The ELM-2084 is a mobile S-Band Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) Family implementing an advanced 3D Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) supporting modular and scalable architecture. (photo : QPVN)
The MMR family supports Artillery Weapon Location & Air Defense operational missions and provides optimal solutions for short, medium and long range missions. The latest QPVN television reported that Israel's modern air defense weapons have officially appeared in combat ready, in the Vietnam.
In the report, "S300 Missile Training Training - PMU1" and documentary "People's Army of Vietnam - Some pictures of training exercises in 2017", multi-purpose radar ELM-2084 is on the service and PKKQ troops have officially appeared in the state of combat.
The presence of the ELM-2084 multi-purpose radar in a state of combat allows us to be assured that PK-KQ is fully operational, ready to take on the task of managing the airspace, "Not for the country to be defeated by airborne situations."
Accompanying the ELM-2288ER, the deployment of modern ELM-2084 multi-functional radar complexes marks the stepping stone of the sky-clearing network for Vietnam's air defense forces.
The EL/M-2084 was developed by the ELTA Company of the IAI Group (Israel) since 2002 in response to the threat of short range rockets and rocket attacks by Islamic militant groups. like Hezbollah, Hamas.
EL/M-2084 was tested during the 2008-2009 Gaza War as an early warning radar, detecting Hamas artillery fire and joining the Israeli Army's 2010 mission.
As a fire-control radar, the ELM-2084 first tested success on April 7, 2011 as it assisted the Iron Dome system to intercept a jet-fired missile launching from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli territory. .
Throughout the Gaza Strip, the ELM-2084 has proven its superior performance. Currently, ELM-2084 is popular in many countries, such as India, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Canada.
Even the Czech Republic, a well known nation in the field of radar technology with the famous products such as VERA, RL-3DM Reunion ... also ordered 8 sets of radars of this type. Since its launch, the IAI has achieved record sales of 100 ELM-2084 radars with a total value of $ 1.9 billion.
Excellent tactical features
According to the manufacturer's introduction, the ELM-2084 is a modern multi-functional S-wave radar that can perform a wide variety of tasks including: aerial view; anti-aircraft missile defense or intercept missiles; detecting artillery, mortars, rocket artillery and locating their battlefields.
With its modular design, AESA, ELM-2084 has the ability to resist electronic pressure as well as simultaneously detect and track dozens of hundreds of flying targets with high resolution.
The ELM-2084 is primarily a radio spotlight cum-bin for advanced Israeli missile/interceptor missile complexes such as BARAK-8, SPYDER-MR, Iron Dome, and David's Sling.
Radar has the farthest distance to 410 km of aerial targets, and up to 100 km (or even 250 km) in locating the firing/firing of enemy artillery/missiles, providing full-featured three-parameter target intelligence for computer systems for automatic combat command.
For enemy positioning/launching of rocket/missile mode discovery distance: up to 100 km (or up to 250 km). Scanning angle azimuth 120o; Angle: 50o. Accuracy: 0.25% of target error (CEP); Targets processed at the same time: 200 goals/min.
Currently, few radar-based radar-based missiles have the capability to perform well, such as the ELM-2084, which is comparable to the US Marine Corps, which owns a multi-radar radar. AN/TPS-80 Ground/Aerial Direction.
Radar ELM-2084 in deployment (photo: IAI)
The unique advantages of the ELM-2084
Target remote detection, automatic transmission of three parameters (distance, azimuth, elevation) to the command headquarters integrated. Perform multiple tasks at the same time, anti-aircraft missile defense or intercept missiles; detecting artillery, mortars, rocket artillery and locating their battlefields.
Quick update, close to the active trajectory, depicts the real-time battlefield panorama for commanders and fire units, engraving of small flying objects, stealth, action at super low altitude.
Calculate the explosion points of artillery, mortars, missiles against the enemy. The area of the array antenna can expand according to task and configuration. Operate effectively in high-tech electronic warfare environments, dense interferences. Remote control, deployment time, quick recall and maneuverability on any terrain.
Compact design can be transported on a variety of vehicles.
Configuration of the Iron Dome missile defense complex. (photo: IAI)
Like the ELM-2288ER radar that the Vietnam Defense has equipped, ELM-2084 multigrade radar (MMR) radar has also been developed by Israel's IAI ELTA.
If it is exploited well, it will definitely be an extremely powerful weapon, playing a key role not only in the airspace, but also in support of artillery combat command in high tech war conditions.
The ELM-2084MMR can be used for accurate positioning of enemy artillery fire brigades, including guided artillery.
In fact, the ELM-2084 was created to meet the needs of Israeli artillery forces in dealing with short range ballistic missiles by Islamic militant groups firing on Israeli territory.
The ELM-2084 was first used by the Israeli Artillery Reconnaissance Unit 611 and proved to be effective as an artillery radar.
Currently, our artillery radar role belongs to the relatively long-running SNAR-10 and the ELM-2084MMR emerges as a potential substitute candidate for many specifications: distance Detection, target number tracking, accuracy ...
It can be said that, with the ELM-2084 radar, the PKKQ troops have a guard, an "eye" for protecting the skies of the country, "not to leave the Fatherland in the air. case " .
In addition, we can rely on the ability of the ELM-2084 radar to continue to be assigned artillery radar missions in the Navy Artillery or Naval Forces, Accurate navigation for sharp arrows such as Accular, and Extra.
Hhmmm night barang Harom mau kasih ToT ngk yah...?
BalasHapusTergantung, dibolehin buka cabang dimari ato kagak..😂😂😂
HapusTuuh, Ares di Brasil..😇
malon takde duit nak beli radar premium...
HapusAyo, semua 🐷🐷 Aseng, unknown, mat rempit, Essen doko, si tua bangang dan lain-lain silahkan pura2 saling bully. Upaya kalian untuk mengadu domba NKRI dan Malaysia akan sia-sia. Tp jangan kuatir usaha terus, sebab kalau gagal kalian akan dipanggil pulang oleh Xin Jie Ping.
BalasHapusKasihan 🐷🐷 Aseng agen Cina komunis, terbongkar kedok kalian. Ha,ha,ha.....
Rrrrrrrrrrraimu! 😛
HapusJangan begaduh hanya karena beda negara.
HapusTidak ada yang bisa memilih untuk dilahirkan di wilayah manapun di alam ini.
Hanya keterpaksaan sejarah yang membuat kita berbeda.
Apalagi Indonesia & Malaysia diikat oleh ikatan aqidah.
Yang lebih kuat daripada ikatan apapun.
Bidababi agen judi genting malon takut rugi ya 😁😁😁😁
HapusSatu aqidah, taklah. Di Indonesia beda keyakinan tapi satu tujuan dlm berbangsa dan bernegara
HapusMasuk....Pak jewawut 👍👍👍
Hapusbidababi lg obral burit, ngomong bawa2 agama tp kelakuan iblis,,,indonesia dr jaman majapahit berbeda suku dan agama tp tetep satu yaitu NUSANTARA =>> BHINEKA TUNGGAL EKA
HapusIndon bodoh kalo dapat radar ni mesti lompat2 macam beruk.. Pastu claim made in indon
BalasHapusMakanya banyak baca lon,bina radar cem nih indonesia dah pandai lon wkwkwk
HapusBeruk malon tolol tiada kepakaran apa lagi bisa2 claim jaguh sedunia akhirat.. padahal otak hanya setarap toilet 😁😁😁😁
HapusYakin beruk Malon yg lompat2 dan berisik kegirangan bila dpt radar itu. Salam sabar sampe 2055.
Hapusscantut malon beruk idiot, kami sudah mampu membuat radar meski masih perlu banyak belajar,,,lah malon beruk bisanya bikin apa??? sacantut tololllllll
Hapus@Scan Malaysia poor Country tiada radar pesawatnya hilang pun tak tahu kemana terbangnya
HapusNang ndhukur ana bedhes nembe ditulup ya ?
BalasHapusSUKHOI MKM = SUKHOI MAKAM invisible.. hny org org namex dan berkacamata dragon ball dpt melihat SUKHOI MKM..
Hmmm, i think this stuff....think nge ndhang disumet, wes bengi iki 🙆🙆🙆
BalasHapusDalam bankrup Malay, ga usah iri dgn komunis Vietnam ye yg lebih maju,palagi dg indonedia, Malon makin terbelakang selevel dgn Rep vanuatu
BalasHapusThis platform can bring an end to hostile rocket artillery batteries.
BalasHapusradarnya oke om ben, namun bila anti-dotnya jelek percuma donk haha!🎯🎯🎯
Hapussoalnya militan ituw kan pake roket rakitan. kalo pake pabrikan punyak, kyknya beda hasil, secara kecepatan dan daya jangkau lebih baek, apalagi jika gunakan platform peluncur rame2 sekali salvo, repot jugak nangkis arteleri berat cem mlrs, howitzer dsb. butuh banyak CIWS, tak sekedar rudal anti roket keknya om. mahal kan rudal haha!😇😇😇
good Job Vietnam ...
BalasHapuspoor malon is getting weak in ASEAN 😁😁😁😁
Poor Indon memang selalu beli barangan Israek! Itu salah satu sebab Poor Indon selalu dapat musibah!!
BalasHapusahh macacihh..turki, yordania sampe negerinyah om ben, singapur lebih banyak lagi impor maenan perang dari sono, toh aman2 aja tuch haha!🎯🎯🎯
Hapusbaca lagi sejarah negerinya ompol dan isroil:
"Israeli foreign minister Moshe Sharett visited Kuala Lumpur in 1956, the year prior to the independence of the Federation of Malaya. "
"A report compiled by the European Commission indicated that in 2010 Malaysia ranked 15th among Israel's major trade partners, accounting for 0.8% (€667.6 million) of Israel's trade in that year."
apakah gegara hubungan ini, negerinyah ompol kena bajet kat terus haha!🛴🛴🛴
sila bepikirlah, jom santai2 ke gentinglah ompol, enak dingin kan haha!🎲🎲🎲
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