23 Oktober 2019

Lorenzana ‘Almost Certain’ Australia Loan for Ships Exempted from Duterte Memo

23 Oktober 2019

A scale model of Austal’s offshore patrol vessel for the Philippine Navy (photo : Inquirer)

MANILA, Philippines — Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana has expressed confidence that the procurement of  offshore patrol vessels (OPV) from Australia for the Philippine Navy would be excluded from the government’s foreign loan ban.

President Rodrigo Duterte earlier ordered all government agencies to suspend all negotiations for loans and grants from 18 countries, including Australia, which supported the United Nations resolution that sought a review of his war on illegal drugs.

“I still have to make the formal request, but I am almost certain that he will approve it,” Lorenzana told reporters Thursday night on the sidelines of Australia’s exhibit on the history of Philippine-Australia defense ties.

A scale model of the OPV being proposed by Australian shipbuilder Austal was on display at the exhibit.

The defense establishment is currently in talks with the Australian government for a soft loan to finance the purchase of six OPVs for the Philippine Navy. It would be built at Austal’s Cebu shipyard.

The P30 billion OPV acquisition project is part of the Horizon 2 of the Armed Forces of the Philippines modernization program. The ships are expected to boost the Navy’s patrol duties, especially in the West Philippine Sea.

“It’s very possible, almost sure that the OPVs of the Navy will be built by Austal in Balamban, Cebu. It’s one plus again for cooperation. It will create more jobs for Filipinos. It’s good for both sides,” Lorenzana said.

The defense chief said he spoke to Duterte about the exemption during their recent trip to Russia.

“He just nodded. ‘Okay’,” he said.

“The [ships are] not being built outside (of the country). One of his marching orders at the start of his presidency was to develop our capability in-country,” he added.

Lorenzana said he was looking forward to the signing of the contract, but said there was only a “60 percent” chance that it could happen within the year.

The start of delivery is expected 18 months after the deal is formalized.


38 komentar:

  1. Sedakep wae.. Tuku pora kuwi?

    1. Pengene tuku, tapi ra oleh karo pak'e...

    2. Yo sedakep wae, wong ngarep utangan nggo kapal LPD kok mbah 😣😣😣

    3. Ning cen bedo gayane calon pembeli ki yen dompete kandel....mak-mek, ciwal-ciwel, nganggo ngremes barang 😎

    4. Karepe jajan ,.. Pak'e ora nduwe duwit maneh. Ilmu nempur thok kee wae😁😁😁

    5. Nak ora nduwe duwit.. Mong selfieπŸ“·πŸ’2 thok yaaa? 😁😁😁😁🀭🀭🀭

    6. Lumayan entuk foto mbah, nggo solokarir nang omah...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. Malon idiot koar koar free papua free papua ga ngaca nenek moyangnya aja ga bisa free(dom)kan negaranya sendiri kahkahkah IDIOT MALON, kau tengok lon survey penduduk timor leste saja masih banyak yg menyesal pisah dgn indonesia tak macam singapur coba kau survey pasti tak menyesal lah pisah dgn negara idiot

  3. duterte trauma ama kanada. kan males ditengah jalan bule2 ini suka kensel orderan atas naman HAM haha!🧐🧐🧐

  4. Komen terdungu forumer malon🀣🀣🀣🀦‍♀🀦‍♀

    Kevin... Kamu ni apa gila kahh apa.. Aku je boleh guna ayat pukimak, ko guna ayat lain.. Kerna kevin in masa kecil ibu kamu ngakk kasi sus tetek yahh.. Saraf2 otak kamu belum bersambung.. Ayuhh kevin tunjuk kan kehebatan kamu dalam memaki hamun.. Aku relax ajahh tengok forumer indon pukimak jadi gila kat sini... Sbb level kamu semua kat sini rata2 level pukimak/sialan...kevin bila mahu kemari ganyang malaysia, joint lah kopaska, kasi kopaska latih kamu jadi frogman, infiltrate malaysia..kamu ada basic militer tak kevin? Pernah latih tembak M4? Glock 19? Kalau ngakk pernah level kamu belum sama dgn aku dehh... Kerna aku ini udah ke basic training! So kalau takat cerita meletup letup,tapi belum pernah handle weaponary u can get lost... Google ROTU (Reserve Officer Training Unit) minggu depan aku gi shooting practice.. Mau ikut? Aku boleh ajarin sama kamu kevin.. Budiarto.. Hahaha... Kevin asshole besar sudah lena sama Anwar!

    Mat rempit.. Dalam dunia ni mana ada orang yg tak berhutang!ko beli mobil cash ke? Aku beli Toyota Camry aku pon hutang dgn Bank.. So hutang2 ni takyah nak kecoh sangat lah.. Korang hutang dgn Korsel sudah bayar belum? Kalau belum.. Shut the Fuck up! Kalau beli scooter aku bayar cash je..Mat rempit ko pakai apa? Mobil ke scooter... Sebab kat rumah aku ada 3 scooter.. 1 camry, Avanza... Mobil aku hutang bank.. Scooter cash!so rempit lepas ni takyah citer ...

    Raden situngkir.. Ni apa makna situngkir ni ahh.. Aku nak tahu jugak.. Sebab keturunan aku banyak yg guna nama Raden ni.. Nenek moyang aku pun asal usul pun sulawesi selatan.. Nama aku pun kat depan ada raden.. Tapi raden yg ini macam terencat otak lah aku rasa... Oii raden ko jangan buat malu dengan nama raden ehhh.. Nanti aku bagi ko pelempang maut satu kang! Wak luu... Kertas aku buat menulis je ehhh... Jangan lah letak otak ko ni level anjing! Please lah raden!......

    Aduuuuuh engak sanggup aku berpikir seperti ituπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€¦‍♀πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

    1. Asli norak...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Maklum om bahasaπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’, jadi kita manusia mana ngerti xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa yuhhuuuu malon nih 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

    3. Gile tajir2 melintir warga gred A..sampai harus mamerin merk segala.. hahaha

      BTW, mobil gw ada 6 biji nih (5 beli dari baru yg 1 beli seken) plus scooter cuma 1 biji. Kalau di total dapetlah 3 kemri baru. Boleh gak yah nyombong dimarih ? :-)

    4. Hahahaha....

      Mereka yang mulai mas super, kasih hajar bleeh...πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

    5. Sikat om....hahahha

      Ane cm punya bini 5,satu Nikah di KAU ,sisanya nikah sirih...πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    6. om ryan, bagi dong rahasianya πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    7. Hajar pelirpower,jgn kasi kendor πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    8. ikut traning bisa pegang m4 dan pistol glock wwkwkwk

      napa tak sekalian je pake vitaberapi???

      dasar budak kecik suka halusinasiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    9. Wkwkwk betul ke file pewwr berani dgn kami hahaha bangsamu yang pengecut lon rasanya mau muntah lihat komen file plower tu

  5. klo osi trauma ama KL eh gred a haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  6. Free Sabah n Sarawak!!!!!!! Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih lon 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

  7. Free Sabah n Sarawak!!!!! Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih lon 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

  8. Sesuai komen bro Bagaz


    100 unit UAV + 50 unit VTOL = satu unitnya $ 5 Million belum termasuk control room dan computer unit kayane. Anggaplah lumpsum paketan $ 6 Mil

    $ 6 Million x 150 unit = $ 900 Million
    $ 900 Million dibeliin SU-27SKM @ $ 30 Million dapet berapa bang ?.. dapet 30 biji...!!! alias bisa buat 2 Squadron.

    Seriusly ???!!!....gilaaa daaahh,..wkwkwkwk

    1. Buat kelancaran logistik itu mas.

      Jadi era sekarang itu logistik didahulukan sebab tanpa logistik yang kuat peperangan tak dapat dimenangkan.

  9. Hahahha....

    LPD phil produk PT Pal ,malon maling mana bs bikin...hahhaa

  10. Bener om...jangankan perang om...tanpa logistik aja istri bs buang samping kalau tidur...hahaha

  11. Lebih kerenan ini daripada OPV nya Malon


  12. Malon jealous Philippines dah beli 2 SSV PT PAL πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


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