28 Januari 2020

Royal Thai Navy Held a Ceremony for the Delivery of Medium-Sized Tug Boats HTMS Lipe 858

28 Januari 2020

HTMS Lipe 858 (all photos : Ital Thai Marine)

On (23 January 2020) at 07.50 hrs. presided over the ceremony for the delivery of medium-sized tug boats HTMS Lipe Royal Boat at Laem Thian Pier Sattahip Port Sattahip Naval Base, Sattahip District, Chon Buri Province, with Admiral Chum Saksak Nakvijit, Commander of Naval Operations Group, Rear Admiral Thewin Silapchai, Commander of Fleet and Service, Battle Squadron and honored guests to welcome

The Royal Thai Navy has engaged in the construction of 2 medium-sized tug boats (Limited Partnership) from Ital Thai Marine Co., Ltd., which has been handed over to the government for a total of 1 ship, the HTMS Royal Panyee Royal Boat, which was affiliated with the Fleet and Battle Services Fleet of Battle squadron

As for the Lipe Royal Boat The Royal Thai Navy has entered into an agreement with Ital Thai Marine Company Limited for the construction of a tug boat in accordance with the tugboat procurement project to replace the old boat and to have sufficient medium tug boats. 

Supports missions of the ship to support large warships in and out of docks and firefighting at the naval base at various ports of the navy.

As well as supporting other missions more efficiently, such as oil spills docks and shores targeting, weapon shooting, etc. by hiring a private company within the country to build this ship.

It is considered to increase the ability of Thai private dock to become skilled. Supports the transfer of knowledge in technology use which will also promote the domestic shipbuilding industry features of medium tug boats according to the navy.

The boat design was designed by Robert Allan Ltd., Naval Architects and Marine Engineering in Canada, the world-renowned tugboat designer.

The boat model used is the Ramparts 3200CL. It is the popular boat model of the Robert Allan Ramparts 3200 Series. Has been built by various shipyards around the world and is already accepted by boat owners. More than 100 vessels and is the same as the Royal Panyee.

The Robert Allan Ltd.'s Ramparts 3200 has been modified to meet the needs of the navy. The hull is made of welded steel by welding. The thickness of the steel plate is designed to be thicker than the minimum requirements of the Ship Classification Association.

And the boat is designed to be a ship-assist tug dock, towing. The work mainly involves pulling and pushing on the bow side. With a towing winch and the winch to collect the rope.

The drive system is Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) or Z - drive type. Powered by diesel engine and installing a fire extinguishing system outside the boat powered by a diesel engine separate from the big machine.

The boat has enough power to allow the boat to have a pulling force of not less than 53 metric tons and the turning circle rotates itself (360 degrees) in less than 60 seconds.

(Royal Thai Navy)

65 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Good morning all...
      Hei kamum beruk ayo semangat bekerja, jangan jadi kaum pemalas keasikan konsumsi dadah

    2. 👆 ciee..cieee om ESSEN support beruk ni yeee 😀😀

    3. berita nya gk berbobot ni,,masa tug boat sih,,hmmm

    4. Ente punya LHD kalo ga punya tug boat, itu dermaga bisa hancur kesundul sana-sini ama itu LHD...😑

    5. Kesimpulannya Malon tak perlu beli tug boat om PS kan ga punya LHD 😃

    6. Lhaaah...mereka punya bro, ada beberapa kok...

      LHD : Lestapa & Hanya Dusta


    7. Darul kelakar memang 😃😃😃😃

    8. Kapan ya dermaga2 kita dilengkapi sejenis peredam/penahan kapal kayak di luwar negeri. Viar kaprang2 kita ga peyot2 kena gencet benda keras 😩 jadi bopeng deh padahal tu aset nilainya ratusan milyar hingga triliunan..

  2. Itu sptnya dibagian belakang ada VLS nya. Mungkin utk gotong rudal brahmos.😕

    1. Semua kok pinginnya Brahmos bisa aja dipasang di tug boat tp nanti ikut terbang nanti berubah jadi flying boat 😃

  3. Penampakan kri cakra dalam proses overhaul, menurut infonya tahun ni jg selesai dan akan melakukan uji nyelam. 👇👇👇


    1. Scorpen malon tak perlu uji nyelam yg penting boleh tembak torpedo ame rudal,,,bhuahahaa kapal tongkang jg bisa 😂😂😂

    2. Woyy Raden situ gendeng kurs rupiah ambruk tuch 😆😆😆

    3. Gara-gara Virus corona, padahal nggak ada yg positif terjangkit di indonesia

    4. Seperti rupiah di intervensi Bi karena dinilai terlalu kuat.

    5. Mas unknown ini kurang update.. padahal udah sejak 3 hari lalu Bank Indonesia sudah keluar statement akan menahan laju rupiah menguat... Kalau dibiarkan akan langsung menuju 13500 dan berpotensi merusak nilai eksport RI.

      Nih berita 11 jam lalu.


    6. Mas_super@ tak perlu dijelasin, dijelasin jg si unknown malonte masih tetep oon 😂😂😂😂

  4. Balasan
    1. Lha njalukmu berita opo..?
      Goyang pantura tha..?


  5. "The Robert Allan Ltd.'s Ramparts 3200 has been modified.."




  6. Ada yang tau hasil dari rapat terbatas alutsista gak???

    1. Namanya rapat terbatas biasanya penuh rahasia mas hehehehe

    2. 😂😂😂😂....

      Ntar kalo ga dirahasiain, ga bisa main taktik jual mahal dung.. (anggapa aja gitu)

      Ntar kalo ga dirahasiain, tetangga bisa batuk pilek dung...(anggap aja gitu)


    3. Itu rahasia negara hasil ratasnya bro

    4. Yg saya tahu sih pengertian rapat terbatas itu (koreksi kalau salah) sifatnya umum tapi hanya orang2 tertentu yg boleh ikut dan mungkin wartawan juga boleh ikut dgn undangan. Tapi saya fikir sih gak ada yg rahasia kali.. kecuali kalau mau extreem rapat tertutup antara TNI dan presiden, ini baru full rahasia.. tapi dulu dengar kabar infonya saat pengadaan alutsista tidak boleh lagi ada rapat tertutup karena berpotensi ada penyimpangan (bad scenarionya) makanya di era yg baru ini semua rapat harus disaksikan pihak lain spt BPK Menkeu juga mungkin.

      Efeknya juga ada jeleknya sih.. rahasia negara bisa jadi ada kemungkinan terekspos tetapi karena DPR sangat kritis terutama dalam hal approval budget pertahanan maka mereka juga berhak tahu apa yg dibeli. Ini yg kadang jadi dilema.

  7. He thought he just know everything.. while his words really showing on how dumb he is

    Very sad to watch... I hope his mom doesn't know what he's doing or she'll be very regretfull to brought Diz idiotic man to the world.

  8. Kalau udah gini sih beneran Palm Oil akan dikuasai seluruhnya oleh RI selain Nickel. 😁


  9. swadikap..2020 thailen dpt maenan baruww lagiii haha!🤠🤠🤠

    Jom salam shopping soping tim elit 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina, Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh 👌👌👌

    1. Doi banyak orderan kapal baru oom, wajar nambah Tug boat...

      KS, Type 071E, Fregat, Opv...😁

    2. Kasel Thai nantinya adalah kasel paling besar di ASEAN ompal,tonasenya cecah 3000 ton

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    4. nyoihhh, kapal2 thailen baru2 & gde2:
      bahkan py kapal induk satu2nya di kawasan & asia wuiihh haha!😇😇😇

      tp tagbot kita kri lauser 2300 ton adalaah yg terbesar se kawasan asean, buatan lokal pulak hore haha!👏👏👏

  10. smentara si LeMeS, tripel satu dari:
    - pluncuran di rrc
    - komisioning di rrc pulak

    bah ini kafal punya rrc apa gred a difinjemien gaez haha!😅😅😅

    1. Awas mas ada yg koar koar moving forward sambil nyela kita pake mesin chinak... Lha dia gak sadar itu kapalnya dibuat dimana ???? 😁😁🤣 Udah stupid ngentutan pisan.. wwkwkwkwk

    2. Masih punya cina donk ompal,kalo cicilan kreditnya lunas baru hak miliknya jd milik gred A ompal 😁😁

    3. jangan lupa mas@super.. misteri terbesar LMS malay itu terletak di kontainer blakang yg di konsepkan cina. entah buat apaa?? apakah ada misi nan rahasiaaa😲🙊😨😨☠☠

      btw klo sampe proyek mrss jatuh ke PT PAL, bakalan ada yg larbug (lari bugil) d skitaran KL Tower🤣😆

    4. Kontainer itu isinya RPG atau juga cuma kosongan,yg jrlas muatlah buat mampad RPH.

    5. D'boys 28 Januari 2020 08.43

      "jangan lupa....klo sampe proyek mrss jatuh ke PT PAL, bakalan ada yg larbug (lari bugil) d skitaran KL Tower🤣😆"


      Yen kene Rafale teken kontrak?
      Sing sido larbug sopo maneh mas'e..?
      1. Si 'ndar
      2. Si 'rudal
      3. Si 'KS
      4. Si 'Gempur
      5. Si 'Paul
      6. Si blah..blah..

      Weehh..akeh yho, pating gemandul...😂😂😂

    6. ono siji maneh, presiden direktur MMP mase..😆🤣🤣🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

    7. Yg jualan topi top gun tanpa bayar royalti

    8. kontener upeti, tanda persahabatan katanye haha!🤑🤑🤑

  11. Ternyata seru yaa..

    Banyak juga case-nya...


  12. Where Made in Malon?
    Nyamuk??? LMS???gembira??? Nothing only stiker

  13. Dari Discover di Google https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySJ3v7rCm4A yang dibutuhkan sekarang adalah seorang decision Maker yang memberi keputusan cepat ingat 3 negara yang mulai menampakkan HEGEMONI militernya: singapur dan aussie dengan F35 siluman dan sang naga yang masuk ke halaman rumah kita dengan klaim sepihaknya...

    1. Tenang indonesia akan menangkisnya dengan S400 TRIVIUMP (NGAREP) PASTI mereka teriak2 ke us, om trump indo mau beli S400

  14. Malon only has dumb thinking 😁😁

  15. Balasan
    1. Wow, menjurus neh....., Cabang kemukus di Thailand 😁😁😁

    2. Mau jd members mas mbut?😁😁

    3. Yen aku lagi repot nggono mesti do rusuh tak terkendali 😖

  16. Klo dilihat dari body sexy nya inimah tug boat canggih.. bisa dorong scorpene malon sampe ke segitiga bermuda 😁

    1. Malon cukuplah pakai kapal keruk destroyer 😛

  17. Posting berita Chinook dah dateng min

    1. Ada link nya kah??? Di bagi dong

    2. Sekalian, posting berita Su-35 dah dateng min


    3. MRCA Rafale Malon pon sudah datang dalam bentuk gambar di kertas putih Pertahanan.

    4. Jf Sulfur dateng diem diem di malon 😂😂😂

  18. Sudah sewa helikopter ? Xixixixi 😀
