12 September 2017

U.S. Increases Surveillance Support to PH Military

12 September 2017

General Atomics MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAS (photo : U.S. Army Fort Huachuca)

MARAWI CITY, Philippines – The United States has increased surveillance support to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) as clashes rage on in Marawi City.

"The United States deployed the Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to Mindanao for additional surveillance in support of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) counterterrorism efforts," the US embassy said in a statement on Monday, September 11.

The Gray Eagle UAS a drone that has a longer flight duration, meaning it can patrol a larger area.

The US embassy said it has provided the Philippine military with assistance totalling at least P15 billion in the past 3 years alone "to establish better command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities for the AFP."

These include a Raven tactical UAS and two Cessna-208B surveillance aircraft, among other munitions and weapons.

"The strong, long-standing military relationship with the Philippines enables the US to respond quickly to the AFP’s needs and to support the AFP’s modernization goals," the US embassy said.

The Philippines and the US are treaty allies. The US has been assisting the Philippine military in its counter-terrorism efforts. They also conduct regular war games. 


18 komentar:

  1. Good good Philippines. Kill all those bastard

  2. malaysie have toys like this 15

  3. what's new? same old 70-90's technology in a vietnam war like setting. they cant even defeat the taliban in a desert setting.

  4. malaysie have uav more better....range 25.000 km....apa indon mahuuuuu????

    1. Wow..indonesian call 'indon'....mau jadi troller kpd negara sendiri apa gan? Wkwkwkwk

    2. Malaysie memang punya UAV, tp lebih memerlukan ratusan ribu babu dan jongod dr indon, eh maksud kami pahlawan devisa. Malaysie senang dg babu dan jongos dr indon, eh maaf, maksud kami pahlawsn devisa. Babu dan jongos dr indon itu, maksudnya pahlawan devisa, biasanya penurut walaupun sedikit gpblog, maaf maksud sy kurang pintar.

    3. bahasa menunjukkan bangsa tuan. cakap biar beradab.

    4. Sagitarius aka tentara kabur @ malon teroris dan bandar dadah jadi pahlawan devisa bagi malon Wkwkwk

  5. blog caci maki kahh? hallo bung Admin??

    1. Admin? He doesnt care bout this blog bro. Thats why lot of people keep provoke the other country. If suwandaru (indonesia) start first,then it will be okay to admin. But if anon(malaysia) start,the admin will delete the comment.

    2. Sama halnya jg kalo di forum malay, kalo gak mau dihina ya tinggal keluar aja dari forum ini...gampang kan !?

    3. He doesn't care about the commenters, he only care about the rating of his blog. More visitors means more money from google adsense.

  6. blog caci maki kahh? hallo bung Admin??

  7. Filipina seharusnya lebih fokus menghadapi tetangga dr utara, pelan" bisa kehilangan ZEE, pembukaan pangkalan militer AS di Subic langkah paling efisien meredam cengkeraman sang Naga lapar

  8. Yuk temen" yang lagi kuliah di jurusan teknik komputer, aerodinamis dan lain" semangat kuliahnya dan jadilah unggul agar kita mampu menciptakan teknologi seperti ini untuk menjaga wilayah kita tercinta
    Untuk jurusan fisip kelak jadilah politikus yang baik ya dan perbaiki iklim politik negri kita agar temen" jurusan lain mampu membangun negara ini dengan keahlian masing disertai perasaan penuh cinta


  9. Tunjukkan kita beradap jangan jadi anak TK
    Damai itu indah, negara ini butuh orang" yang berhenti di belakang garis putih saat lampu merah (mengakui kekurangan dan berusaha memperbaiki diri tanpa menabrak aturan)


    1. Damai itu indah, ini yang terbaik. Tahniah tuan.Saya sebahagian warga Malaysia mengucapkan selamat berjaya kepada Indonesia. Sama-sama kita melangkah ke arah kejayaan.

  10. I think Phillipine should tied up military cooperation with US for more, in previous 2 years (when new president been elected) looks like Phillipine government boosted their relationship with Russian gov.

    As LCS issues been raisin recently, USA could be the major player for backup Phillipine againts China's LCS Claims.

    Russian for whatever reason still has connection with China and dat could be a "meaningless" moves if Phillipine wants to win diz LCS issues againts China. Still gettin closer with US will gain more benefits for now.

    -just tought-
