24 Mei 2017

Singapore Shows off New ARV and Leopard Sights

24 Mei 2017

Next Generation - Armoured Recovery Vehicle (NG-ARV) (photo : Shephard)

The Singapore Army has rolled out a production prototype of the Next Generation - Armoured Recovery Vehicle (NG-ARV), as well as revealing a new Leopard 2SG sight.

The NG-ARV was developed by ST Kinetics, in parallel with the Next Generation - Armoured Fighting Vehicle that was unveiled in 2016. (Shephard)

Next Generation Armoured Fighting Vehicle expected to debut at Singapore Army Open House along with new ARV

On a less speculative note, one of the Next Generation AFV's stablemates goes on show at Army Open House (AOH) 2017. The vehicle is the Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV) variant of the new, yet-to-be-named AFV family that was designed and built in Singapore by Singapore Technologies Kinetics.

Like the cannon-armed Infantry Fighting Vehicle variant, the ARV has an all-round camera function. This allows its crew of three armoured engineers to carry out recovery operations from within the vehicle under full armour protection with hatches closed.

Specifications are sparse. The new ARV is said to be 6.9 metres in length and is fitted with a front-oriented winch with a 25,000 kg capacity. The vehicle is so new it did not appear to have a MID numberplate. 

See full article Kementah

95 komentar:

  1. kesian malaysie tak de leopard

    1. loe lagian mancing2 ngadu domba..kayak anak2 kecil aja..ngak usah out of topic bro..

    2. Gmna mau akur klo ada berita bagus malah mancingin jiran, udh lah bro debat jg gada guna nya toh yg baca malah ketawa cm krna brita sentilan debat gaje gtu.

    3. Gmna mau akur klo ada berita bagus malah mancingin jiran, udh lah bro debat jg gada guna nya toh yg baca malah ketawa cm krna brita sentilan debat gaje gtu.

    4. Gmna mau akur klo ada berita bagus malah mancingin jiran, udh lah bro debat jg gada guna nya toh yg baca malah ketawa cm krna brita sentilan debat gaje gtu.

    5. Malaysia punya PT-91 sebagai MBT...yang punya LEO baru Indonesia dan Singapura di kawasan Asean.

    6. pt 91 tu mbt ke???ingatkan tin milo???

    7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    8. Bro suwanduru

      Turkish Leopards were blown to hell by Isis

      Saudis Abrams were blown to hell by the Houthis

      Syrian T90 and T72s were knocked out by the FSA

      If u got a monkey behind the wheel ull end up in a ditch. Just saying bro.

    9. ...suwandaru being hardcore believer of Darwin Evolution Theory indeed think like monkey!

    10. sabar....sabar jom songlap 1mdb

  2. Ini ARV canggih buatannya,
    Kukuh binaan hijau warnanya,
    Tapi bukan kita punya...

    wah..ketularan siapa nih...

  3. perlu kah ada leopard... amerika pun tak ada leopard... rusia pun tak ada leopard... ok je... gak ribut.. kamu aja yg ribut

    1. Konon poland yg bikin PT-91 pun ada leopard...dan trus pengen nambah lg...xixixi

    2. They are part of Nato now bro. Thats why.

    3. Shed@ ur reason is not logic bro...poland use leopard kerana quality bkn kerana poland anggota NATO...banyak anggota NATO dari eropa timur guna kereta perisai dan kereta kebal binaan rusia

    4. @mat rempit, it's very logical. the reason they start using leo is because they are a member of nato now. if you want to know why, than kindly use your super smart brain to think. its easier to work together, easier for logistics, easier for maintenance. if you still can't grasp what im trying to say here than its your lost.

    5. Luqman@ apalah kau nih cuma keyboard warrior...jadi british tdk guna challenger,french tdk guna lecrec,mereka semua guna leopard keh Wkwkwk...

    6. Menjadi anggota NATO tak mesti guna kereta kebal atau perisai yg sama,sudah saya kata negara2 NATO ex PAKTA WARSAWA masih gunakan tank kebal atau kereta perisai binaan ex uni soviet,tak mesti seragam dgn kereta perisai/kebal negara2 NATO lain

    7. juara combat game chalenge of the world
      1. Leopard 2
      2. Abrams sep...amerika
      3.mbt italia

    8. Mat Rempit

      To be in Nato kamu perlu mematuhi beberapa syarat. Kamu perlu memperuntukkan sekitar 2% drpd gdp kamu bg pertahanan dan sekiranya boleh menggunakan aset pertahanan yg sama. Knp? Bg memudahkan urusan logistik. But it wasnt compulsory.

      The german great tank firesale offered a cheap alternative 4 the ageing poland tank fleet. Btw mereka masih mengekalkan mbt pt91 (not the M version) dalam perkhidmatan mereka. Kos utk menaiktaraf kereta kebal T72 lama ke tahap PT91 adalah tinggi and they dont have the same weight limitation as us. Jd adalah mudah utk kita memahami knp poland memilih utk mendapatkan mbt tersebut.

    9. Shed@ sama saja,kok loe yang di polandia juga upgrade ke loepard2PL

    10. Shed@ kalau merunut logika ente,..seharusnya polandia tetep memilih pt91,secara pt91 sudah bisa upgarde sendiri sperpart punya,dari pada harus beli loe yang sperpartnya harus tergantung jerman,.dan harus beli dari jerman..
      Tapi kenapa mereka masih beli loe?

    11. Zaka

      Coz they already got the A5s (and at a bargain). The PL program was to bring the early model a4s to the a5 level. And again 4 the ease of maintanance and integration. Many ex warsaw pact country are also slowly ditching their soviet @ Russian made hardware. U just cant have the same platform as ur "enemy" can u bro?

    12. Zaka

      Simple economics. Knp mereka perlu menaik taraf kereta kebal T72 mereka ke tahap PT91 sedangkan terdapat opsyen yg jauh lebih murah walaupun ianya terpaksa dibeli dari pihak luar. Mentaliti, keperluan dan situasi mereka tidak boleh dbandingkan dgn Malaysia mahupun Indonesia. There were also the issue of support from other Nato countries. They are turning more and more to the west for support now.

    13. Shed@ siapayang membandingkan dengan indonesia atau malaysia?
      Lebih ekonomis mana?
      Beli barang sendiri yang di produksi sendiri dari pada beli dari luar?

    14. Shed@ sesuatu hal aneh ketika sudah bisa membuat MBT sendiri tapi masih beli dari luar

    15. Zaka

      Strange for u bro not them. Thats why i said dont compare their situation with us. Bumar labedy started producing tanks during the early 1950s. But when it cost more to upgrade their old tank rather then actualy buying new ones (in this case used leopard tanks) then it doesnt make sense to cntinue wth the upgrade. In an event of a war they wont be fighting alone so maybe for them domestic production of main battle tanks is not that important.

    16. Shed@ siapa yang ngebandingin dengan indonesia atau malaysia?
      Ente ngomong karena mereka gak berperang sendirian?
      Jepang kenapa gak beli M1 abrams?
      Korea selatan kenapa gak beli M1 abrams,
      Inggris masih dengan callengernya
      Prancis masih dengan lecrecNya
      padahal mereka pasti berperang bersama2, kenapa gak di samain saja?

    17. Zaka

      We are talking about poland. An ex warsaw pact country. Mereka baru sahaja menyertai nato pd tahun 1999. Kamu tidak boleh membandingkan mereka with the likes of japan, south korea, the uk, malaysia or even zimbabwe in that matter. The political, economic, geographycal and defense factors are different. Sila ambil kira sekali beberapa keterangan saya sebelum ini. Indonesia kini terkenal dgn konsep "kemandirian"nya. The poles was way ahead of u in this concept. Tp kini mereka mgkin berasa yg konsep ini perlu dsesuaikan mengikut negara. Itu sbbnya berulang kali aku tegaskan jgn membandingkan mereka dgn mana2 negara. Apa yg sesuai d negara kita tdak semestinya dterima d negara mereka and vice versa

      Btw terdapat cadangan utk melengkapkan kereta kebal challenger dgn meriam L55 buatan rheinmetall but as u know that come to n naught. But the concept is there. Standardization and the ease of maintanance.

    18. Shed@emang harus punya alutsista sama kalau sama2 nato? Bulgaria sama polandia masih paki mig
      Siapa yang ngebadingin? ane tanyak sama ente,karena ente bilang kalau mereka bakal perang bersama,
      Standarisasi itu gak cuman meriam dan amunisi,sperpart juga mempengaruhi,
      Kalau ente ngomong masalah stadarisasi knp gak ganti canon120 terus di cangkok di hull pt91,sperti MBT baru meraka PT16 yang udah pakai canon120?

    19. bro zaka

      begini aja..menurut ente poland pake leo atas dasar apa??

    20. Zaka

      Ur one tough nut to crack. As i said before they are SLOWLY ditching their ex soviet hardware. Bulgaria is in the market for new fighters. The migs are being withdrawn. Polands have F 16s.

      The argument started when somebody said that even Poland was buying the Leopard. 4 that reason surely the Leopard must be better than the PT 91 right?. Yes and no. Yes in a few aspect they are better. No that is not the reason why they are buying the Leopard. Ive given the answer and it was straight foward and simple. Its cost more to upgrade the old T72 to the PT 91 standard then buying the Leopard. Malaysia bought 48 PT91M Mbt plus 14 support vehicle for nearly 400 mil USD. How much does the used Leopard cost? Add to that the other few reason that i said before.

      Mungkin jawapan yang anda mahukan adalah "yes the Leopard is way better then the PT91". Apatah lg Malaysia turut menggunakan PT91M bukan?. Tp itu bukan jawapannya. The Poles arent ditching their PT91s.They are retiring the old T72 and the T55.

      U are making comparision when u said:
      Why is the Uk still using the Challenger
      Why the Frech uses Leclerc
      What is more economical? Local production of tanks or buying from abroad
      (Ive literaly given then answer a few minute earlier, ITS CHEAPER BY JUST BUYING THE LEOPARDS)
      Sometimes local production of military hardware is not viable if they dont have any return of investment @ ROI. U dont just do them for the sake of national pride.

      U just answered ur own question on the tank gun bro. Why bother fitting the L44 gun on the Twardy when u can simply buy used Leopard tanks? Its hassle free. Fitting a new gun on any tank would incure extra cost. The brits knew that when they finally decided against the L55 modernization. Just no ROI there. Dindnt i just say that modernization programe came to naught??

    21. Zaka

      God forbid theres going to be an open shooting war in europe. But if there is one the Poles know it is better to be fighting under NATO. Standard equipment (somewhat) and most importantly u have uncle sam on ur side. Kalau x phm juga x tahula aku nak ckp apa bro.

    22. Ap@

      https://m.kaskus.co.id/thread/5295464cf8ce17237700001f/leopard-2-tank-akan-jadi-tank-utama-ad-polandia/3 Bacan buat ente

    23. Shed@gmn sih ente kok plinplan,katax jangan ngebandingin dengan malaysia,tapi ente malah ngebandingin
      Ane gak kaget,malaysia kalau beli barang selalu waaah,kasel,pendekar dan AV-8,
      Logika yang aneh,
      Beli produksi di dalam negeri jauh lebih banyak positifnya,menambah lapangan kerja,uang gak lari keluar,
      Contoh kenapa malaysia bayar segitu mahalnya AV-8 agar bisa produksi sendri,knp gak beli langsung saja pasti lebih murah?apa hanya demi kebanggan nasional saja beli 8x8 seharga MBT,sesusai dengan omongan ente,
      Ente ngomong knp harus repot2 masang canon120mm di twardy,
      Laaa itu polandia ngebuat PT-16 dengan 120mm,teryata polandia mau repot2 tuh,.. 😜

    24. Shed@emang harus alutsista sama agar bertempur bersama? Abrams,lecrec,type90,black panther2,leopard2,callenger2, masih bisa bertempur bersama kok

    25. Zaka

      Anda sebenarnya masih bertanyakan soalan yg sama.

      I was making a point. Terdapat byk sebab kenapa mereka memilih mbt leopard. Salah satunya adalah kos. Itu sebabnya aku memberikan jumlah pembelian PT91M oleh Malaysia sbg contoh. It was an example. Biar anda jelas dgn kos yg dperlukan bg program naik taraf PT91. Why is it so hard to understand??

      Yes. Terdapat byk kebaikan dlm produksi tempatan. But theres cons too bro. Lihat kembali komen tentang ROI saya td. Kalau anda mahir tentang ekonomi anda tidak akan bertanya soalan yg sama. Itu sebabnya berulang kali aku katakan jgn bandingkan situasi mereka dgn kita ataupun mana2 negara sekalipun.

      Im not a supporter of the AV8. For an order of 257 units there is simply no ROI. Pihak Deftech berkata terdapat kemungkinan negara luar akan membeli versi yg sama dari mereka and that will bring the price down (just like SME with our M4). I call it bull@#×. Its more of a national interest matter to me. And yes Singapore juga mempunyai masalah yg sama but they are that rich to begin with. And their defense budget are huge.

      The PT-16 were built and funded by Bumar Labedy, not the Polish goverment. So far there are no takers for the programe. Why buy essentialy a version of the 120 mm twardy when the Leopard cost so much less?? To create jobs? Supaya uangnya ngak lari keluar??

      I dindt say it was compulsory bro. But it is better and easier if they had the same hardware. Almost all (almost) of the Nato members is using the Leopard. That simplifies maintanance. All of the tank mention by u uses the same 120mm ammunition (kecuali Challenger).

      If u ask me who is the "enemy" of Nato then my answer is the Russian. Are u going to fight a T72 using another T72 or any eastern block tanks when ur ally are using western made tanks? Theres gonna be a blue on blue shitfest.

      Admit it apa yg anda mahukan dari saya adalah jawapan yg Leopard adalah lebih bagus dari PT91 bukan? U dont realy care for the technical specs do u.

    26. 1.To be in Nato kamu perlu mematuhi beberapa syarat. Kamu perlu memperuntukkan sekitar 2% drpd gdp kamu bg pertahanan dan sekiranya boleh menggunakan aset pertahanan yg sama. Knp? Bg memudahkan urusan logistik. But it wasnt compulsory.

      2.The german great tank firesale offered a cheap alternative 4 the ageing poland tank fleet. Btw mereka masih mengekalkan mbt pt91 (not the M version) dalam perkhidmatan mereka. Kos utk menaiktaraf kereta kebal T72 lama ke tahap PT91 adalah tinggi and they dont have the same weight limitation as us. Jd adalah mudah utk kita memahami knp poland memilih utk mendapatkan mbt tersebut.
      Itu komen ente kan?
      1 pertanyaanku
      Apa harus punya alutsista sama agar bisa bertempur bersama?
      2.ente gak bilang banyak sebab,hanya karena biaya...ente sendiri bilang jangan ngebandingin sama negara lain,tapi ente ngebandingin sama malaysia,setiap negara punya kebutuhan berbeda,.gak bisa dong lalu ente bilang upgrade pt91m lebih mahal dari loe,ente sendiri tau kalau pt91m yang di beli malaysia itu versi yang waah kan

    27. Zaka

      Again. I have to repeat my self. It is not COMPULSORY (i did say "sekiranya boleh @ mampu" there bro). Tidak semestinya mereka perlu mempunyai aset yg sama utk bertempur bersama. But it is EASIER AND MORE BENEFICIAL (LOGISTICAL WISE) if they had the same weapons, armament, alutsista and ect. Dindt u read the blue on blue comment bro? Why are u cherry picking?

      Ive given many reasons. Among them are:
      a) Cost
      b) Ease of maintance (when everyone is using the same thing)
      c) Politics @ Nato
      d) Dont use the same weapon as ur "enemy" (like Greece and Turkey)
      e) No weight limitation
      But u understand only one.

      The Malaysian PT91M was an example of cost. I was not making a comparision between Malaysia and Poland coz like u said situasi dan keperluan kedua dua negara adalah berbeza @ berbeda. Basicly the Polish PT91 and the Malaysian PT91M are the same with a few upgrade and modernization. Both got the Savan 15 FCS. Malaysia opted for the uprated engine and Renk transmission, well suited for the Malaysian terrain.

      The brunt of the modernization cost is the FCS. And if they want to have better manoeuvrability they have to change the engine too. They add up u know. Now theres an option. A 1500 hp tank, equiped with modern fire control and offered with "buddy to buddy" price. That is the Leopard. Anda pilih yg mana?

      Thats why i said that the only answer u want is for me to say that the Leopard is way better than the PT91M. Simple

      Indonesia = leopard = strong = winner

      Malaysia = PT91M = weak = loser

      That is ur logic.

    28. bro shed

      boleh anda jelaskan argumen anda mengenai Bullshit itu??

      mengapa bullshit??

      Faktor yg menjurus terjadinya bullshit??

    29. bro zaka..

      ane gak mau link..ane mau pendapat lu sendiri kenapa poland pilih leo berbanding twardy..

    30. Anak peneroka

      Bull + shit = bull@#$. Lihat kembali post tentang ROI td bro. Tp itu pendapat peribadi akula.

      Bro zaka

      Betul juga apa yg anak peneroka katakan. Aku pun dah penat bg jawapan. Its my turn to ask the question now.

      In ur opinion which is better. PT91M or the Leopard 2RI. The RI bro. No the revolution ok. Kedua dua model itu adalah berbeza.

    31. bro shed..

      aku dah baca pasal ROI tu..aku pun sefaham ngan ko jugak..tapi aku suka dengar yg lebih detail..sebab bagi aku,bull + shit takkan turun dari langit camtu jer..mesti ada tuan dia..dan camner tuan bull tu boleh men shit kan industri pertahanan kita..sebab bagi aku,defense(termasuk defense industri) kena merdeka... sebab tuan bull ni lebih bahaya dari musuh luar..

      jgn salah faham yg aku benci defense kita bro...aku nak visi & misi defense kita di gerak oleh mitivasi yg baik..di tambah dengan ilmu & kemampuan aset yg bagus..

      islam tu ajar semangat jihad pada tentera..tapi bersertakan niat,perancangan & kelengkapan yg cukup untuk pertahanan..tentula aku sokong kalau malaysia nak modern kan aset tempur..sebab pemahaman aku,askar yg berperang mempertahankan negara tanpa perancangan teliti & aset yg cukup..takkan mati syahid..sebab itu sama macm bunuh diri..kecuali kita memang betul2 miskin lah..tak mampu langsung..

    32. Anak peneroka

      If ur asking was there corruption involved then my answer is NO (people will disagree with that statement).

      Pada asalnya memang terdapat keperluan bg menggantikan kenderaan Condor dan Sibmas yg semakin usang and for that reason the Pars and the Piranha 3 were field tested in Malaysia. There Pars came out as the winner.

      The original requirement was for 400 units to replace the roughly 600 ageing sibmas afv & condor apc. Back then the concept of "kemandirian" was still hot. The Indonesian got the Anoa and the Singaporean got the Terrex and Bionix. So as usual Deftech was the go to guy for such programe kerana mereka telah mempunyai pengalaman mengeluarkan model Adnan.

      Along the way came the oposition, ngo's and ect and the order was revised @ reduced to 257 units. Deftech already paid for the ip, blueprint, tooling and ect. Mahu x mahu projek ini perlu diteruskan. But the low numbers dont justify any ROI.

    33. bro shed..

      ok lah..aku ambik dulu explanation ni bro..nak open table pun,komfem orang lain pun kena payung..

      tapi bab kemandirian tu memang tak bleh belah...kalau china atau sekurang2 india..logik la jugak..ini....

      Aku ni golongan tak cara politik bro..sampai sekarang belum daftar pemilih..tapi kalau inilah cara orang atas pikir untuk kemandirian..patutlah oposition makin banyak....

    34. Shed@ omongan ente kok muter2,itu hanya pendapat ente,tapi nyata,inggris prancis,italia,jerman punya alutsista yang berbeda,..
      Untuk PT91punya malaysia dan polandia pasti ada item yang berbeda,dan berpengaruh sama harga,ente sendiri bilang kalau malaysia memilih mesin yg sesuai dengan kondisi grafis di malaysia itu juga berpengaruh sama harga,jadi ente gak bisa membandingkan dengn pt91m karena beda spek berarti beda harga.

    35. a. lebih murah jika produksi di dalam negeri
      b.yang pakai tetep tentara polandia,bukan mau tuker2an barang
      C.nato gak mewajibkan alutsista harus sama
      D. Kata siapa ente?
      Bulgaria,ceko,polandia masih pakai alutsista soviet gak ap2 tuh

      Di mana kata2 ane yang ngomong kalau PT.91m lebih jelek?

    36. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    37. Anak@ jika link yang ane kasih itu gak mau ente baca padahal disitu ada jawaban,berarti ane percuma ngomong sama ente apalagi diskusi,

    38. bro zaka

      kata siapa ane belum baca?? skrg ane mau pendapat ente bro..

      ente gak boleh keras kepala begitu bro..ente terjun dlm persoalan yg bukan di mulai ente..makanya ente bingung menghadapi arguemen orang..

      pertempuran tank modern bukan kaya ww2..tank harus diadu tank

      kalau ane pake pt91..bisa saja tank ane meledak di hantam atgm @ apache..kalau ane pakai leo,ya belum tentu tank ane selamat..bisa disable juga kan..udah terbukti leo juga bermasalah kalau berdepan atgm..

      ikut kata lu,malaysia pake pt91 atas dasar kondisi & taktikal malaysia sendiri..jadi berkemungkinan pakatan Nato juga punya taktikal perang terpusat yg berbeda dengan taktikal perang punya poland.dan taktikal nato itu meletakkan pt91 poland pada situasi yg gak berkelebihan...mungkin saja siapa tau..ini telahan ane aja..soalnya ane bukan pro..

      itu makanya ane mau tau pendapat ente kenapa poland pake leo bukan pt91?? supaya bisa bikin perbandingan pendapat...

      kalau nantinya pendapat lu lebih mantap..baru ane angkat jempol...walau ane suka bicara toilet...ane masih bisa rasional lah bro..

    39. Zaka

      Ur not a nut bro ur a brick. Sukar utk dipecahkan.

      No. My answer wasnt "muter2". Jwpn yg sama aku berikan berulang kali kerana itu jwpn kpd persoalan kamu. Aku tidak akan memberi jwpn yg berlainan utk soalan yg sama.

      Anda menyatakan yg Uk, Perancis, Itali dan German masing2 menggunakan mbt yg berbeza. Yes that is true. Nato tidak mewajibkan menggunakan peralatan yg sama. Yes that is also true. As i said before (berulang ulang ulang ulang kali) it wasnt compulsary @ wajib @ harus. Tp adalah lebih baik sekiranya mereka dpt menggunakan aset yg sama bg memudahkan urusan logistik. Itu sebabnya mengapa majoriti negara Nato yg tidak mengeluarkan pesawat pejuang memilih uk mendapatkan pesawat buatan US ataupun UK (F 16, F/A 18, F35 & Typhoon). Bg MBT pula majoriti drd mereka menggunakan MBT leopard (Germany, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Poland, Greece, Turkey and the list goes on and on). Why is that? Quality is one thing the other is and always be for the ease of maintance and interoperability. Memudahkan. Bukannya aset yg berlainan tidak boleh bertempur secara bersama. I never said that. Igt kata kuncinya adalah MEMUDAHKAN.

      Again. I repeat. Country such as Bulgaria is SLOWLYYYYY ditching their old soviet made hardware. Cuba lakukan sdikit kajian tentang program pesawat pejuang terbaru mereka. Pesawat apa yg disenarai pendekkan? As it wasnt made compulsary @ wajib negara2 yg tidak berkemampuan masih boleh mengekalkan aset lama mereka. Tiada paksaan disitu. Btw the czech is leasing the Grippen. A swedish made jet with an american licence engine.

      Lebih murah produksi dlm negeri? Ok since ur the expert on the matter berapakah harga naik taraf kereta kebal T72 ke tahap PT91. Berapa pula harga Leopard 2A4/A5 yg telah dbeli oleh Poland. U give me the answer.

      What do u mean by tetap dpakai oleh polandia dan bukannya tukar2 brg?? Please explain.

      No ianya bukan hanya pendapat aku. Maklumat yg sama boleh kamu dptkan d internet (mudah bukan?). U got ur own opinion on the matter jd anda terus menafikan pendapat dan maklumat org lain. Seperti yg dkatakan oleh Anak peneroka pd pendapat anda mengapa Poland memilih utk mendapatkan MBT Leopard. Lets hear ur side of the story.

      U dont have to say it urself (jelek and ect). I know what u r trying to prove bro. U wanted to prove that the Leopard is supperior. Just admit it.

      Kan aku dah ckp aku penat menjawab soalan kamu bro. Kamu sahaja yg bertanya. Aku bg jwpn pun kau x phm2 bro (atau buat2 x phm??). skrang jwb soalan aku dulu. Which is better the PT91M or the Leopard 2 RI.

    40. Anak Peneroka

      Damnit all. U lost me on the toilet part la bro.

      Ps. On the av8. Why is it bullshit? It became bullshit apabila pihak kerajaan tidak konsisten dlm mempertahankan keperluan ATM atas dasar politik dan populariti. Perkara yg sama berlaku bg program MRCA TUDM. Believe me theres money. What they dont have are balls. Please gov grow a pair.

    41. bro shed

      buahahahahahah..tu jurus aku baru jumpe bulan lepas bro..boleh la aku pakai klu terpaksa..wkwkwkwk

      tulah masalahnya..politik tak leh lari dari cari populariti murahan..nak peminat tapi memilih..tu yg payah..cuba kalau cari peminat asal ada suara jer..kan senang..xreti aku boleh tolong..ni bukan xreti,tapi tak mau..

      aku ni nasib baik tak lahir dengan pesona..jadi orang susah nak dengar kata2 aku.klu tidak,cukup 1 juta orang,aku akan buat revolusi kat malaysia ni.. orang bongok/talibarut jer nak buat perubahan syarat kena tumbangkan govt dulu.. ikut resmi cina la..cukup 1 persatuan,undang2 jadi bawah kaki diorang jer..

  4. Singapore leopard is 10 time better then indonesian.. cos its collaboration between german and stkinetics. LEOPARD2SG. indo leopard is been upgraded using standard package offer by the German for all leopard operators around the world.

    1. Nope. The Singaporean Leopard 2SG armour were upgraded by IBD Deisenroth. Contrary to popular belief they are not "superior" to the armour package developed and offered by KMW. Internally they are the same as any other Leopard 2A4 plus the BMS made by ST Kinetics.

    2. Xi... Xi... Xi...
      How can you count 10 time better?
      Have a speed ten time. Have a gun ten time bigger or what...?
      May be IHS Jane must be learn from you how compare the vessel...
      As I know, nothing credible defense magazine can compare like your smart way....

    3. Lebih bagus Leopard2RI......Revolution TANK....tp yg penting indonesia n singapura sama2 punya tank LEO....

    4. Bro Tupez

      Indonesian leopard 2RI are devoid off ADS and BMS. In a way my vote goes to the SG. No offense there bro.

    5. Uda kita test aja LEO ny di medan tempur...tp sayang kita tidak lagi berperang...minimal seri lah klw Leo vs Leo...Klw Leo VS PT-91 who's the winner..?

    6. Bro tupez

      Maybe we should have our own SEA Strong Tank Challenge.

    7. you really want to start a freaking shooting war just so you can prove leo is better than pt91. second, who will be stupid enough to fight tank vs tank battle nowadays. if a war start between malaysia and indonesia, I will just bring an atgm, hid in the jungle and shoot at the first tank I see.

    8. @luqman if you bring atgm...i will bring SPR 2...and i will shoot your head and mouth..who want to war...indonesia and malaysia peace now...not enemy...

    9. Proven to be better not must war..we can make tank race challenge maybe in asean country...

    10. Bro, forumer malay juga sering mendeduktif kan premis mayor dan premis minor, contohnya: Kata mereka India beli scorpene (DCNS) dan pengen bina sendiri scorpene, Australia beli baracuda (DCNS), mereka gak beli buatan german, so kesimpulannya ?? (Maksa banget). Pas dihadapkan kasus Leo vs PT91...ngelesnya begitu banget....ahahaha

    11. @ Hasyim..sebenarny kita uda tau hasilnya bro Leo di adu dgn PT-91...cm mau tau reaksi kawan dari seberang aja...

    12. bro tupaz

      ya udah..klu terbukti leo lebih handal dari pt 91..nanti kalau ada duit,kami beli leo 35...hehehehheeh.pasti mantap lah kalau leo 35 di kombinasi sama leo sg..pt 91 kami taruh di hutan aja...

    13. Ok. Please somebody explain to me why the Leopard is way better then the PT91M. Kita bincangkan secara bersama.

      Bro hasyim

      Setiap negara mempunyai kemampuan, spesifikasi dan keperluan masing. Perkara itu yg mempengaruhi perolehan aset. Bukannya dari kata2 atau pendapat orang.

      The type 214 is well suited for the south korean navy. But Australia rejected the type 216. Why is that? Kerana keperluan dan spesifikasi yg dtetapkan oleh mereka adalah berbeza thats why.

    14. Leopard 2RI ya. Not the A5, A6, A7 or even the revolution .

    15. So...best lah nak tandingkan SS2 V4 vs Vita Berapi 35...xixixi

    16. Bro Hasyim

      Ok. The berapi was a joke. I admit that. But lets stay on topic ok. Tolong jelaskan knp Leopard 2RI adalah lebih bagus drpd PT91M.

    17. bro shed

      The Berapi tu lebih kurang bomoh kelapa..tak masuk akal lgsg..

    18. Aku pernah jumpa bomoh kelapa tu. Bukan sbb nak berubatla. Dia sukakan perhatian dan sgt pandai bercakap. Beware of his sleight of hand..

    19. I prefer Merkava Tanks from Israel and Leopard A6 onwards.Indonesia and Singapore leopards tanks are just export models without sufficient punch..used only for defensive purpose.

  5. Outside totally different looks if you compare singapore & indo leopard... inside leopard2sg is classified

    1. Bro DS, do you mean classified is "berkelas"...?
      Please do not make a joke...

    2. DS is only keyboard warrior, its just a bullshit discuss with him, so let ignored...

    3. lol all the info you need about leo2sg can just be search from raytheon.

    4. @luqman sg leopoards are different inside as their local defence scientist will fit some of their own systems to link up with the who army as well as tye other services it is equip with the battlefield management system and other systems for their use

    5. Bro benjamin

      Yes and no.

      Yes. Singapore fitted their own BMS in the Leopard2SG.

      No they are not that different from other A4s. They got the same optics, fire control and ect (the Singaporean are upgrading the optics). An indonesian tanker can operate the SG version.

    6. I heard rumours that singapore have 50 merkava tanks from Israel.Is that true?

  6. Punya mbt bekas pake kok di bangga

    1. janda cantik 2x aja masih laku keras om,apalagi tank mbt yg cakep bner euy haha!

  7. Jgn banyak cakap dgn MBT terjaguh.ayo fight dulu dngn masing2 korang punya jgn bual saja yg hebat

  8. Again, its the people,training strategies,that matters, wether leopard, pt91, abrams,merkava, a acoordinated team of foot soldier wearing flipflop with atgm can render mbt useless

    1. agreed. if you guys want prove than just look at what happen to turkish leo, arabs abram and israeli merkava. please don't say stupid things like the arabs,turks and israeli are not as well trained as tni since they have operated tanks way longer than tni and involve in more conflict than tni that involve tanks.

    2. Actually turkish leos were 2A4 models and were not upgraded with the armour. Although turkish 2A4s were taken out of battle during the syrain conflict however the tanks werent completely destroyed or blow up and turkish cremen were able to escape out of the 2A4s in most situations.

  9. kesian mbt malaysie.....melucukan

  10. Im thinking if Singaporean have used MAN, CAT or US engine for this vehicle. Anyway Im looking forward for Singaporean to produce such quality fighting vehicle.

  11. Singapuran upgrade or modificate their leo- weapons, of couse for the singapuran's good,goal,dignity and even pride. We The malaysian and indonesia doing the same in more/least also for our our own purpuse.
    In my opinion it is better for to learn from them(not only singapure,but also from thay, pn,chiness,australia,rusia and usa- who are upgrading their old store weapons),if it seem good.
    Let us learn from another but not fight for another
    Be peace bro!

  12. congrats to singapore for their new arv.
    but i think indonesia have their own homemade ARV, rite?

    1. so far no. they do have wheeled apc though. the badak and anoa.

    2. eitt sori om lukman, indo uda py kok arv berbasis panser anoa ckp lama,sila ditengok


