26 Agustus 2017

Negotiation about BT-3F with Indonesia is Under Way

26 Juli 2017

BT-3F armored personnel carrier (photo : TASS)

Chief Designer of SKBM: a new tracked armored personnel carrier is being created for the Defense Ministry

Designed by the design bureau of the Kharkov Tractor Plant, the MT-LB tracked armored personnel carrier is obsolete and needs to be replaced. It will be replaced by the newest BT-3F machine, which is developed under the code "Armor". Sergey Abdulov, Chief Designer of the Special Machine-Building Design Bureau of Machine Building, told TASS on the fields of the International Military Technical Forum "Army-2017" how the new armored personnel carrier for the Russian army will be, as the "Kurganets-25" test and what will change in the modernized BMP- 3.

Let's start with BT-3F, this is a new project, so tell us more about it.
- The main direction of application of the new machine is the replacement of MT-LB and MT-LBU. BT-3F is a more advanced and more protected armored personnel carrier. Initially, the question of creating such a machine was supplied by a foreign customer to replace the BTR-50s in service.

Korps Marinir from Indonesia visits BT-3F stand (photo : IMF)

Nevertheless, one must understand that in our country there are potential customers for this machine. For example, there are a number of enterprises that want to create different types of weapons on the basis of BT-3F - in particular, communications and control technology, command and staff cars and so on.

What is the status of this car? Is OCD open?
- We carry out a full-scale experimental design work commissioned by the Ministry of Defense under the code "Armor". 

It is known that Indonesia wants to buy such an armored personnel carrier, are they negotiating with them?
- Negotiations are under way. By the way, cooperation with this country has been carried out for a long time. For example, our Indonesian partners have been using BMP-3F for several years in our production and are very satisfied.

Korps Marinir from Indonesia visits BT-3F stand (photo : IMF)

Representatives of KSCM and Kurganmashzavod traveled to the territory of the customer, where they represented this car. It should be noted that we are not the only players in this market - there is a competitive struggle, since Indonesians are also considering machines produced by other states. But our armored personnel carrier has certain advantages over its competitors. This is due to the fact that our machines are subjected to more rigorous factory tests.

Given that the OCD is in the military's interest, when is it planned to complete preliminary tests of BT-3F?
- Factory testing is planned to be completed next year.

BMP-3M with ATGM "Ataka" (photo : TASS)

The combat module "Tit", which you installed on BMD-4M - is the one from which Vladimir Anatolyevich Shamanov fired at the time?
- Not certainly in that way. He shot a prototype, which was made, you can say, "on the knee." "Titmouse" was created from scratch - the technical assignment of the Ministry of Defense was issued to it, the product is now being pre-tested.

What are the main differences from the module "Bakhcha-U", which is now on BMD-4M?
- The main difference is, of course, unification with BMP-3. Unified power block and undercarriage of the car, now we unify the fighting compartment. In addition, our module is cheaper than "Bahci" and has the ability to fire on air targets through the commander's sight.

Are there any further plans for upgrading the BMP-3?
- We do not share these products, since the further direction of unification simultaneously determines the direction of modernization. Roughly speaking, having installed the commander's panoramic sight on the "Tit", we automatically plan to install it on BMP-3.

Combat vehicle 2S38 self propelled anti aircraft artillery with BMP-3 chassis (photo : Andrei BT)

Foreign customers are interested in such modernization, first of all the UAE, who evaluated such a possibility of modernization, and this will be useful for our army.

What are the tests of "Kurganets-25"?
- As you know, now we are conducting preliminary tests. The fact is that the machine is new, so every node and element requires its own kind of tests. Running trials are underway, the next stage is firing, then special tests.

"What's this?"
- This test determines the security of the product.

"So they'll shoot at her?"
- Without fail.

Barnaul-T air defense control system with BMP-3 chassis (photo : Army Recognition)

What is the line of cars on the platform "Kurganets-25"?
- In the future, it is planned to install on this platform all types of weapons that are suitable for carrying capacity and type, as well as in accordance with the wishes of the customer. This will be a large line, so it's difficult to limit the list to a specific one.

The idea of ​​the Ministry of Defense is to make unified platforms of all classes. If we talk about wheeled vehicles, this is "Boomerang", if the light and medium tracked - "Kurganets", and if it's heavy, it's "Armata".

What other OCD do you lead?
-"In principle, these are the cars that we talked about, plus the work on improving the BMP-3 is being carried out, in particular, the Ataka complex of guided weapons is being installed on it. In addition, work is underway to improve the security of this machine. 


20 komentar:

  1. BT-3F buat gantikan BTR-50 Korps Marinir TNI-AL,beli 150 biji gan...50 untuk Pasmar 1,50 untuk Pasmar 2,50 untuk Pasmar 3 yg akan dibentuk di Biak Papua

  2. sayangnya vena sudah di cancel.....berharap kurganets diboyong juga....setrooooong kurganets nya

  3. Mantappppp..menggantikan panser yg usang dan tidak layak digunakan..kihkihkih..kenapa pindad badak gak diteruskan order nya yah?oh ya..itu produk yg gagal..mudah terbalik ketika menembak..masalah pada sistem stabilizer..akhirnya order gak diteruskan dan pindad bekerjasama dgn firma luar utk stabilizer badak..wkakaakka..pindad nadak aja produk gagal dlm negeri..

  4. kurganets 25 itu amphibi juga.....sangat ideal dimiliki marinir....sistem ''afganit''...ini sangat mahal dan diatas spesifikasi sistem yg di pakai pada armata....mungkin keluarga bmp dengan harga mahal ya kurganets...meski cuma bisa bawa 9 orang...tapi sangat badassssssss....kurganets pilihan tepat untuk mainan marinir....jangan hanya btf saja

    1. ya amplop gak gitu jg kale om daru, kurganet 25 itu ifv kelas ringan rusia, ifv kelas beratnya mrk pake T-15 armata. soal harga yg berat2 pst lbh mehong lah

      trus buat apc kelas roda rusia pake boomerang begitchu

      smua ini mainan baru rusia buat moderenisasi kelas bmp,btr. startnya nanti 2020

      hadeuhh ntar kalo om anti embalgo baca, ente bisa kena tung tung tung🔨🔨🔨 loh haha!

    2. masalahnya bukan kelasnya....tapi technologi proteksinya itu yg maknyus

    3. Kenapa harus ke rusia?
      Kan ada yang lebih matur dan sudah teruji macem trophy...

  5. sistem modular armor kurganets malah lebih dari yg dipakai armata......memang mahal....tapi sangat ideal kalau marinir memakai ini....jadi heavy fire pakai bmp3f....medium fire/ifv pakai kurganets.....apc pakai bt3f+lvtp7

  6. Alasan kenapa sph vena di cancel , vena akan menyusul di akuisisi setelah bt 3 f , lagian juga bt 3 f dan sph vena beda fungsi

  7. Balasan
    1. Sph vena tetap di beli untuk marinir jumlah unit yang di beliy saya gak tahu berapa unit

    2. Doni@refrensi ente dapet dari yang bilang Vena masih lanjut?

  8. rumor bt 3f ini uda dari taon lalu berembus kencang.

    utk kebutuhan pengganti btr 50 marinir,
    dikelas gerak rantai,sepertinya gak ada lawan, bila diukur dgn bajet kita.

    cmn guwe krng sreg ama senjatanya,kalo hnya rcws 7,62mm wah kalah jau dgn apc moderen yg rata2 dilengkapi kaliber 30mm plus atgm. seperti yg uda bertugas di marinir btr 4m & btr 80(non atgm)

    buat gerak roda, mayan banyak pilihan. blom jelas apakah marinir mau lanjut dgn btr 4m ato ganti anoa amfibi ato skalian mao nunggu proyek pindad+tata kestrel.

    kalo marinir ada minat dgn produk lokal, kyknya gak perlu bt3f dech, lbh asoy nambah bmp 3f ato bmd 4m yg ktnya dipesan tp kok gak dateng2 haha!😂😂😂😆😆😆

  9. smga marinir diperkuat lagi macem
    atgm kornet
    meriam howitzer 155mm
    sph 155mm
    kalau perlu dikasih mbt juga minimal sekelas T 90
    biar kyk usmc....

  10. atau sprut sd baru makin stroong marinir

  11. Nice..Good choice..Lanjutkan..

  12. https://www.jejaktapak.com/2017/08/27/inilah-kendaraan-tempur-amfibi-terbaik-di-dunia/
