23 Januari 2017

Defense Minister: AW101 Chopper Purchase Still Unclear

23 Januari 2017

Leonardo AW-101 helicopter (photo : Biffo)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu was hesitant to comment on the final decision to purchase the AgustaWestland AW101 helicopter as he previously said that the decision to purchase the helicopter was canceled.

“I’ll coordinate with the new KSAU (Air Force Chief of Staff). We’ll coordinate to clear things up,” Ryamizard said on Friday, January 20, 2017.

Minister Ryamizard confirmed that he once said that the purchase was canceled since President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo declined to approve the purchase. “Yes, that was yesterday (I’ve once said that), it would then be handled by others, soon. But ask the new KSAU for details,” he said.

The new KSAU, Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto, was recently appointed by President Jokowi on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, to replace the vacant position left by Marshall Agus Supriatna, who is entering his retirement.

When further asked upon the plans to purchase the AW101, the Defense Minister stated that the final decision to purchase the U.K. and Italian-made helicopter will be communicated with every related party.

Hadi only provided a brief answer when being asked about the purchase. “Oh that’s still being discussed," he said.

The purchase of the AW101 has been in talks since 2015. The Air Force planned to purchase three units in 2016 and 2018. The helicopter would be used for transporting VIP guests, including the President and Vice President, as well as state guests.

The plan was finally scrapped after Jokowi considered it too expensive. Nonetheless, by the end of 2016, the air force planned to go forward with the purchase to be used for combat and rescue operations.


17 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Matra yang ini...hadeuh, energinya cuma dihabisi utk hal2 kontroversial.

    Lha mbok meneladani matra laut...ga dibeliin kapal selam kelas herder juga ga "patheken", malah makin mencorong&profesional dengan alutsista produksi dalam negri.

    Yang disini udah mikirin logistik...yang ono buyer mikirin heli mahal !!!

  3. Batal, batal, batal...dah dibatalin sama Pak Kasau

  4. pt di yg kurang transparan menambah runyam, kalo saja pt di membuat sendiri helikopternya, tentu tidak akan menjadi seperti ini...

    1. woy bodo, kalo bisa dibuat di dlm negeri ngapain impor, proyek akal2an kok dituruti, bodo

    2. Mabok lo dr kapan pt di bisa bikin, ngerakit iya itupun molor dan bikin user ngamuk tp tni au jg aneh malah cari produk yg lain buat ganti bukan langsung beli ke produsenya airbus.

    3. Kalau dari Airbus sama saja dengan dari PT DI. Mereka nyari suplier lain, kebetulan sama dengan yang menyediakan AW139 buat BASARNAS. Tapi pengalaman mereka tidak sebanyak PT DI, jadi ToT tidak se-advanced seperti yg ke PT DI.

    4. @IRS

      Kan udah ada UU-nya yang ngatur soal inhan bang...inhan di india bisa maju krn usernya loyal sama aturan.

      Masalah pt.di masih suka telat kan ada alasan dan bisa dicari jalan keluarnya...disitu ditempatkan juga "kumisaris" yang harusnya bisa mengidentifikasi masalah disana.

  5. Semoga Pak Hadi ngga niru Pak Supri, AURI kurang radar, pesawat angkut, pesawat tempur, rudal hanud. Bukan pesawat amfibi,heli mahal yg ptdi aja bisa buat...

  6. PT DI mana bisa buat, rakit mungkin. Tp itupun delaynya mpot2an...

    1. Lucunya, kalau biasanya PT DI yang kena penalti, kalau kontrak ini dibatalkan, bisa-bisa pemerintah yang kena penalti.

    2. Lebih baik pemerintah bayar penalti daripada seumur hidupnya harus keluar biaya operasi dan maintenance heli awe yang mahal...butuh perawatan yang intensif pula, saking canggihnya nih heli

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    4. @ingot

      Klo bener delainya sampe mpot2an...kenapa mpok konie dan tim sukses awe ngamuk2 gara pt.di gak ngreken pendekatan dari leonardo? Aturan males dong kerjasama dg perusahaan juara ngaret...

      Jadi biar dibilang "tukang delay", leonardo butuh tetep juga jasa pt.di kalo mo masukin dagangannya kan...

      Sungguh orang2 gelap mata...

  7. Heeee...bentar lg bakalan ada yang nyusul brigjen teddy, gara2 kasus heli semrawut ini
