31 Oktober 2019

Quickstep Wins More Work in F-35 Program

31 Oktober 2019

Quickstep will provide 10 new parts to the Joint Strike Fighter program worth up to 4 million annually (photo : newcastleairpor)

Aussie business wins more work in F-35 program

A Western-Sydney based company has picked up more work in the global F-35 program, off the back of a stepped-up campaign from the Morrison Government.

Quickstep has been awarded 10 new composite parts in support of the Joint Strike Fighter Program, with the news coming just weeks after Prime Minister Morrison opened an expansion of the company’s Bankstown facility.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, recently returned from the US visiting Lockheed Martin and their F-35 partner Northrop Grumman to advocate for more Australian involvement in the global F-35 program.

“I knocked on the doors of the Pentagon, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to fight for more Australian F-35 work,” Minister Price said.

“This is a great start, but I will continue to advocate for more Australian work in the F-35 program.

“This assignment is a testament to Quickstep’s invaluable work in the Australian defence industry and its export success.

“There is currently US$250,000 worth of Australian Quickstep equipment on every F-35 JSF globally.”

This work on the centre fuselage is in addition to the 35 unique components Quickstep already supply into the global F-35 JSF program, and is expected to add an additional $3-4 million in annual revenue at full rate production.

The Morrison Government is investing $200 billion in the Australian defence industry, creating new jobs and delivering more opportunities for small business to export their capabilities overseas.

So far 50 Australian companies have shared in more than AUD$1.69 billion in F-35 work, employing more than 2,400 Australian workers.

The Morrison Government is on track to deliver more than 5,000 jobs in the F-35 program by 2023.

(Aus DoD)

Ekspor Pesawat PT DI akan Dibiayai dengan Buyer's Credit

31 Oktober 2019

NC212i Thailand (photo : PT DI)

PT Dirgantara Indonesia Ekspor 3 Pesawat Senilai Total US$60 Juta

Bisnis.com, BANDUNG - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) berhasil mengekspor tiga pesawat pada tahun ini senilai US$60 juta.

Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Elfien Goentoro menuturkan perusahaan telah mengirim dua unit pesawat per 30 Oktober 2019.

Ekspor tersebut terdiri dari dua unit NC 212 I, di mana satu unit sudah dikirimkan pertengahan bulan Oktober dan satu unit lagi menyusul bulan depan. Pesanan tersebut milik Kementerian Pertanian Thailand.

Sementara itu, satu unit lagi adalah CN 235-220 military transport, pesanan Angkatan Darat Nepal yang sudah dikirimkan pada Kamis (30/10/2019).

"Total nilai ekspor kurang lebih hampir US$60 juta untuk tiga pesawat itu," ujar Elfien di sela-sela ferry flight CN 235-220 military transport ke Nepal.

Ke depannya, PT DI sudah mengantongi komitmen pengiriman satu pesawat CN 235 ke Sinegal pada 2020 dan komitmen pengadaan enam unit pesawat dari pemerintah Filipina.

Untuk pesanan Filipina, Elfien mengaku pihaknya masih menunggu kepastian persetujuan pembelian dari parlemen negara tersebut.

Elfien menuturkan pesanan pesawat banyak berdatangan, tetapi umumnya negara atau pihak pemesan membutuhkan fasilitas pendanaan.

Oleh karena itu, PT DI memerlukan adanya dukungan perbankan atau lembaga keuangan untuk memberikan fasilitas buyers' kredit bagi pihak pembeli.

"Argentina, negara-negara Asia Pasifik memang membutuhkan pendanaan itu, tapi memang belum ada," ujarnya.

Dengan fasilitas buyers' credit yang diberikan kepada pengimpor, Elfien yakin produksi perusahaan dapat meningkat.

CN235 Senegal (photo : Detik)

Buyers' credit atau kredit pembeli adalah fasilitas kredit jangka pendek yang biasa diberikan bagi pengimpor dari bank atau lembaga keuangan.

Ke depannya, perusahaan tengah berencana menyiapkan fasilitas khusus bagi perakitan pesawat baru N219 yang tengah disertifikasi untuk tahapan produksinya.

Rencananya, PT DI akan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang ada. "Hanggar yang lama bisa kami gunakan untuk fasilitas assembly dan sub assembly," ujar Elfien. (Bisnis)

Dukung Ekspor ke Afrika, LPEI Siapkan Buyer's Credit

Bandung, CNBC Indonesia- Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (LPEI) membuka peluang pembiayaan melalui buyer's credit untuk pesawat terbang. Opsi ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan ekspor industri strategis, terutama yang memiliki kekhususan, risiko dan tujuannya adalah pasar non tradisional.

LPEI berencana masuk pada buyer's credit yang bersifat jangka panjang, khusus untuk pasar Afrika, Asia Selatan, dan Timur Tengah, selain itu bisa diperluas ke Argentina dan Colombia. Dengan skema pembiayaan ini diharapkan ekspor bisa meningkat pesat.

"Kami secara lembaga belum pernah melakukan buyer's credit. Kami akan mulai di luar pesawat misalnya untuk proyek infrastruktur di Afrika. Kita masuk ke Afrika dengan buyer's credit infrastruktur US$ 500 juta, dan kami lagi due dilligence mudah-mudahan bisa berhasil," kata Senior Executive Vice President I LPEI Yadi J. Ruchandi, Rabu (30/10/2019).

Selain pesawat militer tipe CN235, dia menilai bisa dikembangkan lebih jauh seperti N219, terutama terkait sertifikasi.

NC212i Filipina (photo : Tomato)

Tahun depan, PT Dirgantara Indonesia juga akan mengekspor pesawat militer ke Senegal. Yadi mengatakan, pihaknya tengah bernegosiasi dengen Senegal untuk mengambil alih existing buyer's credit, agar bisa menambah pesanannya.

Selain Senegal, PTDI juga berencana ekspor pesawat ke Filipina yang rencananya akan menggunakan skema buyer's credit dan tengah dalam proses negosiasi.

"Minatnya cukup besar khususnya untuk host countries yang memerlukan. Jadi bisa lebih, jadi yang tadinya cuma beli satu jadi 3-5," kata Yadi.

Saat ini pembiayaan yang diberikan LPEI untuk PTDI adalah melalui National Interest Account (NIA) senilai Rp 400 miliar, dengan nilai ekspor US$ 30,5 juta.

Direktur Utama PTDI Elfien Goentoro mengatakan pembiayaan dengan skema buyer's credit sangat penting untuk meningkatkan ekspor pesawat. Elfien menyebutkan jelang akhir tahun saja ekspor pesawat mencapai US$ 60 juta untuk tiga pesawat.

Untuk meningkatkan jumlahnya, diperlukan buyer's credit yang bisa meningkatkan minat negara lain untuk beli pesawat dari Indonesia. Jika tidak ada buyer's credit maka ada risiko gagal ekspor karena tidak cukup hanya didukung dari modal kerja.

"Jadi kami sudah ada yang sepakat tapi belum ada pendanaan jadi belum bisa sign kontrak. Ada beberapa negara yg mengharapkan ada pendanaan dar kita. Termasuk Argentina yang proposalnya mengharapkan pendanaan dari kita. Untuk itu kami harap LPEI bisa support buyers credit," jelasnya.


'Selepas Dibaik Pulih, Kapal Selam TLDM Boleh Menyelam'

31 Oktober 2019

Kapal Selam TLDM saat Eksesais Bersama Royal Australian Navy (photo : TLDM)

KUALA LUMPUR: Isu kapal selam milik Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) yang pernah didakwa tidak mampu ‘menyelam’ menghangatkan persidangan Dewan Rakyat, yang bersambung sehingga malam ini.

Jawapan Menteri Pertahanan, Mohamad Sabu ketika menjawab soalan tambahan RSN Rayer (PH – Jelutong) bahawa aset milik TLDM boleh menyelam, mencetuskan perang mulut denganTan Sri Noh Omar (BN- Tanjung Karang).

Noh bangkit membidas Mohamad kerana pernah mempertikaikan kemampuan kapal selam negara ketika pemerintahan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) sebelum ini.

“Saya masih ingat dalam dewan ini dulu Yang Berhormat menteri pernah mempertikaikan kapal selam milik negara tidak boleh menyelam.

“Begitu juga dalam video ceramah politik yang tersebar sebelum ini. Jadi saya nak tahu kapal selam kita boleh selam atau tidak?”, soal Noh kepada Mohamad ketika sesi menggulung Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan 2020, di Dewan Rakyat, malam ini.

Menjawab soalan itu, Mohamad menegaskan kapal selam berkenaan boleh digunakan tetapi selepas melalui proses penyelenggaraan, membaiki dan membaik pulih (MRO) yang memerlukan perbelanjaan cukup tinggi.

Sementara itu, Mohamad berkata, Kertas Putih Pertahanan Negara yang bakal dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat Disember ini bertujuan memantapkan pertahanan negara yang seimbang.

Ia sekali gus mampu mempertahankan kedaulatan Malaysia sebagai negara maritim yang memiliki lokasi strategik kerana terletak di antara Lautan Pasifik dan Lautan Hindi.

“Kertas putih berkenaan akan membantu negara dalam menjalinkan kerjasama dengan negara berkaitan demi kepentingan keselamatan serantau.

“Ia juga bakal memacu transformasi industri pertahanan negara dalam merangka kemajuan sains dan teknologi pertahanan,” katanya.

(Berita Harian)

Vietnam Navy conducted a Large-Scale Combat Training

31 Oktober 2019
4 Gepard, 4 Molniya and 1 BPS-500 in combat formation (all photos : BaoHaiQuan)

Fleet of the 162 Brigade - Region 4 Navy conducted a large-scale combat training.

Currently, the People's Navy of Vietnam is focusing strongly on investment to move forward to modernity, we have included in the duty of many versatile and modern missile defense ships with origin both at home and abroad.

The most advanced warships of the Vietnamese Navy are staffed for the 162 Brigade, including the Gepard 3.9 missile defense ship, Molniya 1241.RE, Molniya 1241.8 and BPS-500 missile defense ships, in addition there are also some Svetlyak or TT-400TP cannon boats.

Because they are part of the same unit, it is essential that the modern warships focus on offshore combat training in the large squad, in order to improve the ability to coordinate along the border.

There have been a number of times when the 162th Brigade conducted border training including Gepard 3.9 or Molniya and BPS-500, but most were individual or mixed, but the numbers mobilized were not large.

Specifically, in some reports published by the National Defense Television or Navy Television, only about 3-5 ships appear and set up firing routes. However, recently there has been an unprecedented amount of concentration.

The battleship squadron of Region 4 Navy with 4 Gepards 3.9, 2 Molniya 1241.8, 2 Molniya 1241.RE and 1 BPS-500 ship have practiced the section of maritime journey in formation, creating a very spectacle. beautiful face.

This is a premise for training exercises to practice real-time firing on the border when the Vietnamese Navy in the future can be equipped with warships with many functions such as anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, and anti-ship specialties.

But for the time being, it is easy to see that the image of the Vietnamese Navy has been significantly enhanced, reflecting the continuous strong development to firmly defend the country's sovereignty over islands and islands.


30 Oktober 2019

Detailed Design Failure Leads to Late Delivery of Six RMN Ships

30 Oktober 2019

First Littoral Combat Ship (photo : Malaysian Defence)

KUALA LUMPUR: The failure of the contractor to complete detailed design according to deadline and delay in finalising the acquisition of a large portion of the equipment under its responsibility are among the cause of delay in delivering six littoral combat ships (LCS) to the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN).

Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu said the unsatisfactory quality of work, done not according to specifications which resulted in redundant work caused delays to the RMN assets which should be ready in April being undelivered to date.

Mohamad said the ministry however did not stop the purchase as it had paid up RM6 billion.

“But to continue with the construction of the ships, we need to cover additional costs set by the contractors amounting to RM1.4 billion. I have gone to the shipyard and the metal pieces had been cut. This is the problem of the project.

“We will try to ensure they are completed according to the schedule given by the contractor, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNSSB). The first ship should have arrived in April this year but was informed it would only be completed in February 2022,” he said when winding up the debate on the 2020 Supply Bill at Dewan Rakyat today.

He said the matter also caused delay in delivering five other ships.

The Dewan will sit again tomorrow. 

(Borneo Post)

PTDI Delivers CN235-220 Military Transport Aircraft to Nepal

30 Oktober 2019

CN235-220 for Nepalese Army (photo : rmol)

Bandung. W Java (ANTARA) - State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) delivered a military transport aircraft CN235-220 ordered by the Nepalese Army on Wednesday.

The plane that departed from the Husein Sastranegara Airbase in Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday (Oct 30) is scheduled to arrive in Kathmandu on Saturday (Nov 2), PTDI Director Elfien Goentoro stated at PTDI's fixed wing hangar in Bandung.

The plane was built in line with a US$30-million contract inked with the Nepalese Army in June 2017.

"Alhamdulillah (thank God), we can deliver the plane on time," he stated.

The aircraft has six configuration modes -- transport, cargo, paratroop, medevac, maritime patrol, and also VIP -- applicable in accordance with the need, he explained.

CN235-220 for Nepalese Army (photo : Kompas)

Nepal ordered the aircraft with several configuration modes. The complementary facilities of the configuration mode were delivered to Nepal earlier by a cargo aircraft, he revealed.

The CN235-220 aircraft was flown by Captain Esther Gayatri Saleh, as the test pilot in command, and flight instructor and Captain Ervan Gustanto, as the co-pilot.

The Nepalese Army is expected to conduct a subsequent flight test and final acceptance flight after the plane arrives in Nepal.

He noted that the contract is valued at some US$30 million. However, the value of the plane can also be influenced by spare parts costs and other requirements.


Boeing Assembly and Test Facility for Australia’s I-BTN Project Opens in Brisbane

30 Oktober 2019

The ADF’s Project LAND 2072 Phase 2B Currawong Battlespace Communications System (photo : Boeing Defence)

In a strong sign of the continued growth in Australia’s defence industry, a major defence manufacturing and testing facility was opened in Brisbane today.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, opened Boeing Defence Australia’s $7.5 million world-class Assembly and Test Facility at Wacol – a major investment in Queensland’s burgeoning defence industry. 

The facility is for the assembly and testing of the new Integrated Battlefield Telecommunications Network that Boeing is designing and producing in Australia.

Boeing is carrying out the work under its $700 million contract with Defence for LAND 2072 Phase 2B – Project CURRAWONG.

“This facility is a further demonstration that major companies are seeing the opportunities and making significant investments in Australia’s defence industry,” Minister Price said.

“It’s also further proof the Morrison Government’s record $200 billion investment in defence capability is creating the right conditions for job creation in this important sector.” 

“I congratulate Defence and Boeing for delivering world leading technology that is agile in meeting war fighting requirements, ahead of schedule.”  

“I’m encouraged to see Boeing employ 210 people here in Brisbane and work with more than 200 small businesses in the production and supply of components.

(Aus DoD)

The Philippine OPV in Tests

30 Oktober 2019

Gabriela Silang on her arrival at Saint-Nazaire on October 25 (all photos : Bernard Prezelin)

Commissioned by the Philippines for their coastguard service, the offshore patrol boat (OPV) Gabriela Silang, the largest ship ever made by the Ocea shipyard Vendée, arrived Friday, October 25 in Saint-Nazaire. From the Sables d'Olonne, where it was launched on July 17, the building is in the testing and training phase of its crew, already on board for several weeks. It should be delivered next month and set sail for the Philippines, where it is expected from late December.

Gabriela Silang was named in honor of a Filipino revolutionary, a figure of the independence movement against the dead Spain murdered in 1763 at the age of 32 years.

83.6 meters long and 15.4 meters wide, this offshore patrol boat is not only the largest boat produced by Ocea, but also the largest all-aluminum OPV monohull manufactured to date in the world.

Capable of reaching speeds of 22 knots and crossing 8000 miles at 12 knots, it will be able to operate for five weeks without refueling. Its propulsion is diesel-electric and it is equipped with a stabilization system to improve comfort at sea.

Armed by a crew of 40 sailors, the new Philippine patrol boat will be able to accommodate 26 additional personnel, such as divers or commandos, and has premises to house 35 people, for example shipwrecked.

Designed for offshore patrols, particularly surveillance and protection missions in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippine archipelago, the OPV has a platform and a hangar for a 5 ton helicopter and will works two semi-rigid boats of 9 meters. It has a mission system that integrates surveillance, detection and communication.

OPV 270 type, it is the second deep-sea patrol boat that completes Ocea after the delivery in 2016 in Senegal of the  Fouladou, building of 58 meters of type OPV 190 . He had followed the realization for the Indonesian Navy of two 60-meter hydrographic vessels of the OSV 190 type, a third such vessel to be built for Nigeria.


Myawady News Finally Disclosed How Myanmar Get ToT of KS 1B Missile from China

30 Oktober 2019

ToT program on KS-1B missile system (photo : Myanmar and Asean Military Updates)

We have been talking about our KS-1 production since 2 or 3 years ago.All arguments were completely based on 2 photos of so-called KS-1 local factory and nobody can confirm exactly about this. Now it is offically confirmed.

KS-1B Air Defense system directly imported from China (photo : Myanmar and Asean Military Updates)

According to the timeline, the negotiation started since 2010 , which was 8 years ago. In 2016, Mass-production of KS-1M initiated locally to supply the demand of medium range air defense system around Myanmar. It's estimated that some systems have supplied within 3 year-period of time.

Locally produced KS-1M installed on Miltruck (photo : Myanmar and Asean Military Updates)

KS-1B is an improved tailored version of KS-1A as per request from Myanmar. Range is significantly improved in KS-1B version compared to previous one. And again, we modified them ourselves and designated as KS-1M.

(Myanmar and Asean Military Updates)

29 Oktober 2019

Philippines Tendering for Tank-Based Armored Vehicle Launched Bridges

29 Oktober 2019

Armored Vehicle Launched Bridges (photo : GDELS)

The Philippines’ Department of National Defense (DND) has started the tender for the acquisition of Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridges (AVLBs) for the Philippine Army (PA).

These are part of a larger Combat Engineering Equipment project which will provide the PA with support equipment for combat engineering use.

If delivered, this would be the first time the PA will have such asset. The PA only has standard construction and roadworks equipment as part of its Engineering units.

It was specified that the platform vehicle would be based on a tracked tank chassis, and the bridge itself would have a span of 18 meters and a load capacity based on NATO STANAG Military Load Classification MLC 50.

According to Philippine defense page MaxDefense Philippines, these acquisitions were part of the lessons learned by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) during its military operation against ISIS-inspired terrorists during the Battle of Marawi in 2017. The PA realized the importance of combat engineering to support military operations, especially when bridges were under enemy control or within the range of enemy fire.

MaxDefense Philippines also pointed that the acquisition of tank-based AVLBs could be a sign of the PA's preparation to acquire main battle tanks in the near future.

If all goes well, the tender submissions by interested proponents would be opened on 13 November 2019, with deliveries expected to start within one (1) year after the Notice to Proceed (NTP) is released.


Wing Udara I Puspenerbal Survei Lokasi Lanudal Baru

29 Oktober 2019

Casa U6208 ketika di Pondok Cabe Tangerang (photo : Francesco Andrae)

Kunjungan Dirrenbang Puspenerbal ke Letung Kepri dan Singkawang Kalbar

Komandan Puspenerbal yang diwakili Direktur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan (Dirrenbang Puspenerbal)  Kolonel Laut (P) Kicky Salvachdie, S.E. melaksanakan survey dalam rangka pengembangan pangkalan udara TNI AL di bawah jajaran Puspenerbal yang berada di wilayah Koarmada I. Rabu (23/10/2019).

Bandara Letung Kepri (image : Google Maps)

Terkait hal tersebut Wing Udara 1 yang merupakan satuan operasional yang secara langsung melakukan pembinaan kekuatan dan kemampuan untuk mendukung satuan operasional khususnya di wilayah Koarmada I turut serta mendukung pelaksanaan survey ke bandara Letung dan Lanudal Matak yang terletak Kabupaten Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau serta ke wilayah Singkawang Pontianak Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dengan mendukung satu unsur Pesud jenis Casa NC-212/U-6208 yang diawaki oleh Capt Pilot Letkol Laut (P) Bambang Edi Saputro yang sehari harinya bertugas sebagai wakil Komandan Wing Udara 1.

Singkawang Kalimantan Barat (image : Google Maps)

Dengan adanya penambahan pangkalan udara TNI AL di wilayah Letung Kepulauan Riau dan Singkawang Kalimantan Barat tugas yang diemban oleh penerbangan TNI AL di wilayah Koarmada I dapat memberikan hasil lebih maksimal demi mewujudkan Penerbangan TNI AL yang besar dan profesional.

Dalam kunjungan tersebut Komandan Wing Udara 1 Kolonel Laut (P) Gering Sapto Sambodo, M. Tr. Hanla., M.M beserta Perwira Staf Wing Udara 1 melepas tim survey Dirrenbang Puspenerbal di Apron Lanudal Tanjungpinang.


Australia Decommissions Final Adelaide-Class Frigate

29 Oktober 2019

Adelaide class frigates are being replaced by the Hobart-class guided missile destroyers (photo : RAN)

Australia’s final Adelaide-class frigate bows out of service

The Royal Australian Navy Adelaide-class guided missile frigate HMAS Melbourne retired in a ceremony at her home port of Garden Island in Sydney after 27 years of service.

The 138m-long ship was decommissioned on October 26 as the last remaining of six built for the Australian Navy.

Melbourne has steamed more than 900,000 nautical miles, deployed on operations to the Middle East eight times and earned battle honours for service in East Timor, the Persian Gulf and Middle East.

She spent most of 2018 and 2019 deployed overseas, including a four-month deployment through north Asia earlier this year where she conducted international maritime surveillance operations to enforce sanctions against North Korea.

“The motto of HMAS Melbourne is, she gathers strength as she goes, and for 27 years she has served the Navy with distinction, playing an important role in protecting Australia’s maritime interests,” Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said at the ceremony.

“Thousands of men and women have called this ship home since she was commissioned in 1992, and for some, Melbourne represents key milestones in their lives and careers.”

The frigates are being replaced by the Hobart-class guided missile destroyers, which will provide Australia with an improved war fighting capability.

The Australian government is yet to make a decision on the recently-retired HMAS Melbourne and HMAS Newcastle.

The first four ships were either scuttled or disposed but media reports from the past two years have indicated that the frigates could be sold to other navies. Greece and Poland have previously expressed interest in buying the frigates.

It is worth noting that Greece signed an official letter of intent with France earlier this month for the potential buy of two Belharra frigates, an export version of the FTI frigates which are currently being built for the French Navy.

(Naval Today)

TNI AU Borong Dua Skadron F-16 Viper 2020-2024

29 Oktober 2019

Pesawat tempur F-16 TNI AU (photo : defence.pk)

Pekanbaru (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara RI, Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna menyatakan wilayah udara Ibu Pertiwi akan diperkuat dengan pesawat anyar super canggih dari Lockheed Martin, F-16 Block 72 Viper yang rencananya akan didatangkan bertahap pada rencana strategis 2020 hingga 2024. 

"Insya Allah kita akan beli dua Skadron di Renstra berikutnya 2020 sampai 2024. Kita akan beli tipe terbaru Block 72 Viper," kata Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna di Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru, Riau, Senin. 

Ia mengambahkan jika hingga saat ini, Indonesia masih mengandalkan pesawat F-16 yang merupakan pesawat tempur favorit di dunia. Yuyu mengakui saat ini terdapat 33 unit F-16 Fighting Falcon yang masih menjadi salah satu senjata utama Angkatan Udara. 

Burung-burung besi itu menyebar di dua Skadron yakni Skadron udara 16 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru serta Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi Jawa Timur. Ke depan, dia mengemukakan Indonesia masih akan mengandalkan F-16 sebagai penjaga birunya langit Indonesia, yakni dengan mendatangkan jenis terbaru Block 72 Viper. 

"Mudah-mudahan 1 Januari 2020 diproses sehingga bisa menambah kekuatan kita. Kalau kita memiliki itu berarti kita termasuk memiliki F-16 tercanggih," ujarnya. 

Menjadikan F-16 sebagai pesawat tempur andalan bukan tanpa alasan. Yuyu mengungkapkan jika populasi pesawat jenis F-16 itu mencapai 3.000 unit lebih dan digunakan oleh banyak negara di dunia. Selain itu, sejumlah operasi militer juga berhasil dilakukan dengan menggunakan pesawat asal negeri Paman Sam tersebut. 

"Banyaknya yang menggunakan dan banyaknya populasi tentunya keandalan pesawat ini sangat baik," tambahnya.

Pesawat Su-35 dari Rusia

Selain mengandalkan F-16 dan rencana mendatangkan jenis Block 72 Viper, Yuyu juga menekankan bahwa TNI AU turut akan mendatangkan pesawat jenis Sukhoi 35 dari Rusia. "Selain itu, juga kita akan ditemani pesawat dari timur, Sukhoi 35 juga sedang proses," urainya. 

F-16 Block 72 Viper adalah versi terbaru dari seri pesawat tempur F-16 dan merupakan versi paling mutakhir yang pernah diproduksi Lockheed Martin. F-16 Fighting Falcon merupakan salah satu pesawat tempur yang paling laris dan battle proven di dunia. 

Indonesia bisa dibilang menjadi operator mula-mula F-16 Fighting Falcon ini di ASEAN, melalui program pengadaan dengan sandi Peace Bima Sena I pada dasawarsa '90-an. Lompatan teknologi pertahanan udara dilaksanakan Indonesia saat itu secara baik dan mulus.


28 Oktober 2019

No. 4 Squadron Says Goodbye to the PC-9/A

28 Oktober 2019

PC-9/A aircraft, A23-031 and A23-032 from No- 4 squadron during they final ferry flight to RAAF base Wagga Wagga where they will be retired (photo : Aus DoD)

No. 4 Squadron has farewelled the last of its PC-9/A(F) aircraft with a formation flight out of RAAF Base Williamtown.

On a ferry flight from RAAF Base Williamtown to Wagga Wagga, where they will be retired, the training aircraft flew over some of the most iconic NSW sights.

The ferry flight started with a flyover of Salt Ash Air Weapons Range before heading south along the coast and overhead Sydney Harbour to capture the iconic views including the Harbour Bridge and Opera House, before heading across to the Blue Mountains on their way to RAAF Base Wagga Wagga.

Based at RAAF Base Williamtown, No. 4 Squadron utilised the four modified PC-9/A Forward Air Control variant aircraft in grey paintwork, fitted with smoke grenade dispensers for the training and development of Joint Terminal Attack Controllers, and the maintenance of an operational role providing Forward Air Controllers who liaise with ground elements to provide close air support.

Under the Department of Defence’s Project AIR 5428, the Air Force will receive a new pilot training system underpinned by the PC-21 aircraft. No. 4 Squadron will receive four of the 49 new PC-21s, which will give an updated operational training capability.

The aircraft are scheduled for retirement this month, with the introduction of the new PC-21 aircraft expected in early 2020.


Lantamal XIII Bangun Dermaga di Tarakan Timur

28 Oktober 2019

Pembangunan dermaga di Mamburungan Tarakan (photo TNI AL)

Safari Logistik Waaslog Kasal dan Kadisfaslanal Tinjau Pembangunan Dermaga TNI AL Mamburungan

Tarakan – Kamis (24/10/2019) Pangkalan Utama TNI AL XIII (Lantamal XIII) yang baru berusia 4 tahun terus melakukan perbenahan diri dengan melakukan membangun sarana dan prasarana sebagai penunjang tugas pokok. Salah satu  tugas pokok tersebut yaitu melaksanakan pelayanan untuk  mendukung unsur operasi TNI AL.

Salah satu pendukung unsur operasi TNI AL adalah dermaga, saat ini Lantamal XIII Tarakan sedang melaksanakan pembangunan renovasi dan pelebaran dermaga yang berada di Mamburungan Jl. Sei Ngingitan Kelurahan Mamburungan Tarakan Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Proses pembangunan dermaga tersebut kemarin (23/10) ditinjau secara langsung oleh Wakil Aslog Kasal.

Kunjungan Waaslog Kasal dan Rombongan ke Lantamal XIII Tarakan merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Safari Logistik sekaligus meninjau sarana dan prasarana yang ada di Lantamal XIII. Kedatangan Waaslog Kasal disambut oleh Wadan Lantamal XIII Kolonel Marinir Ali Bahar Saragih, S.E. di Loby Mako Lantamal XIII.

Rombongan tersebut terdiri dari Waaslog Kasal Laksaman Pertama TNI Sudarmoko, Kadisfaslanal Laksamana Pertama TNI Puguh Santoso, Kolonel Laut (T) Agus Santoso, Letkol Laut (T) Ichwan, Letkol Laut (S) Ir. Yudhi, Letkol Laut (T) Agus Wahyudi, Mayor (KH) Agung Nova W, Kapten Laut (KH) Aprilian Ismana, S.T. dan Sertu PDK Nurma Aji.

Mamburungan, Tarakan Timur (image : Google Maps)

Pada awal kegiatan beliau di Mako Lantamal XIII Mamburungan kemarin (23/10) sekitar pukul 14.00 Wita dilaksanakan acara pendalaman materi logistik yang diselenggarakan di ruang rapat Lantamal XIII yang di hadiri oleh Wadan Lantamal XIII, para Asisten Danlantamal XIII, Dan Satrol Lantamal XIII dan para Kasatker Lantamal XIII yang diisi dengan Paparan Kewasgiatan Logistik Lantamal XIII dan dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab.

Setelah pendalaman materi Waaslog Kasal langsung meninjau proses pembangunan renovasi dan pelebaran dermaga yang sedang berlangsung. Renovasi dan pelebaran dermaga tersebut apabila sudah selesai, nantinya akan dapat dirapati oleh unsur unsur KRI melaksanakan operasi di wilayah perbatasan laut Indonesia-Malaysia di wilayah kerja Lantamal XIII yang lebih besar serta menampung KRI yang lebih banyak.

Selain peninjauan hal tersebut di atas, Waaslog Kasal beserta rombongan hari ini (24/10) juga melaksanakan kunjungan ke PT Kayan Juata guna peninjauan lapangan fasilitas dan Workshop Dock serta meninjau perbaikan KAL Simaya oleh CV Dharma Persada di Juata Tarakan Utara. Selanjutnya Waaslog Kasal dan rombongan meninjau fisik pembangunan Mako Yonmarhanlan XIII dan Rumah Dinas Yonmarhanlan XIII yang berada di Kelurahan Amal Tarakan Timur.


PBOU (Pusat Bantuan Operasi Udara) Lahad Datu Takes Shape

28 Oktober 2019

Pusat Bantuan Operasi Udara at Lahad Datu Airport (photo : MFH)

The new Air Operation Support Centre (Pusat Bantuan Operasi Udara – PBOU) at Lahad Datu Airport will be another important air station for the defence of east coast of Sabah.

It is the second of such air station after PBOU at Tawau Airport. Just like PBOU Tawau, this new forward operation base entrusted to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) will hosted a helicopter detachment as well as a flight of PASKAU commandos.

They will be put under constant alert to support forward deployed military units in the vicinity including the 13th ESSCOM Brigade (at Cenderawasih Camp) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) UNGGERIN commando (attached to Lahad Datu Marine Base) as well as Malaysian Coast Guard STAR  commando (attached to FELDA Sahabat 16 jetty).

The commencement of operation will mean that the RMAF’s No 5 Skn ‘Rimau’ will be very busy as it is now operating 5 of its Eurocopter EC-725AP Super Cougar Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) helicopters dispersed throughout Labuan AFB main base, the PBOU Tawau and PBOU Lahad Datu.

Lahad Datu Sabah (image : Google Maps)

A long time Sabah resident since the time the squadron operated Aerospatialle SA. 316B Allouette Mk III helicopter during Konfrontasi, it shoulders great responsibility supporting the PASKAL commandos deployed to the Spratlys as well as troops in ESSCOM especially after No 7 Skn ‘Badak’ Sikorsky S-61A-4 Nuri, also maintaining a detachment in Labuan, were all grounded following recent mishap in Gubir, Perak.

This highlight the need for the RMAF to add more EC-725 in the future. As interim measure, perhaps the Air Force would consider to lease Eurocopter EC-225 Super Puma Mk II for troop transport and logistic support roles.

PBOU Lahad Datu is able to accommodate three medium sized helicopter in its hangar plus three more at the apron.

Initial plan saw the Malaysian Army Aviation Force (Pasukan Udara Tentera Darat – PUTD) to operate two of its new MD Helicopters MD-530G Defender Light Scout/Attack Helicopter (LSAH)  out of PBOU Lahad Datu. Unfortunately, due to discrepancies in the deal, the plan to procure 6 of these US made helicopters were recently cancelled.

Having said that, PBOU Lahad Datu still suitable to accommodate attack helicopters in the future should the program being restart again.


Philippine Army Officials Visit Indian Warship to Learn More about Brahmos Missile System

28 Oktober 2019

PA delegation onboard INS Sahyadri F-49 (photo PA)

PH Army officials visit Indian ship with supersonic missile

MANILA -- Ranking Philippine Army (PA) officials on Thursday paid a visit to the "Shivalik"-class guided missile frigate, INS Sahyadri (F-49), to learn more about its missile capabilities which include the "BrahMos", the world's fastest supersonic missile.

Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala, in a statement Friday, said PA officials led by Major Gen. Reynaldo M. Aquino were welcomed by the ship's commanding officer, Captain Ashwin Arvind.

The officials were toured aboard the ship, which was docked at Pier 15, Manila South Harbor, and briefed about the "BrahMos" missile, which can be launched from ship, aircraft, submarine or land.

“The Philippine Army is interested in acquiring this type of missile as it will strengthen our coastal defense operations,” Zagala said.

Earlier this month, the PA activated its first land-based Missile System Battery under the Army Artillery Regiment. The unit is currently working on its training programs before acquiring its future equipment.

Shivalik class frigate with Brahmos missile (photo : Paul Robinson)

“The Philippine Army puts a premium on upgrading the various areas of its defense capabilities as it plays a vital role in addressing external threats. We ensure the Filipino people that we are on a continuous endeavor of becoming a world-class Army ready to protect our country,” he added.

INS Sahyadri (F-49) is accompanied by an anti-submarine corvette, INS Kiltan (P-30), they arrived in the Philippines last October 23 and will be ending their goodwill on the 26th.

INS Sahyadri has a displacement of 6,200 tons, a length of 142.5 meters and a beam of 16.9 meters, and is armed with a variety of missiles, torpedoes, and rockets for anti-ship, anti-air, and anti-submarine missions along with a 76mm automatic cannon.

INS Kiltan, on the other hand, has a displacement of 3,000 tons, a length of 109 meters, a beam of 12.8 meters and is armed with guns, torpedoes, and rockets.