to the family his stories about the deprivations that your country had to go through,” he said.–

MRH 90 will be Added as "Project of Concern" List

23 November 2011

MRH-90 helicopter of the Royal Australian Navy (photo : Jetphotos)

Ongoing problems hit Defence's $2 billion MRH 90 choppers

THE $2 billion contract for 46 MRH 90 European-built multi-role helicopters is a "project of concern".

Military sources say the project will be added to the Government's so-called "projects of concern" list if the Minister for Defence Materiel, Jason Clare, accepts the recommendation of the latest "diagnostic review" of the project.

So far just 13 of the 46 machines have been accepted by Defence and the delivery schedule is running more than 18 months late.

A source said the chopper still had major problems with its navigation systems and the review would recommend that it be added to the list of shame.

The MRH 90 will be the second helicopter project to make the shame list after the Sea Sprite Navy helicopter debacle that cost taxpayers more than $1 billion before it was abandoned.

There are nine projects on the list, ranging from submarine sustainment to stand-off missiles and all companies involved, including multi-nationals such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin, are barred from further taxpayer-funded contracts until their project is removed from the list.

The high-tech fly-by-wire composite twin-engine MRH 90 helicopter is built by European giant Eurocopter.

It is assembled in Brisbane by its subsidiary Australian Aerospace.

The project has been dogged by serious technical issues including an engine failure due to overheating, cracked windscreens, soft cargo flooring and avionic and navigation problems.

It is the latter that continues to cause problems, especially for the navy variant when the choppers are operating from ships.

According to insiders, the MRH 90 will be a very capable helicopter once all the bugs are ironed out, but it is another example of taxpayers funding untested cutting-edge military technology.

Despite its small relative size, Defence has lost billions of dollars and suffered countless delays over the years by signing up for unproven cutting-edge equipment.

It is understood that the Government and Australian Aerospace are about to sign an agreement with a new timetable for fixing the outstanding faults and getting deliveries back on track by March next year.

Vietnam Announces a 2012 Defence Budget of VND70 trillion (3.3 billion USD)

23 November 2011

Vietnam will strengthen its naval capability (photo : ttvnol)

30 bln USD set aside for construction, socio-economic tasks

The Government will earmark almost 634 trillion VND (30 billion USD) of the 2012 State budget for activities such as construction, debt payment and other socio-economic and national defence tasks.

More than 80 percent of the country's National Assembly (NA) deputies reached consensus on the final allocation and its breakdown at the ongoing second session of the 13th tenure's meeting in Hanoi on Nov. 14.

The bulk of the sum, over 526 trillion VND (25 billion USD), would be spent on development investments including basic construction (4.5 billion USD), trade, tourism and investment promotions. The allotment would also be allocated to funds for preferential loans for the disadvantaged and labour exports.

The programme on East Sea, island and maritime police, and key oil and gas projects will receive 2.9 trillion VND (138 million USD) and 3.5 trillion VND (166 million USD) respectively from the capital construction development category.

The Government will also spend 100 trillion VND (4.76 billion USD) to pay back debts and 98.8 trillion VND in aid offerings.

National defence was allocated 70 trillion VND (3.3 billion USD), with half the sum (35 trillion VND) going to security.

Salary reform activities will receive 43.3 trillion VND (2 billion USD).

The breakdown for each sector, ministry, central-level agency and individual provinces and cities was also included in the allocation plan.

The NA agreed with the Government's proposal to add 3 percent to this year's budget for the 50 localities that are eligible to receive State funding.

With the aim of spurring tourism, law-makers also agreed to offer 820 billion VND (39 million USD) in aid to 55 provinces to build tourism infrastructure. Specific allocation plans will be determined after the Government reviews the urgency and suitable amount for each locality.

The legislature, however, did not agree with suggestions to expand the allocation scale of the State budget beyond the current eligible localities. The NA argued that haphazard investment did not go with the Government's latest policy to restructure the economy, which required focused and effective investment.

The focus of the investment should be on agriculture, rural development and regions with large areas of land suitable for rice cultivation. These regions, according to the NA, had received limited funding from other economic sectors.

22 November 2011

Navy Prepares for First PHL-Made Landing Craft

22 November 2011

The first 51.43-meter Philippine-made landing craft utility (LCU) designed for combat support missions (photo : Business Mirror)

THE Navy is preparing for the turnover from the contractors of the first 51.43-meter Philippine-made landing craft utility (LCU) designed for combat support missions, Lt. Col. Omar Tonsay, Navy spokesman, said on Monday.

“We’re finalizing preparations in connection with the completion of a Philippine-made naval vessel for use of Fleet-Marine Operating Forces as well as other military forces stationed all over the Philippines for internal as well as external defense operations,” Tonsay said.

The Navy has yet to name the ship.

Earlier, the Armed Forces chief of staff, Gen. Eduardo Oban Jr., announced the near completion of the inter-island and coastal operations watercraft capable of logistics transport and amphibious operations.

Tonsay said the LCU Acquisition Project is part of the 2002 Revised Reprioritized Project List with an approved budget of P189 million.

“The LCU is being jointly constructed by Propmech Corp. of Manila for the engine and propulsion system and the Philippine Iron Construction and Marine Works Inc. of Misamis Oriental for the hull and ship’s fixtures,” he said.

Tonsay said the ship is configured to transport combat personnel, vehicles, artillery equipment, and cargoes in support of military amphibious operations and secondarily, to perform noncombatant evacuation, medical mission, disaster, rescue-and-relief operations and transport-logistic mission, in support to national socioeconomic projects of the government.

“Our new ship is manned by 15 personnel or crew and has a capacity of 200 passengers or 200 soldiers. It has approximately displacement capacity of 579 tons with a cargo space area of about 250 square meters, or a maximum of 110 tons. Its cruising speed is 14 knots,” Tonsay said.

He said the LCU will be a big boost to the country’s naval fleet that was reinforced by the acquisition of the 36-year-old BRP Gregorio del Pilar, a Hamilton-class cutter that was retired by United States Coast Guard.

Repairs of the cutter are almost complete at a dry dock in Batangas.

“Baka isabay na ang pag-launch ng LCU sa commissioning ng cutter pati na ang presidential yacht [BRP Ang Pangulo] ni-repair din,” Tonsay said.