28 Februari 2011

Menhan Tinjau KRI Clurit 641 di Batam

28 Februari 2011

KRI Clurit 641 (all imeges : Trides)

Menhan Puji Kapal Perang Buatan Batam

BATAM - Produksi Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) hasil karya putra-putri Indonesia di Batam mendapat sambutan luar biasa dari Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Purnomo Yusgiantoro. Menhan berjanji akan terus membangun kapal-kapal perang seperti KRI Clurit yang 100 persen pembuatannya di lakukan di PT Palindo Marine Industries, Tanjunguncang, Batam.

Menurut Menhan, suksesnya produksi kapal perang berkecepatan 30 knot yang dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan modern seperti Sensor Weapon Control (Sewaco), Meriam caliber 30 MM 6 laras sebagai Close in Weapon System (CIWS), serta peluru kendali itu adalah bukti bahwa sistem pertahanan nasional bisa membangun seperti KCR tersebut.

Dikutip Batam Pos (JPNN Group), Minggu (27/2), Purnomo mengatakan, kapal dengan panjang 44 meter berbahan aluminium itu sangat cocok untuk kegiatan patroli maupun penyerangan di perairan kawasan Indonesia bagian barat (armabar). Pasalnya kata mantan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) itu, laut di wilayah barat Indonesia termasuk laut yang tidak terlalu dalam dan sangat cocok untuk dilintasi kapal perang berukuran sedang yang saat ini tengah diproduksi di dalam negeri.

"Laut-laut di kawasan barat memang cocok untuk kapal-kapal seperti KRI Clurit. Asalkan bisa untuk patroli dan bisa juga untuk melakukan suatu penyerangan," ujar Purnomo Yusgiantoro disela-sela kunjungannya bersama Panglima Armabar Laksamana Muda Hari Bowo di PT Palindo Marine Industries, Tanjunguncang.

Dikatakannya, pemerintah akan terus membangun kapal-kapal perang seukuran KRI Clurit buatan Batam tersebut secara mandiri tanpa harus membelinya dari negara lain. Menhan mengaku sangat kagum dengan hasil karya putra putri bangsa sendiri yang telah menunjukan dedikasi, loyalitas dan nasionalismenya untuk merancang serta membangun kapal perang yang bisa mengangkut dan menembakan rudal sejauh 120 kilometer itu.

Panglima Armabar Laksamana Muda Hari Bowo menambahkan, kapal perang yang akan dilengkapi 1 unit meriam 6 barel caliber 30 MM, meriam anjungan 2 unit caliber 20 MM dan peluru kendali 2 set Rudal C-705 itu akan dilakukan uji penerimaan laut (sea acceptance test) dan uji penerimaan pelabuhan (harbour acceptance test) pada tanggal 25 Maret nanti.

Diberitakan Batam Pos sebelumnya, kapal perang dengan kecepatan hingga 30 knot ini dibangun di Batam sekitar satu tahun lalu dan sukses diluncurkan di perusahaan pembuatnya, yakni PT Palindo Marine Industries, Tanjunguncang, awal Februari lalu.

Kapal Cepat Rudal terbuat dari baja khusus High Tensils Steel pada bagian hulunya (lambung). Sementara untuk bagian atasnya, kapal ini menggunakan aluminium Alloy yang memiliki stabilitas dan kecepatan yang tinggi jika berlayar.(spt)

27 Februari 2011

Brunei Akan Gunakan Kendaraan Tempur Buatan Indonesia

27 Februari 2011
Angkatan Darat Brunei saat ini mengoperasikan VAB 4x4 : 26 dibeli pada tahun 1996, dan 17 dibeli pada tahun 2001 (photo : Military Vehicle)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Menteri Sekretaris Negara, Sudi Silalahi mengatakan, pemerintah Brunei Darussalam berminat untuk membeli dan menggunakan kendaraan tempur dan beberapa jenis senjata buatan Indonesia.

"Mereka akan menggunakan produk-produk dalam negeri kita, khususnya kendaraan-kendaraan tempur dan persenjataan," kata Sudi Silalahi kepada wartawan setelah mendampingi Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam kunjungan kerja di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Minggu sore.

Sudi mengatakan, kerja sama pertahanan dengan Brunei itu adalah salah satu dari beberapa hasil kunjungan kenegaraan Presiden Yudhoyono ke Brunei Darussalam pada 24 Februari 2011, atau sehari sebelum presiden berkunjung ke Kepulauan Riau.

Menurut Sudi, kerja sama pertahan dengan Brunei itu sudah dinyatakan dalam penandatanganan nota kesepahaman.

Namun demikian, Sudi tidak menjelaskan jumlah dan spesifikasi alat pertahanan buatan Indonesia yang akan diekspor ke Brunei. Dia juga tidak menyebutkan tenggat waktu pelaksanaan kerja sama itu.

Pernyataan bersama Presiden Yudhoyono dan Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah yang disampaikan secara tertulis menyatakan, kedua negara juga sepakat untuk membentuk dan meningkatkan peran komite kerja sama pertahanan.

Kedua kepala negara optimistis, komite itu akan meningkatkan dan memperkuat kerja sama dan persahabatan antara Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam.

Selain pertahanan, kedua negara juga sepakat untuk membina kerja sama di bidang pertanian, kebudayaan dan pariwisata, ketenagakerjaan, serta pendidikan.

Khusus untuk bidang pendidikan dan ketenagakerjaan, pemerintah Brunei bersedia membantu para tenaga kerja Indonesia dan anak-anak mereka untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik.

"Ada kesempatan peningkatan pendidikan bagi tenaga kerja, juga putera puteri tenaga kerja kita di sana mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik," ucap Sudi Silalahi. (*)

KDB Waspada and KDB Pejuang will be Delivered to Indonesia in April

27 Februari 2011

Waspada class patrol ship (photo : cari)
Indonesia to get Brunei patrol ships

BRUNEI plans to grant Indonesia patrol vessels KDB Waspada and KDB Pejuang for military training as part of efforts to promote the expansion of defence ties.

Deputy Minister of Defence Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa Hj Sirat said yesterday that various programmes on Brunei-Indonesia defence ties would be carried out.

"KDB Waspada and KDB Pejuang are still in operation, possibly in April ...these will be delivered to Indonesia to be used as (military) training vessel for the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL)," Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa told The Brunei Times prior to joining a morning walk with His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Tasek Lama Recreational Park.

Waspada class patrol ship (image : freespace)
Maintenance checks and operation trainings need to be done before the vessels are handed over to Indonesia, he said.

His Majesty's Government and Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Defence Cooperation on April 10, 2003. The MoU was recently ratified by Indonesia's parliament.

"There will be a joint committee to discuss how to further expand the defence cooperation between the two," he said.

Brunei and Indonesia are also planning to carry out joint training for its military forces as well as their special forces.

Moreover, there is a plan to send Brunei's military personnel to study at the Defence University in Indonesia this year.

Asked how many military personnel Brunei is expected to send, Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa said, "We need to look at their qualifications.

"Indonesia's Vice Minister of Defence Lieutenant General TNI (Rtd) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin said five slots would be open for Bruneians to pursue a degree at Indonesia's Defence University. "In conclusion, this year we will take the opportunity to implement various cooperation that we need to carry out," Sjafrie said.

Meanwhile, number of programmes that both parties have implemented are exchange visits of top-notch military officers as well as attending courses at the National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) in Jakarta, and Brunei's Joint Staff Course and Executive Development Programme.

He went on to say that this year the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Part of activities lined up for the celebrations are the Brunei International Defence Exhibition (BRIDEX), the Brunei International Tattoo and the Fleet Review.

Indonesia's Sjafrie said President Yudhoyono would instruct the TNI Army Chief to actively participate in the Golden Jubilee of the RBAF and order the Indonesia Minister of Defense to take part in BRIDEX.

TNI Perkuat Radar di Wilayah Barat

27 Februari 2011

Radar TNI AU akan ditambah di wilayah barat Indonesia (photo : TNI AU)

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta -TNI akan memperkuat radar pengamatan di wilayah barat Indonesia, guna menambah kekuatan pengamanan daerah perbatasan darat dan laut di wilayah itu, kata Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono.

"Kita masih menghadapi kendala dalam mengamankan perbatasan darat dan laut di wilayah barat. Kita belum punya radar pengamatan," katanya, di Pontianak, Sabtu 26 Februari 2011.

Ditemui usai melakukan kunjungan ke Skuadron Udara 1 Pangkalan Udara Supadio, ia mengatakan selama ini untuk pengamatan wilayah perbatasan dibantu radar sipil di Pontianak dan radar militer di Ranai.

"Padahal kerawanannya cukup tinggi, apalagi wilayahnya dekat dengan Laut China Selatan," katanya.

Agus menilai unsur-unsur tempur TNI, baik laut maupun udara di wilayah barat cukup memadai untuk mengawasi ancaman kedaulatan di perbatasan.

"Hanya saja, kita masih terkendala dengan belum memadainya radar pengamatan. Jika radar ini ada, penanganan ancaman kedaulatan di perbatasan bisa lebih maksimal," katanya.

Selama di Kalimantan Barat, Panglima TNI meninjau pos pengamanan perbatasan darat RI-Malaysia.

Dengan menggunakan helikopter Mi-17, Panglima TNI menyusuri perbatasan darat Kalbar-Serawak, dan tiba di Pos Jagoi Babang di Kabupaten Benkayang.

Selanjutnya Panglima TNI juga meninjau Pos Pemeriksaan Lintas Batas (PPLB) Aruk di Kabupaten Sambas.

26 Februari 2011

Hawkei Prototypes Delivered to Australia’s Department of Defence for Testing

26 Februari 2011

Two Hawkei prototypes delivered to Australia (photo : Thales Group)

Thales Australia has delivered two prototypes of its ground-breaking Hawkei vehicle to Australia’s Department of Defence.The vehicles are being submitted for verification and validation under the Department’s LAND 121 Phase 4 program, which will replace part of the Army’s fleet of Land Rovers with light protected mobility vehicles.

Chris Jenkins, Thales Australia’s CEO, said the delivery marked a significant chapter in a rapid development program that had made full use of the company’s protected mobility expertise.

“The Hawkei is an impressive vehicle that has been developed to meet the specific operational requirements of the Australian Defence Force,” he said.

“We have leveraged the experience gained on the highly successful Bushmaster program, and teamed with world-class partners including Plasan, Boeing Defence Australia and the PAC Group, to deliver a unique, innovative, and high performance vehicle to the Commonwealth.

"The speed the Hawkei team has demonstrated to develop these prototypes shows that we have the capability to manufacture and deliver this cost-effective and versatile vehicle in response to urgent requirements, as Australia's only genuinely local manufacturer of protected mobility vehicles.”

The Hawkei is characterised by a large protected interior space for crew, equipment and stores; four doors for easy access; Bushmaster levels of blast and ballistic protection; advanced technology for rapid up-armouring in the field; and straightforward reconfiguration between variants.

(Thales Australia)

25 Februari 2011

Lockheed Martin Issues MH-60R Pylon RFI in Australia

25 Februari 2011

MH-60R anti aubmarine warfare helicopter (photo : Sikorsky)

Lockheed Martin has issued a request for information to Australian firms to supply weapons pylons for the MH-60R multi-mission naval helicopter.

"Growth in orders for the MH-60R has resulted in an urgent need for an expanded supply base, and Australian industry has a depth of capability that would be an ideal supplement to our dedicated supplier base," says George Barton, Lockheed Martin's naval helicopter programme head.

The pylons are located on either side of the helicopter and carry either missiles or torpedoes. The selection process is likely to be concluded by the end of 2011, says Lockheed Martin.

The MH-60R is competing against the NH Industries NH-90 to fill a 24-helicopter requirement for the Royal Australian Navy, the AIR 9000 Phase 8. Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky submitted their original proposal for the competition in July last year, at which time they said a decision was likely to be announced in the first quarter of 2011.

The MH-60R is being pitched by 'Team Romeo', which comprises Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky Aircraft, General Electric, Raytheon, and CAE.

Separately, in early February the United States Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified congress of a possible military sale to Australia of a 10-year, $1.6 billion through life support programme for the MH-60R including helicopters, parts, and logistical support.

Force Protection Delivers Two Ocelot Vehicles to the Commonwealth of Australia

25 Februari 2011

Oceleot utility version (photo : Australian Defence)

Ladson, SC -- Force Protection Australasia Pty Ltd., a Force Protection Inc. (NASDAQ:FRPT) group company, today announced the delivery of two variants of the Ocelot protected light mobility vehicle (PMV-L) to the Commonwealth of Australia for the next phase of evaluation as part of the Land 121 Phase 4 program.

Force Protection has handed over one each of its utility and command variants at the Monegeetta Proving Grounds in Victoria. Force Protection Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Michael Moody, said the delivery of the first vehicles to the Commonwealth for verification and validation is a significant step in the bidding process. “We’re very confident our design and manufacturing team have produced the most highly protected and agile vehicle of its size and weight available on today’s market. Every Ocelot has a v-shaped spine running the length of the vehicle, which protects the occupants and also its critical components from mine and blast threats.”

Mr. Moody continued: “On top of the v-spine is an integrated pod which can be configured for a variety of mission roles, such as the utility and command variants we have delivered today, plus a protected patrol variant and even a special weapons variant. One of the most attractive aspects of the vehicle, on top of its survivability levels which protect the crew and mission systems, is its unique modular construction which means that pods can easily be changed in theatre to suit the requirements of each mission.”

“Local suppliers and South Australian Government representatives have been extremely positive about working with us to manufacture the Ocelot in Australia, and we know we can build a world class vehicle utilizing the best of Australian military and automotive manufacturing expertise and know-how.”

Mr Moody further commented that Force Protection is also exhibiting a third Ocelot vehicle at next week’s Avalon 2011 Australian International Air Show, as part of the Landef exhibition.

“A vehicle mobility test track will be set up as part of Landef at the Avalon Airshow, and we’re looking forward to showing the defence industry and the public the excellent capabilities and agility of the Ocelot,” Mr Moody concluded.

Force Protection is one of three companies selected for consideration to undertake the next phase of the Land 121 Phase 4 Manufactured and Supported in Australia (MSA) program, with the contract for the future production of up to 1300 vehicles valued at more than $A1 billion by the Australian Government. The Ocelot has already proven its worth when Force Protection was recently contracted by the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) to supply Ocelot for the MoD’s urgent operational requirement for the Light Protected Patrol Vehicle program (LPPV).

In late 2010, Force Protection announced it had reached agreement with the South Australian Government to manufacture and support its Ocelot vehicle in Adelaide, if it is successful in securing the Land 121 Phase 4 production contract.

See Ocelot on display at the Avalon Arena mobility track at Avalon International Airshow, March 1-6, 2011, or visit Force Protection’s stand in Hall C.

(Force Protection)

24 Februari 2011

Indonesia Orders 22 CSE-90 Weapon System

24 Februari 2011

CSE-90 cannon (photo : cmi defence)

New contracts CMI Defence with CSE90 weapon system and LCTS90

At the International Defence Exhibition of Abu Dhabi, the Belgian Company CMI Defence presents its complete full scale Cockerill CT-CV Weapon System (advanced 105 mm) and its new Gun Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile, The Falarick 105.

Through this state-of-the-art turret , CMI Defence will demonstrate to visitors its innovative approach to their high level of embedded technologies, these weapon systems not only supply the ultimate firepower for light and medium weight armoured vehicles, but also meet constantly changing operational needs thanks to their versatile and permanently evolutive qualities. Thanks to its experience in quality weapon system design and manufacture CMI Defence increases its international reputation through the signing of two new international contracts. By 2013, CMI Defence will deliver 22 new CSE90 systems to Indonesia and 84 new LCTS90 to Saudi Arabia.

Between 2000 and 2003, CMI Defence already delivered 144 LCTS90 weapon systems to Saudi Arabia which are currently being modernized. Saudia Arabia keeps its trust in CMI Defence products through the acquisition of 84 LCTS90 weapon systems that are to be installed on General Dynamics Land Systems Canada (GDLS-C)’s Piranha vehicle.

Blacfox Tarantula 6x6 with CSE-90 Cannon (photo : Asia Today)

Regarding the contract with Indonesia, the CSE90 weapon system will be installed on Doosan’s 6x6 Tarantula (also named Black Fox) built by South Korean company Daewoo International.
The performances of the CMI Defence Weapons systems have been further enhanced by incorporating sub-systems of the latest generation including electro-mechanical drives and modern day/night sight with laser range finder and ballistic computer. Its single stage muzzle brake allows the firing of APFSDS-T ammunition. Secondary armament includes coaxial and pintle-mounted 7.62 mm machine gun and grenade launchers.

All the conception and manufacturing is taking place in CMI Defence’s new facilities in Loncin (Belgium) while integration of the turrets on the Tarantula vehicles will take place in South Korea. First deliveries are expected for 2013.

Air Force Readies C-130 for OFWs in Libya

24 Februari 2011

PAF C-130 Hercules (photo : Manilaboy40 - Timawa)
MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Air Force on Wednesday said its lone C-130 transport plane has been placed on standby in case it would be needed for the evacuation of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in strife-torn Libya.

“The Philippine Air Force has committed to provide our beloved C-130 as one of the contingency plan [actions] to fly, if required by competent authorities,” announced Armed Forces’ spokesman Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta in a briefing in Camp Aguinaldo.

The military transport, which can carry 100 passengers, can immediately be dispatched to Libya should the government require it for the repatriation of Filipinos, said Mabanta.

“The Philippine Air Force is ready to provide C-130. Remember that the C-130 has been used extensively in the past [repatriation]. It [violence] has not escalated so we will just have to wait for competent authorities to provide us authorization to fly our C-130,” said Mabanta.

The military spokesman said that an order for the transport plane’s deployment would come from President Benigno Aquino III: “The DFA [Department of Foreign Affairs] will be recommending to be approved by the commander-in-chief.”

Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Esteban Conejos said President Aquino has ordered the DFA and other relevant government agencies to pool their resources for the evacuation plan.

He added that the DFA was given strict instructions to use air, sea and land routes out of Libya during the evacuation.

Conejos reported that the Department of Labor and Employment has started meeting with airline officials in preparation for the massive evacuation.

He said they have already talked to Qatar Airways and the Philippine Airlines. He added that the DFA has asked the International Organization for Migration for help in the possible evacuation of the OFWs.

"We are going to deploy them and the instruction is to be ready to employ these modalities in the events the occasion calls for it," Conejos said.

Pussenkav Ujicoba AMX-13 Upgrade

24 Februari 2011

Prototipe tank ringan AMX-13 TNI-AD hasil retrofit yang sedang diuji coba (all photos : Pussenkav)

Sejalan dengan kebijakan untuk pemenuhan Satuan Kavaleri yang akan dibentuk dan Rematerialisasi pada Satuan kavaleri yang telah ada maka Kavaleri TNI-AD akan memperoleh 243 tank baru dan tank hasil upgrade dalam kurun waktu 2010-2014.

Adapun tank baru yang akan diakuisi terdiri dari 65 unit tank tempur utama (main battle tank), 53 tank tempur medium, dan 60 panser kanon medium. Penjajakan masih dilakukan pada tank tempur utama dan medium, sedangkan untuk panser kanon telah dilakukan kerjasama dengan Korea Selatan dengan basis kendaraan 6x6 Blackfox.

Adapun tank yang akan dilakukan upgrade atau retrofitting adalah tank ringan AMX-13 sebanyak 65 unit. TNI Angkatan Darat saat ini mengoperasikan tank ringan AMX-13 dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak berkisar 200-300 unit dengan kanon 75 dan 105mm.

Website resmi Pussenkav baru-baru ini merilis mengenai ujicoba tank AMX-13 hasil retrofitting. Tampak dalam gambar prototipe tank upgrade tersebut mempunyai kanon baru dan peralatan bidik baru. Apabila prototipe ini telah memenuhi persyaratan TNI AD maka retrofit terhadap 65 tank ringan AMX-13 dapat segera dilakukan.

(Defense Studies)

FNSS Sealed $ 600 mio Contract for 257 Malaysia's Wheeled Armored Vehicle

24 Februari 2011

Pars 4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 (photo : ssm)

Turk Armor Maker Wins $600M Deal in Malaysia

ANKARA - Turkish armored vehicles manufacturer FNSS, based here, has sealed a $600 million contract with a Malaysian partner for the sale of the Pars, its wheeled armored vehicle, officials here announced. This is the largest contract a Turkish company has won abroad.

Under the deal, FNSS will design, develop, manufacture and supply logistical support for the Pars, according to Nail Kurt, the company's general manager. FNSS' Malaysian partner, DEFTECH, will locally assemble the 257 vehicles under contract.

The agreement was signed here Feb. 22 on the sidelines of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak's official visit to Turkey. "We have decided to raise our relationship to a strategic level," Razak told reporters in the Turkish capital.

Malaysia will be the first country where the Pars will enter service. The vehicle will come in four-, six- and eight-wheel types.

Earlier, FNSS sold to Malaysia other armored vehicles worth about $300 million. The company also hopes to sell the Pars to the Turkish army.

Turkish industrial conglomerate Nurol Holding owns 51 percent of FNSS while the remaining 49 percent is held by the American company UDLP. Since the late 1980s, FNSS has sold to the Turkish military thousands of mostly tracked vehicles.

(Defense News)

Malaysia Procures Paveway II Laser Guided Bomb

24 Februari 2011

Paveway II laser guided bomb (photo : David Monniaux)

Lockheed Martin Corp., Archbald, Pa., is being awarded a $21,867,788 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-10-C-0092) to exercise an option for the procurement of 7,665 enhanced laser guided training round Paveway II units for the Navy (7,217) and the governments of Pakistan (300), Spain (88), and Malaysia (60).

In addition, this modification provides for the procurement of 589 wooden containers for the U.S. Navy (500) and the governments of Pakistan (74) and Malaysia (15); 23 replacement-in-kind wooden containers for the the governments of Pakistan (one) and Spain (22); associated data; and non-recurring engineering efforts.

Work will be performed in Archbald, Pa., and is expected to be completed in June 2013. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.

This contract combines purchases for the U.S. Navy ($20,573,292; 94 percent) and the governments of Pakistan ($866,850; 4 percent); Spain ($254,276; 1.2 percent); and Malaysia ($173,370; 0.8 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales Program. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.

23 Februari 2011

PT DI Gandeng EADS-CASA Produksi Pesawat C295

23 Februari 2011

C-295 lebih panjang 3m bila dibandingkan CN-235 yang terlihat terbang di belakangnya. (photo : Airforce Technology)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) bekerjasama dengan pabrikan pesawat asal Eropa, European Aeronautic Defense and Space (EADS)-CASA akan membuat pesawat militer jenis C295.

"Tahap awal kita akan menawarkan pembuatan pesawat jenis C295 ini untuk keperluan TNI yang akan mengganti pesawat jenis Fokker 27. Pesawat C295 merupakan jenis derivatif dari C235," kata Direktur Utama PT DI, Budi Santoso di Kantor Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta, Rabu.

Menurut Budi, kapasitas produksi PT DI untuk pembuatan pesawat jenis C295 bisa mencapai 12 unit per tahun.

Menurut Budi, PT DI sejak tahun 1974 ketika masih bernama Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio (IPTN) sudah melakukan kerjasama dengan CASA, pabrikan pesawat asal Spanyol untuk membuat komponen, sebaliknya CASA membantu PTDI dari sisi permesinan.

Namun, ia mengakui kerjasama tersebut sempat terhenti pada beberapa periode.

"Belakangan kembali dilakukan kerjasama yang ditandai dengan pengalihan pabrik pesawat CASA dari Spanyol ke Bandung," ujarnya.

EADS tertarik merealisasikan kerjasama dengan PT DI karena ongkos produksi di Eropa lebih mahal ketimbang di Indonesia.

Ia menambahkan mulai tahun 2011 pihaknya akan memproduksi pesawat jenis C212 untuk memenuhi pesanan dari Thailand, Vietnam dan Korea Selatan.

Meski begitu Budi tidak merinci berapa besar biaya investasi pengadaan pesawat jenis C295 maupun jenis C212.

"Kami masih menunggu hasil penawaran pesanan dari TNI. Sedangkan modalnya akan dipenuhi oleh EADS," ujarnya.

Kerjasama yang didasarkan pada prinsip profit sharing tersebut, namun PT DI akan menyanggupi tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN) hingga 40 persen.(R017/S006)


Malaysia to Produce APCs for Asia-Pacific Market

23 Februari 2011

257 APC 8x8 for Malaysia based on FNSS 8x8 PARS (photo : DefenseIndustryDaily)

ANKARA: Malaysia is set to produce armoured personnel carriers (APC) for the Asia-Pacific region.

The country plans to buy 257 units of armoured carrier frames from the FNSS Defence System plant here and assemble components sourced from various countries.

Deftech Malaysia and FNSS Turkey signed a letter of agreement for the purchase of the main body frame of the armoured carrier here yesterday.

An APC is an armoured fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield.

APCs are usually armed with only a machine gun although variants carry recoilless rifles, anti-tank guided missiles or mortars. They are usually not designed to take part in a direct-fire battle.

FNSS chief executive officer K. Nail Kurt briefed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his entourage on the facilities at the company’s high security plant. Also present were Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and army chief Jen Datuk Sri Zulkifeli Zin.

Speaking to reporters after the signing, Zahid said the carriers would be assembled at the Deftech plant in Pekan, Pahang.

FNSS is willing to accord Deftech its intellectual property rights that also allows it to export the assembled products to the Asia-Pacific region.

“We have an understanding that we can source the defence fittings from elsewhere,” said Zahid, adding that Malaysia plans to mix-and-match various technologies.

Najib later laid a wreath at the Anitkabir mausoleum as a mark of respect for Turkey’s founder and first president Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Najib also had a closed-door meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyib Erdogan.

The two leaders later witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Small and Medium Enterprises Corpo­ration Malaysia (SME Corp) and Turkey’s Small and Medium Industry Organisation (KOSGEB). SME Corp CEO Datuk Hafsah Hashim and KOSGEB president Mustafa Kaplan signed the MoU.

Russia Mengirim 3 Helikopter Mi-17V5 Pesanan Thailand

23 Februari 2011

Mi-17V5 untuk Angkatan Darat Thailand (all photos : Komchadluek)

Kemarin jam 14.30 di bandar udara Divisi Penerbangan Angkatan Laut T., A. Chang, Rayong Phala atau bandara Utapao pesawat transport udara besar An-124 milik Rusia mengangkut 3 helikopter Mi-17V5 untuk Angkatan Darat Thailand. 3 pesawat dilengkapi dengan komponen untuk dirakit. Pejabat senior Angkatan Darat dan Penerbangan Angkatan Laut turut menerima dan memfasilitasi untuk dapat dipindahkan ke hanggar helikopter. Menurut pejabat dari Rusia perakitan keseluruhan akan selesai dalam waktu 10 hari.

Tiga helikopter Angkatan Darat ini karena merupakan helicopter besar memerlukan perakitan sehingga untuk kesempatan pertama ditempatkan ke hanggar di bandara untuk Utapao. Perakitan akan dilaksanakan oleh teknisi Rusia sebelum tiga pesawat diserahkan ke Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Darat.

Wartawan melaporkan bahwa anngaran yang digunakan untuk proyek pengadaan 3 helikopter sebesar 990 juta, termasuk biaya ground maintenance dan pelatihan pilot sebesar 50 juta. Pembelian helikopter Mi-17V5 memiliki dana yang berasal dari pembatalan biaya perbaikan 15 helikopter Huey UH-1 dengan anggaran 999 juta baht. Helikopter MI-17V5 dapat digunakan untuk beberapa misi utamanya untuk transportasi pasukan atau barang. Heli memiliki kapasitas untuk menahan tembakan dari bawah, dan dapat menampung tempat duduk untuk penumpang dengan bagasi untuk 24 hingga atau 36 penumpang plus barang.

Walaupun Angkatan Darat Kerajaan Thailand membeli helikopter dalam versi transport tetapi dapat dilengkapi dengan senapan mesin Mag-58 atau senapan M-60 yang dapat ditambahkan sehingga dapat memberikan misi dukungan tempur udara selain mengirim pasukan. Angkatan Darat membutuhan tambahan helikopter angkut hingga 6 unit, pesanan 3 heli lagi akan dipertimbangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan misi tranportasi udara bagi Angkatan Darat.

(Thai Recent)

22 Februari 2011

Spy Behind the Weapons Procurement of Indonesia (2)

22 Februari 2011

T-50 Golden Eagle (photo : Airliners)

Alleged Break-In Clouds S. Korea-Indonesia Deal

SEOUL - South Korean intelligence officials allegedly broke into the hotel room of a visiting Indonesian delegate last week to copy computer files on possible arms deals between the two governments, according to sources here and Feb. 21 news reports.

Seoul officials are expressing concern that the episode could provoke a diplomatic feud and harm the government's efforts to sell its T-50 supersonic trainer jet and other defense equipment to the Southeast Asian nation.

The Indonesian government has asked Seoul's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to figure out just what happened, said ministry spokesman Cho Byung-jae.

"We are verifying the facts, and we agreed to inform the Indonesian authorities as soon as we are done," Cho said.

Officials with the National Intelligence Service (NIS) denied the allegations and declined to elaborate.

South Korean police has been investigating the Feb. 16 incident, which occurred at the Lotte Hotel in central Seoul, where a 50-strong Indonesian delegation was staying.

The delegation led by Hatta Rajasa, coordinating minister for the economy, and Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, arrived here Feb. 15 for a three-day run to discuss ways of boosting economic ties with Seoul.

Doosan K-30 Biho twin 30mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (photo : Military Today)

Indonesia's potential purchase of South Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle trainer aircraft was referred to as a top topic, as Jakarta has shortlisted the T-50, co-developed by Korea Aerospace Industries and Lockheed Martin of the United States, as one of the three candidates for its advanced jet trainer requirement.

Competitors are said to be Russia's Yak-130 and the Czech-built L-159B, according to the Defense Acquisition Procurement Agency.

According to police officers, three unidentified intruders, two men and one woman who are believed to be members of the NIS, broke into a suite on the 19th floor of the five-star hotel.

The break-in was made right after most of the delegation departed for the South Korean presidential office for a courtesy call on President Lee Myung-bak.

The alleged trespassers may have used a USB memory stick to copy files from one of the two laptop computers left in the room but fled after being witnessed by an aide to a visiting Indonesian envoy.

Whether or not the intruders succeeded in getting access to the computer files remains unclear, according to the police. The laptops were handed over for an investigation, but the Indonesian aide requested their return the next day.

"If that's true, I'm just surprised that this kind of amateurish operations had been conducted," a military source said. "Only thing we can guess is that the Lee Myung-bak administration could be too pressed to make the first sale of the T-50 following the back-to-back defeats in the trainer contests in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore for the past years."

Citing an unidentified government source, the Chosun Ilbo newspaper said the agents "were trying to figure out the Indonesian delegation's negotiating strategies" regarding the potential purchase of the T-50, K2 Black Panther main battle tank and the K30 Biho 30mm self-propelled twin-gun system.

K-30 Biho (Flying Tiger) SPAAG adapt K-200 chasis, but weighs almost twice as much as the K200, total weight of K-30 Biho is 25 ton. The modified chassis largely retains the protection and amphibious capability of the original chassis. . Effective fire range is approximately 3 km, and the radar range is 17-20 km (photo : Military Today)

The KAI-Lockheed team has fought an uphill battle to explain to potential customers the T-50's performance-to-price ratio after it lost to Italy's M-346 jet both in the UAE and Singapore because of the "luxury" jet's price of about 25 billion won ($22 million).

The single-engine T-50 features digital flight controls and a modern, ground-based training system. It is designed to have the maneuverability, endurance and systems to prepare pilots to fly next-generation fighters, such as the Eurofighter Typhoon, the F-22 Raptor, the Rafale and the F-35 Lightning II.

The jet has a top speed of Mach 1.4 and an operational range of 1,851 kilometers.
Potential customers for the South Korean trainer jet include the United States, Iraq, Greece and Poland.

Meanwhile, in an interview with the Jakarta Post, Hatta claimed the intrusion was a "misunderstanding." The Indonesian economy minister said the three intruders were actually hotel guests who happened to enter the wrong room.

"Instead of entering their own room, 1961, the guests unintentionally entered room 2061, which belonged to an Industry Ministry official," Hatta said. "But the misunderstanding was immediately cleared up. And the laptop which was unintentionally opened by the guests consisted only of PowerPoint slide shows about the condition of our industry, which would be presented by Industry Minister M. Hidayat before our Korean counterparts."


6 Gripen from Sweden Land Today

22 Februari 2011

6 RTAF's JAS-39 Gripen during long travel covered with Swedish simbol and installed with 2 external fuel tank (all photos : Legiero)

New era for air force with modern jets

The arrival of six Gripen jet fighters today will usher in a modern era for the Royal Thai Air Force, commander Itthaporn Subhawong says.

The air force will take delivery of 12 Swedish-made Gripen fighters, worth almost 40 billion baht, after the cabinet approved the purchase of the jets in 2008 when Samak Sundaravej was the prime minister and defence minister.

The Gripen 39 C/D aircraft will replace the ageing F-5A/B jets. The F-5A/B aircraft will be completely phased out by the end of this year.

The first batch of the Gripen fighters is due to arrive at Don Muang air force base after flying out of Sweden on Feb18 and will be stationed at the Wing 7 air force base in Surat Thani.

The second batch of six Gripen jet fighters is scheduled to arrive next year.

ACM Itthaporn said yesterday he was convinced the jet fighters would bring modern and significant changes to the air force.With the fighters, the air force would be transformed to a network-oriented system, he said.
''The Gripen is like a new type of computer with all the modern stuff. Most importantly, the supplier has agreed to transfer all the technology to us,'' ACM Itthaporn said, adding that software for the fighters could be constantly updated.

He said the capabilities of fighter pilots would have to change completely as the new system on the jets would provide them with flight information linked to the other fighters on a screen before them.

ACM Itthaporn said the US had allowed the Secos-link system on the Gripen fighters to link with the system of the US-made F16 fighters.

An air force source said permission was obtained after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva raised the matter with US President Barack Obama during his visit to the US last month.

ACM Itthaporn said the air force was working closely with the navy to develop a data link system because the two forces would soon hold a joint military exercise and information on the Gripen fighters would be hooked up with navy ships.

The frigate HTMS Naresuan would be the first to be linked with the fighters, he said.

ACM Itthaporn said a Saab 340 Erieye airborne early warning aircraft that the air force also bought from the Swedish government would be connected to all the Gripen fighters.

The Saab 340 aircraft is now stationed at Wing 7 air force base.

He said the air force had also spent about 1.1 billion baht on building a hangar for the Gripen jets and the Saab 340 aircraft as well as ground stations and ground logistics support systems.

ACM Itthaporn said he would conduct test flights of the six Gripen jet fighters that would be delivered today.

The air force chief conducted test flights of Gripen fighters in Sweden in 2004 when he was chief of the directorate of RTAF operations.

The air force later decided to purchase the 12 Gripen fighters in 2007 and submitted a request to the cabinet the following year.

He said a cabinet meeting on Feb 15 also approved a budget of about 6.9billion baht to be spent on an upgrade for the air force's six F16 jet fighters that would be stationed at Wing 4, Takhli air force base in Nakhon Sawan province.

He thanked Prime Minister Abhisit for throwing his support behind the project and said the premier had a good understanding of the air force's needs.

''We are not getting any commission from the purchase of the air force jet fighters,'' ACM Itthaporn said.

(Bangkok Post)

21 Februari 2011

Australian Aerospace Targets International Appeal (1)

21 Februari 2011

Seabird Aviation Australia Pty Ltd (SEABIRD) has designed, developed and certificated the SB7L-360 Seeker-2(SEEKER), a multi-role utility aircraft so as to achieve optimum effectiveness, performance and safety in low level observation tasks. (photo : Seabird)

Perseverance is the watchword when it comes to Australia's aerospace and defence industry, which is striving for footholds in global programmes.

Australian companies, universities and research bodies have found success in a number of niche areas, including component manufacture, composites, unmanned air vehicles, hypersonics, general aviation aircraft and air traffic management.

Two Victoria-based component and tooling suppliers, Marand Precision Engineering and Production Parts, for example, are both involved in international programmes, but success has not come quickly.

"Over 25 years ago, we recognised the need to diversify from the automotive industry and now we've been working with Hawker de Havilland/Boeing Aerostructures Australia for that long," says David Ellul, managing director of Moorabbin-based Marand. "We've built a reputation over a long period of time."

Aerospace now accounts for 60% of Marand's business. The aerospace tooling sector has been solid for Marand over the past few years, with the company securing work on the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and Boeing 787. Marand has exported more than 400 tools to Lockheed, for example.

In 2003, Marand became the first company to win a JSF ground support equipment contract from Lockheed.

Marand has been responsible for the design and manufacture of the JSF engine removal and installation trailer, the first of which was handed over in 2005. Some Australian companies have been hit hard by F-35 delays, but much of Marand's work has been at the front end of the programme.

It is also supplying F-35 vertical tails to BAE Systems, with first deliveries scheduled for the end of 2013. That work will be conducted at a new Geelong facility that Marand plans to establish next year. The company employs 180, with a further 300 required for the new facility, says Ellul.

Marand's success with Lockheed, in particular, has developed over years. "We do the initial work well and leverage off that to take us into a new area with the customer," says Ellul. "Aerospace and defence primes want to work with companies with a track record."

Synergies derive from Marand's automotive track record. Tom Burbage, executive vice-president F-35 programmes, visited Marand early on in the life of the programme and was taken to Ford's Australian plant for a viewing of Marand's robotic automation production solutions. "Lockheed Martin saw a capability here - both in technology and business," says Ellul.

Marand is also supplying tooling and an automated production system to Boeing Aerostructures Australia's Melbourne facility for the 787, and is generally looking to build on its civil work. "We like being here - in Australia - and we think it can be made to work, but you have to add something intellectually to make it work here," says Ellul.

Production Parts, meanwhile, is diversifying into commercial aerospace, having established a pedigree in component manufacture, precision assembly and systems integration on defence programmes. The Melbourne-based company is making its civil debut by supplying Boeing 747 landing-gear components.

"Commercial work offers a great opportunity for us," says managing director Peter Nicholls. Production Parts, which employs 75 people, is now quoting on Boeing 737 work. Nicholls recently visited Japan to explore 787 opportunities.

Like Marand, Production Parts has won a number of JSF contracts, to manufacture airframe components for Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, actuation products for Parker, and engine parts for Pratt & Whitney and General Electric. It started work in 2010 on manufacture of the high compressor case for the P&W F135 engine. The contract has a potential value of A$40 million ($40.1 million).

Gippsland Airvan GA-8 (photo : FlighGlobal)

Like many, the company has been affected by F-35 delays and the global financial crisis, concedes Nicholls. But he is optimistic for the year ahead. Production Parts' order book has reached record levels thanks largely to a multimillion-dollar, four-year contract to supply rudder pedal kits for the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

It also has multimillion-dollar orders from Eurocopter for components for the Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopter and MRH90 multi-role helicopter, and is supplying spare parts for the Boeing KC-135 tanker.

What lies behind these successes? "Perseverance, listening to customer requirements, talking to the government about policies that support the local industry: all of these are important," says Nicholls.

On the other side of the country in Perth, Western Australia, composite manufacturer Quickstep is at last finding international success after years of promoting itself and its capabilities. In addition to traditional autoclave manufacture of composites, Quickstep has developed the "Quickstep Process", a fluid-based curing method for the manufacture of high-strength and lightweight composite materials using a rigid mould suspended in heat transfer liquids. Quickstep has been demonstrating its capabilities to primes and tier-one manufacturers for the past 10 years and established subsidiaries in Germany and the USA to get close to the majors, as well as alliances with universities in Australia and the UK.

That work has paid off. Earlier this month, Quickstep secured a A$700 million long-term agreement with Northrop Grumman to manufacture up to 16 different F-35 components, contributing an annual turnover of A$50 million by 2015. The work will initially use the autoclave method but could later involve the Quickstep Process, Quickstep hopes.

To fulfil the contract, Quickstep is moving to the former Boeing Aerostructures Australia facility at Sydney Bankstown in New South Wales and increasing its workforce from 40 to 400, hoping to employ former Boeing skilled personnel available after the airframer's consolidation in Melbourne. Quickstep intends to become "the largest independent aerospace composites manufacturer in Australia", says chief executive Philippe Odouard.

Discussions on further work opportunities for Quickstep could accelerate now the Northrop Grumman deal is in place. For example, it has a JSF memorandum of understanding with Marand for up to A$50 million worth of contracts to manufacture vertical tail skins.

"We have a team of experienced international executives that have an understanding of how to do business outside Australia," says Odouard. "Also, we have two subsidiaries - one in Germany and one in the US - that service those markets on a day-to-day basis."

The government's Global Supply Chain (GSC) programme, launched in 2009, is facilitating opportunities for local industry to serve primes. Under the programme, primes are required to develop company-specific programmes to evaluate Australian suppliers for participation in their supply chains.

In addition, the Defence Export Unit has helped Australian companies win contracts worth in excess of A$550 million, while the Defence Industry Innovation Centre is striving to help local companies become export ready.

Boeing's Office of Australian Industry Capability (OAIC) was the first organisation of its kind under the GSC initiative. It was established in 2007 to identify small and medium-sized enterprises and bring them into the US giant's supply chain. Boeing says the OAIC has delivered contracts worth more than $190 million to local industry, with 10 SMEs competing for extra Boeing work worth $260 million.

Through the OAIC, Boeing has provided local companies with training and mentoring to help them develop the knowledge and skills needed to compete globally. Boeing itself employs more than 2,800 at 28 sites throughout Australia - the manufacturer's largest operational footprint outside the USA.

Local SMEs Mincham Aviation, Ferra Engineering and Production Parts have all benefited from the OAIC. While Production Parts secured its Super Hornet rudder pedal contract, South Australia-based Mincham was selected to manufacture assembly spare part sets for the Boeing CH-47 Chinook programme, and Brisbane-based Ferra Engineering - competing against 20 suppliers globally - won a 747 machined components contract. "The OAIC has really helped us," says Nicholls.

The OAIC model is now being rolled out across other major aerospace manufacturers: BAE Systems, Raytheon, Thales and, most recently, Lockheed Martin. State governments, such as Victoria, are also working closely with local aerospace SMEs to push their capabilities to the primes. Victoria's industry, for example, has secured 60% of Australia's JSF business to date, says Peter Haddad, strategic adviser at the state government's defence industry unit.

The Victorian government is the only state with representatives in London, Frankfurt and Washington, acting as "the voice for local companies" to identify aerospace opportunities. Some believe more needs to be done at federal level. "We still need policies to encourage local content. The government really needs to focus on that as we are competing on a very uneven playing field," says one Australian supplier. Another asserts: "Other countries drive a very hard bargain when buying aerospace products. In aerospace terms we're small but we have the capability. We really need the investment and strategy to be engaged."

Australian companies are not just focused on big aerospace programmes, but have found success in niche sectors: in GA, for example. GippsAero (formerly Gippsland Aeronautics) has delivered more than 150 of its GA8 Airvan utility turboprops around the world.

The company launched in the 1970s as an aircraft maintenance and modification business, and moved into aircraft production in the early 1990s. After its acquisition by India's Mahindra Group in 2009, the company has funding for its next stage of development, with Mahindra to invest $20 million over the next two years. This will allow a ramp-up of production of the Airvan, the launch of a 10-seat stretch - dubbed the GA10 - and a relaunch of Nomad, the 18-seat GA18.

Seabird Aviation also focuses on a niche. The Hervey Bay, Queensland-based was established in 1983 by Don Adams and his son Peter. Its fixed-wing, two-seater Seeker patrol and surveillance aircraft is operated by customers in Australia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Jordan, South Africa, Tanzania, UAE and the USA.

The aircraft is manufactured in Hervey Bay and, under licence, by Seabird Aviation Jordan and Seabird Aviation America in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In a bid to "revolutionise" airborne surveying, the manufacturer has recently launched a redesigned Seeker.

This has new engines for improved hot and high performance, an increased maximum take-off weight and structural modifications and a glass cockpit. "We recognised long ago that we had to address a need in the GA field that really wasn't being looked at very much," says managing director Peter Adams. "It's fortunate that patrol and surveillance was the niche we decided to try to fill. It's becoming more and more apparent that this was a correct decision." He adds: "The old axiom that you must differentiate does apply. The Airvan is successful because it's a good aeroplane that fills a gap in the market. We are doing our best to achieve this same result... We have for many years worked hard to break into international markets. It has been evident that unless a successful record of domestic sales could be demonstrated, these international markets would be difficult to penetrate."

Flight Global)

Spy Behind the Weapons Procurement of Indonesia (1)

21 Februari 2011

K2 Black Panther main battle tank (photo : Military Today)

NIS Behind Break-In at Indonesian Delegation

Three intruders who broke into the room of Indonesian presidential envoys at Seoul's Lotte Hotel on the morning of Feb. 16 were agents from the National Intelligence Service, it has emerged. A high-ranking government official said the NIS "tried to find out the negotiation strategy of the Indonesian delegation in pursuit of the national interest. It was an unintended consequence that they were caught."

Soon after some 50 Indonesian officials including Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa left for Cheong Wa Dae to meet President Lee Myung-bak, two men and a women broke into the room on the 19th floor of the Lotte Hotel, but they were surprised by one of the Indonesian officials while they were looking into laptops there and fled. It is uncertain whether the agents copied data from the laptop.

T-50 Golden Eagle, the supersonic training aircraft (photo : Lockheed Martin)

The NIS agents were apparently desperate to obtain Indonesia's negotiation strategy for the purchase of Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic trainer jet, K2 Black Panther main battle tank, and portable surface-to-air missile. Korea is in fierce competition with Russia's Yak-130 trainer jet.
The government has been working hard to win an export deal after negotiations with the United Arab Emirates and Singapore faltered. One T-50 is priced at US$25 million, and the government aims to export 1,000 by 2030.

LIG Nex1 Chiron manpads surface to air missile (photo : Omniae)

A government official said, "It seems that NIS took way too much risk due to this obsession with the export of the T-50." An intelligence official claimed it is "an open secret" that intelligence agencies of every country are engaged in a highly sophisticated battle for intelligence. "After the intrusion was reported in the media, the NIS exerted a great deal of effort through many channels to smooth over the situation," he added.

Police said earlier that due to the low resolution of the CCTV at the Lotte Hotel, they were unable to identify the intruders.


TNI AU Rencanakan Bangun Lanud di Gorontalo

21 Februari 2011

Gorontalo - Sulawesi (photo : Google Maps)

GORONTALO--MICOM: TNI Angkatan Udara merencanakan pembangunan Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) di Provinsi Gorontalo.

Panglima Komando Operasi AU II TNI AU, Marsekal Muda Agus Munandar mengatakan bahwa Gorontalo sudah sepantasnya memiliki lanud. "Selain letaknya yang strategis di Sulawesi, Gorontalo juga berbatasan dengan negara lain," ujarnya di Gorontalo, Minggu (20/2).

Menurutnya, pangkalan tersebut juga akan menunjang keberadaan Brigif Linus Kostrad, yang sebelumnya sudah dibangun di daerah itu. Ia menambahkan, rencana tersebut sedang dibahas dengan pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo dan akan direalisasikan secepatnya.

Gubernur Gorontalo Gusnar Ismail menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya telah menyiapkan master plan pengembangan bandara, yang juga akan mendukung pembangunan lanud.

Ia optimistis pembangunan itu tak akan mengalami kendala, karena TNI AU memiliki aset tanah di wilayah bandara sebesar 100 hektare. "Saat ini Gorontalo baru memiliki kantor perwakilan Lanud di Manado, namun kami berupaya untuk segera mengalihkan status menjadi Lanud AU Gorontalo," tambahnya. (Ant/OL-2)

(Media Indonesia)

19 Februari 2011

ATK Introduces New Light Gunship Special Mission Aircraft Capabilities Package

19 Februari 2011

CN-235 Gunship for Jordanian Air Force (photo : ATK)

Jordan's King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) Awards Contract to ATK to Modify Two CASA-235 Military Transport Aircraft

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, -- ATK (NYSE: ATK) announced it has received a contract from the King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) of the Kingdom of Jordan to modify two of the country's CASA-235 transport aircraft into highly-capable and cost-effective special mission aircraft, according to the combined modification designs of both KADDB and ATK. Subject to U.S. government export licensing approval, the modified aircraft are expected to be delivered by the late spring of 2013. Terms of the contract were not announced.

ATK's special mission aircraft offerings integrate intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors, fire control equipment, and a LW30mm link-fed gun system. These capabilities are controlled by ATK's STAR Mission System which provides both day and night reconnaissance and fire control capabilities, and the ability to acquire, monitor and track items of interest. The CASA-235 gunship provides customers an enhanced capability to conduct responsive defense, counterinsurgency, and border surveillance and security missions.

"Weaponized aircraft is an emerging international opportunity specifically tailored for ATK's unique capabilities," said Mike Kahn, President of ATK Missile Products Group. "Our expertise in mission systems architecture and design, and aircraft integration and certification of complex subsystems positions us well for growth in this area."

"Since its inception, KADDB has established itself as the preferred global partner in the Middle East for the defence industry, initially in land systems, and most recently in aircraft modification. KADDB is well situated and experienced with all the required technical knowledge and infrastructure to move into this field," said "Shadi Ramzi" Majali, KADDB Chairman and CEO. "We are proud to embark with our well recognized and esteemed partner ATK to modify aircraft for the Jordan Armed Forces and the MENA region, and look forward to establishing this capability in Jordan."

CN-235 Royal Jordanian Air Force (photo : Militaryphotos)

"We are pleased to partner with the King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau of Jordan to develop and enhance the military aircraft capability for the Jordan Armed Forces," said Robert Faille, ATK Director of International Business Development for the Middle East & Africa region.

For the KADDB on behalf of the Jordan Armed Forces, ATK will install and integrate electro-optical targeting systems, a laser designator, aircraft self-protection equipment, and an armaments capability that includes Hellfire laser-guided missiles, 2.75-inch rockets, and a M230 link-fed 30mm chain gun. ATK's M230 family of guns serves on the Apache helicopter.

ATK's scope of work includes development, systems integration, aircraft modification, and testing. Work will be performed in Jordan and at ATK facilities in Fort Worth, TX, Mesa, AZ and Pelham, AL.

Although the light gunship represents KADDB's first endeavor in aircraft modification, it lays the foundation for further potential growth with experienced partners to accommodate Jordan and the MENA region's requirements.

The light gunship capability package is the latest addition to ATK's Special Mission Aircraft product portfolio, which provides affordable, responsive and advanced capabilities to customer-preferred platforms. ATK's expertise includes outfitting various aircraft -- including Cessna Caravans, Lockheed Martin C-130s, Bombardier Dash-8s, Hawker Beechcraft King Airs and others -- with integrated intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.

The King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) was established by Royal Decree on the 24th of August 1999 to provide an indigenous capability for the supply of independent, high quality, efficient and cost-effective scientific and technical services to the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF). KADDB is an independent government entity within the JAF that acts as the Jordanian research and development facility created to provide a one-stop solution for the supply of defence and commercial equipment. KADDB aims at harnessing science and technology to fulfill Jordan's defence needs and, in the process, assist the nation in creating a sustainable defence industrial base. News and information can be found on the Internet at

About ATK
ATK is an aerospace, defense, and commercial products company with operations in 24 states, Puerto Rico, and internationally, and revenues of approximately $4.8 billion. News and information can be found on the Internet at


See Also :

PT DI Incar Pangsa Amerika
11 Maret 2009

Industri penerbangan nasional, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) punya rencana untuk mengembangkan usahanya ke Benua Amerika. Tentu saja upaya ini tak dilakukan sembarangan. Sebagai langkah awal PTDI menggandeng Alliant Techsystem (ATK) sebagai salah satu mitra kerja.

Peresmian kerjasama dengan salah satu industri besar asal AS yang bergerak dibidang luar angkasa, pertahanan dan komersial itu dilakukan hari ini (11/3) di Jakarta.

“Ini penting agar bisa menembus pangsa pasar AS yang demikian ketat. Biasanya untuk program-program pertahanan, mereka lebih suka memesannya dari perusahaan Amerika sendiri,” demikian Dirut PTDI Budi Santoso disela-sela acara penanda tanganan MOU dengan ATK kepada Angkasa.

Masih menurut Budi, gambaran penerapannya di lapangan bisa saja nantinya PTDI menyediakan platform, sementara untuk mission system disediakan oleh ATK. Selain Amerika Utara, kerja sama juga membuka kesempatan pengembangan sayap di wilayah Amerika Selatan serta negara-negara di Timur Tengah. Bagi ATK sendiri pesawat-pesawat hasil produksi PTDI dianggap mampu mengisi kekosongan produk yang ada.

Selama ini perusahaan yang berbasis di Minneapolis itu lebih sering memakai platform pesawat-pesawat kecil buat mengusung perangkat mission systembuatannya. (Gatot R/Dody A)


Singapore Military Procures BullsEye

19 Februari 2011
Super BullsEye® II integrated rocket/bomb/gunnery scoring (photo : stratechsystems)
TAIPEI - Singapore's Ministry of Defense will procure the next-generation Super BullsEye II Advanced Weapons Scoring System built by Singapore-based Stratech Systems Limited for $1.14 million. Stratech made the announcement on Feb. 16.

"This contract covers the supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of an integrated bomb and gunnery scoring system," Stratech officials said.

The BullsEye II is an advanced weapons scoring system that fully automates the scoring, recording and management of firing results in weapons training and defense exercises. The system can be used for the army, navy or air force and is configurable for different terrains.

"Stratech has been in the forefront of advanced technologies," said David K.M. Chew, executive chairman. The company is principally engaged in the design, development, integration, implementation, maintenance and project management of information technology and advanced technology systems.

BullsEye is powered by Stratech's proprietary Intelligence Vision technologies, which is a "proven product that has been deployed and currently used by air forces and navies from several countries," according to a company press release. "The automated scoring system is capable of accurately scoring weapons impact day or night for air, sea and land forces and weapons development agencies."

In August 2009, the company sold the BullsEye II system to South Korea.

18 Februari 2011

Budget 2011: S'pore to Raise Defence Budget by 5.4%

18 Februari 2011

Singapore's Victory class corvettes (photo : Brett Turner)

SINGAPORE : Singapore, which has one of Asia's best-equipped militaries, has raised its national defence budget by 5.4 per cent this year, government data showed on Friday.

The government plans to spend S$12.08 billion (US$9.5 billion) on defence in the 2011 fiscal year, up from S$11.46 billion the year before.

Singapore's navy, army and air force will get S$11.53 billion to buy and maintain military equipment, for the upkeep of camps and for payment of salaries.

The city-state currently has a population of more than five million, a quarter of whom are foreigners.

Singapore's economy grew 14.5 percent in 2010, the fastest in Asia.

The defence budget is about five per cent of gross domestic product.