12 November 2018

Turkey Offered Anka Transfer of Technology Proposal for Indonesia

12 November 2018

Indonesia requests both ISR and weaponised variants of the UAV (photos : Defense Studies)

Turkey looks east for first Anka export

Turkish Aerospace made a statement at this year’s Indo Defence with a full scale model of its Anka UAV on display. The company is pursuing an export sale of the system to the Indonesian Armed Forces and if successful this would represent the first export sale of the Anka.

Speaking to Shephard, Tamer Ӧzmen, VP marketing at Turkish Aerospace, said that the company was ‘waiting for the maturity of the system’ before proposing to export customers.

The Anka has now been in service with the Turkish Armed Forces for more than two years now. Variants operated include light strike, SIGINT and ISR. Turkey uses the system with laser-guided smart bombs of which four can be carried.

In total 41 Anka UAVs are under contract with the Turkish MoD and Ministry of Interior with more units expected to be ordered.

Ӧzmen said that the RfP from Indonesia requests both ISR and weaponised variants of the UAV.

‘Malaysia, Bangladesh and Pakistan have also expressed strong interest,’ Ӧzmen noted.

The company has had a strong relationship with Indonesia throughout the development of the Anka and Ӧzmen said that wind tunnel testing was carried out in the island nation.

Meanwhile, the company is keen to highlight its transfer of technology proposal for Indonesia and has already had some technical discussions with Jakarta following an industry day held in August 2018. Of note PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) will act as an industrial partner.

PTDI and TAI signed a framework agreement in July 2017 concerning aeronautical cooperation. 

‘There is a strong focus on the transfer of technology… they are where [Turkey] was ten to 15 years ago,’ Ӧzmen commented.

Looking ahead Ӧzmen said that Turkish Aerospace is already in cooperation with Indonesia regarding the development of a future UAV which will follow on from the Anka.

The next generation UAV will have an increased payload capability and will be a twin-engine aircraft. Ӧzmen was keen to highlight that this is an ongoing development and will not be completed for some years to come.

The new UAV is being developed primarily for Turkey.

The Anka MALE UAV has accumulated more than 10,000 flight hours to date and completed operations in active conflicts such as that in Syria.

It has a 17.5m wingspan, 8.6m length and a height of 3.25m. It can remain in flight for up to 24 hours and has a service ceiling of up to 30,000ft.

The company has also conducted manned-unmanned-teaming trials of the UAV with the T129 Atak helicopter.


46 komentar:

  1. Hihi.. tuh UCAV ANKA kok sudah ada lambang bendera Indonesia dan TNI AU ya..?? 😄😄 sorry malons... tertinggal jauh lagi kalian.. kahkahkah..

    1. wingloong tetap jalan mas.. kan sudah tanda tangan.. wkwkwkwk..

      Sebenarnya TAI ini berusaha mati2an menggoda Indonesia supaya ANKA ini bisa diakuisisi TNI.. salut sama usahanya.. 😁😁

    2. Dilemanya gini mas@PS...

      Drone MALE yg berjangkauan jauh gini, apalagi pengen fitur UCAV, maka dia butuh panduan satelit, datalink dan gps-anti jamming untuk bernavigasi dan memetakan target dg akurat.

      Turki belum punya fasilitas gps-anti jamming sendiri(satelit gps) sementara cina punya satelit gps baedowi dan fasilitas gps-antijammingnya.

      Lha kalo minta akses fasilitas gps-antijamming dari amrik...tapi suruh cancel pesenan "yg itu", tar pada baper 😂😂😂

    3. Wing long kemungkinan batal, Further details of the acquisition emerged in March 2018 with the release of a biography on Hadi Tjahjanto, Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, who defended the acquisition of Chinese UAVs in the book amid mounting criticism over the choice. "China has no restrictions over who can manufacture the UAVs, and we can benefit from the technology transfer," he said in the biography.

      But now that the acquisition has been restarted, among systems being considered for the requirement include the Anka MALE UAV from Turkish Aircraft Industries (TAI).

      A company official Jane's spoke to at Indo Defence 2018 has confirmed that the company is aware of Indonesia's interest on the system, and has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Indonesian state-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) to collaborate on a variant of the UAV should a contract for it materialise. https://www.janes.com/article/84508/indo-defence-2018-indonesia-restarts-acquisitions-of-male-uavs-passive-surveillance-system

  2. Omaegot,Omaegot...aq semakin jealous dan iri

  3. Deftech malaysia pun sedang ToT dengan TAI..K

  4. Ahh.. lambang itu kn cuma tempelan sticker. tu pesawat juga dummy.. lha wong barang aslinya udah masuk perakitan di PT DI, uppss🙊🙊😘

    1. Hahahah, anda telat beritanya mas @boys, sebenarnya kita sudah mengoperasikan 1 unit anka yg dilengkapi flir beresolusi tinggi....untuk mengintai jemuran jerohan janda sebelah 😂😂😂

    2. jiahahahhaha.. saya mau komen gitu sudah didahului bosnya para janda.. wkwkwkwkwkk..😂😂😂

    3. Jam terbang menentukan prestasi...😂😂😂😂

    4. yang pastinya bos janda itu bukan syaa.. yaa kn om @hari,@bagaz?? 🤣🤣😁😁

    5. Untuk Para janda :
      Kencangkan kutang kalian dan waspadalah..😂😂😂

    6. Lek ngono carane, aku maen bawah ae...😂😂😂

  5. Uav ni tekno tak menggerunkan. Masih lah bagus layang layang upin ipin.

    1. Wkwkwk...kasian malon - malon dungu terlalu banyak khayal dan sering lihat animasi

    2. Ya teruslah pakai layang layang ipin upin karena negara malalsial tak mampu beli UAV.

    3. malay cuma ada kepakaran layang2 je... yg segitu lah kemampuan engineer negara ko tuh...

  6. wow.. turki mengakui fasilitas uji aerodinimaki pesawat pt di salah satu yg terbaik dunia. tahnia

    1. Gak baek meledek gitu mas...

      Jangan salah, maloner punya fasilitas pengujian daya apung terbaik didunia lho...😎😎😎

    2. Dan fasilitas uji ejection seat-nya..😎

    3. Dan fasiliti engine boleh lesap di songlap

    4. Malon menguji pesawat yang enjinnya hilang di curi untuk terbang 😁😁😁

  7. Mesin yang mentenagai inka uav ini sebenarnya rancangan Mercedes benz . Awalnya di gunakan oleh AS untuk uav mereka tapi kemudian karena banyak masalah dengan mesin ini maka AS berhenti menggunakan .
    Thielert AG,adalah perusahaan jerman yang memproduksi TD 170 ,lisensinya kemudian di beli oleh perusahaan China yaitu Aviation Industry Corporation of China 's. Turki lewat perusahaan TUSAS Engine Industries, Inc (TEI)melisensi mesin ini.
    Turky kemudian menyempurnakan kekurangan mesin ini dan menghasilkan turunan yang lebih baik lagi .
    Artinya kalau kita mau maju ,harus berani keluar uang seperti mereka beli merek luar,lisensi,kalo ada duit beli perusahaan yang sekarat di eropa sana tapi punya tehnologi yang kita butuhkan .
    Sepanjang seperti sekarang ini maka akan sulit bagi kita untuk mengejar ketertingalan dari negara maju..

    1. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thielert

    2. China ini memang hebat mas.. semua dibayarin... jadinya gak perlu biaya riset dan desain lagi dari nol.. sudah dibeli sama paket2nya... sadis.


      Dari mulai kelas automotive MG, Chevy, Ford, Volvo sampai klub bola Intermilan, AC milan, Aston Villa etc semua dibayarin... ediaann

    3. Biar lebih ngeri liat pengaruh China di produk Otomotif...


    4. @Superstar,yah betul sekali ..Kalau mau ngeluarin duit tehnologi apapun bisa di beli ,mau rudal,radar ..what ever you want ..
      Tak ngaruh tuh embargo dan lainnya.India,Pakistan korut,Iran,China dapat tehnologi yang mereka mau sekalipu kena embargo ...
      Moga kedepan BUMN indonesia berani mengeluarkan duit seperti china.

    5. He... Semua merk yang dibeli china sebagai sarana cuci uang. jasa cuci uang sekarang terbesar ad dichina inilah yang bikin asu marah karena dulu yang menguasai ini

  8. Ya iyalah,indonesia ada knowledge dan fasiliti,turkey jg ada knowledge,kl malon sudah tak de fasiliti,knowledgepun tak de wkwkwk

  9. @Unknown,you are not fully evolved,you are not animal but not yet fully man . I call you " mananimal..".

    All you comments are disguisting. educate yourself..boy.

  10. BTW Turkey use indonesian plane CN 235.. Indonesia giving turkey most best aircraft in the world 😁😁

    How about low IQ malon?? 😁😁😁

  11. wow.. deftech tak pamerkan senjata berapi dan taming sari mereka..kerna rahsia sudah diguna oleh alien..

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