01 Desember 2016

Indonesia Edges Closer Towards Acquisition of Mi-26 Helicopters from Russia

01 Desember 2016

Mil Mi-26 helicopter (photo : Doomych)

A delegation from the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has concluded a visit to Russia during which a discussion to acquire Mi-26 helicopters for the Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD) was held.

The matter was disclosed to IHS Jane's on 1 December by sources from within the MoD, and corroborated with matching accounts from an official at state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI).

Among matters that were discussed during the visit were defence offsets, technology transfer arrangements, and how local Indonesian companies could benefit from the acquisition should it proceeds.

IHS Jane's understands that PTDI is being proposed as a maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facility for the Mi-26 platform, should the acquisition be approved by the Indonesian government.


13 komentar:

  1. Semoga kalau nanti fixed ambil gak ada korupsi kayak ini:
    -apache yg ditunggu tunggu ternyata 12juta usd salah alamat... Hadeeeh...

    1. Then the Army has the helo more bigger than the Air Force

    2. TNI AD using Rapid Deployment for its strategy. Those C130 can deliver the troops from its belly. But you can not do the same thing with the heavy equipment. There is no air strip in the jugle. To drop the equipment in pin point location with no air strip, Mi-26 can do it with more payload.

    3. Basiclly, an mi-26 can do pinpoint cargo drop at almost the same weight like the C130. Problem is.. An Mi-26 need a lot more complicated and bigger crew of piloting and ground supporting. That alone can be a heavy cost problem for any country using this stuff,not to mention reliability and other stuff we don't know.

  2. Following Bekang AD that has ADRI-L ship and acquisition plan for bigger ship that equal or more bigger than Bintuni 520?

  3. Dari duluu sering kita bahas Soal krupsi mega rampok pengadaan alutsista ke mentrian pertahanan mirip jamur di musim hujan . pelaku utama enak makan tidur tampa bisa di endus penegak hukum .

    1. Cok kalo mau ngomong urusan korupsi mah Rosoboronexport udah paling terkenal. Negara mana lagi selain Rusia dan Ukraina yang wajib pake broker buat beli senjata? Proses ga transparan sarang korupsi.

    2. Setuju bang anonym.. Rosobo itu udah terkenal banget brokernya bikin tekor

    3. Kita bicara mega rampok terbilang subur di ke mentrian pertahanan negara tekor $$$ milyaran dolar karna tidak bisa tembus penegak hukum . Sampai kapan akal akalan rahasia rahasia negara gak tahunya si bulan broker kaya raya tampa bisa sentuh penegak hukum kasus nya berhenti di situh broo.

    4. Yang dibeli di jaman Mega apa? Sukhoi. Belinya wajib lewat mana? Rosoboronexport. Jadi Mega korupsi bareng negara apa? RUSIA dan ROSOBORONEXPORT. Korupsi itu selalu dua pihak dasar idiot.

  4. What happened to the Chinook? I thought they got a good impression from the RSAF Chinook during the 2004 Tsunami. Kinda strange if they're going to get two types of heavy lift helicopters.

    Also heard that the air force thinks this helo needs too many crew members.

    1. The Chinooks will be more feasible to operate. I believe the Army still in progress to get the Chinooks into it's inventory.

      I don't know wether this Mi-26 is only study or not.

    2. guwe lbh prefer chinook, bisa dilipet masuk 520 spertinya, tp mi26 payloadnya bisa angkut amx 13 ame anoa...gimana dong?
