30 November 2010

Sekjen Kemhan Tinjau Prototype Kendaraan Taktis Produksi Dalam Negeri

30 November 2010

PT44 Gudel buatan Pacific Technology (photo : Pacific Technology)

Jakarta, DMC - Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan (Sekjen Kemhan) Marsdya TNI Eris Herryanto S.Ip, M.A, melakukan inspeksi tiga buah prototype Kendaraan Taktis (Rantis) 3/4 ton 4 x 4 produksi industri pertahanan dalam negeri, Senin (29/11) di lapangan apel Setjen Kemhan, Jakarta.

Dari ketiga buah Rantis tersebut salah satunya adalah produksi dari PT. Pindad (Persero). Sedangkan dua buah Rantis lainnya adalah produksi perusahaan swasta nasional yaitu PT. Pasific Technology Indoraya IAD dan PT. Starion.

Ketiga buah prototype Rantis rencananya akan dilakukan pengujian pada tanggal 29 November sampai dengan 4 Desember 2010 yang akan dilakukan di Laboratorium Hubdar, B2TKS dan Dislitbangad Batujajar. Kegiatan pengujiannya meliputi pengujian statis, dinamis, manuver dan uji fatigue.

Saat melakukan inspeksi, Sekjen Kemhan didampingi Irjen Kemhan Laksdya TNI Gunadi, M.D.A, Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji D.E.A, Kabalitbang Kemhan DR. Ir. Pos M. Hutabarat, MA dan Dirjen Ranahan Kemhan Laksda TNI Susilo serta sejumlah pejabat eselon I dan II di lingkungan Kemhan. Hadir pula Dirut PT. Pindad Adik A. Soedarsono.

Rantis 4x4 buatan PT. Pindad (photo : Defense Studies)

Rantis 3/4 Ton Pindad Rantis 3/4 Ton Pindad dirancang dengan menggunakan basis kendaraan yang memiliki tenaga 156 PS dan torsi 38.7 kg.m yang cukup besar dan memiliki kemampuan 4WD sehingga mampu mengatasi segala jenis medan, kecuali medan terputus (sungai, rawa dan laut).

Kendaraan militer ini dirancang sesuai kebutuhan serta kegiatan taktis lapangan. Rantis tersebut mampu mengangkut personel sebanyak 10 orang karena memiliki double cabin untuk empat personel termasuk pengemudi dan bak belakang yang mampu dinaiki enam personel dengan perlengkapan perorangan.

Rantis 3/4 Ton Pindad tersebut juga dapat dikembangkan sebagai kendaraan ambulance, kendaraan unit komunikasi dan kendaraan yang dipersenjatai SLT/SMB/Rudal.(BDI/RTN)


Singapore Offers LPD for Chilean Navy

30 November 2010

Singapore's Endurance class LPD (photo : Mindef)

Chile Aims to Acquire Two LPDs

The commander-in-chief of the Chilean Navy, Admiral Edmundo Gonzalez, has confirmed that the service hopes to acquire two landing platform dock (LPD)-type amphibious assault ships.

The first "multipurpose transport ship", as Adm Gonzalez described it, is expected to be procured by 2012, with a second vessel to be added later.

Adm Gonzalez made no effort to conceal the navy's interest in the French vessel Foudre (L9011), which he said the French government is offering. Sources in Santiago told Jane's that the French authorities have made clear that Foudre's sister ship, Siroco (L9012), will also subsequently be sold and that Chile could be given first option to acquire her.

According to the sources, Italy has hinted that one of its San Giorgio-class ships will be available for transfer in 2014, followed by a sister ship between 2016 and 2017. Singapore is also offering one of its Endurance-class LPDs.

According to Adm Gonzalez, options for the procurement of the second LPD are open and an order for a newly built ship has not been ruled out. Sources have told Jane's that various shipbuilders have expressed an interest in building ships tailored to Chilean Navy requirements, including Spain's Navantia, France's DCNS, Italy's Fincantieri, Germany's TKMS and South Korea's Daewoo.

The case for procuring LPDs has been reinforced by a series of natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami that have affected Chile since 2007. Those emergencies called for mass evacuations and the transporting of large amounts of aid.

The acquisition of LPDs is also aimed at increasing Chile's power-projection capabilities and would parallel an expansion of the country's marine infantry force from its current strength of 3,000 to 5,000.


29 November 2010

17 BMP-3F Perkuat Marinir TNI AL

29 November 2010

17 unit tank BMP-3F dan satu mobil bengkel siap memperkuat Korps Marinir TNI AL (photo : Antara)

17 unit tank berkemampuan amfibi buatan Rusia tiba di dermaga Ujung, Surabaya pada 26 November 2010. Tank ini akan memperkuat Korps Marinir TNI Angkatan Laut.

Kontrak pengadaan tank ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2008 dengan biaya US $ 50 juta atau sekitar Rp 455 milyar. Pada awalnya, dengan harga tersebut TNI AL bisa mendapatkan 20 tank, tetapi akhirnya mendapatkan 17 unit karena harganya telah mengalami kenaikan.

Ke-17 unit tank amfibi ini akan langsung menjalani uji fungsi untuk memastikan apakah seluruh peralatan dan perlengkapan tank tersebut dapat beroperasi baik. Uji fungsi tersebut akan dilaksanakan di Surabaya dan Pusat Latihan Tempur Marinir di Karang Tekok, Sitobondo.


BMP-3F pada Indodefence 2010 (photo : Iswahjudi-Kaskus Militer)

Tank amfibi BMP-3F yang diproduksi Rusia adalah kendaraan tempur (Ranpur) lapis baja yang sempurna dari segi teknologi dan kebutuhan pertempuran masa kini (Pertempuran Asimetris).

Di era 90-an BMP-3F pernah diujicoba di United Arab Emirates bersama dengan ranpur lainnya, diantaranya buatan Inggris dan Amerika. Dari hasil ujicoba tersebut memperlihatkan hasil yang memuaskan pada BMP-3F.

Selanjutnya BMP-3F disempurnakan kembali khususnya untuk manuver di laut, dimana penambahan Snorkel (sirkulasi udara saat manufer di laut ruang pasukan / tempur tetap normal), dan perbaikan pada tameng di kubah untuk menahan air agar tidak masuk ruang tempur.

Chasis BMP-3F (photo : Kurgan)

BMP-3F memiliki beberapa fitur khusus antara lain, konstruksi (chasis) BMP-3F memungkinkan untuk dimodernisasi, mudah perawatannya dan minim pemeliharaan.

Dengan adanya beberapa penyempurnaan BMP-3F menjadi ranpur segala medan yang cukup berat, namun hal ini bisa diimbangi dengan manuver dan pertahanan diri yang lebih baik.

Tak hanya itu, BMP-3F mengaplikasi persenjataan baru (SKS Arteleri - Roket - Meriam) dengan sistem kontrol penembakan secara otomatis dan mampu menembak tepat dari segala jenis senjata saat bergerak karena di BMP3F sudah menggunakan skema balok pengontrol penembakan otomatis yang baru (pola stabilizer sistem baru).

Selain itu, konstruksi persenjataan BMP-3F merupakan penggabungan dalam satu komponen (single-turet): Meriam, peluncur roket berkaliber 100mm, kanon otomatis berkaliber 30 mm dan Mitraliur berkaliber 7,62 mm.

Penggabungan ini memungkinkan awak ranpur dapat memilih dengan cepat keperluan penggunaan senjata dalam situasi tempur tergantung dari sasaran yang diinginkan baik darat, laut maupun udara.(*)

(Antara/Defense Studies)

Army to Equip 6 Units with Mini-UAV

29 November 2010

A Scout Trooper readying the Skyblade III for launch. (all photos : Mindef)

By end-2010, six Army units will get the Skyblade III mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system which improves situational awareness and the flow of information during operations. Designed to be lightweight and portable, it will provide the units with enhanced reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities.

"With the Skyblade III mini-UAV, scout teams can now better assist commanders in decision-making by providing more timely information.For example, they can report terrain conditions and the presence of opposition forces in real-time," said Senior Lieutenant Colonel (SLTC) Ong Chee Boon, Deputy Group Head, General Staff, on 25 Nov at the Murai Urban Training Facility.

The system comprises a Mini Operating Console (MOC) and the mini-UAV itself, which are packed into two backpacks. These packs - which weigh roughly 20kg each - will be carried by two soldiers into the field. Requiring only 20 minutes to set up and launch, each mini-UAV sortie can last up to an hour, after which it will require fresh batteries.

3SG Quek operating the controls of a Skyblade III. Once in the air, the mini-UAV is hard to spot from the ground and is inaudible beyond an altitude of 200m.

While carrying the packs is hardly a walk in the park, the operational advantages the Skyblade III brings to the table far out-strips its heft. Equipped with cameras for day and night use, the Skyblade III streams the visual data it collects instantly to its controller on the ground. This information is then analysed by the operators before it is reported to higher headquarters (see infographic).

With its operating range of 8km, having the Skyblade III also means a higher chance of survival for the scout teams that operate them. "In the past, we had to get very close to opposing forces in order to gather information. With the Skyblade III, my team can be further away from hostile territory, yet still give accurate reports to my commanders," said 3rd Sergeant (3SG) Quek Jian Liang, a Scout Team Commander in the 3rd Singapore Infantry Regiment (3 SIR).

Elaborating on the Skyblade III's edge, LTC Willie Lock, Commanding Officer 3 SIR, said: "The advantages are twofold: During an assault, we are able to see much further afield, and in defence, we are able to plan counter-manoeuvres much earlier because the scout teams are able to detect the presence of opposing forces much earlier." When cyberpioneer spoke to LTC Lock, his unit was in the midst of conducting defensive operations as part of a larger training exercise.

A Skyblade III coming in for a landing. To land, it performs a deep stall following which an airbag is deployed from under the fuselage to cushion the impact of landing.

Apart from operational advantages, the Skyblade III's developers - researchers from DSO National Laboratories - were also mindful about usability. The result: an easy to control mini-UAV with a virtually foolproof launching system.

The Skyblade III can be launched either by hand or through bungee-assistance. The latter launch technique has the mini-UAV sitting on launching rails while connected to a slingshot-like rig. Once triggered, the rig powers the mini-UAV into the air and mechanically disconnects when the Skyblade III is safely airborne. To land, the mini-UAV performs a deep stall and an airbag is deployed from its belly which cushions the impact from landing.

According to SLTC Ong, the bungee launch technique has a stellar track record, with an unblemished success rate.

Skyblade III mini UAV

Developed in collaboration with DSO and made by ST Aerospace, the Skyblade III was developed indigenously and is a product of the cooperation between the Army and its defence industry partners.

The mini-UAV project was initiated in 2002 with the first prototype - the Skyblade I - being tested in Exercise Thunder Warrior (New Zealand) and Exercise Wallaby (Australia) a year later. While the Skyblade was still being developed, commercially available mini-UAVs such as the Birdeye 410 and Skylark were used to shape the tactics and procedures for the Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF's) operations. This is why the SAF was able to bring the mini-UAV capability to units within a short time frame, said SLTC Ong.

The six army units which will receive the SB III operational capability are: the 40th Battalion, Singapore Armoured Regiment (40 SAR), 41 SAR, 2 SIR, 3 SIR, 3rd Singapore Infantry Brigade, and the 4th Singapore Armoured Brigade.

Work to bring the Skyblade III advanced capabilities to the battalion scouts and Brigade Reconnaissance Surveillance Targeting Acquisition Teams within these units started in 2009. By end-2010, they are expected to be operationalised on the system. To date, 44 Skyblade III operators have been trained.

28 November 2010

Air Force to Get 4 More New Marchetti Aircraft

28 November 2010

Blessing of batch#1 new SF-260 trainer (photo : PAF)

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine Air Force (PAF) officers who have been waiting in line to fly a training aircraft have had their prayers answered.

The PAF will receive Sunday 4 more SF-260 Marchetti planes from an Italian firm that bagged the P622-million deal to supply a total of 18 trainer aircraft under the Armed Forces Modernization Program.

The planes are scheduled to be received by PAF officials at the Haribon Hangar of the 410th Maintenance Wing in Clark Air Base in Pampanga.

They will be delivered by Alenia Aermacchi of Italy, through its local partner Aerotech Industries.

They are part of the 18 trainer planes that the firm is obliged to deliver to the Air Force under the contract it signed last year. Last November 4, the firm made its first set of delivery of 4 units of Marchetti aircraft.

The Air Force is expecting that the delivery of the 18 trainer planes would be completed by second quarter of next year.

“The acquisition of 18 basic trainer aircraft is a modest modernization for the Philippine Air Force and a big boost for PAF's capability to train PAF pilots," said Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Miguel Ernesto Okol.

The acquisition of the trainer aircraft is projected to solve the backlog of Air Force officers who are waiting in line for training of actually flying an aircraft.

“The increase in the number of SF-260FH fleet and positive changes made in improving the training curriculum for pilot training will further enhance and develop pilots professionally and keep them up to date with the changing times and advancements of technology in accordance with the Philippine Air Force's thrusts in contributing to peace and development of our country," said Okol.

Okol said student pilots will learn aerobatic techniques by flying the SF 260 trainer planes. “Dubbed as the perfect screener, the SF-260 FH is used in other countries to select potential candidates to progress to high performance aircraft," he said.

"The aircraft's great power output complements its design to perform with agility during high speed maneuvers. The reinforced low wing design and retractable tricycle landing gear is part of its design to withstand stress during high G maneuvers and to maximize high speed and low drag during aerobatics and advance maneuvers," he added.

Okol said exposure and experience gained in flying the SF-260 "gives the students a general perspective and feel of handling a more advanced aircraft."

"Once graduated, quality and competent pilots are expected to operate the air assets of the Air Force and perform various missions related to rescue operations, security, and other support functions to peace and national development," he said.

Six More Aircraft Needed for RMAF Training Programmes — Chief

28 November 2010

RMAF's Pilatus PC-7 training aircraft (photo : Airliners)

IPOH: The Royal Malaysian Air Force needs six more planes for its training programme, RMAF chief Gen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud said yesterday.

He said that a request had been made to the Defence Ministry for MK-II aircraft to replace the PC-7 which had been used since 1984.

“We now have 10 MK-II aircraft, which were bought last year. We are asking for six more,” he told reporters after the passing out parade of 328 junior servicemen and 62 servicewomen at the RMAF Training Institute here.

If the ministry did not have the allocation for the aircraft, or required time to meet the request, the PC-7 would have to be upgraded, he added.

Rodzali said the RMAF training institutes at Kinrara and Subang in Selangor and Kuantan in Pahang will be moved to a new centre in the Klang Valley soon.

He said the move would not affect the training institutes here and in Ipoh and Alor Setar.

At the parade, Muhammad Fikri received the award of best junior serviceman overall.

Muda Mohd Azhar Baharuddin was first in the academic section, and Mohamad Amirul Ashraf Anuar the best shooter.

Ayuni Alwi was the best junior servicewoman overall.

(The Borneo Post)

26 November 2010

Australia Adds JASSM to Projects of Concern List

26 November 2010
The JASSM’s range of operations is more than 320 kilometres, according to its manufacturer Lockheed Martin (photo : wiki)

Australia has added the acquisition of Lockheed Martin's AGM-158 JASSM missile for its Boeing F/A-18 A/B fleet to its Projects of Concern list.

Australia's Department of Defence says the project is behind schedule and "risks to capability remain". In 2006, Australia selected the joint air-to-surface stand-off missile over Boeing's SLAM-ER cruise missile for its F/A-18 A/Bs.

"The government has not been kept properly and fully informed as to the progress with respect to this major project," says defence minister Stephen Smith.

The next milestone in the project is a live firing from a Royal Australian Air Force Hornet in the USA in late 2010 or early 2011. After the test, the defence department will report on results to the government, which will then decide "the way forward".

"Defence will ensure that this project now receives additional scrutiny and senior officer oversight in the lead-up to the test firing and in the development of subsequent advice to government," says Smith.

According to Lockheed Martin, the JASSM is an autonomous, long-range, conventional, air-to-ground, precision stand-off missile. It is designed to destroy high-value, well-defended, fixed and relocatable targets.

"The missile's mission effectiveness approaches single-missile target kill capability," says Lockheed Martin.

Established in 2008, the Projects of Concern list is intended to help focus the attention of Australia's Department of Defence and the defence industry on resolving listed projects. Other notable Projects of concern are the
Boeing 737-based Wedgetail airborne warning and control aircraft, a BAE Systems programme to upgrade Australia's AP-3C Orions, and the Airbus A-330 based KC-30A multi-role tanker transport.

In late October, Australia tested for the first time the ability of its new Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets to use Raytheon's AGM-154C Joint Standoff Weapon. Air force Super Hornets released two JSOWs at the Woomera test range in South Australia against separate hardened concrete bunkers, destroying both.

The work represented its first live firings performed outside the USA with the two-seat strike aircraft.

Kopassus Akan Perbarui Persenjataan

26 November 2010

Sebagai pasukan khusus, Kopassus akan selalu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi persenjataan terkini (photo : Kopassus)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) TNI AD akan segera memperbarui persenjataan perorangan bagi para personelnya meski tetap mempertimbangkan anggaran yang tersedia.

Komandan Jenderal (Danjen) Kopassus Mayjen TNI Paulus Lodewijk disela olah raga bersama kalangan media massa di Markas Komando Kopassus, Jumat, mengatakan, pengadaan senjata perorangan seperti senapan dan pistol itu tetap disesuaikan dengan anggaran yang dialokasikan pemerintah.

"Sebenarnya Alustistanya tidak mahal-mahal sekali karena satuan khusus kita berkaitan dengan teknologi maka kita juga harus menyesuaikan dengan teknologi senjata yang berkembang di luar," katanya.

Pengembangan kekuatan termasuk melengkapi persenjataan perorangan bagi personel baret merah, tambah Paulus Lodewijk, sesuai dengan kebijakan kekuatan pokok minimum.

"Jadi bukan mengurangi, tetapi meningkatkan secara bertahap kekuatan yang ada disesuaikan rencana strategis yang disetujui. Yang jelas Kopassus akan mendapat penambahan anggaran. Secara otomatis ada penambahan alutista," tuturnya.

Sebagai pasukan khusus, Kopassus dilengkapi berbagai perlengkapan dan persenjataan sangat canggih dan modern.

Semisal untuk membaca peta, tidak lagi menggunakan lagi Kompas Prisma, tapi GPS (Global Positioning System) yang langsung berhubungan dengan satelit.

Sedangkan untuk satuan antiterornya sudah dilengkapi senapan H&K MP5, yang merupakan standar pasukan khusus terbaik di dunia seperti yang digunakan oleh Green Beretts, Delta Force, Navy Seal, GSG 9 Jerman, SAS dan lain-lain.

Sementara untuk pistol yang dipakai Beretta 9 mm (45). Selain itu juga berbagai macam kaliber lainnya seperti kaliber 22 mm (pistol kecil).

Kopassus punya peralatan terjun payung tercanggih untuk melakukan HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) dan HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) yang memakai masker oksigen dan lain-lain.

Dengan peralatan terjun itu, pasukan dapat terjun dari ketinggian sekitar 10.000 kaki.

Pasukan ini juga dilengkapi peralatan pendaratan pantai (memiliki LCR/Landing Craft Rubber/perahu karet dengan mesin yang hampir tanpa bunyi, yang digunakan untuk operasi penyusupan di malam hari), menyelam (dilatih seperti UDT, Underwater Demolition Team US Navy), team Daki Serbu ( yang baru saja menaklukkan Himalaya dan dikenal di luar sebagai PPGAD/Persatuan Pendaki Gunung TNI AD).


Australia Conducts Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercise - 2010

26 November 2010

Sikorsky S70B-2 Seahawk helicopters is a RAN's Anti Submarine Warfare Helicopter (all photos : Australian DoD)

Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercise (ASWEX) 2010 is an important exercise for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), providing Submarine and Anti-Submarine (ASW) training and trial opportunities for maritime and air assets. The RAN also takes this opportunity to develop tactics and test weapons and weapons systems in the conduct of ASW.

Sikorsky S70B-2 Seahawk helicopters break formation whilst conducting a weapons firing serial off the coast of Western Australia.

The annual maritime exercise is being held in the Western Australian Exercise Area off the coast of Perth and adjacent air space from 15-26 November 2010.

A Collins class submarine sails through the water during a weapons firing serial conducted off of the coast of Western Australia.

The exercise involves Anzac Class frigates HMA ships Warramunga and Arunta as well as involvement with Collins Class Submarines HMA Submarines Dechaineux and Collins.

A Sikorsky S70B-2 Seahawk helicopter conducts a weapons firing serial, firing a Mk 46 torpedo, off the coast of Western Australia.

Air support is being provided by Navy's 816 Squadron and Air Force's Maritime Patrol Aircraft from 92 Wing. 816 Squadron is based in Nowra, NSW, whilst 92 Wing are based in RAAF Edinburgh, SA. Aircraft and crews have been forward based at HMAS Stirling and RAAF Pearce for the duration of the exercise to provide support to the ships at sea with Seahawk helicopters and Orion PC3 aircraft.

Army Robot Used at Pike River Mine

26 November 2010

Robot operating in conjunction with an operator (photo : NZ Army)

The Army is providing a specialist robot with a team from the Explosive Ordnanace Disposal Unit to the Pike River Mine to see if it can be used to assist with the Police operation.

The Technical name for the robot is the Remote Positioning Device Wheelbarrow Revolution, NZ Defence Force Version.

The Robot is a battery powered vehicle that is capable of being remotely operated. The vehicle is able to perform reconnaissance, object retrieval and weapons delivery in human hazardous sites. Its primary role in the NZDF is for the disposal of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and Explosive Ordnance Devices (EOD).

In the robot's standard configuration it operates with four cameras, two for movement and two on the arm for weapon placement/aiming.

Recently the robot supported the NZ Police during the Napier Siege.

EC135 Demos for the ADF’s Air 9000 Phase 7

26 November 2010

EC-135 is one of contender Air 9000 Phase 7 (photo : Australian Aviation)

AusAero demonstrates EC135 for HATS

Australian Aerospace demonstrated the Eurcopter EC135, its contender for the ADF’s Air 9000 Phase 7 Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) project, to Defence officials in Nowra and Canberra earlier this week.

Australian Aerospace hired Moorabbin based Microflite’s EC135 VH-VJB for a short two day demonstration tour to Navy, Capability Development Group and DMO officials in Nowra and Canberra, as the company expects to bid the machine, possibly in its military missionised EC635 form, for the Phase 7 project, the request for tenders for which is expected to be issued by early next year.

Eurocopter continues to talk to possible partners for its EC135 bid, understood to include Lockheed Martin, and has yet to decide whether it would seek to lead a Phase 7 bid as the prime contractor, as a co-prime, or as a subcontractor.

“Yes, we have identified [areas where we would like to team on Phase 7],” Australian Aerospace CEO Jens Goennemann told media in Canberra. “It is very much dependent on the tender documents, and there are several options for us. One option is to be in the lead, one option can be just to be the platform provider for the training system, or a combination of both.”

Two leased EC135s are already in Australian military service. Two civil registered EC135s operated by a contractor for Australian Aerospace are based in Darwin for glass cockpit transition training and currency training for Army ARH Tiger pilots. Australian Aerospace originally provided these machines to the Army as recompense for delays to the ARH program, but the Army is negotiating contract extensions to retain the aircraft.

The EC135/EC635 is in military service with six nations, most notably Germany which operates 14 for pilot training at Bückeburg.

(Australian Aviation)

Hibah F-16 Tak Pengaruhi Anggaran Pembelian Sukhoi

26 November 2010

Pesawat tempur Su-30MK2 TNI AU (photo : TNI-AU)

JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengatakan, biaya perawatan terhadap 24 unit pesawat tempur F-16 yang akan dihibahkan Amerika Serikat kepada Indonesia tidak akan mengganggu pos anggaran belanja pesawat tempur Sukhoi.

"Saya perlu tegaskan bahwa hibah itu sama sekali tidak mempengaruhi anggaran untuk belanja Sukhoi. Anggarannya ada tersendiri," ujar Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro kepada Suara Karya usai pembukaan penyampaian informasi tentang ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) 2010 di Jakarta, Kamis (25/11).

Sebelumnya, Ketua Komisi I DPR Mahhfudz Siddiq mengatakan akan mendorong Kementerian Pertahanan dan TNI agar menolak hibah pesawat tempur F-16 Amerika Serikat itu. DPR khawatir pesawat F-16 bekas itu akan memboroskan anggaran melalui perawatan dan penggantian suku cadang.

Menhan mengatakan, hibah pesawat F-16 jenis Blok-25 masih relatif canggih dan terbaru, meski masih berada di grade Blok-52 yang merupakan terbaru. "Tapi, tim sekarang ini masih mengkaji dan hingga kini belum ada keputusan," ujar dia.

Pada sisi lain, kata Purnomo, pemerintah masih mempertimbangkan membeli pesawat tempur F-16 baru sebanyak 6 unit atau menerima tawaran hibah sebanyak 24 unit F-16 bekas. "Hal tersebut sedang dikaji. Kita punya dana untuk membeli enam pesawat baru F-16. Kalau dana itu bisa untuk membeli sebanyak 24 sampai 30 F-16 yang tidak baru, kemudian kita upgrade ke blok yang lebih canggih, dan kita akan gunakan," katanya.


Menurut Menhan, pertimbangan antara membeli enam pesawat F-16 baru atau yang tidak baru sebanyak 24 unit dengan jumlah dana anggaran yang sama, didasarkan pada kemampuan daya tangkal tempur (deterence).

"Itu yang sedang ditimbang-timbang. Kata kuncinya di lifetime (masa pakai). Karena saya pernah belajar di AU, yang beda strukturnya. Kita mesti chek. Strukturnya itu apakah bisa tahan atau tidak," kata dia.

Purnomo mengatakan, alasan AS menawarkan hibah F-16 karena ada kelebihan pesawat dan mereka sudah mengganti dengan jenis F-18. Kalau F-16 itu dilepas akan mengurangi ongkos perawatan mereka.

"Blok yang akan dikasih adalah blok 25. Sama seperti kita. Yang baru itu, blok 52. Nantinya tergantung kita, namun sesuai kemampuan. Di antara dua pilihan ini, semua ada plus minusnya. Kita cari yang kecil minusnya," ujarnya. (Feber S)

(Suara Karya)

Baca Juga :

Pesawat F-16 Bekas Amerika Bisa Dipakai Hingga 2025
26 November 2010

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Pesawat jet tempur F-16 bekas dari Amerika Serikat diperkirakan bisa dipakai hingga tahun 2025 mendatang. "Jika meningkatkan dari kondisi yang ada, diproyeksikan sampai 2025 bisa digunakan," kata Wakil Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara, Marsekal Madya Sukirno KS, usai rapat paripurna Percepatan Revitalisasi Program KB-KES di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jum'at (26/11).

Pemerintah awalnya berencana membeli enam unit pesawat tempur F-16 baru dari Amerika. Namun Amerika justru menawarkan F-16 bekas mereka sejumlah 24 unit, yang harganya setara dengan enam pesawat baru tersebut.

Pemerintah dan TNI sendiri lebih memilih pesawat dalam jumlah yang banyak asalkan performanya bisa diperbaiki (retrofitting). Pertimbangannya, wilayah perbatasan Indonesia yang harus dilindungi dan dipantau amatlah luas.

Menurut Sukirno, pembelian 24 pesawat F-16 bekas menunggu kesepakatan dengan Amerika, antara lain soal suku cadang dan alih teknologi. Termasuk di dalamnya tentang mesin pesawat dan sistem avionik, yakni peralatan yang digunakan untuk pesawat, meliputi radar, radio, dan alat-alat navigasi. "Persenjataan juga dipasang dari Amerika. Pesawat dipakai sudah siap tempur," ujarnya.

Pemerintah dan TNI, lanjutnya, saat ini juga masih mengkaji anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk merevitalisasi 24 pesawat tersebut. Kendati demikian, Sukirno memastikan, F-16 dari Amerika bisa dipakai oleh penerbang-penerbang TNI pada tahun 2012. "Dua tahun mendatang bisa digunakan," kata dia.

(Tempo Interaktif)

25 November 2010

Menhan Pertimbangkan Usia Pakai Hibah F-16

25 November 2010

F-16 yang digunakan oleh Air National Guard, Amerika (photo : Wiki)

JAKARTA (SINDO) – Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Purnomo Yusgiantoro menyatakan, usia pakai (life time) merupakan salah satu faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan Indonesia untuk menerima hibah pesawat F-16 dari Amerika Serikat.

Menurut Purnomo, usai pakai minimal yang sedang diperhitungkan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) dan TNI yaitu sampai tahun 2020. Dengan asumsi, ujarnya, saat itu Indonesia sudah dapat memproduksi pesawat tempur KFX yang merupakan pesawat tempur generasi 4,5. Saat ini, jelasnya, pengembangan dan penelitian pesawat tersebut sedang dilakukan bersama Korea Selatan. ”Jadi, pertimbangan itu antara baru sebanyak enam unit atau tidak baru sebanyak 24 unit yang telah di upgrade dengan budget yang sama dan memiliki kemampuan deterrence. Itu sedang ditimbang-timbang.

Kata kuncinya di life time,” tegas Purnomo seusai menerima Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia Scot Marciel di Kantor Kemhan,Jakarta,kemarin. Karena itu, ujarnya, Kemhan akan melakukan pengecekan struktur pesawat-pesawat tersebut. Sebab, impian Kemhan, adalah mencari bracing squadron yang bisa digunakan sampai tahun 2020. “Jadi, pilih beli baru atau hibah dengan upgrade yang kemampuannya bisa diandalkan dan mendukung sampai pesawat KFX bisa produksi. KFX adalah pesawat tempur generasi 4,5. Kalau F-16 itu generasi 4,” tegasnya. Menhan juga menyebutkan, terkait hibah ini, telah datang tim dari Amerika Serikat untuk membicarakan hal-hal teknis dengan TNI Angkatan Udara.

Purnomo menjelaskan,hibah ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari program Excess Defense Article (EDA) Amerika Serikat.“Amerika Serikat kan kelebihan pesawat. Kalau dilepas dengan program EDA juga akan mengurangi anggaran pertahanan mereka,”paparnya. Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono sebelumnya mengaku, TNI sangat senang menerima rencana pemberian hibah pesawat tempur dari Amerika Serikat tersebut.Dia pun mengungkapkan, kondisi pesawat tersebut masih layak pakai sampai tahun 2025. (pasti liberti)

(Seputar Indonesia)

Baca Juga :

TNI AU Prioritaskan Pesawat Angkut
24 November 2010

Perbandingan KFX dengan F-16 dan pesawat generasi 5 lainnya (image : kjclub)

Boyolali (Espos)–TNI AU akan memprioritaskan pengadaan pesawat angkut ketimbang pesawat jenis lain. Hal itu dilakukan karena melihat kondisi Indonesia rawan bencana.

Pernyataan itu diungkapkan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI AU Imam Sufaat SIP seusai melantik 159 perwira pada acara Pelantikan dan Penyumpahan Perwira TNI AU Sekolah Pembentukan Perwira (Setukpa) Angkatan ke-13 Tahun 2010 di Lapangan Dirgantara Lanud Adi Soemarmo, Selasa (23/11).

“Bila melihat kondisi Indonesia rawan bencana semacam ini, kemungkinan pengadaan pesawat angkut cukup masuk akal. Kemungkinan pesawat itu sangat dibutuhkan,” ujarnya.
Selain itu, dia juga menuturkan hibah pesawat F-16 dari Amerika Serikat dilakukan atas dasar permintaan TNI AU.

“Pengadaan pesawat F16 ini adalah permintaan kami. Karena ada pesawat milik AS yang tidak dipakai. Oleh karena itu, kami mengajukan permintaan. Selain Indonesia, Thailand telah mendapat hibah pesawat itu,” imbuhnya.

Masih menurut Imam, Indonesia mendapat alokasi 30 pesawat. Tetapi, Indonesia mengambil 24 pesawat dan sisanya nanti. Pesawat-pesawat itu akan diletakkan di Madiun.

“Kami meletakkan pesawat di sana (Madiun-red) karena fasilitas dan perawatan sudah tersedia lengkap. Lagi pula bila membuat lokasi baru membutuhkan biaya besar dan itu tidak mungkin,” ujarnya.

Lagipula, bila Indonesia mendapat hibah pesawat itu sangat menguntungkan karena dapat menghemat jutaan dolar. Selain itu, TNI AU pun menyiasati dengan memilih pesawat dengan jam terbang 200 jam. Padahal, maksimal jam terbang sebuah pesawat adalah 4.000 jam.

“Jadi, masih dapat digunakan 5-30 tahun. Kalau kami beli baru harga berkisar US$55 juta-US$60 juta. Pesawat itu bisa langsung dipakai. Tetapi tetap perlu di-update, seperti sistem senjata, navigasi dan lainnya,” pungkasnya.


24 November 2010

RMN and RBN will Conduct Joint Exercise

24 November 2010

KDB Berkat (photo : Marine Traffic)

KOTA KINABALU_ The Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Brunei Navy will be conducting a joint exercise to foster cooperation between the two navies in defending their maritime waters.

The exercise known as Exercise Hornbill 20/10 Series will be conducted at the South China Sea beginning from November 22 to 29 in three phases. The exercise also aims to strength diplomatic ties between both countries and allows both navies to share their experience to strengthen the war procedures and tactics at sea.
The exercise will involve more than 500 personnel and officers from the Royal Malaysian Navy, the Royal Malaysian Air Force and the Royal Brunei Navy, together with two ships from the respective navies and three aircraft from the airforce.

Naval Region II commander First Admiral Dato Anuwi Hassan from the Royal Malaysian Navy will be the Exercise Commanding Officer.

The exercise was officiated by Submarine Fleet Commander First Admiral Dato Mohammad Rosland Omar when two ships; the KDB Berkat and KDB Afiat, from the Royal Brunei Navy docked at the Seppangar Naval base here on Sunday.

RSAF Pilots Training in Perth Proves Cost-Effective Due to Outsourcing

24 November 2010

RAAF's PC-9 and RSAF's PC-21 (photo : SSC)

SINGAPORE : Training its pilots in Perth, Australia has proved more cost effective for the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF).

Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean was briefed on this on Saturday when he visited the base.

The savings is through an outsourcing programme for trainee pilots. Under a contract awarded through the MINDEF Public-Private Partnership (PPP), Lockheed Martin has been providing the RSAF with a training package using the PC-21 trainer aircraft.

The company also supplies and maintains the fleet of PC-21 aircraft and a suite of ground-based training systems.

Mr Teo visited the Flying Training Institute (FTI) at the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Pearce in Perth. It is home to the RSAF's 130 Squadron (SQN).

Pilatus PC-21 Trainer Aircraft (image : Compact PCI)

He saw for himself how the PC-21 Trainer Aircraft allows pilot trainees to build a strong foundation in flying, and how those with fighter flying aptitude are identified early.

The RSAF established the training institute in Base Pearce in 1993.

Mr Teo said such training arrangements are testament to the close and long-standing defence relations between Singapore and Australia.

"We are very grateful to the Australian government for allowing us to do our flight training here in Perth. We have a very good flying environment, a lot of airspace, and very good support from the RAAF. That enables our pilots to train effectively and efficiently in the shortest possible time. I was happy to see the new training system that is in place here for our flying training school in Pearce," said the Defence Minister. - CNA /ls

(Channel News Asia)

23 November 2010

Sweden and Thailand Signs New Gripen Deal

23 November 2010

Sweden and Thailand signed an agreement for a further six Gripen C with one Saab 340 AEW aircraft and the Swedish RB 15F missile system. (photo : Gripen)

Sweden and Thailand today signed an agreement for the delivery of a further six Gripen fighter aircraft together with one Saab 340 Airborne Early Warning surveillance system and the Swedish RB 15F missile system.

Director General of Sweden’s Defence Materiel Administration, FMV, Gunnar Holmgren and Itthaporn Subhawong, Air Chief Marshal, Commander in Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, signed an agreement for the delivery of a further six Gripen fighter aircraft. Photo: Peter Liander.

At a ceremony in Stockholm today, the Director General of Sweden’s Defence Materiel Administration, FMV, Gunnar Holmgren and Itthaporn Subhawong, Air Chief Marshal, Commander in Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, signed an agreement for the delivery of a further six Gripen fighter aircraft together with one Saab 340 Airborne Early Warning surveillance system and the Swedish RB 15F missile system.

This is the second phase of the co-operation between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Thailand, the first phase started with the agreement in February 2008. Today’s agreement consists of six Gripen fighter aircraft of the latest C version together with one Saab 340 Airborne Early Warning surveillance system and the Swedish RB 15F missile system.

In a comment to the agreement the Director General of FMV, Gunnar Holmgren stated:

“I am very pleased that we have been able to conclude the negotiations of phase 2 in a successful way for both parties. The content in phase 2 and phase 1 will give RTAF a very capable air defence together with both surveillance and net work centric operation capability”

The agreement also includes logistic support and training. Delivery of the Gripen aircraft will take place during 2013.

Since 1 August 2010 Sweden has a new authority to promote defense export and benefit Swedish defence and security policies, the Swedish Defense and Security Export Agency (FXM).

In a comment to the agreement the Director General of FXM, Ulf Hammarström stated:

“From FXM I am very pleased to see the co-operation between Sweden and Thailand further strengthened through the new agreement. We look forward to take part in the continuing co-operation between the two countries”

Due to the commercial terms of the agreement the value is not to be disclosed.


Turki Tawarkan Produksi Tank

23 November 2010

Tank ringan produksi FNSS yang ditawarkan kepada Indonesia (photo : Defense Studies)

JAKARTA (SINDO) – Pemerintah Turki menawarkan kerja sama produksi kendaraan tempur jenis tank kepada Indonesia. Hal itu diungkapkan Juru Bicara Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) Brigjen TNI I Wayan Midhio di Jakarta, kemarin.

Midhio mengatakan, tawaran Turki tersebut dalam bentuk transfer teknologi. Tawaran itu masih dalam proses pembahasan di Kemhan. ”Turki sudah datang menawarkan kerja sama produksi tank dengan transfer teknologi,” paparnya. Namun, Midhio tidak menyebutkan jenis tank yang ditawarkan tersebut. Kerja sama industri pertahanan dengan Turki, lanjut Midhio, selama ini berlangsung dengan baik. Kedua negara,ujarnya,juga sudah menyepakati transfer teknologi berupa modifikasi pesawat CN 235 dari pesawat biasa menjadi pesawat patroli maritim dengan kelengkapan sarana elektronik mutakhir.

”Kerja sama militer Indonesia dengan Turki memang cukup menguntungkan dan terus akan ditingkatkan karena negara ini penguasaan teknologi militernya sangat maju,”katanya. Indonesia belakangan ini memang sedang aktif melakukan pembicaraan-pembicaraan strategis dengan sejumlah negara, terutama menyangkut pengadaan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) sekaligus pembangunan industri pertahanan. Pekan lalu, Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro menyebutkan, Indonesia dan Cina juga sedang menjajaki produksi rudal bersama. Cina memang berencana memproduksi rudal antikapal C-705 untuk pertahanan udara dan laut.

Peluru kendali tersebut merupakan pengembangan dari rudal C- 802 yang telah digunakan kapalkapal perang milik TNI Angkatan Laut. ”Misalnya,pengadaan misil C 802 dan C 705. Kalau mau perbanyak, kenapa tidak dibangun di Indonesia saja?”kata Purnomo. Pengamat militer dari Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Evan A Lesmana mengatakan, kerja sama pertahanan memang harus dibarengi dengan tindak lanjut yang konkret. Misalnya, sampai sejauh mana kerja sama dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk pelatihan militer atau transfer teknologi dalam pengadaan alutsista? ”Persoalan kerja sama pertahanan kan bukan dari segi kuantitas berapa banyak kerja sama yang ditandatangani.Tapi, follow up-nya untuk membantu kapabilitas angkatan bersenjata,” tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut, Evan mengungkapkan, dalam konteks pengadaan alutsista memang diperhadapkan pada persoalan yang tidak mudah. Pemerintah dan TNI perlu memikirkan agar persenjataan yang akan diadakan ataupun rencana transfer teknologi benar-benar terencana dan dapat terintegrasi dengan baik. Merujuk data yang dikeluarkan Kemhan tahun 2004,ujar Evan, sampai saat ini Indonesia masih memakai alutsista dari 17 negara sebanyak 173 jenis. ”Pembelian maupun transfer teknologinya harus terencana. Jangan sampai ada persenjataan yang sebenarnya tidak dibutuhkan,” ujarnya. (pasti liberti)

(Seputar Indonesia)

22 November 2010

USASAC Facilitates FMS of 5 Hueys to Philippines

22 November 2010

The five UH-1 helicopters at the Coastal Maritime Yard, Jacksonville, Fla. (photo : US Army)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- The U.S. Army Security Assistance Command recently facilitated the foreign military sale of five Bell UH-1 "Hueys" to the Phillipines.

The helicopters were acquired throught the Excess Defense Articles program and refurbished through FMS. The Hueys were shipped out of the Coastal Maritime Yard in Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 4 on the BBC Houston.

The Phillipines Air Force purchased the renewed aircraft to assist in their continued counter-insurgency and disaster relief efforts.
USASAC implements approved U.S. Army security assistance programs, including Foreign Military Sales of defense articles and services to eligible foreign governments. The command manages approximately 4,400 FMS cases valued at more than $103 billion. USASAC also manages the Army's co-production program.

Smith Confident of Fighter Jets Delivery

22 November 2010

Hornet and F-35 JSF (photo : Xinhua)

Defence Minister Stephen Smith has expressed confidence in the new Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) ahead of a United States report expected to be highly critical of the project.

Mr Smith said Australia had committed to buying 14 aircraft - all of which are the conventional takeoff and landing variant which had experienced few problems.

In contrast, the other two variants, the aircraft carrier version and the short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) versions have experienced considerable development problems and delays.

Mr Smith said the baseline review of JSF progress, commissioned by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and conducted by the US Defence Acquisition Board, was to be released on Monday (US time).

"We will, as appropriate, have access to that briefing and we will see what consequences, if any, flow," Mr Smith told reporters.

Media leaks in the US say the report predicts a further three-year delay in the program and a $US5 billion ($A5.07 billion) cost blowout.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning JSF is an advanced stealth multi-role combat aircraft that will be the mainstay of US and allied air forces to around mid-century.

Australia will acquire up to 100 aircraft, with the first due to enter service in 2018.

The $16 billion bill makes it Australia's most expensive ever equipment acquisition.

The JSF project has faced frequent criticism about the aircraft's costs, late delivery and doubts about it being as good as initially promised.

Mr Smith said Australia had very sensibly ensured there was plenty of scope for delays in the planned JSF delivery schedule.

"So we are confident that the 14 Joint Strike Fighters we have committed to take will be delivered on schedule," he said.

"Our schedule is to see those 14 produced effectively in 2014 in the US, for work and training to occur in the US for a period of time, and for those to be delivered here for the 2017-18 timetable."

Mr Smith said in the meantime Australian defence capability was maintained through the existing upgraded F/A-18 Hornets and the 24 new Super Hornets, now entering service.

(Sidney Morning Herald)

First Battery Live-Firing of SAF's HIMARS

22 November 2010
Live-firing of the SAF's HIMARS during Exercise Daring Warrior. (photo : Mindef)

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has successfully conducted a battery live-firing exercise with its High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in the United States.

The battery live-firing is the first to involve the SAF's HIMARS since it took delivery of the system in July.

Some 170 personnel from the 23rd Battalion, Singapore Artillery participated in the exercise - codenamed Daring Warrior - held from 10 to 21 Nov.
SAF's Himars can reach 70 km target (photo: haventoy)

On 19 Nov, the SAF also conducted a joint live-firing with the US Army, witnessed by Assistant Chief of the General Staff (Operations) Brigadier-General Tung Yui Fai and Commanding General of the United States Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill, Major-General David Halverson. The two generals also met participating troops from both armies.

Training in the US allows the SAF to enhance its operational capabilities and readiness, and facilitates the sharing of professional knowledge among soldiers of the two armed forces. The US's support for Exercise Daring Warrior is a reflection of the long-standing and excellent defence ties between Singapore and the US.

20 November 2010

ST Marine Unveils Thai LPD Details

20 November 2010

ST Marine's LPD for Royal Thai Navy (image : TAF)

Singapore Technologies (ST) Marine has released details of the landing platform dock (LPD) ship that the company is building for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN).

A model displayed by ST Marine at the Euronaval 2010 exhibition in Paris depicted a vessel similar to the Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN's) Endurance-class landing ship tank. However, there is a key difference in the deletion of the bow ramp and its replacement with a starboard side door and ramp (about 6 m wide), providing access for light vehicles and personnel.

Construction of the Thai LPD started in mid-2009 and delivery is scheduled for the second half of 2012. The procurement contract is valued at about USD135 million and included an order for two 23 m Fast Craft Utility (FCUs) and two 13 m Landing Craft Vehicle and Personnel (LCVPs).

The two FCUs (or Landing Craft Mechanised) are accommodated in a stern dock while the two LCVPs (or Fast Craft Equipment and Utility) are mounted on davits either side of the superstructure.

The propulsion system includes two Caterpillar C280-12 diesel engines, each rated at 4060 kW, driving two controllable pitch propellers. A bow thruster is also fitted. Maximum speed is listed as 17 kt and range at 12 kt is greater than 5000 n miles. Electrical power is provided by four Caterpillar 3512B 900 kW gensets.

Terma is providing its C-Flex combat management system initially with three multifunction consoles, a C-Search radar and sensor suite (including a SCANTER 4100 air and surface surveillance radar and combined identification, friend-or-foe system) and a C-Fire electro-optical director with thermal imaging, TV camera and eye-safe laser rangefinder.

Armament comprises an Oto Melara 76 mm Super Rapid gun forward and what appear to be two MSI Seahawk 30 mm mounts amidships. A single machine-gun mount is fitted on either bridge wing.

The LPD's load-carrying capacity is estimated to be in excess of 1,000 tons, given that its deadweight (displacement including the crew, passengers, cargo, fuel, water and stores less the lightship weight) is approximately 1,600 tons. A force of more than 300 troops can be embarked.

For comparison, each of the four Endurance-class ships can reportedly embark 18 main battle tanks, 20 trucks or infantry fighting vehicles plus around 350 troops. The RSN vessels have an overall length of 141 m, beam of 21 m, draught of 5 m and a full load displacement of about 8,500 tons.

The Thai LPD has a ship's company of 120 personnel (plus 15 in the embarked air group), which is almost twice as many as the RSN vessel and suggests that the level of systems automation in the new ship is inferior to the Endurance class.

19 November 2010

Super Hornet Back on Agenda

19 November 2010

F/A-18E/F would be potential candidate as a new MMRCA for RMAF (photo : Flightglobal)

KUALA LUMPUR: The Boeing Co remains hopeful of concluding a deal to sell up to 18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighters to Malaysia, which the US aircraft manufacturer has been negotiating since 2002.

Boeing Defence, Space and Security president and chief executive officer Dennis Muilenburg said the company has submitted a proposal to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) for its F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, and negotiations are ongoing."We are hopeful that things will move forward in the near term... We can accommodate customers' (delivery) schedules, both near term and long term.

"We have demonstrated the ability to produce the Super Hornets for multiple customers on schedule," he said here on Tuesday.

He declined to reveal whether Boeing had proposed that the RMAF buy the single-seater Super Hornet E model or the two-seater F model, although reports had suggested that up to 18 units of the two-seater version were proposed.RMAF currently operates eight earlier generation two-seater F/A-18Ds and was reportedly planning to buy eight to 16 more aircraft before the 1997 Asian financial crisis forced a spending cut.

Recently, however, Malaysian defence officials had indicated that multi-role fighter purchase was back on the agenda.Muilenburg said RMAF had expressed satisfaction with its fleet of eight F/A-18Ds from Boeing."They provide tremendous (day-night strike) capability, reliable and the cost of maintaining the jets is low.

"I think the expectation (of the RMAF) is to continue to operate and expand that fleet rather than replace it.

"In this regard, the Super Hornets are an attractive option because these fighter jets provide direct interoperability with the F/A-18Ds fleet.

"They will have common support equipment as well as common air crew and maintenance training systems."

Apart from the Super Hornets, Muilenburg said Malaysia had not indicated any other aircraft procurement plans.

"But as with all of our customers, we continue to provide awareness of the products that are available (from Boeing). We are ready to respond if specific opportunities come forward."

This was Muilenburg's first visit to Malaysia where he had a meeting with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and commercial customer, Measat Satellite Systems Sdn Bhd.

"During the meeting with the prime minister, one of the things that we talked about was how Boeing can help Malaysia achieve its New Economic Model goals and how we can be part of the industrial player (via offset programmes) going forward," Muilenburg said."

(For instance), if we are successful in bringing our Super Hornets to Malaysia, part of our industrial participation package will include composites manufacturing work being done in Malaysia.

"Structurally, the Super Hornet is built largely from aluminium alloys with extensive use of carbon fibre composite skins in the wings and titanium in several critical areas."

It's possible (through Boeing's Super Hornet industrial cooperation programme), our partners like Asian Composites Manufacturing Sdn Bhd and Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd in Malaysia can become a key supplier of composite materials.

"To date, they have both demonstrated terrific capability in composites manufacturing."
Boeing is also in discussions with Measat to supply two additional commercial communications satellites and Ku-band transponders.

Three of four Measat satellites in orbit today were built by Boeing.

(New Straits Times)

Timorese Tweak Canberra with Patrol Boat Buys

19 November 2010

South Korean patrol vessel (photo : Militaryphotos)

East Timor is acquiring two navy patrol boats from South Korea as the country moves further out of Australia's sphere of military influence.

The acquisition, which has not been publicly announced, comes after the country bought two 43-metre Chinese patrol boats, which strained relations between Australia and the government in Dili earlier this year.

East Timor's marine police unit is also moving to purchase nine smaller boats, adding to its fleet of three, the marine police commander, Lino Saldanha, told journalists in Dili.

When the South Korean navy boats arrive, foreign-trained crews in four foreign-built boats will be patrolling East Timor's territorial waters, which are crucial to Australia's defence and border protection.

Australia tried to negotiate for the Australian Defence Force to take charge of patrolling the waters during negotiations over the Greater Sunrise gas field in the Timor Sea. But the then Fretilin government rejected the attempt, insisting the waters in a joint petroleum development area be left open to international law.
Sources in Dili say the deal with South Korea also involves the acquisition of a publicly unknown quantity of munitions.

East Timor's Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao, said last week his country could not rely on Australia and Indonesia to guarantee its independence. ''As a territory, seated in the crossroads of Asia and the Pacific, between Australia and Indonesia - giant neighbours with different backgrounds, which have been in the past able to adopt a common policy in relation to our destiny - East Timor has to avoid falling into political naivety, thinking that our constitution, on its own, can guarantee our national independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty over its own resources,'' the Portuguese news agency Lusa quoted Mr Gusmao as saying.

''Even the countries that have been democratic and developed for centuries concern themselves with their defence and security, investing in these vital areas, which East Timor itself must do,'' said Mr Gusmao, who is also the Defence Minister.

He also signalled his government is moving to boost East Timor's internal security. ''Today's technological sophistication places us at the mercy of large economic interests, always driving their own political interests.''

When the Chinese patrol boats were launched in June, Ian Storey, a regional defence expert at the Institute of South-East Asian Studies in Singapore, said Dili wanted to ''demonstrate to Canberra that it has other choices when it comes to defence partners''.

East Timor paid $US28 million for the 1960s-designed, 175-tonne Shanghai class boats.

The Timorese leadership decided last month that 400 Australian soldiers serving in the International Stabilisation Force would leave the country after elections in 2012.

18 November 2010

CV90, RG41 Offer Insight Into Future of Australian Land Combat System

18 November 2010

BAE Systems CV-90 (photo : BAE Systems)

BAE Systems has outlined its vision for the future of the Land 400 program by revealing details of two armoured combat vehicles that would deliver superior survivability, mobility and sustainability to Australian warfighters.

The company is using the 2010 Australian Land Warfare Conference to discuss its tracked CV90 MkIII Armadillo and wheeled RG41 vehicles that could form the core of the Australian Defence Force's future land combat force.

These vehicles represent the latest examples of the best of BAE Systems' global experience, skills and technology in developing proven armoured fighting vehicles, according to Land & Integrated Systems Director Kim Scott.

Mr Scott said BAE Systems recently responded to an Australian Government invitation to register interest in Land 400 by providing details of more than 10 vehicles that could potentially fulfil the multiple roles required by the ADF.

"For example, the experience gained in delivering 1,110 CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicles to six of the most technically sophisticated of the world's armies has been incorporated into the new Armadillo."

BAE Systems RG-41 (photo : BAE Systems)

"As a tracked armoured vehicle, the Armadillo balances extremely high protection, high mobility, and high payload. Internally, it is equipped to accommodate and integrate the digitally equipped infantry of the future."

An important feature of the Armadillo is component commonality and modularity across the turreted, personnel carrier and engineering variants, achieving 65 per cent to 88 per cent commonality.

This is a major contributor to the low logistic footprint, aimed at minimising the total cost-of-ownership. With available payload provision of 16 tonnes, the designers have also achieved a modular tracked vehicle and a flexible family of role variants.

The RG41 is the latest in a line of armoured combat vehicles that draws on BAE Systems' experience as one of the world's most prolific providers of armoured protection systems over the past 40years.

Mr Scott said: "Our company's global experience in protecting soldiers against IEDs, mines, rocket, and ballistic threats has been incorporated into the RG-41.
The RG41 provides a tough, secure and versatile solution for the wheeled element of Land 400."

Vehicle weight is up to 30 tonnes, including a high payload capacity of 11 tonnes. It can accommodate 11, including driver, vehicle commander and nine soldiers.

Affordability is a leading consideration driving the procurement of wheeled protected vehicles - so the RG41 is based on COTS and MOTS components, minimising the use of specialised items.

Another innovative feature is the modular, field-repairable, mine-protected design on the vehicle's underside, achieved by the use of bolt-on blast modules.

"Through the Land 400 project, the ADF is seeking to re-equip its land combat forces with a range of systems that are more survivable, capable and interoperable.

Tim Teknis Kemhan Tinjau Kondisi Pesawat F-16 di AS

18 November 2010

F-16 milik AS (photo : US ANG)

Pesawat Hibah dari AS Masih Dipertimbangkan

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Rencana hibah 24 unit pesawat tempur F-16 dari Amerika Serikat untuk memperkuat skuadron pertahanan udara Indonesia masih dipertimbangkan. Kementerian Pertahanan masih mempelajari untung ruginya dibanding membeli pesawat baru. "Plus minusnya itu yang sedang kita kaji secara cermat," kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro di Jakarta, Rabu (17/11).

Harga sebuah pesawat F-16 baru yakni US$ 70 juta. Sedangkan biaya untuk meng-upgrade atau menaikkan kemampuan pesawat hibah setiap pesawat dibutuhkan berkisar US$ 5 juta hingga US$ 7 juta.

Tim teknis Kementerian Pertahanan saat ini berada di AS melihat kondisi fisik pesawat. Mereka juga mengalkulasi angka perbandingan untuk menerima hibah dengan segala konsekuensinya atau membeli pesawat tempur baru.(AIS)

(Liputan 6)

Valanx Unveiled in Australia

18 November 2010

Valanx - protected mobility vehicle (photo : BAE Systems)

The ‘Valanx,' BAE Systems' solution to meet the Australian Protected Mobility Vehicle - Light (PMV-L) and the US Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program requirements was publicly unveiled for the first time in Australia today.

The Valanx, being offered to the Australian Defence Force under Project Land 121-Phase 4, is the centrepiece of the BAE Systems stand at the 2010 Land Warfare Conference in Brisbane.

Valanx is the result of four successive generations of demonstrator and prototype vehicles developed by BAE Systems.

The JLTV and PMV-L programs will replace much of the Humvee fleet in the US and the Land Rover Perentie vehicle in Australia respectively.

Director of Land and Integrated Systems Kim Scott said: "We believe the Valanx offers the Australian Army the safest and most capable vehicle.

"It's built for the modern warfighter and delivers on the demanding balance required for the ‘Iron Triangle' of payload, performance and protection."

BAE Systems, along with partners Navistar Defense and Arvin Meritor, delivered three right-hand drive configured Valanx vehicles to the Australian Army in June 2010.

The Valanx vehicles and trailer have been undergoing trials at Army's test track in Monegeetta, Victoria since mid-2010, as part of the US Government's JLTV program.

In December, these vehicles will revert to Australian control for further evaluation against the Australian trials and evaluation program.

Local Field Service Representatives from BAE Systems Australia have been providing support for the vehicles at Monegeetta throughout the trials program.

Currently, the majority of Valanx's components are at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7, which is used to measure equipment maturity.

Mr Scott said the Australian vehicles were designed to be highly compatible with the US variants, ensuring interoperability between forces, while still being tightly tailored to meet the needs of Australian vehicle crews and commanders.

"At present, the US and Australian teams within BAE Systems are working together to examine candidate components and subsystems to enable Australian SMEs to participate in the global supply chain for the Valanx, should we be successful in the 50,000-60,000 vehicle JLTV program.

"This would provide 10-15 years of steady production for companies if selected."

The name Valanx is derived from the meaning of a phalanx - an ancient Greek formation designed to protect soldiers in combat - but introduces the "V" characteristic.

The Valanx has a signature V-shaped hull, designed to deflect a mine blast away from the vehicle, protecting the soldiers inside.

(BAE Systems)

17 November 2010

Vietnam Navy Continued Modernization with Russian Products

17 November 2010
Vietnam Kilo 636 orders will be equipped with Air-independent propulsion / AIP (photo : Global Defence)

The volume of orders for the supply of Russian Vietnamese TDC has become comparable to the contracts are realized by the Indian Navy

TSAMTO, VPK. Within the bigstep modernization of the Navy of the country, Vietnam has become one of the largest customers of Russian naval equipment. Cooperation is developing in all segments TDC - fighting surface ships of the main class, the boats of various types and SS.

In late 2009, Russia and Vietnam sign contract for supply of six diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 Kilo worth about 1.8 billion dollars. At the Admiralty Shipyard 26 August this year the ceremony of laying the first of six diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 Kilo, ordered the Navy in Vietnam. According to available data, diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 for the Navy in Viet Nam will be equipped with missile complex Club-S ".
Kilo 636 Vietnam will be equipped with Club S cruise missile, can reach 220km target (image : Novator)

Three months after signing the contract, the parties began negotiations on the construction of the item-based diesel-electric submarines and associated infrastructure. Financial parameters of the program experts estimate the sum, which is comparable or even greater than the cost of the diesel-electric submarines.

In the future, Vietnam expects to receive a loan from Russia for the construction of not only the locations of submarines, but also for the purchase of ships of various types (including rescue, supply vessels) and naval aircraft.

It should be noted that the submarine force and naval aviation will be new structures in the Armed Forces in Vietnam.

Molniya class missile boat, length 56,9m and full displacement 550ton (photo : Hoangsa)

The second largest project in the segment of TDC is the program delivery and licensed production of boats "Molniya", the total cost is estimated at $ 1 billion. In the 1990's. Vietnam was delivered four boats Project 1241RE Molniya rocket complex "Termite." In 1993, Vietnam has bought a license for the building of missile boats Project 1241.8 Molniya rocket complex "Uran." Supply of technical, regulatory and technological documentation for the construction of these ships began in 2005. From 2006 began the process of preparation for manufacture. According to the contract signed in 2003, two-boat project 1241.8 Molniya rocket complex "Uran" to be built in Russia and 10 boats on the Russian license in Vietnam. The first missile boat "Molnya" project 1241.8 rocket strike systems "Uran-E" was handed over to Vietnam in 2007, the second - in 2008. In 2010, with the laying of the first boats in the shipyard in Ho Chi Minh City, the start of the licensed part of the contract for construction of 10 boats, intended to last until 2016.

In the segment BNK OK with Vietnam implemented a major project to supply frigates. In 2006, Rosoboronexport signed with the Vietnamese Navy contract worth 350 million dollars to supply two frigates of Project 11661 “Gepard-3.9". Project developer is Zelenodolskoye PKB. Artist of the contract - OAO Zelenodolsky Shipyard.

Gepard class frigates, length 102m and displacement 2100ton (photo : shipspotting)

ZPKB proposed for Navy Vietnam upgraded version of Project 11661 “Gepard-3.9". It is based on the escort ship "Tatarstan", adopted by the arms of the Caspian Fleet of the Russian Navy.

Upgraded "Gepard" for Vietnam built by stealth. The ship is armed with antiaircraft complex "Palma-SU" with a new electro-optical guidance system and missile system "Uran".

Work to equip the frigates, the equipment are completed. Currently, two frigates of project 11661 “Gepard-3.9" tested in the Baltic. Then the ships will leave in Baltiisk, where they will transfer to the customer.

Project 11661 frigates are designed for searching, locating and destroying surface, underwater and air targets, either alone or in a group of ships. They can solve the escort and patrol tasks. Armament is two quad CP PKR Uran-E, 76-mm artillery shells of AK-176M, two 30-mm artillery AK-630M and 533-mm torpedo tubes. Displacement - 2100 tons, speed - 28 knots, the autonomy of the sea passage - 20 days. May be based on the frigate helicopters Ka-28 or Ka-31.

The Vietnamese side expressed its readiness to build under license by two more similar ships in the shipyards in Ho Chi Minh City (this option is not yet implemented).

Svetlyak class patrol boat, length 49m and displacement 390 ton (photo : ttvnol)

From Vietnam continues to implement the program delivery of patrol boats. In summer 2002, two patrol boats project 10412 Type "Svetlyak" ordered Navy Viet Nam, was launched at the shipyard "Almaz" (St. Petersburg). Both boats in January 2003 were transferred to the customer. The cost of each ship is from 10 to 15 million.

Is constructed on the basis of a contract signed with the Vietnamese side Rosoboronexport in November 2001. Boats of the "Svetlyak" are intended to protect the maritime border, coastal communications and combat poachers. In the armed ship - two artillery of the AK-306, a system for combating air targets Igla-1M.

At the same time Viet Nam expressed his intention to continue the construction program for the national Navy boats of the "Svetlyak" (as a whole dealt with the construction of a series of 10-12 patrol boats of this type). This program was further developed in 2009. In the summer of 2009 by two Russian shipyards (shipbuilding company Almaz shipyard and the East Wharf "in Vladivostok) was laid in a total of four patrol boats project 10412 "Svetlyak"(2 on each boat), commissioned by the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam.

TFR Project 10412 was developed in St. Petersburg JSC "Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz. Cutters have high seaworthiness, speed - 30 knots. On board mounted gun, anti-aircraft guns. Crew - 28 people.

Shipbuilding company Almaz was planning to pass two boats to the customer before the end of 2010. Terms of delivery vehicles "Eastern shipyard has not been reported.

K300P Bastion land based anti ship missile, can reach 300 km target (photo : ttvnol)

Until the end of this year, Vietnam will also send mobile coastal missile system (MSMC) K-300P "Bastion-P". Vietnam became the first customer "Bastion", signed in 2006 a contract to supply two sets of MSMC.

In January 2002, JSC "Kronstadt" has set for the Navy in Viet Nam first full-scale simulator "Tarantul I” 1241RE. With the help of marine simulator "Tarantul I", staged in 2002, the Vietnamese sailors practiced management skills 1241RE missile boats of the project with a set of "Termite", set in 1990.

Cooperation with Vietnam on naval simulators has been further developed. Vietnam expressed his intention to purchase an integrated simulator for the three types of ships - Project 1241RE, Project 1241.8 frigates procured and Gepard.

Tarantul I class, length 56m and displacement 590 ton (photo : Militaryphotos)

Rosoboronexport, in September 2006 signed a contract with the Navy in Viet Nam to upgrade treadmill "Tarantul I” 1241RE and delivery of new simulators for missile launches and projects 1241RE 1241.8 Molniya. The delivery was implemented in December 2007.

Apart from Russia, Vietnam is actively cooperating in the field of TDC with India, which is its strategic ally in the region.

In March 2002, Vietnam and India have signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of rehabilitation, modernization and construction of fast patrol boats, as well as training technical personnel, including divers. Several times India has assisted in the delivery of spare parts for ships, which are overwhelmingly produced in the USSR and Russia.