31 Agustus 2020
RSS Supreme Succesful Firing Aster SAM During RIMPAC 2020
The Royal Australian Navy Selects iXblue’s Inertial Navigation Systems for New SEA1180 OPVs
31 Agustus 2020
Lurrsen Arafura class OPV (photo : NavalNews)FRANCE – iXblue’s inertial navigation systems and gyrocompasses have recently been chosen to equip the new Royal Australian Navy’s SEA1180 Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV). Based on Fiber-Optic Gyroscope technology, iXblue’s inertial navigation systems will provide the 12 new Arafura Class vessels with highly accurate and reliable navigation capabilities in all environments, including within GNSS-denied operational areas.
“We would like to thank the Royal Australian Navy and our Defence industry partners for their trust in our navigation systems as Australia embarks on the largest fleet modernization in decades. To be chosen as the supplier of INS and gyrocompass for the first of Australia’s continuous shipbuilding programs is a great recognition of our technology and of our ongoing support to the Royal Australian Navy,” says David Cunningham, commercial director at iXblue. “It’s also a great opportunity to invest in our Australian workforce and local partners and suppliers. We’re looking forward to our ongoing collaboration in Australia”.
Already equipping more than 650 surface ships and underwater platforms in 40 navies and coast guards worldwide, iXblue’s recent success in SEA1180 continues 15 years of continuous service and support to the Royal Australian Navy. In addition to supplying equipment to Defence, iXblue also supplies specialist geospatial services and recently completed the first commercial hydrographic survey project under the SEA2400 Hydrographic Industry Partnership Programme (HIPP).
Embraer Starts Flying PHL-Bound Super Tucanos from Sao Paulo
T-6 Texan II Selected for Royal Thai Air Force
31 Agustus 2020
T-6C Texan II and AT-6B Wolverine (photo : Pete & Kat Fletcher)The T-6 Texan II becomes the new Air Force training aircraft. This includes a new type of attack aircraft of the Royal Thai Air Force. This acquisition will replace the expiring PC-9M trainer aircrafta and will replace the L-39ZA/ART attack aircraft at the 411 squadron in Chiang Mai, which will replace at least 24 aircraft per squadron, which is considered to reduce the number of aircraft per squadron. But it comes with the opportunity of the Thai industrial sector to participate in the manufacture and improvement of aircraft like this. This is the first time that Thai people can participate in this much.
The T-6 Texan II defeats the KT-1 Wongbee and PC-21, although it did not exceed expectations. But it is considered quite surprising Let's get to know the T-6 Texan II a little more.
The T-6 Texan II is the purchase of a PC-9 trainer to be developed to compete in the United States Army's Joint Initial Training Aircraft Program. It was finally chosen as the standard training aircraft for all three US Army pilots. It first entered service about 20 years ago, it is also a standard training aircraft of the United States Air Force, Air Force of New Zealand, Morocco Air Force, Mexican Air Force and Navy, Israeli Air Force, Greece Air Force, Iraqi Air Force, Argentinian Air Force and Canadian Air Force. The Royal Thai Air Force will be the 11th national user of the T-6 Texan II with more than 850 aircraft produced.
The T-6TH, which is the Royal Thai Air Force code, will be based on the T-6C Texan II, as well as the A-6TH that will be the attack aircraft, it should also be based on the AT-6B Wolverine.
The Thai "TH" code represents a specific improvement of the Royal Thai Air Force. Because the Air Force specifies the need for the Air Force and Thai private companies to be able to improve the flight control software or Operation Flight Program of the machine, Textron Aviation, the manufacturer, agrees to all requirements. Manufacturers, Textron Aviation and Lockheed Martin, as well as CMC Electronics and Diehl will collaborate with Thailand's RV Connex and TAI in final refurbishment and assembly to deliver to the Air Force. This may include the production of some parts in Thailand.
As planned, the Air Force is expected to make significant improvements to the A-6TH, which will be equipped with the current Air Force standard IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile. This will be the first time that the T-6 Texan II will be able to install IRIS-T, which will be primarily operated by RV Connex, who previously joined the IRIS-T installation on the F-5TH. It uses the same mission system architecture that is installed on the A-10C Thunderbolt II attack aircraft and uses an enhanced sensor suite from the MC-12W Liberty reconnaissance aircraft. The cockpit is expected to be co-designed by CMC Electronic, a partner with The Thai RV Connex in the Alphajet cockpit design has come before.
Weapons systems will be able to use a .50 inch or 20 mm gun equipped with a 500 pound laser guided bomb, and other types of bombs. And in the future will include the installation of the Link-TH Datalink system, which is the standard link of the Royal Thai Air Force. The final assembly will be carried out in Thailand. It is expected to be at TAI's factory and may include private Thai companies to manufacture some parts.
Buying Thai weapons or buy foreign weapons, but Thais get jobs, produce, get technology. There will be continued, if the Air Force is successful in implementing its White Paper policy for the next 20 years, a project like this would be a fine excuse to ask political support to generate industry and income for the country. And will help support the Thai economy reduce the loss of military budget going outside the country. And is a high utilization of the budget and many dimensions This should be an important example of the Thai military procurement and development.
30 Agustus 2020
Usai Maung, PT Pindad Produksi Tank Boat Antasena APC-30
30 Agustus 2020
Tampilan Tank Boat Antasena APC-30 produksi PT Pindad (graphic : Pindad)REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad Ade Bagdja, menjelaskan, kini perusahaan sedang membuat produk pesanan khusus dari Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto, yaitu kendaraan taktis (rantis) bernama Maung. Pesanan yang akan dipenuhi itu mencapai 500 unit sesuai permintaan Kementerian Pertahanan.
"Kita melihat kebutuhan dan peluang dari berbagai macam kondisi Maung, ini sekalian kita sedang industrialisasi semoga tahun ini bisa 500 unit, meskipun kapasitas kita bangunan mencapai 1.000 unit dengan berbagai variannya," kata Ade dalam diskusi virtual yang diadakan Jakarta Defence Studies (JDS) dengan tema 'Tantangan Perang Generasi Keenam Versus Kemandirian Industri Pertahanan' di Jakarta, Rabu (26/8).
Hadir sebagai pemateri Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan 2019-2020 Laksdya (Purn) Agus Setiadji, Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT Len Industri, Zakky Gamal Yasin, dan Ketua Harian Persatuan Industri Pertahanan Swasta Nasional (Pinhantanas) Mayjen (Purn) Jan Pieter Ate.
Dia menyatakan, PT Pindad juga akan meluncurkan kendaraan tempur lainnya pada 2021. Hanya saja, alutsista kali ini diperuntukkan bagi TNI AL. "Ini coming soon, available tahun 2021. Tentu saja kendaraan tersebut dilengkapi senjata mesin untuk digunakan personel TNI," ujar Ade.
Menurut Ade, spesifikasi Antasena memiliki panjang 18,75 meter dan lebar 6,10 meter, yang memiliki kapasitas kecepatan 40 knots, yang dilengkapi kekuatan 2x1.700 tenaga kuda. "Kendaraan tempur berkonsep Tank Boat Antasena APC-30, ada variasi tank boat rudal dan tank boat kaliber 105 mm," jelas Ade yang menggantikan Dirut PT Pindad Abraham Moses.
Ade pun menyinggung tentang permintaan kebutuhan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) TNI memang terbatas. Hal itu menjadikan Pindad berbeda dengan pabrikan otomotif swasta yang bisa merakit mobil dalam jumlah ribuan dalam sebulan. "Rantis Anoa belum mencapai 1.000 (unit), padahal sudah berjalan 10 tahun. Ini ciri khas indhan, volume kebutuhan kecil," kata Ade.
Meski begitu, kata dia, pembangunan industri pertahanan (indhan) harus terus dirintis secara berkelanjutan, misalnya diseting bertahap untuk 20 tahun. Karena itu, kalau beda pemerintah beda kebijakan maka indhan tidak bakal bisa bersaing. "Pembangunan indhan harus bertahap. Lima tahun saja berubah, kita kerepotan. harusnya memang 20 tahun," ucap Ade.
Pesawat tempur Typhoon (photo : Eurofighter)Typhoon bekas
Sementara Sekjen Kemenhan periode 2019-2020 Laksdya (Purn) Agus Setiadji mengomentari rencana Menhan Prabowo Subianto membeli pesawat tempur Typhoon bekas dari Austria. Agus mengaku hanya menyampaikan pendapat terkait kajian ilmiah yang tidak berkaitan dengan kebijakan. Dia menganggap, apa pun kebijakan yang diputuskan Menhan pasti ada dasar-dasar kuat untuk pengambilan keputusan membeli pesawat buatan konsorsium Eropa tersebut.
"Keputusan entah membeli sesuatu alutsista baru dengan teknologi tertentu ataupun alustsita bekas, diakibatkan kebutuhan mutlak dan segera. Bisa jadi kita saat ini, kita masih kepikiran belum punya bayangan, belum punya musuh, sehingga alutsista kita hanya sekian yang menembak. Saya yakin Menhan punya dasar kuat, misal segera untuk membeli alutsista," kata Agus.
Ketua Harian Pinhantanas Mayjen (Purn) Jan Pieter Ate, mengkritik langkah Menhan yang berencana membeli alutsista bekas. Menurut dia, jika kebijakan lebih memprioritaskan membeli alutsista bekas maka pertahanan Indonesia semakin tertinggal. Dia menyoroti, pembelian 15 unit Typhoon yang diproduksi belasan tahun lalu, dan di negaranya sudah tidak dipakai, malah akan digunakan untuk memperkuat TNI AU. Jika hal itu terjadi maka kekuatan TNI bisa dipertanyakan.
"Indonesia kok beli bekas terus, beli teknologi yang baru, supaya indhan kita itu bisa catch up (mengejar ketertinggalan). Jadi kita bicara kita generasi keenam, stealth, big data, musuhmu itu nanti bukan lawan barang bekas, tapi datang bawa teknologi terbaru," kata Ate dengan menggebu-gebu.
Ate juga menyunggung tentang konsep minimum essential force (MEF) yang harus diganti karena tidak relevan lagi. Menurut dia, MEF merupakan konsep pertahanan yang tidak merepresentasikan Indonesia sebagai bangsa besar. Menurut dia, konsep MEF dengan rencana strategis (renstra) 2010-2014 dan 2015-2019 menghasilkan pemenuhan fisik baru tercapai 63,19 persen dan kesiapan alutsista hanya 58,37 persen.
Ate menyebut, angka itu menunjukkan ada kesenjangan kesiapan pemenuhan dan penggunaan alutsita TNI mencapai 41 persen. "Sampai sekarang MEF belum memenuhi kebutuhan kita. Kita negara G-20. Tinggalkan MEF, kita susun kembali pertahanan negara besar. Nah gitu dunk," kata Ate mendukung agar Kemenhan tidak lagi menggunakan MEF sebagai dasar pembelian dan produksi alutsista TNI.
Malaysia Issues MPA and UAV Tenders
30 Agustus 2020
Beechcraft B200TMP Super King Air of the RMAF (photo :Victor Alexander)
Camar Kembali: It Has Begun
The much anticipated tenders for the supply of two Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) and three Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MALE UAV) have been issued to international bidders on August 25.
Apparently, the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) is looking for up to 4 new MPA to replace the 3 remaining Beechcraft B200TMP Super King Air currently soldering on with No 16 ‘Sintar’ Skn.
The recent tender is actually Phase 1 of the whole MPA program.
According to a statement by Senior Minister of Defence, the Beechcraft is expected to be withdrawn from service by 2024, exactly 30 years since it was inducted into the RMAF in 1994.
The B200TMP lacks sufficient range and endurance. The small cabin space means that it is not able to carry much sensors for surveillance.
Having said that, the Beechcraft has provided excellent service with sterling safety record of 22 years until a training hazard accident occurred on December 21, 2016 killing the pilot and instructor Mej (posthumously promoted to Lt Kol) Kayamboo Chellam TUDM.
In all, the RMAF operates two Beechcraft B350i King Air for Multi Engine and Crew Training (MECT) at Tactical Flight Training Centre – Transport (Pusat Latihan Terbang Taktikal – Angkut or PLTT-Angkut) and four B200TMP with No 16 Skn. The two units currently based at Subang AFB although the B350i has been pulled out of service after the leasing contract has lapsed.
A tender has been issued for replacement of the B350i albeit in much smaller size. Two IAe CN235-220M tactical transport aircraft operated by No 1 Skn will be converted into MPA by the Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) at its Bandung facility under US funded Maritime Security Initiative (MSI).
The CN-235 and its larger development, the Airbus C-295 were considered as leading contenders as they share logistic commonality with the existing fleet including 4 Airbus A-400M Atlas strategic transport aircraft operated by No 22 Skn also at Subang AFB.
The fact that the CN-235 is built in Indonesia means that the procurement cost is much lower than any other contenders. No 1 Skn (previously No 21 Skn) has been operating the CN-235s for more than 20 years with commendable safety record. One CN-235-100 VIP transport aircraft was lost in an accident but the incident never tarnished the overall good record the fleet has.
As ad hoc MPA, the CN-235 was deployed to conduct maritime surveillance during the search of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in 2014 and Covid-19 border patrol as part of Ops Benteng.
In terms of provision of training, the existing flight simulator facility at Kuching AFB could be well used to train future MPA pilots. Even the CN-235 offers seamless maintenance support both in country and abroad.
As for the MALE UAV, preparation has been well on the way since the first time the RMAF mooted the idea for MPA configured MALE UAV REQUIREMENT during the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace (LIMA) 2017 airshow. By the time the 2019 edition of LIMA opened up its curtain, international Request for Information (RFI) has been issued to potential bidders.
The US Government has cleared Malaysia to purchase the General Atomic Sky Guardian MALE UAV, derived from the famous MQ-9 Reaper.
In conjunction with RMAF anniversary on June 1, the Chief of the Air Force has announced that the squadron operating 18 KNAAPO-built Sukhoi Su-30MKM (NATO Reporting Name: Flanker) Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA), No 11 ‘Bisa’ Skn will be undergoing number plate change to reflect its new role and preservation of historical facts.
The Sukhoi had since being operated by No 12 ‘Jengking Merah’ Skn while No 11 Skn will be operating a mix of Tactical UAV (TUAV) and the MALE UAV. A tender has been issued for the supply of unspecified number of TUAS for No 11 Skn out of Melaka International Airport near Batu Berendam.
The spirit of the tender is nevertheless to provide training and surveillance platform in anticipation of delivery of the much capable MALE UAV.
The RMAF will certainly following closely the training syllabus and operational doctrine of two Maritime agencies namely the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) Aviation Branch (Cawangan Udara TLDM – CUT) with its US supplied Boeing/In-Situ ScanEagle Mk 2 operated by No 601 Skn and the Malaysian Coast Guard (officially known as the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency or MMEA) Thales Fulmar X TUAVs out of its Bagan Datuk class New Generation Patrol Craft (NGPV)
The MALE UAV tender is expected to be closed by November while the MPA tender is closed in early December 2020. This could mean that two winners might be selected in 2021, the first year of 12th Malaysia Plan.
Holding Industri Pertahanan Masih Dalam Tahap Konsolidasi
30 Agustus 2020
Rencana holding yang terdiri dari 5 perusahaan BUMNIS (graphic : BUMN)
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Rencana pembentukan holding industri pertahanan saat ini masih dalam tahap konsolidasi dan sinkronisasi antara PT Len Industri, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI), PT Pindad, dan PT Dahana.Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Zakky Gamal Yasin menjelaskan, pihaknya saat ini sedang dalam proses membangun konsolidasi dan sinkronisasi untuk memperkuat industri pertahanan supaya memiliki daya saing dan bisa mandiri.
Hanya saja, Zakky tidak menyinggung kapan kepastian holding industri pertahanan tersebut terbentuk.
"LEN memimpin klaster industri pertahanan, di bawahnya ada PT DI, Pindad dan Dahana," ujar Zakky dalam diskusi virtual yang diadakan Jakarta Defence Studies (JDS) dengan tema "Tantangan Perang Generasi Keenam Versus Kemandirian Industri Pertahanan", Rabu (26/8/2020).
"Kita sedang berporoses jadi satu holding menjadi satu industri pertahanan, agar maju, mandiri, dan berdaya saing, dan terkemuka di regional Asia," lanjut dia.
Adapun holding industri pertahanan akan menggabungkan PT Len Industri, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI), PT Pindad dan PT Dahana.
Menurut Zakky, industri pertahanan milik pemerintah sedang membuat master plan agar bisa tembus di urutan 50 besar perusahaan industri pertahanan dunia.
Target lainnya yang harus tercapai pada 2024, sambung dia, kontribusi industri pertahanan nasional bisa membuat produk dengan komponen lokal mencapai 50 persen.
Untuk mewujudkan itu semua, industri pertahanan BUMN harus bersinergi dan berada dalam satu klaster untuk memperkuat finansial dan mengintegrasikan rantai pasokan dan ekosistem.
"Ekosistem harus kerja sama semua yang ada di Indonesia, termasuk dengan BUMS (badan usaha milik swasta). Ini yang kita bangun menjadi kekuatan industri pertahanan nasional.
Ini road map 2020-2024, ini program unggulan, kita inisiasi dan target kami sampaikan agar bisa kita capai," kata Zakky.
Zakky menuturkan, upaya membuat holding industri pertahanan di antaranya bertujuan untuk menaikkan omzet penjualan.
Menurut dia, holding dan merger dilakukan juga agar tidak ada investasi ganda yang selama ini dilakukan bebeberapa industri pertahanan.
"Investasi peralatan akan diatur sedemikian rupa, jangan sampai Len investasi, di tempat lain PT DI, Pindad, melakukan hal sama, ke depan akan diintegrasikan hal tersebut," terang dia.
Zakky menambahkan, dengan pendirian holding, maka industri bisa meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dan melakukan penilaian terhadap talenta perusahaan.
Ujung dari semua itu nantinya, industri pertahanan saling terintegrasi dan menjadi BUMN yang kuat untuk mendukung pertahanan negara dan perekonomian nasional.
"Jangan sampai industri pertahanan cakar-cakaran, bertengkar satu dengan lainnya, BUMN dan BUMS memperebutkan beberapa hal yang sama.
Harus ada yang diproritaskan, tentunya tidak itu-itu saja, karena itu perlu renstra perlu diwujudkan," tegas Zakky.
Holding ini diadakan agar industri pertahanan bisa lebih mumpuni dalam memasok kebutuhan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) TNI, Polri, dan lembaga keamanan lain.
Contohnya, Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla) hingga Badan Siber dan Sandi Nasional (BSSN).
29 Agustus 2020
Wamenhan Lihat Progress Pesanan 9 NC212i TNI AU di PT DI
29 Agustus 2020
Kunjungan Wakil Menteri Pertahanan RI ke PT DI diterima oleh Direksi PT DI (photo : PT DI)Bandung (28/08), Wakil Menteri Pertahanan RI, Bapak Sakti Wahyu Trenggono berkunjung ke PTDI, diterima oleh Direktur Utama, Elfien Goentoro, Direktur Teknologi & Pengembangan, Gita Amperiawan dan Direktur Produksi, M. Ridlo Akbar.
Dalam kesempatannya beliau juga meninjau beberapa kontrak berjalan di area hanggar, salah satunya adalah progress kontrak 9 unit pesawat NC212i TNI AU.
Diharapkan kunjungan ini dapat membawa berkah dan manfaat berkelanjutan bagi PTDI dan Kementerian Pertahanan RI.
Australia Invest in Revolutionising Future Mine Countermeasure Technology
29 Agustus 2020
Autonomous Mine Countermeasure (photo : Thales)
New autonomous technologies will revolutionise mine clearance capability in operations close to shore through a new five-year, $15 million research and development project.
The project is part of a new partnership between Defence, Australia’s Trusted Autonomous Systems Defence Cooperative Research Centre (TAS DCRC) and Thales Australia.
Researchers will design, develop, test and evaluate various teams of micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle swarms and Autonomous Surface Vessels, to develop new systems for underwater mine detection and clearance.
Minister for Defence Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said the project will harness Australian research and innovation capabilities in autonomous systems technologies.
“As announced in the 2020 Force Structure Plan, developing new systems for underwater mine detection and clearance are vital to protecting Australia’s maritime environment and advancing our interests,” Minister Reynolds said.
“Key technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, connectivity and cyber security will be vital in developing the capability to autonomously undertake environmental data collection and mine countermeasures missions.
“This will help to create a safer operating environment for Australian Defence Force personnel.”
Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said Australian businesses will play a vital role in the TAS DCRC project.
“Our local business partners will be part of the team designing and developing a communication, simulation and training solution for the new autonomous technologies,” Minister Price said.
“We are delighted to be working with the TAS DCRC, Thales, and Australian businesses Mission Systems and INENI Realtime.
“This will help us accelerate the development and deployment of autonomous systems and solutions in the area of mine counter measures.”
Research partners include Flinders University, the University of Sydney, the University of Technology Sydney and Western Sydney University who will design, develop, test and evaluate various platforms.
(Aus DoD)
PHL Signs Contract with Japan for 4 Air Surveillance Radars
29 Agustus 2020
Contract package consist of 3 fixed long-range Air Surveillance Radars, and 1 mobile Air Surveillance Radar, type radar is Melco J/FPS-3 radar (photo : DND)Philippine Air Force to get air surveillance system boost, as Secretary Lorenzana signs contract with Japan
The project, which has an Approved Budget for Contract of PHP 5,500,000,000.00, was awarded to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) with a total contract price of $103,500,000.00.
This cooperation signifies Japan’s first time to export Japanese-made defense equipment under a restructured government policy, permitting sales of defense equipment, as long as it is deemed for the promotion of international peace.This is also the first defense equipment and technology cooperation project between the two countries in realization of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of Japan concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology signed in 2016.
The recommended ASRS sites will cover large areas of the Philippine Rise, Southern Areas of the country, and the Southern portion of the West Philippine Sea. Operations from these strategically vital locations will enable the Philippine Air Force to provide optimal airspace monitoring, aircraft control, perform its Air Defense mission and enhance the security in Areas of Interest identified by the DND. Specifically, the ASRS will help to detect, identify, and correlate any threats and intrusions within the Philippine exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and deliver radar images to decision-makers and relevant operating units.
The ASRS package includes three (3) fixed long-range Air Surveillance Radars, each with building facilities and one (1) mobile Air Surveillance Radar, and are expected to be delivered to the Philippines starting 2022.
(Phil DND)
Uji Pesawat N-219 Dekati 300 Jam Terbang
29 Agustus 2020
Pesawat N-219 Nurtanio prototipe pertama (PD1) (photo : AkangAviation)
Dekati 300 Jam Terbang, Performa Purwarupa N-219 Sesuai Misi
BANDUNG, suaramerdeka.com - Menyusul minat pasar yang terus menunjukan tren positif, Chief Engineer N-219 PT DI, Palmana Banandhi menegaskan kesiapan jajarannya untuk memenuhi target penyelesaian type certificate pesawat penumpang berkapasitas 19 penumpang itu, sebelum diproduksi massal, yang dijadwalkan rampung pada akhir 2020.
Menurut dia, optimisme itu merujuk pada proses pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap dua purwarupa pesawat yang dinamai Nurtanio tersebut. "Alhamdulillah, (sejauh ini) data-data dari instrumentasi pesawat bagus dan realiable (andal)," tandasnya saat dihubungi, Senin (24/8).
Dijelaskan, untuk purwarupa pertama (PD1) dengan registrasi PK-XDT yang mulai terbang perdana pada Agustus 2017 sudah mengantongi 222 jam terbang yang merupakan hasil dari 196 kali mengudara. Pesawat ini digunakan untuk menguji stability, control, performance pesawat, dan struktur pesawat.
Sedangkan prototype kedua (PD2) dengan registrasi PK-XDP sudah mengantongi 168 jam terbang setelah mengudara 130 kali. Pesawat yang terbang perdana pada Desember 2018 itu, lebih banyak digunakan untuk pengujian sistem-sistem yang berada di pesawat.
Pesawat N-219 Nurtanio prototipe kedua (PD2) (photo : Roby Aeros)Untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi, kedua pesawat tipe rute perintis tersebut harus memenuhi sekitar 300 jam terbang. Proses tersebut dilakukan secara bervariasi sebelum mengakhiri rangkaian panjang itu pada Desember mendatang sebelum kemudian bisa diproduksi untuk memenuhi keinginan peminat.
Untuk pesawat N-219 pertama, jelas putra Tegal itu, masih membutuhkan sekitar 25 kali terbang lagi. Sedangkan pesawat kedua masih terdapat jadwal sekitar 18 kali terbang lagi. Untuk jam terbangnya jelas Palmana, cukup bervariasi karena masing-masing misi terbang itu bisa memakan waktu antara 1,5 sampai 3 jam,.
"Jumlah jam itu tergantung misi. Makanya, kalau kami hitungnya adalah berapa kali terbang lagi karena disesuaikan dengah jumlah mission test-nya. Untuk dua pesawat ini ya. Insya Allah sertifikasi N-219 akan diselesaikan pada akhir tahun 2020," kata Palmana Banandhi.
28 Agustus 2020
Selesai Upgrade, Dua Pesawat Tempur F-16 TNI AU Kembali Aktif
28 Agustus 2020
Pesawat F-16A/B TNI AU setelah upgrade (photo : TNI AU)Bopong Senjata dan Radar Canggih, Pesawat F-16 TNI AU Semakin Garang
MADIUN - Kemampuan dua pesawat tempur F-16 A/B Blok 15 yakni TS-1610 dan TS-1601 milik TNI AU semakin garang setelah di upgrade (perbarui) di Skadron Teknik 042 Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun Jawa Timur.
Bagaimana tidak, pesawat buatan Lockheed Martin, Amerika Serikat ini memungkinkan untuk dipersenjatai dengan senjata-senjata modern dan mematikan seperti, Advance Medium Range Air To Air Missile AAMRAM-C, Air Intercept Missile AIM-9 X, Laser JDAM, Air to Ground Missile AGM-65 D/G dan Advanced Targeting Pod. Dengan kemampuan tersebut maka pesawat F-16 A/B eMLU telah sejajar dengan pesawat tercanggih di kelasnya dalam hal combat effectiveness.
Tidak hanya itu, pesawat ini juga dilengkapi dengan radar canggih guna menjamin survivability ketika masuk ke dalam area pertempuran. Di antaranya, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management System (EWMS), ALE-47 Countermeasures, dan New radar APG-68(V)9.
Kehebatan radar ini adalah mampu mendeteksi sasaran di atas permukaan yang lebih jauh yaitu meningkat lebih dari 30% daripada radar sebelumnya. Selain itu pada mode udara ke udara, radar ini juga memiliki beberapa fitur baru antara lain, dapat melakukan akuisisi dua target sekaligus untuk penembakan rudal dari udara ke udara.
Selain dilengkapi persenjataan dan radar canggih, dengan modifikasi structure maka safety integrity pesawat dan kondisi airframe menjadi lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya dan meminimalisasi potensi terjadinya kerusakan struktural. Dengan demikian, pesawat dapat dioperasional hingga 8.000 jam dan berpotensi untuk diperpanjang menjadi 10.800 atau 12.000 bahkan 14.000 EFH (equivalent flight hours).
Program The Falcon Structural Augmentation Rodmap (Falcon Star) Enhanced Mid-Life Update (eMLU) ini didasari atas kebutuhan operasional dari satuan pengguna dimana teknologi pesawat F-16 A/B merupakan teknologi yang sudah tua terutama pada sistem radar dan sistem senjata yang masih menggunakan teknologi buatan tahun 80-an.
Ditambah usia pakai pesawat F-16 B (double seat) yang sudah di atas 6.000 jam dan ditemukannya kerusakan pada beberapa struktur pesawat F-16 A/B. Dengan kemampuan yang telah di upgrade tersebut maka pesawat F-16 A/B eMLU telah sejajar dengan pesawat tercanggih di kelasnya dalam hal combat effectiveness.
"Dengan perkembangan teknologi pertempuran secara modern dapat dimenangkan tanpa saling berhadapan, faktor penentu bukan lagi kepada kuantitas namun bagaimana kualitas alutsista yang dimiliki. Kecanggihan dan kemutakhiran alutsista khususnya alutsista udara adalah faktor yang sangat menentukan sekaligus faktor uji dalam memenangkan pertempuran masa depan," ujar Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo saat penyerahan dua pesawat F-16 program Falcon Star eMLU di Skadron 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun, Jawa Timur, Jumat (28/8/2020).
Hadir dalam serah terima ini, Menteri PPN/Kepala Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, Sekjen Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto, Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Udara (Kadispenau) Marsekal Pertama Fadjar Adriyanto.
Di tengah tantangan dan ancaman, kata Fadjar, ketidakmampuan dalam melakukan perawatan sendiri akan menjadi sebab rendahnya kesiapan operasional TNI AU khususnya dikala ketidakstabilan global yang terjadi saat ini. Itulah mengapa program Falcon Star eMLu merupakan sebuah keputusan yang tepat. Sehingga pesawat F16 A/B selanjutnya dapat ditingkatkan kemampuan dan dapat digunakan kembali untuk menjaga kedaulatan udara Indonesia. "Terbangkan kembali pesawat pesawat ke langit Indonesia dengan kemampuan yang lebih baik," ucapnya.
Upgrade Pesawat F-16 Habiskan USD12 juta, Bappenas: Hemat Anggaran
Program The Falcon Structural Augmentation Rodmap (Falcon Star) Enhanced Mid-Life Update (eMLU) TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) berhasil memutakhirkan atau meng-upgrade dua pesawat tempur F-16 A/B. Program tersebut dinilai sangat menghemat anggaran.
"Dengan cara ini, kita mendapat penghematan luar biasa. Anggaran untuk ini, sekitar USD 10 juta -12 juta persatu pesawat. Dibandingkan dengan membeli pesawat baru yang nilainya sekitar USD90 juta. Karena itu pemerintah sangat concern sekali kalau hal-hal ini bisa kita lakukan," ujar Menteri PPN/Kepala Bappenas Suharso Manoarfa saat menghadiri penyerahan dua pesawat tempur F-16 di Skadron 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun, Jawa Timur, Jumat (28/8/2020).
Menurut Suharso, program ini merupakan bagian dari rancangan Bappenas dalam menyusun alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) nasional hingga 15 tahun ke depan.
"Kita sebut terpenuhinya kebutuhan Minimum Essensial Force (MEF), salah satunya penguasaan di udara. Jadi ini salah satu cara kita melengkapi alutsista TNI AU dengan meng-upgrade yang kita miliki dengan teknologi yang terbaru," katanya.
Apalagi, sambung dia, setiap jenis teknologi pada masanya akan terjadi perubahan. Selain itu, karena pesawat akan membopong amunisi smart yang lebih maka strukturnya juga mesti diperkuat. Karena itu, program ini sangat penting.
Suharso menyebutkan, salah satu teknologi yang paling canggih dari pesawat tempur ini adalah radarnya. Keberadaan radar tersebut menjadi game changer.
"Karena ini menyangkut pemeliharaan dan perawatan serta penguasaan teknologi, kita bisa peroleh ketika ada game changer di sini ikut serta sehingga terjadi upgrading kemampuan teknis dari SDM Indonesia. Dengan demikian pesawat-pesawat lain sejenis bisa kita lakukan," katanya.
Disinggung mengenai kesiapan TNI AU memperbarui pesawat sejenis dari negara-negara lain pengguna F-16, Suharso mengaku tergantung kepada pemilik teknologi.
"Itu tergantung perjanjian, karena kita tidak diberikan license. Jadi dengan sendirinya itu adalah milik dari pemilik teknologinya," kata Suharso.
Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo mengatakan, program ini merupakan suatu investasi besar dalam pembinaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) karena ada loncatan teknologi yang dikuasai dalam pemeliharaan pesawat baik struktur, avionik maupun persenjataan.
"Proyek ini dikerjakan penuh oleh teknisi Indonesia didampingi supervisor dari Lockheed Martin, Amerika Serikat. TAapi kita turun langsung. Yang mengerjakan kita. Jadi kami sangat bersyukur dengan adanya proyek ini," katanya.
HMAS Hobart AWD has Successfully Fired SM-2 Missile at RIMPAC 2020
28 Agustus 2020
An SM-2 standard missile is launched from HMAS Hobart off the coast of Hawaii during Exercise RIMPAC 2020 (photo : RAN)
HMAS Hobart has become the first Hobart-class guided missile destroyer to conduct a live fire at Exercise Rim of the Pacific, making it the most sophisticated and lethal warship ever operated by the RAN.
Alongside ships from the United States and Canada, Hobart successfully fired an SM-2 against an unmanned target as part of the exercise scenario.
Commanding Officer Hobart Commander Ryan Gaskin said the missile firing proved the ship was ready to fight and win at sea as part of a joint force.
“Rimpac provides Navy with a unique training opportunity to strengthen international maritime partnerships, enhance interoperability and improve our readiness for a wide range of potential operations,” Commander Gaskin said.
“This year has also proven the ability to operate in company with partner nations at sea during a global health crisis through the employment of strict COVID-19 safe measures on board.”
HMA Ships Hobart, Stuart, Arunta and Sirius, which are on a Regional Presence Deployment through South-East Asia and the Pacific, are taking part in Rimpac.
Commander Gaskin said credible, ready-maritime partners helped to preserve peace and prevent conflict in the region.
“The Indo-Pacific has experienced economic prosperity largely because of the security and stability that exists at sea,” he said.
“We train to ensure the ability to deter disruptions to global supply chains and threats to lines of communication and commerce.”
Hobart carries a range of weapons systems, including an Mk41 Vertical Launch System containing SM-2 missiles and Evolved Sea Sparrow missiles, an Mk 45 5-inch main gun, Phalanx Close-In Weapons System, two 25mm Typhoon guns, and MU90 and Mk54 light-weight torpedoes for subsurface defence.
Ten nations, 22 surface ships, one submarine, multiple aircraft, and about 5300 personnel are participating at Rimpac.
This year’s exercise includes forces from Australia, Brunei, Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, and the United States.
Participating forces will exercise a wide range of capabilities from multinational anti-submarine warfare, maritime intercept operations, and live-fire training events, among other cooperative training opportunities.
(Aus DoD)
Vietnamese Steel Expand Its Export Market
28 Agustus 2020
Steel production at the Southern Steel Company Limited (photo : SGGP)
Vietnam steel exports more than double on strong Chinese demand
Vietnamese steel exports more than doubled in June to 882,019 tonnes from 428,361 tonnes in May and remained high in July at 885,366 tonnes, data from Vietnam’s customs showed this month.
China was the key destination for Vietnamese steel in both months, importing 489,685 tonnes in June and 401,930 tonnes in July.
High prices in domestic Chinese markets, an open arbitrage window, the short shipping time compared with other origins such as India and the Middle East, as well as the free trade agreement (FTA) between the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) and China meant China was a natural customer for Vietnamese steel. (Metal Bulletin)
Vietnamese steel tries its strength in European market
Vietnam's steel products are facing the risk that the export market will be narrowed due to several trade-remedy investigations and the imposition of anti-dumping duties. Facing that fact, many steel producers are making efforts to improve product quality to change the direction and promote exports to the European market.
According to the latest report of the Vietnam Steel Association (VSA), from the beginning of the year until now, steel production has reached more than 11.6 million tons, down 8.1 percent over the same period last year. The sales of steel enterprises have also encountered many difficulties as the market was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Accordingly, steel sales only reached 10.4 million tons, down 10.7 percent over the same period last year. In which, steel exports exceeded 1.8 million tons, down 24.6 percent over the same period. In June alone, Vietnam exported more than 300,000 tons of steel to foreign markets, with a turnover of nearly US$250 million, up 14.5 percent over the previous month but down 21.9 percent over the same period last year. This is a rather pessimistic figure for enterprises in the steel industry.
In the structure of export markets, VSA said that currently, steel exports to the Southeast Asia market accounts for 54.75 percent of total export volume and 57.8 percent of export turnover. Meanwhile, steel exports to the European market merely reach 4.15 percent. With such the above figures, it can be seen that the European market accounts for a tiny proportion of the steel exports of Vietnam. Up to now, the EU- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has been approved by both sides with terms benefitting Vietnam's export industries, including the steel industry, when enjoying an import tariff of zero percent following the commitment of the EVFTA.
Mr. Doan Danh Tuan, Chairman cum CEO of Toan Thang Steel Trading Company Limited shared that the company has never had any export activities to the EU market. However, with the advantages brought by the EVFTA, the company has had strategies to enter this market in the coming time.
See full article SGGP News
Peroleh Kontrak NC-212i dengan Kongo, PT DI Lihat Prospek N-219 Cukup Besar
28 Agustus 2020
Pesawat angkut NC-212i Angkatan Udara Filipina (photo : Johann Kirby Datoy)Sertifikasi Rampung Akhir 2020, N-219 Siap Ramaikan Langit Afrika
BANDUNG, suaramerdeka.com - PT Dirgantara Indonesia tengah menjajaki pasar bagi pesawat N-219 di Afrika. Peluangnya cukup besar mengingat ada kebutuhan 100 unit bagi pesawat jenis tersebut. BUMN strategis ini akan merampungkan sertifikasi pesawat ter-gres-nya itu pada akhir 2020.
Adanya ketertarikan Afrika terungkap dalam peringatan hari jadi Ke-44 pabrik pesawat itu yang disiarkan secara daring, Senin (24/8).
"Jadi di saat ulang tahun ini, kita mendapatkan kontrak NC-212i, dan ternyata ada potensi kontrak 100 unit N-219 semoga kita bisa mendapatkannya, sehingga saya minta kesiapan tim N-219 terkait potensi pasar yang cukup besar ini," jelas Dirut Elfien Goentoro.
Sebelumnya, orang nomor satu di PT DI itu melakukan komunikasi jarak jauh dengan Direktur Niaga, Ade Yuyu Wahyuna yang baru saja menuntaskan penandatangan kontrak satu unit NC-212i dengan Kongo (DRC=Democratic Republic of the Congo) pada Jumat (21/8) lalu.
Dari proses tersebut, diketahui bahwa salah satu negara di Afrika itu membutuhkan pula pesawat berkapasitas 19 penumpang itu. Sinyal ini berarti menambah daftar pihak yang tertarik membeli N-219. Sebelumnya, sejumlah maskapai dalam negeri dan Pemda ingin pula memilikinya dengan perkiraan kebutuhan hampir 300 unit.
"Ada potensi ke depan di sini, kita tengah menjajaki kerjasama pengembangan pembelian N-219 sebanyak 100 unit dengan pihak DRC yang didukung investor AS sebagai holdingnya, jadi perkembangannya (N-219) ini sudah go global," kata Ade Yuyu.
Seiring dengan progres negosiasi yang dilakukan, Ade Yuyu pun meminta internal tim yang tengah menangani N-219 bisa menuntaskan pengembangannya mengingat adanya pasar yang siap dimasuki.
"Kepada tim yang sehari-hari menangani N-219 mudah-mudahan (kabar) ini bisa jadi penyemangat sehingga menyelesaikannya sesuai target. Ini jelas tantangan. Mudah-mudahan didahului NC-212i, kemudian N-219 bisa terbang di langit Afrika," katanya.
Elfien Goentoro tak menampik bahwa masa pandemi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Hanya saja, dia berharap dengan perubahan mindset di perusahaan, kondisi tersebut bisa dihadapi dengan baik terutama dalam menjaga ketepatan penyerahan produk dan kualitas produk. "Kita bukan buat pesawat tapi bisnis pesawat," katanya.
Sedangkan Direktur Umum dan SDM Sukatwikanto sempat msnyinggung langkah penyerahan prototype pertama N-250 yang mendapat atensi luas karena dimuseumkan. Menurut dia, langkah tersebut tak menyurutkan jajaran perusahaan untuk terus berkiprah mengingat pengembangan pesawat di kelas N-250 tengah pula berjalan.
Terlebih komitmen pemerintah untuk program pengembangan pesawat sudah dikantongi. Hanya saja, dia menyebut bahwa hal itu akan bergantung kepada kesuksesan N-219 yang dibandrol sekitar USD 6 Juta Dollar itu.
"Jangan pesimis N-250 PA1 dimuseumkan, karena program pengembangan pesawat sekelas 50 penumpang akan dilanjutkan. Tapi ada prasyarat yang harus dipenuhi yakni type certificate N-219 tuntas sehingga masuk pasar, dan kita bisa fokus mengembangkan CN-235 civil version, atau nanti akhirnya berujung pada N-245," katanya.
27 Agustus 2020
Two Australian ADW Test Cooperative Engagement
27 Agustus 2020
HMA Ships Sydney and Brisbane depart Fleet Base East to conduct Aegis systems training off Sydney heads (photo : Aus DoD)
Sailing in company to test combat system
Navy’s newest guided missile destroyer HMAS Sydney has sailed in company with sister ship HMAS Brisbane to conduct training and testing of the Aegis Combat System.
Commanding Officer of Sydney Commander Edward Seymour said it was the first time the ship sailed in company with another guided missile destroyer and the first time joining another vessel at sea equipped with the cooperative engagement capability.
“This activity is a great opportunity to use some of the more complex systems that we have to provide crew training and preparedness,” Commander Seymour said.
Sailing in company with Brisbane has also allowed the ship to exercise bridge and navigation teams, watchkeeping and communications.
Sydney has been progressing through the DDG Force Generation cycle, which includes conducting Aegis waterfront training with the support of a team of specialists from Lockheed Martin in the United States.
“The waterfront training let’s us train ourselves to generate the ship’s combat systems training team and integrate this as part of the whole ship training regime,” Commander Seymour said.
“We have achieved this with valuable assistance from the team from the United States who bring expertise and experience on the Aegis Combat system.”
Principal Warfare Officer in Sydney’s combat information centre Lieutenant Daniel James said the training contributed greatly to test and validate the system and train its maintainers and operators.
“This is one of the few occasions that Australian ships have been able to employ this capability other than with US Navy platforms,” Lieutenant James said.
Following the Aegis Waterfront Training, Sydney will begin unit ready work-ups in preparation for final live weapons and systems tests in the United States next year.
(Aus DoD)
Bidik C-130H TNI AU, GMF-PTDI Teken MoU Kerjasama Perawatan dan Modifikasi Pesawat
27 Agustus 2020
Pesawat angkut C-130H TNI AU (photo : Arvin Lienardi)
JAKARTA, investor.id – PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk (GMF) dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) (PTDI) menyepakati nota kesepahaman (memoranduk of understanding/MoU) kerja sama perawatan hingga modifikasi pesawat.
Ruang lingkup nota kesepahaman, meliputi kerja sama perawatan pesawat terbang; kerja sama engineering services dan modifikasi pesawat terbang; pengerjaan services/repair komponen pesawat terbang; pengembangan sumber daya manusia di bidang kedirgantaraan; pemanfaatan fasilitas, sarana, dan prasana yang dimiliki; serta kerja sama pengadaan material/part serta pemanfaatan stok yang dimiliki.
Direktur Utama GMF, I Wayan Susena, menyampaikan, kerja sama ini sekaligus membuka peluang bagi pihaknya dan PTDI untuk saling memanfaatkan kemampuan dan kapabilitas masing-masing agar tercipta sebuah ekosistem dunia penerbangan yang lebih kompleks.
"Sebuah kesempatan yang memfasilitasi kita untuk meraup pasar lebih besar secara lebih efisien dengan menghindari terjadinya double capability dan double investment," terang Wayan dalam keterangannya, Rabu (26/8).
Dia menambahkan, kerja sama yang dijajaki dan dijalin kemudian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi kolaborasi strategis antara GMF dan PTDI guna mendukung percepatan pemulihan industri penerbangan tanah air di kala pandemi ini.
GMF dan PTDI telah diamanahkan oleh Pemerintah Negara Republik Indonesia untuk bersinergi guna memperkuat industri pertahanan nasional. Hal ini diwujudkan lewat kolaborasi modernisasi pesawat C-130H di mana kedua perusahaan mampu mengombinasikan kapabilitas masing-masing dalam waktu dekat.
Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PTDI, Gita Amperiawan percaya kerja sama ini akan mampu membawa PTDI dan GMF memenuhi harapan pemerintah.” Mari rebut peluang domestik dan global dengan memaksimalkan potensi putra bangsa”, ungkap Gita.
Nota Kesepahaman yang ditandatangani kali ini direncanakan menjadi awal lahirnya kerja sama selanjutnya yang diharapkan dapat memperdalam sektor bisnis dan capability yang dapat digarap bersama.
Potensi jangka panjang dari kerja sama GMF dan PTDI juga diharapkan dapat membuka peluang untuk menggandeng mitra-mitra lain agar dapat memperluas cakupan bisnis serta memperkuat dominasi pasar domestik maupun internasional.
BRP Antonio Luna Sea Trials Set Mid-September: PH Navy
27 Agustus 2020
BRP Antonio Luna scheduled by mid- September (photo : PN)MANILA – Sea trials for the Philippine Navy (PN)'s second missile-frigate, BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), are tentatively scheduled by mid-September.
"The tentative schedule for (sea trials is on) mid-September. However, it is still not yet finalized," said Navy public affairs office chief, Lt. Commander Maria Christina Roxas, in a message to the Philippine News Agency on Monday.
Sea trials are the last phase of construction prior to the frigate’s delivery to the Philippines scheduled tentatively for January or February of 2021.
BRP Antonio Luna is the sister-ship of BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), the PN's first missile-frigate, which is now participating in the ongoing Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises off Hawaii.
Also, Roxas said BRP Antonio Luna has earlier conducted her builder's sea trials which are normally "conducted to do an initial test at sea and do minor adjustments".
Earlier, the PN said the delivery for the country's second missile-frigate is projected for October 2020 but this was pushed back to early next year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"If not for this Covid-19 pandemic, the second frigate (FF-151) should have been delivered by October this year but because of this pandemic, it will be moved to the first quarter of Calendar Year 2021," PN chief Vice Admiral Giovanni Carlo Bacordo earlier said in an online forum.
BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) was launched on Nov. 8, 2019 at the Ulsan facility of South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries.
Its keel-laying on May 23, 2019 coincided with the launch of BRP Jose Rizal. The contract for the BRP Jose Rizal and the BRP Antonio Luna was placed at PHP16 billion with another PHP2 billion for weapon systems and munitions.
These ships are capable of conducting anti-air warfare (AAW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and electronic warfare (EW) operations.
JDAM Kits TNI AU Telah Tiba
27 Agustus 2020
Kedatangan JDAM Kits di Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun (photo : Keris)Lembaga Keris pada tanggal 25 Agustus yang lalu mengupload foto-foto kedatangan JDAM Kits untuk TNI AU di Lanud Iswahjudi pada bulan Juni 2020. JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) adalah bom berpemandu GPS yang di lengkapi dengan pemandu laser dan inersial. JDAM Kits adalah perangkat panduan yang relatif murah namun dapat mengubah bom jatuh bebas menjadi senjata pintar berpandu yang akurat.
26 Agustus 2020
KRI Fatahillah-361 Laksanakan Kerjasama Taktis dengan Pesawat Sukhoi TNI AU
26 Agustus 2020
KRI Fatahillah (FTH-361) (photo : Makassar News, TNI AL)TNI AL. Koarmada II -- KRI Fatahillah (FTH-361) dengan Komandan Letkol Laut (P) Agus Setiawan yang sedang melaksanakan Operasi Keris Sakti-20 dibawah kendali operasi Guskamla Koarmada II melaksanakan serial latihan kerjasama taktis dengan pesawat Sukhoi TNI AU milik Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Hasanuddin Makassar, Selasa (25/8/2020) waktu setempat.
Prajurit KRI Fatahillah-361 dengan sigap segera menempati pos tempur masing masing begitu mendengar tanda peran tempur bahaya udara dibunyikan. Aksi para prajurit ini dilanjutkan dengan aksi tempur dalam menghadapi serangan udara meliputi tracking sasaran udara sampai dengan pengarahan meriam pertahanan udara ke sasaran. Latihan juga diisi dengan komunikasi taktis antara KRI FTH-361 dengan Pesawat Sukhoi.
Menurut Agus-sapaan karib Komandan KRI FTH-361, ” Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Dermaga Breakwater Lantamal VI Makasar yang sedang melaksanakan uji geladi tugas tempur P1 P2 sebagai pelatihan pertahanan pangkalan dari serangan udara, ” ujarnya.
”Pelaksanakan latihan ini adalah dalam rangka melihat tingkat kesiapan-siagaan prajurit KRI dalam menghadapi aksi serangan udara, hal ini sesuai penekanan Pangkoarmada II, Laksda TNI Heru Kusmanto bahwa kita harus berupaya semaksimal mungkin melatih kesiapan prajurit di bawah jajaran Koarmada II agar menjadi Prajurit yang profesional, ” lanjut Agus.
Agus juga menambahkan, ” Selama pelaksanaan latihan tetap memperhatikan dan melaksanakan protokol kesehatan guna mengantisipasi pandemi covid-19″ pungkas Agus.
HMAS Arunta has Successfully Fired Surface-to-Air Missiles at RIMPAC
26 Agustus 2020
Arunta first upgraded frigate to fire missiles at Rimpac
The first frigate to complete the Anzac Midlife Capability Assurance Program (AMCAP) upgrade, HMAS Arunta, has successfully fired surface-to-air missiles at Exercise Rim of the Pacific in Hawaii.
Conducted alongside ships from Canada and the United States, Commanding Officer Arunta Commander Troy Duggan said the firing demonstrated the lethality of the upgraded Anzac-class frigate and its world-class Australian systems.
“This is the first time an AMCAP frigate has participated in Rimpac, and demonstrates the capability of the new phased array radar suite as an integrated sensor for the combat system,” Cmdr Duggan said.
Completed in 2019, the upgrade provides the Anzac-class frigates the first CEAFAR2-L long-range phased-array air search radar. This world-leading radar technology has been designed in Australia to provide long-range situational awareness to the ship and allied units.
Missile firings are conducted on the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii.
The range used remote-controlled drones to simulate missile attack profiles against Arunta, and the ship engaged them with surface-to-air missiles.
Cmdr Duggan said the ship’s company had trained extensively for the event.
“These sorts of complex warfighting exercises with multinational partners demonstrate that the Royal Australian Navy is able to operate seamlessly with other highly advanced navies in our region,” he said.
HMA Ships Hobart, Stuart, Arunta and Sirius, are taking part in exercise Rimpac in Hawaii.
Ten nations, 22 surface ships, one submarine, multiple aircraft, and about 5300 personnel are participating in this iteration of the biggest international naval exercise.
It includes forces from Australia, Brunei, Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, and the United States.
Participating forces are exercising a wide range of capabilities, including multinational anti-submarine warfare, maritime intercept operations, and live-fire training events.
(Aus DoD)