11 Mei 2020

Construction of Australia’s Future Submarine to Start in 2024 but Contract Details yet to be Decided

11 Mei 2020

Design of Australia's submarine based on Barracudda class submarine (photo : Naval Group)

The head of Australia's AUD50 billion (USD32.2 billion) Sea 1000 programme has confirmed that construction of the pressure hull for the first of 12 Attack-class conventionally powered submarines is scheduled to begin in 2024.

This will follow the construction in 2023 of a hull qualification section to prove procedures, equipment, and skills at the submarine construction facility now being built at Osborne North near Adelaide by government-owned Australian Naval Infrastructure to the functional requirements of Sea 1000's French-owned designer and build partner Naval Group.

Greg Sammut, general manager, submarines, in the Department of Defence's (DoD's) Capability and Sustainment Group (CASG), told Jane's on 5 May that details of the first submarine construction contract were still under consideration.

"We may choose to sign a contract that combines detailed design, which is scheduled to start in May 2023, and construction of the first boat. This would enable Naval Group and [combat systems integrator] Lockheed Martin Australia to get into detailed design, produce the work instructions and have a seamless transition into construction," said Sammut.

Work on the pressure hull could begin before the completion of the detailed design.

While the number of submarines to be included in the first construction contract is still being decided, "it will certainly not be for 12", said Sammut.

"We would want to make sure that we've got the opportunity to look at updates to technology over the life of the programme. We will also be considering the different pricing models that would apply to different stages of the programme as we get more familiar with the build process," he added.

"You're retiring risk as you build more boats and that means we might want different pricing models for subsequent boats."


31 komentar:

  1. Namanya submarine itu bisa selam,
    Kalau tak bisa selam namanya apa yaa?

    1. Namanya tai bro πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    2. Makanannya sigeng malons itu om pit jngn disebutin

    3. nama nya kasel apung.. hanya 1 negri yg memilikinya, 2 biji pula ngambang sejak lahir 🀣🀣🀣

  2. Balasan

      Malays lembik tak terima Indonesia jauh lebih heibat. Kalian malays beruk tak lebih dari semata kaki kami.. Kau sdh saatnya sembah sujud dengan indonesia, karena setelah kau di aneksasi China kemana lagi kau bernaung kalau bukan kepada kami Indonesia... Jangan kau lupa kacang dari kulitnya kau beruk malays...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Malon idiotπŸ˜„

  3. Australia maju kerena keras kat cina

  4. Ini beda lagi dng collins class yg banyak masalah itu yak πŸ€”

    1. lain om.. yg ini kasel proyek anyar. masih perawan ting2

    2. Beda bro,ini namanya project Baracuda class dgn tonase 5000 ton buatan Naval (dahulu namanya DCNS) Prancis dan dapat meluncurkan rudal ICBM seperti tomahawk

    3. @mr @dboys mungkin ausie sdh move on dr collins btw ini kasel klas kakap ausie mulai nyusun "power projection" ngadepin PLAN tiongkok

  5. Itu si unknown blah blah gausah ditanggung gaes, biar menggelepar sendiri macam ikan di darat

  6. Quality nya dibawah Nagapasa Class, Nagapasa lebih besar, hebat, bisa Rudal Balistic

    1. Hebatan scorpene malons lah, seluruh submarine didunia tidak ada yg bisa menandingi punya scorpene kalian

    2. Aminn insya allah ke depan bisa buat kapal selam lbh baik dgn teknologi AIP dani
      PT PAL mantul!!

    3. Dani@ people of smarts
      PT PAL hanya Butuh ToT AIP setelah dpt kuasai kita bikin kapal selam sndri sesuai keinginan TNI.
      Bravo PT PAL

    4. Hebatan scorpene Malon dong bisa jg sbg frigate ngambang di air terus πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

  7. China babi kebanyakan mkn babi jadi kyk babi

  8. Malondog jealous never end hahha
    We allready can build submarines in asean.
    Malondog build a war ships to push out chinese ships but dont have brave cause LMS made from china hahhaha

  9. πŸ‘† donot put PIG with the like of u ur much lower than PIGS u rascist douche bags


    Malays lembik tak terima Indonesia jauh lebih heibat. Kalian malays beruk tak lebih dari semata kaki kami.. Kau sdh saatnya sembah sujud dengan indonesia, karena setelah kau di aneksasi China kemana lagi kau bernaung kalau bukan kepada kami Indonesia... Jangan kau lupa kacang dari kulitnya kau beruk malays...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Malon idiotπŸ˜„

  11. Pertamaks se-ASEAN,



    BARUW lg om DARUW, kesian ga bisa ngeles nich yee haha!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    Jom salam shopping soping tim elit 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina, Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  12. Perkenalkan Ransus “Tactical Recovery and Evacuation” Terbaru Zeni TNI AD




    OM SUWANDARUW alias unknown837 alias pinkipusingket, ada lagi nich yg BARUW!
    warisan opa menhan rr pada dateng bareng M3 PONTON! haha!🀣🀣🀣

    Jom salam shopping soping tim elit 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina, Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  13. yg gak punyak PONTON M3
    yg gak punyak TREVA-15

    harap duduk tenang, jgn brisik dach lem malem haha!😊😊😊

  14. The head of Australia's AUD50 billion (USD32.2 billion) Sea 1000 programme


    wahh bajet kasel segituw = 10 taon bajet pertahanan siapa coba? gausa maluw2 haha!🀭🀭🀭

  15. tipekal babu sesungguhnya, bangga2kan negara orang wkwkwk
