12 September 2017

Indonesia Allocates USD204 Million for Navy's Minesweepers Replacement Programme

12 September 2017

Frankenthal class of Germany (photo : Lurssen Defence)

Indonesia has revised funding allocations for the acquisition of two new mine-countermeasure vessels. A variant of the German Navy's Frankenthal class has been named as a frontrunner in the acquisition programme.

The Indonesian government has approved funds totalling USD204 million to replace the country's fleet of ageing Pulau Rengat (Tripartite)-class mine-countermeasure vessels (MCMVs), an industry source close to the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI–AL) has confirmed to Jane's .

The funds, which will be drawn from the country's foreign defence credit programme, have been slightly reduced from the USD215 million that was initially approved in 2016.


42 komentar:

  1. New design based on Frankenthal?

    1. Kayaknya bukan desain baru yang merup turunan dr frankethal mas DZ...mentok2nya adl kostumisasi pd bbrp hal saja, krn AL jerman sdr sudah punya desain baru kapal mcm katamaran hasil kerjasama (abeking&rasmussen, lursen dan AL jerman).

  2. Di jaman jokowi anggaran TNI benar" dikerdilkan, 215 jadi 204..

    1. Selama 3 tahun kemaren sampai sekarang bagaimana ya mas komparasi budget pertahanan antar negara2 di asean ?... apakah Indonesia paling kecil budgetnya ?.... atau Singapura the biggest spent defense budget as always ?

      Kalau melihat gencarnya pemerintah membangun infrastruktur (jalan tol, jalan baru, waduk, bandara, pelabuhan, perumahan dan pembangkit listrik) sepertinya memang harus ada kompromi mas antara boosting ke biaya pertahanan atau shifting lebih kepada penguatan infrastruktur.

    2. Lha gimana mas bolo...tiap2 minta proyek pake bakar2 sekolahan dulu, apa gak kesedot angaran yang seharusnya buat beli alutsista?

    3. Jealous what for? Indonesia has exported gas worth 2.6 mmbtu to China until 2032..and will import gas worth 5.5 mmbtu from Singapore. How clever Indonesian especialy Mr J

    4. This k8kk has personal issues it seems always picking on sg. Calling others trolls when it is he who is trolling wkwkwkwkwk

    5. @nenggolo. Your data seems incorrect and Indonesia doesn't have any gas transaction on this very tiny Island of Singaporean.
      @Ben. Accept it bro that your country always get jealous on your neighboring country especially in Indonesia. Indonesia is good in marketing and ships and even planes are already exported around the world. Don't get jealous bro. Troll is same as jealous bro

    6. Why would i be jealous? It is normal. I do not feel jealous lol

    7. Singapore does not tap heavily when it comes to aerospace as it is not a very strong business when you have dominant players like boeing and airbus. What we do tap is the overhaul and conversion of airframes which is an attractive part. St Aerospace is leading in conversions. Can u really aay that if we build planes we can make and sell that many to sustain not really? One part we are strong is we are an air hub in the region. Our airport is dominant an seletaris revamped where aerospace companies build workshops and maintainence facilities here. Rollys royce trent aero engines can be assembled nd tested here. We are a maritime nation and we have a very capable shipping industry since. Kepple corp, Sembcorp, St Marine are some of the major players.

    8. We do not have that mindset like you always like to pick on others and make a huge fuss. Im sorry to say this but you know the sterotypes against you. People observe and there is a reason why people look down on you. Attitude is the reason. I have nothing against you and i am not jealous. We rather plan and think forward. All i can say is we admire many nations which are naturally bigger than us.

    9. Its a Singaporean like you Ben are those you said look me down. Perhaps, it's a very nature of Singaporean ever since to hate somebody else around them. Try to ask some of neighboring countries here in ASEAN oh how they say about your country and your countrymen. We don't like Singapore in the first place.
      Keppel ST are some sort of company in your country that struggle financial instability and sooner it will file a bancrupcy and take note of that bro. Take note of what I say. theirs a lot of Airline company complaint of your MRO company and I will not let you to share a source for you not to heart about the report.

    10. People judge is because of who you are. You come here say people are jealous and then u simply talk about us being jealous? That is your assumption yes? You come here spewing? What does that make you?

    11. Look at you. Here you are making claims at that these companies are instability. What a joke! See this why you are being looked down . You are not being rational. You are a joke. Where is the authority and source? Look at anak he is a better man and that is respectable. You are just like the guy who mention that others should thank his country for the 11 months of fresh air. Mindset like these are very funny.

    12. I had it with you. Learn from superstar he is a good example who you should learn to be.

    13. Ben if your talking of SUPERSTAR, he is new here and he is the same troll as your big brother I remember Darkside so what is good and being an example to this troller.
      You mentioned anak???? try to ask Indonesian how good is this person. Don't be judgemental bro. You are not a god who has a clean intention.
      Accept it bro that you Singaporean is one of the most untrustworthy neighbor.

    14. Untrustworthy lol? U sure mat8? We are very honest with compared to people like you. If we are untrustworthy then what does rising50 signifies? The fact that we let your F16s and you let our F16s fly together in each others airspace is something to be happy about that our airforces enjoy good relations. If u ask when it comes to trust i think the problem is bigger. When some minister said there would be no more haze he is talking BS. We cant trust that can we? Not when another minister said that others should be thankfull for the fresh air indonesia provides for 11 months. What a laughing matter. Trust is also built on honesty and you severly lack honesty when you make false claims. Be a man an admit that. What u said earlier is just your dream. Ill admit singapore is small that is no doubt about that. Singapore generally has a good reputation compared to you. You yourselve cannot be trustworthy and you say me ironic.

    15. Judge is human nature k8kk. When you go for interview first impression is very important. The way you talk your posture your character is important to the interviewer. Darkside is history when he had a humiliating defeat when someone told him off and said that the reasons why radars were not spread out was because of mountains blocking in phillippines for radar coverage. Lem also made darkside sick and tired. So hence more radars were needes to cover the area. Superstar may be knew but what he comments sure aint BS as yours. Admit it. Of course people change. We can be good we can be bad we can be trolls. But for now it is how it is.

    16. k8kk

      lol..youre totaly loser dude..you know i have nothing to do with your bullshit here.so why you end up arguing about what kind of person i am??.if you want to debate with ben..its up to you.i dont care..but dont put the blame on me when youre losing..thats sissy..

    17. Ben, its such a hard for us to accept that you said Singapore has a good reputation. Reputation on????? I don't know Ben and I don't have any idea.
      Indonesia simply fly F16 for the sake of ASEAN and a good neighbor appreciating the friendship with your country. How about Singapore?
      Good Ben you admitted that It is a nature of humankind of being judgemental but make sure you make it with no doubt. Well I think that is common in your country. Dont do that with Indonesia. Where a good neighbor and we recognized by the whole ASEAN and even respected in the whole aspects.

      Anak. Your a certified troller here and I don't have time to argue with you.

    18. Ben, its such a hard for us to accept that you said Singapore has a good reputation. Reputation on????? I don't know Ben and I don't have any idea.
      Indonesia simply fly F16 for the sake of ASEAN and a good neighbor appreciating the friendship with your country. How about Singapore?
      Good Ben you admitted that It is a nature of humankind of being judgemental but make sure you make it with no doubt. Well I think that is common in your country. Dont do that with Indonesia. Where a good neighbor and we recognized by the whole ASEAN and even respected in the whole aspects.

      Anak. Your a certified troller here and I don't have time to argue with you.

    19. U think we are so judgemental? You yourselves are judgemental always saying on Malaysia and Singapore and you got the cheek to think the other way? You need to self reflect. If you come from a really good country that is trustworthy and respectable then you need to learn how to act responsibly and honesty. You know that yourselves.

  3. Wah kapal penyapu ranjau buatan SAAB ditikung nih sama jerman

    1. Budged yg masuk yg dari jerman lah.. hahaha :D

    2. Budged yg masuk yg dari jerman lah.. hahaha :D

    3. Mungkin bukan itu alasannya mas PS...mcm buatan jerman terbuat dr material baja amagnetik (serupa dg material pembuat kasel u-212) dan harganya pasti lebih tinggi dr mcm yang terbuat dr material karbon komposit atau yang dr bahan grp.

      Disamping platform mcm mana yang akan terpilih, yang lebih ptg lg adalah kualitas paket rov/auv/hull mounted sonar pendeteksi&penghancur ranjau, krn sebenarnya rov/auv yang lebih sibuk bekerja digaris depan.

    4. Seandainya kapal buatan jerman yang terpilih, mungkin hal ini ada kaitannya dg aksi boikot minyak sawit oleh negara2 eropa.

      Jerman meskipun ikut aksi tsb, tapi negara2 federalnya bebas menentukan sikap sendiri...bahkan dr tahun-ketahun ekspor minyak sawit jerman dr RI selalu mengalami peningkatan, hingga saat ini

    5. equipment dari ultra electronics dan thales pasti menjadi pertimbangan.

    6. Kalo platformnya dr jerman, peralatan pendukungnya ya buatan atlas, kongsberg atau eca...buatan kongsberg&eca kan sdh dipake di kapal hidrography

  4. Yg penting masih bisa belanja armament tapi infrastrukutur bangun terus, jgn kasih kendur,,,, jgn spt 10 thn lalu bnyak dibawa ke dalam jail hihi

  5. alahhhh macam tu...malaysie nak beli macam nie 1 billion dolar sebijik

  6. Ehh beli lagi. Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit.
    Roda berputar, dulu kita selalu dibully dengan predikat "negara akan beli".
    Sekarang kondisinya berbalik.

    1. siap pakai roda roda segala nih..wkkwkwkwk...gimana putaran roda terkini??? melebihi expectation?? atau malah tak sesuai harapan?? sila jawab tu wahai asisten sri mulyani...

  7. Malaysia mah udah buat ini tahin 1945

  8. tak lah kilang malaysie berhard...berhard or bousted dah bina ship macam nie 20 tahun lepas....harga sebijik 500 milion dolar...and dah bina 18 ship

  9. dari $215jt ke $204jt.
    lah kalo barangnya sama trs harga turun kan bagus, cem pesawat maenannya om antiembalgo dari 150-90jt. luar biasa tuch

    jadi gak ada lagi tuch pepo minta saham haha!
