15 Mei 2018
Titan Vanguard simulator (photo : TitanIM)
The Australian Army recently signed a two-year enterprise licence agreement for Titan Vanguard. Vanguard has been in use within the Australian Army for the past two years providing the synthetic environment in a variety of simulators across each of the three Services. This current agreement places Vanguard within the heart of Army’s Land Simulation Core (LS Core) environment and enhances the Australian Army’s ability to support Simulation enabled Collective Training (SeCT).
The Army Simulation Manual (ASM) states that the Land Simulation Core (LS Core) is the focal point of the Land Simulation Capability. LS Core is responsible for the provision and maintenance of software, data and tools required to support the Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation training domains. LS Core delivers enhanced simulation interoperability while reducing sustainment and training overheads associated with the maintenance of countless systems.
Titan Vanguard is one of the Virtual simulation software tools used to support Simulation enabled Collective Training (SeCT) within Army. Titan Vanguard provides a holistic simulation environment that provides for training of Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) at any point in the world.
Titan Vanguard is currently utilised as the virtual simulation system of choice for a number of projects within the Royal Australian Artillery (RAA) and Army Aviation (AAvn).
As part of the licencing agreement with Army, Calytrix will be providing project management, licencing management, software development and conducting a number of training courses throughout Australia.
Calytrix would like to acknowledge the Australian Army as the first large scale enterprise licensee of Titan Vanguard.
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Simulator dapat menghemat anggaran tp skill prajurit yg latihan pake simulator agak kurang berkualitas dgn prajurit yg latihannya nyata
BalasHapusjelas beda om pit, tingkat kewaspadaannya pasti berkurang dari keadaan riilnya. gak ada nyamuk, suara burung hantu, ama mahluk halusnya nah ini seruw haha!👍👍👍
Hapusklo cmn mao lebih hemat lagi maen di taimjon ajah, beres haha!😋😋😋
Setuju om pit, untunglah ga ada yg buat simulator pengantin baru...😂
HapusSetuju om pit, untunglah ga ada yg buat simulator pengantin baru...😂
HapusNgerinya kalau jam pake Simulatornya abis keluar kalimat "Please Insert Coin" mas.... :-D
HapusEhhhh...simulator PENGANTIN BARU...
HapusDah tinggal cr*t, jek cari cari koinnya dulu.. :D
Indonesia perlu simulator sukhoi,
BalasHapusSimulator2 versi TNI :
BalasHapusBuatan PT.TES simulator Tank AMX, Scorpion dan Stormer. Plus kalimat ini "simulator telah berhasil dikembangkan oleh perusahan ini. Seperti simulator Hawk untuk Malaysia dan TNI AU. Simulator CN-235 untuk Malaysia, simulator tank ACV 300 5 buah untuk Malaysia. Simulator untuk TNI AU lainnya yang telah dibuat PT TES adalah Super Puma, Heli Bell"
Simulator MBT Leopard TNI :
Simulator Kapal Perang TNI :
Simulator Kapal Selam :
Simulator F16 TNI :
Simulator Hawk TNI :
Ada jg simulator Herky yang dari Ausy barusan...
HapusSimulator Apache :
Hapus"...sebuah mesin simulator helikopter Apache juga ikut dalam satu paket pengantaran dimana alat simulator tersebut berfungsi untuk melatih kemampuan para pilot TNI AD dalam mengoperasionalkan helikopter yang dijuluki The Tank Killer ini. Selain itu, sebanyak 64 misil jenis Hellfire juga ada dalam satu kargo dan langsung dibawah ke Skuadron 11/Serbu untuk diamankan.."
Buset.. Komplit bener Simulator TNI
White people of Australia evil. Emperialist
BalasHapusdi dunia pendidikan juga ada tuh, ada simulasi ujian negri. klop dahh.. ap sih yg g ad d mari:)
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